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Thematic lesson "flowers". Card index on the topic: “Flowers” ​​games Outdoor games on the topic of flowers

Target: consolidate children's ideas about characteristic signs that help with colds.

Rules of the game: find a card with a picture of a medicinal plant in accordance with the description of its characteristic features.

Material: cards with pictures of plants.

The presenter calls characteristics one or another plant that helps with colds without naming him. Children look for his image among the cards, name him, talk about medicinal properties. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly finds or names the answer.

Didactic game« Find what heals»

Target: teach children, using model diagrams, to find those parts of medicinal plants that are healing.

Rules of the game: using model diagrams, find and talk about the medicinal properties of a certain part of a medicinal plant (leaves, stem, flower, seeds, root, etc.).

Material: 10-15 cards with images of medicinal plants, model diagrams with images of a flower, leaf, root, stem, branches.

Organization and methodology: cards with images of medicinal plants are laid out on the table, which are turned face down (10-15 cards). The teacher invites the child to take a card, look and name which medicinal plant is shown in the picture. Then tell which part of this plant is healing (flower, root, stem, etc.) and accordingly place it next to the diagram card. For each correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Didactic game« Green pharmacy»

Target:; teach the rules of collection, preparation, and use. Practice recognizing them using illustrations.

Rules of the game: guess medicinal plants used for colds by their characteristic features, describe the rules for their collection and preparation.

Material: flat basket with a red and green cross on one side, a set of illustrations of medicinal plants.

Organization and methodology: The teacher asks the children riddles about medicinal plants. The child finds the answer in the basket, names the plant and explains why he is called the “green doctor”, talks about the rules for collecting and preparing medicinal plants.

Outdoor didactic game« Who can quickly find a plant by name?»

Target: Exercise children in quickly finding a medicinal plant by name.

Rules of the game: act on a signal, quickly find a medicinal plant by name.

Organization and methodology: the game is organized as an outdoor game. The teacher explains that after he names a medicinal plant and says: “One, two, three to... run,” the children need to quickly find the plant on the site and stand near it.

Didactic game« Interview with medicinal plants»

Target: develop the emotional and sensory sphere of the personality of older preschoolers in the process of their knowledge of nature.

Rules of the game: come up with interviews with medicinal plants.

Material: toy microphone.

Organization and methodology: The teacher invites preschoolers to imagine that medicinal plants have come to life and can speak. Next, it is proposed to come up with what questions the children would ask medicinal plants, what they would like to learn from them.

For the longest and most interesting interviews, the child receives a chip.

Didactic game« Who can quickly find a plant by name?»

Target: .

Rules of the game: quickly find cards with a picture of a medicinal plant named by the teacher.

Material: cards with pictures of plants (several cards of each plant).

Organization and methodology: The teacher lays out cards with images of various plants. Name one of the medicinal plants shown on the card. For example, calendula. Children collect all the cards with the image of calendula. The one who finds the named plant the fastest wins.

Prokofieva O.O., Kornienko S.V.

Didactic ball game “Flower names”


- introduce people’s names that come from the names of plants (Rose, Lily, Narcissus, Cornflower (an affectionate word from Vasya), Anyuta, Roma (chamomile), Violetta, Veronica, Valerian; pink, lilac, lemon);

- learn to guess the derivative name of a flower from the named object (bell - bell, the eyes of the girl Anya - Pansy, nail - carnation, jug - water lily);

- develop dexterity when throwing a ball, reaction speed, speed of thinking, memory;

- cultivate the ability to be attentive when interacting with the teacher.

* * *

Children stand in a circle, the teacher stands in the middle of the circle with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the children one by one and gives tasks (name a person’s name that comes from the name of a flower; identify objects whose names come from the name of flowers). The child must catch the ball and quickly answer the question. If he does not answer or answers incorrectly, another child receives the ball with the same task.

Didactic game “Bouquet of Flowers”


- to form an idea of ​​the rules for making bouquets, about in what cases people give bouquets to each other;

- the ability to compose a bouquet of flowers from ready-made forms, selecting them according to size, color, shades, purpose, desire (applique or drawing);

- talk about your bouquet (what plants it is made of, how the flowers were selected, who you would like to give such a bouquet to, for what occasion);

- develop imagination, spatial, color perception, sense of taste, measures, speech, fine motor skills;

- cultivate love and active interest in native nature.

