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Scenario “Police Day. Script of the congratulatory propaganda team "Happy Police Day!" Police Day Scenario for Toastmaster


Solemn fanfares sound.
The presenter comes out to the music.

Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! Today our country celebrates Internal Affairs Officer Day Russian Federation! This is one of the most honorable and courageous professions, designed to protect the peace and stability of our state and each of its residents.

That is why this day is a common holiday for the entire country - a strong and great Russia.

The Russian anthem plays.

The floor is given to the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Reading of the holiday order (a senior specialist in working with personnel), rewarding employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs department.

Speech by the guests of honor.

Presenter: We can rightfully be proud of our galaxy of professional detectives, investigators, and criminologists who solve the most seemingly hopeless and complicated crimes. Their life is entirely devoted to their favorite work, their story is always interesting. She can walk hand in hand with us, or she can look at us from photographs and videos. Attention to the screen.

Video about the work of investigators and criminologists.

Musical number.

Presenter: Today in the hall there are people who are examples of professionalism and dedication, unconditional service to their Motherland. Today's generation of employees has learned from their experiences and mistakes.

Dear veterans! You have always been and remain a worthy example of love for your profession, dedication and dedication. Thank you for being here today.
Happy holiday to you! As a sign of respect for your services, the following creative congratulations for you!

2 musical numbers.

Presenter: Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - this sounds proud and strict.
But, despite this, nothing human is alien to them. They are also enthusiastically, at times, devoted to creativity, as well as to their work.

2 musical numbers.

Presenter: People in your profession cannot do without erudition, ingenuity, and a sense of humor. I am absolutely sure that our police officers will be able to answer any question! Let's check?

Let's start with a funny question.

Tell me, who gets caught by the police most often? Of course... who? Hooligans? No. Criminals? It's good as an option. Who? (the police themselves, they go there to work every day).

The next question is a serious one, about knowledge of history.

The most active person who answers is the same person - the Presenter (a pre-trained employee of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia sitting among the audience in the hall)

The presenter goes down into the hall and approaches him.

Presenter: Good evening. What is your name?

The presenter introduces himself according to form.

Presenter: You answered very actively and correctly. Maybe try yourself as a concert host?

Leading: You need to ask permission from your superiors.

The presenter approaches the head of the internal affairs department and asks permission for the employee to participate in the concert.

Having received permission, he again turns to the Leader.

Presenter: The authorities allowed it. I ask you to come with me to the stage. Do not be shy!

They go on stage, walk through and stand behind the counter.

Leading: What should I do?

Presenter: Nothing special. Just stand next to me and announce the speakers.

Leading: Fine. (Addresses the presenter) What is your name?

Presenter: Why are you asking?

Leading: That's what they said, announce the speakers. And today you are speaking the most.

Presenter: Let's not discuss my humble person. Announce the next number of the concert (hands him a tablet with a script and shows him where to read it).

The presenter announces the next number.
Musical number.

There is a dialogue between the presenters.

Presenter: Do you like to read?
Leading: I love.
Presenter: What are you reading?
Leading: Detectives, of course.
Presenter: Not surprising. Can you give me something to read?
Presenter: P please. What do you want: Akunin, Marinina, Neznansky...
Presenter: No, I've already read it all. Is there anything else?
Leading: Pelevin is there.
Presenter: This is interesting?

Leading: In general, yes... (takes a folded sheet out of his pocket, unfolds it, hands it to the presenter) Here.
Presenter: (reading) I, Pelevin Alexander Mikhailovich, being in a not entirely sober state, struck citizen Uvarova three times with a slipper...
(turns to the co-host in bewilderment) What is this?!

Leading: Confession.
Presenter: What jokes you have!
Leading: This is not a joke, this is work. And here is your next performance on stage.

2 musical numbers.

The dialogue between the presenters continues.

Presenter:(Addresses the Presenter by name), can you tell us some interesting, exciting case from your practice?
Leading: Easily. We were once investigating a case of a missing balalaika, and found two button accordions. They gave it to the victim - he wasn’t even upset, probably didn’t notice the substitution. True, then the supposed owners of the button accordions were found. They pretended to be musicians, but in reality... Yes, you've probably heard about this. It was a big deal! I was just starting then. I remember when you come to the service...

