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Combination of colors in kanzashi. Kanzashi for beginners

Is there at least one representative of the fair sex who would have objections to jewelry? Probably not. After all, all women, girls and girls love to emphasize their beauty and create images using exquisite accessories. Now imagine that you yourself can create any decoration – your own, exclusive, ideal. Knowledge and skills in the kanzashi technique will help with this. Let's find out!

What is kanzashi

Surely, you already guessed that “kanzashi” is a Japanese word (by the way, representatives of the land of the rising sun insist on the pronunciation “kanzashi”) and its literal translation is not known (how similar it is to interesting and mysterious Japan!).

Thus, it is generally accepted that the word “kanzashi” is a composite of two: “kami” means hair and “sasu” means to stick. By adding two terms we get hair accessories. However, such a concept in the world of handicrafts would be too subjective, and the craftswomen decided that kanzashi is much broader, a whole movement of applied art, which involves the creation of unique beautiful jewelry from ribbons, beads and other things.

It is interesting to note that initially accessories using this technique were made by none other than geishas. An invariable attribute of their image, in addition to the chic silk kimonos, were also the unique exquisite flowers they made with their own hands, which strewn the entire head of the captivator of beauty. By the way, in Japan it was generally accepted that these jewelry were used not only for their intended purpose - as decoration, but also to protect their owner from evil spirits.

Currently, the kanzashi technique makes much more than beautiful things for hair: accessories for clothing items, interesting elements home decor and other.

Flowers are the main element that underlies the kanzashi technique. They, in turn, can be anything in terms of variability and level of manufacturing complexity. Flower petals are usually made from ribbons; and they (petals) can be of different shapes:

  • acute-angled;
  • oval;
  • round.

In addition to the petals, green leaves from the stem may appear along the edges of the flower using the kanzashi technique, as well as beads/pebbles in the center. You can also decorate such a decoration with rhinestones, sparkles and everything your imagination can do.

But products using the kanzashi technique are not limited to flowers. In addition to the fundamental element of this type of applied art, it is diversified by bows. Also, it’s very interesting decoration and also quite relevant for mothers who create unusual images for their fashionable daughters.

The main thing is, when choosing what you will create using this technique, do not immediately choose complex products. Let the first kanzashi be simple and understandable, so it will be easier for you to master this art. And when you gain some experience in this craft, complicate the tasks - proceed to more interesting, but also difficult, products.

What is required for work

In order to work using the kanzashi technique, the needlewoman needs to purchase a certain set the right tools and materials. Specifically:

  1. Ribbons. They must be different colors(for creative flight). But as for their structure, here you can choose:
  • satin ribbons. They are easy to use - easy to melt and cut. In addition, such material does not crumble, is not subject to deformation and at the same time perfectly holds its given shape.
  • crepe satin ribbons. It is more difficult to work with them: despite the fact that it also does not deform, crepe-satin is quite fragile - when singed, there is a risk of burning the tape. And if you also choose a light shade for needlework, when used, dark marks may appear on it.
  • nylon tapes. Very comfortable material: soft, wrinkle-free, pliable. You can choose.
  • organza ribbons. It’s a difficult material because it’s quite hard and frays a lot, which means you need to work with it with skills and very carefully. Think carefully before choosing it.

  1. Multi-colored threads.
  2. Thin tailor's needles.
  3. Ruler or measuring tape. Measuring as you go is inevitable, especially if you are a beginner.
  4. Tailor's scissors. Good, high quality, comfortable.
  5. Candle (or lighter). Yes, yes, very Kanzashi interesting handicraft, even in your toolkit! In fact, in the process of work you will need to singe the edges of the tape, fastening them together, and so that they do not crumble in the future. Work at this stage and with these tools very carefully, control the process to prevent the fabric from burning. By the way, a candle or lighter can be replaced with other tools: a soldering iron, a wood burner, a hairdressing curling iron, or simply heat scissors over the fire. In general, the choice is huge - choose what suits you best.
  6. Glue. It is important to purchase special fabric glue. For example, “Moment Crystal”. By the way, it is very convenient to use it at work using a special glue gun. This, by the way, is also practical, because there will be no stains when applied.
  7. Tweezers. Here, of course, variability is allowed: it is easy and convenient to hold the petals of future flowers with tweezers, but some needlewomen do without it, pinching the parts with their fingers. You can try both options and settle on the more convenient one.
  8. Decor (beads, rhinestones, sequins, beads, stones and more).
  9. Hairspray (to fix the shape of the petals).
  10. The basis. These could be hair bands, headbands, barrettes, hairpins - in short, anything that needs to be decorated.

