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Native spaces. Yakut Santa Claus spoke about the New Year's wishes of children Buryat Santa Claus - Sagan Ubugun - White Elder

In Russia - Father Frost, in France - Pere Noel, in Japan - Segatsu-san. Santa Clauses - they are all different: one is kind, and the other can scold. Everyone has their own personal way of getting into a holiday home, and besides, they all look different. Wonderful selection relatives of our Santa Claus from all over the world. "Santa Christian" from Burundi. Among African Catholics, Santa Claus lives on Mount Kilimanjaro, because... This is the only mountain in Africa that constantly has snow on its top.
This is what Santa Claus looks like in Hawaii. Santa Claus in Australia. Dutch Sinderkalas wears a caftan and white boots. Just before the New Year, he sails to Amsterdam by ship, but does not give out gifts himself. For this he has a retinue - Moors in lush turbans.
Belarusian Dzed Maroz.
Babbo Natale. Looks like our Santa Claus. This beloved Italian character traces its historical roots back to Saint Nicholas. Babbo Natale for a long time lived at the North Pole, and later acquired an excellent home in the Finnish north - in Lapland.
Per Noel. Winter folklore New Year's character straight from France. According to tradition, Père Noel, arriving at the house on a donkey wearing wooden shoes and carrying a basket of gifts, enters the house through the chimney, placing gifts in shoes left in front of the fireplace.
Sintaklaas, or Sinterklaas - Nicholas the Wonderworker, in the Netherlands and Belgium. Children and adults also celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 5, although national holiday it doesn't count.
Daidi na Nollaig is the Irish counterpart of Father Christmas. Ireland is a religious country and really values ​​its good old traditions. That is why New Year in Ireland will be imbued with mysticism and unusualness.
In Cyprus, Father Frost is even called Vasily.
Actually, Grandfather Frost himself.
Santa Claus is the most famous partner of Father Frost. Grey hair, neat beard and mustache. Red jacket, pants and cap. Dark leather belt hugs a thick belly. Essentially this is a life-loving elf. Most often he has glasses on his nose, and a smoking pipe in his mouth (in last years tries not to “press” on this element of the image).
There are two Santa Clauses in Sweden: the stooped grandfather with a knobby nose, Yultomten, and the dwarf, Julnissaar. Both of them go from house to house on New Year’s Eve and leave gifts on the windowsills. Many peoples of Russia have a similar character: among the Karelians his name is Pakkaine (Frost), and he is young.
Yamal Iri. In Mongolia, Santa Claus looks like a shepherd. He is dressed in a shaggy fur coat and a large fox hat. On his side is a snuffbox, flint and steel, and in his hands is a long whip. Ehee Dyl or Chiskhan - Yakut Father Frost.
This New Year's character apparently "settled in" better than his other New Year's colleagues. Judge for yourself: his wife Kykhyn Khotun is in charge winter time; three daughters Saaschaana, Sayyina and Kuhyney distribute spring, summer and autumn responsibilities among themselves. What Ehee Dyl himself does is not entirely clear.
In China, Santa Claus's name is simple and uncomplicated: Dong Che Lao Ren or Shan Dan Laozhen. Despite the exotic name, the Chinese grandfather’s habits are not at all different from the famous Santa Claus.
Jollopukki lives in Finland. He has a wife, Maria. Yollopukki wears a long sheepskin coat and announces his appearance with a bell. In the photo Jollopukki is on the right with his Hungarian colleague.

There are 7 Fridays left until the new year!

There is still time to write a letter to Santa Claus. To make sure your wish comes true, it is best to send it to several Santa Clauses at once.

In the city of Veliky Ustyug itself there is the Father Frost Post Office - a fabulous post office that receives all the numerous correspondence of Father Frost. Every year, about 200 thousand letters are sent to Father Frost from Russia, near and far abroad. Alas, many still do not know the postal address of Santa Claus, but letters reach one entry in the address line to “Santa Claus”. Santa Claus is very attentive to the children's letters and their requests.


SAASCHAANA (Springfly) – eldest daughter, is in charge of spring time. Beautiful, a little frivolous. Without a husband, she gave birth to a girl, whom everyone knows under the name Khaarchaana.

SAYYYNA (Letochka) – the middle daughter, controls summer time, hard worker, a little fussy. She not only loves and appreciates the beauty of the nature of the Middle World, but also creates this beauty. Sayyina is married to Thunder and gave birth to her beloved grandson, Ehee Dyla - Tyalchaan.

