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Simple blouse patterns for beginners. DIY blouse: patterns and sewing recommendations

If you go shopping for branded clothing, you will notice that almost half of the clothes are cut according to the simplest patterns. The t-shot silhouette is extremely popular today. What is a t-shot? with a one-piece design whose shape resembles the Russian letter “T”. Cutting and sewing a model using this pattern is not at all difficult.

Fabric selection

In order for an item to be worn for several seasons, you should be especially careful when choosing the material from which you are going to sew. First of all, you should avoid colors that do not suit your appearance and type. It is equally important to determine for what occasion the blouse is intended, what items in the wardrobe it can be combined with, and how practical the fabric is to care for. Also pay attention to whether it is too difficult to sew. If you do not have extensive experience in cutting and sewing, then do not buy capricious fabrics such as velvet or chiffon, with sequins or beaded embroidery, loose fabrics and complex prints.

Taking measurements

Construction with a one-piece sleeve begins with taking measurements and determining the size of the product. The main measurements for this case:

Chest circumference. It is measured at the most protruding points of the chest and shoulder blades. Half of this value is used for construction;

Length of the product. Measured along the back from the seventh to the expected bottom of the product;

The length of the sleeve. From the point of articulation of the forearm with the shoulder.

Look at the photo of the pattern. This is what any, even the most avant-garde and trendy blouse with one-piece sleeves looks like. The pattern should work for everyone. It can be built in a reduced form on a sheet of school notebook. After clarification, modeling and checking, transfer the drawing in full size onto a large sheet of tracing paper or This pattern and use it to cut the fabric. The most daring dressmakers draw the model directly on the fabric. This usually applies to cases where the figure is slender, the style does not require a tight fit, and the material does not have a complex pattern.

When constructing, allowances for freedom of movement should be taken into account. For thin, flowing fabrics it should be large enough - 10 cm or more. For dense or poorly draped materials, respectively, no more than 10 cm. The standard shoulder bevel is 2-2.5 cm.

Seam allowances are:

Along the neck - 1 cm;

Bottom - 4 cm;

Seams - 1.5 cm.

Perfect shoulder fit is the key to model success

With custom tailoring, even a simple blouse with a loose silhouette can be perfectly tailored to your figure. Everyone's shoulder slope is individual, and consumer products use average figures. This also applies to the length of the neck circumference. The ideal depth and shape of the neckline is different for each person.

Since a blouse with a one-piece short sleeve can last a long time and become the basis for many things, it is better to make a good and accurate pattern with an ideal shoulder and neck line. Take any shoulder item without shoulder pads as a basis. If there is a dummy with your indicators, work on it. If not, then call someone who has some understanding of cutting to help. It is impossible to try on and adjust clothes on yourself. To create the correct shoulder line, you should wear or a blouse - an item that can be used to create the perfect pattern. Pin along the lines of the sides, middle back and front so that it sits tightly on the torso. After this, pin the shoulder line with pins, not across, but along, that is, the way you will lay the seam. Mark the base of the neck and the junction of the shoulder and arm with chalk. Focusing on the reflection in the mirror, draw a line for the neckline. Trim the excess around the neck and shoulder line. Leave a shoulder seam allowance of 1-1.5 cm.

There should be no allowance along the neckline on the layout. This way the most advantageous shape of the neckline is better visible.

Side line and short sleeve

Now you can loosen the side seams. Determine how loose the blouse should be at the chest, waist and hips. Pin the side seams again. Fix the side seam lines with chalk. Trim off excess fabric. Carefully remove the model from the mannequin. Extend the side seam lines upward until they intersect with the shoulder lines.

This completes the construction of a blouse pattern with a short one-piece sleeve. The layout can be used as a finished pattern, or you can redraw it on paper. Based on such layouts, not only blouses are modeled, complicating them with cutting details, grooves, fasteners and yokes, but also dresses and even coats.

Extending the sleeve

To create a blouse pattern with a one-piece long sleeve, increase the size of the allowance for a loose fit, and mark the starting point of the armhole on the side seam. The depth of the armhole in the case of a one-piece sleeve should be several centimeters lower than for a set-in sleeve. By extending the shoulder line, you get the line of the upper seam of the sleeve. From the bottom point of the armhole, draw a line parallel to the line of the top seam of the sleeve. Sleeve cut is a line connecting the upper and lower seams of the sleeve and forming right angles with these lines. If desired, the sleeves can be made narrower or wider, decorated with cuffs or a drawstring with frills.

