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Short wedding toasts in Russian. Short wedding toasts in your own words

We present to you a selection of wedding toasts and parables in your own words, in prose! When going to a wedding, don’t expect to sit behind the toastmaster. His task: to lead the wedding, giving words to everyone. An experienced toastmaster will lure you out of the farthest corner and force you to give a speech. Prepare it in advance.

Parable of the Three Whales

The ancients believed that the world stood on three pillars. Family life also rests on three pillars. The first pillar is passionate desire. The second pillar is trust and respect. The third pillar is harmony in everyday life. And three whales, as the ancients believed, stand on a turtle. This is how all three pillars are based on the same basis...

The name of this base... Can you guess it? That's right, love! So let's drink to love!

Wedding toast to science and art

Ask a Scientist: What is Family Life? He will answer: “Science, we need to calculate everything - where to live, when to have children, how to spend our holidays...”

Ask an artist, poet or performer: what is family life?

After all, without romance, impulse, wonderful surprises, it is impossible to maintain attraction to each other.

So let's drink to love - it unites science and art!

Riddle toast for a wedding

Everyone knows the parable about two frogs that once fell into a pot of milk. One thought: “This is the end for me!” — folded her paws and went to the bottom. And the other one floundered and floundered - and even churned the butter with her paws. She leaned on this oil and jumped out of the pot...

What determined the choice of these two women of the frog tribe?

The first frog was lonely. No one was waiting for her at home. So she drowned.

And the second frog recently got married. “My husband is waiting for me at home! - she thought. “I suppose he’s cut off all his phones, he’s worried... Who’s going to take care of him and feed him dinner?” What if some green toad has already been found?

The last thought made the frog work so quickly with its paws that soon it not only jumped out of the pot, but also took the butter with it - for its dear husband for dinner.

So let's drink to love, it is the main saving force!

Toast to two wings

Can a dove fly with one wing? No, he can not. Can a one-winged falcon soar? No, he can not! Only love gives a person two wings. Only together can you rise to the very heavens of happiness.

So let's raise our glasses to two high-flying wings - to love!

A toast to a worthy couple

“Most men demand from women those virtues that they themselves are not worth,” said Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Our couple was lucky: they found innumerable virtues in each other, which will be revealed to them every day.

So let's drink to a worthy couple!

Toast to love

The ancient fabulist Aesop said that there are three disasters in the world: fire, sea and woman. And I... want to drink to these three disasters!

For the fire of feelings - let it always feed your home!

For the sea of ​​love - let your ship sail in it with full sails family life!

And for the woman - for our beautiful newlywed! So let's drink to love!

Theory and practice

They say that first a person should study the theory, and then gain practice. In love, it’s the other way around: one becomes theoretician when practice has already ended.

So let's drink to ensure that theory never separates from practice!

Words of love

In a strange city, a man saw a young man and a girl and asked them: How do you say “I love you” in your language?

The young man silently hugged the girl tightly, and then said: This is how they talk about love in my language!

So let's drink to love that doesn't need words!

What is love?

The guests gathered at the table of honor. and the women asked them: what is love?

one woman says: “Love is probably a disease.”

The doctor stands up: “No, this is not a disease, because a very large amount of energy is released, Most likely it is work.”

The architect stands up: “Well, what kind of work is this? After all, everything is so perfect, it’s more like art.”

The art critic stands up: “No, Art needs a viewer. And this happens one on one. It's more of a process."

The lawyer stands up: “What a process this is when both parties are satisfied. It's more like science."

An old professor stands up: “What kind of science is this when any young student can do it, but I, an old professor, cannot!”

So let's drink to the eternal students in love!

A toast to peace and tranquility in the family

One ruler was asked: How do you maintain peace and tranquility in your state? And he answered: When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I get angry, they calm me down, and when they get angry, I calm them down. The family is a state in miniature.

My toast is to preserve peace and tranquility in your family in this way!

A toast to the secret of family happiness

One married couple lived to see their blessed wedding - 70 years. And all these years the couple were affectionate and happy. When they were asked what was the secret of such a long life family happiness, they replied: The whole secret is that all these years we had a single bed...