Presenter:(interrupts) Stop, stop, stop... That's enough.

Leading: Wait, don't interrupt. You will come to the service...

Presenter: Let's assume that the beginning of the memoirs is already there. As soon as you complete it, we will arrange a public presentation for you. And now there is a festive concert, and its participants are ready to go on stage. By the way, they have their own tools. And they are real musicians.
The presenters leave the stage behind the scenes.

2 musical numbers.

The presenters enter the stage from behind the scenes and conduct a dialogue as they go.

Leading: No, no, no, you have a completely wrong idea about police officers. In your opinion, a policeman only thinks about his job.

Presenter: I really hope this is not the case.

Leading: Of course not. Our employees, like all people, live life to the fullest: are fond of sports, creativity, fall in love.

Presenter: And what do you usually say to your favorite girls? I know. Something like this: “Allow me to address you! I report that police captain Maksimov was mortally wounded by Amur’s arrow to the very heart!”

Leading: Here you are again at your own pace! Everything is much simpler and more familiar: “I love you! You are the best! I want to live my whole life with you! Be with me!"

Presenter: Breath with me.
Leading: And that too.
Presenter: Then for all the lovers in this room there is a creative gift.
Leading: About love?
Presenter: Certainly.

2 musical numbers.

Presenter:(Addresses the Presenter by name), as the presenter of this concert, you can now say whatever you want that is now bursting from the tongue. Ready?

Leading: Ready. (addresses the audience) Dear colleagues! Congratulations to everyone on their professional holiday! May success and good luck always accompany you, may your hearts be forever young, your eyes sparkling with joy and sparkle. Let at least once a year, in our professional holiday, phone calls bring only congratulations and not a single unpleasant news!
Presenter: Thank you very much for your difficult, but such significant service for the benefit of Russia!

2 musical numbers.

Presenter: Dear friends! Festive program has come to an end.
Leading: We carried it out for you (represents the Presenter)
Presenter: and the best police presenter in the entire country, police captain (represents the Presenter).
Happy holiday again!
Leading: Goodbye!
Presenters together: See you again!

Music is playing.

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Russian Police Day, like any holiday, is an event that is celebrated by organizing solemn congratulations and traditional feasts. The work of police officers is difficult, they have no time to relax, and yet, on such a day, it is important to create a relaxed atmosphere in which our law enforcement officers can enjoy a well-deserved rest. Organizing a holiday with competitions and games, fun quizzes is something that will make the celebration fun and unforgettable.

Competition “Make an identikit”

For the competition
1. Four participants are invited.
2. The participant is given a set of cards (pre-print images of faces, cut into pieces).
3. One by one, a “suspect” (any guest) is brought to the player.
4. The task of the participants is for a time (30 seconds are allocated), using the proposed cards, to create the most believable sketch.
The competition will amuse everyone, as you can collect noses, lips, eyes, etc. It is almost impossible to create an identikit of a person to whom they do not belong.
The winner is determined by the guests by loudly applauding the participant whose completed identikit turned out to be of the highest quality, allowing him to be recognized as the “suspect.”

Table game "According to the rules of the banquet"

The host reads the charter aloud, and the guests approve it by raising their glasses.
The first article of the charter. The number of “overturned” glasses is not regulated; the main requirement: each “overturned” glass is accompanied by a sincere and solemn toast dedicated to the heroes of the occasion.
Second article of the charter. On the 10th of November 20 (__) all representatives of the Internal Affairs Bodies are obliged to celebrate their professional holiday, taking into account their financial situation and body stamina. Every police officer on duty can count on moral compensation and the opportunity to celebrate an important event later, always in “enhanced” mode.
Third article of the charter. Everyone invited to the holiday is obliged to comply with the law above the appointed authority, which says that fun is the main guide to action on November 10th.
Fourth article of the charter. For security purposes and to minimize the risk of unauthorized entry, each police officer must write down his exact address on a napkin.
Fifth article of the charter. According to it, you can celebrate Police Day by allowing yourself everything that is not prohibited by law, that is, any format of showing joy.
Sixth article of the charter. The sixth solemn clinking of glasses marks the approval of the charter of our festive celebration on a legal basis.

