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How much should a healthy person weigh? How much should a man weigh? Height to weight ratio in men

Normal human weight– this is a concept that cannot be precise. Its criteria include not only weight and height, but also a person’s physique and even age. Many men and women experience problems with being overweight or underweight. In this article I would like to tell you how to calculate your weight and what, in general, is the norm.

Calculation of weight by height and age

There are many ways to help calculate weight by height and age. But it should be remembered that such schemes may not be entirely perfect, since the weight ratio can be affected by other factors that are often not taken into account.

Method 1

Since ancient times, many people have trusted Broca's method.

A person's height is taken in centimeters, then 100 is subtracted from this.

But after some time, the performance of this method changed slightly. This formula is best used to calculate weight by height for females aged between 40 and 50 years. How does it change

Women under 30 years of age need to have a body weight that is 10% less than this result.

Method 2

To calculate weight based on height and age, it is considered more accurate Quetelet's method. This formula calculates the ratio of fat and bone and muscle tissue as a percentage. It allows you to determine whether a person is overweight or underweight. Usually we use this method of calculation for people from 20 to 60 years old.

For men, 10-15% fat of total body weight is considered normal, for women only 12%.

How is it calculated: body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

Should not be used This calculation method is for pregnant women, women during lactation, adolescents and people involved in sports.

Method 3

There is a formula that helps determine the distribution of fat by measuring the size of the waist and buttocks.

Calculated as follows: The volume of the buttocks should be divided by the volume of the waist.


  • for men – 0.80;
  • for women – 0.60-0.80.

Method 4

In order to determine your type of body build, you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of your right hand, but if your working hand is left hand, then you need to measure it. In the normostatic type it is equal to 17-18.5 cm, in the broad-boned type – more than 18.5 and in the thin-boned type – less than 17 cm.

Weight by height and age

Of course, age has a strong influence on body weight. It has been scientifically proven that over the years, body weight in men and women gradually increases with age. Moreover, this may not be extra pounds, but a natural physical process. But height affects people’s weight just as much.

Weight, height, age - table for men

Each person has his own body type. There are 3 of them: thin-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned. Each body type has its own characteristics.

Traits that distinguish one type from another:

This table shows the weight for men that is considered normal, taking into account his body type and height:

Thin-boned build Normal bone build Broad-boned build
155 cm - 49 kg 155 cm - 56 kg 155 cm - 62 kg
160 cm - 53.5 kg 160 cm - 60 kg 160 cm - 66 kg
165 cm - 57 kg 165 cm - 63.5 kg 165 cm - 69.5 kg
170 cm - 60.5 kg 170 cm - 68 kg 170 cm - 74 kg
175 cm - 65 kg 175 cm - 72 kg 175 cm - 78 kg
180 cm – 69 kg 180 cm - 75 kg 180 cm - 81 kg
185 cm - 73.5 kg 185 cm - 79 kg 185 cm - 85 kg

It should be taken into account that with thin-boned addition they sometimes subtract 3-5% from the weight indicated in the table. With big bones - 1-1,5%.

Weight, height, age - table for women

Using this table you can track the average weight for a woman taking into account her height:

Height, cm Normal weight, kg
148 46,3
149 47
150 47,4
151 48
152 48,4
153 48,9
154 49,6
155 50
156 50,7
157 51
158 51,8
159 52
160 52,6
161 53,4
162 54
163 54,5
164 55,3
165 55,8
166 56,6
167 57,6
168 58,2
169 59
170 59,5
171 60
172 61
173 62
174 62,5
175 63,4
176 64
177 64,5
178 65,2
179 65,9
180 66,8
181 67,4
182 68,5
183 68,8
184 69,5
185 70

Weight, height, age - table

In these tables you can see normal weight bodies in women and men, depending on their age and height.