So let's drink to the eternal single marital bed!

A toast to good relationships

The sage was asked: When is there a good relationship between husband and wife?

When the husband does not hear what his wife says, and the wife does not see what her husband is doing, the sage answered.

So let's drink to a good relationship between husband and wife!

Toast - a parable for a wedding

Three brothers lived in the same village. One said: I will never marry! Marriage is a mousetrap.

However, he got married and spent his entire life squeaking like a mouse in a mousetrap.

Another said: I will never marry! Better to drown yourself in a pond!

However, he got married - and his wife turned out to be a real frog.

The third said: God give me a good wife! It is impossible to live without a family!

And God heard his prayers - sent him good wife and a happy family life!

So let's drink to the groom - he will marry for love and his life will be full of love!

Toast to the groom at the wedding

May our groom have the bravest heart - like a lion!

Let him carry any prey to his nest - like an eagle!

Let him be affectionate with his sweetheart - like a lamb!

Let him be thrifty and homely - like a beaver!

Let him remain faithful to his wife - like a swan!

And let him remain human despite all this - after all, only people know how to truly love!

Parable of congratulations on the wedding

Let me tell you an ancient legend very briefly.

One day, the ancient castle where the baron and baroness lived was captured by enemies. The leader of the enemy army appreciated the beauty and charm of the baroness. And he said this:

- You amazing woman! Therefore, I allow you to leave the castle. And moreover, take the most expensive things with you. As much as you can carry on your shoulders.

Early in the morning the fragile baroness left the castle. And on her shoulders she carried the most precious thing - her husband

So let's drink to the fact that through many, many years our young people will carry the most precious thing - love!

Toast - a riddle for a wedding

Tell me, what is the name of the person who always gives in when he is wrong?

I don't hear an answer!

That's right, sage!

Here's a more difficult riddle:

What do you call a person who gives in even then. when is he right?

That's right - married!

So let’s drink so that our young husband today doesn’t rack his brains over this riddle for too long. And then family happiness will reign in the house!

For the wisdom of women

King Solomon once said: A wise wife will create a house in the desert, but a foolish wife will destroy a palace with her own hands.

I want to drink to the wisdom of women - to the main creative force on earth!

Let our newlywed embody all feminine wisdom!

A toast to the bride! For my wife

Dear (name)!

This day is the happiest in your life! Many people can say so. But I know that only after many years you will be able to say with certainty whether he really was that happy.

The fate of two people is in your hands: yours and your husband’s. You yourself can and must build your own happiness.

The word “bride” is light and airy. It only lives for one day.

The word “wife” is significant and polysemantic.

I raise my glass and drink it in two sips:

For the bride!

Wedding toast to soup and pies

My grandmother also told me: Without soup there is no family!

And even if a young couple has the opportunity to dine in a restaurant every evening, they still need to cook soup at least once a week. Possibly borscht! And the best thing is to bake pies!

Because the smell of a family meal is not only the scent of sustainable living. This is a sign that love and care reign in the house. So my toast:

For love and care! For soup and pies!

Toast at a wedding to real men

Who it a real man?

This is the one who remembers exactly the birthday of his beloved, but never knows how old she is!

What if a man knows exactly how old a woman is, but never remembers her birthday?

Alas, it is her husband!

So let's raise our glasses to ensure that our dear groom remains a real man for many years!

For harmony in the house

A husband and wife lived for five years - and not a single quarrel.

Correspondents have arrived

How do you do this? - they ask.

The fact is that my wife and I agreed before the wedding that we would live in harmony.

One day she does whatever she wants, and the second day I do whatever she wants!

So let's raise a glass to wise men - it is thanks to them that there is harmony in the house!

A toast to future children

At a meeting in one company, very important issues are resolved. Suddenly one young woman decisively raises her hand.

