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Sailor Mercury transformation. Magic items and accessories sailor mercury

Mitsuno Ami is the second Sailor Warrior, the second guardian of Princess Serenity. Sailor Mercury is ruled by the planet Mercury and the element of water. Hence, Ami's favorite color is aquamarine, and her appearance is blue hair.

Ami is very, very smart. Her IQ is rumored to be 300. This is an incredibly huge figure. Roughly speaking, this is the level of a real excellent student, which she is. She does not care about tasks of any complexity. She is always the first in school, and not only. She is known throughout the country as "the best student in Japan." Newspapers have repeatedly written about her outstanding mental abilities. But Ami is not the kind of person to boast of her fame. She only studies for herself, and not for anyone else.

Not only is such intelligence given to her by nature, she also develops it at a breakneck pace. She spends all her free time reading textbooks. In addition to the regular school, he also goes to several additional private ones. And nothing answers the astonished glances of peers. So it is necessary.

Ami never had friends (before Usagi), so all her life she wanted to be needed by someone, to help people. So, following the example of her mother, she dreams of becoming a doctor. Yes, no one doubts that she will succeed. An excellent student understands perfectly well that you need to have a lot of knowledge in order to enter a good institute. Following her dream, Ami is inundated with reference books even on vacation. She never knew how to have fun and relax, Mitsuno just doesn't know what it is. She gets up an hour earlier than usual to read.

Ami's amazing craving for mathematics makes her a great lover of computers. She spends a lot of time on the Internet looking for useful information, knows all the most last news and achievements in the world of computers. But in the yard is still the 20th century! By the way, Luna gave Ami a super-mini computer, reasonably believing that she had given it to the right hands. After all, "Usagi still won't understand what to do with him."

Mitsuno is very versatile. Once, having found amazing music on the World Wide Web, she easily wrote poems to it, which amazed the composer. She has a lot of talents, but not all of them are revealed. The thing is, Ami is often insecure about herself. Probably everything from a misunderstanding of the peers of her passionate love for learning. Her classmates consider her a computer without a soul. But actually it is not. Ami also knows how to dream and love, be sad and rejoice. Besides mom, no one has ever appreciated Mitsuno's abilities. Therefore, the girl always wanted to find a worthy and useful use for them.

And there are a lot of abilities. And Ami should thank her parents for them. After all, it is hereditary. Mom is just as smart and kind, she works as a doctor. Dad is a talented artist. He divorced his wife a long time ago, so he does not live with his family. But the father never forgets about his daughter and sends his wonderful paintings.

An excellent student is well aware that she is very smart and talented, knows her own worth. But he never shows it, he considers it just superfluous. As the saying goes, "If it's true, even the blind will see." She works on herself all the time, and if suddenly something does not work out, she becomes depressed. After all, Ami always wanted to be an ideal for everyone, and most importantly - for herself. But in order to satisfy your own demand for yourself, you need to try very hard. Although she is not far from the pinnacle of perfection - just a stone's throw away. As a child, she was well brought up. Mitsuno grew up polite, kind, considerate, modest. And this despite the fact that she is very rich and can afford anything. Ami appreciates that her mother earns a lot of money, but understands that it is impossible to spend it with might and main. She herself wants to achieve a lot in this life and become a successful woman. In principle, Mitsuno never had temptations such as buying the most expensive and fashion clothes etc. etc. Usually she spent a lot of money only on reference books.

Ami has no time to run to hairdressers and clothing stores. Study, study, study!!!

Mitsuno almost never goes anywhere. In huge Tokyo, she is only at home, at school, at the Hikawa Shrine (when her friends gather there to discuss events or prepare for exams). Oh yes! She also loves to go to the swimming pool. She swims beautifully, and all this is due to the patronage of Mercury. In the water, Ami feels like a fish, and only there can she relax and unwind.