The first table will tell you what weight should be for men and women aged 20 to 29 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 52 48,9
152 53,5 51
154 55,3 53
156 58,5 56
158 61 58
160 63 59,8
162 64,6 61,6
164 67,3 63,6
166 68,8 65
168 71 68
170 72,7 69,2
172 74,1 72,8
174 77,5 74,3
176 81 77
178 83 78,2
180 85,1 80,8

The second table will tell you about the normal weight of the stronger and weaker sex between the ages of 30 and 39:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57 54
152 59 55
154 61,5 60
156 64,5 61,5
158 67,3 64,1
160 70 65,8
162 71 68,5
164 74 70,8
166 74,5 71,8
168 76,2 73,7
170 77,7 75,8
172 79,3 77
174 81 79
176 83,3 80
178 87 82,5
180 88 84

In the third table you can see the normal weight of people from 40 to 49 years old:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58,1 58,5
152 61,5 59,5
154 64,5 62,4
156 67,3 66
158 70,4 67,9
160 72,3 69,9
162 74,4 72,2
164 77,2 74
166 78 76,6
168 79,6 78,2
170 81 79,8
172 82,8 81,7
174 84,4 83,7
176 86 84,6
178 88 86,1
180 89,9 88,1

The fourth table will tell us about normal weight between the ages of 50 and 60:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58 55,7
152 61 57,6
154 63,8 60,2
156 65,8 62,4
158 68 64,5
160 69,7 65,8
162 72,7 68,7
164 75,6 72
166 76,3 73,8
168 79,5 74,8
170 79,9 76,8
172 81,1 77,7
174 82,5 79,4
176 84,1 80,5
178 86,5 82,4
180 87,5 84,1

And finally, the fifth table will talk about the normal weight of men and women in old age, that is, from 60 to 70 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57,3 54,8
152 60,3 55,9
154 61,9 59
156 63,7 60,9
158 67 62,4
160 68,2 64,6
162 69,1 66,5
164 72,2 70,7
166 74,3 71,4
168 76 73,7
170 76,9 75
172 78,3 76,3
174 79,3 78
176 81,9 79,1
178 82,8 80,9
180 84,4 81,6

It is known that in old age the physical activity and, metabolism in the body decreases. But some habits of older people regarding proper nutrition and an active lifestyle remain unchanged even after many years. Therefore, despite the decrease in muscle tissue, many people do not stop gaining weight over the years.

Bottom line

Summarizing the above formulas for calculating weight and tables that indicate weight standards for men and women, we can conclude that a person’s weight is directly related to many other criteria.

These criteria are:

  • person's age;
  • height;
  • body type.

Heredity is also an important factor. If a person has a genetic predisposition to be overweight, then getting rid of extra pounds will be much more difficult.

In conclusion, I would like to say that knowing whether your weight corresponds to normal body weight helps to eliminate a lot of problems, and sometimes identify the presence of a disease.

Controlling your weight is the prevention of many serious diseases. Hypertension and diabetes are usually accompanied by obesity. At the same time, cancer and diseases of the digestive tract can lead to sudden weight loss.

In order to maintain normal body weight you need to:

  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • You need to have breakfast every day, as this helps to avoid snacking at a later time;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • regularly weighing your body weight;
  • consultations with a specialist if you are overweight or, on the contrary, underweight;
  • To maintain a normal weight, a man needs 2,500 calories a day, and a woman needs 2,000.

Watch your weight and nutrition, be healthy!

The results of BMI calculations are not suitable for estimating the weight of professional athletes, pregnant women, as well as people suffering from edema and other disorders that lead to an incorrect assessment of the initial data.

The weight ranges in this calculator are calculated taking into account height, according to the methods of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The method of assessing weight using BMI is intended for the primary identification of underweight or excess weight. Receiving a score different from the norm is a reason to contact a nutritionist and endocrinologist in order to conduct an individual weight assessment and develop recommendations for its correction, if necessary.

The ideal weight range (normal) shows at what weight the probability of occurrence and recurrence of diseases associated with overweight or underweight is minimal. In addition, as practice shows, a person with a normal weight looks not only healthy, but also the most attractive. If you are adjusting your weight, it is highly recommended not to go beyond the norm in order to avoid health problems.

About weight categories

Underweight usually an indication for increased nutrition; It is also recommended to consult a nutritionist or endocrinologist. This category includes people who are malnourished or have a medical condition that causes them to lose weight.
Lack of body weight is also typical for professional models, gymnasts, ballerinas or girls who are overly keen on losing weight without the supervision of a nutritionist. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to health problems. Therefore, weight correction in this range should be accompanied by regular medical monitoring.

Norm shows the weight at which a person has the maximum chance of remaining healthy and, as a result, beautiful for as long as possible. Normal weight is not a guarantee of good health, but it significantly reduces the risk of disorders and diseases caused by being overweight or underweight. In addition, people of normal weight, as a rule, feel good even after intense exercise. physical activity.

