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Heart made of beads. Volumetric beaded heart: master class

In today's master class with a weaving pattern, we offer you a voluminous beaded heart that can be worn as a pendant, a phone pendant, or a keychain. The work will not take much time, but the result will please your loved ones.

Tools and materials Time: 1 hour Difficulty: 4/10

  • large beads (or small beads, bicones;
  • fishing line for beads;
  • bead needle.

Step-by-step weaving instructions

A distinctive feature of this pendant model is that it can be made from both large beads and beads, including bicones. In any version, the heart will look interesting and attractive. Good idea for a keychain or pendant for a holiday.

Step 1: weave the first cross

The weaving method is incredibly simple, it is a cross that has already become familiar to us. This is how it looks schematically.

Step 2: make several rows

This is the style in which we weave several rows.

Step 3: Round the top of the part

As a result, you will get something like this, which resembles a heart in its shape.

It is noteworthy that the workpiece consists of small squares, without curves, and it will not be difficult to repeat it. The only exception is the upper parts of the heart, but this point is clearly visible in the diagram.

Step 4: connecting two parts

You will need two of these blanks in total.

Now we collect them, our voluminous heart. This is also extremely simple to do - we just take flat hearts and sew them along the edge line. Since during the stitching process we use the remaining bicones, the final row for our keychain is formed.

By the way, it is not necessary to use beads or beads of the same size that we used to form both blanks. You can choose a smaller option, this will not spoil the final version at all. Rather, on the contrary, it will make it more interesting and unusual, especially if you choose a material of a different color scheme.

Step 5: Attach the Loop

Now all that’s left to do is attach a beaded loop to our ready-made heart. This way you can painlessly tag the keychain to its rightful place - the keys, on the rearview mirror in the car, or even on the phone. And there is no shame in giving such a product; your friends or acquaintances will appreciate the souvenir.

Such a voluminous beaded heart will be a good souvenir for dear people. Therefore, share this master class and weaving pattern with your friends, so that they too can please their loved ones with a gift.

Since historical times, the family has come first in the state. A strong, reliable unit of society in which all the traditions of the Slavic people were observed. The word family is always associated with loyalty, love, tenderness and warmth. Without family there is no us. Most people were born and raised in a family. It is very good when she is friendly, athletic, active, and observes all the traditions of her people. a reliable unit of society in which all the traditions of the Slavic people were observed. On July 8th, Slavic peoples celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. On this holiday, large families drink tea in cozy, warm, friendly homes and give each other small souvenirs made with their own hands. Our family is no exception - we also surprise each other. We give hearts, miniature bears, dogs.

This article will tell you how to make an incredible souvenir that will warm your loved ones, radiating love and tenderness.

Working material

Before you begin the creative process and create a unique masterpiece, you need to prepare working material:

  • red Czech beads (10)
  • fishing line (2m)
  • sharp scissors

Once you've prepared thoroughly, you can begin. creative process, not forgetting to arm yourself with patience, perseverance, well developed imagination, a desire to create and a good, positive mood. With all these qualities, work will go quickly and easily.

You can learn how to create a magical heart by carefully studying the detailed master class offered by craftswomen. The work begins with measuring a piece from a common coil, measuring one meter. Cut off a piece with sharp tailor's scissors. Fold it in half, find the edges, and start weaving.

We collect two beads at either end, moving them towards the fold.

We take one thing, draw two edges through it, with the tails facing each other, tightening it well.

We are approaching the two central ones. Please note the image below:

We again find the edges of the segments, pick up a bead on two ends and move them towards the ornament.

We string the third one and thread two pieces through it, slowly tightening it.

It turns out to be a completed cross.

We collect one piece for each segment, string the third one - the central one, pass the two ends through it, and tighten it. Another cross formed.

To start creating, you need to weave 7 edges on both sides, using the same method as the first three. Having made six pieces, you need to turn the weaving. On the right side we collect two beads, move them to the segment and make a central one, stringing it onto any segment and, passing the edges through it, we pull it up.

