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The creative designer of the House of Balenciaga, Demna Gvasalia, has no idea how many fans of his work there are in Moscow. The capital's it-girls are actively buying jackets and skirts, but Maria Pogrebnyak is crazy about “shuttle” bags. During her last trip to Paris, Maria Pogrebnyak organized herself a real shopping marathon. One of the main stops on her way was the Balenciaga boutique. And it is impossible to imagine that the work of the Georgian designer Demna Gvasalia, who currently holds the post of creative director French House, she'll like it that way. She bought such a handbag, and now, posing with a “shuttle” bag for 120 thousand rubles.
Balenciaga bags have become the subject of controversy among fashion lovers, because they look like ordinary shopping bags, the kind you often see at train stations. But their cost is shocking - 120 thousand rubles!

In addition to Maria Pogrebnyak, Natalya Goldenberg also purchased a handbag
And, of course, we can’t help but remember the sensation that the painfully familiar checkered bags with the logo caused by their appearance on the catwalk Louis Vuitton in 2007.

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The wife of footballer Pavel Pogrebnyak, Maria, appeared in a Moscow restaurant with a Balenciaga bag, the price of which starts from 120 thousand rubles. A few months ago, this accessory caused a lot of controversy and was nicknamed the “bum bag.”
Pogrebnyak recently visited Paris, where she purchased the desired accessory. Interestingly, Balenciaga bags have become the subject of controversy among fashion lovers, because they look like ordinary shopping bags, the kind you often see at train stations. But their cost is shocking - 120 thousand rubles!
With the new thing, the blonde has already managed to go out into the world - Pogrebnyak went with her friends to one of the restaurants in Moscow. An acquaintance of Maria showed up at the meeting with a bag from the same collection. However, in the interior of a luxurious establishment, the ladies, even with expensive accessories, looked ridiculous. Balenciaga bags have become the subject of controversy among fashion lovers, because they look like ordinary shopping bags, the kind you often see at train stations. But their cost is shocking - 120 thousand rubles!

Ridiculous bag. Reminds me of photos from the crazy 90s, the crowd at train stations and women at the metro with bags for storing robes, panties and other goods that they were shaking. However, it's a matter of taste.
Well, where to buy fashion accessory and for a much smaller amount, we can advise you. You will get a bag for almost nothing, for every taste.))) And it will look just like on the catwalk.

Wife of a Russian football player Pavel Pogrebnyak Maria loves to buy expensive accessories and watches latest trends in fashion. She often shows off her new acquisitions on her Facebook page. Instagram, which often causes envy and irritation among subscribers. But the celebrity’s recent publication became a reason for ridicule from Internet users.

The fact is that Maria posted a photo on the page with a friend whom she met in one of the Moscow restaurants. In the photo, both girls are holding big bags, similar to typical household ones, which are popularly called “shuttle”. As it turns out, these accessories are produced by the Louis Vuitton brand, and their cost starts from 120 thousand rubles.

The football player's wife's followers ridiculed her and her friend, calling such blind following latest trends a manifestation of absolute bad taste and lack of own style. Many noted that the girls look extremely ridiculous with bags that are similar to those that are often fashionable to see at train stations. “The bag on the left can still be disguised as high fashion LV, but the bag on the right for our people will always be the standard of high shuttle fashion of the 90s", "Horror", "Svetsky collective farmers,))))))) tell you that felt boots with evening dress you’ll put them on beautifully))))))) the hydroperitis has completely eaten up the brain,” the users wrote (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. — Ed.).