KҮҺҮҮNEY (Osenyushka) – the youngest daughter, knows autumn time. A very thrifty, rich and generous woman. The autumn abundance of cultivated and wild plants is the result of her work

HAARCHAANA (Snow Maiden) – daughter of Saaschaana, father unknown. Children's favorite. Like the Russian Snow Maiden, she is afraid of heat, so she only visits the Middle World when there is snow. The New Year celebration does not take place without her participation. Likes to give gifts to children. Therefore, she is Grandfather’s irreplaceable assistant on New Year’s days.

TYALCHAAN (Breeze) – the son of Sayyina and Thunder, a very nimble mischief-maker. There is no place on Earth where he has not visited. His appearance is accompanied by a fresh breeze. Any person can call Tyalchaan, all you need to do is whistle quietly and he will be right there - he will start hugging you, fanning you, pulling your hair. Many people use its services on hot summer days. The beloved grandson helps his Grandfather distribute mail, gifts and provides him with information.

ASSISTANTS OF EҺEE DYYLA The main assistant of Eһee Dylu is, of course, Syl (Year), who descends to the Middle World from the Pleiades. It runs smoothly all year round and flies back, and another one descends in its place next year. The Syl does not have a name, and each Syl is assigned a digital code, for example, 2011 Year, 2012 Year, etc. Under the leadership of God and the daughters of Ehee Dyla in the Middle World on a rotational basis work for 12 months, which are invited from the Moon. Their names are known to everyone; they are January, February, March, etc. Their mother, Yy kyykha, comes from the Middle World (Yakutia). Once upon a time, she, an orphan, ragged, hungry, in desperation asked the Moon to take her to her. Taking pity, the Moon fulfilled her wish. Soon there she turned into a charming beauty, and Luna's eldest son fell in love with her, and they got married. She gave birth to 12 children. Therefore, every year Months gladly goes down to his mother’s homeland and works conscientiously.


He does not have a House where he would receive guests, children and adults, organize holidays, and celebrate natural and astronomical phenomena. However, Ehee Dyl is confident that such a House will soon be built. In his opinion, the Ehee Dyla House will be built by all the children of the Middle World, patrons, sponsors and investors from all over the world. The names of all participants in this historical construction will be written in gold letters on the walls of this House and included in the Book of Honor of Ehee Dyla. Photos of all distinguished participants in the construction of the Ehee Dyla House, placed in the Ehee Dyla Book of Honor, will be seen by the whole world, that is, all guests of our Site. Ehee Dyla's only wealth is his famous Bull. The Bull Eһee Dyla is sometimes also called the Bull of Winter or the Bull of Frost. All residents of the Middle World know that with the growth of its magnificent horns, the famous Yakut frosts begin, and when they break, the frosts subside and warm days come.

In life, Ehee Dyl is NEFU professor Gavril Ugarov. He participates in New Year celebrations, annually releases a miraculous talisman that fulfills three cherished wishes, and studies the biological activity of water. Ehee Dyl explains the miraculous power of his talisman with science: “The desires written on the talisman are fixed in a person’s subconscious, and then direct his actions to achieve his goals.”

Like any Santa Claus, he pays a lot of attention to children. An interesting project for them is the photo magazine “Children of Yakutia,” dedicated to the talented and successful children of the republic. The magazine is published annually.

One of the most cozy holidays in Russia is New Year. When the smell of tangerines is associated with celebration, and the flickering lights on the Christmas tree beckon you to look under the coniferous beauty in search of a long-awaited gift. It is known that Grandfather Frost is in charge of the gifts, but not everyone knows how many there are in Russia. Just as the diversity of peoples inhabiting our country is great, the number of good bearded men is not limited to a modest figure.

Frost from Veliky Ustyug

IN Soviet time Santa Claus began to appear on New Year holidays and Christmas cards. A long white beard, a floor-length red caftan, a staff and a trio of snow-white horses are the distinctive features of the familiar Frost. In the post-war period, his granddaughter, Snegurochka, joined the grandfather. And only about 20 years ago, the good-natured gray-bearded man got his own residence in Veliky Ustyug.

Hel Muchi

In Cheboksary there is the house of the Chuvash Father Frost - Khel Muchi (in the original in the Chuvash language - Khel Muchi). His granddaughter is Yur Pike and always accompanies his grandfather. Khel Muchi owns such artifacts as a talking samovar, a chest of wishes and a pendulum clock that brings happiness. It is considered great luck to meet Hel Muchi on New Year's Eve. Such a meeting promises wealth and health throughout the next year.