Let's weave seven crosses in the opposite direction. The operating principle is similar to the previous description.

It turned out to be a beautiful element. The last seventh is woven similarly to the beginning incomplete cross. One piece is collected on the right edge and advanced. We take another piece onto the same segment, making it central, and pass both tails through this hole.

The fishing line turned out to be on the left side, and a defective cross came out, just like on the reverse side. To continue weaving, you need to turn everything in the opposite direction. To do this, we find the right segment, put two beads on it for reversal, and move it towards weaving. And then we make a central bead, stringing it on either end and threading it through the bead of two ends, tightening it.

We ended up with a cross adjacent to the previous row, and our weaving turned in the other direction. We pass the left edge through the first protruding bead of the adjacent row, and on the right we add 1 bead, and 1 - the central one, through which we close the cross. The side beads of the previous row will serve as the side bead. We will always pull the left end through the side bead, put one bead on the right line, and one trailing bead. Thus, all actions are repeated until bending.

Then we take the left one and pass it through the side bead of the previous row and another side bead of the bottom row, tighten it well. To completely close the cross, only one bead is needed. Let's make a central bead by piercing it with two ends and carefully tightening it.

On the next side we perform similar actions.

Having reached the finish line, we round the edge by turning the weave. Rounding occurs by stringing a bead on the left end and another one, passing through both ends. We have taken the workflow in a different direction.

We start the third row by stringing two beads onto the left end, then one, and pass both ends through it.

By analogy with the previous row, we weave the third tier. The right tip will now go through the protruding beads. Having understood the technology of making a heart, it will not be difficult to finish the part, following the steps taken earlier. As a result of painstaking work and creative passion, we made a wonderful heart.

Volumetric heart

To make a more voluminous heart, we will need another similar heart.

Good day, needlewomen! How are you creative success? I hope everything is great! Today I want to show you how to weave a heart from beads. There are so many beautiful elements you can make from beads. Heart is one of the popular such elements that can be used as a keychain, pendant or pendant.

In the article you will learn:

  1. What is needed to weave a heart from beads.
  2. How to weave a heart from beads.

What is needed to weave a beaded heart?

So, from the materials for work we will need:

  1. Czech beads. I took beads number 3 so that the pattern could be seen better.
  2. Wire No. 0.03, fishing line or thread (whoever is more accustomed to working with what). Speaking of wire, if not you haven’t read the article yet "Wire for beading" forward. From the article you will learn about what kind of wire there is and how to use it.
  3. Scissors.

How to make a heart from beads

Now let's start weaving a heart from beads.

I weave on a fishing line; it’s easiest for me to work with. Let's measure out a piece of fishing line or wire approximately 100-120 cm long. Fold it in half (in half). We collect three beads on the fishing line and close them into a ring. The result is a triangle like the one in the photo.

This action must be repeated eight times.

Now we need to rotate our beadwork to make the base of the heart.

Now we turn the bead weaving in the opposite direction again. We weave in exactly the same way, according to the same pattern. Only now one wall of the weave will be the beads of the first row. As the picture shows.

We remove the needle from the outermost bead, close to the weave. Now we turn around again and weave in the opposite direction.

Let's weave one more row in the opposite direction and that's it, the beaded heart is ready!

This is the beaded heart we came up with. It's not difficult at all. In order to make such a heart from beads, you do not need to have professional skills. Just want it enough and everything will work out.

Where to use a beaded heart

Use this beaded heart for its intended purpose: make a pendant from a heart, a keychain for a bunch of keys from small hearts, and if desired, such a heart can become a decor for your room.

And if you weave another such heart from beads and connect it with the same heart, you will get a three-dimensional heart.

I hope you liked my pattern for weaving a heart from beads. If you know weaving patterns, be sure to share them in the comments.

I wish you good luck and new creative victories! I will be glad to see your questions and comments under the article. And by the way, if you haven’t subscribed to our updates yet, be sure to do so. We have a lot of interesting things. Goodbye!