  • the toast should not be too long, otherwise no one will listen to the end;
  • When addressing newlyweds, it is better to avoid topics that are unpleasant for them (for example, previous relationships), you should also not touch on sex, money, infidelity, etc.;
  • Jokes or anecdotes are the easiest to perceive; they lighten the atmosphere;
  • It is better to prepare and rehearse the toast at home: parents, relatives and witnesses are usually very worried, so the speech turns out to be confusing.

Well, now we offer best toast for a wedding for parents, witnesses, friends and relatives.

Touching wedding toasts

Wedding toasts from parents

The mother of the bride is usually the most worried person at a wedding. During the toast, she can express all her love and tenderness, wish her daughter female happiness and give parting words. The following lines will do:

Today is a special day for you.
So be happy always.
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.

Be sensitive, tender, affectionate,
The thrill of first meetings.
And the rings that you picked up,
Be able to save until the end.

Let never in your life
Days like this won't happen again
You should always love
And only get married once!

The groom's mother welcomes her daughter-in-law into her family. During the toast, she should show her affection for her new daughter.

This is how God rewards you:
Giving you family warmth and happiness.
I send him my gratitude,
Although I am a little jealous of your wife.

Don't attach importance to it
Now the most important thing is completely different.
What are you creating, son, your family,
What will save you from grief.

May your happiness be great
Let love not fade away in vain.
And it will be so easy for you with each other,
Let no storm arise from quarrels.

And if you need my hand
I’ll give it to her and warm her with my warmth.
Your family is more important to me today,
I root for her with all my heart.

Now not only do I have a son,
Now my daughter is rightfully given to me.
May God give you, children, only good things,
To make life look like fun.

Remember this moment forever,
Let it be sacred.
Now you are not just the bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife.

And may any adversity pass you by,
Let the flame not go out in the blood.
We wish you good health. We wish you happiness.
We wish you strong love!

Fathers are serious people. Usually during toasts they give their parting words to the children. There is no need to hide your feelings, show how much you worry about them, how much you want your family life to be successful.

We would like to wish our daughter-in-law:
So that you are always beautiful,
So that you are always happy,
To give birth to many children,
So that she gives birth to only sons.

So that the figure is chiseled
So that the palm is gilded.
So that the daughter-in-law can do everything,
And so as not to sit without work,

So that it’s no worse than tomorrow at first light,
She seemed old to her husband.
To be fulfilled and justified
Everything I wanted from my heart today.

The groom is good - a match for the beautiful bride!
You couldn't find a more beautiful couple in this world!
I am a father, and, of course, a father-in-law
I want to wish you great love, children!

I wish you to love each other so much,
Like no one has ever loved before!
So that you preserve your feelings forever,
Left true friend friend forever!

Wedding toasts from friends

Witness and Witness - best friends young. Their task is to defuse the atmosphere and amuse the guests, so we suggest making funny and cool toasts. These could be jokes.

Two old friends meet on the wedding anniversary of one of them.
- Well, how do you like it? married life?
- Well, you can’t drink, you can’t smoke...
- You probably regret it?
- You can’t feel sorry either...
I say - no tyranny in the family! And I raise a glass to that!

As a friend of the bride, I would like to tell you, our dear groom. Keep and appreciate this gentle, fragile creature. Don't let us down! We, of course, do not give her completely to you, but while she is with you, do everything possible so that she does not want to come to us. Happiness and love! Bitterly!

The witness should propose a toast to the parents:

Today, you young people have many relatives, both on one side and on the other.

But at this solemn moment I would like to address the mothers of our young people. It's no secret what a mother means to each of us. We turn to her in both joy and sorrow. Our pain is their pain, our joy is their joy. And how many gray hairs they had while they raised such beautiful children. They say that small children are small worries, big children are big worries. Dear and wonderful mothers! Even now, when your children are entering independent life, your hearts are still beating anxiously. Dear, good, beautiful mothers! I raise a glass to your good deeds, to your tender hearts, for raising such wonderful children. Low bow to you!

Glory, praise and honor to the parents.
I think the people will agree
Why should we raise a toast to our parents?
We wish you health and happiness!

