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Weak erogenous zones in girls. A complete guide to female erogenous zones

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin and mucous membranes, irritation of which at the right moment leads to increasing sexual arousal. You should pay attention to the expression “at the right moment,” because irritation of the erogenous zone does not lead to a corresponding reaction at any time and not in any sequence.

Erogenous zones include the skin of the head, eyelids, lips, tongue, oral mucosa, auricle, the area behind the auricle, earlobe, back of the head, hair, side of the neck; the front, surface of the neck or throat to the upper edge of the sternum; palm, soft fingertips; mammary glands and nipples; skin of the lower third of the abdomen; navel; “cat spot” (the area of ​​the spine between the shoulder blades), lower back; buttocks; anus area; inner thighs; back of the thighs; heels and soles; crotch; clitoral area; labia minora, vestibule of the vagina; anterior vaginal wall (lower half); Cervix.

Each woman, naturally, has her own erogenous zones. Finding them is the task of both husband and wife. Sex therapist I. Bloch wrote that touching the skin of a loved one is already half of sexual intercourse. These touches give voluptuous sensations that are transmitted to the genitals.

Women's sense of touch is subtler and stronger, and is more closely connected with sexuality. Many women, when talking with men, have the habit of touching their chest, arm, and if they are sitting, then their leg. They touch with pencils and fingers, but only to the man they like.

There is also the eroticism of muscles. Friction, massage with hands and feet were widely used in ancient India, among the Greeks and Romans. In order to evoke sexual arousal and voluptuous sensations, massage in underwater baths is still very common in the East, performed mainly by beautiful boys or girls.


The mouth certainly belongs to the erogenous zones. However, only 20% of women experienced sharp arousal when kissing on the lips (according to some sexological studies). For many women, kissing is simply pleasant. It is believed that the kiss arose from primitive affection - kissing one's child and sucking on the mother's breast. However, there is a theory that kissing occurs when searching for new taste sensations. After all, the ancient Romans, for example, were good at determining the taste of the kisses of their lovers.

Sometimes bites that do not cause pain are also classified as kisses. Their favorite place in men is considered to be the left shoulder and collarbone, and in women - the neck and sides.

The tongue kiss is sung by many poets of both ancient and modern times. This includes a gentle French kiss, in which the tongue only lightly touches the partner’s lips, and a rough Indian samyana - rotating the tongue in the other’s mouth, and German tongue-to-tongue contact. It is also called deep, hot. The Indian Kama Sutra by Vatsayana and the Science of Love by Ovid Nason describe various types of kisses.

Nose and smell

It is a common belief that men and women with large noses are the “most passionate.” However, according to sexological research, the nose is by no means an erogenous zone. At the same time, sexologists know about the close reflex connection between the nasal turbinates and the female genital organs. The first reports that irritations emanating from the genital area can lead to nasal diseases appeared back in 1885.

In terms of sexuality, the situation is better with the sense of smell, which for some women is a pronounced erogenous zone. I. P. Pavlov wrote: “And I think that, perhaps, the most important causative agent of the sexual reflex is a special odor stimulus.”

Hippocrates also noted that every man and every woman has their own individual smell. He believed that a person's smell can change with age. The smell affects men more than women. Some sexologists claim that the vaginal glands of women emit a specific “feminine” odor. This odor may become stronger during menstruation. It has an extremely stimulating effect on many men.

Men are often aroused by the scent of the woman they love (the smell of hair, the smell of armpits and head, especially the back of the head). Many women have a favorite perfume that turns them on. The most stimulating scents include mignonette, heliotrope, jasmine, patchouli, violet, rose and musk. Some women are greatly aroused by the flower of the home chestnut tree, the smell of which is similar to the smell of male seed. There is a belief that the smell of cloves is one of the most stimulating smells for men. Moritz Dukes writes that Richelieu in his old age lived among the smells of the strongest perfumes to stimulate sexual activity. In the East, it is not the labial, much less the lingual, that is common, but the olfactory kiss, when the nose of one subject comes into contact either with the nose, or with the cheek or hand of another.

Modern sexology notes in many cases the negative role of the smell of vodka and tobacco. The widespread use of alcohol is increasingly the cause of unhappy marriages and leads to divorce. The smell of wine fumes not only discourages kissing for most women, but often completely kills love.


The eyelids themselves are a vaguely defined erogenous zone. In addition to kissing with lips on the eyes, the so-called “butterfly kiss” and “moth kiss” are also known - bilateral touching with eyelashes. At all times, women decorated and emphasized their eyelids with cosmetics.