Tol Babai

Father Frost from Udmurtia is dressed in a purple fur coat, traditional for those places, and his staff, as the story goes, is crooked from long travels. According to legend, one day people came to where the giants lived. It was decided to go to the North, but the smallest of them did not want to go with everyone else. So the giant named Tol Babai began to wander around the world. Learned animal language, learned healing properties plants - in a word, became close to nature. Being among people, he began to look like a man outwardly. The children loved him very much. For this, the little giant gave everyone what he found in the forest. This is how the friendship between Tol Babai and the children began.

“World Cossack Santa Claus Vasily Petrovich Pestryak-Golovaty”

- this is exactly how the Cossack Father Frost introduces himself. His caftan is decorated with festive epaulettes, a sash replaces a belt, and he always has a cavalry saber with him. This image was invented by a major general of the Cossack troops, hence the name and decoration. Cossack Frost visits young cadets and tells patriotic stories, instilling in children a love for the country and their favorite business.


Ossetian Grandfather is not just a fairy-tale character. Arthuron is a deity. Translated, his name sounds like Fire Solntsevich. Now almost no one remembers him, but his name is used in the name of the New Year's pie that every family in Ossetia bakes.

And also in our country:

Sook-Taadaka - Altai Father Frost;
Kysh Babai from Bashkiria;
Buryat grandfather Sagan Ubugun - White Elder;
In Kabardino-Balkaria, Ues-Dade awaits you;
Kazakh Father Frost's name is Ayaz-ata;
Kalmyk - aav Kiitn (grandfather Cold);
Santa Claus from Karelia - Papakaine;
Father Frost from Mari El - Yushto Kugyz and his granddaughter Lumudyr;
Mordovian Grandfather - Nishka, Moroz Atya;
Tatar Frost – Kysh-Babai;
Yakut Father Frost - Chiskhan or Ehee Dyyl, Snow Maiden - Kharchaana;
Yamalo-Nenets Grandfather Frost - Yamal Iri.

Now, when the letter with the list of desired gifts is ready and all that remains is to enter the recipient, indicate one of the above-mentioned old men, and the wish will certainly come true. Have fun adventures!

Information taken from sites:,,

Greetings to you, my dear regular readers and guests of God, “Secrets of the Brownie”. Approaching fun party New Year. Again wonderful gifts, fluffy Christmas trees, cheerful round dances, festivities. I am very sorry that we are forgetting our traditions and our good Father Frost is being replaced by Western Santa Claus. I want to tell you about our kind grandfather and his brothers who live here in Russia. Santa Clauses of Russia - how many are there? You will not find an exact answer to this question. Many peoples inhabit our country, and everyone can have their own national Santa Claus. As a rule, these Santa Clauses are heroes of the national epic, some of them are more than a hundred years old. Let's get to know them better.

Our dear Father Frost is the great Russian pagan god, the stuff of Slavic fairy tales - the personification of terrible winter frosts, blizzards and snowfalls, the spirit of winter, the lord of frost and cold, snow and wind.

He saved Rus' from enemies twice. In difficult times, when the enemy was approaching Moscow, Father Frost turned into the brave General Frost and saved the country. General Frost unleashed unprecedented cold and snowstorms, and two powerful armies at that time (Napoleon and Hitler) collapsed.

You can recognize Russian Grandfather Frost by his clothes. As a rule, this is a tall, stately Old man with a white beard down to the navel, dressed in a long boyar fur coat reaching to the ground, boots must be on his feet, pants tucked into felt boots. The real Santa Claus has a boyar's hat on his head, and not some kind of red cap. Santa Claus doesn't have glasses.

In the hands of the Russian Father Frost there must be a staff in the form of a straight stick; it may have a knob like a star, but not a rounded staff, like that of a Catholic bishop.

Our grandfather moves on the ground, or rather on fluffy snow on three horses, symbolizing the three winter months, and does not fly across the sky like Santa.

Our Santa Claus leaves gifts under the tree. The history of the Christmas tree is told. His granddaughter Snegurochka helps him distribute gifts.

At the chief wizard's New Year's Eve there are many brothers who live in different parts of our huge country.

Buryat Santa Claus - Sagan Ubugun - White Elder

In Buryatia, the fairy-tale folklore character Sagan Ubugun, (translated as the White Elder) - a fairy-tale symbol of winter, congratulates children on the New Year.

