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Scenario for celebrating the birthday of the CEO of the company. Hottabych - director's companion - corporate script

Scenario for the school principal's anniversary


Good afternoon dear friends! Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests!

Today we have gathered here to celebrate in a solemn, festive atmosphere the anniversary of our colleague, the director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Savrushskaya Elementary comprehensive school» Timofeeva Zoya Pavlovna


"Do you know the birthday girl well?"

(ask the birthday girl for answers to questions in advance)

We answer questions together.

So, in 1960, a girl was born who was named Zoya. Who knows...

Where she was born?

Her favorite flower?

Favorite dish?

Favorite color?

Do you think the birthday girl is in a festive mood today?

Her favorite activity, hobby?

Does the birthday girl like milk?

Favourite drink?

Favorite musical artists?

Does the birthday girl like fruit drinks with currant jam?

Does the birthday girl like to drive a car that moves at breakneck speed?

What's your favorite TV show?

What color are her shoes today?

Does the birthday girl like to look out the window?

What's your favorite time of year?

Does the birthday girl like to fix her hair every hour?

Does the birthday girl like to dance until she drops?


You can’t escape anniversaries in life,

They will overtake everyone like birds,

But the main thing is to carry it through the years

Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.


Today is your anniversary.

We congratulate you with all our hearts!

Let everyone feel warmer at school,

We wish everyone health, joy and happiness!


Here we are gathered as a motley family,

In which everything happens: disputes and good luck,

It happens that someone rejoices, someone cries,

But still, we are a family, and school is our life!


May this winter day

Nobody will get bored

Your congratulatory concert

Now we are starting!

Students read poems

For you Zoya Pavlovna, (and today everything is for you) our students sing.

Song "It's fun to walk together...".


Your anniversary is here,

And our excitement is getting stronger.

Friends gathered in the hall.

And holding my breath,

The school family congratulates you

55 is still quite a few years old

For management, this is just flourishing.

And let the date be considerable.

And Zoya Pavlovna is sweet,

Energetic, full of fresh strength.

Everything is not bad in your house.

We live here together in harmony.

And into the light of its lights,

We always hurry faster

To see friends quickly.

Days and years fly by here,

Together with you for many years in a row.

We have been dear to all of us for a long time.

And there is no one more dear to him -

The cherished windows are bright, kind light.

And today we with all our hearts,

We say: “You are also good!

Many years of happiness to you,

And success and victories,

And the school windows have unquenchable light!”

Song “If you went on a journey with a friend”


In 1981, Zoya Pavlovna was transferred to a school in the village of Znamya Oktyabrya. Pay attention to what abilities our hero of the day has.

She taught mathematics, physics and French. God himself ordered her to be appointed deputy director for educational work, which is what happened in 1989. And in 1998, Elena headed the wonderful team of the school in the village. October banner.

Elena Pavlovna, if your life is measured by the number of your anniversaries, and this is the first, then you are still a baby and you still have everything ahead of you! New successes, new ideas, springs and dawns to you!

The floor is givenHead of the District Education DepartmentValiullina Amina Karimovna

Song "Blue Car"

Today is a special day for everyone -

For you and for colleagues, friends,

Everyone then gathered here to

Cheers to your anniversary.

We gladly came to congratulate

On behalf of colleagues, here you are!

We would like to add to the greetings

And we are saying our words now...

Personal decree on the occasion of the director’s anniversary.

For their sensitive attitude towards family, friends and colleagues, for their long-term work and in connection with their anniversary, the teachers of our school decided:

1.Crown the director.

2. Award him a commemorative anniversary medal and wish him good health and every prosperity.

3. Present the medal in a solemn atmosphere, among colleagues and relatives, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

4. Medals are given away the best place in the home of the hero of the day, on a specially purchased carpet, so that the medal could be viewed by all neighbors and those simply interested who were not awarded such medals.

Medal status.

1. The medal is a masterpiece of art of the early 21st century and a unique relic.

2. Technical data: weight - 100 grams; diameter – 18 cm; thickness – 1 cm; supply voltage – 220 V, number of dressings – unlimited.

3. Procedure and conditions of use: the medal consists of the medal itself, a wearer, and holes for putting it on. In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the donning and insert your head into the contour formed by the medal and the donning so that the donning catches on the part of the body connecting the head to the body. The medal should be placed on the upper front of the torso with the front side facing out. The bottom edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day. The user of the medal must make a happy and solemn expression on his face.