No matter how great the importance of hearing in a woman’s sexual life, the auditory sense, in general, manifests its effect after a positive or negative attitude towards a partner is more or less visually determined. It is not without reason that two great thinkers - the philosopher Plato and the natural scientist Charles Darwin - agreed that “beauty is the embodiment of love.” Beauty always evokes positive emotions.

However, sexologists note a very ambiguous attitude of women towards the sight of naked men. A large percentage of women are indifferent to the sight of their naked husbands, only for some it causes strong arousal.

Ear and hearing

Since ancient times, the auricle has been considered one of the strongest erogenous zones. In memory of this, women decorated and decorate their ears with earrings and clips. Kissing and sucking on the earlobes or the back of the ear can in some cases cause strong sexual arousal in women. This zone is especially widely used in Eastern countries. In India, there is “davan-banja” - coitus in the auricle.

One of the intimate caresses is whispering in the ear. A woman can be aroused by the kind words she hears during foreplay and coitus itself. A woman really loves with her ears. It is known that some women can be aroused by this or that music. The powerful influence of singing and music on emotions has been known since ancient times. Music can excite, but it can also calm.

Abroad, studies have long been carried out on the influence of music on sex. Researchers have come to the conclusion that of all musical works, the operas of R. Wagner ("Tristan and Isolde", "The Ring of the Nibelung", "Tannhäuser") and the operettas of R. Offenbach are especially stimulating. In general, Wagner is sometimes called an erotic genius. Contemporary dance music also falls into the stimulating category. The exciting sexual effect of the latter is further enhanced by appropriate body movements.


The neck is a fairly pronounced erogenous zone. The history of women's neck jewelry is connected with this. Different areas of a woman's neck have unequal degrees of erogenity. Some people find it more pleasant to kiss the front of the neck, while others find it more pleasant to kiss the back, at the border of the scalp.

"Cat Place"

The “cat spot” (the place on the back between the shoulder blades) is a pronounced erogenous zone in those women who know about its existence. It is called so because males of all types of cats (cats, lynxes, lions, tigers) during sexual intercourse firmly hold the female with their teeth at this place.

Mammary gland

Just like the mouth, the mammary glands are irritated more often than other areas. It should be noted that the mammary glands are powerful erogenous zones not only for women. Even manual contact with them has an exciting effect on men. There is even intercourse between the breasts. In the Kama Sutra and Anam-garanda, this type of coitus - narvasadata - is even recommended for sexual intercourse in cases where lovers want to avoid pregnancy, believing that during ejaculation a mature seed will flow out, and during the next acts it will flow immature, incapable of fertilization. With this method, not only a man can bring himself to orgasm, but also a woman.

During sexual intercourse, many women experience engorgement of the mammary glands, sometimes quite significant, and the clarity of the venous pattern increases. In women, nipples and areolas around them are one of the most powerful erogenous zones.

Irritation of the nipples is achieved in various ways: with the hands (kneading, pulling), with the mouth (sucking, licking) and, finally, by touching the penis. Owners of nipple orgasm claim that with the latter method it is achieved much easier than with others. Female nipples are extremely sensitive to any sexual stimulation and immediately become erect.

Toes and heels

The tips of the toes are among the most important erogenous zones of a woman. Touching and caressing the toes in some women causes a sharp arousal, but in most cases it is simply pleasant. The culture of a beautiful heel is now being lost; women have begun to take less care of their feet. And in Pushkin’s times, a beautiful heel attracted special attention.

Lower back, sacrum, buttocks

Almost all erogenous zones of a woman evoke positive emotions, mainly during caresses and kisses, but the buttocks are an exception. Here, pleasant sensations and even excitement are caused not by caress, but by the use of force (sharp squeezing of the buttocks with a man’s hand) and even the infliction of pain. This feature is noted both in domestic and foreign medical literature. The lower back and sacrum are also erogenous zones.


The erogenous role of the clitoris is widely known. In Russian it is called “pokhotnik”. In approximately 80% of women, according to various sex therapists, the clitoris is a pronounced erogenous zone. It is irritated in various ways: with hands and mouth during foreplay and petting, with the male penis during sexual intercourse. Some husbands use irritation of the clitoris with the mouth as an additional measure if the wife did not have time to achieve orgasm during intercourse.

Labia minora, vaginal opening

The most important part of the female reproductive system. Since the cavernous bodies are also located at the entrance to the vagina in the area of ​​the labia minora, this place is a powerful erogenous zone. Separately, it should be said about such an area as the anterior wall of the vagina, which is very sensitive in many women.


Cervical irritation is very important to some; women. There is even a uterine (cervical) orgasm, which approximately 20% of women are able to experience. In some cases, the lack of pleasant sensations when touching the cervix is ​​explained by the woman’s uncomfortable position during intercourse, when the penis either passes by the cervix or does not reach it.

