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Test: Are you ready for family life? Scenario for a bachelorette party. Competitions Test whether a man is ready for family life

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Prepare 2 certificates in advance: To marital status
Prepare 2 certificates in advance: or
not suitable

The decision is made by the bridesmaids based on the results of a general vote after the bride has passed the tests.

Read more about the bachelorette party before the wedding and options for holding it in the articles:

If the bride has the smallest number of entries, the task will not be completed.

2. If your husband...
  • Props:
  • pouch;

funny entries.
Comic competition. A test is carried out to determine the bride's readiness to accept her husband's negative character traits. The bridesmaids prepare comic notes in advance on pieces of paper, put them in a bag, the bride must draw out 10 pieces and answer:
  • Will the bride be ready for her husband to be there after the wedding?
  • NERD

3. How well the bride knows the groom

2. If your husband...
  • pieces of paper;
  • pen;
  • groom's answers.

The bridesmaids interview the groom in advance on various topics (in the form of a quick survey) and prepare questions for the bride.
The bride answers and the girls check whether the answers are correct or not.

4. How well the bride and groom suit each other.

2. If your husband...
  • pieces of paper with questions;
  • pen;
  • groom's answers.

The bridesmaids prepare questions in advance and interview the groom. At the bachelorette party, the bride answers these questions. The more answers matched, the better.

Examples of questions:

  • 1. How do you want to spend your honeymoon?
  • 2. What will be the first joint purchase after marriage?
  • 3. How many children do you want?
  • 4. How will you spend your vacation together?
  • 5. Who will you visit first after the wedding?
  • 6. Which one color scheme do you dream of decorating your bedroom?
  • 7. What is your ideal romantic evening?
  • 8. Who will do the cooking/cleaning at home?
  • 9. What time will you go to bed?
  • 10. What films will you watch together?
  • 11. How will you celebrate your wedding anniversary?
  • 12. What is your favorite dish together?
  • 13. What kind of pet will you get?
  • 14. Who will water the flowers?
  • 15. How will you spend your evenings at home?
  • 16. What New Year's Eve is ideal for you?
  • 17. Who will go grocery shopping?
  • 18. Who will manage the family budget?
  • 19. Would you like to live in a house or apartment, in the city or outside the city?
  • 20. Who will help teach the children lessons?
  • 21. Who will raise the children?
  • 22. What will be your hobbies (everyone)?
  • 23. What can you teach each other?
  • 24. What is the first thing you usually say to your partner when you wake up in the morning?
  • 25. What is your ideal married life?
  • 26. What is the most important thing for you? family life?
  • 27. Why did you decide to get married?

5. Guess the word

2. If your husband...
  • leaves inscription on paper.

The bridesmaids write down a word on a piece of paper that is associated with family life and stick it on the bride’s forehead. The bride must use various questions to find out what the word is written on the sheet. Girlfriends should only answer “yes” or “no” to questions.

6. Past, present and future...

The task is that the bride must find her past, present and future among passers-by on the street.

The past is who she used to be. This may be due to former profession or the status of a bride. For example, an unmarried girl, a student, etc.

The present is what the bride has. You need to find a guy whose name is the same as the future husband of the bride.

The future is what awaits the bride. Need to find happy family with kids.

7. Original declaration of love to the groom

The girlfriends come up with several completely unrelated words. The bride needs to make up from these words original confession in love and send it via SMS to your future husband.

For example, words bun, dye, doctor's, constitution.

Declaration of love:

I don't need to write doctorate dissertation,
And study legal norms Constitution,
To tell you words of declaration of love,
My lovely bun With dye!

My dear readers!

Since there are a lot of requests for really interesting competitions, in the complete absence of any on the Internet, I decided to compile my own, select the best and arrange everything in a convenient book format.

I hope my works will help you unforgettable holiday, which you will remember for a long time.

Marriage is a serious decision for a man and a woman. Usually, nothing bad is expected from family life until it turns out that the newlyweds are not happy with some things about each other. For example, a husband devotes a lot of time to friends, but at the same time controls communication between the wife and her friends. Or the wife spends too much money onvisit to the hairdresser, manicuristAndspa massage sessions. How do you understand what your partner can’t put up with and what you will never accept? Is it really impossible to get married or should I wait?

The reason for divorce is “not ready for marriage”

Many marriages break up because one or both spouses are simply not ready for life together and associated responsibilities. But how can you find out in advance and not take a rash step? About how to “test” yourself and your significant other for readiness for family life.