This master class is more suitable for beginners. After all, there is nothing easier than weaving baubles from beads with a cross. Only today we will weave a bracelet in two rows and with hearts.

We will need large beads of two shades, scissors and fishing line (1 m). You can complement the weaving with metallic beads.

This is what the general bracelet weaving pattern looks like.

We start by stringing 4 beads of the main (background) color onto one end. We thread the other end of the fishing line into the last bead. We tighten the weaving in the center.

We have come to the moment when we need to weave hearts from pink beads. The weaving pattern is no different, you just need to alternate the main color with pink.
We string a white bead on the left end of the fishing line, a pink one on the right and intertwine both ends in pink.

We weave a full cross from pink beads.

We finish weaving the heart the same way we started, only at the end we intertwine both ends in white beads.

We weave two crosses of the main color and again begin to weave a heart. There are 5 hearts in the bracelet. You can weave less or more, or change the spacing in the form of crosses. From the last heart there should be 8 more crosses or more. The size of the bracelet depends on the diameter of the wrist.

This is what the first row of the bracelet looks like.

We weave the second and last row of the bracelet. We string 3 beads onto the left end and thread the right end of the fishing line through the last one.

We always thread the fishing line through the free bead in the first row, and string 2 beads of the main color onto the extreme end. We thread the left end through the last one. After forming a cross, the left end should always be threaded through the bead in the first row.

In the second row we finish weaving hearts. On the last cross of the main color, the bead through which we pass both ends should be pink.

We weave a pink cross.

We string a bead of the main color onto the left end, and thread both ends through the pink one.

We weave a pink cross again. At this point we finish weaving the heart and weave further with the main color until the next heart.

This is what a woven bracelet looks like.

Now you need to connect both ends. We string one bead at a time and pull them through the bead on the opposite side of the bracelet. A cross is formed.

A wonderful souvenir in the shape of a beaded heart can be made for Valentine's Day or for any special occasion. Moreover, this does not require any special skills or abilities. You just need to want to do it unique thing for your loved one, be patient and follow the master class step by step prepared by hand-made master Marina Anferova. The heart weaving pattern is attached.

How to weave a small volumetric heart from beads

To make a volumetric heart we will need:

  • large Czech beads,
  • wire with a diameter of 0.3mm,
  • large beads,
  • pliers.

Before starting work, let's get acquainted with the diagram of the heart. We will weave a heart using the “monastery cross-stitch” technique.

Take a piece of wire about 120 cm long and fold it in half. We put one bead on each side and lower them down. We thread the next bead through the ends of the wire on both sides and tighten it tightly so that our structure is tight. As a result, we get a triangle like this.

Then we put one bead on each side, and thread the third bead with the ends of the wire on both sides and also tighten it. We have a full-fledged cross of four beads.

Let's repeat this action up to the 8th step.

Then we make a spread for the second part of our heart. Why, on the wire on the right, we put two beads, and on the left only one. And we thread this one through both ends of the wire on both sides.

Following the pattern, we will weave 7 regular crosses until the row is completed. To obtain an unfinished cross in the last link, you need to put two beads on the wire on the right, and then thread the last one with the ends of the wire on both sides.

On the 16th step we make an addition, for this we put two beads on the wire on the right, and one on the left, which we pass through both ends of the wire on both sides, thus turning to the left.

We continue to weave crosses, but on the left side we will use the existing beads of the first row in weaving. We weave 7 steps and make a U-turn to the top, for which we thread the wire into two beads at once from the left and take one new one, which we thread with both ends of the wire on both sides.

Thus, we continue to weave according to the pattern until the 39th step. Next, we make a decrease, for which, when turning to the left, on the wire on the right, we string two beads, the last of them is threaded on both sides with the two ends of the wire.

We weave to the end of the row, making an inferior cross from three beads. We secure the wire with pliers and remove the excess ends.

You need to weave two such hearts.

After the two hearts are ready, we connect them with a cross around the perimeter. To do this, we take a separate piece of wire about 60 cm long and connect all the protruding beads with a cross.