Health Pregnancy beauty

We attract new people to Fallout shelter. How to attract residents of Fallout Shelter Why people come to Fallout Shelter

The Fallout Shelter version of the game was released without much noise or grandiose advertising. The creator company showed how mobile application developers should function, namely: efficiently, quickly and completely free. The gamer goes through all levels of the game easily and without constraint. But still, some subtleties are definitely worth taking into account.

Why don't people come to Fallout Shelter

According to the rules of the game, almost no people come to the bunker, but there is a need to replenish the shelter with residents. What should a player do in this case, what needs to be done so that new people constantly appear?

The solution is very simple. Since the developers of the project put the social issue at the forefront, children must be born in the shelter constantly, almost like in an assembly line production. Accordingly, all females must be busy. In order for childbirth to proceed according to plan, it is first necessary to place the man and woman in one separate room. It is better to choose a father with a high level of charisma and place new ladies with him in turn. After they dance and talk, the female person. She walks in an “interesting” position for three hours, then a child is born, who will subsequently become a full-fledged resident of the shelter and will be able to perform entrusted functions.

Do not forget that men sometimes need to be changed, since daughters from their father will not become pregnant. Also take into account the available space in the bunker. When it is not enough, the girl will walk in this position for a long time.

Considering all the subtleties of the game, it will be very easy, simple and exciting.

In this guide we will look at how to attract people toFallout Shelter And how to give birth to children.

At the very beginning of the game, you get enough survivors to safely produce the necessary share of resources, but no more and so that attract new residentsFallout Shelter you need either make a baby, or, if you're lucky, pull a pumped-up little man out of the lunch box, or attract people from the wastelands.

How to give birth to Fallout Shelter?

First, let's look at the most basic and most delicate moment of the game. Tohave a child in Fallout Shelter you will need two people - a man and a woman. They should not be related, so incest lovers should pass by. Necessaryplace a couple, two couples or a maximum of three in a living room, where they will begin to communicate, dance, and then make sweet love “by the fireplace” and the woman will immediately have a belly. To speed up the process of, let's say, dating, you need to pump up your Charisma in any way (Charisma) characters
(more details about the characteristics
). Thus, characters with Charisma 10 will jump into bed almost immediately.Pregnant women can be safely sent to work or to train skills, but the child will be able to become a full-fledged member of the community only after coming of age, until that time he is just ballast, but the plus is that he is considered a resident and, therefore, opens up the opportunity for you to build new rooms.After giving birth, you can also name the newborn.

In this case, you may have questions, for example:How long does it take for a baby to be born? Fallout Shelter , or how much they grow, orwhy don't pregnant women give birth? at all.Pregnancy progresses duringefour hours, it takes a little more than four to grow up, regardless of whether you are in the game or not, and if the period drags on, and for a long time, then, most likely, during pregnancy you rewinded time on your mobile device.

IN all the new survivors in the wasteland

Oddly enough, but throughout the game, people will come to your door, hoping to find their shelter behind the walls of the shelter. And it would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but a lot of time has passed since the apocalypse. To attract people in this way you need to build a Radio Station (Radio Studio), which will broadcast about a safe place for everyone who wants to find shelter. It is necessary to appoint workers to the radio, also with the most pumped up Charisma. But don’t flatter yourself too much, because survivors will not come often, if you’re lucky, then a couple of times a day, and at the initial stage even less often. Therefore, the main way to increase the population inFallout Shelter remainchildbirth .

Lucky case

In the lunchboxes, in addition to coins, weapons, clothes and supplies, you may come across cool, pumped-up and legendary residents. This is also not a regular method, but it is very pleasant, because such characters have immediately upgraded some skills, compared to stock residents, and they are not dressed in the best way. And no matter how much you would like to have more of such comrades-in-arms, without donation, which, in this game, very unobtrusive, you can’t do without a secret method for freemlaunch Boxam, which is described in this . Therefore, the main method remainsbirth of a child in Fallout Shelter .

And so, we looked at all sorts of methods for replenishing the shelter population and now we knowlike in the game Fallout Shelter give a birth to a baby , How long does it take to give birth? local women and evenwhy aren't children born? on time and now we can only wait,when are they born our children .

Have a good game!

The main problem that faces the player in Fallout Shelter is not the extraction of food or energy, not the search for trash or artifacts, but the increase in population. Without people, you will not be able to explore the wasteland, complete quests, or extract resources. Today we'll look at one of the most important questions in Fallout Shelter: children?