“When getting married, we think more about pleasant moments and least of all about the difficulties that we may encounter,” says the psychologist. “For example, young people in marriage are often primarily attracted to regular sex, as well as the opportunity to often spend time together. But over time it turns out that it is also necessary to solve everyday problems. If a child appears, there are much more worries. Family is not only pleasure, it is also a lot of responsibilities! Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at each other while you are still living in a civil marriage, which most often precedes the official one.”

So, what criteria do you use to evaluate readiness for marriage?

1. Lifestyle

Are you used to having get-togethers with friends in the evenings, or hanging out on the Internet, or “cleaning your feathers” - do it yourself cosmetic masks and manicure? And you are not going to give up your favorite habits for the sake of your partner? This means, most likely, you are not yet ready for family life. It’s the same with a man - if after work he regularly rushes not home, but to drink beer with friends, goes bowling, etc., we need to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Nikolai: “When I returned from work, I almost never found my wife at home. She was spending time with her friends somewhere. It seemed that she was more interested in them than with me. When she and her friend went on vacation to the south without me, I filed for divorce.”

“Of course, no one demands that you give up entertainment and communication with friends,” says psychologist Tatyana Parenova. “But you can set aside certain days of the week for this.” If each spouse has their own life “on the side,” such a family is unlikely to be strong. The meaning of family life is precisely to do something together!”

2. Family responsibilities

If you live in your own home, and not with your parents, and you do not have a housekeeper, then in any case you will have to distribute household responsibilities among yourself. Does the thought of washing dishes or cooking dinner make you sad, and you would rather fill the sink with dirty dishes during the week and eat only sandwiches? Then you should think about whether you should get married at all! Although, if your other half thinks exactly the same, it means you have found each other.

Yuri: “When we got married, I had to cook food myself, since my wife refused to do it, saying that she didn’t know how. She rarely washed dishes and did laundry even less often. When I tried to talk to her about this, she replied that she was not hired as a servant. In the end, we broke up. Now I live in civil marriage with a woman who does everything around the house.”

“A man doesn’t have to know how to hammer nails, but if instead of helping you carry heavy bags from the store, he watches football on TV, this is an alarming signal: he is not ready for family life!

It is best to agree on who does what around the house in advance, so that there are no conflicts later, says the psychologist. “No one will do this for you anyway!”

3. Finance

Do you each spend your money on yourself, and, in general, is everything the same as it was before the start of family life? Not a very good sign.

Laura: “I hoped that when Denis moved in with me, he would invest some money, because my salary is small. But during the six months they lived together, he did not buy anything except groceries. When I asked him for money a couple of times for something, he replied that there was none. And during this time he bought himself a car and an expensive phone, without consulting me! After that, I invited him to break up.”

“If you are going to live together, then in any case you will have to discuss financial matters - will the budget be joint or separate, who will pay for public utilities, whose funds will be used to make purchases for the home, etc.,” comments psychologist Tatyana Parenova. – If it’s more convenient for you to have “separate accounts,” then maybe think about marriage and family life early?

In marriage, it is necessary to take into account not only your own interests, but also the needs of your partner. If one of you “gives up” on this, then it is unlikely that you will have a normal family life. Perhaps you should wait."

Test: are you ready for family life?

Will family ties be a burden to you if you decide to start a family? And are you capable of true intimacy? After all, a marriage, even the happiest one, has its ups and downs.

Some are better able to cope with difficulties, others worse. And what qualities are needed to make a marriage happy? Answer our questions - and forward to the secrets of your soul!

Choose the appropriate answer to each question: A – 3 points, b – 2 points, c – 1 point.

1. Do you like people who don’t hide their feelings? A - yes, b - sometimes, c - no.

2. Do you prefer to communicate with people from whom you can learn something useful? A - no, b - sometimes, c - yes.

3. When a friend tells you about a sad event, such as the death of a close relative or the loss of a job, do you feel uneasy and try to change the topic of conversation? A - sometimes, b - perhaps, c - always.

4. Are you only friends with people who like to do the same things as you? A - no, b - perhaps, c - yes.

5. Will you feel awkward if the person with whom you came to the cinema bursts into tears during the screening, and decide to yourself that you will never go to the cinema with him again? A - no, b - maybe, c - yes.

6. If on a first date most of the evening was spent talking, do you consider such an evening wasted? A - no, b - sometimes, c - yes.