The A student was insanely happy to become a Sailor Warrior. Firstly, she finally found real friends, and secondly, now she is needed not only by her friends, but by all mankind! Sailor Mercury's magic attacks are perhaps the weakest (if not compared to Chibi Usa, of course). But they are also very useful to delay or confuse the enemy. Still, Sailor Mercury is a very important person in the team of Warriors. Only thanks to her special glasses, super mini computer and amazing wit girls can get out of difficult situations. Ami takes her mission very seriously, and for her friends, and for all of humanity, she can sacrifice her life.

Girlfriends were always surprised: "How can you study all the time, without even thinking about your personal life?" She must be thinking about her, but in school years considers it pointless to date a guy. After all, it takes a lot of time, effort and interferes with learning!

Ami is terrified of love letters. When he sees them in his locker, he will certainly blush and panic. Or maybe she's just afraid of falling in love? After all, being in a state of love, you think about your passion all the time, but how then to focus on your studies? You have to choose one thing. And Mitsuno has long chosen the main thing in her life to study. Her friends sometimes laugh at her and say that obsessing over books is not normal. Or maybe Ami is doing everything right? She is building a carefree future for herself, because with such abilities you will not be lost.

Mercury is the only one on the team who does not lose his head and does not get angry. Only once did she herself destroy the enemy, because she was insanely angry. Why do you think? Because the demoness (shameless!) took away knowledge from an excellent student! And this is unforgivable!

But even if Ami runs out of strength, she will still fight to the end. Despite her softness, she is a very tenacious Warrior.

Ami is also very dedicated and true friend. She always tries to help her friends. sacrificing your free time, she helps girls prepare for exams, and they really appreciate it. After all, a lesson with Mitsuno is almost like a lesson with a good tutor.

The excellent student became very good friends with Luna, because the cat was the first of those who appreciated her.

In the end, I just want to remember the old phrase: “Athlete, Komsomol member, beauty and just good girl! Of course, Ami is not a Komsomol member, but, in my opinion, this description fits her almost perfectly.

First appears:

Crystal Disk - a disk with a self-study program for gifted children attending the Crystal Seminar.

Full description: In all versions of Sailor Moon, the Crystal Disc was given to Ami at the Crystal Workshop - extra class for teaching genius children. It was actually programmed with a brainwashing program to collect students' energy for Queen Metaria.

Wand for reincarnation

First appears: in the 2nd act of the 1st volume of the manga, in the 8th episode of the anime, in the 2nd act of the Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

The Transformation Wand is a magical item with which Ami can transform into a beautiful Warrior in a Sailor Mercury sailor suit.

Full Description: In the anime Ami receives her very first transformation wand from Luna in episode 8. Usagi figures out that the Crystal Workshop is designed to drain the energy of genius children and goes there to rescue Ami. But the youma proves to be too strong and Sailor Moon can't handle it alone. The demon presses Ami's face against the computer monitor so that the program can take her energy. The sign of the planet Mercury appears on the girl's forehead. Luna realizes that Mizuno Ami is the second Sailor Mercury Warrior and gives her a wand to transform into.

In the manga and animeSailorMoonCrystal Ami's wand is obtained from the slot machine at the Crown Center, where Usagi leads her. Mizuno breaks all records and receives a beautiful blue pen as a gift. The Crystal Seminar turns out to be an enemy lair. Yoma attacks Sailor Moon and is about ready to kill Sailor Moon. After awakening Ami as a Warrior, her pen begins to glow with a bright blue light. Luna tells Mizuno the words to transform, and the girl becomes Sailor Mercury.


First appears: in act 3 of the manga volume 1, in episode 17 of the anime, in act 2 of the Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

The communicator is a universal and convenient means of communication between the Sailor Warriors.

Full Description: In the anime Ami first receives a transmitter in episode 17 of the anime. Usagi wants to tell Mizuno about becoming a model, but the girl abruptly cuts her off and asks the girl not to bother her over trifles in the future.