Master class: headband with a flower using the kanzashi technique

This master class is designed for beginners, so don't be afraid to try!

The list of things needed to make a flower includes:

  • actually, the bezel (the most common one);
  • satin ribbon (you choose the color yourself, but the width should be 3 cm);
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • lighter (candle);
  • bead big size to decorate the center of the flower;
  • rhinestones.

First of all, it is necessary to cut the ribbon into pieces 7 cm in size. The craftswoman is asked to choose the number of such pieces herself, based on how lush she sees the future flower. The only recommendation is to try not to overdo it, unnecessarily big flower It will look ugly on the rim.

Then, with the wrong side facing in, fold one piece in half lengthwise. Cut one edge diagonally, pinch this area with tweezers and treat with a candle - the edges should be secured to each other.

Hold the petal with the front side facing you, bend the free edges from the bottom towards the center, grab them with tweezers and singe them too.

Do this procedure with all the remaining petals.

Now take scissors and cut out several circles from the tape (two or three pieces). Next, connect all these parts to each other, singe the cut edges with a candle. It is to the resulting blank that the flower petals are attached. We glue them (petals) with a special gun. When you make the second circle, try to arrange the petals so that their ends are between the ends of the lower petals.

We work according to this principle with each circle. Already in the last circle there will be no space left in the middle; we place a pebble or a decorative bead in it. The tips of the petals can be decorated with sparkles or rhinestones if desired. The accessory will look beautiful if you wrap the entire headband with tape (don’t forget to secure it around the edges with glue). And attach the kanzashi flower you made to the side (again, take a glue gun for this).

In order to make an elastic band with a bow for a little princess, purchase the following components:

  • satin ribbon of the main color (choose one whose width is from one to one and a half cm);
  • satin ribbon contrasting with the main color (the width should be half a centimeter);
  • threads to match the ribbons;
  • sewing needle;
  • scrunchy;
  • tailor's measuring tape or regular stationery ruler.

So, from a ribbon 1-1.5 cm wide, cut two pieces of 20 cm each. Next, fold both edges of the ribbon in the middle with the wrong side inward, let them overlap each other by half a centimeter. Now we sew these edges, but immediately sewing them to the middle. Without cutting the thread, we sew another 20-centimeter segment using the same pattern. Pay attention to the seam pitch - the stitches should be neat and small. Then you need to make a couple of stitches along the edge - the thread will be in the middle of the front side.

We continue to work with a thinner tape (the one that is half a centimeter). We also cut off a piece of 20 cm from its total length. We sew it together, as in the previous case with a wide satin ribbon.

At the end of the work, tighten the working thread. Carefully straighten the edges of the resulting bow. And then, as you work, try to touch them as little as possible so as not to wrinkle them.

To make the bow look neat from the reverse side, take a piece of thin ribbon, cut about two to three cm and wrap it around the middle of the back side of the product, and sew the ends. You don’t have to do this work, sew the bow to the elastic straight away, but if you still process the back side, it will look neater. Your decoration is ready!

Having tried your hand at such simple works, fantasize and complicate your products, create unique exclusive items. By the way, these will be wonderful gifts or hand-made sales items. May everything work out for you!


Master class - Kanzashi flower

Kazanshi - this unusual name with a Japanese accent hides an interesting female hobby with a simple technique of execution. Try yourself in a new hobby and decorate your world with spectacular satin flowers!