Anus (anus)

The area of ​​the perineum and anus has been considered a very strong erogenous zone since ancient times. Many modern sexologists share the same opinion. There are women who have rectal and perineal orgasm.

Widespread use of this erogenous zone is typical mainly for southern and eastern countries. Thus, in India, very often during sexual intercourse, the husband additionally irritates the anus with his finger or even inserts his finger into the rectum. It is known that on the island of Sifnos (one of the Cyclades islands) in ancient times, both men and women masturbated by inserting a finger into the anus

Zone "S»

Many sex therapists identify the “S” zone of the vagina as the erogenous zone. What is this mysterious zone? Where is it located?

Yes, such a zone exists. It is also called Grafenberg spot . Orgasm occurs as a result of stimulation of this; zones using deep thrusts of the penis during intercourse.

The diameter of this zone is approximately 2-2.5 cm. It is located on the upper wall of the vagina at approximately 2.5 cm of the vaginal opening, halfway between the posterior pubic bone and the anterior edge of the cervix, close to the urethra and just below the bladder. A woman can locate her Grafenberg spot with the help of her partner. To do this, she must, first, lie on her back, slightly raise and spread her knees. The partner inserts his index finger into her vagina, pad up, and uses it to feel the pubic bone, which is located directly behind the clitoris. By firmly but gently moving your finger towards the cervix, he will locate the Grafenberg spot on the upper wall of the vagina. A woman will understand that he has discovered it as soon as a man’s finger touches this spot. The first sensation she will experience is a strong urge to urinate, but then it will quickly be replaced by a feeling of pleasure, especially if her partner gently strokes this spot for a few seconds. As a result, it will begin to swell and become more noticeable. And then the woman will feel a vaginal orgasm, which is deeper than the clitoral one and which can be repeated using direct stimulation. During sexual intercourse, to achieve this type of orgasm, the face-to-face position is most preferable because it allows the penis to rub against the Grafenberg spot.

In connection with this zone, they often talk about female ejaculation. Is it possible?

Indeed, two famous American sexologists John D. Perry and Beverly Whipple in their article “Can a Woman Ejaculate? Yes!”, published in Forum magazine, proclaimed that a woman is not only capable of having a vaginal orgasm, but can also ejaculate.

Perry and Whipple reported that one in ten women who experience orgasm when Grafenberg's spot is stimulated ejaculate fluid produced by Skene's glands, mucous glands located in the wall of the urethra. The moisture that the vagina releases immediately after orgasm is not urine, as some women think. In its chemical composition, it resembles male ejaculate.

However, despite all these sensational reports, the vast majority of sexologists are skeptical about female ejaculation.

What are accessory erogenous zones?

Many sex therapists identify, in addition to the main ones, additional erogenous zones. These include the elbow, subulnar and popliteal fossa. Additional erogenous zones include the crown of the head and the hair on the head. Pulling, twisting, and fingering hair excites both men and women. Pathological hair manipulation (tricotillapsy) has long been given a certain sexual meaning.

Is it possible for a woman’s usual erogenous zone to disappear or shift?

Permanent or temporary shutdown of one or another erogenous zone, as well as a significant decrease in its activity, is called ectopia of the erogenous zone. It can be single or multiple. Ectopia is especially common in hysterical women. The transfer of the erogenous zone, its occurrence in an unusual place on the surface of the woman’s body, is called heterotopia of the erogenous zone. Suggestion in a hypnotic state can affect the intensity of a particular erogenous zone, but for a relatively short period of time. Apparently, self-hypnosis and autogenic training can have a certain effect on erogenous zones.

It should be noted that the idea that caresses are only physical (mechanical) irritation of erogenous zones is incorrect. In reality, each caress is a psychophysiological phenomenon. It has its own psychological, personal content, sometimes expressed in symbolic form. The drawing of the weasel and its mechanisms reflect sociocultural, historical, ethnographic factors, as well as personal values, attitudes and characteristics of a person.

Do all women have erogenous zones?

There is no doubt that there is no place on the human body that could not act erogenously, and for some people even be the main zone of arousal. Therefore, in case of sexual coldness, you should persistently look for the location of such zones. Using these areas in the preparatory period can unexpectedly transform sexual coldness into intense excitement and passion.


Sexology, unlike sexopathology, the science is young, it is only a few decades old. At the dawn of its development, it “professed” an extremely mechanistic approach, attaching decisive importance erogenous zones

. No one has “canceled” them; they really exist in women and men. They are very individual. How to “calculate” them?

You can simply ask your partner about this, but many people themselves do not know all their sensitive points, so they will have to look for them together using the “trial and error” method.