7. Will you be satisfied with the conversation if your interlocutor did most of the talking? A - yes, b - sometimes, c - no.

8. Would you sign up for a sports section at your work in order to meet new people? A - yes, b - maybe, c - no.

9. Do you feel the need to tell everything about your past love affairs to your new lover? A – always, b – sometimes, c – never.

10. Do you want to achieve some physical intimacy on the first date? A - yes, b - depends on the circumstances, c - no.

11. Do you feel awkward when going somewhere without a queue? A - no, b - sometimes, c - yes.

12. Do you think that the man should be the first to invite you on a date? A - always b - sometimes, c - never.

13. Do surprises (whether pleasant or unpleasant) confuse you? A - never, b - sometimes, c - always.

14. Do you prefer to do something together rather than alone? A - yes, b - sometimes, c - no.

15. Do you agree that relationships depend primarily on how people behave with each other? Everyday life? A - yes, b - maybe, c - no.

16. Would you go to the gym with your boss just to increase your chances of getting promoted? A - yes, b - maybe, c - never

17. Would you date a person who does not share your food preferences or your ideas about cultural recreation? A - no, b - maybe, c - yes.

18. Don't you think that you are participating in public life team just so as not to cause gossip? A - no, b - it happens, c - yes.

19. Imagine that you went on a first date to an amusement park, and suddenly your date gets seasick. Would you be indignant that the walk was hopelessly ruined, and immediately part ways and go home? A – never, b – perhaps, c – yes.

20. Do you keep secrets from close friends? A – no, b – when and how, c – yes.


It's time to find out what your chances are for a successful marriage. Intimacy refers to fairly close relationships, not just sexual ones.

50 – 60: You get close to people easily. Don't be afraid to appear in front of them as you really are. The state of falling in love is pleasant and natural for you; at the same time, you do not experience the fear of losing independence or being rejected.

36 – 49: It is not so easy for you to establish close relationships with anyone, although you certainly want to find a companion on life path. A little more self-confidence, and your fear of marriage, if not completely disappearing, will become almost invisible.

20 - 35: maybe you would like to have loved one, but the very thought of getting closer scares you. You will have to work on yourself, for example, learn to communicate with people, before you take such a serious step as entering into a marriage.

Illusions, self-deceptions

Every person understands that starting a family, family life is a challenge for which you can be prepared, but you can not be quite ready. But most even family people have a vague understanding of what this challenge is, so everyone has their own idea of ​​readiness.

Most people, when thinking about their readiness for family life, limit themselves to a narrow number of criteria, focusing either on their strengths or weaknesses. For example, beautiful woman may believe that her beauty is enough to be a good wife. A religious girl may think that her religiosity is a universal answer to all the challenges of family life. A man who earns little and does not have his own home can, based on this, conclude that he is unsuitable for marriage. A rich man, on the contrary, can consider himself an excellent match just because he is rich. There are many other “tunnel views” on this issue.

All these points of view are incorrect due to their limitations. In fact, to create a family not only in name, but also in essence, you need a very specific and fairly wide range of advantages. We'll look at it below. But first, let's figure out why we need all these qualities.

Challenges and tasks of family life

In order to register a marriage, play beautiful wedding, go on a trip, and run away after 6-12 months, no special qualities are required. There is no need to prepare for such a marriage. What kind of marriage needs preparation?

We will not deeply consider the goals of marriage and justify them here, since this side of the issue is discussed in many of our other materials. Let us recall just some of the features of such a family, which can be considered real, happy, and having fulfilled its destiny.

1. A full-fledged family does not break up when children become adults. (And what’s more, it doesn’t disintegrate before that).

2. Throughout the life of the family, love between spouses remains, only the nature of this love changes.

3. Both spouses feel most of their personal needs are satisfied.

4. Both spouses grow as individuals throughout their family life and realize their talents both within the family and outside.

5. Children (if they are born) in such a family are happy, confident in their parents’ love for them, and go out into adult life psychologically intact and ready for further harmonious development.

I don’t know if this set of traits might seem easily achievable to someone, but in reality such families are in the minority. And precisely because both spouses or one of them do not have the necessary set of advantages. They were not prepared when registering the marriage, and did not bother to start preparing later when the problems began. After all, it is much easier to blame the second partner for everything and dream that if next time you choose a spouse more successfully, the family will be much happier. Or fruitlessly feel sorry for yourself, unlucky, as if you cannot change in the desired direction...