Our universal pattern is very easy to work with when it is made from construction paper and made in duplicate. This is convenient for modeling and when working with fabrics that have complex padding.

Big size

Ladies of corpulent size, with a physique that requires adjustment, should pay attention to models complicated by undercut details, in particular, yokes. The main pattern of a blouse with a one-piece sleeve of a large size is constructed, focusing, in addition to the above values, also on the circumference of the abdomen, hips and forearm. The width of the blouse is determined based on the widest part of the figure. A loose blouse made of thin cotton gauze or an office blouse made of silk satin will decorate and present plump ladies in the best possible way. You just need to think through and choose the right finishing elements.

Modeling a blouse with a round yoke

The pattern of a blouse with a round yoke and a one-piece sleeve is modeled as follows. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, determine the location line of the round yoke. The landmark lines are drawn with chalk. Transfer them to a paper pattern. Cut from the base paper pattern along the drawn line.

The yoke is used for cutting unchanged. Only 1.5 cm is added along its entire perimeter - seam allowance. This detail is cut out twice from the main fabric, since the yoke should be more rigid than the entire blouse and better hold its shape. After the yoke is cut off from the main pattern, lines are extended on the whole pattern of the front, back and sleeves, increasing the width of these parts as much as you wish and as much fabric stock allows. Before joining the yoke, this excess is folded or gathered by machine stitching. Having aligned the length of the cut of the top of the lower part of the blouse with the length of the lower edge of the yoke, they should be connected by chipping or sweeping together. During the joining process, you should try on and make changes to the location of the excess fabric. They should be distributed evenly, taking into account the characteristics of the figure. The yoke and the gathers of fabric underneath it always give the appearance of femininity and softness. For a thin woman, these elements add fullness, while for a fat woman they neutralize the excess.

Differences in patterns for blouses made of knitwear and textiles

When choosing fabric, you could choose knitwear. In this case, you might have a logical question: “Will it make a beautiful and comfortable blouse with one-piece sleeves?” A pattern designed for woven fabric is almost always suitable for knitwear. And our pattern - even more so. There is no need to worry about this. Usually problems arise when they do the opposite, that is, using a pattern designed for sewing a tight turtleneck worn over the head, they sew inelastic satin. The pattern of a knitted blouse with a one-piece sleeve requires very small allowances for a loose fit or even no allowance at all. A one-piece sleeve will not tear in the armhole area due to the good plasticity of the knitted fabric.

Do not forget that you should cut along the transverse as a last resort and only in the most exceptional case - along the bias.

Gusset for better fit

Our convenient and simple pattern has one drawback, not even a drawback, but a problem area. It is located under the armpit. The problem is that the full-sleeve blouse we love the pattern for has a lot of tension in these areas. Seam allowances at curved areas wrinkle the fabric unsightly. If you make cuts, the risk of tissue rupture in this particular place increases. If the blouse has short sleeves or is made of elastic fabric, then you will not even realize the existence of this dangerous tension. But when sewing things with long sleeves, and even large ones, the risk increases many times over. To ease the tension, sew a gusset into this place, that is, a piece cut from the main fabric in the shape of an elongated diamond. This rhombus has two opposite angles that are obtuse and two other opposite angles that are acute. When sewn into armholes, the tops of the sharp corners are directed towards the bottom of the blouse and sleeves, and the tops of the blunt corners are aligned with the corners where the sleeves join the front and back parts.

Fabric decating

Before cutting, it is advisable to decate fabrics made from natural fibers, that is, to shrink them. To do this, the material is ironed with a hot iron through a damp cloth. You can cut it after it is completely dry. Forced shrinkage is done so that the finished blouse does not shrink after washing, but remains the same as it was sewn.

Fashion designer

"If the blouse is slightly unbuttoned,
You can show off your beautiful breasts
And don’t waste money on clothes,
And you don’t need to paint your eyes anymore.”

A blouse is an indispensable item in a woman’s wardrobe. In combination with a skirt or trousers, it works wonders, being the main thing in this tandem and setting a certain tone for it. After all, it is she who dictates the character of the ensemble and its style. You need to approach the choice of the perfect blouse with all responsibility, whether it’s a casual or a festive option, it should match your image, style, color, and cut.

