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Scenario of the flash mob “Alive in Memory” dedicated to Victory Day. Flash mob for Victory Day Flash mob for Victory Day

Elena Varakina
Flash mob for Victory Day Video

May 9-Day Victory! This is a very important and solemn day with tears in our eyes. Thanks to victory in the Great Patriotic War of our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, now you and I can live, love, raise our children and enjoy life. The feat of the participants in the Great Patriotic War cannot be forgotten! May 7 at 10.00 everyone preschool institutions the city of Ivanovo accepted Active participation in flash mob"From us, not who have seen wars". To the participants flash mob became not only the pupils of the groups, but also parents and educators. The students took great pleasure in learning songs and dances of the war years. The weather did not let us down that day either. The clear sun was shining and set all participants and guests in a festive mood. Many white doves, multi-colored flags, children in military clothes, wartime songs, and wonderful dances of the students left no one indifferent.

Publications on the topic:

"This Victory Day." Celebration scenario for Victory Day in the senior group Goal: Formation of respect for one of the most significant holidays for Russia – Victory Day. Objectives: Education of patriotic feelings;.

“May 9 is one of the most significant holidays in our country. This year we dedicated a flash mob to this event, with the help of which we decided to convey the message.

Good morning dear friends! Hello everyone who has gathered in this hall! On March 24, World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated around the world.

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. It is necessary to restore this connection in order.

Scenario of the event dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Second World War Goal: To foster a sense of duty, patriotism, respect for the history of one’s country.

Concert "We are the heirs Great Victory" Presenter: We celebrate many holidays, We all dance, play, sing, And we meet the beautiful autumn And the elegant one.

Scenario “Victory Day” of the holiday dedicated to the Great Victory Day SCENARIO “May 9 Holiday” 2018. ENTRANCE “VICTORY SPRING” Presenter. Dear children! Dear guests! Today we come together to celebrate.

Flash mob for Victory Day

"This Victory Day".

Flash mob for Victory Day

As part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory and the system-wide competition “We will not forget the 41st, we will glorify the 45th!” employees of library branch No. 17 named after G.K. Zhukova, together with members of the youth briefing-literary club “CLIO” under the leadership of history teacher MBOU secondary school No. 29 Alexandra Nikitina, held a flash mob for school students and residents of the neighborhood"This Victory Day".

The festive atmosphere was created at the very beginning of the flash mob, when the first chords of the “Victory Waltz” were heard, to which several couples began to waltz. This attracted the attention of residents of the neighborhood and school students. Everyone who decided to join the flash mob was given St. George ribbons, flags with the lyrics of the song “Victory Day” and Balloons. A surprise for everyone was the appearance of a “postman” who handed over “soldier’s triangles” containing a list of literature about the Great Patriotic War. Next, all the event participants with joyful, inspired faces sang the song “Victory Day”.

Today's event is a kind of living illustration that encourages action - to love your Motherland, respect its history, and honor the memory of its heroes.

It feels like on a date in Moscow City, every person is worried about our couple with their souls

Guys, thank you very much for the work done, everything was done quickly, in a short time, you deprived me of most of the excitement, because you took upon yourself all the organizational work of our romantic dinner on the roof of Moscow City. Thanks to every single person, Evgeniy, Anastasia, Alexander - our operator. Such great guys, they all know how to sing and shoot videos, and the magician is just some kind of magician, honestly. It feels like every person worries about our couple with their souls. Everything worked out, thank you very much

I really liked that they satisfied our wishes, which were not initially specified.

Hello, I found this event - a romantic evening on the roof, on the Internet, I wanted to give my wife a pleasant surprise. Just visiting restaurants is usually enough. But here I was still interested: the view of Moscow is beautiful, the atmosphere is romantic. And I really liked that the guys who organized this were very responsive, went to the meeting and satisfied our wishes, which were not initially specified. Therefore, I am very grateful. I'm glad my wife enjoyed her rooftop date.

Overall, I'm shocked!

