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Poems about the letter "a". Poems about the letter "a" Teaching warehouses and teaching reading

On May 24, all Slavic peoples celebrated the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. On this day, the church honors the creators of the Slavic alphabet, Cyril and Methodius. Next, I propose to read about the first letter of the Cyrillic alphabet - the letter "A".

Az - sounds proud!

Az is the first letter of the Slavic alphabet, which denotes the pronoun I. However, its main meaning is conveyed by the words “initially”, “begin” or “beginning”. True, in everyday life the Slavs most often used Az in the context of a pronoun.


Az has a numerical value, which is expressed by the number 1. Among the ancient Slavs, the number 1 was the beginning of everything joyful and godly.

"Bull" origin

The letter "A" is of Phoenician origin, as are most other letters of European and Semitic languages. In the graphics of most alphabets, the capital letter "A" is shaped like a triangle with a crossbar in the middle. Some scientists believe that this mark depicts the head of a bull, which was especially revered by the Phoenicians.

Seven Wounds of Christ

In Christian theology, the letter “A”, both in Cyrillic and Latin, corresponds to the five wounds of Christ.

"A" in everything

Many symbolism experts believe that all other letters are derived from the sound “A”.

Main sound

The vowel sound “A” is the most common in the world’s languages. There is no language that does not have such a sound. For example, in the Ubykh language "A" is the only vowel. In addition, the first sound of a newborn is “a”.

Each of us knows what the alphabet and the alphabet are from childhood, or learn about it in the first grade of school. For those who forget, here is a definition of what an alphabet is: an alphabet is a collection of letters or other signs of a given writing system, given in alphabetical order. This definition is given to us by Vladimir Dahl’s explanatory dictionary. So, we have figured out the definition, but a new question arises, the answer to which I really want to know: why do you need to know the alphabet? We can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that this question plagues many primary school students who have to deal with learning the alphabet. Let's try to answer this heartbreaking question.

Why do you need to know the alphabet?

Let's start, perhaps, with the first thing that comes to mind, and, accordingly, with the most important thing. The alphabet is the basis for learning any language. Of course, you can learn to speak without knowing the alphabet, as evidenced by children who learn to speak without having the slightest idea of ​​what kind of beast the alphabet is. But learning to speak is only one step in learning a language, because in addition to this, you also need to learn to read and write. But it is unlikely that you will be able to master these classes without knowing the alphabet. After all, in order to learn to understand letters and read them, first you just need to learn them. The situation is similar with writing - to write a letter, you need to know what it looks like and what sound it means. Thus, one can come to an extremely logical conclusion - without an alphabet it is impossible to master a language. And this applies not only native language, which we, in fact, learn from birth, as well as any other language that you decide to take on.

In addition, the alphabet can be called an integral part of the development of civilization and culture, because it is thanks to the mastery of language that a person can begin to master other sciences, as well as transfer his knowledge to other people. So progress without language would be impossible, since knowledge would be lost over time, and since a language cannot be learned without an alphabet, another conclusion can be drawn - the alphabet is an important part of progress.

Where to start learning the alphabet?

Some parents believe that since there is a school, then this is where the child needs to study, this is where his head will be filled with knowledge and letters of the alphabet in order. But this is not an entirely correct opinion, because it will be much easier for a child to study at school if he still has time to acquire some knowledge, at least the most basic, at home. For example, it will start.

If you are perplexed by the fact that you don’t know where exactly to start this learning process, then don’t be scared and just start with the game. Nowadays there are a wide variety of toys in stores that will help a child learn the alphabet. For example, cubes with the image of letters (for example), magnetic alphabet and others interesting toys that can attract the child's attention and interest him first in your bright color, and then knowledge.

To begin with, it doesn’t matter at all in what order you learn the letters. If the child liked the letter “U” better, then why not learn it first instead of the letter “A”? For the first time, it will be enough that you simply begin to teach the letters with your child and he will gradually learn to distinguish them, and he will be able to learn the alphabetical order of letters at school, if by that time you have not yet had time to teach him this.

The alphabet is the most important part of any language. Without knowing the alphabet, people would not be able to read books, navigate catalogs, write down their knowledge... Well, without knowing the alphabet, you would not even be able to read this article. So you need to know the alphabet and teaching your child the alphabet is no less important than teaching him to count.

In the middle of the third millennium BC, the alphabet was invented. Today the Russian alphabet includes thirty-three letters. But at first, when the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, there were many more symbols in it. The Greek alphabet was taken as a basis, and letters were added that conveyed specific sounds used in Slavic speech.

Why do we need an alphabet?

Long before the child will go to school, modern parents they begin to teach him letters. This happens during play to keep the child interested. Letters can be written on cubes in bright colors, or there can be other toys. For older children there are magnetic alphabets. This is how the first acquaintance with the alphabet occurs.

When a child goes to school, there he continues to learn the alphabet. The orderly arrangement of letters in it gives us the opportunity to learn all the letters. Each letter has its own sound. These letters make up the words we use in our lives. From the very first lessons at school, the teacher explains what the alphabet is for. And as a result, children begin to understand that studying it is mandatory. The alphabet represents all the letters of the language in a convenient form; words are built from letters, and phrases and sentences are built from words.

Through writing and speaking, man became educated. He can teach other people, transfer his knowledge to other generations and over long distances. This means that the alphabet is an integral factor of civilization and culture. In modern society, the alphabet helps human communication.

Where is the alphabet used?