Accepting all the toasts and toasts,
I want everyone to sound more solemn
This is the toast we raise
We are for parents - the beginning of all beginnings,

Because we can't live without them
You wouldn't see the young ones
We can neither sit nor stand without them
And don't walk at the wedding!

Wedding toasts

Each of the guests will want to drink to the health of the bride and groom and make a toast, we offer the most unusual options:

If I needed to write cautionary tale human life - it would be a story from the life of a man and a woman together.
If it were necessary to tell an instructive story of human stupidity, it would be a story from the life of a man and a woman together.
Here's to marriage, an inexhaustible source of wisdom!

Well, what can you wish for the bride and groom?
May they always be together in everything.
We slept, ate, drank together,
We would take the children to kindergarten.

So that there is not even a reason for the quarrel!
Always let the man give in first.
Guard your love trustingly and vigilantly.
And only at the wedding may you feel “Bitter!”

Our dear groom! We would like to raise this glass to regularity! Regularity is now your mistress in life, namely: regular meals, water procedures, regular holidays with your family! Enviable regularity! In general, we wish you good luck in all your family endeavors and happiness in your personal life. Bitterly!

For many, an example of an ideal toast is the story about the bird from “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” You will learn more about Caucasian and not only toasts from the article “”. We will give some examples:

The sage was asked:
- What is the wisdom of life?
“Live in joy yourself and make your loved ones happy,” he answered.
I wish young spouses to follow this advice, and then their lives will become happy and joyful!

The Arabic poet Khalil Ghibran said that a partnership is a roof supported by two pillars. When these columns are too far apart, the roof can fall. I would like to wish the young people patience and mutual understanding, respect for each other, since these qualities will never lead to the separation of two columns to a dangerous distance and will not allow the family roof to collapse!

Many men dream of having a harem. They believe that the more women around them, the more varied and interesting their family life, the more love and affection they will receive. So let's wish that our young man would never want to have a harem, because his wife alone could replace him! For the young!

At any feast we make toasts. And a wedding is a celebration where you simply can’t do without toasts.

Beautiful toasts for a wedding

Wedding toasts are special: they, like spells, predict the best blessings for the newlyweds in their life together, admonishing them for family harmony and happiness with each other.
What's the most important thing about toast? This is conciseness, simplicity of presentation of thoughts, brevity and deep meaning. Each toast presented on our website has all these qualities. Therefore, you can't go wrong by choosing any of them.
Here you will find beautiful toasts for a wedding that the newlyweds will like, which will be original and unique. The wedding toasts that we offer you are a great variety and extraordinary beauty of the word.

Original wedding toasts in your own words

Let's drink to the bride! Let her always share everything with her husband, including homework! Let's drink to the groom - a man whose head always rests firmly on his shoulders, even when he has hopelessly lost his heart. Let's drink to husband and wife! May they always be as close to each other as they are today!

Dear newlyweds, may you always have something to keep yourself busy. May you always have money to do what you want. May every joy be followed by even greater joy. And if it rains sometimes in your life together, then let it always be followed by a rainbow.

Dear (names of the newlyweds), may your living together It will be long and bright, like a summer day. May there be as few sorrows in her as there are clouds in the summer sky. May your friends always surround you, warming you with their warmth, like the summer sun. And may your path through life be as easy and enjoyable as a walk in a summer park!

They say that spouses are one soul in two bodies. I wish you never to be separated and even when you are not around, to feel your soulmate with all my heart!

For each person, happiness includes a different set of values. I wish you that your sets never contradict each other, but only complement each other. And then your happiness will increase every day!

Today you are the happiest people on earth - you have found what others have been looking for for a long time and sometimes unsuccessfully for years. I want to wish you to maintain this happiness forever. And may the saddest day in your future be no worse than the happiest day in your past!

Dear newlyweds, I want to wish you great family happiness and reveal main secret, its preservation: never forget what is worth remembering. And never remember what is worth forgetting.

Wise people say that a successful marriage is 80% luck. Lucky to find someone who is perfect for you. The bride and groom are fine with this. And the remaining 20% ​​is trust. Dear newlyweds, trust each other always and in everything - and all the couples in the world will envy your cloudless happiness!

