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It is destined for you to be yours. Fate leaves no work started or unfinished

Everyone should know that according to the Holy Scriptures, the Almighty has taken upon Himself the obligation to provide all creation with food. Let's imagine a situation where the king promises to invite you to dinner. You do not know what he really is, but you know that his character and actions are pure, he does not break his promises, and, being convinced of this, you will not prepare anything for the evening and rely completely on the king. It is so? Of course yes.

What do you think about Allah’s promise to give His creations everything they need for life, having sworn to this several times in the Holy Quran? You cannot rest easy, trusting His promise, you do not remember the oath He made, you doubt and cannot rely on Him. Do you know that this is a disaster for you?!

Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Are you seeking food from Allah from someone else? You go to bed without fear, you are happy and you believe the one who changes money, despite the fact that he is a polytheist. You are dissatisfied with your Lord, you do not believe Him, despite the fact that He is ready to support everyone. You act as if you don't know what the Qur'an says. By this you do not recognize the truth and doubt that Allah provides food.”. Such a weak iman, of course, pulls a person into a swamp of doubts and entails a bad end. May Allah protect us from this!

The Almighty says in the Koran: “Trust in Allah if you true Muslims» (Surah al-Maida, verse 23). And further: “Let those who believe put their trust in Allah”(Sura Mujadala, verse 10).

Allah has already distributed food for every creature, and this is stated in both the Koran and Hadith. And there is no force capable of changing this distribution. And if any of us doubts this for just a moment, thinking that perhaps there is not enough food for him, or his share may be changed, beware of this harbinger of disbelief, may Allah protect us from such doubts!

Now let’s ask ourselves the question: being convinced that everyone will be given as much as they should, what is the benefit of thinking about the worldly, because we humiliate ourselves and our faith by this?! And this, in the end, will only lead to difficulties in the other world.

One of the great scientists said: “What you are destined to receive, no one else will receive. Eat your food with dignity and honor, but do not eat in a way that will bring you humiliation.” This is very beautiful words for those who understand.

Imam al-Ghazali spoke in the words of his ustaz, Imam Haramaini, who was told by his ustaz Abu Iskah (may Allah be pleased with them): “In matters of food, it is enough for me that when I remember about food, I say to myself: after all, this is food necessary for the continuation of life, but what will the dead do with it? Just as a person’s life is in the hands of Allah, so the secret of food is in His hands. If Allah wishes, He will give it to me, if not, He will not give it to me. Whether he will give it or not, I don’t know, Allah himself knows about it, and distributes it as he wishes, and therefore I am calm.”.

Allah, and no one else, provides food, and everyone is given a certain amount of which he will undoubtedly receive. If Allah wills, a person will live thanks to food, or thanks to clay, or thanks to remembrance, praise, like the angels, or without anything. A Muslim should have the intention of gaining strength for worship, and not for the pleasure of eating food. You need to firmly trust in Allah in everything.

It is narrated that Sufyan al-Sawri, when he was in Mecca, ran out of food and ate dirt for fifteen days. Abu Muawiya Aswadi said: “I saw Ibrahim ibn Adham eat nothing but clay for twenty days.”

Such cases should not be surprising, because Allah can give strength to a slave through anything. Today, Muslims have weakened, carried away by worldly things, they have lost the sweetness of worship, depriving themselves of barakat. No one seeks to purify their worship. The little that we do today, sometimes convinced that we worship only thanks to the grace of our righteous ancestors, pure people. Previously, we Muslims were kings, but now we are simple slaves. May Allah help us to trust in Him always and everywhere! Amine.

The book “Minhaju al-Abidin” was used in writing the article.

You're just not sure if this person feels the same way about you. You don't know if this person is your soulmate. If you're in doubt, here are some signs that will surely show whether you're meant to be together.

He allows you to see your Vulnerability

The male ego is one of their biggest weaknesses. A man should be perceived as strong, brave and courageous in any situation. But they are also only people who break down emotionally from time to time. If you're the person he calls and wants to vent to when something bad happens, you should definitely appreciate it. If a person shows you their vulnerable and emotional side without fear that you might use it against them or judge them, this is one of the biggest signs that you are special to them.