Fun quiz "Guess the crime"

Several participants are called for this musical game. Their task is to name the violation of law and order that is discussed in the song.
they first make a selection of songs that will be played instead of classic quiz questions;
If the technical capabilities for creating and playing musical cuts are not available, the lines from the songs are read out by the presenter.
Song options
1. Alla Pugacheva - “The Real Colonel” (four lines sound, starting with “he invited me...”). Question: What do people call such people? How is such behavior qualified by law? (Alphonse, qualifies as fraud).
2. Oleg Gazmanov - “Confused” (chorus sounds). Question: Under what article can a “moth” be judged and what threatens it? (Article of the Administrative Code on prostitution, faces a fine, the minimum amount of which is one thousand rubles).
3. Garik Sukachev - “And I recognize a sweetheart by his gait” (the first verse sounds). Question: Such descriptions help to compose... (photo composite).
4. Alla Pugacheva “It’s time for business” (the first 4 lines of the song are heard). Question: How, according to the law, can one qualify such actions from which the “main character” of a musical work suffers? What threatens, in this case, the violators of the order? (classified as petty hooliganism and faces a fine).
5. Mikhail Shufutinsky - “Moonshine” (the chorus of the song sounds). Question: Can the characters in this composition really escape punishment for their actions? (there is no ban on production as such).
6. Irina Alegrova – Stealer (lines sound starting with “stole in front of everyone”). Question: What kind of offense are we dealing with? (vehicle theft).
7. Alexander Rosenbaum - Gop-Stop (the second half of the second verse sounds). Question: Under what article can the hero of the song be charged? (under article for premeditated murder).
8. Yuri Nikulin - “Song about hares” (include the first verse). Question: should “hares” be afraid of representatives of the law? (the answer is no, if you cut the grass for yourself and as prescribed by your doctor, yes, if the hares cut the grass for sale).
Improvisation game "Fairy tale hero at the crime scene"
This version of the game is similar in concept to the song quiz presented above, but here the participants in the competition will have to identify criminals in children's fairy tales. You can make this competition more fun:
dividing the room into two teams so that everyone could participate;
give props to the “actors” for a more realistic depiction of the story.
There are several rules options:
each team remembers and presents fairy tales in which there is a crime (whoever presents the most fairy tales wins);
The presenter can pre-prepare cards with specific examples of crimes (some make a riddle, depicting a story, others try to guess).
An example of crimes in a fairy tale:
the abduction of Vasilisa the Beautiful by Koshchei;
unlawful detention of a person;
Koschei's murder of everyone who wanted to free his captive.
Crimes can also be “found” in fairy tales:
Puss in Boots;
The Snow Queen;
Swan geese.

Exciting quiz

An entertaining game for which two or three heroes of the occasion are invited. At the finale, the winner is announced and he is awarded the “Chief Expert of the Evening” award. The other participants are given a “punishment” and must make a toast.
Sample questions
1. This is the nickname of a well-known dog (Mukhtar).
2. City of Broken Lanterns (St. Petersburg).
3. Who simultaneously hosts an entertainment show and an investigation (experts).
4. He is standing with a “herring” at the post (traffic police representative).
5. Why are police officers sometimes called Arkharovites (“the term” is associated with the policeman N.P. Arkharov, who “went too far” trying to restore order).
6. Why are the police called “trash”? (the nickname comes from the “Moscow Criminal Investigation”)
7. Who did “gray cells” help solve crimes? (To Hercule Poirot, the hero of famous detective stories).
8. Aniskin’s main enemy (Fantômas).
9. Who was Uncle Styopa? At the time of his dismissal, he was in the rank of... (sailor, foreman).
10. Name several domestic analogues of “Alcatraz” (for example, “Elephant”, which is located on Solovka Island).
11. The main characters of “The meeting place cannot be changed” dreamed about this... (about the “Era of Mercy”).