"Love can move mountains." To provide your shelter for the younger generation, take any man and woman and place them in the living compartment. There are several conditions for settlement.

  1. The number of people depends on the number of residential blocks. That is, if you built only one room, you can put 1 woman and 1 man there, but it will be impossible to accommodate same-sex people. If you combine two rooms next to each other, you can accommodate two people of different sexes or four same-sex people at the same time. But in this case they will just have a nice conversation.
  2. The parameters of the unborn child do not depend in any way on the parents. Even if you pump them up to the maximum, a completely mediocre personality will be born.
  3. To speed up the seduction process, use residents with the maximum charisma score.
  4. If you try to put a father and daughter or a mother and son together, they will talk about how good it is when the family gets together.

So, the first stage is completed. Your pregnancy will progress quite quickly, but there are still some ways to speed up its progress.


But before speeding up the pregnancy process of the inhabitants of your bunker, let's try to play fair and see how a woman carrying a child differs from an ordinary one.

  1. She moves very slowly.
  2. Works worse. By the way, a pregnant woman does not automatically return to her compartment to work. You will have to translate it manually.
  3. Does not fight intrusions or fires.
  4. Can't die.

Thus, you can create an "immortal" shelter consisting only of pregnant women. However, there will be a drawback - any invasion will become endless, since there will be no one to cope with the situation. Take this factor into account and do not leave only pregnant women working in one room, otherwise the threat may spread to the entire Fallout Shelter bunker. How to give birth to children in such conditions? Let's look for alternatives.

Childbirth and timing

You managed to bring a couple of lovebirds together, and now in your Fallout Shelter “pregnancy” is not an empty phrase. All you have to do is wait for the baby to be born. Please note that 4 hours pass from conception to birth, and the baby itself will not be born - you definitely need to go into the game and click on the icon that appears. After this, you will be given the opportunity to choose a name for the child. If you use the default, the surname will be borrowed from the father. This is very convenient so as not to try to bring relatives together in the future.

Now you know about conception and childbirth in Fallout Shelter. How to have children is no secret to you. This will be followed by a period of growing up. During this period of time, the shelter resident is still invulnerable and hides in living rooms in case of danger. However, unlike a pregnant woman, children do not work or study, but simply wander around the bunker, consuming resources.


Another question that concerns Fallout Shelter players is how to speed up pregnancy? Indeed, the whole process takes about 8 hours, and this is provided that the player accurately tracks the time of birth and arrives on time to “accept” them.

Unfortunately, there are no legal ways to speed up pregnancy in the game. Therefore, in any case, you will have to wait for the specified time, or use cheats in Fallout Shelter. However, there is an alternative that will allow you to quickly replenish the shelter with new residents.

You probably already know about pets and the bonuses they bring to their owners. One of these improvements is an increase. Thus, you will not shorten the pregnancy time, but you will be able to give birth to more children at a time. This bonus is given by the following animals:

  1. Manx cats.
  2. Legendary cats Stubbs and Shakespeare.
  3. Dalmatian dogs.
  4. Legendary dogs Pongo and Lucky.


If you are not above using loopholes in the game code, then the following advice is for you. Is it that the system time on your gadget interacts too closely with the time corresponding to the night? Simply change the system date or fast forward the clock. After this, you will immediately complete the gestation cycle. But be careful—rewinding time comes with risks that are best known in advance.

  1. If you fast forward time too far, your character in the wasteland may die. Prepare caps for his resurrection in advance or simply call him off. That way he'll just come back faster.
  2. When the current date is returned to the device, the production time in the rooms may increase by the corresponding amount of time. This can be solved by speeding up production.
  3. When rewinding time and returning the current date, the game may freeze when using Nuka Cola for travel. It can be cured by re-entering the application.


The latest method in Fallout Shelter to have children earlier due date, — use codes. Unfortunately, the console and commands in pure form no, that’s why craftsmen have developed a number of programs that allow you to control the game from the outside.

  1. Save editor. On this moment version 1.7.2 is current. The program does not allow you to accelerate pregnancy, but it can add new residents to your shelter with the specified parameters.
  2. Time accelerator. A simple program that allows you to speed up time in the game. When using it, you do not need to manipulate the computer clock, but errors may occur in the operating system during operation.
  3. Trainer (+13). Contains a number of functions useful to any cheater. But it does not allow you to accelerate pregnancy. The maximum you can achieve from her is to make a woman become pregnant instantly, without long courtship.