Why do you need to know the alphabet? Today, when we come to the library, we see that the literature catalog is organized alphabetically. And this is very convenient for visitors and library workers themselves. After all, it is very easy to find the right book at the right time. Medical cards are arranged alphabetically on the shelves of clinics. The cards are arranged according to the first letter of the patient's last name. Every day, when we open our diaries and phone books, we see that the letters of the alphabet are printed on the edges of the pages. This makes it easier to take notes and find necessary information. Also in our mobile phones The phone book list is arranged alphabetically. Various kinds of reference books and dictionaries are developed according to the same principle. And remember again the first grade, the teacher also compiled the list of students in alphabetical order.

We can give many examples where we use the alphabet. Each country has its own alphabet, but the principle of using it is the same. It is difficult to imagine a situation if we did not have an alphabet or did not know how to use it.

Poems about the letter "A".

A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That's why she's famous.
And it's easy to recognize:
He puts his legs wide.

Everyone knows the letter A -
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter A
Main in the alphabet.

A shark swims in the sea
She doesn’t give us the letter A,
Shark, this letter is important to us,
We all need the letter A.

We need to know the letter A
To read something
Ah, Antoshka, Aibolit -
We need to know the alphabet!

A stork flew to my roof,
He held the letter A in his beak,
Oh! He whispered barely audibly,
How good is this letter!

The letter "A" lived in Arbuz,

In a striped thick belly.

Once Apricot came to her,

I brought sweet pineapple.

A stork flew past,

He saw the letter "A"

And I decided to take it for myself.

Apricot let's shout:

Ah-ah-ah, it was stolen, help,

Return the letter “A” to the ABC book!

Letter A at the first desk
They sat in front of the map,
And on the map the whole earth is
Rivers, mountains and fields.
And they asked who she was
Dreams of becoming the letter A?
- I want to be an agronomist,
I can also be an astronomer,
Architect, artist
And also a scuba diver!
What are your words?
Do you know the letter A?

Astra, alphabet, quince
Starts with A.
And they end in A
Astra, alphabet, quince.

What are you bringing, car?
- Everything that starts with the letter A.
Here are watermelons, oranges,
Apricots and quince.

Here is the marble arch
Leads to the park alley.
The alley goes to the gate,
And the bus is waiting at the gate.
Yes, here is a fruit store!
They have it in store for us here.
Antonovka and orange,
Watermelon and pineapple.
Here is an apricot, and here is a quince.
What delicious words -
And everything starts with the letter A.

There's a queue
Near the letter A.
There's a line lined up
But there is no seller.
And try to guess
What will they sell here?
A silently looks at us, -
What will he offer? A pineapple?
Or maybe watermelon?
It doesn't taste bad at all.
But they compete with him
Apricot and orange.
Very tasty words
Starts with A.
The bus arrived here
He opened the doors wide.
And I was left alone:
My turn disappeared.
So the letter, the letter A
On the avenue for a reason:
Stop here, order
Asks to comply with the letter.
If you need to get on the bus -
You have to get in line.

A - bus.
Clearly, briefly.
Here is the exit
And landing.

My sister can read
And from the very morning
Reads or writes
Capital letter A.
And if he goes into the city,
It will go all the way through the street, -
All signs will be inspected
And he will find the letter A.
Our letter has climbed
Almost every home!

Not believing my eyes,
My sister tells me:
- Look,
At the bus stop
It's worth the bus!
At every stop
On a tin plate
The letter "A" shines.
While we're heading home
Together with my sister,
We read the letter "A"
We sing the letter "A".
And at home right off the shelf
She takes the primer
And he sees wolves howling,
The fire in the stove sings.
But she's not scared at all
I'm passionate about one thing:
It's on all pages
Reads the letter "A".
And this one is "A"! And this!
And this one is bigger!
Let only this letter
So far she is familiar.
Let the pencil be awkward
Clenching in a fist,
Just this one letter
Draws on a piece of paper.
The hare is forgotten in the field,
And a wolf and a fox in the forest -
Only the letter "A" walks
On a white sheet.
The carousels froze
There is ice on the river.
Only the letter "A" across the field
He goes on tirelessly.
Pillars along the road,
Coming from the hill,
Draws this letter
Stubborn sister.
Let it be crooked, clumsy -
Push and he will fall -
Limp every now and then
That letter is coming.
Let it be crooked -
Not scary,
No problem,
But she -

The stork spreads its wings,
The stork opens the book.
The book contains letters and words.
The stork sees the letter A.
And, putting glasses on my nose,
He reads:

Here are two pillars diagonally,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
In front of you is the letter A.

Take three sticks for "A".

The two leaned down first.

Well, look at the third one,

The third hid inside.

A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That's why she's famous.
And it's easy to recognize:
He puts his legs wide.

Here is a letter like a hut.
Isn't it true, the letter is good!
And although she is simple in appearance,
And the alphabet begins.

The letter "A" is tall and slender.

It looks very much like an arch.

Letter A, letter A -
Alphabet head.
Vova knows, Sveta knows,
And it looks like a rocket.

Love this letter
And Andrey and Allochka,
Stick like this, stick like that,
And in the middle there is a stick.

A shark swam in the sea
She ate everything that was drowned in it.
A shark swam to us -
Turned into a letter... A

Opening the alphabet.
The letter A comes first
Like a stepladder.
- Open your mouth, monkey,
“Ah, tell me,” he says.
Good Doctor Aibolit.

The doctor knows how to do it very simply
Check our throat -
He always asks
Call this letter ...............yu...