There is a legend according to which Sagan Ubugun, a pre-Buddhist deity, was immediately born as a hundred-year-old man with a white beard. So the highest gods punished his mother for neglecting them by not giving them water to drink.

In Ancient Buryat myths he is called God - the husband of the Earth. His cult was widespread among the Mongol-speaking peoples for more than two and a half thousand years even before Buddhism. Sagan Ubugun patronized family well-being, longevity, happiness, wealth, procreation, fertility. He is the ruler of the mountains, earth and water, the ruler of wild animals, people and domestic animals, the spirits of earth and water.

The distinctive features of Sagan Ubugun are white clothes, rosary beads around the neck and a kind of magic staff, on top of which is the head of a mythical water monster (makara), which has the features of a crocodile and a dolphin. Touching the staff of the White Elder gives long life.

The White Elder gives congratulations and gifts together with Mother Winter, her name is Tugeni Enyoken.

Karelian Santa Claus - Pakkaine - Morozets

Karelian Santa Claus - Pakkaine - Morozets

Karelian Father Frost is the youngest of the Russian Father Frosts. It’s hard to even call him a grandfather. This is young, cheerful, forever single guy, who doesn't even have a beard, but has a girlfriend, Luminine.

He appeared in the fairy-tale world in 1999 in Olonets.

According to legend, Pakkaine was born in a frosty winter, when a trade train was returning to his hometown of Olonets (Karelia) from a fair. The cold did not harm the baby, he was born strong, healthy and cheerful, so he was named Pakkaine, which means Frost in Karelian. The boy grew by leaps and bounds, surpassing his peers. A week later he reached the size of a three-year-old child, and just a month later he turned into an eligible bachelor. His father lent him money and sent him to trade in different countries.

Pakkaine loved to show off in front of the mirror, but all his reflections came to life and remained in the cities where he visited, but until a certain time. By the beginning of winter they were all gathering in hometown Olonets and tripled the competition to see which of them was the real Morozets. Pakkaine also participated in the games, but on December 1 he turned into a baby, who grew quickly and became a groom again.

Pakkaine has both festive and everyday clothes. On holidays he dresses in a red fur coat and a red cape, and on a regular day he puts on a blue caftan. On his head is a red cap. On the belt there is a small bag with various souvenirs.

Not so long ago (just five years ago) a new fairy-tale character appeared in Russia - the World Cossack Father Frost. Its task is not only to give children New Year and Christmas gifts, but to instill in them a love for the Motherland, introduce them to the origins of national traditions and spirituality, and also provide targeted assistance to orphans and disabled children.

A new symbol has appeared in the history of the Cossacks. A symbol of kindness and mercy, unity, devotion and fidelity to the Orthodox faith and one’s Fatherland - Mother Russia.

The progenitor of the image of the World Cossack Father Frost is the benefactor - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the prototype is the Reverend Ilya of Muromets - a patriotic warrior.

According to legend, the Cossack Father Frost lived and did not grieve in his Permafrost Cave near Zheleznovodsk. But the main Father Frost of the country, passing from Veliky Ustyug, looked into the Stavropol region and asked younger brother help him in an important matter - to distribute gifts for children.

The Cossack Father Frost cannot be confused with anyone. His attire contains details of the national Cossack costume: Terek hat, epaulettes, aiguillette, gazyri, hood, saber and dagger.

He is accompanied by his granddaughter Snegurochka, a New Year's boy - a New Year's boy, buffoons, a Cossack with a Cossack woman, and a tame bear.

Mari El Santa Claus - Yushto Kugyza and Lumudyr

In Mari folklore, their own Santa Claus, Yushto Kugyza, has been “living” for about ten centuries. He is also called “Cold Grandfather”. Among the Mari, “kugyza” means “old man” or “grandfather.” This is what they call their spirits. There is a spirit of home - Surt Kugyza, a spirit of frost - Pokshym Kugyza, a mountain old man - Kuryk Kugyza.

His granddaughter Lumudyr helps him distribute gifts. It is easy to recognize Yushto Kugyz by his attire: a warm zipun, a fur hat with a white top, mittens embroidered with national ornaments, a red sash on his belt, a white staff and a red bag in his hands.

Mari Father Frost lives in the northern part of the republic, in the village of Kuknur in the Sernur district.

Mordovian Santa Claus – Frost – Atya

He is considered the highest god in Mordovian mythology. Nishke. He created the earth and sky, released three fish into the world ocean, on which our earth rests, planted forests, created the human race, commanded men to engage in agriculture and women to do housework.