In our article we will try to figure out how your body type can affect the choice of blouse style. And we will analyze the modeling of several models of blouses so that you can sew them yourself. By the way, you can read more about the types of figures in the article.

We are all different women, each of us is unique, you can’t argue with that. But, somehow, they managed to classify us... Classify us by body type. Well, let's trust the professionals and take their research into service; this knowledge will help us decide on the choice of the ideal blouse for ourselves.

Blouse for hourglass figure type

In trying to change our body, each of us intuitively strives to bring its outline closer to the proportions of an hourglass figure. The owners of these figures are lucky! The ideal of female attractiveness. And although, sometimes, they have to struggle with excess weight, they are not deprived of male attention... but, now we are talking about blouses. You shouldn’t wear models that are too tight or low-cut so as not to look vulgar, everything else is fine. Stylists offer simple solutions for your type, not burdened with abundant decor, emphasizing the natural curves of the figure, and laconic models. Smells, V-shaped neckline, fitted silhouette, simplicity of lines, as well as severity of the silhouette.

We chose a blouse for the modeling lesson with the simplest cut, very comfortable, easy to use, but, at the same time, spectacular and bright. Of course, this model is suitable not only for an hourglass figure, but its minimalism will favorably emphasize the feminine curves of a woman’s body. In an ensemble with a pencil skirt, it will look most advantageous.

blouse model from the site:

We will carry out the simulation on . You can build the foundation using any method, but why complicate it? You can easily generate it on our website. . Just enter your measurements and after payment you will receive a file with the ability to print on any printer. .

First stage. Widen the neck line and deepen it on the shelf according to the model.

Next, you need to complete the sleeves according to the kimono principle, see picture. More sleeves. The sleeve width is equal to the arm circumference plus an allowance for freedom. The cuff will have the same length, its width will be 4.5- 5 cmin finished form.

Now let's add freedom to the folds at the bottom of the sleeve.

Blouse for a triangle figure

For women with a triangle (pear) figure, the recommendations are to draw more attention to the shoulder girdle, thereby balancing the proportions of the figure and bringing its outline closer to the “hourglass”. Of course, you have the most feminine curves; you shouldn’t be embarrassed by a slightly heavy bottom. Don't forget - you are in trend! The inimitable Kim Kardashian sets the tone).

The right clothes (blouse) will give you confidence. Boat neckline, V, neckline, blouses with shoulder straps, epaulettes, yokes, pockets on the chest, stand-up collars with a wide neck, turn-down collars... An elongated and, moreover, contrasting top - no!

For the lesson we chose a blouse from the BURBERRY brand. It has pleats at the cuff of the sleeve and a yoke from which gathers to the chest. And the filling of the okat, and the yoke, and the assembly - all these details visually expand the shoulders and accentuate attention. By the way, such a blouse will suit your figure very well. rectangle type.

Photo source

Pattern of a blouse with a yoke

For modeling we also need .

Back. Let's transfer the shoulder dart to the armhole line, marking its position with a new line.

Shelf. Temporarily transfer the chest dart to the side seam.

Let's outline the yoke lines. And cut lines for modeling the assembly on the shelf.Having cut along the marked lines, we will match the back yokes and the front along the shoulder seam.Draw a line for the edge of the side, at a distance of 1.5 cm from the line of the middle of the front.

We will move the chest dart from its temporary position to the upper section of the shelf in the assembly location. Let's adjust the side seams by straightening them a little. Mark the loops of the fastener.

Sleeve. Move the elbow dart down, having previously marked its new position with a line running from the top of the dart to the bottom of the sleeve.

Mark and cut along the sleeve width line under the armhole. From the point of the top of the edge, along the line of the edge, set aside 3.5 cm of the shelf and make an incision as in the figure.

Move the part along the cut line, but only in the upper part. As shown in the figure, thus forming the depth of the fold. The further description of sleeve modeling corresponds to the description of the sleeve of a blouse-shirt, see above.

The bow collar is a long rectangle with a fold. Its width is 7 cm without allowances for processing. The length is optional, but not less than 1m 30 cm, for the possibility of tying.