4. The recipient of the medal has the right to carry out all the instructions and orders of the spouse, to free travel in the cars of sons and friends, as a “hare” - in any type of urban and suburban transport.

5. The person awarded the medal is prohibited from: getting sick, getting angry, and aging; and also use the medal for making teeth, as a weight when pickling cabbage, driving nails and other work.

6. The manufacturer guarantees: respect for the medal owner, good mood, many long, happy years of life.

Song "Smile"


Attention! Attention!

The anniversary continues!

We know how difficult it is to lead

Work with people, always ready

Answer. Listen. Accept, understand

And day after day solve problems again.

Managing personnel is not easy!

This is not a dream in silence,

We know that your leadership is

This is the work of the mind and the work of the soul!

Today you are congratulated by your colleagues with whom you have worked for many years.

Song "We Divide Everything in Half"


Yesenin has surprisingly true lines:

You can't see face to face -

Big things can be seen from a distance...

But despite the truth of these lines, your friends do not want the distance between you and them to increase. They sincerely want the possibility of human communication with you to always remain!

Congratulations from colleagues

We congratulate you on this significant event,

Today is your legal anniversary,

We wish you great health,

And there are many sincere friends in life.

Anniversary is a special date,

Where they mentally sum up.

What could I have done wrong at some point?

What is expensive, you probably saved.

We congratulate you with all our hearts

And we want to wish you happiness,

Let in your home climate,

There will never be bad weather.

We don't give it to the birthday girl,

No headsets, no rings,

Surely you will receive it warmer,

Greetings from friendly hearts.

(Giving a gift.)

"Song of the crocodile Gena"

Host: Now, while everyone was having fun, the postman Pechkin came. As you yourself can probably guess, telegrams arrived at the hero of the day’s address. He himself refused to come in because he was afraid that the bicycle would be stolen and trusted me to read out the telegrams.


Hello grandma, don't be sad,

The candy is out, mind you

I made onions, dried my socks,

I’ve been writing a letter to you for two days,

And there's a sparrow on the window,

Well, that's it, bye.

Your grandson Zakhar.

Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

The budget is in deep deficit

Don’t look for money in the Ministry of Finance,

I wish I could send you a translation,

Yes, the Duma does not give money. Are you 55?

And you are perky!

Happy Birthday to you!


Saint Petersburg .

I send greetings from St. Petersburg,

I wish Zoya many years to come.

I wish I had your young age,

I would create a mess.

Love, peace, success

I wish you on your anniversary.


USA, Washington.

All boundaries between us have been erased,

My words fly like birds.

Our States congratulate you,

Try to live richly

Don't rush into impeachment

I wish you health, good luck and food!

I took a sip of a glass for you. Happy anniversary to you.

Barack Obama

Moscow, LDPR Headquarters.

Yes, definitely, on this day

Even a tree stump is obliged to love.

I wish you all the best,

Although it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all should join the LDPR.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

Happy anniversary to you!


Presenter: Zoya Pavlovna Timofeeva is awarded a diploma. This diploma certifies that its owner is

THE HAPPIEST woman on the planet.

Happy because... she lives an active, rich, versatile life, full of various emotions. Because she has the opportunity to experience a range of feelings and turn out to be the heroine of unique events, she boldly overcomes all obstacles, gaining experience and skills.

Happy because... she, having chosen her vocation, has been devoting herself to her favorite work for 38 years. And how wonderful it is - neither the light nor the dawn rises, he goes to work on foot, always in a team.

Happy because... she is a mother, she has sons, and this is the best creation of her life!

Happy because... she is a grandmother who has a grandson who brings a lot of wonderful impressions and emotions, delighting with his victories and skills.

Happy because... she is a wife, and she has a loved one nearby and loving man, caring, thrifty, kind, sympathetic and noble. And it’s hard to imagine people more suitable for each other.

I am happy because... thanks to my sociability, naturalness and devotion, I have found many friends who are always there, always in touch, and she gives herself to them with all her soul.

Happy because... she has the opportunity, rushing home, with pleasure to increase the yield of vegetables, legumes, melons and other useful crops.