It’s never too late to realize reality and start changing. But good luck to you if you set yourself such a task even before marriage.

Or better yet, before choosing a partner. Because by preparing for marriage, you will take a fresh look at what kind of companion you need on this great path. While you yourself are not yet ready for marriage, you will definitely choose someone who is not suitable for you. Someone with whom you won’t be able to start a family, which we described in five points.

You're not going to pull a cart for two, are you?

Primary and secondary criteria

Our work in the group of sites with thousands of difficult family and personal situations, successful and not so successful attempts to help people, allowed us to clearly identify the main categories of human qualities that influence how his personal relationships and family relationships develop. in particular. These are the three main categories.

1. Psychological safety (psychological category).

3. Knowledge about building a family (information category).

Below we will look at each of them in detail and show why if at least one of the spouses is weak in at least one of these three points, the family’s chances are sharply reduced.

In addition to these three main criteria of a person’s readiness for family life, there are many secondary ones. Including:

— health and appearance;

- income and wealth;

- useful skills;

- bad habits;

- education.

When carefully examining these criteria for assessing readiness for family life, it is easy to discover that most people, when assessing their readiness for marriage, look specifically at secondary things, paying little attention to the main ones. And in this conversation, on the contrary, we will not consider in detail the secondary, due to its obviousness and subjectivity, but will pay attention to the main and objective.

First criterion: psychological integrity

We are not talking about the absence of serious mental illnesses in a person; we are not considering this case, since psychiatry is a field of medicine and has little to do with the person himself. We are talking about a more subtle matter - psychological disorders.

We all have one or another psychological disorder to one degree or another. The question is the degree to which we deviate from the norm. The larger it is, the more problems we have in personal relationships. For example, what kind of violations could these be?

For example, low self-acceptance, immaturity, false guilt, too strict or too weak personal boundaries. How do these and others psychological problems poison our personal lives and family relationships?

1. We suffer in personal relationships.

2. Our suffering prevents us from seeing the suffering of a loved one and generally understanding him.

3. Our suffering causes us to hurt a loved one.

4. Our lack of understanding prevents us from meeting the needs of a loved one.

5. A sober vision of the situation and ways to resolve it is lost.

6. We distort and violate the very system and hierarchy of the family.

These are just some of the most common consequences of our psychological problems for the family. There are many others. As a result, we cannot fully fulfill our family role. Everyone in our family suffers, and what is especially sad is that our children suffer and become the heirs of our psychological problems.

The most common psychological problem is low self-acceptance (not to be confused with self-esteem). Low self-acceptance is the fruit of the fact that in childhood we did not receive enough accepting love from our parents. A person with low self-acceptance experiences strong emotions (not always joyful) in any personal relationship, mistaking them for love. But in reality there is little love there, more love addiction.

A dependent person faces enormous problems in his personal and family life. Starting with the fact that he often chooses as his wife someone who is problematic, who needs help and with whom it will be difficult. For example, a person who is also prone to addiction (love, alcohol, etc.) or a reveler, a person who is unable to remain faithful. In a marriage, a dependent person is prone to jealousy, suspicion, and anxiety. He always lacks his partner's attention. He rarely feels happy. Imagining that he gives himself entirely to his family (and indeed, devoting a lot of time and attention to the family), he does not give genuine accepting love to either his spouse or children, because of which everyone feels deprived of the main thing and does not develop as individuals properly or degrade (for example, the groom, who is still prone to drinking, becomes an obvious alcoholic).

Second criterion: worldview

Worldview is a person’s idea of ​​this world and his place and path in it. The most important component of a worldview is a conscious or subconscious idea of the meaning of your life.

Human personality is hierarchical: more basic things influence everything else. For example, the person’s vision of the meaning of his family life directly depends on a person’s understanding of the meaning of his life.

Take, for example, such a popular worldview, which can be expressed by the famous advertising slogan of one carbonated drink: “Take everything from life!” Its essence is that a person strives to get the most diverse, possibly pleasant, sensations from life. Can a person with such a worldview create a real family?

Of course not!

It’s normal to strive to be happy. But striving to “take it all,” to feast on different sensations and emotions is completely different. The desire to “take everything” cannot give birth to anything good. Yes, a child can be born from the desire for pleasant sensations. But a new parent will not be able to raise a child mentally healthy and happy, based on the “take it all” approach. He most likely won’t even be able to stay with the family - after all, he still needs to take a lot of things from other places. And it is unknown what is worse, the presence of such a person in the family or his departure.