Blouse for rectangle body type

For a rectangle-type figure, stylists recommend emphasizing the waist, widening the shoulder line and wearing a peplum. By the way, on such a figure, smells and freedom around the waist look very good. Strictly speaking, you can do anything! After all, this type of figure allows you to model and create completely different images. Please note that on the catwalks of the world there are entirely girls with exactly such external characteristics.

V-neck blouse pattern

For modeling, consider a model of a delicate chiffon blouse, loose fit with an original collar.

Photo source

To model this blouse model we will use. Although, if you have large breasts and cannot do without a dart, you can take it. All these patterns can be generated on our website; after paying, you will receive a file with the ability to print on a printer of any format.

Let's start modeling by widening the neckline by 2.5 cm and deepening it along the shelf by 10-12 cm. We will also outline the line of the yoke.

Next, you need to measure the new line of the neckline of the back and front and, based on the measurements obtained, draw a coquelier collar with an internal contour equal to this value. See picture. Don't forget that in the blouse model it is double!

Now let's start changing the sleeve pattern. Here we don’t need to do practically anything, but since there is a small gather at the bottom of the sleeve, we’ll check the width of the sleeve at the bottom and, if necessary, increase it by widening the sleeve. We will process the bottom of the sleeve using binding, edging it.

Blouse for an inverted triangle figure

Ladies with an inverted triangle figure, in their desire to dress tastefully and look attractive, need to choose the right accent tactics. As a rule, you have beautiful long legs and toned buttocks. We transfer the accents from the shoulders down. We choose blouses in such a way as to shift attention in every possible way to the area of ​​the chest, waist, and hips. Raglan, American armhole, open shoulders, peplum, asymmetry... Experiment!

Off Shoulder Blouse

Photo source

For modeling, we need , which we can easily generate here using our individual measurements. We can easily transform the base pattern into a loose blouse by moving the chest dart down.

At the first stage of modeling, we will adjust the length. We will transfer the shoulder dart into the armhole line, the chest down, simply by cutting along the intended line and opening its front opening. Read more about transferring darts.

Let's start modeling the sleeve. It is necessary to get rid of the elbow dart by moving it down.

All that remains is to outline the raglan line.

Don't forget to measure the length of the neckline; you will need this measurement when processing it with bias tape.

Blouse for an apple figure

With this type of figure, there is one feature that distinguishes it from others - an undefined waist. And even the lack of a waist. But this is not at all a reason to be upset. There are a lot of techniques with which you can disguise yourself in such a way that no one will notice this fact. This is, first of all, freedom in the waist area, which can be ensured by all kinds of draperies, scents, empire style, multi-layered clothes, vertical lines, folds... By the way, these models of blouses are very popular with owners of all types of figures, because only they will make you feel comfortable in any situation related to the festive feast. Agree that a long banquet and a tight dress are not compatible things for everyone).

Blouse with asymmetrical hem

For an “apple” figure, we chose a blouse with an interestingly designed hem; the asymmetry and two-layer front allows us to sew this model from transparent fabrics such as chiffon, thin silk crepe, and organza.

Photo source

We will model again on .

Let's move the chest dart into the side seam, and the shoulder dart into the armhole line. Read more about transferring darts.

Let's widen and deepen the neck. After this, you need to mark the cutout on the neck of the shelf. Reduce the length of the chest dart by 2 cm.

This is what happened.

To create a collar pattern, you need to completely repeat the stitching line into the neckline. To do this, combine the back and front parts along the shoulder seam and transfer the resulting line to the collar drawing, if necessary, adjusting its curvature. See picture.

We move the elbow dart down. We correct the ulnar and anterior sections. Pata is a rectangle 30 cm long, 3-3.5 cm wide when finished.

Finally, I would like to give you advice - sew from natural, high-quality fabrics. If possible, do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the gentle touch of silk on your skin. After all, the luxury of silk fabric cannot be replaced by the most high-tech synthetics. Let the new blouse become the most beloved and desired in your wardrobe!

Hello, dear needlewomen! There are many different clothes on sale, but many fashionistas prefer to sew blouses and dresses themselves. It would be useful for every woman to know how to sew a blouse with her own hands without a pattern.

How to create a stylish look

To create a fashionable, unique look, you need to learn how to sew different types of clothes with your own hands. Today we will learn how to quickly sew beautiful blouses of simple styles. By summer, you can sew a light blouse from chintz, silk, cambric, chiffon or linen.

