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Coloring posters from "MYTH": Fun Zoo, City, Happy New Year! Coloring posters "Fun Zoo" and "City".

Friends, I want to present you with another idea for entertaining and developing children.

Giant coloring book "The Great Journey".
The "Big Journey" coloring poster was created and drawn especially for your children. This is not just a coloring book, it is an entire adventure in the air, on land and at sea.

Previously, I wrote a note that can be purchased on the website page
Now a poster has been added to the coloring wallpaper.
Coloring coloring books is one of the most favorite and useful activities for most children. But large coloring pages will be an unexpected surprise for any child.

The coloring poster drawing contains simple and clear details and elements. In the process of coloring a picture, the child will have good practice and develop fine motor skills hands, get acquainted with simple geometric shapes.

The plot of the drawing on the poster will be interesting to both boys and girls.

There are specially left free areas on the poster where the child, showing his imagination and invention, can draw his own poster characters.

The coloring poster is printed on thick environmentally friendly paper.

The poster can be mounted on almost any surface.
Coloring packages are equipped with stationery adhesive pads for gluing "Pritt Multi Fix" posters.
You need to separate the pad from the blister, knead it and roll it into a ball. Glue the ball to the back of the poster and press it. For one poster you will need only 8-10 small pads (pieces).

Wonderful large coloring posters for children “Fun Zoo” and “City”.

Giant coloring pages

My daughter and I were introduced to giant coloring books several years ago when I printed and glued them for her. Easter coloring book from one foreign site. She really liked the new large format, and this is not surprising, because large coloring books have many advantages.

The benefits of large coloring pages

  • Such coloring books can be called new products. They have not yet become as widespread as regular ones, but children really like everything new and unusual.
  • Like all coloring books, they are very useful, especially for children. preschool age, because they:
    • develop fine motor skills
    • develop coordination of movements
    • preparing a child's hand for writing
    • allow you to usefully spend time doing a meditative activity - coloring.
  • They can be painted by one child or several at once - there will be enough details for everyone to color.
  • You can paint on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. If you hang the coloring book on the wall, the child will satisfy his interest in drawing on the walls, which quite often awakens not only in very young children, but also in quite conscientious older preschoolers.
  • The finished coloring book will be a wonderful decoration for the nursery!

Coloring posters "Fun Zoo" and "City"

Today we received a parcel with the long-awaited large coloring books from the publishing house "MYTH. Childhood": "Fun Zoo" by illustrator Polina Nesterova and "City" by Vladimir Yudenkov. How we liked them!

The coloring books came to us at the right time: our daughter is sick, and coloring pictures is a great activity, compatible with bed rest; you just need to put the coloring book on a drawing tablet (or on a large format book with a hard cover).

Rita immediately got to work, and I also participated a little in this.

What do you like about these coloring pages?

It may seem that "City" will appeal more to boys, but my girl enjoyed playing with cars on it. And we have outgrown the recommended age of 4 - 5 - 6 years.

I also suggest looking at other articles from this section. For example, articles about books for children and about.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https://site

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Here is a large coloring book - a poster on the wall for children with pictures of a train, numbers, animals. By coloring these drawings, your child will quickly learn all the numbers from 1 to 10 and remember the sequence of numbers. The kid will really like funny animals and a cheerful train that transports numbers, he really likes to color the tracks of animals and flowers in the clearing, ducks on the lake, bees and ladybugs. The child will choose and color what he likes. This coloring poster is also suitable for several children to color together at home or in kindergarten, there's enough room for everyone!

How to make a coloring book - poster for children

The coloring book consists of 6 sheets in A4 format, which you can download at the end of the publication. Unpack the archive, print out the sheets, carefully glue the sheets together to match the design. Once you have a large coloring book, hang the poster on the wall. That's it, everyone can color the poster together!

Make such a poster and coloring book and children will be delighted, regardless of age. This coloring book will be interesting for both kids and schoolchildren.

Good luck to you and your children!

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - poster for the wall for children: train, numbers, animals for coloring

Source of publication: Internet

See also on the topic of large coloring - a poster for the wall to print for children:

  1. Coloring book - New Year's "Winter" poster on the wall for children
  2. Coloring book - princess poster for girls
  3. Coloring book - cute pony poster for girls
  4. Coloring book - pirates poster for boys