Obesity speaks of excess body weight. A person in this category often has some signs associated with excess weight (shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, fatigue, fat folds, dissatisfaction with his figure) and has every chance of moving into the obesity category. In this case, a slight weight correction to normal or to values ​​close to it is recommended. It would also be a good idea to consult a nutritionist.

Obesity- an indicator of a chronic disease associated with excess body weight. Obesity invariably leads to problems with the cardiovascular system and significantly increases the risk of acquiring other diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.). Treatment of obesity is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a nutritionist or endocrinologist, and only after conducting the necessary tests and determining its type. It is not recommended to engage in uncontrolled diets and serious physical activity if you are obese, as this can provoke additional problems.

Answers on questions

What specific weight is ideal for me?

The calculator calculates the ideal weight range for you based on your height. From this range you are free to choose any specific weight, depending on your preferences, beliefs and requirements for your figure. For example, adherents of a model figure tend to keep their weight at the lower limit.

If your priority is health and longevity healthy life, That ideal weight calculated based on medical statistics. In this case, the optimal weight is calculated based on a BMI of 23.

Can the assessment received be trusted?

Yes. Adult weight estimates are based on the results of authoritative studies from the World Health Organization (WHO). Weight assessment from birth to 18 years is carried out separately special technique, also developed by WHO.

Why is gender not taken into account?

BMI assessment of adults is carried out in the same way for both men and women - this is justified by the results of statistical studies. At the same time, for assessing weight, gender and age are of fundamental importance.

Some other weight calculator gives a different result. What to believe?

There are a huge number of calculators designed to give weight estimates based on height and gender. But their formulas, as a rule, were developed in the last century by individuals or teams based on criteria that are unknown to you or do not suit you (for example, formulas for evaluating athletes).

The WHO recommendations used in this calculator are designed for general modern people, taking into account the conditions of modern life, medical advances and based on fresh observations of the population of all continents of the planet. Therefore, we trust only this technique.

I believe the result should be different.

The assessment is made solely on the basis of the height and weight data you provide (as well as age and gender for children). If you receive unexpected results, please double-check all entered data. Also, make sure that you are not one of the women whose weight cannot be assessed through body mass index.

My result is underweight, but I want to lose more weight

There is nothing unusual in this; many professional models, dancers, and ballerinas do just that. However, in this case, it is recommended to lose weight only under the supervision of a nutritionist and endocrinologist, so as not to harm your health if it means something to you.

Please note that most people's bodies are not able to fully function in a state of underweight. And only a few, due to the characteristics of genetics (or disease, ecology, lifestyle), can live comfortably with a deficit of body weight: without risk to health and without experiencing malaise, dizziness and constant hunger.

My result is normal, but I consider myself fat (or thin)

If you have concerns about your figure, we recommend taking up fitness after consulting with a good nutritionist.

Please note that some elements of the figure are practically impossible to correct only with the help of fitness, exercise, diet, or a combination of these. Your goals should be analyzed by an experienced doctor to assess their reality, consequences and prescribe only the right procedures.

My result is pre-obesity (or obesity), but I don’t agree with it

If you are an athlete (or an amateur weightlifter) with increased muscle mass, then weight assessment by BMI is simply not intended for you (this is mentioned in). In any case, for an accurate individual weight assessment, contact a nutritionist - only in this case will you receive an authoritative result with a doctor’s seal.

Why am I considered too thin or fat even though my weight is normal?

Pay attention to the personalities and weight of the people who bother you. As a rule, they judge solely by themselves: subjectively. Overweight people always consider thin people to be skinny, and thin people always consider overweight people to be fat, moreover, both of them can have a weight within the healthy norm. Take into account social factors: try to exclude, suppress or ignore those judgments addressed to you that are based on ignorance, envy or personal hostility. Only an objective assessment of BMI, which clearly indicates the norm, excess or deficiency of mass, is worthy of trust; and trust your concerns about your figure only to supportive people in your weight category, or better yet, to an experienced nutritionist.

How to calculate body mass index (BMI)?