Women always strive to look stylish. Accessories decorated with flowers can be a bright addition to the look. We recommend that you create an unfading flower using the kanzashi technique with your own hands. For beginners, this type of creativity may seem incomprehensible and complicated, but believe me, everything is much simpler than you think. In the list of women's hobbies, Kazansha occupies one of the leading places; moreover, men are increasingly choosing this hobby for themselves!

A little history of beautiful needlework

Historically, the birthplace of this art form, like origami, is Japan, and it appeared around 1700. Japanese women were not allowed to wear necklaces or bracelets, so they decorated their hairstyles on a special scale.

Kanzashi (or kanzashi) were combs, sticks or hairpins decorated with flowers made of silk. Looking at kanzashi, one could judge the character and even the social status of a woman, because luxurious jewelry often cost even more than a kimono.

Kanzashi differed in color scheme and shape depending on the time of year. The products were created by famous craftsmen. The manufacturing technology of those times was different from the modern one - craftsmen used rice glue, each silk square piece was folded and a petal was formed, they, in turn, were collected on a thread and glued to the base. Thus, entire bouquets were collected and decorated with combs or hairpins.

Kanzashi and modernity

Nowadays this Japanese technology has not lost its meaning and has become popular in European countries. Needlewomen create flowers in the kanzashi style and decorate hair accessories and brooches with them. These accessories are especially popular among brides, because kanzashi flowers can be used to tastefully decorate wedding paraphernalia.

Young mothers will also be interested in this type of creativity - their little princesses will be happy to wear all kinds of bright elastic bands, headbands, and hair clips.

Mastering the satin ribbon kazansha technique is not that difficult, but you will have to be patient and persistent, as this is quite painstaking work that requires attention, accuracy and perseverance. If you have already tried, or, the work will not seem difficult to you.

Starter kit for a beginner kanzashi master

So, the materials needed to get started:

  • satin ribbons (for beginners, preferably 5 cm wide);
  • beads or buttons (for the centers of flowers), a lighter or a candle (but be careful - the candle can smoke the ribbon);
  • sharp scissors, needle and sewing thread;
  • glue (we recommend choosing a colorless one, “Moment Crystal” is ideal);
  • tweezers.

You can use a wide variety of accessories and materials: organza, tulle, rhinestones, sequins, etc.

Where to start: basic operating principles

For convenience, immediately cut the ribbons into identical squares and singe them so that the satin does not fray during the process (more experienced needlewomen use a soldering iron, it cuts the ribbon evenly and simultaneously singes the edges). In the original, in the kanzashi technique, there are only two types of petals - sharp and round. But modern craftswomen have come up with many modifications of petal shapes, which allows them to diversify their work and make them even more interesting.

Step by step technique creating kanzashi is as follows:

  1. Cut the satin ribbons into squares.
  2. Fold each square into a petal, singeing the ends and joints with a lighter.
  3. Gather the petals onto a strong thread.
  4. Glue the resulting blank to the base - it can be a felt circle or a cardboard circle covered with satin to match the flower.
  5. Glue or sew on the center of the flower (for example, a button).
  6. Add decor if necessary (for example, rhinestones or lace);
    attach the finished kanzashi flower to the base (hairpin, brooch, headband, etc.).
  7. Wait for the glue to dry completely and, if necessary, straighten the petals.

A short video tutorial:

So, you are already familiar with the basic principles of working in the kanzashi technique, so it’s time to act! But of these luxurious flowers you can create crafts and kanzashi paintings with your own hands, which will become an interior decoration or an unforgettable gift loved ones!

Pleasure with benefit: the benefits of a new hobby

This simple type of needlework will also be interesting for children - crafts in the kanzashi style can be created together with the kids, making figurines out of them. For example, from basic sharp petals you will get christmas tree, you just need to glue them onto a conical cardboard base in rows. But be careful, small children must work under adult supervision!

If you don’t have enough imagination and experience, then you can get ideas for inspiration for creating kanzashi from master classes. Of course, you won’t be able to exactly repeat the work of another master, but as practice shows, after looking at the beautiful flowers of craftswomen, you will certainly begin to create your own will develop its own own style and handwriting.

