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Rose tattoo sketches on hand old school. Old school tattoo

Translated from English, “old school” is a popular style of tattoos that existed in Europe and America. This style appeared in the 19th century, when drawings of anchors, ribbons, skulls and angels were usually depicted on the body. Such tattoos were made by sailors, so the names of local residents, quotes and names of famous events often appear in this style. This type of tattoo is done using very bright colors, which are outlined with thick black lines.

History says that sailors are the first people to revive various arts and tattoos in Europe. Life was not easy for sailors, and only the strongest survived. They were quite superstitious people, so they believed that by depicting some signs on their bodies, they could be saved from an approaching storm or a shipwreck. Drawings of fluff and sailboats were popular among sailors. However, despite the fact that they led a promiscuous life, they constantly thought about their families and children, so they often painted hearts, mermaids and names on their bodies. This is how a new trend of tattoos appeared - Old School.

Today, among the most popular tattoos in the Old School style are: anchor, swallow, heart and rose.

The meaning of popular Old School style tattoos

The anchor is very ancient tattoo, invented in Western Europe. It symbolizes a sign that helps you always stay afloat, that is, it gives hope for strength and salvation. Sailors loved to draw an anchor, as it is closely associated with maritime work. This tattoo is close to sailors from all over the planet.

Swallow is a symbol of happiness and good luck. Sailors got this tattoo after they had made a long journey. For them, the swallow symbolizes a safe return home. After all, swallows are a sign that a sailor is swimming towards land.

The heart symbolizes femininity and is therefore a sign of expression of love. It contains everything: loyalty, friendship, and understanding. In Old School style, it is often depicted on the chest, thereby expressing its energy and mercy.

The rose, like the heart, expresses sincere and pure love. She is the ideal of things in the world, which is why she is popular among both men and women. A fiery red rose simply speaks of love, but a rose without thorns speaks of love at first sight. Previously in ancient times White Rose, depicted on the body, meant virginity.

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Old school tattoos have not lost their popularity over the years. Introduced by sailors, this style has stood the test of time and acquired the status of a classic. Today bright tattoos traditional style is chosen by men and women all over the world.

Tattoo Old SchoolHistory of Old School Style

The history of the Old School style begins with sailors; the origin of the style dates back to the end of the 19th century. It is to the people whose lives were connected with the sea that we should be grateful for their bright, laconic but meaningful tattoos. The sailors were very superstitious, and the best solution Always have with you a variety of talismans and amulets that have become tattoos. The most popular stories at that time wereanchors, swallows, heart, compass rose .

Because of homesickness and family, romantic subjects appeared: roses, portraits, mermaids. Well, don’t forget about the curvaceous beauties in pin-up style, which, like old school, is strongly associated with sailors.

Tattoo Old SchoolCharacteristic Features of Old School Style

The old school style is characterized by thick black outlines, maximizing simple colors(mostly black, red, green, blue) and laconic drawings without unnecessary details.

The old school style today differs from the style in which the first masters worked, but has retained its fundamental features.

Tattoo Old School - Popular Stories Tattoo Old School

Tattoo Ship Old School

For sailors, their ship was home and a small world, their crew was family and support, so the ship tattoo carries a very deep meaning. The ship embodies hope, movement, freedom.

Today, tattoos with a marine theme in the old school style are made not only by people whose profession is in one way or another connected with the sea. The main thing in a tattoo is the meaning, the message, which has been formed over many decades and absorbs the experience of generations. Old school tattoos, including a ship, are chosen by people who honor traditions and history.

Tattoo Compass and Wind Rose

Denotes the search for the right path, a clear direction in life and confidence in one’s beliefs. The compass has long helped people find the right direction and saved them from death at sea.

Today the compass has figurative meaning. People don't need to worry about the direction of transport. But you should always think about finding your own path in life.

Mermaid Tattoo Old School

A mermaid tattoo (in some versions a siren) in the old school style is associated with the beauty, temptation and danger that the sea brings. This mythical creature promised sailors good luck and death in equal measure.

Old School Butterfly Tattoo

Means life path and development of personality and soul. This insect received such a symbolic meaning due to its transformation from a caterpillar into a beautiful fluttering butterfly. For most cultures and religions, this development cycle means the formation of the human soul. The possibility of easy flight, wingedness, brightness and airiness that butterflies represent has made them a popular subject for tattoos.

Tiger Tattoo Old School

Tiger tattoo is a symbol of perseverance, belligerence, readiness to confront difficulties at any time and engage in battle against them. The tiger is equal in meaning to and carries the same meaning.

Tattoo Dagger Old School

The main meaning of a Dagger or Blade tattoo is fearlessness, risk, willingness to fight to the end and maintain honor. This is a noble symbol that in modern times has a metaphorical meaning. This implies a struggle not with the enemy, but with difficulties, life’s traps and difficult situations.

Black and White Tattoos Old School

Although the style is typical bright colors lovers of black decided to return to the very origins of tattoos. The old-school artists who tattooed sailors didn't always have all the colors to work with, but black can replace all the others. In black, the laconic old-school looks even more authentic.

Old School Tattoo - Popular Places for Old School Tattoo

Old School Tattoo on Hand

Traditionally, designs in this style were small and the hand was ideal for applying them. An Old School tattoo can be placed on absolutely any part of the arm, depending on the idea and shape of the sketch.

Tattoo Old School Sleeve

Most often, an Old School style sleeve consists of many small sketches on a common or similar theme. Since the style is characterized by little detail in the design, it is impossible to make one continuous drawing on the hand. Due to the similarity of plots and meanings of each individual sketch on the sleeve, the overall motif looks harmonious and stylish.

Sketches Tattoo Old School