Happy because... she has and loves her home and strives with all her might for coziness and comfort in it. And he brings all his grandiose ideas to life with lightning speed.

Happy because... she has excellent culinary skills that attract guests to her house.

She is happy because... everything she plans always comes true, a little earlier or a little later.

Happy because... she has the opportunity to live on this planet and enjoy all its gifts.

Happy because... she never doubts that she is really happy!!!

Host: This concludes our concert. Thank you for your attention! We invite everyone to the school canteen.

Anniversary sketch “Medical card of the hero of the day”

The scene is a joke: the doctor for festive table reads out his medical testimony to the hero of the day.

Full name.: …

Age: blooming.

Pulse: beats like a fountain, sometimes impossible to measure.

Blood type: many red cells, they say about these: “blood and milk.”

Heart rhythm: variable, sometimes it beats like a clock, sometimes it freezes, sometimes it breaks out of the chest from stress, anxiety or from an excess of feelings.

Life tone: versatile.

Hearing: universal.

Vision: clearly notices even small details,

Sense of smell: subtly senses where and where the wind is blowing; will determine with an error of 5% who the husband communicated with; the nose reacts only to males.

Illness: for some reason he goes into hibernation after a hearty lunch, a sumptuous dinner and turning on the TV.

Mode: walking, alternating with sitting, and in Lately increasingly walking.

Medical conclusion: life is just beginning - you need to take everything that was lost and not taken during everyday work.

Lyrics of songs of alterations for congratulating the boss (manager)

Song remake for congratulations
boss, director to the tune of the song
from the film Bremen Town Musicians

They say that gypsies all lie,
But today we are not in vain
Brought cards with them
- Tell fortunes for the king.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
Tell fortunes for the king.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,

Big Boss Party
Let's tell fortunes, no question
Will be happy without question
Every day beloved Boss!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
Loved by the Boss every day!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,

The gypsies will tell you everything,
Nothing will be hidden
About success all at once
- The cards tell the truth!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
The cards tell the truth!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,

For the director's birthday
reworked text based on the song "Nadezhda"

A famous star shines for us -
This is our general director (genius).
We follow him everywhere and forever,
Because he is simply a unique chef.
(Name) given
Seeing the fairway in the sea of ​​business.
Together with the captain in a storm
We will cross the crisis equator.

The whole team will shout: “Hurray!
Happy birthday, our wise boss!”
And happiness is forged right in the morning.
The hammer is waiting for us and the anvil is waiting for us.

And it’s still impossible to forget,
How it was difficult for everyone during the emergency.
But for the boss we are one family.
He then gave us a wonderful rest:
We played paintball under fire,
In bowling all the pins are broken,
We visited God's House together
For cherished blessed prayer.

Let's pass with (Name and Patronymic)
Crises, “reforms” and defaults.
We will defeat all enemies together
With the flagship of the commercial fleet!

Text of the remade song for congratulations
Happy birthday to boss, director
to the tune of the driver's song L. Agutin
Old songs about the main thing

I went through everything - both water and copper pipes,
But the soul, as before, burns with fire.
May there be good luck both in service and in friendship,
Happiness, and success, and elation!
He is not afraid of default and crisis,
Likes to win without unnecessary phrases,
Your favorite business will flourish
Because our boss is a workaholic!
Even if you have to go against the current
We have to swim in the market, but we know one thing:
We will definitely achieve success in business,
It’s not for nothing that we were so lucky with our boss!
He is not afraid of default and crisis,
Likes to win without unnecessary phrases,
Your favorite business will flourish
Because our boss is a workaholic!
The boss celebrates his birthday again
We gladly go to his carpet,
Again we raise our toast to him.
For his health, passion and enthusiasm!
He is not afraid of default and crisis,
Likes to win without unnecessary phrases,
Let your beloved business prosper,
Because our boss is a workaholic!

Ditties on the Chief's Birthday

And our boss
After all, today is the anniversary
And in honor of the holiday we will ask
We'll give you a raise of a hundred rubles

Dear....(Name and Patronymic)
Congratulations on the holiday
Stay like this
Responsible boss

Hey Hey
Six months without salary
I feed on God's spirit
And my pants are patched

Happy birthday dear
Director, happy anniversary
We bought you a big cake
But they've already eaten it all

We came to the director
Ask for a raise
Well, at least we got something
For example, by chomps

Hey Hey
I am the director of the private security company
Strategically I am important
I guard a paper warehouse

Our director is an idiot
Women are not given maternity leave
He will knock everyone up himself,
And then he doesn't pay

Past the boss's office
I don't go idle
Then I’ll slip the report under the door
or I'll offer you coffee

We knocked on the director's door
Maybe an hour, maybe three.
The boss was negotiating there
With a secretary inside

Our director is great
Gave everyone a salary
Well, if I hadn’t given it away
We would burn the house down!