The higher a person's main goal in life, the higher the goal a person can set for his family life. And only with the highest goal can a family be complete - the kind we described above. That is, love (in its correct understanding) should have the highest priority in a person’s life.

And we can definitely say that a person whose love in its correct understanding comes first, tries to lead a chaste life. Because extramarital affairs reduce his ability to love. Long-term or frequent intimate relationships and even more so, cohabitation reduces our readiness to start a family.

An important component of a person’s worldview is his idea of ​​his ability to change and desire to develop. Unfortunately, many people confuse themselves with characters in computer games, whose destiny is to go through a certain path of gains, losses and deeds and end the game exactly the same as they started.

But a person’s life is meaningless without improving himself, his personality. All life crises that are inevitable along our path, and there will be many of them in family life, confront us with the need to change, to overcome our weaknesses for the sake of the happiness of both. If a person has enough self-criticism, positive attitude, then he changes, through this change he overcomes the crisis - as a result, the family is preserved and reaches a new level of love.

But the stone man, the computer man, doesn’t want to change. Therefore, he does not pass the test of crises, and in his family, first the existing beginnings of love die, and then the family comes to an end.

Third criterion: knowledge about building a family

The trouble with many people, especially women, is blind faith in the creative faith of emotions. It seems to them that mutual feelings will teach them everything in family life.

This is as naive as thinking that if a person really wants to build a house for himself, then he will figure out how to build it purely intuitively, without studying anything, due to his desire alone. That is, a passionate desire to build a good house will help him draw up a house project, figure out how to arrange the foundation, determine the proportions of the mortar and answer hundreds of other questions that arise during the construction process.

But no one builds houses like that, because it’s impossible to build a house like that. If a person really wants to build a house for himself, without being a builder, he reads, studies, and consults a lot. In general, he acquires knowledge about building houses.

And unfortunate builders of family houses often limit themselves to gossip with friends and friends - just as illiterate in the matter of family construction as themselves. The disastrous result is natural.

In fact, building a family is no easier than building a house. And, as in building houses, family construction has its own rules, patterns, and skills that need to be learned. Sometimes we learn the right ideas about family from our parents’ family, but few people are so lucky, and even this knowledge may not be enough.

The desire of future spouses to reject the entire experience of humanity and engage in limitless creativity in their family according to the principle “And we will do everything in our own way. “As we agree among ourselves, we will do so” will inevitably lead to disappointment. Of course, every person and every family is unique. But spiritual laws are the same for everyone. Even if you draw up a written agreement, even if you seal it with blood, if it says that the brick should fall up, it will still fly down.

People who build a family not on knowledge, but on emotions, especially those who build it in the form of cohabitation, have a common cliche: “We are together as long as we have feelings.” The one who proceeds from this has already lost, because he does not know that feelings can be controlled, and how exactly to control them. Imagine that two people rode on a sleigh drawn by a pair of horses along the road leading from St. Petersburg to Moscow. But they don’t take the reins in their hands, but say proudly: “We are going from St. Petersburg to Moscow, while the horses are taking us to Moscow.”

Stupid. Funny. Sad.

Knowledge of how to preserve love, how to make sure that it goes through trials not dead, but stronger - this is the essence of all knowledge about building a family. But due to the complexity of human nature, the amount of necessary information is quite significant and cannot be acquired purely through experience.

What to do? (How to prepare?)

After all that has been said above, the natural question will be: “So what to do? How to prepare?

First of all, you need to get used to it know yourself. It is not so easy. It is more difficult to recognize yourself than someone else. But with enough desire, everything will work out. The main thing here, in addition to desire, is not to be afraid to learn something about your shortcomings. That is, you need to be self-critical and avoid self-justification, because self-justification is the mortal enemy of moving forward.

The main source of information for knowing ourselves is our communication with people. And especially - what evokes positive and negative emotions in us when communicating with people. What makes us happy, and what, on the contrary, depresses or irritates us. By observing your reactions to events and possessing certain knowledge, you will be able to draw completely objective conclusions about yourself.

If it turns out that we have significant psychological problems, they need to be dealt with. Both independently and with a psychologist. Under no circumstances should you expect that a psychologist will do everything for you. At most, if you are very lucky, he will help you get to know yourself and show you the right direction, where to move, what to change in yourself. In any case, you will have to do the lion's share of the work yourself.