It is necessary to divide the weight indicated in kilograms by the square of the height indicated in meters. For example, with growth 178 cm and weight 69 kg calculation will be like this:
BMI = 69 / (1.78 * 1.78) = 21.78

Since time immemorial, man has been concerned with the question of the existence of the soul (the ephemeral component of human consciousness, his Self). Many are still trying to resolve the issue - these are all fictions and superstitions, and the soul as an astral body does not exist. However, if it exists, how much does it weigh and where is it located? Some people are interested in this from the point of view of selling their souls to the devil, while others, on the contrary, are concerned about how best to preserve the purity of their souls.

The first attempts by scientific researchers to clarify the question of whether a person has a soul can be attributed to Dr. Duncan McDougall from Haverhill (Massachusetts). Dr. McDougall published his own research conducted in the clinic on the pages of the journal American Medicine in 1907.

In 1906, becoming interested in the question of the existence of the inner “essence” of a person, the doctor decided to estimate the weight of the soul. He suggested that once per second of death the soul leaves the physical shell, then perhaps the mass of a person at that moment may decrease. And accordingly, by the difference in weight before and after death, the weight of the soul can be determined.

In preparation for the study, Duncan McDougall built a special bed in the ward of the hospital. The deathbed was a scale with a measurement accuracy of several grams. On this bed Dr. McDougall laid patients in a state of death. For the most part, these were people stricken with tuberculosis, whose last hours of life were spent in immobility. It was the quiet fading of the dying person that was the most important part of the study, so that the scales did not swing and gave the necessary accuracy to the experimenter.

During the experiment, the scales were set to zero and the research assistants monitored changes in the mass of the lying person every minute. Based on the results of multiple experiments, the researcher came to a stunning conclusion: the average weight of the human soul is about 22 grams! It is by this mass that at the moment of a person’s death that the body becomes lighter. This strange weight loss of 22 grams at the moment of death indicates that the soul has left the physical body.

Of course, the doctor’s statement provoked not only skepticism in the scientific community, but also distrust of the research results. Indeed, how can an immaterial and ephemeral entity have mass?

For some time, interest in “soul searching” subsided. However, in the middle of the last century, Doctor of Natural Sciences Eugenius Kugis from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences returns to this problem and conducts a series of studies. Actually, they are similar to the previous researcher, except that the technique used was more advanced. As a result of the research, the scientist identifies the main thing immediately after death, the human body loses weight from 3 to 7 grams. As the scientist suggested, this is probably the mass of the soul! Since it is impossible to explain this by some natural processes occurring in the deceased body.

Yes, Soviet scientists also tried to examine and weigh the soul. And moreover, they were able not only to determine the weight of the soul, but even to consider what it is like outside the physical carrier! The intriguing area of ​​our body was studied at the VNIIRP named after. Popov, where a special laboratory was created under the leadership of Professor Vitaly Khromov. True, the scientists’ research was not published in scientific journals of the USSR, so there is no need to talk about the reliability of the results... - but nevertheless, it is interesting.

Neurophysiologist Oleg Bekhmetyev conducted research into the nature of the soul, conducting a series of experiments. And according to the neurophysiologist, what we call the soul is the radiation of every cell of our body, without exception. The further work of the scientists at the special laboratory appears to be quite fantastic. By recording the emission of a certain radiation emanating at the moment of death, the researchers managed to sum up the rays and present the mysterious phenomenon on a computer model (90s)! This is something amazing and even frightening - the rays escaping from the body are consolidated into something single, which can be identified as a newborn! It’s as if a new life is being born, but on some other level.

The human soul, where is it located?

German psychologists asked this question to children aged 7 to 17 years. When asked by researchers where a person’s soul might be located, older people answered “everywhere.” The middle ones decided that the soul is in the head. But the younger children chose the heart as the abode of the soul. And it must be said that the children’s assumption that the soul is written in the heart is not so unfounded.

Thus, psychologist Paul Piersell from the American city of Detroit had conversations with hundreds of patients who had undergone a donor heart transplant. And according to the conclusions of a psychologist, set out in the book “The Heart Code”, the heart is not only an organ for pumping blood. Surprisingly, all the feelings and thoughts we experience, all experiences, emotions and habits are “encoded” in the cells of our heart, that is, everything that makes up our own “I”. And as a result of a heart transplant, the new owner of the heart receives the habits and feelings of the previous owner, his thoughts, and most likely his soul too. And what is extremely surprising is that a kind of “rewriting” of a person’s personality occurs. His psychophysical matrix is ​​changing.