For an evening option, it is better to choose chiffon. Chiffon makes airy, light, beautiful wardrobe items. Chiffon is a delicate, sophisticated fabric that requires special treatment. But if you are patient, you will be rewarded with a successfully sewn item.

Option for ladies with different builds.

Helpful tips for cutting chiffon:

  • It is better to cut in one layer, since chiffon folded in two layers is difficult to keep from moving.
  • First, draw the pattern on paper along with seam allowances, place it on the canvas, press it along the edges with weights.
  • Trace with chalk, then carefully cut out. Material cut without distortions is a guarantee of a beautiful product.
  • When cutting chiffon, work on a large table.
  • The machine must be set to work with thin material, and the needle must be very sharp and thin.
  • First, sew a stitch on a piece of material to get a perfect seam.
  • To prevent the seams from bunching, make the stitch length no more than 2 mm.
  • Choose the simplest pattern. Only experienced seamstresses can sew complex products.
    It is easier to sew a product with a lining than without it. If you sew without a lining, then the edges can be trimmed with binding made of the same material.

Blouse with batwing sleeve

The bat is back in fashion! To add a fashionable item to your wardrobe, buy 2 pieces of material, 1.5 meters wide. Measure your hips and waist, sleeve length from neckline to hem, arm circumference below the elbow.

Step-by-step work:

  • Fold the material in half “face” inward, then in half again.
  • Draw the pattern onto the fabric itself. From the fold downwards we measure 2.5 cm and to the side - 9 cm, this will be the neck.
  • From the neckline, measure the length of the sleeve and shoulder horizontally. Then from this bevel line we measure down 2.5 cm. We draw a line from the edge of the sleeve to the neck.
  • Divide the circumference of the waist and hips into 4 parts and mark them along the corresponding lines.
  • We connect the bottom of the future product and the edge of the sleeve with a curved line. Cut along the contour.
  • We cut the front part of the neck a little lower compared to the back.

We sew the details. To process the neckline on the bias, cut out 2 strips of fabric, each 2.5-3 cm wide. They should follow the contour of the neckline. Sew to the neck. We bend the bottom of the blouse and sleeves in a zigzag. The sleeves can be finished with cuffs or a fluffy frill.

Using the following pattern, measure all dimensions on the fabric at once. For beginners, it is better to do it on paper.

One of the simplest patterns.

Option for unusual sleeves.

Quick pattern

The sleeveless pattern will help update the wardrobe of both a slender girl and a lady with curvy figures. It does not require precise fitting to the figure. You only need two pieces to get a new piece into your wardrobe, and, you can sew it in one evening.

For loose models, choose flowing fabrics so that the products do not restrict movement and hide figure imperfections. A simple model can be decorated with embroidery or appliqué. Thin ladies can add a thin strap.

Youth version

Blouse for ladies with full arms

Not all ladies can wear sleeveless clothes. To cover full arms, sew a model with a one-piece sleeve. They are suitable for any occasion. Modern young ladies prefer to wear it with a floral pattern, as well as in a plain version. Step-by-step sewing of comfortable products with one-piece sleeves.

First you need to choose the fabric. The simpler the better. You should not choose bulk material with intricate patterns of sequins or embroidery.

Taking measurements:

  • chest circumference is measured at the highest points of the chest and shoulder blades;
  • We measure the length of the product from the 7th cervical vertebra to the lower edge;
  • Sleeve length – from the point where the forearm and shoulder meet.

For sewing, you will need a basic pattern, which every seamstress has. When cutting, do not forget to allow for freedom of movement at the bottom of the parts, starting from the sleeve - approximately 10 cm for thin fabrics.

Seam allowances:

  • along the neck – 1 cm;
  • at seams - 1.5 cm;
  • at the bottom of the product – 4 cm.

The correct shoulder fit can be determined by a blouse that fits you well.

Detail for a perfect fit

This silhouette may have a problem - the fabric will be very stretched under the arm, and the seam allowances in the curved areas will begin to wrinkle unsightly. When sewing a blouse for overweight ladies, the risk of tearing will increase several times. To soften the tension, sew a gusset in the form of a neat diamond from the same fabric.

When sewing, the tops of the sharp corners should be directed towards the bottom of the blouse and sleeves, and the upper part of the blunt ones should be connected to the corners of the front and back.

The first fitting is done without a gusset. Make sure that the seams of the sleeves and shoulders do not move out of place.