* * *

In the game, children play the roles of a florist or flower shop seller. Children can do the work of making a bouquet individually or collectively, in small subgroups, solving the problem of developing the ability to negotiate and determine the sequence of work. Children can make a bouquet of any flowers: live, artificial, or made by children from paper, fabric, foam rubber, dough, vegetables, etc.

To warm up, you can use the “Flower” finger exercises.

Assembled bouquet children, as flower shop sellers, must “sell” it by describing it, telling what flowers it consists of, why, and what it is intended for.

The teacher acts as a florist consultant, directing the children’s activities and helping with advice.

Ball game "I know five colors"


- consolidate knowledge about meadow and garden flowers;

- develop the ability to hit and catch the ball, rhythmically pronouncing the names of colors without losing the tempo;

- interest in using knowledge about colors in games with peers;

- combine a noun with a numeral;

- develop dexterity, speed of reaction, speed of thinking.

* * *

Child (hits the ball on the ground and says). I know five names of meadow flowers: chamomile - one, bell - two, carnation - three, etc.

If a child gets confused or pauses too long, he loses and the ball is passed to another child.

Didactic game “Labor in the flower garden”


- to form an idea of ​​how flowers are grown depending on the timing of flowering and whether they are annual or perennial;

- interest in knowledge that helps to increase natural resources;

- learn to lay out cards with a schematic representation of the planting sequence in order, explain the order and significance of each stage;

- activate in the dictionary the names of planting material (seeds, bulbs, tubers), actions (sow, plant, dig, loosen, mark, water, fertilize, break a flower bed, weed, replant, plant, divide a bush, prune);

- develop the ability to build a chain of events in a logical sequence, memory, and vocabulary.

* * *

Children-gardeners choose pictures with planting material and images of flowers, each in his flower garden lays out the sequence of planting and caring for the selected flowers, talks about what flower beds he will create, how to place the plants, how to care for them throughout the entire period of their growth and flowering. For the most detailed and correct stories, gardeners are awarded the “Flower Experts” medal.

Didactic exercise “Collect flower petals from shades”


- to form knowledge about the most famous flowers in the area, the petals of which are colored different shades;

- learn to assemble flower petals (for example, pansies) from individual elements, colored from the lightest to the darkest shade of the same color;

- name shades and colors;

- develop aesthetic taste, sense of color, spatial perception;

- create a sense of beauty.

Equipment: individual elements of flower petals, painted in different shades of the same color, having different shapes.

* * *

The teacher invites the children to lay out a certain flower from parts of the petals, painted in different shades from the lightest to the darkest, and name them; decorate the panel with flowers.

Didactic exercise “The fourth odd one”


- to develop the ability to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, field, forest, garden, aquatic), according to the timing of flowering (spring, summer, autumn);

- name the extra flower in the row, designate the rest with a general word, explain the grouping;

- develop logical thinking, speech;

- perseverance, focus.

Equipment: cards depicting five colors, four of which can be combined, and the fifth is extra.

The teacher remembers with the children what flowers grow and bloom in the summer in the garden, field, forest, meadow, clearings, and pond. Looks at pictures depicting different ecosystems in the summer. Offers children cards with four flowers, three of which can be attributed to a specific type (meadow, field, forest, garden or aquatic), and the fourth is extra. Children must name all the flowers, find the extra one, explain why, and name the rest with one general word. Cards are selected in accordance with the age of the children and the material studied.

; create positive emotional attitude To her; instill responsibility for the state of the immediate environment.

Game plot: “On the path of Lugovichka”

  • Preparing for your trip
  • Completing tasks
  • Construction of a house for Lugovichok
  • S/r game “Visiting Lugovichok”

Game character - Lugovichok

Roles: various characters of insects and flowers (at the request of the children).

Game equipment: Game equipment necessary for the s/r game “Visiting Lugovichok”: samovar, tea set, mint tea, strawberry jam, etc.; didactic games and attributes to them; markers; route map.

Problem situation:

The phone rings. The teacher is talking. Tells the children that Lugovichok called (a character who lives in the meadow and guards it). Meadow wants to settle in the meadow to protect it. But the trouble is, when he was walking through the meadow to the place where he wants to build a house, he lost the stones to build the foundation. Lugovichok asks for help collecting them. But the fact is that evil Trolls live in the meadow underground. They hid the stones and will give them only to Lugovichka's friends. And they will give it back only when they complete all the Trolls’ tasks. In addition, the Trolls scattered all the logs for the house, and Lugovichok cannot cope in any way. Shall we go to help Lugovich? (Children's answer).

