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Touching wedding congratulations to the newlyweds in verse. Beautiful, original, funny wedding congratulations in poetry, prose, in your own words, SMS

Friendship and friends are a great value in life. Therefore, sometimes an expensive and original wedding gift is not as important as attention in the form of a sincerely read wedding congratulations to a friend. Don't know what to wish the newlyweds? Our website will help you find heartfelt lines that will be the best recognition and expression of gratitude to your friend and his wife.

Wedding congratulations to a friend in prose

I sincerely congratulate you on the most important event in your life! Next to you now there will always be a charming, gentle and fragile woman who so needs your support. Be worthy husband so that your young wife will be the envy of all her friends! I wish you great happiness, strong love and only loyal friends!

As one writer said: “A happy marriage is a long conversation that at the end will seem like it was a very short one.” So let your family life become a sweet, tender and vital conversation between two loving hearts for many, many years!

My friend, family life will consist of white and black stripes... but I hope these stripes will not be brunettes and blondes! Be faithful to your wife, be successful, loved and happy. I'm truly happy for you!

I am ready to join all the wishes expressed today to the newlyweds, but I do not want my words to be lost among others, so I will only say that I am grateful to fate for having met such a reliable and true friend, and it’s really worth a lot! I want to wish your family happiness, so that all sorrows and illnesses pass you by. But even if a dark streak does touch you, we will whiten it together, shoulder to shoulder, as before!

Buddy! As one saying goes, we ate more than one pound of salt together, and we can’t even remember how much we drank. We quarreled, at some points we did not understand each other, but friendship was always stronger than minor insults and misunderstandings. Today you got married, I sincerely wish your family small and big victories, and may your family life bring you only joy and happiness!

Often men want to have a harem, so that each woman gives them affection, warmth and care, pleases them and satisfies all their desires. I would like to wish that our fiance, my friend, never wants to have a harem, so that his chosen one alone can replace all the women in the world for him!

Today's solemn event unites you into a single whole. I would like to wish you to always remember this, so that the joy of one will be the joy of another. Listen to each other and feel every part of each other! I wish you happiness and good luck!

Congratulations on a friend’s wedding in verse

Congratulations, you got married, friend,
You, our bachelor, left the circle,
Of course, we can understand you,
You can't lose a woman like that.
We wish you a lot of strength,
So that you please your young wife.
We wish you both an apartment and prosperity,
At a wedding it’s bitter, but in life it’s sweet.

Strong happiness, tenderness, passion,
Loyalty, friendship, life, love.
Kiss more, swear less,
May you go through life together.
Be beautiful, be happy,
And the mother-in-law and mother-in-law will be happy.
Be healthy, always happy,
May advice and love be with you!

Today is a special day for you.
So be happy always.
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Be sensitive, tender, affectionate,
The thrill of first meetings.
And the rings that you picked up,
Be able to save until the end.

When congratulating your friend on his wedding, don’t forget to tell him what a wonderful person he is, what his virtues are, and be sure to wish him family happiness and the fulfillment of his biggest dream. After all, who would know about her if not her best friend!

    Friend is the most close person, although he is not a relative. A friend is not only known in trouble thanks to sympathy and support, a friend is also able to rejoice for his friends with all his heart, and sincerely share with them the joy of this or that pleasant event. A wedding here is no exception, and close friends of the bride and groom are always among the guests of honor at the celebration. To express his joy and empathy for the solemn moment for the newlyweds, a friend can choose to say wedding table congratulations from our website. If you are not able to congratulate your friends in person, wonderful wishes can be sent in one way or another from afar, we also have such congratulations.

    Today is your wedding,
    My very best friend.
    Family and friends nearby
    A bright circle of smiles.
    Fun is ringing, a feast is galore,
    They wish everyone well,
    And you, with your beautiful wife, -
    A happy family.
    I wish you to have
    Luxurious mansion
    So that you are cheerful and not sick,
    He was a big guy.
    To plant a beautiful garden,
    Leaving a good trail
    To raise a son and daughter,
    He was assertive and brave.
    And finally, I’ll say a toast,
    May you be happy
    Your beautiful wife,
    He carried his century in his arms.

    Congratulations and I appreciate you!
    You are my friend and my brother forever!
    Maybe soon I'll replace it
    Single life for a family!
    I will give you many gifts!
    Let love make you feel hot!
    Smile my friend, you are lucky!
    And hold on to this joyful moment!
    I wish you many years to come!
    Constant great victories!
    Always be as you are!
    Don't lose your conscience and honor!