You can't imagine your future without him

Whenever you make plans for the future, he is always in them. You simply cannot imagine yourself without it. If your man also includes you in his plans for the future, you probably should be together.

Do you understand each other

Sometimes, understanding is even more important than love. You and your partner have similar views on life, and that's important. Also, when he feels bad and you know about it before he starts talking about it. You understand each other perfectly. When something bad happens to you, you feel like he really understands what you're going through. And he is always next to you in bad times and good days. You both know that you have each other, no matter what. Love is always wonderful feeling, but, it comes and goes when you understand each other that this is what remains.

You feel comfortable around him

When you are close to each other, you feel calm and comfortable. You are not ashamed to share the most intimate details of your life with him, and you feel the need to tell him some things that you do not tell anyone.

You have seen each other at the best and at the worst. Whatever happens between you, you don't feel awkward. If you feel comfortable around each other, that is a sign that you trust each other and feel safe in this relationship, and this is one of the most important qualities of every healthy relationship that has a future.

He calms you down

The butterflies and excitement you feel when you first start dating someone are an exciting feeling. But when it comes to this guy, everything feels different.

You are in love with him, and you feel comfortable with him, you have never felt this way with other guys before him. Everything that bothers you, when you see him or just listen to his voice, suddenly everything seems solvable. This person is your friend, your shoulder to cry on. If you have the same influence on him, you are probably destined to be together.

You will motivate each other

When you truly love someone and are planning a future with that person, you want to be the best for them. If you and your partner motivate and push each other forward, this is one of the first signs that you have serious plans to be with this person. Your success makes him truly happy and you are just as happy with your person's achievements. You are never selfish or jealous towards each other. On the contrary, you always inspire and believe in each other.

You accept each other

What better sign of true love than being yourself around someone? If you are destined to be together, you will accept each other for who you really are. It is completely normal that there are some things that irritate you about your partner, but what is important is that you have no desire to change the core of his personality. No one is perfect and you both accept and love each other's imperfections and that is what makes you perfect for each other.

Surely, each of us during a relationship has faced at least one of the questions: “Should I continue or leave? Will we ever be one? How compatible are we? Can we live together?

Feeling all the crazy emotions because of love is always unforgettable. These things may be the brightest of our lives. Surely, each of us during a relationship has faced at least one of the questions: “Should I continue or leave? Will we ever be one?

How compatible are we? Can we live together? The truth is that you will never know the answer until you try something. And the question “are we meant for each other” can be answered. But this is not always accurate. So, if you are asking this question more and more often, we will try to answer it.

Below are 5 signs that you are truly meant to be together.

1. You may become vulnerable.

When you allow yourself to open up, you are living an authentic life. You become vulnerable to the reality around you. There is a certain charm in accepting your partner's flaws. And having this information makes it easier for you life together. There is no need to worry about being vulnerable because this is how your love can flourish. If you can share your secrets with your loved one, open your soul and not hide your flaws, then you have a chance to stay together forever.

“What happens when people open their hearts? They get better." - Haruki Murakami

2. You respect each other

Mutual acceptance requires a mature level of trust and respect. Respect needs honesty. The most the right way determine your strength of love - look at how you treat each other. By respecting each other, you can share many things with each other that you would never tell anyone else. Respect must be earned. When you are in a relationship that boasts mutual respect, you can rest easy.

“The moment you put someone on a pedestal, they will look down on you. The trick is to respect each other as equals." - Teresa Mummert

3. Don't feel jealous

You long to spend as much time with each other as possible. But sometimes everyone needs privacy and time away from their partner. There is no place for jealousy between you because you are still human. You are not stressed about possible failures in previous relationships, because you both feel at ease. Each of you can calmly spend free time with friends, without depending on each other. Because there should be no dependence and possession in a relationship. You long to be with each other, but you recognize that it is important to give yourself space to meet other needs.