— A 40-year-old man received a donor heart from a 19-year-old girl who died in a train accident. After the operation, the man, who was known as a slow bumpkin, unexpectedly turned into an active person with a great interest in life.

— A New York resident, Sylvia Claire, at the age of 50, as a result of replacing her “engine,” acquired habits that were previously unusual for her. When the dance lesson teacher came to her senses after the operation, unexpectedly even for herself, she wanted beer and fried chicken legs, which the woman had never consumed before. Over time, she began to develop other previously unnoticed habits. As it turned out, the teacher received the donor heart from a young 18-year-old man (who died in a car accident) who was a lover of beer and fried chicken legs, and also loved to smoke.

The soul is a substance independent of the body.

As the study of cases of clinical death (cardiac arrest) has shown, the soul can exist separately from the physical body. This is confirmed by the words of people who experienced clinical death. They talk about a state of absolute peace, about the roads they saw to other dimensions, about how they communicated with deceased relatives - and all this happened while the brain was not working. Moreover, some of the patients believed that they stayed in the “other dimension” for about a week, although in the real world seconds passed.

It is impossible to explain this phenomenon, except perhaps through visions of a brain fading away without oxygen, scientists believe. Or recognize the fact that the soul is not attached to the physical body and can live separately, while maintaining the personality and individuality of a person. What gives rise to the deeper question of the soul living forever?

The life of the soul after the death of the body.

The debate about whether life continues after death or whether it is fiction was in some way cleared up by the American scientist Robert Lantz (professor at the Medical University of North Carolina). Without delving into the theory of biocentrism and quantum physics, then in in simple words The scientist’s conclusion sounds simple - there is no death as such! We are accustomed to believe that the basis of life is the activity of carbons and molecules, and as long as this formula works, we live. But this is not a completely appropriate definition, explains Professor Lanz. In addition to the physical body, a person has a certain energetic essence - let’s call it a soul.

Then why not assume that physical death does not mean the death of a person’s personality. After all, this very energetic substance, or more simply put, the soul, carries within itself all the information that a person has accumulated in his consciousness during his lifetime, his own “I”. And while the physical body is sent to the graveyard, amazing horizons of life open up before the immortal soul. It is likely that the soul flows to the next “level” of understanding the world of our multiverse.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe or not to believe in assumptions about the immortality of the soul and life in the astral world. But there is a reason to think about the safety and purity of your soul. It may be that life on Earth is the threshold of something greater, the same origin of life in another world. But having marred your soul with sins or sold it to the devil, you can be born in a new world... albeit stillborn.

In order to find the answer to the question of how much a man should weigh, people use various formulas to calculate the optimal ratio of height and weight. However, most of them are conditional, because factors such as physiological characteristics, diet, lifestyle and age. So how much should a man weigh? We suggest you figure it out.

for a man: correct proportions

Optimal body weight in men is usually determined by three indicators:

  • height;
  • heaviness of bones;
  • chest volume.

Height to weight ratio for the vast majority of healthy men who adhere to proper nutrition, is a constant value. A significant increase in this indicator may indicate excessive weight gain, and a decrease, as a rule, indicates inflammatory processes within the body.

Body type and weight

A man's weight can be affected by several factors, such as body type. Today there are three main types:

  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic.

Asthenics are people with elongated limbs, narrowed shoulders, narrow and light bones, and an accelerated metabolism. In common people, asthenics are most often called wiry and dry. Indeed, these thin people have practically no body fat, which ideally for a man should be 10-18% of total body weight.

Hypersthenics are people characterized by broad shoulders, a short and dense neck, and shortened limbs. These men, as a rule, have wide and rather heavy bones and a slow metabolism. They are usually called broad-boned, strong, dense. Even with an optimal ratio of height and weight, their weight will be much greater than that of a normosthenic and asthenic person.

Normosthenics are people who have the most balanced body. They have a normal metabolism, bones of average volume and mass.

Taking into account all body types, scientists have developed special manuals. One of the benefits that is actively used today is a table of weight and height ratios for normosthenics, hypersthenics, and asthenics.

How to independently determine your body type

Belonging to one type or another can be determined visually. However, if you have any doubts, we recommend taking a short test that will help determine your body type.

