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What time can you sit your baby down? When can you sit boys down and how to do it correctly

Long-awaited event When a newborn child appears in a family, it is associated with great joy and a lot of worries. A newly born baby lies down in the first months of its life. Since he begins to recognize his parents and explore the world around him. Over time, his body and muscle corset begin to strengthen, the child becomes more active and mobile, begins to try to sit up, crawl, and then takes his first steps. It is quite logical for many parents to ask when they can sit down boys, how to do it correctly, how long a child can sit at first, and what the consequences may be for the health and further development of early or incorrect sitting down of boys.

This question can be answered correctly only by knowing the features of development infants, anatomy of the musculoskeletal system of the newborn, as well as taking into account individual characteristics an individual child.

This question is very common among parents, especially young and inexperienced ones. Very often they do not have the proper knowledge regarding at what age it is correct to start sitting a boy down, how long he can sit, whether he needs help or rely in this matter entirely on Mother Nature and the natural course of events.

In view of their anatomical features The child’s muscular corset and his musculoskeletal system begin to strengthen by 5-7 months. It is this age that is optimal for sitting down.

During this period, most babies begin to independently try to take a semi-sitting position. This usually occurs from a lying position or from a position on all fours.

As soon as the baby manages to take a vertical position for the first time, he will try to repeat it again and again, because exploring the world around him in this position is much more interesting. No matter how much his parents try to put him down, he will still try to sit up. Very often this happens spontaneously at 4 months, when the baby, while playing, can lean on a pillow and take a half-sitting position and stay in it for a few seconds.

Early sitting down of children should not last more than 1 hour a day.

At the same time, it can be unequivocally stated that It is not recommended to artificially sit up a boy, no matter how long this process takes, since in this case the child’s spine may not yet be ready for such a load. This can provoke a number of problems in the future, the development of scoliosis, etc. Orthopedists and pediatricians are categorically against this, at least until 6 months of age. On the other side, If the child has not started sitting up by 9 months, you should contact your pediatrician and find out if the baby has any health problems.

In this case, there is no clear answer to the question of when boys can be seated, since each baby is unique with its own biorhythms. Some people can take an upright position without assistance at 4-5 months, and some even later than at six months of age. Some children first sit down, others do the opposite, sitting perfectly without support by the age of 6 months. At the same time, by contacting a specialist, parents can completely close the topic that concerns them in terms of developmental and health problems.

An experienced doctor will be able to assess the overall health of the baby and determine whether there are any deviations from the norm. If the boy’s health is fine, but he has not sat down by 6 months, parents should wait a little. Usually, weakened children or those who were born prematurely begin to sit up later, respectively. It is recommended to plant them later.

As for the children who for a long time it is not possible to take a vertical position, and the issue of boys is already losing relevance for parents; there is a possibility that such children have weak and inelastic muscle tissue. Parents should help them in this case by consulting with a specialist.

How to help a child who does not sit down for a long time

First of all, the child should be shown to a specialist who can accurately determine that the cause of late sitting down is precisely muscle weakness, and not any serious problems. Parents of such children will be recommended the following activities aimed at developing and strengthening the muscular corset of the abdomen and back:

  • a set of exercises aimed at tensing individual muscle groups of the abdominal and back muscles;
  • a massage session that you can perform yourself at home or entrust to a professional massage therapist;
  • laying the boy out on his tummy while simultaneously placing a colorful and bright object in front of him that will arouse interest;
  • swimming and exercise in the pool.

All of them will help bring closer the joyful moment when the baby can sit down for the first time.

How can parents tell when their baby is ready to sit down?

Many parents are so attentive to their infants that they record literally every change in their behavior, facial expressions or movement. Some mothers have boys who are prone to displaying phlegmatic behavior. They do not take it well when they are placed on their tummy, they become indignant about this, or even cry, be reluctant, or perform other movements. In such children, the bones, spinal trunk, and muscles do not receive the proper load and, thus, develop and strengthen more slowly. As for such boys, then it is not recommended to plant them earlier than at six months of age.

More active boys, who constantly perform various acrobatic tricks, are able to independently roll over very early, turn their heads to the sides, diligently move their legs and arms, and can begin to sit up a little earlier, for example, at 5 months. This is especially important if the child is trying to sit up on his own. This means that his muscles, spine and bones are already strong enough, and he can easily practice new poses.

Parents who decide to start sitting down should take into account that the change from horizontal to vertical position should not happen quickly and abruptly.