In the manga and animeSailorMoonCrystal Ami receives a transmitter from the Sailor V slot machine when Usagi completes the second level of the game. Actually, this wrist watch, but Luna suggests using them as a means of communication. In addition, with the help of a transmitter, the Warriors can track each other's location.

super computer

First appears: in the 3rd act of the 1st volume of the manga, in the 9th episode of the anime, in the 3rd act of the Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

The Super Mini Computer is a portable computer that Ami can use to track the location of enemies and Warriors, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of demons.

Full Description: In the anime Ami's super mini computer appears in Episode 9. Something strange began to happen in the city. All the people started to be late. Luna and Ami suspected it was the clock. The cat gives the girl a super mini computer, since Usagi is not at all tech savvy. The computer is quite easy to use - just enter the necessary parameters into it and it gives the result. At the end of the first season, in her battle with the Demon Maidens, Sailor Mercury hit one of them with a computer to destroy her diadem.

In the manga and animeSailorMoonCrystal a super mini computer was used by Ami and Luna to monitor Usagi's communicator signal. His appearance in both versions is not shown.


First appears: in act 5 of volume 1 of the manga.

The headset is another way Sailor Mercury communicates with other Warriors. Appeared only in the manga.

Virtual reality visor

First appears: in act 7 of manga volume 2, anime episode 9, in act 12 of Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

Virtual reality visor is an additional monitor to super mini-computer.

Full Description: In the anime Visor appears in episode 9. It is an additional screen to the supercomputer, but can be used as independent accessory. To use the visor, Sailor Mercury simply touches the blue earring on her right ear. Sailor Merky used the VR visor for the first time to determine the direction in the distorted time space, as well as to locate the youma that imprisoned them there.

In the manga Visor first appears in Act 7 of Volume 2 of the manga. He is able not only to show the true essence of things, but also to protect the eyes of the Warrior. The Dark Kingdom's new plan was to use tapes to brainwash people and send them to find Sailor Moon. Using her visor, Sailor Mercury looked at Zoisite's notes and guessed what his plan was.

In the animeSailorMoonCrystal The visor first appeared in Act 12. Sailor Mercury used it in her battle against Queen Beryl and Dark Endymion. Then, during the battle, the Command Center was almost destroyed. Sailor Mercury created a shield - a hyperspace sphere, where Queen Beryl was defeated.

Star Power Wand

First appears: in act 15 of volume 4 of the manga, in episode 62 of the anime, in act 15 of the Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

Star Power Rod - A new rod with the "Mercury Star Power, Make Up!" in the anime; "Mercury Planet Power, Make Up!" in the Sailor Moon Crystal manga and anime.

Full description: In all versions, Ami receives the Star Power Rod from Luna. With the advent of a new enemy, the cat made sure that the Warriors could fight on a new level.


First appears: in the 15th act of the 3rd volume of the manga, in the 62nd episode of the anime, in the 15th act of the Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

The communicator is a new, more advanced and convenient means of communication between the Sailor Warriors.

Full description: In all versions, Ami and the rest of the Sailor Warriors receive new communicators from Luna. The communicator is designed in the style of the Sailor Moon Crystal Star brooch, and the color matches each Warrior.


First appears: in the 30th act of the 6th volume of the manga, in the 30th act of the Sailor Moon Crystal anime.

The communicator is a convenient and portable tool for communicating with Warriors with each other.

Full description: This is the third communicator that only appears in the manga and anime Sailor Moon Crystal. Design: The wrist communicator is adorned with the sign of Mercury, and the color matches the Sailor Warrior.

Wand of Crystalline Power

First appears: in episode 143 of the anime.

The Crystal Power Wand is a wand that allows Ami to transform into Super Sailor Mercury.