Mordovians know that Nishke has seven magical barns in the sky. In one of them lives Father Frost - Frost-Atya, in another - Father Chaff, in the third - Friday, in the fourth - Sunday, in the fifth - winter, in the sixth - summer, and the seventh cannot be opened, and therefore no one knows, what is there.

IN holidays Moroz-Atya lives in his estate in the Ulyanovsk region

Tatar Santa Claus – Kysh Babai

Tatar Father Frost is a mythical hero who lives in a wonderful forest, in the village of Novy Kyrlay, Arsky district, in the museum complex of the famous Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay - the “Tatar Pushkin”, just 80 kilometers from Kazan.
According to legend, on the longest night of December, the Turks celebrated the beginning of the renewal of life. They believed that it was on this night that the Supreme God Tengre appeared. He rules the entire world and the deities. Winter is ruled by Kysh Tengrese or the winter deity, who is popularly called Kysh Babai. He is the one responsible for the cheerful New Year's Eve. Celebrations take place from December 21 to January 1 - Nardugan holiday.
Kysh Babai can be recognized by special signs. He may be wearing a blue or green caftan with national ornaments, a gold belt, a shaggy skullcap instead of a hat, and boots from sheep wool. Kysh Babai takes out gifts for children from a beautiful painted bag.
The Tatar Father Frost has a large retinue of 14 fairy-tale characters. First of all, the daughter - Kar Kyzy, Baba Yaga - Ubyrly, Zukhra and Takhir (heroes of the eastern legend of love), Goldilocks - Altynchen, Batyr and Shurale (heroes of the fairy tale “Shurale” by Gabdulla Tukai), shaitans (devils), snowmen. They all live together with the Tatar Father Frost. The revived heroes of the poet Gabdulla Tukay promote his legacy.

Udmurt Father Frost - Tol Babai

Tol Babai - Udmurt Father Frost - folk hero.

According to legend, Tol Babai is the youngest of the giants who lived on Kar-Gor. They lived back when there were no people on earth. But when people appeared on the mountain, the giants did not want to have anything to do with them and tried to hide in a hole at the top of the mountain, but Tol Babai did not have time, the transition to the parallel world closed and the little giant was left alone. Tol Babai wandered for a long time in the vicinity of Kar-Gora, studied the language of animals and birds, learned the healing powers of plants, and one winter he met with children. They were not afraid of him, but on the contrary made friends with him, played different games, laughed and had fun. In gratitude, the giant gave the children gifts. The guys were delighted and nicknamed the giant Tol Babai, which means Snow Grandfather. Now every year Tol Babai comes to the children and gives them New Year's gifts.
His staff also has magical powers; those who touch it will receive their wishes fulfilled in the New Year. Find out how to make a New Year's wish correctly
The fur coat of the Udmurt Father Frost is purple - this is the favorite color of his homeland - the Sharkan region. In his hands is a bent staff. The Udmurt Grandfather walked a lot in the white light, and the staff was greatly bent. Tol Babai carries gifts for children on his back in a birch bark box.
He comes to people not only for the New Year. He is nearby all 365 days a year, telling people about the nature of his beloved region, about medicinal plants, animals and birds.

Yakut Santa Claus - Chiskhan and Ehee Dyyl

There are two Santa Clauses living in Yakutia - both heroes of folklore - Chiskhan and Ehee Dyyl.
Chiskhan is the keeper of the cold. He lives in the northernmost part of Russia in Oymyakon - the pole of cold. He is the master of permafrost. It is to him on the eve of the New Year that all Santa Clauses come to bless him and receive real January frost. This is the evil Santa Claus. It brings with it a cold wind and misfortune.
Unique costume winter wizard from Yakutia: an unusual hat with bull horns, luxuriously painted with rhinestones, beads, bugles, a blue fur coat, a white staff.
The second Santa Claus - Ehee Dyl - is the lord of time and the owner of the year, he is affectionately called Grandfather Frost. He lives in Verkhoyansk. He has a large family: his wife is the Queen of Winter (KykhynKhotun), three daughters Autumn (Kukhuunei), Spring (Saaschaanu), Summer (Saiyynu), as well as a grandson Veterok (Tyalchaan) and a granddaughter Snegurochka (Haarchaana). They all answer letters to Yakut Father Frost and give gifts to children.

Yamalo-Nenets Father Frost - Yamal Iri - grandfather of Yamal

Yamalo-Nenets Father Frost - Yamal Iri - is a fairy-tale character described in the myths of indigenous northern peoples.