In order for a marriage to be happy, you need to be able to fall in love many times, but with the same person. I wish you to acquire this skill and keep it for life. Then you will always be interesting and desirable to each other, just like the day you met!

Bride and groom, I wish you peace in your family. As you know, the main peacemakers from time immemorial are women. Therefore, a newly-made husband should never stop his wife from making peace: when you are wrong, just admit it, and when you are right, remain silent.

Beautiful short toasts for a wedding in verse

We wish you no troubles,
Know neither grief nor bad weather,
And so that it lasts for 100 years
Health, vigor and happiness.

To the sound of a crystal glass,
To the sound of champagne wine
We congratulate the newlyweds!
We wish them complete happiness!

May every day spent next to you
Shines turquoise for you!
Then there is no need for gold,
And the stone looks like a star!

May it never go out
Happy life dawn!
May it always be sweet for you
And how today – “bitter”!
Bitterly! Let's drink to the young people!

If you have been invited to a wedding celebration, then you should prepare not only gifts for the newlyweds, but also touching congratulations and toasts, because a beautiful and well-coordinated speech will definitely appeal to young people, in contrast to the banal phrase “Love and happiness!” Bitterly!".

The portal invites you to pay attention to wedding toasts in your own words, which are more sincere than “stamped” poetic ones, since they are often spoken from the heart! If it’s difficult for you to compose something on your own, then we have collected for you a couple of examples of such wedding congratulations so that based on them, in your own words, you can compose your original toast, which will amaze the newlyweds and all guests present at the wedding.

Short toasts

Nobody likes long, mournful speeches, so a short one would be an excellent option for congratulating the newlyweds. wedding toast, said in your own words, which will allow you to express in brief form everything you want to wish the newlyweds.

Happy birthday to your family! Always be so happy and in love with each other, let time not touch your feelings, and let the love and tenderness in your hearts become more and more every day!

Happy wedding! Let every minute of your life be filled with joy and happiness, your home with comfort and children's laughter, and your hearts with boundless love and tenderness for each other!

What can I wish you on this amazing day? We have already wished you love, happiness, and prosperity! So all that remains is to wish to carefully keep your love in your hearts, so that your union becomes even stronger and more beautiful over the years!

Happy wedding! May your family life consist of many bright and joyful moments, enough for millions of pages of memoirs!

Cool toasts

If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor and love to joke, then you can prepare funny toasts for them that will amuse not only the newlyweds, but also all the guests present at the celebration.

Congratulations to your couple on their wedding day! Let them say that a good deed cannot be called a marriage, but I am sure that you will refute this phrase and become an exemplary family!

Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you such amazing love that the husband always understands women’s logic, and the wife knows how to forgive men’s pranks, and the husband’s salary is always equal to the wife’s demands. Then your family will be strong and happy for many, many years!

Congratulations on your wedding day! May your union only become stronger over the years. We promise that every year on exactly this day we will test it for strength! So live in harmony and harmony until your golden wedding and do not forget to acquire numerous offspring - the main indicator of the strength of the family!

Finally, we can congratulate you on your wedding day! We have been chasing you down the aisle for a long time, even though everyone has long said that a love like yours can only be envied! Now we are giving you a new task - live happily and together and add new members to your family, so that your home will always be fun and joyful!

Wedding toasts from friends

At a wedding, there should be not only toasts from the parents of the bride and groom, but also congratulations from friends, because they are also guests of honor at the wedding celebration!

We congratulate you on your marriage and wish you to carry your love through the years, becoming a friendly and strong family in which the house will be filled with joy, comfort and children's laughter! May luck literally follow all your family endeavors, and may your family and friends always be healthy and happy!

Happy birthday to your family! We have already wished you a lot, I can only say: always remain as in love with each other, so that you will be called newlyweds all your life! Protect your love, because it is what will make you a strong and happy family.