    I congratulate you, my friend!
    And I wish I didn’t know all the illnesses!
    Stay so young!
    My dear friend, dear!
    I wish you prosperity!
    I wish you great happiness!
    To be the most important thing in the family!
    To always ward off all bad weather!
    Don't be sorry that the years will fly by
    Enjoy every moment!
    Let you happy Days having fun!
    Enjoy loving oblivion!

    You are my friend, you are dearer to me than anyone!
    May success await you in life!
    Let laughter surround you!
    I wish you a sea of ​​all kinds of family joys!
    I wish you, friend, to be the most loved!
    May you bloom with love every day!
    I wish you to remain as beautiful!
    So that your heart burns with the fire of love!
    May the years fly by like birds!
    And you always be young!
    I wish you to fall in love with your wife!
    And after a year and not be steel!

    My most good friend and brother!
    I'm so happy for you, dear!
    Congratulations on your wedding today!
    I wish you love until the grave!
    Be a friend, master of fate!
    And don’t be angry if something goes wrong!
    After all, adversity-days are not terrible!
    When you love for nothing!
    Joy shines in your eyes!
    There is peace and happiness in your soul!
    Let him not meet nasty things in life!
    And don’t be fooled by bad weather!

    Trawls are a thing of the past
    A minute of fear and... the end of you.
    Already bewitched!
    So it was and so it will be again,
    Wisdom will calm you down,
    Change freedom to love
    She's worth it, by God!
    Fly with happiness in the skies,
    So that everyone would envy when they look
    Carry your spouse in your arms,
    She will sit on her neck herself.
    The time will come and a whole paradise
    You will discover it in your child.
    Well, in the meantime, wash your socks,
    To wash the diapers later.
    A light will come on in your soul
    And becoming a soldier for the age of love,
    About eight years later
    You will understand what it means to be married.

    Let me join in the congratulations,
    We wish you inspiration on your wedding day.
    So that you never get sick,
    So that they only want each other.
    May your life be successful
    Rich, tasty, abundant, nutritious.
    Let there be more joy,
    To appreciate each other more and longer.

    Well done,
    That he finally got married!
    Take care of your wife, respect, love, appreciate.
    Then life will go well,
    Just have time to shoot the year!
    And you will live together
    Two hundred years! Produce children:
    Girls and boys.
    To live happily
    So that they don't hang their noses.
    These are all the wishes
    Take note.
    Friends say this!
    Otherwise you can’t live!

    Girls... God, how many of them are there?! -
    There are a million of them, if we put them together!..
    But still you are already a groom
    To the one and only bride!
    He gets along well with you, groom,
    Gentle movements, caresses spores...
    He will become a wife - so on horseback
    He'll rush with his spurs stuck into you!
    Think, friend, for the last time -
    It's not made of chocolate!..
    But you don't take your eyes off...
    Rest, peace and happiness to you!!!

    From the whole team of boys
    I want to tell you today.
    I wish you more children,
    And boys, and a couple of daughters.
    Just don't forget about us,
    We were honestly friends with you,
    And we came to your wedding,
    May you live well as a family.

    What do you really need to be happy?
    We more or less seem to know -
    Decent work, excellent salary,
    So that after taxes there is a decent amount left!
    To have a villa or just a dacha,
    So that you have nest eggs in euros and dollars!
    For the groom - Toyota, for the bride - Nissan,
    And so that there is a leather sofa in the cabin!
    A cozy home, warmth and care,
    May the laughter in this house sound carefree!
    So that a vacation at sea, in a foreign country
    Nights - romantic, hot and tender!
    Coffee in bed, flowers every day.
    Three sons and a sweet daughter!
    So that there would be - God knows how many anniversaries,
    Well, we want to end with the word Bitter! rating: 41 ↓

    On your wedding day I wish you happiness,
    So that the apartment is big,
    And a noisy swarm of children
    Always disturbed the peace!
    And I wish all the time
    Immense fun!
    You have a long way to go
    Right before the wedding, golden!
    And remember the motto:
    In any dispute there is a compromise! 52 ↓

    We wish you to go only together -
    Love cannot be divided,
    Let life be a happy song
    That we are destined to live together.
    Let the sun shine even in bad weather,
    Giving you joy and peace,
    Let only happiness surround you,
    Love to you - simply unearthly! -37 ↓ - Congratulations on your wedding - original and funny