As a rule, this is a gray-haired elderly man dressed in national clothes- kisa (fur boots) and malitsa (a fur coat made of reindeer skins), and a belt decorated with mammoth bone.

In addition to the staff, he has a treasured tambourine, with the help of which he performs magical rites and rituals, drives away evil forces, helps to fulfill a dream, fulfill a desire, and acquire happiness.

He also has a permanent residence permit - the village of Gornoknyazevsk, Priuralsky district, 15 kilometers from Salekhard.

Here's what different Grandfathers Frosts live in the vastness of our country. I didn’t talk about all the Santa Clauses of Russia. There is also the Altai Father Frost - Sook-Taadak, the Kabardino-Balkarian Father Frost - Wes - Dade, the Kalmyk Father Frost - aav Kiitn (Father Cold), the Chuvash Father Frost - Khl Muchi (Father Winter).

My dear readers, I wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Leave everything sad, bad, and failed this year and boldly step into the new year. Happiness, health, love to you and your loved ones. Take care of each other, appreciate the time you can spend together, because our loved ones, friends and well-being in our families are the most valuable things in life. Let your homes always be cozy and warm, and let there be a peaceful, clear sky above your head.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

As you know, many peoples of the world have such a character. Today we will walk through the Santa Clauses of the former USSR.

The Belarusian Santa Claus is named Zyuzya. He is an elderly man with a long beard who lives in the forest and wears a white open casing. He should have a large iron mace in his hand. But in our case, for some reason, there was a staff. We had . Zyuzya personifies the winter cold. To appease the stern grandfather, Belarusians cooked kutya for him on New Year’s Eve.

The Tatar and Bashkir Father Frost is called Kysh-Babai. He celebrates his birthday on the night of December 21-22. It was believed that it was then that the supreme god Tengre, ruling the world and deities, was born. Kysh-Babai is responsible for the cheerful New Year celebrations, which take place on the longest night of the year.

Kysh-Babai has his own residence. It is located in the Arsky district of Tatarstan, 60 km from Kazan. A fairy-tale character with his daughter Kar-Kyzy (sort of like the Snow Maiden) receives guests there. Other folklore characters hang out next to them: Shurale, Takhir and Zukhra, Ubyrly Karchyk (like Baba Yaga), and other magical creatures. The residence is open only for three winter months.

Karelian Pakkaine is the youngest of all Santa Clauses. The legend about him appeared in the small town of Olonets, which was the administrative center of the province. According to legend, at the beginning of winter, the wife of one of the merchants, returning from the fair, gave birth to a strong, healthy boy right in the forest. In memory of the unusual event, his parents named him Pakkaine, which means “frost” in Karelian. The kid grew up and became a successful merchant. He managed to attend winter holidays throughout Karelia and was known as “the first guy in the village.” Every year on December 1, the festival “Olonets Games of Santa Clauses” takes place, where Pakkaynes come from different parts of the world.

Moș Crăciun is a Moldovan-Romanian Santa Claus. They say that the family of the shepherd Krechun sheltered the Virgin Mary, despite their own poverty. After his death, the shepherd became a kind fairy-tale wizard who comes in winter and gives gifts to children.

In Uzbekistan, Father Frost is called Korbobo (literally “Snow Grandfather”). He is dressed in a striped robe and a red skullcap. Korbobo enters the villages on a donkey loaded with bags of New Year's gifts :)

Estonian Santa Claus - Jõuluvana. In the original - Jouluvana. Almost the twin brother of the Finnish Joulupukki.

Other Santa Clauses of the peoples of the former USSR:

Azerbaijan: Baba Mine
Altai: Sook-Taadak
Armenia: Dzmer Papi or Kahand Papi (Grandfather Winter)
Buryatia: Sagan Ubugun (White Old Man)
Georgia: Tovlis Papa or Tovlis Babua
Kabardino-Balkaria: Ues-Dade
Kazakhstan: Ayaz-ata and Kydyr-Atu
Kalmykia: Aav Kiitn (Father Cold)
Latvia: Salavecis
Lithuania: Kaledu Sinelis
Mari-El: Yushto Kugyza and Lumudyr
Mordovia: Nishke, Moroz Atya
Ossetia: Arthuron
Tajikistan: Boboi Barfi (Snow Grandfather)
Turkmenistan: Ayaz Baba
Udmurtia: Tol Babai
Ukraine: St. Nicholas or Santa Claus
Chuvashia: Khel Muchi
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Yamal Iri