There is a conversation going on. A meadow is a large open place where various herbs grow (chamomile, bellflower, dandelion, Ivan da Marya, buttercup, lungwort, etc.). A meadow is a place where herbaceous plants grow. There is an abundance of sun and moisture here, so the plants feel very good. There are a lot of insects in the meadow (butterflies, flies, bees, bumblebees, etc.) They are very small, many are not visible at all, and if we are so big that we get into the meadow, then, while walking on it, we may accidentally step on a small insect or a small plant, damage them. Therefore, in order not to harm the meadow, we need to become small too. Think about who wants to become who in order to get to the meadow. (Children choose the necessary hat and with the words - for example, “I put on the bee’s hat and I turn into it,” etc.). Now we ourselves have become residents of the meadow and therefore we can calmly go to the aid of Lugovichk. But first we need to look at the traffic map.

The path is a road from flower to flower (for example, 1 - cornflower, 2 - bell, 3 - buttercup, 4 - lungwort, 5 - chamomile, etc.), where the tasks are located, and a pebble cut out of cardboard, and with Velcro glued on the back side so that it can be attached to tufting. Children look at a map on which the route from one task to another is drawn. Each task and pebble is located under a specific flower

Didactic game “Collecting medicinal plants”

Goal: to introduce children to letters as signs to indicate vowels and consonants.

Material: envelopes with letters drawn on them.

Rules of the game: Plants “grow” in the clearing. Each child must take one of these plants, highlight the first sound in the name of this meadow medicinal plant and put the picture in an envelope with the corresponding letter. For example, St. John's wort in an envelope with the letter z written on it.

The role of the teacher in the process of playing games is to monitor the correct completion of the task and handing out pebbles.

Didactic game “Blind Nerd”

Goal: Learn to recognize plants by smell.

Materials: meadow plants (clover, valerian, dandelion, chamomile, etc.)

Rules of the game: Children are invited to smell the flowers. Then the eyes are blindfolded, and plants are brought to the nose one by one. The child must recognize plants by smell and name it.

Didactic game “Complete the flower”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to quickly navigate on a sheet of paper in a box, complete drawing symmetrical objects according to a model, and select the desired shade of a felt-tip pen.

Material: Large checkered cards with images of drawn flower halves (chamomile, bell, cornflower, buttercup, fireweed, etc.)

Rules of the game: Children are asked to complete the symmetrical halves of objects in the cells, color them and name them.

Didactic game "Flower meadows"

Goal: expand knowledge in the field of quantitative representations; develop skills in word formation of adjectives (chamomile - chamomile meadow, etc.); consolidate the ability to coordinate numerals with plural nouns.

Material: hoops according to the number of children, in each of them certain meadow plants are laid out (in one - 5 daisies, in the second - 10 bells, etc.)

Rules of the game: Children dance to music in a common clearing. When the music ends, children must run into a certain clearing. The teacher asks “Which clearing did you find yourself in? What grows on it and how much. (I found myself in a cornflower meadow, there are 6 cornflowers growing on it, etc.)

Didactic game "House for Lugovichok."

Goal: expand and consolidate knowledge about numbers from 0 to 10, practice naming them, determining the neighbors of a number, introduce the composition of a number from two smaller numbers (up to 10)

Material: Unfinished house made of logs, everything is collapsible (foundation, roof, logs), each log has a number written on it or the logs are colored Cuisenaire counting sticks (strips), which can be attached to tufting.

Rules of the game:

The children first make the foundation of the house from pebbles that they collected along the way: The whole house is laid out on tufting. You need to build a house, for example, like this: the length of one crown should be 9 units, the crown can consist of 1 or 2 logs. Each child must choose and offer his own option. The height of the house, that is, the number of crowns of the house, depends on the number of children participating in the game. To lay out your crown, you still need to answer the question.

  1. Which plants have seeds equipped with parachutes? ( Dandelion, thistle, sow thistle, coltsfoot).
  2. Why was the Red Book created? What plants are listed in the Red Book? (In order to protect endangered species of plants and animals. Lily of the valley, valerian, primrose.)
  3. Rules for collecting medicinal plants. ( You can collect in an ecologically clean area, in sunny weather, when the dew has dried, and you must leave them in nature so that they multiply, i.e. don’t pick everything and just a little.).
  4. Which plant is found in dry meadows, elevated areas, bush thickets and forests (Bukvitsa officinalis).
  5. A doctor grew up near the road - he treats sick legs. ( Plantain).
  6. What groups of plants do you know? ( Trees, shrubs, grass, flowers, mushrooms, lichens and mosses).
  7. What plant is called a “bouquet flower” ( Lungwort. At first all the flowers are pink, after a few days you can see blue, blue, and purple on the stem. As the flowers fade, they change color.)