    That's all - looped!
    It's too late to lament
    It used to be trawled,
    Now - seriously!
    Half laughter and tears,
    Bed, kisses and dinner,
    And such, let's say, prose,
    How - what to divide the budget into.
    Be happy guys!
    What else can I tell you?
    For a silver wedding
    Don't forget to call us! 57 ↓

    They say that marriage always finds a person unprepared. But even when jumping with a parachute for the first time, a person is also scared at first - and that’s okay. And then you might like it, if, of course, the parachute opens in time... So I wish you to get the most out of your jump into your future life. The main thing is that since you are jumping together, hold hands - they say this makes you feel more confident. And don't worry! If something is wrong, then that’s how it should be. And if everything is successful, it means your destiny is happy and everything is just fine with you. So here’s to you, dear newlyweds, for your choice, and for your family happiness!
    More congratulations in prose → -53 ↓

    We want the music to sound
    So that the two of you don't get bored.
    Let there be twins to begin with -
    We'll bring you a stroller.
    We can wish you a lot,
    But we repeat again and again
    The most important thing, of course, is
    Advice to you, happiness and love! 44 ↓

    We cordially congratulate you on your wedding day,
    We wish you more beautiful children,
    Let them shout loudly!

    We wish you some money - not a lot, not a little,
    So that it rustles comfortably in your pocket,
    To have enough for bread and butter,
    Isn’t this where happiness lies?!
    May everything be just fine for you,
    Unexpected, pleasant and unusual,
    Wonderful, funny and just cool.
    Isn't this where happiness lies? 55 ↓

    We wish you to have everything that years bestow!
    Do not exchange gold for copper,
    So that a million is for small expenses
    And have a billion for other things!
    The apartment should be more beautiful and bigger,
    And the table is big for dear guests!
    And, most importantly, under your own roof
    Have happy joyful children! 38 ↓

    What do you want at a wedding?
    I don’t even know how to start.
    Many blessings and health to you,
    May you always live with love,
    More beautiful children for you,
    For mom - slender, for dad - strong.
    Don't forget about your friends
    Invite them to visit more often.
    Let there be less troubles
    Your lunch is always delicious.
    Read smart books
    Do everything around the house.
    Joy and happiness to you!
    Let there be a place for miracles in life! 95 ↓

    A wedding is not an easy thing,
    A wedding is a young thing.
    Since we decided to live together,
    So, so be it!

    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
    Let there be babies
    House, car, dacha,
    Love, loyalty and luck.

    So that life doesn't separate you,
    To get married tightly.
    So that there is only happiness,
    Let's say for this - Bitter! 42 ↓

    Ready for the young wife
    My parting words.
    You are the wife of your loved one
    Love and respect
    Get to work -
    Meet me from work.
    Lying on the sofa
    Don't give it to him
    And for gifts
    Always send.
    And if he forgot
    Buy something
    So don't rush
    Scold him immediately.
    Maybe twenty times
    Repeat to him
    Affectionately, tenderly -
    But don't measles.
    And we say
    Again and again:
    Remember man
    You can't humiliate!
    Before the word
    Tell your spouse
    Think twice! -
    Why take the risk?
    Try to taste better
    Feed the wife
    And it will be for this
    He loves you.
    Be beautiful
    Less tears, more laughter!
    Here are the main secrets of success!
    Well, for the guests
    It's time to raise a glass,
    Drink a bitter drink
    And dance! 70 ↓

    If life is a river
    So the boat in it is a family.
    Let's just celebrate the wedding -
    The boat will leave the pier.
    May the river be long
    Well, swimming makes you happy.
    And I also wish
    Don't rock the boat
    No storm and no wind.
    You take care of each other
    Live happily in your marriage! 41 ↓

    I thought for a long time about what kind of love there is and this is what I decided.
    There is student love - when there is someone to love, there is something to love, but there is nowhere to do it.
    There is unhappy love: when there is somewhere to love, there is someone with, but there is no longer anything to do it with.
    There is lonely love: when there is somewhere to love, there is something to love, but alas... there is no one with.
    There is philosophical love: when there is someone to love, there is where to do it, there is something to do, but why?
    I would like to wish the young people so much happy love, which they deserve, when there is someone with, there is where, there is something to do and unnecessary questions never pop into their heads! 1 ↓