Thus, cheats in Fallout Shelter do not lead to anything good.

After the announcement of Fallout 4 at E3 2015, Bethesda knew that players needed something that could be used on their mobile devices. What was Bethesda's response? An exciting game in which you build your own shelter and try to manage people and resources as efficiently as possible to create a prosperous society in a post-apocalyptic world.

However, managing an underground city is not an easy task. Of course, the inhabitants do all the hard work: turning levers, writing notes, shaking beakers of unknown substances while holding them in clamps. But still, you are the caretaker of the shelter, and you need to be careful when managing resources and your citizens, you will have to control unemployment and hunger. Tactics are needed here.

Like the villagers in the computer version of Fallout, the villagers in the mobile Fallout Shelter have (from the English. Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility Luck), which determines their statistical indicators. Each stat affects a specific aspect of life in the shelter, so optimal distribution of your residents' abilities is key to their happy existence.

Force ( S- strength: Residents with a high strength score are ideal for physically demanding work, best for working in power plants.

Perception ( P Perception: Perceptive residents are good at understanding complex information and are best suited to work in water treatment plants.

Endurance ( E- endurance: Dwellers with high endurance are better able to withstand harsh conditions than others, they are suitable for exploring the wasteland and producing Nuka Cola.

Charisma ( C- charisma): Charismatic residents are the most charming and suitable for working at a radio station. They are also better at flirting and attracting Wasteland dwellers, so they can be used to increase the refuge's population faster.

Intelligence ( I- intelligence): Smart residents are well versed in science, which allows them to work in medical institutions or scientific laboratories.

Dexterity ( A- agility): Agile and fast residents, well suited for work in the cafeteria.

Luck ( L- luck): Lucky Dwellers can be placed almost anywhere, especially if faster production is required. They also have a high chance of finding rare items in the wasteland.

Once your shelter's population has reached a certain level, you can build training rooms in which residents can train the above skills (the higher the level, the longer time training), or dress residents in different equipment, which can also improve skills.

Fair work for residents

As mentioned above, each shelter resident in Fallout Shelter has several S.P.E.C.I.A.L. indicators that correspond to . Proper placement of workers in the premises not only adds happiness to everyone, but also increases production efficiency. Upgrading production facilities increases their productivity and size, which allows you to obtain more resources. You can plan for expansion in advance by placing rooms next to each other and combining rooms on the same level (maximum of 3 rooms can be combined). Expanded production facilities also make it possible to hire more workers. The maximum number of inhabitants in the game is 200 people.

You can check S.P.E.C.I.A.L. any villager to see which room they are best suited for, or simply place them in a specific room and see how much they add to the overall production rating. A plus or minus next to the number shows whether the resident lowers or increases the overall statistics. If there is no sign (as in the picture above), then there is free space in this room, and the number for the moved resident shows +.

Happiness rating

You think that for your residents to be happy, it is enough to be outside the wasteland and away from the Yao-Guai, but no! They also want a certain level of comfort and satisfaction for their needs in an underground home. The good news is that if there are no fires, corpses lying around, and radioactive cockroaches with mole rats, raiders and death claws for a long time, then the happiness level of the population will be at least 50% (it is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen).

You can increase the happiness level by placing villagers in jobs that suit them or by building a radio. The happier your residents, the greater the production of food, energy and water. You can track the happiness of residents individually by clicking on them directly in the shelter, or by clicking on the button in the upper left corner.

Energy production

If energy production falls below a critical level, not everything is switched off at once. The rooms away from power plants will be the first to stop working, and their inhabitants stop working and begin to loiter around. Therefore, make sure to locate the most important areas, such as the canteen and water treatment plants, close to energy sources.

Lack of energy can reduce the happiness of your villagers, so if you have frequent power outages, destroy unnecessary areas, such as study rooms or radio stations, until you can reliably supply them with energy.

Keep three main resources in sufficient supply

Each room in Fallout Shelter has a specific function, but the ones that are most important to a healthy shelter are power plants, water treatment plants, and restaurants/vegetable gardens, because shortages in these production lines can have devastating consequences.

The lack of energy makes the premises non-functional (starting with those further from the plant), the lack of clean water causes radiation poisoning (the health indicator turns red, treated with Antiradin), the lack of food gradually reduces the health of the inhabitants until they die of hunger. To avoid all this, give preference to the premises that produce these resources, and after achieving stability in their work, build everything else.

Use robots to collect resources. can independently collect ready-made resources from the floor on which he is located.