Sunflowers using the kanzashi technique

Flowers in the Kanzashi style are becoming increasingly popular, so once you gain experience, it makes sense to give it a try.

You can sell your work on a variety of online platforms dedicated to handicrafts, as well as directly at fairs, which are often organized in many cities. Yes, participation in such events is often not free, but there you can not only sell your work, but also meet other artists and exchange experiences. Sea positive emotions you are guaranteed!

As you can see, it's not that complicated! The main thing is to start, and then you won’t be able to stop! Unfading flowers will bloom in your hands, and the kanzashi technique will become your favorite form of creativity!

From theory to practice: master classes

If you have carefully read this publication and now want to consolidate your knowledge in practice, proceed to master classes on making crafts with your own hands. Even more MK on Kanzashi is waiting for you.

The miracle that came to us from Japan called kanzashi (or kanzashi in the original) is an excellent opportunity for every ordinary person to pour out all his creative potential on this art. The range of this direction is infinitely wide, and therefore we will help you decide where you can direct your efforts. Here are some new ideas for kanzashi.
The first mentions of a tie go back to ancient times, more precisely, to ancient China in the 220s BC. Today, a tie is an integral part of both men’s and women’s wardrobes, and there are endless types of it, so you have every right to bring something of your own to this wonderful product. It is also worth noting that kanzashi ties do not require any special materials. This is perhaps the beauty of homemade crafts.
One of the most wonderful, trembling and important events in the life of every parent and, of course, every child is discharge from the maternity hospital in native home. Using materials classic to the kanzashi technique, this event can be decorated with a work of art of your own making. This will add even more warm and affectionate memories to an already wonderful event.
Since we're talking about children, it's worth turning to technology beautiful headbands on the head for little princesses. This perfectly complements any hairstyle, matches with a dress and causes an inexhaustible flow of joy and happiness in the child. The only thing that limits you here is your imagination, because the materials are available and the color combinations can be combined indefinitely.

Children sooner or later grow up and now you are walking them to school, and maybe even from school. And here the kanzashi technique comes to your aid again. Using the same materials, you can create an excellent decoration for the hairstyle of a young graduate.
Perhaps the most classic wardrobe item that can be made using kanzashi is a brooch - an excellent decoration for any dress.
Surprisingly, such a bohemian phenomenon as a necklace can also be perfectly crafted by a needlewoman using the same ribbons. In this case, by the way, you can remember your skills in mastering the bead technique in order to end up with something at the level of the highest houses of Europe, and maybe even higher.
Using a sharp object and a small ribbon, you can weave earrings that are simply incredible in their simplicity and originality. Of course, you should be as careful as possible, but a real housewife There will always be alcohol for processing.

Applied art is an important part of the life of many women, and if cross-stitching and beading become boring, then this wonderful phenomenon - kanzashi - comes to the rescue, being a panacea for any creative stagnation. Decorating paintings with kanzashi is more than just a desire to decorate your home. This is real lyricism, an expression of a complex range of feelings by combining colorful ribbons with each other.
If the photo is closer to you than others fine Arts, then by turning to kanzashi, you can decorate a photo frame with the most memorable moments of your life. The originality of the frame depends only on your imagination, which you can give full rein to.
Perhaps the most free, but at the same time time-consuming direction is the creation of figures using the kanzashi technique. You can create a hedgehog or a bug, or a great Colossus or a Washington Monument, but in all cases, everything will need to be thought out in advance to the smallest detail so that your work does not collapse at the last stage.
It’s quite nice when the curtains don’t dangle anywhere, but are neatly tucked into a corner, complementing the interior of the room without interfering with enjoying the summer sun. If you, a needlewoman, have sewn wonderful curtains, will you really buy tiebacks separately? This is completely pointless. We turn again to kanzashi and embark on a flight of creative imagination.
A neat little box made by yourself will not only help you collect all sorts of small things into one container, but will also perfectly decorate a shelf, table, or any other similar place. You can create it from scratch, or you can decorate a nondescript box from the store.
Kanzashi flowers are not the best new idea but it's very good way develop your skills. Yes, and there are ideas for kanzashi flowers. With the help of various new ideas, kanzashi flowers can decorate almost any thing.