Role-playing table

Another impromptu game, for which cards with remarks are first made and distributed to several heroes of the holiday. The task of the latter is to become familiar with the roles and lines, listen carefully to the text that the presenter will read, and artistically, having heard the name of the corresponding character, voice his line.
Heroes of the story and their remarks:
Mukhtar barks;
PPS employee: “Show your documents!”;
boss: “No one should relax!”;
Night: “I’ll cover everyone!”;
Moon: “I am mystery itself!”;
Makarov’s service weapon: “I’m about to hit the roof!”
The presenter reads:
The day seemed to turn out to be calm, there were no incidents, which the police officer reported to the Chief, proudly placing his hands on the holster of his Makarov. Satisfied with himself, he scratches his tailed friend behind the ear, service dog Mukhtara. Dark night fell on the ground, the PPS worker became more vigilant, as the Chief ordered him, and Makarov and Mukhtar became wary along with him. The dark night was not so dark due to the bright light of the moon. The PPS nickname began to daydream, and Mukhtar began to howl with anguish, only Makarov reminded them of the Chief’s instructions. This means that everyone in the city can sleep peacefully, because no matter how dark the night is, no matter how light the moon is, the representative of the PPS is vigilant along with Mukhtar and the reliable Makarov. Therefore, on this day we raise our glasses to those who, like the vigilant PPS nickname in this story, serve under the light of the Moon, and also during the day under sun rays, as well as for the Chiefs, who do not sleep even late at night, and, of course, for the reliable Makarov and the devoted Mukhtar.
Russian Police Day is a holiday that allows everyone to say a sincere “Thank you” to the guardians of law and order for their difficult service and difficult work. This is a holiday that is important to have fun, with competitions and games that will allow the police to relax, at least for a while.

At the height of the holiday, Uchastkovy appears.

I wish you good health! I will ask everyone to remain in their sitting and standing places! Allow me to introduce myself: Captain Golopupenko, your District Officer!

Yeah, we have a drink and a snack. Where is our citizen here... (surname of the hero of the day)? You? An anonymous complaint has been received against you. Of course, we don’t consider anonymous letters, but the facts presented in it interested me very much, that’s why I’m here. Witnesses, please enter!

(Witnesses enter.) So, citizen...(surname), do you have any idea why we are here? No, not because today is your birthday... Although, if you look at it more broadly, so to speak, then your birthday is also evidence against you. I'll explain!

The letter states that you have an unregistered moonshine, dare I say it, still. Don't have it? Why are there so many bottles on the table? Did you buy it at the store? Where do you get so much money for the store? Everything is clear to me: drive it yourself! Ay-yay, citizen...(last name)! Drive without any permission from the authorities! Illegal business activity! What about the license? What about taxes? And finally the tasting?

What if you have low-quality sugar there, contaminated with bird flu? It's terrible what can happen! What about yeast? What if their expiration date has expired, and you still have them? What? You say your vodka is good? Yes? Witnesses, please begin the identification procedure.

Pour to the Witnesses.

(If they offer to pour it for the District Officer too.) I can’t. I'm on duty.

(The witnesses are about to have a drink, but the district police officer stops them.) Wait! How can I fill out a protocol about something I haven’t checked myself?

(Sighs.) Eh, I’ll have to take the whole burden of identification upon myself... Pour it up!

(Clinks glasses with the Witnesses, everyone drinks.) Wow, what a good dog! That is... I wanted to say: it’s too strong, you can’t drink too much... (Pauses.) But I want to! Witnesses, how are you? Everything is fine? (Twisting tongue.) Well, thank God! So you say, how do you like... (name of the hero of the day)? Is it your birthday today? Oh, what a nice moonshine still you have, (name of the hero of the day!)

It’s just a pity to take it away... I know how pitiful I really am! And kindly... kindly... unforgiving, hic.

I will do evil and forget! That's what I am!

Oh, I'm feeling something... Pour me another glass... To make it easier to draw up the protocol... Well, your health! Now you can have a snack. Do you have anything to snack on? Yes, I myself know that there is, you know how we found the way to you? By the smell! You, (name of the hero of the day), work at a meat processing plant?

No? It can’t be, it’s in my anonymous account

everything is written! How many liters of moonshine...

How many meters of sausage... Which sausage do you prefer? (The hero of the day answers.) What do you mean! This is my favorite variety! I just haven’t tried it for a long time... My job is crap, you run around like a fool all day, neither have a snack nor a drink... that is, I wanted to say: neither sit down nor rest... Yes, the salary is small, as this glass! By the way, why is it empty?