Full description: In episode 143 of the anime, the Amazon Trio manage to capture Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon by cunning. The Pegasus summoned by the girl is trying with all her might to save the Warriors. Without Pegasus' help, they won't be able to destroy the lemur sent by Fisheye. Sailor's attacks from Mars, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are powerless against the barrier created by the lemur. Pegasus can give them strength, but the Warriors consider him an enemy and do not trust him. Super Sailor Chibi Moon begs the girls to believe in her Pegasus. She manages to convince the girls and they accept Pegasus' power. Sailor Mercury's Star Power Rod changes to Crystalline Power Rod. Her combat costume changes - the bow on the back becomes longer, the brooch on the chest that secures the bow takes the shape of a heart, the sleeves of the sailor fuku are slightly pointed, a star appears on the velvet. Ami becomes Super Sailor Mercury. Her new incarnation is "Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!"

Mercury Crystal

First appears: in act 40 of volume 9 of the manga.

The Mercury Crystal is an analogue of the Rod of Crystal Power. Allows Ami to transform into Super Sailor Mercury.

Full description: Fisheye bewitches Ami with his illusions. The girl stops believing in herself. Her strength is leaving her. But suddenly, a smaller copy of her appears in front of her, which asks Princess Mercury to believe in herself again and remember her dream. Ami's brooch becomes a Mercury Crystal and the girl becomes Super Sailor Mercury.

Mercury harp

First appears: in act 40 of volume 9 of the manga.

The Mercury Harp is Super Sailor Mercury's damaging element in her Mercury Aqua Rhapsody attack.

Full description: The Mercury Harp was obtained by Super Sailor Mercury from her other self, the Guardian of Mercury. The Little Warrior saved Ami from a nightmare that was sent to the girl by the Fisheye. Ami awakened in herself new strength and along with it received a new attack.

Silver bracelet

First appears: in episode 2 of Live Action.

This Silver Bracelet Ami got from Luna in Episode 2 live show. As she and Sailor Moon hung over the pool, the cat gave Ami the Bracelet with her crescent moon. Mizuno gained the ability to transform into Sailor Mercury.

Precious Star Bracelet

First appears: in episode 2 of Live Action.

The Precious Star Bracelet is the Silver Bracelet during Ami's transformation into Sailor Mercury. The Silver Bracelet changes its shape, becomes larger in size. The stones that decorate it shine, Ami passes over them right hand and her nails are painted blue. The girl transforms into Sailor Mercury.

Passport karaoke "Crown"

First appears: in episode 3 of Live Action.

Luna gave each girl a special passport, with which you can go to a secret room located in the Crown. Each passport is decorated with the muzzle of the Moon, as well as the sign of the planet to which the Warrior belonged.


First appears: in episode 3 of Live Action.

The phone is an analogue of girls' communicators in the manga, anime of the 90s and anime Sailor Moon Crystal. First of all, it serves to connect the Sailor Warriors with each other. But like Usagi, Ami can use her phone to transform herself into anyone. Just enough to take a photo. In addition, if you photograph the desired object, then it is not necessary to transform immediately. The saved photo can be used later. Ami's phone is similar in design to Usagi's camera phone, except that it is decorated not with a crescent moon, but with the sign of the planet Mercury.

Ice Sword

First appears: in episode 14 of Live Action.

During the battle with Kunzite, Sailor Mercury was severely injured. The lord had already raised his sword over the Warrior, but she was able to repel his attack with an Ice Sword created from water from stones. But the sword did not appear for long - after blocking Kunzite's strike, it again became water.

Jeweled Star Bracelet of Darkness

First appears: in 21 episodes of Live Action.

After Ami was brainwashed by Kunzite, she became Dark Sailor Mercury. When the rest of the Warriors found out about this, Ami's Silver Bracelet changed into the Precious Darkness Star Bracelet and the girl was reincarnated. The design of the bracelet has remained the same, only its color has changed: it turned from silver-pink to black, and the stone in the center is dark blue.

Sword of Darkness

First appears: on episode 22 of Live Action.

The Dark Sword is the sword that Dark Sailor Mercury used to fight against the Sailor Warriors. Was created from an icicle.