In general, I did not expect it! I was in a taxi and didn’t know where I was going. They brought me here and closed their eyes. I was riding in a terrible elevator, in which my ears were blocked. I came here and was very surprised, everything was very beautiful. The present romantic date on the roof: it was decorated with rose petals and candles. What else can I say? - In general, I'm shocked)

Opinion about the quality of service and professionalism of the staff organizing romantic dates on the roof in Moscow City

I want to say that we enjoyed these couple of hours of a romantic dinner on the roof for two and were very pleased with the service, the way the organizers greeted us, and how comfortable the conditions were created for us. I would like to mention the cuisine, everything was very tasty! I would like to note the music: there was musical accompaniment, a saxophone. Everything was very romantic, in terms of mood. I also liked how the photo shoot went and how professional the photographer was with the angles, how he exposed us against the backdrop of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

Everything was very romantic, in terms of mood. I also liked how the photo shoot went and how professional the photographer was with the angles, how he exposed us against the backdrop of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

I really enjoyed our date in the city, especially the live music and the cake.

So, well, I really liked everything. I found this organization on the Internet. The romantic evening in Moscow City was great and met my expectations, I really enjoyed everything! - and I liked it. Especially live music and cake! I'm happy!

I'm totally shocked

I liked it all very much. I was worried, but not too much. The date in Moscow City went as expected. Thank you very much Valeria. - Yes, Valeria was very nice and responsive. We really liked everything! - And I’m so completely shocked! Thank you very much, especially Valeria!

On our romantic evening in Moscow City we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool

Hello, Oleg and Christina. Tell me, what did you expect from a romantic dinner in Moscow City and did it actually work out? In fact, we didn’t expect to be so high and see such a picture - a pleasant surprise! And we were very lucky with our timing - we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool. Would you recommend us to your friends? - Of course, now there will be posts on Instagram, everyone will see it anyway

Romantic date in Moscow City Workshop of Emotions - best gift on other

Today is July 1st - the birthday of my beloved husband. I spent a very long time trying to find a way to congratulate him in an unusual way. And one day, when I came across this on the Internet unusual congratulations- a romantic date in Moscow City at the Workshop of Emotions - I decided that this would be just what I needed. I didn't regret it. There was complete correspondence between price and quality - romantic, clean, high quality. Everything corresponds to reality - it was very cool. Guys, thank you! Hope to see you again someday! it was great!

guys, I advise perfect place for holding various types of events: birthdays, night movie screenings, romantic dates on the roof. Moreover, Valentine’s Day is coming soon - you can retire to the 60th floor of the City of Capitals tower. Imagine: I’ve been working here for 6 years and I didn’t even suspect that such an awesome place existed. You can decorate it however you want, you can bring your own drinks and food, in general, there’s plenty of room for imagination, I recommend it, I recommend it. The company that helped us is called "Emotion Workshop". Welcome!

We will come here again and again and again

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Today we visited an incredible place like the Emtsoi Workshop, which is located in Moscow City. The romantic evening in Moscow City, organized by the Emotions Workshop, left amazing impressions: a very romantic setting, a very good atmosphere, very hospitable people, very good service staff. We invite you all to visit this place because there are incredible views of Moscow. We really liked it, we will come here again and again!

Romance! If only we had jumped, of course.

I went online and wrote “entertainment” - “What kind of entertainment can there be today”, because... It was my wife's birthday. I looked - you can make a date in the Moscow City Federation Tower for your wife - such an entertainment-surprise, and I found a phone number and called. And this happened by itself, unplanned, “at random” in a couple of hours. When everything happens spontaneously, it turns out beautifully. Romance! If only we had jumped, of course))

The future wife even shed tears

We liked everything! Very good! Concerns? - I don’t know, were there? - Well, the first time when you stand at such a height, of course there is a feeling of fear, because... quite high height. Emotions are overwhelming, it’s all so memorable. My future wife even shed a tear! This is so sweet and touching, thank you very much

Everything is exquisite - thank you for the quality and service of a romantic dinner in Moscow City

I would like to say a huge thank you to the “Emotions Workshop” company for the service provided and the quality of organizing our private party for two in honor of our anniversary! In fact, everything is refined and cultural. I would like to say a huge thank you for the quality and service you provided today.