Reach goals to earn caps and lunchboxes

You will always have three main goals: earn caps, arm a certain amount of residents and collect rewards when completing difficult tasks, and the more difficult the task, the greater the reward will be. Don't forget to claim your lunchbox reward right away so you can immediately take advantage of the benefits it will give you.

What is in the box?

You'll use Caps to purchase and upgrade spaces in your Fallout Shelter vault, but what do the lunchboxes contain? Each lunchbox contains at least one rare or unusual item, such as rare armor, a powerful weapon, or a villager with a high S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You'll earn lunchboxes when you solve particularly difficult problems, or you can simply buy them in the "shop" tab for real money.

You don't necessarily need to buy anything to enjoy the game and succeed in Fallout Shelter. The weapons, equipment and resources that you find in lunchboxes will give you a boost in the development of your shelter.


Don't want to wait long? You can quickly gain resources and small bonuses with a certain risk of fire or the appearance of radioactive cockroaches or mole rats.

If the chance of an incident occurring is less than 40%, then it is worth taking the risk, but the more you speed up, the greater the chances of failure become.

Send pregnant women to work

Of course, putting someone to work is not a gentlemanly thing, but wait, this is the post-apocalypse Fallout Shelter and everyone should do their bit. Once the lady has finished making emojis with your chosen partner, she can return to the job that suits her. Her hasty return to the workforce is not only a matter of equality, but also of keeping resources at the right level. Pregnancy in the game lasts a very long time, and labor shortages can have dire consequences.

Explore the wasteland

You can produce enough energy, food and water, but unfortunately your shelter is not self-sufficient. You also need weapons and equipment that increases S.P.E.C.I.A.L. to be able to defend against raiders and radioactive cockroaches.

Select the villagers with the best stamina, arm them, give them armor and Rad Rad Stimpaks, and send them out in search of loot. Don't forget to follow their adventures; everything that happens to your explorer is displayed in the form of text messages with a time stamp. Characters will not receive damage or absorb radiation on their way back to the vault after you call them back with the “Recall” button.

So just wait until the character reaches the maximum possible negative state, and then return him home. All the caps, armor and weapons that your researcher finds can only be placed in the Depot, so take care of building it in advance.

Make sure you have stimulants and antiradin to treat the Wasteland explorers, otherwise they will not only be vulnerable to attacks from raiders and cockroaches, but also quite miserable.

Who are the raiders

Well, there's bad news: raiders are about to come and take your belongings, and deathclaws are ready to attack the hideout and kill all its inhabitants. The good news is! The first step is quite simple - upgrade the shelter door to make it harder to knock down. If you don't have many weapons, give them to the residents with the best characteristics and assign them to guard the shelter. If you have a lot of guns, arm every villager so that if the raiders pass through the lobby, they will continue to face aggressive resistance. You can also drag villagers into a specific room to fight, but only during a raid.

If you want to arm all the inhabitants of your shelter, then at the beginning of the game you will not have enough weapons for this. But infection with radioactive cockroaches can happen anywhere and anytime, and raiders’ raids on a shelter are also completely unpredictable. Therefore, keep several units in your inventory and distribute it to the right rooms after an attack. This way, you can arm residents near the source of the threat and quickly eliminate it.

Use elevators in case of emergency

Having one elevator shaft in the middle of your shelter is nice and convenient, but it means it will take longer for occupants to travel from one side of the shelter to the other. An extra walk is good if they are just heading to the barracks for their love affairs, but in the event of a raider attack, a radioactive cockroach invasion, or a fire in the premises, the difference of a few seconds can lead to additional deaths. Be sure to plan several different routes at different levels to make it easier to move quickly in case of an emergency.

Improve the statistics of residents with average indicators

While some residents will have obvious talents in one area or another, many who come from the wasteland will not always be so. Fortunately, it is possible to increase S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, for example in the armory or in the classroom.

When you reach 24 residents, you get access to the gym, as well as other additional rooms to increase the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. parameters. After you build a skill room, send residents there to improve their characteristics.

Radio, radio

You may get a chance to build a radio station if you think it increases the happiness of your villagers. It's true that creating a wireless broadcast will lift the spirits of your underground people, but don't make too quick changes to the layout to save people and energy.