Witnesses, why were you called here? Pour it up! So, what do we write down in the protocol?

Citizen... (surname) has owned a moonshine still since 20..., as a result of which she has distilled... liters of moonshine, consumed... liters, including in the form of medicine... liters, with ... liters, in honor of Police Day... liters, for the road... liters.

Yes, also a citizen... (last name) since 19... brought into the house... kg (beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, underline as appropriate), including... meters of selected sausage products in the form of sausages, wieners, Spikes (underline as necessary).

As a result of the above actions, over... years... people were given water,... people were fed.

During the inspection it was established:

1. Citizen... (surname) lives happily, having an unregistered moonshine still, which is what she wishes for everyone. Explanatory work was carried out with her and a promise was made not to do this again. She said: “I won’t do this anymore, I’ll do it somehow differently!”

2. Citizen... (last name) lives well, having in stock this moment: meat in the refrigerator... kg, cutlets on the table... kg, salads and marinades... kg, side dishes... kg, other... kg 200 g.

Z. Based on the above, district police officer Golopupenko, in the presence of attesting witnesses, decided to oblige the citizen... (last name):

a) to daily eating of meat products with obligatory treats for household members and everyone who came to visit, including district police officer Golopupenko, since he is also a person;

b) brew moonshine only for internal consumption, including all household members and all those who drop by for a visit, including the local police officer Golopupenko, since who among us is without sin?

Number, signatures of witnesses.

Well, (name of the hero of the day), the formalities are over! Now you can continue, pour it! Happy anniversary to you, (name of the hero of the day)!

Police day scenario

Host: Good afternoon!

Presenter: Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall today. Police Day. With the first snowflakes, this wonderful holiday was born, which is celebrated annually on November 10 by the whole country!

Presenter: The internal affairs bodies are the largest law enforcement agency, and it is difficult to overestimate the role it plays in ensuring law and order. The Russian police have more than eighty years of history. Anything has happened over the past years: the country and people have changed, but the main purpose of law enforcement officers has remained unchanged - serving the people. These are not big words. You truly serve your people, sometimes without sparing your own life.

Presenter: “02” is a phone number that every Russian knows. That is how it is. And even the most inveterate skeptic, in difficult times, when trouble threatens him or his loved ones, dials “02” and firmly hopes for help from the police. It is not easy for you today, but, nevertheless, you are doing your duty. The streets of our city are becoming calmer and safer. Criminals act less confidently and brazenly, encountering the strength and professionalism of the police. Police Day – traditional holiday, which is noted everywhere not only by its employees. He became nationwide.
The floor is given to the deputy director of boarding school No. 2, Tatyana Nikolaevna Kholina.

Presenter: The future of Russia is unthinkable without reliable law and order. Therefore, congratulating you, dear friends, we talk about our faith in people dressed in police uniforms, and we wish you courage, perseverance, mental strength in your daily service to law and order, in serving Russia.

Presenter: Police officers are always visible. Every day, in the heat and cold, hundreds of police officers go out to protect public order, constantly putting themselves at risk on our “streets of broken lamps.”

Presenter: Everyday life of the police is harsh and difficult even on peaceful days. Police officers regularly travel to the North Caucasus region, where they serve in combat conditions.

Presenter: Let's remember everyone by name,
Let us remember with our hearts,
It's not the dead who need it,
We need this alive.
A minute of silence is announced.

Host: We will always remember the heroism of the soldiers in police uniform who died defending the interests of the state and all its citizens in a distant land. Let the sun shine, the birds sing, the gardens bloom and the fields turn green, but never, never let bullets whistle.

Presenter: We sincerely wish you
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and good luck,
Goodness and light, joy, warmth,
Today, tomorrow and always!

Host: Happy holiday, dear friends! Happy professional holiday!

Children's drama must keep up with the times. Since our police were suddenly renamed the police, on my website for all performances with the participation of law enforcement representatives, I posted two versions of the text at once - the old one with a policeman and the new one with a policeman.

At the height of the holiday, Uchastkovy appears.

I wish you good health! I will ask everyone to remain in their sitting and standing places! Allow me to introduce myself: Captain Golopupenko, your District Officer!