Sailor Star Tambourine

First appears: on episode 26 of Live Action.

The Star Tambourine is the Sailor Warriors' new weapon against the Dark Kingdom. The color of the Sailor Mercury tambourine is blue with the sign of the planet in the center. Sailor Mercury can use her tambourine for both a solo attack, the "Mercury Aqua Storm", or a combined attack by all the Sailor Guardians, the "Moonlight Attractive Attack". In addition, the tambourine can become a weapon - a sword.


First appears: in episode 49 of Live Action.

The sword comes from the Sailor Star Tambourine. Sailor Mercury invokes the power of water and her planet and creates a sword that she uses to fight the Dark Kingdom in episode 49. live show.

Information prepared by Lazy Hare

Ami Mitsuno is one of the main characters in the Sailor Moon manga and anime, also known as Sailor Mercury. She is the most brilliant girl in Japan. Therefore, in a team of warriors in sailor suits, he takes the position of the "main brain", without losing the ability to reason sensibly during the battle. Below is a biography of Ami Mitsuno.


A distinctive feature of Ami Mitsuno is a very high intelligence - about 300. For this reason, many students shunned her, considering her too boring and arrogant. But they confused arrogance with shyness, which made it difficult for the girl to communicate with people. That's why she didn't have any friends before she met Usagi. They studied at the same high school"Juban".

Ami spends a lot of time studying, which becomes an occasion for jokes in their company. But despite giving the impression of a bookworm, Mitsuno, like most girls her age, is into pop culture and reading romance novels, although she is embarrassed to admit it. Ami practically does not communicate with guys, believing that the most important thing is to get a good education. She had a mutual sympathy with a classmate who tried not to be inferior to her in studies, but he left.

In addition to studying, Ami Mitsuno goes in for sports. She is very good at swimming, not inferior to Michiru in this. The girl is interested in art, she is generally a very impressionable person. Thanks to her logical mindset, she enjoys playing chess on the computer. Ami Mitsuno is a kind and sympathetic girl who always tries to resolve all conflict situations peacefully.

Family relationships

Ami Mitsuno is one of the few characters in manga and anime whose parents' marital status is explicitly stated. They are divorced, the girl's mother is a doctor and spends most of her time at work. She earns well, so they live in a prestigious area, and the girl can attend various expensive seminars.

The girl's father is an artist, and for Ami's mother, this is not a serious profession. From this we can conclude that she is a serious and responsible woman. Ami tries to be like her mother in everything, so she devotes a lot of time to her studies in order to become a good doctor.

Ami Mitsuno is one of the Sailor Mercury warriors. Her sailor fuku has shades of blue. A photo in Ami Mitsuno's biography shows what she looks like as a sailor warrior. She controls the forces of water, which is hinted at by her Blue colour hair.

Sailor Mercury's personality is practically no different from the personality of an ordinary girl, Ami Mitsuno. One of the distinguishing abilities is the presence of a computer, which allows Sailor Mercury to develop an attack strategy, because she is the only one of the warriors who retains the ability to reason logically during battle.

Relationships with other Sailor Warriors

Her best friends are all the warriors in sailor suits, who in ordinary life are also simple schoolgirls. Of course, Usagi Tsukino, who is Sailor Moon and the princess of the Moon Kingdom, has a special place. But Ami considers her best friend not because she is Serenity and her duty is to protect the princess. It was Usagi who was not afraid to approach and talk to Mitsuno, despite the fact that everyone considered her an arrogant genius girl. Thanks to her friendship with Usagi, Ami has become more confident in herself and communicates more with people.

With other girls she is equal friendly relations. Perhaps she communicates with Rey a little more - because they were the first to learn about their destiny. Rei is also able to maintain composure in difficult situations, although, of course, her nature is more explosive than Ami's. What brings them closer to Makoto is their shyness in dealing with the opposite sex. Minako, as the most cheerful of their company (except for Usagi), most often makes fun of Ami's love for studying, but these jokes have a kind connotation, so she is not offended. But, despite the differences in characters, all these girls are the best friends of a genius girl.