Try to grasp your wrist, for example your left, with the thumb and middle fingers of your right hand. If nothing works out for you, then we can say with confidence that you are a hypersthenic. I managed to grasp it, but with difficulty - I am a normosthenic person. If you grab your wrist without any problems, then this is a clear sign of an asthenic physique.

There is another way to determine a man's body type. To do this you need to measure your wrist circumference:

  • volume up to 17 centimeters - asthenic;
  • from 17 to 20 centimeters - normosthenic;
  • from 20 centimeters - hypersthenic.

Weight-to-height ratio: Broca's formulas

One of the scientists who wondered how much a man should weigh was Professor Brock. He compiled his own formulas that made it possible to make a fairly accurate calculation of mass, taking into account not only the physique and height indicators, but also the age of the man. The first and easiest formula:

  • it is necessary to measure the man’s height (in centimeters);
  • if a man is under 41 years old, then 110 must be subtracted from the available height data;
  • if a man is over 41 years old, then subtract 100.

The resulting value is the normal weight of a normosthenic. If your weight is 10 percent or more below the obtained value, then you are classified as asthenic. Your weight exceeds the norm by 10 percent or more, you are a hypersthenic.

Another Brock formula does not take into account a man's physique, but takes into account his age. However, such a calculation of how much a man should weigh cannot be called accurate. Formula:

  • 100, 105 or 110 are subtracted from a person’s full height. For example, men with a height of up to 165 cm need to subtract the value 100. The value 105 must be subtracted if their height is 166-175 cm. Men whose height exceeds 176 cm need to subtract the value 110.
  • The obtained value is the norm for men whose age is 41-51 years. For younger men aged 21-31 years, the obtained value must be reduced by 10%. Those over 51 years old should add 7% to the result to get the normal value.

There is also a ready-made table that clearly demonstrates how much a man should weigh with a height of 148 to 190 cm.

Age 30-39

Age 40-49

Age 50-59

Age 60-69

To understand the specifics of calculations using the methods described above, we suggest paying attention to examples of calculations.

Height 170

How much a man should weigh with a height of 170 cm can be easily calculated using Brock’s method:

  • According to body type, the weight of a normosthenic will vary between 61-71 kg, a hypersthenic - 65-73 kg, an asthenic 58-62 kg.
  • For men under 31 years of age, normal weight is up to 72 kg. Age up to 41 years - 77.5 kg, up to 51 years - 81 kg. Age up to 60 years - 80 kg, over sixty - 77 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, normal body weight is 80.5 kg (170-100) * 1.15.

Height 175

How much should a man weigh if he is 175 cm tall? Let's try to calculate using the method described above:

  • If we take into account the height of 175 cm, then the weight of a normosthenic will vary between 65-71 kg. An asthenic person will weigh around 62-66 kg, and a hypersthenic person will weigh around 69-77 kg.
  • For men whose age does not exceed 30 years, normal weight is 77.5-80.8 kg. If your age is from 31 to 40 years, then normal body weight is 80.8-83.3 kg. From 50 to 60 years - 82.5-84 kg. Over 60 years old - 79-82 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, normal body weight is 86.25 kg (175-100) * 1.15.

The same information will be useful to people, looking for an answer to the question of how much a man should weigh with a height of 176 cm. Mass indicators will remain practically unchanged.

Height 178

Using this formula, you can find out how much a man should weigh if he is 178 cm tall:

  • The weight of a normosthenic is from 66 to 72 kg, a hypersthenic - 72-83 kg, an asthenic - 63-66 kg.
  • For men under 30 years of age - 79-83.3 kg. Up to 40 years - 83.3-85.6 kg. Up to 50 years - 84-86.5 kg. Over 60 years old - 80-83 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, normal body weight is 89.7 kg (178-100) * 1.15.

With a height of 180 cm

How much should a man weigh if he is 180 cm tall? The calculation looks like this:

  • According to body type, the weight of a normosthenic is from 68 to 75 kg, a hypersthenic is from 72 to 91 kg, an asthenic is 66-67 kg.
  • For men under 30 years of age - 80-85 kg. Up to 40 years - 85-88 kg. Up to 50 years - 86-90 kg. Over 60 years old - 81-84 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, normal body weight is 92 kg (180-100) * 1.15.