If a woman constantly licks her lips, touches them with her fingers or bites a pen, this indicates sensitivity of the so-called oral zone. If she touches her ears, touches her neck, runs her hand under her hair, this also indicates the sensitivity of the corresponding areas. Kiss her neck and breathe into her ear, accompanying your warm breath with a gentle whisper. Women with strong erogenous breast sensitivity usually cross their arms over it. Pay attention to the force with which she presses her palms, and you will understand what she likes more - light touches or energetic caresses. The habit of crossing your ankles and placing both hands between your knees indicates sensitivity in your inner thighs and clitoral area. Stroke, or better yet, kiss these places, and the result will amaze you. The manner of fidgeting in a chair reveals the sensitivity of the rear parts of the body: the back and buttocks. Place it on your tummy and massage it, gradually moving from top to bottom, and lightly, as if accidentally touching it! reaching for the anus...

There is another way to "calculate" erogenous zones. The fact is that we not only stimulate sensitive points, but also protect them. Therefore, a woman with highly sensitive skin on the forehead or neck tends to cover these areas with hair. A woman with erogenous zones on her hips does not “get out” of her trousers, and a woman with sensitive breasts will never expose them on the beach or leave the house without a bra.

So far we have talked about women. Yes, their nature has more generously endowed them with erogenous zones, however, men are not alien to sensual pleasures and also love when various parts of their body are caressed. Therefore, much of the above can be recommended to representatives of the fair sex if they really want to achieve sexual harmony or “please” the man they are interested in.

And one last piece of advice. When “it comes to the body,” give the initiative to your partner for a while, pay attention to his caresses and do the same! After all, wanting to please someone, everyone usually offers what they would like to receive themselves.

For lovers, the whole body is an area of ​​sexual arousal. The mere sensation of gentle touches of hands evokes a feeling of pleasure in most women. The pleasant sensation is enhanced if particularly sensitive areas are caressed, but caresses with your hands are not comparable to what can be achieved with your mouth, tongue, or lips.

Conventionally, these zones are divided into weak, medium and strong. You should start caressing from weaker areas, moving to stronger ones. Starting caress immediately from a strong erogenous zone can reduce the sensitivity of a weaker one. And, on the contrary, when systematically influencing any zone, its sensitivity increases and it is even possible to develop the sensitivity of a previously non-responsive zone.

Weak areas.
Hair. their light stroking, stretching, winding on the fingers causes a slight impact. For some, the parietal region is effective, for others - the occipital region. Ears. When the tongue touches the edge of the ear or climbs into it, when the lips are pressed against the ear, when the lips play with the earlobe - all this arouses desire in a woman. Women who easily respond to caressing the ear are of the easily excitable and passionate type. By the way, women wearing earrings is an indirect reminder of the role of the ear, especially the lobe, as an erogenous zone.

Kiss on closed eyes– this type of caresses has almost disappeared. Vision, touch, smell - everything can react as an erogenous zone, but more often to a specific and desired person.

There are erogenous zones of the neck. one of them is the anterior surface, which descends like a promontory between the mammary glands. This shape is usually used to make cutouts on dresses. Moreover, one zone may be less. The other is more pronounced.

Hands. Especially the woman’s palms, soft fingertips. The back of the hand and the inner side of the forearm also belong to weak erogenous zones.

Middle zones.
Lips and oral cavity, Moreover, the tongue is more erogenous, then the lips, and the mucous surface of the oral cavity. There are many types of kisses. A man needs to find out what his wife prefers and improve his kissing technique. There are kisses with which the love game begins. Kisses that precede the merging of bodies in a paroxysm of passion differ from kisses of subsiding passion. A kiss of gratitude, after which the lovers calm down peacefully. From the Ancient East, poetic names for kisses have come down to us, for example: “tender”, “chaste”, “bashful”, “passionate”, “plucking the petals”, “enjoying the bud”, “nectar”, “playful”, “royal kiss of the winner” , kiss “Peccu” from the French word “pique” - lip cutting. To do this, the tip of the tongue is made sharp and thin. Barely sticking it out of the mouth, light punctures are carried out along the perimeter of the lips. “Kiss of the soul” or “French” - a kiss on the mouth, touching the palate, tongue, and mucous membrane of the mouth with the tongue. But some women do not accept such affection. Perhaps we have lost the habit, sometimes we are not satisfied with the manner of conducting it. Sometimes men celebrate their wife’s discreet “station” kiss. The reason is often a lack of skill and habit. The reason may also be unhygienic maintenance of the mouth, unattractiveness, painful appearance of teeth, or bad breath.