    One princess could not get married for a very long time for the reason that she set one condition for all applicants: that once a year for three days she would leave home, without explaining where and why. There were many who wanted it, but when they heard the conditions, everyone refused. As time passed, a groom was finally found who agreed to this condition. A year passed, then a second, and on the third he couldn’t bear it and decided to follow where she was going. Early in the morning, his wife got up and went into the forest, hit the ground, turned into a snake, wrapped herself around a tree and began to hiss. So let's drink to those wives who hiss once a year, and even then not at home! 54 ↓

    We wish you all the best!
    Live long only this way -
    Without knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
    Many years of love and happiness.
    So that you never leave the relationship
    The beauty wouldn't go away.
    Still left to wish
    To raise good children -
    Friendly girls and boys -
    Well, in a word, whole kindergarten! 64 ↓

    Having left the bachelor system,
    Today you are the groom.
    You have made your choice in life,
    But don't forget your family friends.

    And we wish from all our friends,
    Live with your beloved for a hundred years.
    We respect your choice very much,
    There is no more beautiful bride in the world!

    Well, groom, congratulations!
    You are a dazzling couple.
    With all our hearts we wish a man,
    So that life gives containers of happiness.

    And tanks full of fun,
    And so that joy splashes there.
    And on the way they gave me a potion,
    But let it be called love!

    Happy wedding day, our dear friend and his charming companion. We wish you to easily and beautifully walk along the path together, not paying attention to envy and life’s troubles, collecting along the way family life only joy and happiness. My friend, may you always have the strength, enthusiasm and nobility to remain a faithful and caring husband, an excellent and exemplary family man, a cool and cheerful father for your son and daddy for your daughter.

    Today, our dear friend,
    It broke off and disappeared.
    After all, already a great husband,
    And he became the head of the family.

    We wish you happiness
    It has firmly entered into your union.
    New feelings, emotions, colors
    It just brought it into your life.

    Groom, today you have become a husband,
    And he invited us, friends, to the celebration!
    We wish you an incomparable life,
    Love sincere, happy and valuable!

    Let your wife be your muse,
    May the road together be long,
    Successful, bright, blessed, beautiful,
    Love your woman very, very much!

    Let the groom's friends
    Say congratulations.
    To wish the married couple,
    You don’t know troubles and sorrows.

    And health is wider than the field,
    And success and goodness.
    So that together soul to soul,
    We went through life to the end.

    Let it be positive
    Family life is always
    Longevity, success,
    There was enough to fill it up.

    You gave up your bachelor life,
    Our most faithful and reliable friend,
    We are happy for you, our comrade,
    Let your life not be difficult!

    We are happy to congratulate you and your bride
    On this solemn, beautiful day,
    May your wedding day bring you joy,
    Lots of happiness and different successes.

    We are with your wedding,
    Our friend, congratulations,
    Become the head of the family
    We sincerely wish you.

    Family life now
    You'll start
    We wish, let her
    It will turn out to be happiness.

    So that your wife is
    Affectionate, kind,
    Respected our friendship
    To be masculine and firm.

    Let love reign in the family,
    Let children be born
    To make you the happiest
    Was in this world.

    Life is different and the world has changed,
    Jokes aside, the die is cast.
    After all, today our friend got married,
    I said goodbye to the single past.

    We are terribly happy for you
    And, I admit, we are a little jealous
    What does a man need to be happy?
    A warm home and a beloved wife.

    We sincerely wish you, guys,
    Be together in sorrow and joy.
    Take care of each other, appreciate each other
    Both now and in old age.

    The groom is our friend, he is a prominent guy,
    The bride is also the most beautiful!
    We wish you a glorious, long life,
    May success await you guys!

    And you loved each other so much
    That everyone would envy you
    So that all problems win,
    Luck was at your feet!

    Friend, today you are with us
    Became a family man.
    And the bride is simply classy!
    Happiness to you for the rest of your life!

    So that the boat is strong
    And so that everyday life doesn’t break,
    Sailed on the waves of love,
    It didn’t even list during storms.

    Hot passion burned
    So that only in your bedroom,
    And let the issues be resolved
    Quiet, peaceful and normal.

    And healthy toddlers,
    Definitely, and glorious,
    And let there be love for you
    The most important thing in your life.

    A wedding is beauty, joy, noisy celebrations and endless congratulations! In the section “Congratulations on your wedding day” » you will find the most original and beautiful congratulations that young people will remember for many years.

    Congratulations on your wedding day. Beautiful congratulations on your wedding, congratulations on your wedding in prose, congratulations on your wedding in verse, cool congratulations for a wedding.