The prototype for creating the character Ami Mitsuno was best friend Naoko Takeuchi, Hikaru Sorano. Takeuchi did not plan to create Sailor Mercury, but when the concept of the manga changed, she became one of the main characters. Having endowed Ami with high intelligence, Naoko wanted to make her a cyborg, but still decided to leave her human. If the kanji of the heroine's first and last names are translated, it would translate to a meaning similar to "Water Ami", indicating her identity as a sailor warrior, Sailor Mercury.

Aino Minako (Sailor Venus)
Also known as Sailor V.

Initially, she fought alone in the form of Sailor V (Sailor V), but then joined the rest of the warriors. Minako has a companion - the cat Artemis. She transforms into Sailor Venus, the warrior of love. She is the leader of Sailor Moon's inner four guards. Minako dreams of becoming a famous singer and idol, so she attends every audition she can.

Weight-Weight (Sailor Vesta)

Galaxia (Sailor Galaxia)
In the anime, she is the most powerful warrior in the galaxy. Long ago, she managed to defeat Chaos by imprisoning herself. Since then, he began to slowly change her essence, trying to subdue, and eventually took advantage of Galaxia's dreams that all wars would stop. He inspired her that the only way to stop the eternal battle is to kill all the sailor warriors and collect all the star seeds.

In the manga, Galaxia is the ruler of the Shadow Galaxy Empire. She was born on a backwater planet, always very complex because of this, and when the power of a sailor warrior awakened in her, Galaxia decided that she did not want to protect her home planet, and simply fled from there in search of best place- I decided to find where stars are born. She was pointed to this place by a certain Sage, who said: "You need the Star Cauldron of the Galaxy." However, before Galaxia reached the Cauldron, Chaos had already managed to merge with it. Galaxia realized that Chaos needed to be destroyed, and she could do this only with the combined power of her Sapphire Crystal and Silver Crystal. Their combination was supposed to give her and power over the galaxy. Getting close to the treasured stone, Galaxia collected all the true star seeds of the guardians of the planets, destroying their mistresses (often along with the planets). In order to become more powerful, she hid a Sapphire Crystal in her body, dressed in golden armor and put together an army of those who dreamed of becoming sailor warriors.

Kayo Michiru (Sailor Neptune)
Talented violinist. She is a year older than most Sailor Warriors. Transforms into Sailor Neptune and harnesses the power of the ocean. Michiru fought alone until she found her partner, Sailor Uranus, with whom she fell in love. Michiru is very polite, pleasant to talk to and treats everyone well. She is already quite famous for her violin playing and her paintings, but she puts the duties of a sailor warrior at the forefront of her life.

Kino Makoto (Sailor Jupiter)
Very tall and strong for a Japanese schoolgirl. Transformed into Sailor Jupiter, she can control lightning. Makoto's parents died in a plane crash, so she lives on her own. He knows karate and cooks well.

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Luna (Sailor Luna)
The talking black cat first appears in the first series or act of any version of the work. In live-action, she transforms into Sailor Moon.

Meio Setsuna (Sailor Pluto)
She first appears as Sailor Pluto, a guardian of time whose duty it is to protect the Gates of Space and Time. Much later, she appears on Earth as a college student. She has a very reserved personality and can be very stern, but she is friendly and helps out younger sailor warriors when she can.

Pala-Pala (Sailor Pallas)
Member of the Amazon Quartet. In the manga, it is revealed that the Amazonian Quartet are actually the Sailor Warriors, the protectors of Sailor Chibi Moon.

Princess Kakyuu (Sailor Kakyuu)
The princess of the planet Kinmoku. She has protectors: Sailor Star Warrior, Sailor Star Healer, and Sailor Star Maker. In the manga, she transforms into Sailor Kakyuu.

