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Tatarstan Eid al-Fitr is a day off. Types of sacrificial animals and disposal issues

On August 12, 2019, the holy Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha takes place. Kurban Bayram or the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated on the last day of the Hajj, 70 days after Eid al-Fitr.

History of the holy holiday Kurban Bayram

The history of the holiday takes its roots from the Koran, when the angel Gabriel visited the prophet Ibrahim in a dream and conveyed Allah’s order to sacrifice his son. When everything was ready for the sacrifice, Allah rewarded Ibrahim - his knife became dull and could not cut. For faithfulness, God replaced the sacrifice of his son with a ram.

How is Kurban Bayram celebrated?

The day of a devout Muslim begins with ritual ablution. Having dressed in clean festive clothes, you need to read the takbir.

Takbir for Eid al-Adha

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaha illa Allahu wa-Llahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa-li-Llahi-l-hamd. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar kabiran wa-lhamdu-li-Llahi kasiran wa-subhyana-Llahi bukratan wa-asila.

Kurban Bayram: traditions, rules among Muslims

Next, you should perform morning prayer, exalting Allah on the way to the temple. You should not eat food before this.
After morning prayer, Muslims go home or gather in large groups to celebrate this Great Holiday. In an excellent mood, praising Allah, believers should return to the mosques, or, as is the case, for example, in Moscow, where those who want to do so cannot fit in, go out onto the streets of the city.

Next, a festive prayer and sermon about the greatness of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad are read, the history of the Hajj and the ritual of sacrifice are told in detail.
At the end of the sermon, believers go to cemeteries to remember the departed, and after that the ritual of sacrifice begins.

Not all animals are suitable for sacrifice - the sick, thin and lame are not suitable. Before the animal is sacrificed, it is thoroughly fattened.

After the sacrifice on Kurban Bayram has taken place, Muslims cut up the carcass in a special way and distribute food.

Feed both the one who is ashamed to ask and the one who asks openly.

On this Muslim holiday, no one is left without a gift: the poor and all those in need receive sacrificial meat as alms, and the best piece will end up on the table and will be divided among those closest to them and friends.

When is the Muslim holiday celebrated - Kurban Bayram 2019?

According to tradition, the holy Muslim holiday Kurban Bayram is celebrated annually in all countries of the world. The official date of the holiday falls on the 10th day of the 12th month of Dhul-Hijjah (Muslim lunar calendar). In 2019, Kurban Bayram will be celebrated on August 12. According to the rules, the celebration of this Muslim holiday lasts 3-4 days.

The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Tatarstan celebrated Kurban Bayram in 2018 on a grand scale. Thanks to the high level of preparation and organization, the great holiday caused genuine joy not only among Muslims, but also among the entire multinational population of the republic. Students and elderly people, disabled and homeless people, orphans and single mothers, large families and low-income families- they, who were eagerly awaiting Kurban Bayram, received sacrificial meat, regardless of their nationality and religious affiliation.

For the slaughter of sacrificial animals, separate adapted places were organized throughout the republic in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Main Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan and other interested services. In Kazan, 18 specialized places for slaughtering livestock were used, another 5 such points operated in Naberezhnye Chelny, Chistopol, Nizhnekamsk and Almetyevsk. All sacrificial rams underwent sanitary control and veterinary treatment. On the days of sacrifice, waste disposal was ensured. In total, 10,950 animals were sacrificed in specially organized places for slaughter in the Republic of Tatarstan, including 6,320 sheep in Kazan. In 2017, the number of sacrificial animals was 10,000. It is noteworthy that the leaders in Kazan in terms of the number of animal slaughter were the slaughter shops of the Kazan Nury and Rizvan mosques, the slaughter shop on the Mamadyshsky tract and on the Petryaev brothers. The most active Kazan mosques also include Marjani, Gadel, Suleiman, Iman Nury and Tynychlyk. In the slaughterhouse of Naberezhnye Chelny, over 2,130 sheep were sacrificed, in Almetyevsk - 1,600, in Nizhnekamsk - 600, in Chistopol - 300.

However, the most significant result of the celebration of Kurban Bayram was food assistance to those in need - according to tradition, one third of the meat of sacrificial animals is donated to families in difficult life situations and social institutions. In total, 52.6 tons of meat were sent to provide for the poor population and social institutions in Tatarstan as a result of the slaughter of sacrificial animals, including 14.7 tons of meat from the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Republic of Tatarstan. Thus, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan transferred 821 sacrificial animals to the “Zakat” charity fund of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Tatarstan and the “Ikhsan” Charitable Foundation of Nab. Chelny, to the Society of the Blind of the Republic of Tatarstan, the boarding house “Burbash”, to the 9th madrasah of Tatarstan and others educational institutions, in 15 correctional colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Central Regional Administrative Organization of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization.

The most active food assistance to those in need was provided by the Zakat Charitable Foundation of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Republic of Tatarstan, distributing 2 tons of live meat from sacrificial animals. As a result, during the three days of Kurban Bayram, the Foundation provided targeted assistance to over 600 individuals in need. In addition, food assistance was provided to the “Life Without Diabetes” preventive center, wards of the Alpari charitable foundation, residents of besieged Leningrad in the Volga region, disabled people in the Volga region, and victims of Stalin’s repressions. According to Gatina Gadania, an activist of the Siege Survivors Society, on this day people of all faiths unite to accomplish good deeds. “During the blockade, many suffered from hunger and cold. In my area there were 97 blockade survivors, now there are 12 people left. Many cannot move independently. Together with my husband, we will give them the holiday meat,” said Gadania Garifullovna.