Female breast is the most obvious symbol of femininity. This is one of the receptive erogenous zones. The mammary gland itself reacts more to gentle massaging movements. The nipple halo and breast nipples are responsive to soft touches, and not only when a man caresses them, but often to his own caresses.

Some girls bring themselves to orgasm by tickling their nipples. For nursing mothers, the baby also causes excitement, sometimes leading to orgasm. All this is quite natural. The sensitivity of this zone varies from warmth without passion to intense arousal. Nipples respond to finger caresses.

Stroking, pulling, twisting nipples. At the same time, their erection occurs, that is, an increase in size and elasticity, which indicates the beginning of a woman’s arousal. Excitement is much stronger if caressing with hands, kissing the nipples. Often, from such caresses, a woman’s emotions are manifested by increased intermittent breathing, trembling, shaking of the body with a feeling of trembling in the genitals. The reaction of the mammary glands does not depend on their size.

Women with small breasts often react more passionately than those with full breasts. To maintain the shape and attractiveness of their breasts, women should choose the right bra and massage regularly.

The next excitable zone is lateral surfaces of the chest, waist. which are especially sensitive to touch from the mouth, and the abdominal area. Excitation occurs directly in the genitals. The groin area is generally less sensitive than the mammary glands. True, if a woman is not at all sensitive to the caress of her breasts, then her groin area provides various opportunities for stimulating the senses.

Back, "cat's place"- the area between the shoulder blades, the area along the spine. The buttocks, which were highly revered by ancient peoples, have a great arousal effect on men. The Italian sculptor Antonio Canova paid special attention to the treatment of women's buttocks. In Ancient Greece, a temple was built and dedicated to Aphrodite Kolybega (which means beautifully buttocked).

We have heard about effective male stimulants, take Viagra. But about women... Of course, there are various drugs on the market, so-called aphrodosiacs, but they are very far from the effectiveness with which Viagra acts on men. But this drug is a completely different story.

After a woman has taken Forte Love, she has no chance to resist the man who is currently nearby. Forte Love begins to act 5-10 minutes after administration and its effect lasts about 5-6 hours. The action of Forte Love does not have a negative effect on the female body.
On the contrary, women's libido is stimulated, blood circulation improves, and their outlook on the world becomes more positive!

Inner thighs responds especially well to hand caress and to the touch of a tongue running from the knees to the groin, which usually causes strong excitement for both partners.

Crotch– the area where the anus is located and up to the labia minora. Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of the location of sensitive nerve endings, it is a very excitable zone, and a woman can hardly achieve discharge without caressing this zone. The impact of a finger on the anus area, combined with other caresses, or when moving the penis into the vagina, removes the problem of satisfying such women.

The most active part in the formation of sexual arousal takes clitoris, labia minora, vaginal opening. The clitoris is a small papillary-shaped protruding organ that, in a calm state, is hidden under the fold of the labia at the top, at the place where they meet.

When women are excited, the clitoris is in a state of erection, like the penis of an excited man, the head of the clitoris becomes clearly noticeable, the body of the clitoris pulls up the labia minora, thereby increasing the entrance to the vagina. Touching the excited clitoris usually gives a woman great pleasure, the most exquisite, the most acute of all the sensations emanating from the caressed erogenous zones.

Some men, however, find it difficult to find it, since they touch the woman’s genitals before she is sufficiently excited by preliminary love play. When not erect, the clitoris is often not palpable or visible, but sometimes it protrudes significantly above the vagina, and in some women it is not visible even with an erection. But there are women. For those whose clitoris is not an erogenous zone or is weaker than others, for others, caressing the clitoris causes an orgasm without inserting the penis into the vagina.

Vagina. its lower third, especially the anterior wall, Cervix. responding mainly to the deep impact of the penis. But this area is weaker than the clitoris area. The vagina, in addition, at a certain moment becomes part of the birth canal, and nature has prudently placed the most sensitive nerve endings outside it. However, in some women, the vagina may be sensitive without the clitoris or clitoris responding. The sensation is enhanced by the very psychological factor of the fusion of bodies in this area of ​​the genital organs, the connection with the loved one into one whole, the awareness of the exclusivity of the role.

In order for the love in a couple to become stronger, it is necessary that the sex life be rich and full of pleasant sensations. Therefore, it is very important for men to have a perfect idea of ​​where the erogenous zones of their girlfriends are located and to be able to give them real pleasure. These are areas of the body that, when their receptors are stimulated, send impulses to the cerebral cortex that increase sexual desire.