Beautiful view and pleasant atmosphere for a romantic evening in Moscow City.

Everything was great, we liked it very much! A beautiful view from the window is the most important impression. And a nice environment! How did we find you? - There were a lot of offers on the Internet. Why did they choose you? - They probably looked at the reviews and photos. And they decided to organize it.

We are so happy that we found you

We found it through the website "head in the clouds". We are incredibly happy that we found you. The proposal turned out to be a great success. The services also turned out great. Everything is beautiful and the view...everything is romantic. We will invite all our friends to contact you and book a date in Moscow City.

Your romantic dinner is good, comfortable and the prices are reasonable

Can I speak honestly? Seriously? - Yes! I turned to Workshop of Emotions because it seemed to me that this company could really create a real romantic evening in Moscow City, exactly what I wanted. In principle, I made no mistake, everything went very well! In general, rose petals were not included, but they ended up here - I'm very glad. I'll be honest. - Today they proposed to me, and this is the best place where it could happen! Thank you! Your place is very good, comfortable and the prices are reasonable

Aerobatics - date in Moscow City

My name is Rita, my name is Ilya. This is our first time here romantic dinner in Moscow City - it was super. Everything is very well organized. The atmosphere is wonderful. Aerobatics, we will advise and advertise to friends!

One of best places where is the panoramic view

We found out on the Internet one of the best places with a panoramic view, where you can organize a date on the roof of Moscow City with a girl. I liked everything very much, my expectations really matched. Thank you to the Emotions Workshop, everything is very cool - please contact us. I received a lot of emotions - this is the most important thing, thank you!

I spent a long time choosing, settled on the Workshop of Emotions, everything was cool.

In fact, I was not afraid of anything, I already knew my choice. I spent a long time selecting a venue for a romantic evening in Moscow City and thought about how to do it, and I don’t regret that I settled on the guys from the Emotions Workshop. Everything was at the highest level, you can trust them! There was a WOW effect, everything was cool.

Scenario of the flash mob “Alive in Memory” dedicated to Victory Day

Dear Guys! We were born and raised in peacetime. We have never heard the howl of sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what unheated housing and meager military rations are. It’s hard for us to believe that ending a human life is as easy as a morning nap. We can judge about trenches and trenches only from films and the stories of front-line soldiers. For us, war is history.

We dedicate today’s event “Live in Memory” to the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

The floor is given to the school director L.N. Gromchevskaya.

1 presenter:

On June 22, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without declaring war, Hitler's Germany treacherously violated the borders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

2 presenter:
Carefree peaceful life gave way to military everyday life.

4 years of war.

1418 days of blood and death, pain and bitterness of loss, the death of the best sons and daughters of Russia.

3rd presenter:

27 million dead in 1418 days. This means almost 19,000 killed daily, 800 people per hour, 13 people every minute.

27 million deaths in relation to the entire population of those years, this means one in six. Just imagine! Every sixth resident of our country died in the battle for the Motherland, for a bright future!

4 presenter: Huge number of losses during the Great Patriotic War stuns us who live under a peaceful sky.

But we remember the heroes of that distant war.

On May 9, residents of our country will join the ranks of the Immortal Regiment to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

1 presenter:
Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!

I propose to honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

(minute of silence to the sound of a metronome)

2 presenter:

Through centuries, through years - remember!
About those who will never come again - remember!
Do not Cry!
In your throat hold back the moans, bitter moans
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!
With bread and song, dream and poetry,
Spacious life, every second,
Be worthy with every breath!

3rd presenter:

Dear guys and our guests! In memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, today you perform songs about those heroic days.

(performance of patriotic songs by students of all classes)

4 presenter:
The war is over!

The suffering is over.

But pain calls to people:

Come on people, never

Let's not forget about this.

May her memory be eternal

Keep about this torment

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren's grandchildren!

1 presenter:

We, the younger generation, will always remember the heroic exploits of our people during the Great Patriotic War.

We promise to be worthy of our great Motherland, our heroic people.