  1. Next you should stitch the side, shoulder, upper and lower sections of the sleeves. Smooth seams and sweep.
  2. Sew the gusset into the hem only after stitching and smoothing the seams. Fold the edge of the gusset with the undercut of the front and back facing inward.
  3. Sew the diamond in from the side of the blouse so that the seam tolerances in the corners are the smallest.
  4. Place the gusset seam on both sides and smooth it with an iron.

Fashionable blouse for all ages

The wrap blouse has won the love of many women. Comfortable and beautiful, it is easy to sew and looks beautiful. The wraparound model has a front section consisting of two halves. One half overlaps the other. The scent pleasantly narrows the waist, giving the silhouette an hourglass look. To a simple pattern at the waist line, you can sew two belts, 5 cm wide, then tie them, as shown in the picture.

A flyaway from a square.

Dear fashionistas, by summer you will have time to sew several stylish original things to change your wardrobe every day. And every new thing always lifts your spirits!

If you want to prepare your wardrobe for cool weather, you can arm yourself with numerous instructions on how to sew a sweater for yourself, your man or your child. The reason for this is simple: stylish sweaters create a unique and inimitable image, emphasizing the advantages of the figure.

There are currently many patterns that are also convenient for sewing sweaters, cardigans and some dress models.

At home you can sew an elegant and fashionable blouse. Moreover, it is possible to independently choose the silhouette, finishing methods and fabric that is pleasant to the touch and suitable for you. They also offer options for sweaters for women with curvy figures, complete with step-by-step instructions with photos for high-quality tailoring of the product.

Fashion trends

Today, the fashion industry has grown to enormous proportions in terms of the selection of fabrics and textures. Iconic prints in this variety of new proposals still remain relevant. Striped sweaters still appear at all designer shows to this day.

The print, which came to us from the traditions of the old navy, has managed to gain a wider range of distribution, including stylish women's sweaters.

Prints with patterns, plants and flowers have been popular for more than one season. Peonies, roses, violets and many other flowers on clothes effectively emphasize the image. This jacket or blouse is an excellent option for holidays and celebrations.

Fabrics and styles also range from the simplest to incredible combinations and shapes. Plain long sleeves, sweatshirts and shirts look good in combination with large accessories. Flounces, cut sleeves, unusual collars - all this can be found both on the catwalk and in everyday life.

Women's sweaters are very diverse. And this provides a platform for bold experiments. Just changing the top element can transform, make it unique, different: strict, laconic and romantic, playful.

Materials and tools

  • 2 m of knitted fabric (or any other to taste).
  • Pattern.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Washable marker, chalk or soap.
  • Needles.

For large sizes, all the same will be required, only the fabric consumption and the number of precise measurements will increase.

Please note that when working with knitwear, it is important not to stretch the fabric when sewing. Also use a utility needle, a stretch needle, and a stretch zigzag stitch. In this case, all seams are sewn with a double needle.

Sewing a beautiful, fashionable and comfortable blouse is not at all difficult. If you have a sewing machine and a little skill in operating it, you can diversify your wardrobe with trendy items that will also be exclusive.

Fabrics for sewing blouses

Blouses with a loose silhouette made from flowing fabrics, such as chiffon, look extremely impressive. Simple blouses made from transparent fabrics such as organza that hold their shape are suitable for a slender woman. However, such materials require special processing. It is better for an inexperienced dressmaker to choose cheaper fabrics at first. For summer, cotton, such as gauze, is suitable. It is easy to sew from it, and things look very beautiful and feminine. Learn to sew comfortably on linen fabrics. The pattern of a T-shot silhouette blouse with straight cuts along the bottom of the front and sleeves can become an element for sewing a stylish set. The product can be decorated with fringe made of elongated threads, choose jewelry in ethnic style and wear with jeans, a long skirt or short shorts.

Modeling options

The light blouse pattern we offer in this article can serve as a basis for modeling. You can change the shape of the neckline by making a large triangular neckline on the back, rather than a boat neckline on the front.

The sleeves can be finished with a wide bell or fluffy frill, or you can make cuffs.

By removing large allowances for a loose fit, adding vertical darts and inserting a zipper into the side seam, you can create a blouse with a fitted silhouette. In this case, it is recommended to choose fabrics with elastane.