Kanzashi is a truly unique product, and its range is so wide that everyone will find something to their liking here. Everyday life, interior and wardrobe can be transformed at once, thanks to several bends beautiful ribbon. You are limited only by the possibility of human consciousness, the infinity of which is difficult to dispute.

You may have already seen amazing hair and clothing decorations made from silk flowers. This beauty has a name - KANZASHI TSUMAMI.

Hairpins and combs are traditionally used in Japanese hairstyles, but nowadays jewelry using the Kanzashi technique has gained its popularity far beyond Japan. The so-called “kanzashkas” now serve not only as hair decorations, they are used to make brooches, use them as interior decoration, etc.

Candlesticks using Kanzashi technique

Box using Kanzashi technique

If you figure out how to do Kanzashi, it becomes clear that it is not at all difficult.

Materials and tools

In order to make products using the Kanzashi technique, you will need the following materials and equipment:

You can cut fabric or ribbons with scissors or with a soldering iron. To do this, we need a surface on which to cut. It could be an old, unwanted kitchen board, but I preferred a regular one. wall tiles(left after repair), the soldering iron does not burn through it and it is easier to clean. Some petals can be burned with a candle or lighter.

It is better to use glue that is thick and transparent so that it does not leave marks after drying. I opted for “Moment-gel”: transparent, does not flow, adheres well.

Many people advise using tweezers when rolling petals.
I use tweezers when burning fabric over a candle.

  • satin ribbons of any size, optimally 5 cm and 2.5 cm, but you can take any fabric: silk, satin, organza, etc.
  • ruler
  • pencil or chalk for marking even squares
  • scissors (any kind, as long as they are sharp)
  • lighter and candle or soldering iron (if you know how to use it)
  • Moment-gel glue or hot glue gun
  • tweezers (preferably long)
  • long and thin needle
  • strong thread (for example, monofilament)
  • beads, sequins and all sorts of beautiful little things

I think over time you will decide for yourself how and what is more convenient for you to work.

Types of Kanzashi petals

The Kanzashi technique is as follows: many small even squares of fabric are folded in a certain way and assembled into a flower. The petals themselves are sewn or glued together.

No matter how strange it may sound, there are only 2 types of kanzashi petals: round and narrow, and the rest is up to your imagination.

Using this flower as an example, we will learn how to fold narrow and round petals:

Narrow kanzashi petal - master class

We use the same materials and tools as listed above.

Using a soldering iron or scissors, cut into even squares. I have a satin ribbon 5 cm wide, which means the squares are 5 by 5 cm. Their number depends on the size of the flower that you will collect. There are 7 yellow and 5 green.

It is often recommended to roll the leaves using tweezers. To be honest, I find it more comfortable with my fingers, but this is what you prefer.

Fold it into an even triangle. The fold itself is at the top.

We apply the right corner of the triangle to the left.

And fold it again in the same way, from right to left. Align the folds.

Trim the ends of the fabric evenly:

And we burn it a little over a candle, fastening the edges at the same time. This is done like this: holding the edges with tweezers, quickly move the petal over the flame.

It is better to burn at the very bottom of the fire, then the fabric will melt and not burn.

We also cut off the lower edges and melt them. Here you can not glue them together, but simply melt the fabric so that it does not crumble.

Here's what we got:

Back view

Using the same principle, we roll up the remaining green leaves.

For clarity, watch a video master class on narrow Kanzashi petals:

Front view

Round kanzashi petal - master class

We fold the yellow square into a triangle.

Now we collect the side edges in the middle, towards the bottom corner. The folds are made from the top and sides.

We move the side corners back, checking that the edges are folded evenly.

We also cut off the ends and melt them.

We also trim the bottom edge evenly and melt it.

Only here the edges must be burned and be sure to be glued together.
While the fabric is warm, I simply pinch the edges with my fingers.