Most women are well aware of their meaning. Moreover, nature has made these places very attractive. It is no coincidence that representatives of the fair sex paint their lips and eyelids, put chains on their necks and wrists, and tie themselves with belts and straps to emphasize their advantages. Even with a superficial acquaintance, a man immediately looks at the chest, waist, and buttocks. During courtship, he tries to touch them, and when mutual attraction arises, both partners enjoy.

The main erogenous zones of a woman

The main erogenous zones of every woman are:

  • lips;
  • breast;
  • nipple;
  • genitals;
  • language;
  • underbelly;
  • inner thigh;
  • clitoris;
  • vagina;
  • navel;
  • Feet;
  • hair;
  • waist;
  • inner side of the wrist;
  • legs;
  • outer zone of the head of the humerus;
  • buttocks;
  • back;
  • place under the knee;
  • toes, etc.

This is explained by the fact that such areas are saturated with sensitive receptors. Most often, they are the ones who are involved in intimate caresses and have the thinnest skin. Therefore, such zones respond even to a light touch.

If a woman does not feel any special emotions when they are stimulated, it means that such an area is inactive. Despite the fact that the main erogenous zones are identified, each specific lady has their sensitivity expressed individually.

A man needs to study his partner’s body in order to give her maximum pleasure during intimate intercourse. Stimulation of a point that does not contain a strong increase in libido can completely turn a friend away from continuing caresses.

The reason for the special sensitivity of erogenous zones

When this area is affected, the woman experiences a great surge of erotic sensations, making it easier for her to move on to more intimate courtship. After a certain period of stimulation, sexual intercourse becomes desirable for the fair sex.

Increasing or decreasing the intensity of sensations when acting on erogenous zones depends on external and internal factors.

These include:

  • woman's experience;
  • its anatomical features;
  • physiological properties;
  • race;
  • sexual habits;
  • the thickness of the skin in this area;
  • health status;
  • degree of sensitivity of the nervous system;
  • hormonal background;
  • self confidence;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of libido;
  • numerous births;
  • customs, etc.

These factors may be associated with changes in the sensitivity of the erogenous zone, a woman’s willingness or refusal to accept affection, as well as her previous sexual experience.

Even influencing a hypersensitive area cannot bring pleasure if the lady is tired, does not feel too well, or has started her period.

And, conversely, unexpected points become responsive under the influence of small doses of alcoholic drinks, the influence of aphrodisiacs, the creation of an intimate atmosphere or romantic advances. This is explained by the fact that a woman subconsciously does not just look for a partner for sexual intercourse, but strives for procreation. When she meets a man with whom she agrees to have children, her erogenous zones become more sensitive.

But any woman will react with indignation to the touch of an unwanted person or even her husband touching her chest, legs or waist if she is not ready for caresses.

Many representatives of the stronger sex limit themselves to stimulating two or three erogenous points during sex, not realizing that there are many more of them on their partner’s body. Experts say that there are twenty-five main erogenous zones.

If there is no influence on them, sex for a lady will most likely become undesirable. If she gives in to a man's desire, she will do so reluctantly and will not always be able to achieve orgasm.

With intimate contacts without affecting sensitive areas, the fairer sex will quickly lose interest in meeting this person.


It is worth talking in more detail about the main and lesser-known erogenous zones.

  • A very sensitive area is the woman’s mouth and lips. They are the ones who participate in the kiss, which almost always precedes sexual intercourse. The more experienced the lady, the faster she can be prepared to continue caresses. Of course, we cannot limit ourselves to this alone, although every fifth man is confident in this state of affairs. Therefore, you should know about other erogenous zones.
  • These include hair. It is no coincidence that women love to play with them, wrap them around their fingers or stroke them with their hands. A huge number of nerve endings are concentrated here. That is why a person experiences such severe pain when he is pulled by them.
  • Some women are very sensitive to ear stimulation. Earrings have always been extremely valuable. Any lady strives first of all to decorate herself with this piece of jewelry. She freezes when a man caresses her earlobes or kisses her ear. The hearing organs are of particular importance. If the stronger sex prefers to watch, then the woman likes to listen to his words. Silent admirers usually have less success than those who know how to tell their girlfriend about love.
  • When courting a lady, a man tries to take her hand. This is not only an act of unity, but also an unconscious impact on the erogenous zone. If the partner does not take her away, then she agrees to continue the relationship. For some ladies, the palm is more sensitive, for others the back surface is more sensitive, and some prefer it when their fingers are kissed. Therefore, unlike men, many women do not like handshakes when meeting or meeting.
  • It is no coincidence that representatives of the stronger sex hug the lady they like around the waist. They do this purely reflexively, but she immediately perceives such a gesture as an invitation to a closer acquaintance. This is due to the fact that erogenous zones are located in such places. If you move from them to the abdominal area, then such behavior will become a direct invitation to sexual intercourse.
  • Of course, the most basic and powerful organ of stimulation is the mammary glands. They respond even to weak touches, and skillful influence on this erogenous zone can very quickly make a woman ready to begin sexual intercourse. If a man is experienced and knows how to give his lady pleasure, then stimulation of the nipples and chest area can become a manifestation of the most devoted love.
  • The vagina and cervix are extremely sensitive. They are the ones who feel the impact of an erect penis. During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences incomparable sensations. They affect her cerebral cortex and central nervous system, so as a result the lady is able to experience a very strong orgasm. But some representatives of the fairer sex need additional stimulation of other erogenous zones. During sexual contact, it is very important for a man to monitor his partner’s condition and maintain her arousal if it weakens or is insufficient. A full-fledged intimate act is very important both for health and for the normalization of relationships in a couple.
  • The peak of female eroticism is the clitoris. Even the most inexperienced girl can be brought into a state of orgasm by acting on this organ. When it is stimulated, it quickly increases in size, a large amount of blood flows to it, and sensitivity increases thousands of times. Skillful influence on such an erogenous zone can make sexual contacts unforgettable, and turn your partner into a passionate and tender lover.

