Health Pregnancy beauty

She gave birth to 6 children from one husband. Most multiple twins born at one time

On May 15, Chrissy gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Karlai, and who became a great joy for her mother. Very big - literally. Despite the fact that baby Karlai was born one week earlier due date, she weighed a whopping 6 kilograms! “It seemed to me that they had taken a six-month-old baby out of my belly,” my mother recalls.

In addition to newborn Carleigh, Chrissie and her husband Larry Corbitt already have four children, but all of them were born as normal babies with normal weights. “When the doctors started to pull the baby out of me, I heard them start excitedly discussing something, even laughing. They started offering different numbers, guessing the baby’s weight, and when they finally told me that my daughter weighs 6 kilograms, I told them I just didn't believe it."

“During the birth, it wasn’t really clear what was going on because Chrissy was having a Caesarean section, and everything was covered in sheets,” recalls Chrissy’s husband, who was also present during the birth. “The doctor then said: “Oh my God, she’s probably , all weighs 10 kilos. Will this baby ever end? Are there two of them here, or what?" And the child appeared so fat, her cheeks literally lay on her shoulders. But, of course, she was still very beautiful."

To leave a memory of this significant event, the Corbitts invited photographer Debbie Benson from Sweet Smiles Photography Studio.

“She’s just like a six-month-old baby,” says Larry. “We even called Pampers and Huggies because we bought a bunch of diapers, but they didn’t fit at all! None of them fit! She was just born, and she’s already using third size diapers. Yes, she even needs clothes, like for a 9-month-old child, Karlai is simply huge."

“Actually, Carlyne’s birth was supposed to take place on May 20-21. For the last three weeks, Chrissie hasn’t gained a single kilogram. As it turns out, Carlyne has gained enough,” the dad comments on the situation. No one could have predicted that the baby would be so big. This would be expected from a super-healthy woman, but, alas, Chrissy cannot boast of excellent condition. A year ago, she was badly burned in the kitchen and 27 percent of her body was covered in burns. Moreover, Chrissie had always been anemic, and while the woman lay unconscious on the table during the operation, she had to have three blood transfusions because her hemoglobin levels had dropped so much.

The event took place at Richmond Hospital. Three boys and three girls, born at the thirtieth week, are alive, healthy and feel well, according to doctors, The Washington Post reports.


Four dozen doctors helped the newborns into the world. The decision was made to have a caesarean section. At birth, the babies weighed from 700 grams to just over a kilogram. The newborns are now in the intensive care unit. The happy mother, according to Shir Pollard, a spokeswoman for the medical institution, accepts “very Active participation"in caring for babies, writes RIA FAN.

“With this pregnancy, we and our colleagues had to cope with the birth of six premature babies at the same time,” says obstetrician Susan Lunney.

Parents avoid contact with the press. However, journalists were told by Ajibola: she hopes that “when the children grow up, the smallest of them will be able to ask: “Was I such a baby?” - and look at me.”

A family of immigrants from Nigeria agreed to pose for the hospital archive. Happy parents smiling and hugging their babies.

It is very rare for six children to be born at the same time. Thus, in the United States in 2015, out of approximately four million newborns, only 24 cases of five twins were born, adds The Washington Post.

Americans Ajibola and Adeboai Taiwo first thought about children in 2000. Since then, all attempts to become parents have been unsuccessful. The couple visited doctors and turned to God with prayers to send them a child, but Ajibola could not get pregnant.

However, the couple did not give up and after 17 years, a pregnancy test showed a positive result.

Imagine the surprise of the future parents when an ultrasound showed that the woman was carrying several babies under her heart. People from western Nigeria saw the beating of four hearts on the screen of the device.

However, the surprises of nature did not end there. And on the next one ultrasound examination the doctor saw two more fetuses.

“I was very excited,” the children’s father admitted.

May 11th with help caesarean section and a medical team of 40 people, Ajibola gave birth to six children. Currently, three girls and three boys are in the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital in the American city of Richmond.

Their weight ranges from 500 grams to one kilogram. The mother of newborns takes an active part in caring for the babies, writes the Washington Post.

Ajibola admitted that the only thing she wants is for the kids to gain weight.

“They are so small,” the woman says.

Doctors plan to monitor the newborns for several more months.

On November 18, 1983, an event occurred in the life of the Walton couple that soon became known to the whole world. It was then that Janet gave her husband six children at once. The Walton babies became the world's first six twin girls who successfully survived childbirth.

Janet herself recalls today that on that unusually warm autumn day her greatest fear was of being late to the hospital. The car in which the couple was traveling was tightly stuck in a traffic jam caused by a poorly attached carpet falling out of some truck ahead!

Today, more than 30 years after their birth, one of Janet’s daughters finally gave her mother a granddaughter. An elderly woman the baby seemed very fragile and vulnerable.

It was difficult for the new grandmother to believe that her granddaughter weighed 3.3 kilograms - within the normal range. When Janet herself gave birth, each of her girls weighed only a little more than a kilogram!

Now it’s funny for the spouses to even think that a long time ago they were going to take the kids from the orphanage. Janet was not helped by any means, and the doctors told the spouses that both she and Graham were completely healthy.

That's why the news of the unusual pregnancy threw the Waltons into a stupor. Be that as it may, they did not intend to refuse such a gift of fate. Janet decided to devote herself entirely to the children, and Graham took a leave of absence for a whole year to help his beloved manage the kids.

The girls spent the first six weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit. Then their parents were finally able to take them home and everything started to work out.

Today, when her daughter complains that her granddaughter kept her up all night, Janet just smiles. Finding themselves with six children in their arms, the Walton couple slept no more than a couple of hours a day for two whole years.

They recently estimated that they bought at least 11,000 diapers for the girls in their first year. Graham still remembers very well: the whole house smelled like washing powder and baby powder.

While walking, each spouse pushed a stroller for twins, and carried another baby in his arms. But if a guest showed up at the house, Janet and her husband simply handed him a third stroller and went for a walk together!

A year after the birth of his daughters, Graham returned to his career as a decorative artist. A few more years passed, and Janet also broke her promise. The woman got a job in the neonatal unit of the maternity hospital, where she worked until her retirement.

The most interesting thing is that just a few months after the mother of many children retired to a well-deserved rest, her granddaughter was born in the same hospital!

From the first days of her life, the newborn baby became the center of attention, because the baby has not only parents and grandparents, but also five aunts. The family often gathers at Janet and Graham's place, where the women are vying to nurse the baby. The Waltons are eagerly awaiting news from their other daughters about grandchildren.

Those, however, are not yet planning to start families. However, women have nothing against children. But none of them is going to repeat the feat of their own mother and have six babies at once!

If you have 45 minutes to spare and you understand English, you can watch a documentary about this unusual family.