Comic song - remake for the Director's Anniversary
to the tune of A. German’s song “And I like him!”

Let them say: “Our director is strict!”
And the “name of the enterprise” has already been taken over by many.
Let them say: “He doesn’t choose his words,
When he scolds, when he scolds"

Chorus: But we like him, we like him, we like him,
At least sometimes it's cooler than a thunderstorm
And we like him, we like him, we like him
And for the smile and kind eyes!

And in the world as a whole there is no other chef like him!
And we like him, like him, like him.
May he have enough strength for another two hundred years!

Even if he is sometimes “out of sorts”,
But it always “cools down” quickly.
Let him give out a lot of instructions,
When he misses us on the road.

Everyone says: “Achieve growth in your career.”
It’s not at all easy in our system,”
But he “plowed” and that growth became possible.
Grow further, we will all help!

Happy Birthday to the Boss
to the tune of the song "Fortune Teller" ("Fashion Changes Every Day")

Huge mail daily
The department comes to us.
Everything is serious and important and urgent -
So we run around the floors!

What to say, what to say,
We know how to work
And relax very amicably,
Forgetting about all worries!

Our attentive leader
He will always support us and understand -
A good friend and a good teacher.
In general, we are lucky with the management!

Lyrics of the song congratulations to the boss
to the tune of "Be healthy - live richly"

Let there be everything that is needed for this.
We wish you on your holiday,
May your every day be decorated with success!
Let our market share grow quickly.
And let there be no rest for competitors.
So that income grows by leaps and bounds,
And there was wealth for many years!
Let there be more reasons for joy,
Celebrate your successes and invite us!
And if the problem needs to be solved urgently,
We will support you in everything, because we are a team!
We still have a little more to wish:
So that you get a million a day.
And if two million arrive,
There will be twenty or a hundred ways to make them!
Be healthy, live richly,
Let there be everything that is needed for this!
Let there be everything you need for happiness!

To the tune of the song "Scows full of mullet..."
Anniversary song from subordinates to their boss

To all our friendly team
We came to you for your anniversary,
And we found the hero of the day
In order of complete beauty!

We won’t sing about Odessa at all,
We sing for (Name and Patronymic).
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
And this is what we are singing about now.

Congratulations from the boss
to the tune of the song "Let them run clumsily..."

Why do we have fun, don’t skimp on words
Why are there so many guests?
Don’t guess in vain, this has become clear to everyone
What a big anniversary today.

Let them play at least on spoons,
And our friendly choir will sing,
It would be nice if there were anniversaries every year.
With respect, with love we wish you health
And in your work - glorious victories
Well, don’t be shy, and try in return
Live up to a hundred years without sadness.

Our hero of the day gets excited and becomes younger in soul,
The whole group is singing next to him,
Happy anniversary, we wish you happiness
Well, everything else will come.

Chef's birthday script

How to please your boss on his birthday? Don't get noticed? No, it’s better to hold a solemn holiday in honor of his birthday, and spend it fun and exciting. But just don’t overdo it, because this is your boss after all!
To make the holiday memorable, and most importantly, your boss will like it, you need to carefully prepare for it. Think in advance about what and how to give to your boss, what words of congratulations to say to him, so as not to lose your salary, and so on. We offer you small recommendations, namely a small scenario for the boss’s birthday, which you can supplement or slightly adjust to suit your boss, and most importantly, with the help of this scenario you can find an idea for holding a holiday in honor of your favorite chef.