Let us remind you that a significant part of the sacrificial meat was sent to institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the celebration of Kurban Bayram, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan donated Kurban meat to 15 correctional colonies of the Republic of Tatarstan. In this regard, 174 sheep were slaughtered. It is noteworthy that not only those prisoners who profess Islam were treated to meat, but also representatives of other faiths. In addition, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and sweets were distributed to the prisoners to celebrate Eid al-Adha.

It is important that the Muftiate attracted 50 volunteers to organize Kurban Bayram in Kazan. All of them provided assistance in cleaning mosques and mosque areas, cutting, packaging and distributing meat from sacrificial animals to those in need, as well as organizing children's and family holidays.

Another charity event of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Republic of Tajikistan within the framework of Kurban Bayram is aimed at helping pay for the treatment of a seriously ill child. As part of the “You are not alone” campaign - “Without blues!” a fundraiser was announced for Arseny Burnin. A 7-year-old boy is struggling with an autism diagnosis. The cost of one rehabilitation course is 53 thousand. 550 rub. The money has been collected in the required amount and will be transferred to the Logos Medical Center.

The Venerable Quran says: “And serve God and do not compare anyone to Him, and be kind to parents and close relatives, and orphans, and the needy, and to a neighbor from your family, and to a stranger neighbor, and to a companion on the road, and with the stranger, and with those whom your right hands rule. Verily, the Lord does not love the proud and the boastful" (Surah an-Nisa, verse 36). And the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “He who is fed while his neighbor is hungry is not one of us.” Therefore, if a person has any capabilities, then they must be used for good purposes, and not just for the sake of their own enrichment. May the Almighty grant blessings in both worlds to all those who donated their funds and made sacrifices these days. Wealth and prosperity to them!

Most significant holiday For every Muslim it is the day of sacrifice. It is called Eid al-Adha. This year, 2019, the Islamic holiday falls on August 12th. We will tell you in more detail about the history of Kurban Bayram, its traditions, as well as about the celebration in different countries.

  • history of the holiday
  • Holiday traditions
  • Kurban Bayram in Moscow
  • Kurban Bayram in Tatarstan
  • Kurban Bayram in Bashkiria
  • Eid al-Adha in Turkey
  • Kurban Bayram in Dagestan

history of the holiday

The history of Eid al-Adha goes back to ancient times. The main character is the prophet Ibrahim (in biblical terms - Abraham).

At the 86th year of Ibrahim’s life, his only son, Ismail, is born. Very soon the prophet sees in a dream how Allah asks him for a sacrifice. Moreover, the Almighty wants to see Ismail as a sacrifice.

Being obedient to the will of God, Ibrahim decides to sacrifice his son. At the very last moment, when the prophet was already ready for the ritual, the Almighty condescended to the man with the words that the sacrifice of his son was proof of Ibrahim’s submission to Allah. And as gratitude, God allowed the prophet to kill not his son, but a ram.

Thanks to those events, the holiday of sacrifice appeared in the Islamic faith - Kurban Bayram.

Holiday traditions

According to established traditions, on this day Muslims wash themselves completely, put on clean clothes and go to the mosque, where prayer will take place and the khutbah will be read.

Khutbah is a sermon delivered by the imam during the midday service in the mosque. The prayer praises Allah and Muhammad.

After pronouncing the khutbah, the imam introduces those present to the meaning of the ritual of sacrifice.

After the service in the mosque, an animal is sacrificed in the name of the Almighty, which must be at least six months old. Next, the ram or any other cattle is divided into 3 parts. The first part is kept for themselves, the second is given to neighbors, and the third is given to those in need.

Celebration of Eid al-Adha in different countries

Interesting celebrations will take place in different cities and countries these days. What will happen in Moscow, and what in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Dagestan and Turkey.

Kurban Bayram in Moscow

In 2019, prayers in the capital of Russia will be held in mosques and at three sites:
in the Cathedral Mosque;
in the Historical Mosque;
at the Memorial Mosque;
on the site in the Butovo forest park area;
on a football field in South Administrative Okrug;
in Sokolniki Park in the Eastern Administrative District.
The celebration will take place on August 21.

Kurban Bayram in Tatarstan

In Tatarstan, the sacrifice will also take place on the 21st.

The sermon will begin at 4:30, and the prayer will begin at 5:00.

Animal slaughter in Kazan will take place in 17 mosques and one slaughter complex.

Kurban Bayram in Bashkiria

In Bashkiria, August 21 is also an official day of rest. In every mosque in the city, sermons will begin early in the morning, followed by sacrifice rituals.

Eid al-Adha in Turkey

In Turkey, the celebration will be held in the same way as in all other countries. The only distinctive feature of their sacrifice is the tying of multi-colored ribbons with bells on the necks of the animals.

Kurban Bayram in Dagestan

Dagestan will prepare sites for the slaughter of cattle in advance. The government is also organizing free kitchens for those in need and meat collection points. Everything that happens will be monitored by veterinarians.