Sailor Aluminum Siren
She started her work after Iron Mouse along with Sailor Lead Crow. Crow and Siren are very different in character, but still they were real partners. Serena was a bit like Usagi: she was just as silly, she liked to have fun and eat.

Sailor Iron Mouse
The first of Galaxia's assistants. Frivolous and unfocused, it seems that she served Galaxia only because she was afraid of death.

Sailor Summer

Sailor Mnemosyne
Appears only in the manga. The planets of Lethe and Mnemosyne were constantly at war with each other until they were destroyed by Galaxia. Lethe and Mnemosyne were left with no choice but to wear Galaxia's bracelets or die. They chose the first.

Sailor Tin Cat
In another translation - Tin Sailor Meow. In the anime, she is the last of Galaxia's assistants. She has a cat-ear hairstyle, her costume is black, but there are red ribbons in it, and small bells are also sewn to the outfit.

Sailor Lead Crow
Started working after Iron Mouse with Sailor Aluminum Sirena. Crow and Siren are very different in character, but still they were real partners. She is very strict and takes responsibility for her work.

Sailor Heavy Metal Butterfly
Appears only in the manga. The last of Galaxia's helpers, the Animamates.

Sailor Phi

Sailor Hee
He only appears in the fifth arc of the manga. Fi and Chi are the most devoted servants of Galaxia.

Seiya Kou (Sailor Star Warswoman)

Taiki Ko (Sailor Star Maker)
One of the Starlights ("Sailor Starlights"), a sailor warrior from the planet Kinmoku. On Earth, they pretended to be men - in the manga, dressing up as them, and in the anime, physically reincarnating as them.

Tomoe Hotaru (Sailor Saturn)
In another translation - Tomo Hotaru. According to the anime version, one day when Hotaru was young, she was in the laboratory of her father, a genetic scientist, and at that time there was an explosion. Everyone died except Dr. Tomoe. When he saw that Hotaru was dead, he gave his body to the demon Germatoid in exchange for Hotaru's life, but a demon also moved into her body - the Messiah of Darkness. Hotaru is often sick. Before meeting Chibiusa, she had no friends at all. Hotaru dreams of becoming a doctor. Her main ability is to heal wounds. Transforms into Sailor Saturn, a warrior of destruction. In the manga, she is part cyborg.

Teno Haruka (Sailor Uranus)
Michiru's age. Transforms into Sailor Uranus, the warrior of the sky. Before becoming a warrior, she dreamed of becoming a racer. She usually dresses and talks like a man. In battles, Haruka prefers to only work with Sailor Neptune, but later makes an exception for Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn.

Chaos (Sailor Chaos)
The embodiment of all evil, the culprit of all troubles and disasters. Galaxia fought him and eventually won by sealing him in her body, because she believed herself to be the only one capable of containing this monster. However, Chaos gradually eroded her from the inside and, in the end, subjugated the mind of Galaxia. Only Sailor Moon was able to finally defeat him.

In the manga, Chaos has another very powerful incarnation, Sailor Chaos. Even Sailor Cosmos couldn't handle her and was forced to escape into the past in the guise of Chibi Chibi.

Hino Rei (Sailor Mars)
She is a servant in a Shinto shrine, so she can sense the presence of evil and exorcise spirits without even turning into a sailor warrior. By becoming Sailor Mars, she also gains the ability to control fire. Unlike other girls, she attends a private Catholic school. She is the only one of all the characters who has a purely Japanese appearance.

Cere-Cere (Sailor Ceres)
Member of the Amazon Quartet. In the manga, it is revealed that the Amazonian Quartet are actually the Sailor Warriors, the protectors of Sailor Chibi Moon.

Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon)
Also known as Princess Serenity and Neo-Queen Serenity.