Congratulations on your marriage! Let you have an ocean of love and a sea of ​​happiness, let only a drop of grief and unhappiness, children's laughter and joy fill your house - then your family will be happy in it!

Toasts to the bride and groom

Many guests invited to the celebration wonder how to beautifully congratulate the newlyweds. You can wish them happiness, love and good luck as standard, or you can take a more responsible approach to composing a congratulatory speech and prepare several long and short toasts for the wedding, from which you can choose the option that suits you.

Our dears, we hasten to congratulate you on the loss of your “single” status, now for you, groom, there is only one woman in the world - your beautiful wife. And you, wife, should only admire your husband! So let your love continue to last, so that even after many, many years you will be as in love with each other as you are today.

Happy wedding! Today your hearts are united wonderful feeling- Love. And so that it only becomes stronger over the years, do not forget to nourish your feelings with tender hugs, passionate kisses, loving glances and sleepless nights! Bitterly!

Happy wedding day to your beautiful couple! As you know, happiness is defined differently for each person, so I wish you to find your own formula of family happiness, so that your every day is filled with joy and pleasant moments, and comfort and harmony always reign in your home. And, of course, don’t forget about adding to the family, because children are what make a family stronger and happier!

The portal has provided you with several examples of a wide variety of wedding toasts: touching and funny, short and long. Choose what you like to create a beautiful and original wish, which will touch the hearts of the newlyweds and make all the guests present at the wedding cry with happiness or laugh!

You have a reason to be happy
You are great today -
Created your own family
I want to congratulate you!

I turn to the bride,
Learn to work with dough,
Delight your husband with pies
Allow meetings with friends!

Well, look, groom,
Take care of your spouse
Buy fur coats, buy diamonds,
And always give gifts!

Well, to be serious:
I wish you happiness and live without troubles,
I drink to your dregs today,
I wish you long years!

They say that every person has the right to make mistakes, but only the wise admit their mistakes. At the same time, only the strong will ask for forgiveness, and only a loving heart will be able to reconcile. I want to wish this wonderful couple that in their family life there will always be enough wisdom, strength and love in order to find mutual understanding!

Our dear newlyweds! We all know that good stories always end with a wedding. So let your wedding be just the beginning of a fairy tale about endless love and extraordinary fidelity. Bitterly!

Marriage is like a kitchen. Everything is boiling, seething, and sometimes it gets so hot that you can even get burned. But if you clearly control the process, then in the end you can get a real masterpiece that will not only please the eye, but will also drive you crazy with its taste. Let's raise a glass to the young family and let them enjoy the wonderful moments spent together!

A wedding is the birthday of a new family. I wish your family on her birthday to be strong and inseparable. Let it be replenished with new members - children: girls and boys. May peace, tranquility, mutual understanding and love always reign in her. And may your family have more than one anniversary and more than one anniversary ahead. Happy wedding day to you!

For your new family,
Today I drink with joy,
I wish you to live without troubles,
I wish you many, many years!

I wish you to live in abundance,
You will soon have children,
To always make you happy,
So that the family is strong.

So that you do not know troubles and evil,
So that love lives in hearts,
I wish you earthly blessings, goodness,
Be happy always!

I raise a glass to happiness,
I drink to the bottom for the young people.
I wish my family prosperity
May you always have everything!

So that you enjoy each other,
So that love always blooms,
So that all your wishes come true,
May you always be nearby!

For your new family
I'll raise this glass
And I wish you well,
Harmony, love, warmth!

Now united, indivisible.
You are tenderness, like two wings.
I wish your family happiness,
May love always bloom!

Dear guests, I invite you to raise a glass to our wonderful young people and wish them an easy and long life family path, pleasant moments and joyful events! From now on and forever, you will live in joy, harmony and love. Let everything be fine with you, and most importantly, healthy babies are born!

So you have become a family,
Congratulations on this
And today I am for you,
I drink while standing!

I wish you happiness and many years to come,
Yes, and live richly,
And you will not know evil and troubles,
What else do you need?

Oh, yes, more children,
Sweet and healthy
Joyful, good days,
And live by the sea!