Yeah, we have a drink and a snack. Where is our citizen here... (surname of the hero of the day)? You? An anonymous complaint has been received against you. Of course, we don’t consider anonymous letters, but the facts presented in it interested me very much, that’s why I’m here. Witnesses, please enter!

(Witnesses enter.) So, citizen...(surname), do you have any idea why we are here? No, not because today is your birthday... Although, if you look at it more broadly, so to speak, then your birthday is also evidence against you. I'll explain!

The letter states that you have an unregistered moonshine, dare I say it, still. Don't have it? Why are there so many bottles on the table? Did you buy it at the store? Where do you get so much money for the store? Everything is clear to me: drive it yourself! Ay-yay, citizen...(last name)! Drive without any permission from the authorities! Illegal business activity! What about the license? What about taxes? And finally the tasting?

What if you have low-quality sugar there, contaminated with bird flu? It's terrible what can happen! What about yeast? What if their expiration date has expired, and you still have them? What? You say your vodka is good? Yes? Witnesses, please begin the identification procedure.

Pour to the Witnesses.

(If they offer to pour it for the District Officer too.) I can’t. I'm on duty.

(The witnesses are about to have a drink, but the district police officer stops them.) Wait! How can I fill out a protocol about something I haven’t checked myself?

(Sighs.) Eh, I’ll have to take the whole burden of identification upon myself... Pour it up!

(Clinks glasses with the Witnesses, everyone drinks.) Wow, what a good dog! That is... I wanted to say: it’s too strong, you can’t drink too much... (Pauses.) But I want to! Witnesses, how are you? Everything is fine? (Twisting tongue.) Well, thank God! So you say, how do you like... (name of the hero of the day)? Is it your birthday today? Oh, what a nice moonshine still you have, (name of the hero of the day!)

It’s just a pity to take it away... I know how pitiful I really am! And kindly... kindly... unforgiving, hic.

I will do evil and forget! That's what I am!

Oh, I'm feeling something... Pour me another glass... To make it easier to draw up the protocol... Well, your health! Now you can have a snack. Do you have anything to snack on? Yes, I myself know that there is, you know how we found the way to you? By the smell! You, (name of the hero of the day), work at a meat processing plant?

No? It can’t be, it’s in my anonymous account

Everything is written! How many liters of moonshine...

How many meters of sausage... Which sausage do you prefer? (The hero of the day answers.) What do you mean! This is my favorite variety! I just haven’t tried it for a long time... My job is crap, you run around like a fool all day, neither have a snack nor a drink... that is, I wanted to say: neither sit down nor rest... Yes, the salary is small, as this glass! By the way, why is it empty?

Witnesses, why were you called here? Pour it up! So, what do we write down in the protocol?

Citizen... (surname) has owned a moonshine still since 20..., as a result of which she has distilled... liters of moonshine, consumed... liters, including in the form of medicine... liters, with ... liters, in honor of Police Day... liters, for the road... liters.

Yes, also a citizen... (last name) since 19... brought into the house... kg (beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, underline as appropriate), including... meters of selected sausage products in the form of sausages, wieners, Spikes (underline as necessary).

As a result of the above actions, over... years... people were given water,... people were fed.

During the inspection it was established:

1. Citizen... (surname) lives happily, having an unregistered moonshine still, which is what she wishes for everyone. Explanatory work was carried out with her and a promise was made not to do this again. She said: “I won’t do this anymore, I’ll do it somehow differently!”

2. Citizen... (last name) lives well, having at the moment: meat in the refrigerator... kg, cutlets on the table... kg, salads and marinades... kg, side dishes... kg, etc. ... kg 200 g.

Z. Based on the above, district police officer Golopupenko, in the presence of attesting witnesses, decided to oblige the citizen... (last name):

A) to daily eating of meat products with obligatory treats for household members and everyone who came to visit, including district police officer Golopupenko, since he is also a person;

B) brew moonshine only for internal consumption, including all household members and all those who drop by for a visit, including the local police officer Golopupenko, since who among us is without sin?

Number, signatures of witnesses.

Well, (name of the hero of the day), the formalities are over! Now you can continue, pour it! Happy anniversary to you, (name of the hero of the day)!