Moreover, the more significant the problem, the longer it will take to eliminate it. For example, the problem of self-acceptance, love addiction, may require three or five years, depending on its degree and your diligence. But it’s still better to spend 3-5 years and then create a full-fledged family, than to rush and then torment yourself and other people in a distorted family for several years, and end up left in ruins with even greater mental trauma.

Change worldview very difficult, but possible. First of all, of course, you need to read. Many and different. My advice is to never miss Orthodox patristic literature from your reading circle (you can start with the books of John Climacus, Abba Dorotheus, Nicodemus the Svyatogorets, John of Kronstadt). You will not find anything more profound and harmonious about the meaning of human life.

A common mistake in the search for the true meaning of life is the opinion that our final understanding is formed on the basis of our sober analysis of the literature we read. This is wrong! It only seems to us that we have soberly analyzed everything and drawn conclusions. In fact, as psychologists say, “The structure of thinking is determined by the structure of activity.” That is, our way of life has a decisive influence on the formation of our worldview.

Therefore, you can improve your worldview only by improving your behavior.

Let’s say a person leads a rather unchaste life and regularly (even if not often) changes sexual partners. And such a person decided to prepare for starting a family, read literature about the meaning of life. So, if such a person does not change his behavior in the process of trying to learn, he will not be able to correct his worldview. If a psychological book says that it is better to abstain from sex until marriage, he will come up with an explanation why this is not true or does not apply to him. And such a person will not even be able to pick up Orthodox literature - his thinking is so distorted by his dubious behavior. Therefore, the only option for such a person to understand something about his life is to take a “moratorium” on sexual intercourse for at least a few months. And only then start reading and thinking about something serious.

As for the third component of your future happiness - knowledge about building a family, this is the simplest thing. It’s worth reading the “True Love” website and high-quality practical psychological literature (not university textbooks, but not pop either). The objectives are to understand the purpose of family life, the structure of the family hierarchy, and the needs of the spouses. Find out in advance the typical difficulties that arise in family life and how they are solved. He who is forewarned is forearmed.

An excellent help in preparing for family life is the Correspondence School of Love course. With his help for quite a short time You can work out the informational component well and partly the psychological one.

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The immaturity of a person, his unpreparedness to start a family ( Jacek Pulikowski)

You are in love, and it is clear that your deepest desire is to be together until the end of your days. But don’t rush to submit an application to the registry office, but rather check - are you really ready to start a family? Answer the questions on the proposed test and see the result. Just take the questions with humor...

Test questions:


What he (she) dreams of all his life +50
something useful around the house - a vacuum cleaner, a drill, an electric epilator -10
remedy for baldness -0


IN family circle with champagne +20
in the bathhouse, with friends - 0
you forgot when the wedding was - 5
you forgot who the wedding was with - 50


Within five minutes, calling a locksmith +20
leave everything as it is +5
within 24 hours by inflicting grievous bodily harm on each other -30


Rejoice at the opportunity to go there together +30
come up with a plausible excuse to refuse because you prefer to spend the evening together +20
come up with a plausible excuse to go there alone -5
don’t come up with anything at all, just leave and come back three days later, without money and underwear -30


Prepare a wonderful dinner for two +20
unilaterally stop using contraceptives -0
file for divorce -20


You love giving gifts +20
you're both crazy about animals +10
a loved one has been allergic to wool since childhood -30


Not important+20
most importantly +5
yes - 0


A real tragedy +30
a good reason to change the situation -0
a good reason to change sexual orientation -50


Exactly match yours +40
don't quite match yours +20
do not coincide with yours at all -10
exclude the possibility of childbearing -50


Every minute +30
as needed -0
in the funeral speech -50

Test results:

From 150 points and above

You are ready! Don't even doubt it. Family life is your true calling. Rather, run to the registry office and finally prove to many unreasonable men and women that the ideal family is not a myth at all. Spouses more tender, loving and ready for everyday self-sacrifice than you exist only in old moralizing novels. Congratulations!

From 0 to 150 points

In principle, you have nothing against keeping food in a shared refrigerator. However, we strongly advise you to reconsider. Because family life is not only about all sorts of amenities like a cozy home, well-groomed babies and washed dishes, but also the ability to find a compromise and make concessions, for which it seems that you are not quite ready yet.

Below 0 points

Crazy people, do you really want to get married?! Have you heard about everyday life in living together? If you don’t want to end your days in jail or a hospital for violent people, stay at home and enjoy your solitude. This is the only acceptable form of existence for you so far.