    Dear friend, today is a wonderful day - your wedding. What can you wish for in this regard? First of all, so that your love never fades away, but burns brightly and evenly, warming your home and adding comfort to it. We also wish you everything you expect from married life at its best.

    Now you are family. This is cool.
    And life is as beautiful as a rainbow.
    The world favors the young
    And it only promises good things.

    Love is burning, passion is boiling
    And the looks are so tender and heartfelt.
    Ready to give everything to each other...
    May it last forever.

    We wish you joy from communication
    Don't lose in the storms of life.
    We wish you healthy children,
    To give birth to beautiful, smart people.

    We wish you to travel the whole world.
    To visit distant countries.
    And to remain interesting,
    Develop your skills.

    And accumulate knowledge and experience,
    And don't forget about the soul.
    So that for children (and not only)
    We were able to become the best example.

    Happy as can be
    Let there be a new family!
    Don’t forget about “visit” too...
    We are always glad to see you, friends.

    "Bitterly!" to you at the wedding
    We shout, friends,
    Born today
    New family.

    We wish you life
    Long and happy
    To gray hair
    You loved each other.

    Swan couple
    Let it circle above the house,
    The stork is dear
    Let it be familiar.

    We wish you happiness
    Tenderness, love,
    In life, so that you are happy
    Those were your days.

    You are no longer the bride and groom,
    And dear husband and wife!
    We wish you happiness, luck,
    Love to the point of dizziness!

    Happy holiday to you,
    We want to be gentle and sensitive.
    Maintain a close circle of friends
    And give birth to healthy children!

    Please accept, dear ones, congratulations on your wedding day from your friends. We sincerely wish you to always be happy and understand each other, we wish you strong love and bright blessings, we wish you generous and kind gifts of fate, wonderful children and comfort in your home.

    Dear friends, congratulations on the most important day in your life. life together. Let love, harmony, mutual understanding and prosperity reign in your family. I wish you a speedy addition to your family - 4 sons and a sweet daughter.

    Today you have committed a very important and responsible act in your life. And we, your friends, congratulate you on this step. From now on, you will go through life holding hands tightly. And we want to wish you that this path will always be easy, and without any life obstacles. Dear understanding, mutual respect, trust and love. Let these feelings become strong cement for building your new family.

    A special day has come for you,
    From now on you are now family!
    Please accept congratulations from us,
    Friends, we wish you, lovingly:

    Live together for many years
    Take care, love and respect,
    Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes,
    But only good things to know in life.

    Be supportive in all matters,
    To love each other devotedly,
    To be close in life and in dreams,
    Appreciate every day you live.

    May happiness never leave your home,
    It will contain the patter of children's feet.
    Love, luck, joy rule.
    May God protect your family!

    Live together and happily,
    Do not know sorrows and troubles,
    Let there be a sea of ​​positivity,
    Many bright years together!

    I wish you boundless love,
    After all, there is nothing more expensive
    Even in pitch darkness
    Love brings you only light!

    Oh, the bride is beautiful,
    And the groom is at least somewhere!
    We wish now
    A whole list and decree:
    Let both be wise
    And at any time of the year
    To look at each other
    Don’t dare to snap back,
    So that all insults are forgiven,
    To give compliments,
    So that your hearth burns
    Never let it go out!

    Two roads converged into one,
    Two destinies merged into one -
    Beyond today's threshold
    A completely different life awaits.

    Let the sun shine above you,
    And adversity will pass.
    And when the children are born,
    Let them grow up cheerful!

    Be happy guys
    Together for many years!
    May you be healthy and rich
    Your life will always be there!

    That solemn day has come,
    How are you legally married?
    A serious step, responsible,
    Having accomplished it in a spiritual sign.

    We wish that you two
    They let harmony into the family,
    So that children's laughter enters your home,
    May you all live in perfect harmony.

    Please each other, appreciate each other.
    Let the feelings only become more tender.
    And keep your happiness.
    Happy wedding day to you from us - friends!

    This is what happiness is
    This is how it should be
    You have become a part of each other,
    And they decided to build a love nest.

    Today there will be many wishes,
    But there is one important and important thing,
    No matter how the guests scream bitterly,
    Live happily and be together.

    Today is a holiday for two -
    You are the best of us!
    And on this happy day we
    We would like to congratulate you!

    We wish you much, much
    Happy, long years,
    To sail like boats on the waves
    Without sorrows and troubles.

    And let the result of your feelings,
    As a reward for love
    Children will enter this world
    To make you happy again!