This is unacceptable and can provoke a number of undesirable consequences and even spinal injuries. It is also not recommended to cover a sitting baby with pillows on all sides, as this will deprive him of the opportunity to change his position when he gets tired. The first attempts to take a sitting position should be short-lived, just a few minutes, and not exceed half an hour a day. It is necessary to gradually increase the time the child remains in an upright position. Thus, parents will be able to help their boy master a new position for perceiving the world around him and will avoid problems with the child’s health in the future.

Will be useful for parents.

Everything related to small children bears the imprint of expectation. First, the parents wait for them, then they wait for their first smile, walk, turn from back to tummy, first feeding, and so on. By 3-4 months we are already waiting, when will it be possible to place the child? Grandmothers of the “old school” began to sit down their children as early as 2-3 months. The opinion of modern doctors on this matter is completely different.

Approaches to the issue of planting a baby

Many mothers have heard that a child cannot be kept until a certain time. However, the abundance of all kinds of children's devices (car seats from 0+, walkers, jumpers, high chairs) casts doubt on this. And everything is very simply explained. There are several approaches to the question of when to sit down a little one.

1) American approach. The child is dropped off almost from birth. It is precisely for American users that so many deck chairs, kangaroos, baby sitters and other items of the children's industry are designed.

2) Domestic approach (followed by pediatricians from Russia and Ukraine). The child can be seated only when his abdominal and spinal muscles are stronger, that is, no earlier than 6-7 months. Otherwise, pressure is placed on the baby's spinal column, which leads to scoliotic changes.

3) The natural parenting approach, supported by many psychologists and pediatricians. According to him, the baby can be seated when he sits down on his own. And this can happen at 3, 4, and 7 months. If the baby sat down on his own, it means his muscles have finally become stronger for this. Need I say that parents pay great attention to strengthening the muscles of their children by doing gymnastics with them?

Myths around planting a toddler

The inconsistency of approaches between various specialists on the issue of the time of dropping off a child has given rise to many myths among parents, which instill false fear and plunge deeper into the abyss of ignorance. You may encounter the following views:

· If you cover your baby with pillows, he will learn to sit faster.

In fact, sitting in pillows leads to an arched position of the spinal column and “compression” of the spinal discs. Rolling onto one side (which often occurs in this position) leads to the development of scoliosis in school years. The baby is deprived of the opportunity to accumulate his own experience of sitting down; his muscles do not work. Guess whether he will sit down faster with this approach?

· The child needs help when he tries to sit up.

For the full development of the baby’s muscular system, he simply needs to go through the experience of clumsy attempts to sit down. All his attempts to roll, rise, all falls, pushes only strengthen him, allow him to feel his body and learn to control it. For the physical development of a small person, such attempts are similar to gymnastic exercises. By helping him, supporting him, you deprive him of the opportunity to learn from his mistakes.

A few more misconceptions

s Under no circumstances should you seat a child that is too small (4-5 months old). His attempts to sit down can and should be prevented.

Each of the newly born children is an individual. Everyone has different rates of development. And if the baby makes attempts to sit up on his own already at this age, then you should not prevent him. You won't tie him up, will you? And if your “obstacles” are announced by loud children’s protests, you and he strive through a short time get to the neurologist's office. You need it?

s If you place a girl too early, her uterus will become inverted (due to the flexibility of the pelvic bones) and she will experience difficulty conceiving, bearing or giving birth.

This point of view occurs not only among mothers, but also among doctors. However, no scientific facts it is not confirmed. Numerous discussions on women's forums show that a curvature of the uterus does not in any way affect the ability to conceive, bear or give birth to a child. It’s just that if there is an opportunity not to place girls earlier than expected (6-7 months), then it’s better not to do this. Boys are allowed to sit down a little earlier (5-6 months).

s The ability to sit is formed when crawling has developed.

This is partly true. Even Dr. Komarovsky, beloved by mothers, recommends not to sit the baby down, but to encourage him to crawl. The most natural and physiological option for the development of human skills is the chain: crawling - sitting - standing - walking. However, in practice, everything happens completely differently: the child first sits down, and then crawls, or does not crawl at all, but immediately gets to his feet and walks. Individuality does not fit into the framework of the norms established by someone!

Devices for children

The baby can sit not only on the bed or the floor. There are a number of devices in which it can be planted, but this is not advisable. Of course, these devices make life easier for parents to some extent, but for the child they can be fatal. We are talking about walkers, jumpers, kangaroos, car seats, lounge chairs and feeding tables.