Homecoming. We take off our hats and find ourselves in kindergarten. Let's share our impressions.

Lesson 1

Objectives: expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic; development of prolonged oral exhalation, the ability to control the force of the air stream; development of visual attention; development fine motor skills; development of phonemic awareness.

Equipment: picture “Magic meadow”, subject pictures with images of flowers, counting sticks, plumes, bells, tambourines.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizing time.

Breathing exercise “Quiet breeze”

The speech therapist gives a sample of a long oral exhalation, prefacing the demonstration with the couplet:

Blow quietly, breeze,
Blow more quietly on my flower.

Sultanas are used.

2. Clarification of vocabulary on the topic

A picture is displayed depicting a clearing with flowers (poppy, dandelion, cornflower, lily of the valley, chamomile, tulip, bell).
On the speech therapist's table are pictures depicting individual flowers. Children look at the picture, then go up to the table one by one, choose a flower and find the same one in the picture. The speech therapist gives the name of the flower.

3.Construction of the “Flower” model (from counting sticks)

Children show the individual parts of the flower called by the speech therapist:
Stem, petals, leaf
-Our flower has blossomed.

4. Didactic game “Let’s collect flowers”

The speech therapist lays out pictures of flowers on the floor and explains: when the bell rings, the children walk around the “clearing,” and when the tambourine rings, each child must “pick” a flower and name it (on their own or with the help of a speech therapist).

Lesson 2

Objectives: activation of subject and verb vocabulary on the topic; development of phrasal speech; development of prolonged oral exhalation; development of fine and gross motor skills.

Equipment: plot pictures (“Girl planting flowers”, “Boy watering flowers!” “Children picking flowers”); paper or artificial flowers.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Finger gymnastics"Flowers"

Our scarlet flowers Elbows on the table, hands perpendicular to the table cover
The petals are blooming. Palms spread apart.
The breeze breathes a little, Blow on your palms.
The petals are swaying. The arms sway from side to side.
Our scarlet flowers Palms unite,
The petals close. palm swaying
They fall asleep quietly, back and forth.
They shake their heads.

2. Making sentences based on plot pictures (based on the model given by speech therapists

A girl plants flowers. A boy waters flowers. Children pick flowers.
Independent compilation (modification by replacing the subject and/or addition) of sentences based on pictures. For example: Katya is planting flowers. Vanya waters the tulips. Girls and boys collect daisies.

3. Game “Let’s Smell the Flowers”
Inhale through your nose, and as you exhale, say “Ah-ah-ah!” for a long time.

4. Game for coordination of speech with movement

Children imitate movements in accordance with the text:
We took the shovels, dug up the flower beds -
One - two, one - two. The flower beds were dug up.
They took the rake in hand, combed the flower beds -
One - two, one - two. The flower beds were combed.
We threw the seeds in rows into the ground -
One - two, one - two. The seeds were thrown.
The flower beds were watered,
The flowers grew.
Children squat and stand up slowly.

Lesson 3

Objectives: development of phrasal speech, consolidation of subject vocabulary on the topic; practical mastery of the use of nouns in the dative case; agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender; fixing primary colors; development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements with speech.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting flowers (poppy, dandelion, chamomile, rose, cornflower, bell), mosaic (according to the number of children).

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Didactic game “Name the flower”
The speech therapist displays pictures of flowers, the children name the flower and its color, for example:
-This is a red poppy.
-This is a yellow dandelion.
-This is a white chamomile.

2. Didactic game “Guess what flower I’m talking about”

Red poppy).
White... (chamomile).
Red Rose).
Blue... (cornflower, bell).

3. Didactic game “Collect and give a flower”

Each child chooses a picture of a flower and posts it from
mosaics and repeats after the speech therapist:
-I’ll make a flower, then I’ll give it to my mom!
Children say:
-I will make red poppy (blue cornflower, etc.). It is discussed in advance who can give the flower.
-I will give a red poppy to my mother (father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle...).