And what needs to be done after you have gathered with the whole team and discussed what.
Well, firstly, find and prepare the venue for the holiday, that is, decorate the room where the celebration will take place. Don't overdo it at this stage. Let everything be in moderation.
You can, for example, place a happy birthday banner or posters somewhere. A banner can be made from photographs of subordinates. If there are not many subordinates, then you can use photographs of one subordinate for each letter. But the point is that the photographs should not be anyhow, but special. Go to a photo studio and take pictures from different angles with a photo of the boss in your hands, or you can take a photo with the whole team together, holding a banner “happy birthday, beloved boss,” etc.
Well, you decide for yourself with the menu, because everyone has their own tastes. Just be sure to find out about your boss’s tastes and preferences, and don’t go wrong with the menu at this stage!
Now the celebration itself.
These are, of course, all kinds of congratulations and gifts. Decide in what order you will congratulate your boss, and how you will give a gift (from everyone) or gifts.
Also think about various competitions and games (if there are any of course).
You can sing an adaptation of this song for your boss (namely the boss!) (to the tune of 100 days before the order):
You are the best boss for us
Great success awaits us with you
You are our ruler
The best master!
And when is your birthday
Our team will gather
To congratulate you
And celebrate your birthday to everyone!

Our boss is the best
Our boss couldn't be cooler!
We are waiting for a salary increase,
Happy birthday!
Our boss is the best
There is no cooler boss in the world
Happy birthday!
We all wish you happiness!

And why do we need to submit a report?
Well, why should we worry?
Because today we are walking,
Let's celebrate your birthday!
Well, tomorrow we're on the road again
It will be difficult, so be it.
After all, you need to work
Now let's get together:

Our boss is the best
Our boss couldn't be cooler!
We are waiting for a salary increase,
Happy birthday!
Our boss is the best
There is no cooler boss in the world
Happy birthday!
We all wish you happiness!

Our boss is the best
Our boss couldn't be cooler!
We are waiting for a salary increase,
Happy birthday!
Our boss is the best
There is no cooler boss in the world
Happy birthday!
We all wish you happiness!

Also act out a mini-scene:
The whole team can act out the skit. Place chairs like at work stations and have several people sit on them. They will take folders or sheets of paper in their hands and will diligently pretend that they are working.
Two men in respectable suits (representatives of the inspection company) come in. They look around. They nod their heads and write something down in their notebooks. One of the workers approaches them.
One of the inspectors:
- Good good. How many people do you employ?
- Together with the boss 25.
Another of the inspectors:
- And without a boss?
- And no one works for us without a boss!
And after a few, it’s time for the cake. Turn off the lights and bring out the cake with candles. There should be candles not according to the number of years the boss is, but according to the amount of time he works at this enterprise in his position. To go with the cake, you can tell your boss this poem (modified excerpt from Pushkin’s fairy tale about Tsar Saltan):

Hello, you are our wonderful boss!
Why is it as quiet as a stormy day?
Why aren't you happy about anything?
And why not happy?
Al melancholy eats you up,
Are our team boring?
Are we really no good to you?
If not, then what?
Tell us what the trouble is!
Why are you, our boss, dissatisfied?
We tried so hard for you,
We painted and dressed up
We prepared a big cake
And they baked it with soul,
Your subordinates
In general, we tried our best!
So, our boss, smile
And have fun on your birthday!
Don't count the years
For us you are always young!

And you can end the holiday with a group photo (see the condition of the employees) and dancing. Oh yes. And don't forget to give your boss this one

N and it's no secret that corporate events In any company, the work team is well brought together, which has a beneficial effect on the labor achievements of employees. That is why many companies quite often hold corporate events for one reason or another. A special place among the large number of reasons for celebrating holidays in the company is the boss’s birthday. This is especially true for the holiday of a woman leader. The point is, what exactly do ladies expect from own day birth unforgettable holiday. Women in leadership positions are no exception.

But, of course, you need to prepare for the boss’s birthday celebration so that everything goes at the highest level. To do this, you need to work out all the details and little things so as not to miss anything. After all, if you forget something while preparing for the birthday celebration of a female leader, the effect of the holiday will not be the same as you planned. Therefore, it is imperative to take seriously the planning of the holiday, as well as the development of the birthday scenario.

Birthday greetings to the boss

First of all, you must decide who and how will congratulate the manager on her holiday. You can choose one of the most eloquent employees who will say all the congratulations, or you can alternately congratulate your boss on her birthday. Whoever congratulates a female manager on the holiday, you need to prepare such congratulations that do not contain hackneyed phrases or references to the boss’s age.