“Jealous people only darken your sun because they are jealous of your daylight and are tired of their dark, starless nights,” Shanon L. Aldair.

4. You laugh together

Fooling around together is natural. You can laugh at each other. Laughter is always present in your relationship. Very often such relationships begin with friendship. You value each other so you can be yourself. This is healthy behavior. If you can laugh at yourself with your partner without holding back sarcasm, you have something special. These types of relationships are doomed to be permanent.

“No one can be your sun, moon or stars until you have your own world,” K.M. Daughters

5. You support each other

You help each other achieve the best possible results. You become explorers and adventurers. This gives you the strength to enjoy life and the relationships that you have been able to build. You accept everything about each other without feeling any judgment. It is in these types of relationships that the best finds new opportunity for improvement. If you both are an inspiration to each other, then you should be happy because not everyone is so lucky.

Bottom line

There's no definitive guide to relationships, but these signs can help you figure out if you're the right person for your life. Ultimately, your heart will tell you when you have found the right person. Sometimes, it may take several tries to find happiness. As the psychologist said Carl Jung: “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if any reaction occurs, then they are transformed.”

1. You are afraid of your feelings for him.

When your feelings for a person are so strong that you are literally afraid of them, then most likely you are simply afraid that they will leave, and that you will be able (or not be able) to live without them. It's normal to be afraid that your person will leave, especially if they have left you before. But the one you are meant to be with will calm your fears, not increase them. Feelings are scary. Love is scary. The person you are meant to be with will make you less afraid.

2. It makes you realize what you still need to work on.

Maybe you don't know how to express your feelings, or you have problems with open communication, you avoid disagreements and conflicts at all costs, or you forget about your health. Whatever it is that you still need to work on, the person you are meant to be with will make you deal with it. He will help you cope. And it will make you stronger. You will become a better person.

3. You are afraid of things that become boring and routine.

When you've been with someone for so long, you can start to feel pressure to keep the relationship interesting. When you're afraid you might lose your spark, it's probably because you've already lost your spark, and that's completely normal. That spark you felt in the beginning isn't necessarily gone, it's just changed. You will no longer be nervous before every meeting with him, like 2 years ago. You are already accustomed to his presence. But just because you don't get butterflies every time you meet him doesn't mean the spark has gone out. It is still there, in small moments, strange moments, moments that make each of you yourself when you are together. The spark is still there, it's just not the same as it was in the beginning.

4. It makes you realize that some people in your life aren't that important.

That there are those who actually don’t care about you as much as you care about them. The person you are meant to be with sees the love and energy you give to people who simply don't deserve it. And he doesn't like to see you taken for granted. And he will let you know about it. He wants the best for you, and that means surrounding you. the best people and say goodbye to the worst.

5. It makes you aware of your shortcomings.

When you're with the person you're meant to be with, he'll force you to admit the flaws you didn't want to admit. He won't shame you or judge you for them. On the contrary: he will force you to come to terms with them, to accept yourself as such. The person you are meant to be with will understand that you are not perfect, that you have your flaws. He respects that you are human and will reassure you that your flaws will not stop him from loving you.

6. You have bad days.

Or nights. Fights and bad days have a strange way of making a relationship stronger if you're both willing to work on them. It is impossible to smile and be happy every day. There will be quarrels. There will be emotional breakdowns and disagreements, especially when you have been together for a long time. But if you can talk about why you feel the way you feel, and can support each other rather than judge each other, then you are with someone who truly cares about you and wants to be with you.

7. You don't worry about the future.

It's good to talk about the future of your relationship. It's nice to know that you both want to be together for more than a few months. But you don't need to become obsessed with it. Don't think about whether he will propose in 2 or 3 years. Don't make delays, focus on each other. Are you happy? Worry about the health of your relationship, not your marital status or when it will happen. If you both understand that the most important thing is you and each other, and what is special between you, then you are with the one you are meant to be with.