The bottom of the shelves can be made straight or rounded at different levels. If you make side seam allowances of 2 cm, this will allow you to make beautiful cuts along the bottom of the blouse.

Features of sewing using simplified patterns

Quick blouse patterns for beginner tailors are very convenient, as they do not require precise fitting to the figure. And this is very important when it is not possible to use outside help during fitting. Famous couturiers do not ignore the simplest patterns of blouses like those presented in the article. Using such patterns, they focus on the quality, texture and padding of fabrics.

The simplest blouse patterns can consist of just one piece. Take a look at our proposed diagram. Numerous precise measurements are not needed to construct it. For a standard figure, it is enough to know the chest circumference, product length and sleeve length. These measurements are also needed to determine the amount of fabric. Typically, sewing a blouse with a fabric width of 1 m 45 cm requires one blouse length and one sleeve length.

Blouse for any figure

This blouse can be sewn in one evening. It only has two seams. It is put on over the head.

A blouse requires 1.5 m of fabric with a width of 145-155 cm. It can be cotton sateen, silk chiffon or other softly draping material.

You will need a blouse pattern. Here is a pattern made for sizes 38-40. (chest circumference 88-92 cm). The model is supposed to be made of thin fabric, a loose silhouette, with a large allowance for a loose fit.

If your size is larger, then you need to increase the width of the blouse by shortening the sleeve length. For such a simple model, it is not necessary to make a paper template. The blouse pattern shown in this article can be chalked on the back side of your fabric. For the most inexperienced, we suggest making a paper pattern. To do this, take a sheet of thick paper measuring 77x82 cm. Transfer our diagram onto it, make changes if necessary, and cut out the pattern.

Before cutting, the fabric should be decated, that is, ironed with a hot iron through a damp cloth. This is done so that the material shrinks and does not decrease in size after you sew a product from it and wash it.

Fold the fabric in half. Connect the top cut to the bottom. Then fold in half again, bringing the edges together. You should end up with a square or rectangle with folds on two adjacent sides. Place the pattern close to the folds and press the paperweight down to keep the fabric and pattern in place while you draw and cut. The blouse pattern is outlined. Seam allowances are given at the bottom, side edges and neckline. Along the neck - 1 cm, on the side - 1.5 cm, at the bottom and on the hem of the sleeves - 3 cm. The cut out part is a single piece of fabric, similar to a large cross with a round hole in the middle.

Overlock all edges except the neckline. Fold the blouse right side inward, align the edges, baste and stitch the side seams and sleeve seams with a single stitch. Iron them. Turn the hem allowances for the bottom of the sleeves, front and back to the wrong side and baste. Sew the stitches, leaving small areas unstitched for threading a narrow elastic band.

The neckline must be treated with bias tape so that it becomes a drawstring for threading the elastic into it. To do this, measure the length of the blouse neck, 1 cm away from the cut. From the remnants of the fabric, cut strips 3 cm wide along the bias thread. Connect them into a ribbon and stitch them to the neckline, folding them right sides together. Press to the wrong side, slightly stretching the unsewn edge. Finish this edge with a zigzag or overlock stitch. Baste the binding 1 cm from the edge. Stitch, leaving a small hole for the elastic. If you insert a lace instead of an elastic band and arrange the ties, you can adjust the depth of the neckline according to your desire and mood. A lace or wide ribbon tied in a bow will become a decorative element.

A prerequisite for a good fit

Blouse patterns for beginners in no way imply carelessness when sewing. All seams must be treated against fraying. Wet heat treatment is necessary for each seam. This is not difficult and does not require a lot of time and extensive experience, but it always affects the appearance of the finished product. Wet heat treatment is the first rule of professionals.

What to look for when buying fabric

And the last recommendation for a novice dressmaker is that when buying fabric, you should pay special attention to the harmony of colors. Even if the fabric is very fashionable and expensive, but the color does not match the skin tone of your face, eyes and hair, then the item will be “lost” and will not bring the expected joy and satisfaction. The fabric should be selected with reference to your entire wardrobe. Think about what you will wear with your new blouse. It will be suitable for an everyday set or will be focused on special occasions. Go through your skirts, trousers, shoes and bags. With such a balanced and thoughtful approach, you will not make mistakes and will receive great joy both from the process of creating an outfit and from the compliments that people will undoubtedly give you.