The need to know the main points

The sensitivity of the fairer sex is very high. Many psychologists are of the opinion that the entire surface of their body, if handled skillfully, can be one large erogenous zone. The problem is that men rarely understand this and it takes many years of marriage for the husband to finally begin to clearly understand what exactly his wife likes.

Many representatives of the stronger sex do not know and do not strive to find out in detail the location of the main erogenous zones of women. They believe that if you kiss a lady and touch her intimate parts, she will be completely ready to continue sexual contact.

However, the majority needs foreplay, that is, affectionate and gentle stimulation of the erogenous zones. With a long-term relationship or marriage, a man has to study them, otherwise he is faced with the woman’s reluctance to engage in sexual intercourse or with excuses for fatigue and headache.

If you find not three, or five, but much more points of influence, then intimate contacts can become truly magical and exciting. This is explained by the fact that in this case the central and peripheral nervous system of a woman, her vascular sphere and cerebral cortex are involved. They need to be stimulated not only before the start of sexual intercourse, but also during it, so that the lady does not lose her excitement.

Excellent knowledge of the location of erogenous zones will enable a man to:

  • win over a woman;
  • obtain her consent to intimate contact;
  • give her and yourself great pleasure;
  • get joy from the liberation of your partner during sexual intercourse;
  • strengthen a woman’s love for herself;
  • make sex varied;
  • allow the lady to easily achieve orgasm;
  • strengthen relationships, etc.

It is worth understanding that a woman takes her body very seriously and will not allow a man who treats it carelessly or rudely to proceed with further caresses. And of course, he won’t have to count on her love.

Very young girls may simply not yet know the characteristics of their body. Therefore, the more erogenous zones her partner finds, the happier the couple will become as a whole. This is achieved not only by experience, but also by theoretical knowledge and ideas about the characteristics of female sensitivity.

Stimulation of such special points is a direct path to love. Psychologists and sexologists believe that they are an evolutionary adaptation to procreation in the fairer sex. Therefore, each of them quickly responds to male touches and kisses. Skillful influence can prepare even an inexperienced girl for sexual contact.

However, it is advisable not only to know about the main erogenous zones of a woman, but also to influence them correctly, since if treated carelessly, an excess of nerve endings in them will not lead to pleasure, but to the occurrence of pain.

The human body is highly sensitive, but this is especially noticeable in women. Therefore, for girls, coitus is not as important as the prelude to sexual contact, which includes massage, touching and caressing the erogenous zones, that is, the areas most sensitive to touch. Contrary to speculation that all erogenous zones in girls are located within the genitals or breasts, there are many more points, and each lady has her own zones. It sometimes takes a man quite some time to discover the most sensitive places. Therefore, it is better to know in advance where the erogenous zones in women are most often located, so as not to waste time on lengthy searches.

Most common places

Of course, certain areas on a woman’s body most often have increased sensitivity, so massage or caresses aimed at these areas are the most stimulating. How to find such an area? To begin with, you should pay attention to the chest and the especially sensitive place between the breasts - the cleavage. It is no coincidence that many men subconsciously like this female organ. The nerve endings of the chest are connected to the nerve endings of the genital organs, which explains the reflexively occurring arousal.

The next point responsible for arousal is the neck. Even if the partner is fully dressed and the man does not resort to other caresses, kisses on the neck can make the lady tremble and encourage closer contact. Don't forget about the place behind the ears. This is not to say that the ears are the most erogenous zones, but many people do not mind having their ear massaged. You won’t be able to quickly get excited from a massage, but the procedure will definitely help your partner relax.