With a height of 182 cm

How much should a man weigh with a height of 182 cm. The calculation is as follows:

  • According to body type, the weight of a normosthenic ranges from 68-76 kg, a hypersthenic from 73 to 92 kg, an asthenic - 67-72 kg.
  • For men under 31 years of age - 81-86 kg. Up to 41 years old - 86-91 kg. Up to 51 years old - 87-92 kg. Over 60 years old - 82-85 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, normal body weight is 94.3 kg (180-100) * 1.15.

Height 185 cm

For a height of 185 cm, the calculation looks like this:

  • According to body type, the weight of a normosthenic is from 69 to 74 kg, a hypersthenic is from 76 to 86 kg, an asthenic is 72-80 kg.
  • For men under 31 years of age - 89-93 kg. Up to 41 years old - 92-95 kg. Up to 51 years old - 93-96.5 kg. Over 60 years old - 91.5-93 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, normal body weight is 97.7 kg (185-100) * 1.15.

Considering age

Scientists have proven that a person’s weight, regardless of gender, should gradually increase with age. There's nothing wrong with that. Gradual weight gain is a natural physiological process. The pounds that most of us consider extra are most likely not. To find out your optimal weight, use the formulas and tables given above.

A man’s weight depends both on the constitution of his body and on his physical health. The taller a person is, the greater his body weight. Weight also depends on the volume of the chest. However, excess weight and obvious extra pounds indicate the presence of health problems.

As a rule, the reasons for gaining fat mass and the appearance of excess fat deposits are:

  • unhealthy diet (excessively high-calorie foods);
  • metabolic disease;
  • lack of physical activity, inactivity.

These factors can lead not only to obesity varying degrees, but also to serious health problems. For example:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • diseases digestive system;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Doctors recommend sticking to proper nutrition and maintaining optimal body weight. Due to excess weight, as a rule, diseases such as arthrosis, diabetes, and heart failure develop. Obese people often have high blood pressure.

Good reasons to maintain an optimal weight

Maintaining an optimal weight is not only about aesthetics and the absence of problems when choosing clothes, but also about health and longevity. For people of any age who have excess weight, extra pounds are a burden that you can and should get rid of.

Here are just a few reasons why you should pay more attention to your physical fitness:

  • We remove discomfort. By losing even 10% of the total body weight, we will achieve a significant reduction in discomfort and pain in the joints and muscles that arise as a result of lack of movement. Extra pounds place significant stress on the joints and skeleton as a whole.
  • We normalize blood pressure. Excess weight increases the risk of developing high blood pressure.
  • Improving heart function. The higher our body weight, the more intense our heart should work. By removing extra pounds, we significantly reduce the load on the heart, making it work more efficiently.
  • We reduce the risk of diabetes. People who carry extra pounds are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
  • Lower risk of developing cancer. Oddly enough, extra pounds contribute to the development of certain types of cancer. To avoid unwanted consequences, you should monitor your body weight.
  • We reduce the risk of arthrosis. Arthrosis is a joint disease that can occur from excess weight. In order not to overload your body, to reduce the risk of the appearance and development of arthrosis, it is necessary to maintain an optimal weight.

We have given only a small part of the reasons why you should monitor your body weight. Using the tables and formulas contained in the article, you can find out the optimal weight of men of different heights, ages and builds.

How much should a person weigh? Many people ask themselves this question, but there is not and cannot be an exact answer. Each has its own constitution, characteristics and genetics. There are several methods for determining weight, but they are all more of an entertaining nature. It can be fun to test yourself and your friends. Moreover, according to different methods, the numbers are very different.

Simply, enter two numbers and get the result.

According to Brunhard's formula, it is equal to i1=g1*g5/240//1 kg

Weight table according to Nagler's formula

According to Taton's formula: i8=g5-(100+(g5-100)/20)//1 kg.

According to Noorden's formula: i9= g5 * 420/1000//1 kg.

To determine whether you are overweight or not, do the following.

  1. Take off your clothes
  2. Stand in front of the mirror.
  3. Turn around, spin around.
  4. And ask yourself: “Am I overweight?”

If you answer "Yes"- then you are overweight, No- that means no.

A bad mood can greatly influence your answer. So repeat visual testing :)

If you are in doubt about whether you are overweight or not, it is better to use the WHO body mass index calculation.