This is what we got. From this side, drip a little glue inward and glue the sheet together.

Back view

Front view

These are the blanks we got. Here you can clearly see where the yellow petals stick together.

In the video master class, you can watch again how round petals are made, and also learn how to assemble beautiful hair ties:

How to make kanzashi flowers

Let's start collecting kanzashi flowers. We string the yellow petals onto a needle and thread. I prefer monofilament because it is not visible.

And we tie it into a flower like this:

We cut out circles from cardboard and tape, place a cardboard circle on the tape, and generously coat it with glue.

And, tucking the edges, glue the fabric to the paper. Let the glue dry a little and coat the surface with glue again.

Then we glue the blank to the flower from the back side.

Here it is better to use glue rather than a glue gun. Since our flower is voluminous, it is very difficult to glue it evenly right away. And while the glue dries, you can adjust the leaves to make it even. It’s difficult to do this with a glue gun - the glue hardens very quickly and it’s quite problematic to peel it back off.

Here's what we got:

Apply glue to the tip of the green leaf (here I use a glue gun)

And connect it with the second leaf.

We make two double leaves.

We also lubricate the single leaf with glue and glue it between the two already connected leaves.

In the same way, we glue three leaves to the double one.

This is what the branch should look like:

Lubricate the tip of the twig with glue

And glue it between the leaves of the flower.

Glue a bead or rhinestone into the center of the flower.

This kanzashi flower can be used to decorate a brooch, a hairpin, or a hair tie. And if you get a little creative, you can create a lot from the 2 simplest kanzashi petals!


Zhanna Shadrina

First, I will tell you why I became interested in this particular type of needlework.

Firstly, the kanzashi technique is very easy to perform.

Secondly, I was attracted by the availability of the material.

Thirdly, it attracts the variety of colors, which develops imagination. I am also pleased that you can create beautiful and unique decorations in the form of flowers from ordinary pieces of fabric.

And most importantly - this view manual labor can be used in working with our preschoolers.

With the help of kanzashi you can decorate the interior of the group and add attributes role-playing games, make gifts for the holidays.

I hope that kanzashi will spark your interest and desire to learn this skill. You just need to be patient and persevering.


The art of Kanzashi dates back to the 17th century. Translated from Japanese, “kanzashi” means hairpin. At that time, flowers made from kanzashi ribbons were an indispensable accessory in a woman’s costume, which was not just a work of art, but also indicated the social status, marital status and character of the owner. And most importantly, very often the cost of kanzashi was several times higher than the cost of a kimono.

It was the hairpin that gave the name to the new original look decorative and applied art, which is gaining more and more fans around the world.

Kanzashi is based on origami - the traditional Japanese art of folding paper crafts, only in this case, they fold not paper, but squares of fabric, which turn into amazing flowers and floral arrangements


Fashion is the engine of progress. Every girl or woman strives to be one and only in everything, including fashion. But only handmade gives a 100% guarantee to the owner of this jewelry that it is the only one. Therefore, a handmade product is highly valued and is in great demand on the market. Today, various hair decorations are very popular. This is probably why the Japanese kanzashi technique is in great demand.


familiarization with manufacturing technology,

teach teachers how to make flowers from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique


Studying the technology of making kanzashi;

Purchase and preparation of equipment for making kanzashi;

Development creativity, imagination;

Create a desire to create beautiful things with your own hands.

Product creation;

Product presentation

Materials and equipment




Glue gun

Satin ribbons 5 cm wide, pink and green

Candles or lighter


Manufacturing sequence

1. cut satin ribbon into squares

2. take the workpiece Pink colour and fold it diagonally to form a triangle.

4. burn the ends

5. we should have 10 petals

6. take one petal and roll it into a tube on both sides

8. the flower is ready

10. and fold it in half

11. then cut diagonally

12. and burn the cut side

13. unfold, it turns out to be a petal

14. Glue the finished petals (there should be 3 of them) to the flower

15. From the remnants of green fabric we make a rectangle, burn the sides, and glue a pin to it

16. Glue a pin to the back of the flower