When talking about erogenous zones on the body, one cannot fail to mention the back. The paravertebral lines are especially sensitive. This is due to the large innervation of this area of ​​skin due to the exit of a large number of nerves from the spinal canal.

The undisputed favorite of all erogenous zones and points are the genitals. What hasn’t been said about g-spot massage! What theories of its presence and absence, as well as sensitivity, have not been put forward! However, the truth remains true: in terms of the force of impact, rarely does any part of a girl’s body have greater sensitivity than the genitals. In particular, a partner's arousal can be caused by touching:

  1. Labia minora. Quite strong arousal occurs as a result of friction of the penis against the labia minora.
  2. Clitoris. It is believed that this small anatomical area in women is analogous to the penis in men. Accordingly, any person can conclude what stimulating effect skillful caresses of this erogenous point can have on the body.
  3. The vagina, especially the lower part. There are many conflicting opinions regarding the sensitivity of this zone. Many researchers associate the occurrence of intense arousal when caressing this part of the body with the presence of the g-spot. However, there is no reliable information on how exactly to find this area, and whether the partner will respond with excitement when caressing this area. Therefore, if you and the girl have a desire to start searching and try to perform acupressure, then you can try, but you should not get hung up on the search.

The most sensitive parts of the human body are the genitals.

The inner thighs close the list of the most sensitive erogenous zones on the female body. Light caress of this area can be teasing due to its close proximity to the genitals. It is because of such sensations that stroking and even lightly pinching this erogenous zone invariably leads to arousal.

Perhaps this is your option

It happens that the standard female erogenous zones do not correspond to your partner in any way, despite all the efforts made. In this case, the man should look for other erogenous areas, which may come as a surprise to the girl herself. The list of rarer erogenous zones for women will be headed by the inner side of the palm.

It is no secret that the palm is abundantly supplied with sensitive nerve endings. Of course, in ordinary life, stimulation of the palm cannot lead to arousal, otherwise the woman would not be able to lead a normal life. Meanwhile, in an appropriate intimate setting, a gentle massage of the inside of the palm can excite a girl and get her consent to more intimate touches. Similar advice applies to a sensitive area on the wrist.

Other erogenous zones in men and women:

  • Buttocks. Nature does not provide an abundance of sensitive endings in this zone. Therefore, sometimes, in order to get a girl’s response, a man should try not only lightly touching his lady’s butt, but pinching it with moderate force or even trying to lightly spank his partner.
  • Internal ulnar flexure (scientifically speaking, cubital fossa). This part of the body does not lead the erogenous points in women, but due to the delicate and vulnerable skin, abundantly supplied with nerve endings, it is quite sensitive to touch.
  • Stomach. Many people cannot stand touching their own belly, but it is impossible to definitively answer the question of whether your girlfriend is one of them. I'll have to try it! If you see a positive reaction, and the partner really feels aroused by the touch, such caresses can become part of a man's arsenal of sexual skills. If the girl’s reaction when touching this zone is negative, then it is better to redirect the efforts.

For some people, their stomach is an erogenous zone.

The skin of the feet, like the skin of the palms, is quite sensitive, especially if a girl takes care of this part of the body by regularly doing pedicures and moisturizes the skin.


Many men consider foreplay of erogenous zones or points on a girl’s body an unnecessary waste of time, which is due to the higher sensitivity of the man himself exclusively when touching the genitals. Meanwhile, in order to achieve arousal and get an orgasm, foreplay is important for the woman herself. As a result of such haste by a man, misunderstanding arises between partners and, as a result, a feeling of inadequacy with each other. To avoid such a situation, sexologists advise:

  1. Avoid haste, although you should not delay the foreplay. The erogenous zones or points of the girl’s body should be given so much attention that this is enough to adequately excite the woman.
  2. Don't be shy and ask if the girl likes the action. Sometimes the woman herself is embarrassed to say what exactly she likes, so it is better to listen to the woman's reaction until you can fully explore her sensitivity.
  3. Do not limit the caress of erogenous zones and points only to stroking. Some women like more intense touching, while others only like kissing.

And to top it off: if the search for erogenous zones or points on a woman’s body does not lead to her arousal, then perhaps it’s worth looking for them “in the girl’s head.” Sometimes the lack of arousal is associated with the inability to completely relax, disconnect from everyday activities, and lack of confidence in one’s own attractiveness. If you see these signs in your girlfriend, then to the question of how to excite a girl, there is only one answer: give her a feeling of security and confidence in her own attractiveness and your love. The reaction will not be long in coming!