You can also use the radio station to attract wanderers from the wasteland. , is definitely a nice addition to your vault, but make sure you have a good grasp of the basics of the game before you spend caps on it. The time between the arrival of new inhabitants from the Wasteland is long, their characteristics are S.P.E.C.I.A.L. leave much to be desired. At the same time, the price of a radio studio is considerable, citizens must work there, and pregnancy gives a much greater effect. The developers apparently went a little overboard with the radio in Fallout Shelter.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to attract new people to the shelter sounds like this - through pregnancy.

Right and wrong decisions

Correct: expand slowly

Building your own shelter in Fallout Shelter requires a lot of energy and manpower, and if you expand it too quickly, you'll soon run out of resources needed to keep the facilities functional and the residents happy. Build slowly. Make sure you can easily maintain your current shelter size so you can build additional spaces, and you'll be on your way to creating a happy society.

Correct: Focus on building power plants before expanding the shelter

Water treatment plants, restaurants and living spaces keep residents happy and healthy. But power plants are needed to make it all work. Without energy, not a single object will function, and you will have many dissatisfied residents sitting in the dark. Before increasing the load on a power plant, make sure you can handle it.

Correct: Place important objects near power plants

Sometimes you may accidentally start rebuilding too quickly or lose some resources from raiders whose attack you were not prepared for. If this is the case, and energy production falls below the critical level required to maintain normal operation of the storage facility, parts of the premises away from the power plant will begin to lose power. To ensure that the shelter functions during outages, place the most important facilities (restaurants, vegetable gardens, water treatment plants, medical rooms) near power plants. This will be the last thing they stop working.

That's right: Arm the explorers before you send them into the wasteland

The Wild Wasteland is dangerous, an unarmed and lightly equipped inhabitant will not be able to protect himself from dutnas, wild dogs, radroaches, and other mutants that the Wasteland will throw at them. In addition, if a resident can hardly fight off a giant ant, then it is unlikely to bring you good prey. If you want to save the lives of your explorers, make sure they are well equipped for the journey. Good weapons and equipment should do the trick.

Correct: Place residents optimally to work so they are most effective

The residents in your shelter are the workforce, and they are much happier when they work in jobs that suit them. Take this into account and do not assign tasks at random, but look first at the statistics of each resident (check the instructions above if you are not sure which job corresponds to a certain skill). This will make residents happy and increase production efficiency - a double benefit!

That's right: keep an eye on children who are transitioning to adult life to assign them to work on time

Residents of the shelter are against child labor, so you will not be able to assign a child to work until he reaches the age of majority (this happens a few hours in real time after birth). They carelessly waste their youthful moments with 50% happiness, so they need to be given work as quickly as possible. If you have so many residents that you can't tell which ones are of age, look at the list of residents. Anyone with a "coffee break" status is probably the one you're looking for.

Incorrect: make every woman in the shelter pregnant

Aside from the obvious problem of turning your shelter into a baby farm, having too many pregnant women will also bring the practical problem of having more villagers that won't provide you with a functional workforce. In the few hours it takes for the children to reach adulthood, the shelter's infrastructure could be irreparably damaged after all those newly minted adults suffer radiation poisoning.

Incorrect: Use rush mode if the chances of failure are greater than 40%

This mode (Rush) is one of the fastest and simple ways get resources in the game Fallout Shelter, but there are certain risks of an invasion of radroaches or a fire. This risk is justified if the chances of failure are less than 20%, up to 30% is acceptable, but not more than 40%, otherwise you are doomed to constant disasters. Try using accelerated production in different rooms, or send villagers looking for loot in the Wasteland.

Wrong: Allow residents not to work

The less a resident works, the sadder he will be, and the lower the average contribution of each resident to the production process will be. Look for any residents on a “coffee break” and give them a task, even if it’s exploring the Wasteland or increasing your stats. Everyone will be happy about this.

Incorrect: leave one or two residents to deal with the infestation of radioactive cockroaches

Rad cockroaches are dangerous and quickly reduce the health of any nearby resident, and the greater the advantage in numbers, the faster the health will decrease. By sending one resident to fight the infection, you can prepare for a funeral and for the infection to spread to other objects. So send as many people as possible, preferably armed, to fight cockroaches.

Incorrect: Worry when exiting an application

You may feel nervous about leaving your hideout to the mercy of raiders and scary insects when you put your gadget aside. But there is no reason to worry. As soon as you minimize the application, the shelter goes under automatic control, during which only good things will happen: the birth of children, the production of resources, and no fires or raids. This makes it very convenient to pump up S.P.E.C.I.A.L. residents, especially when it takes 16 hours of real time.

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