Games and competitions for the boss’s birthday

After you decide on congratulations and wishes for the leader, you need to choose competitions and games that you will hold on her birthday. The fact is that not all competitions are suitable for this holiday. Therefore, when choosing entertainment for your boss’s birthday, you need to take into account her age and relationships in the team.

Choosing a gift for the boss

When you decide how the holiday itself will take place, you will have to decide what you will give to the leader. After all, how a woman perceives the holiday largely depends on the choice of gift. Well, what exactly to give to a woman in a leadership position is up to you to decide.

Scenario for the birthday of a female boss

1. The presenter greets the manager and all employees of the company. He announces that today an unforgettable, cheerful and interesting holiday. After this, everyone applauds, and the celebration itself begins.

2. The presenter addresses everyone present and tells why everyone has gathered today. He does this, despite the fact that everyone knows the reason for the gathering. During this address, he pays special attention to the hero of the occasion. The presenter reminds all guests present that she is the guarantor of discipline, success and a friendly atmosphere in the work team. In addition, it is the birthday girl (who states her first and middle name) who maintains the corporate spirit in the company and ensures democracy in the team. It is also necessary to emphasize the qualifications and labor merits of the boss. In general, you need to present it in such a way as to emphasize best sides leaders. If you are confident that you can come up with funny jokes that will not offend the boss, then be sure to include them in the host’s welcoming speech.

3. After greeting all the guests and introducing the birthday girl, the host suggests holding a warm-up competition so that all the guests relax and get into the right mood. What kind of warm-up game to play is up to you, because their number is quite large. For example, you can invite each of the guests to turn to their neighbor on the right, and ask him to make sure that he accepts Active participation in competitions and games, and also did not miss a single toast. In general, a warm-up game should be simple, fun and understandable for absolutely everyone.

4. After the first warm-up game, you can move directly to the feast and toast. The first toast should be entrusted to the host. Since it is the first toast that is remembered best, its creation must be taken especially seriously. It should not contain rude jokes, as most women do not understand such humor. In addition, try to avoid banal and hackneyed phrases that are present in all toasts. In general, the presenter’s words should be beautiful, original and memorable.

5. After the first toast is said and the first glass is drunk, the guests will relax and unwind even more. But this is still not enough to hold mobile competitions. Therefore, you can hold table entertainment that will lift the spirits of everyone present. To do this, you will need to prepare a musical selection, which will consist of excerpts of songs related to the theme of gifts.

The host asks the guests to think about what they would actually like to give to their boss. After that, he approaches each of the guests with a microphone, and his assistant plays one or another piece of music. What’s remarkable is that the songs can be absolutely anything.

Sample list of songs:
"Million Scarlet roses";
“I will buy you a house”;
“Tell me, tell me what you need!”;
"I will give you peace";
"Everything for you";
“I’ll give you a dog”;
“I will give you heaven”;
“I will kiss your hands.”

In general, you can choose absolutely any songs, including humorous ones. You can be sure that this fun competition It will certainly lift everyone’s spirits and make the birthday girl happy.

6. Before the guests have had time to eat, the host invites them to play one or another outdoor game. Which game to choose is up to you. There are a huge number of all kinds of outdoor competitions and games that were invented to be carried out in a work team. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to choose the most suitable game for the holiday.

7. After the active competition, you need to give the guests the opportunity to relax, inviting them to return to the table and continue the festive feast in honor of the boss’s birthday. When everyone returns, you can continue to make toasts and congratulate the leader. However, you shouldn't get too hung up on it. Everything should happen in a light and relaxed atmosphere.

8. During the feast, you can hold another competition without leaving the table. However, this competition will not come as a surprise to the boss, because before holding it, the presenter will have to talk to her about it. The host needs to ask the birthday girl a few questions. Well, the essence of the competition is that the host asks the guests questions that are related to the boss, and they must answer them correctly or simply in a funny way. Whoever gives the most correct or funny answers will win.

List of sample questions:
1) Favorite drink?
2) Favorite movie?
3) Who is the boss’s favorite?
4) How does the boss spend her weekends?
5) Who does the boss remember at night?

In general, the questions can be absolutely anything.

9. After this, you can hold one or another competition for the birthday girl herself. It’s up to you to decide which competition to choose for her.

10. One of the guests gives the boss a gift, final toasts sound, and the boss’s birthday ends there.