Main character. I was an ordinary schoolgirl until I met talking cat named Luna. Luna helped Usagi awaken her powers and taught her how to transform into Sailor Moon in order to fight the evil that is trying to take over the Earth. She uses her powers to protect those she cares about. In the translation of anime seasons 1-3 - Bunny Tsukino.

Chibi Chibi (Sailor Cosmos)
In the manga, Chibi's childhood appearance Chibi is a masquerade for Sailor Cosmos, mighty warrior from the future. In the anime, Chibi Chibi is the star seed of Sailor Galaxia, who was once the most powerful warrior in the galaxy. When Galaxia fought against Chaos, she saw no other way but to imprison the enemy in her body. To protect her star seed from temptation, she sent it to Earth, where it eventually became Chibi Chibi.

Chibiusa (Sailor Chibi Moon)
In another translation - Baby Bunny. Little lady, daughter of Mamoru and Usagi. She first traveled back in time from the 30th century to seek help and save her parents, later returning to train with Sailor Moon to become a warrior. Can transform into Sailor Chibi Moon.

Yunyun (Sailor Juno)
In another translation - June-Jun. Member of the Amazon Quartet. In the manga, it is revealed that the Amazonian Quartet are actually the Sailor Warriors, the protectors of Sailor Chibi Moon.

Yaten Kou (Sailor Star Healer)
One of the Starlights ("Sailor Starlights"), a sailor warrior from the planet Kinmoku. On Earth, they pretended to be men - in the manga, dressing up as them, and in the anime, physically reincarnating as them.

Name: Mitsuno Ami (translated as "Water Beauty")
Birthday: September 10
Astrological sign: Virgo
Blood type: A
Height: 1m 57cm
Favorite color: aquamarine (sea green), pale blue
Hobbies: reading, chess, swimming, computers
Favorite food: sandwich
Least Favorite Food: Hamachi
Favorite school subject: mathematics, computer science
Most disliked school subject: none
Problems with: love letters, recreation and entertainment
Good at: calculations, analysis
Dream: to become a good doctor
Favorite stone: sapphire

Ami is a student at Juuban School and lives with her mother, who works as a doctor in the city clinic. Her parents are divorced, but the reason is not named. However, it is known that Ami was taught by her father to play chess. Ami loves her mother very much, but the work of a doctor requires a lot of time and there is almost no time left for her daughter. Ami is not a typical girl. She is exceptionally intelligent, and her scores are among the highest in Japan. Ami is not only very gifted by nature, but also puts a lot of effort into self-improvement. She never sits idle and is constantly learning or reading something.

Ami loves to swim and play chess. He always tries to do everything for which he undertakes not just well, but simply perfectly. Therefore, she has almost no free time. Ami loves animals very much. Before meeting Usagi, Ami had no friends at all and was very lonely. What she lacked in friends she made up for in books. However, with the advent of warriors in sailor suits, Ami acquired not only new strength and interests, but also what she really lacked the most - true friends...

Ami reincarnates as a Sailor Mercury warrior - a warrior of the planet Mercury. However, at first, Usagi and Luna mistook her for an enemy. But it soon turned out that she was just another warrior in a sailor suit. Sailor Mercury is not the most physically strong warrior. Her weapons are "Soapy Rain", "Shining Aqua Illusion", as well as a special supercomputer "Vizor". The strength of the warrior of water lies in her analytical mindset, the ability to observe, analyze and draw conclusions.

With the help of her computer, she finds information about the demons, the environment and the weak points of the enemy. Mercury is not lost in difficult situations, she is not familiar with panic. Unlike Usagi, she is always reserved in her emotions. However, she is ready to sacrifice her life for her friends. Sailor Mercury takes her mission as a warrior very seriously. When she had the opportunity to go to study in Germany, she did not abandon her warrior friends and remained in her country. Ami was a very reserved girl, but together with her cheerful friends she learns not only to save the planet from villains, but also to discover new world. A world in which there is a place for relaxation, entertainment, true friendship, and, of course, love...