4. Outdoor game "Flowers"

In the flowerbed under the window, children squat, facing in a circle,
The flowers have risen and are slowly rising.
They reached out to the sun, they stretched on their tiptoes, hands up,
They smiled at the sun. wide to the sides.
Turn the leaves of your palms up towards the sun,
The flowers are turned.
Open the buds, clasp your hands above your head.
They will drown in the sun. Slowly spread your arms to the sides.

Lesson 4

Objectives: consolidation of temporary concepts; development of verbal and logical thinking; teaching retelling using visual supports; fixing the names of primary colors; “development of general motor skills and spatial orientation.

Equipment: pictures depicting the seasons, pictures for a flannelgraph (poppy, mashka, yellow dandelion, black strip of earth, butterflies - red, white, yellow, black), butterflies (according to the number of children), large flowers from sheets of cardboard.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Children have pictures depicting different seasons. The speech therapist consistently reminds children of the signs of a certain time of year and asks who has such a picture
For example:
- In summer, the leaves on the trees are green, flowers are blooming, it’s hot and people are swimming... Who has “summer” in the picture?
With the help of a speech therapist, the child describes the signs of summer from his picture.

2. Listening to the story “Four Butterflies”

As the story progresses, the speech therapist displays pictures on a flannelgraph (poppy, chamomile, white dandelion; black strip of earth; red, white, yellow and black butterflies).
- Four butterflies were flying - red, white, yellow and black. Suddenly they saw a large bird flying. A red butterfly sat on a poppy, a white butterfly sat on a daisy, a yellow butterfly sat on a dandelion, a black butterfly sat on the ground. The bird did not notice the butterflies and flew away.

Then the speech therapist talks with the children about the content of the story.

3.Game "Butterflies"

Flowers (made of colored cardboard) are laid out on the floor. Children have butterflies (made of colored cardboard). After the text spoken by the speech therapist, the children plant their butterflies on flowers of the corresponding color:
Butterflies fly, butterflies flutter,
They don’t know which flower to sit on.
A big bird is flying here.
It's time for the butterflies to hide!

4. Retelling the story “Four Butterflies”

With the help of reference pictures placed on a flannelgraph by the speech therapist, children retell the story they heard.

On the eve of the women's holiday, I want to congratulate all mothers, grandmothers, as well as our little princesses on International Women's Day. I proposed to spend it on the eve of Mother’s Day, and today I propose to organize a thematic lesson for our children dedicated to the most traditional gift for women on March 8 - flowers.

1. Linguistic type of intelligence

1) Finger game"Flower".

The hands turned into a flower. The petals are closed, tightly closed.

It's closed early in the morning (the hands are in the starting position).
But it's getting closer to noon (palms move away from each other, pads thumbs pressed to the ends of the index fingers, the hands resemble a half-opened bud).
Opens the petals, I see their beauty (the hands are connected at the wrist, and the fingers smoothly diverge in different directions, resembling an open flower).
In the evening the flower closes its corolla again (close your fingers - an unopened flower).
And now he will sleep (hands in starting position).
Until the morning, like a little bird (put your hands under your cheek - imitation of sleep).

2) Exercise for the development of fine motor skills “Flower from clothespins.”

A child under 2 years old can remove petals to the famous poem - fortune telling about a chamomile. Older children can create such a flower themselves by attaching clothespins - petals.

3) Exercise to develop finger coordination “Attach the Petal”
For this game you need to make a flower from multi-colored dense fabric, such as felt.

2. Logical-mathematical type of intelligence

1) Playing with colors. Choose a different field for each chamomile by color.

2) Game for orientation in space.

3. Musical type of intelligence

1) We perform movements according to the text of the Zheleznovs’ song “Flower”.

2) We play the musical game “Buttercups, Daisies”.

3) Listen and watch P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

4. Natural science type of intelligence.

2) We watch a presentation on botany for kids “Flowers”.

3) Watch the video “How flowers bloom.”

5. Creative type of intelligence.

1) We make flowers from plasticine

2) Making the “Flower” applique

6. Bodily-kinetic type of intelligence

Let's do fun exercises with flowers

7. Intrapersonal type of intelligence

Let's talk about the beauty of the human soul.

1) We read the fairy tale “Cactus Flower” to the child and ask questions about the fairy tale.

8. Communicative type of intelligence

We watch the educational cartoon “Lessons good manners. How to give flowers"