Few people know that these products can only be used from six months of age. Some of them are adjustable so as not to sit down, but to sit down the baby. However, then the fears of parents who do not drop off their girls, but quite calmly “put” them into a kangaroo, baby sitter or walker, are incomprehensible. It is not advisable to place babies in car seats or sun loungers until they are at least 3 months old. It is better to transport the baby in a baby basket and rock it in your arms.

All of these devices are harmful to the developing spine. Not only the spinal column, but also the legs (for example, in walkers) can be subject to deformation. It is better to pay attention to gymnastics and massage of the baby and wait until he sits down on his own. If your son or daughter begins to crawl, you don’t have to sit him down, but give him a little “suggestion” on how to do it. To do this, one leg of the little one (when he is in a position on all fours) should be bent under his body and, supporting the body with your hands, lift it up and to the side. After several demonstrations, you will not have to specially sit down your child. The child will do it himself!

Very often mothers ask the question “when can I sit my baby down?” Naturally, our kids are always curious and have a great desire to quickly learn everything, not only while lying down. And as soon as the baby learns to smile, he quickly moves to the next level - trying to sit up.

But did you know that in the first year of life, the child’s spine, like the rest of the skeletal system, still has little endurance, does not tolerate overloads well. And therefore, orthopedic doctors recommend that parents not give the child a sitting position until he sits down himself.

So, when can you sit your baby down?

Of course, doctors have a certain recommended age when a baby can sit - this is six months. But do not forget that each child is individual, has his own individual method of development. You can start trying to sit your baby down at four months, but you need to sit your baby down very carefully. Try to first sit the baby in your arms when you walk, for example, holding him with one hand and supporting him under the bottom with the other. After several days of such exercises, you can sit down in a soft, stable place for one minute, supporting the child.

It is important to know how to properly sit your baby down. Here are some tips:

1. There is no need to sit the baby in pillows, because when sitting down, his back bends like a wheel and instead of holding the spine, his muscles relax.

2. Try to start with the smallest thing. Take the child in your arms, hold the top, under the chest, with one hand, and support his butt with the other hand. And don’t hold it like that for long. Gradually, the spine will get used to such exercises and the muscles will develop in this direction.

3. You can hang strong toys on the crib, for example, a toy ring that he can cling to. By six months, the baby should already be rolling over on his own; by rolling over, he is practicing his sitting exercise.

In fact, children often start to sit up early, but this does not mean that their spine is ready to maintain a vertical position for a long time, so our task is to ensure that they do not remain in this position for a long time. Therefore, dear mothers, there is no need to rush things, you can only help your little ones, without consequences, with the help of gymnastics, bring closer the happy moment when the baby sits up on his own. Finally, let's add that in this issue The gender of the child is often indicated: (boy or girl), it does not matter at all when sitting down.

Just recently the baby was born. He was so small and completely helpless. But now he has learned to hold his head up, smile, and hold toys with his hands. And parents begin to wonder: at how many months can a boy be started? I really want him to be able to look at the world like an adult!

How children develop

Probably, in our time, every mother knows how important it is to avoid dangerous loads on an unprepared child’s spine. From the very moment of birth, babies are carried in a comfortable lying position or in a special sling, and a crib with the right mattress and a good stroller are selected. This is why the question of what time a child can be seated raises so many doubts. Parents of boys usually think that their heir will develop physically faster than his peers, that is, he will begin to crawl, sit, walk, and run earlier. And often they strive for this so much that they begin to force things a little. Most often, the question of how many months you can start a boy’s birth arises when raising your first child. More experienced parents wait for the moment when their child begins to sit independently and calmly.

When do babies start sitting?

In order to move the body to a new position - to sit down, the baby needs to make considerable efforts. You'll have to stand up on your hands and move your legs. Very often children begin to sit down, leaning on some kind of support. If a child accidentally takes a sitting position while playing, it becomes much more interesting for him, because it is easier to see everything that is happening around him. Therefore, in the future, children try to find themselves in this position again.

However, babies under 6 months of age. It is strictly not recommended to sit for a long time, more than one hour a day. The muscles of a child of this age are not yet ready for more intense loads. And the question of how many months a boy can be seated is not yet relevant for a baby of this age. But after six months, the back gradually gets stronger. Children can rise up, leaning on their hands, and roll over. And during these classes they sit down one day. Having felt all the advantages of this position, the child strives to be in it again and again.

When can you start sitting down a boy? Not until he learns to do it on his own! Parents whose children do not begin to sit up on their own until 9 months are especially seriously worried. However, this indicator alone is not a sign of any developmental abnormalities. It may well turn out that a particular baby will first learn to crawl confidently, and then sit. In many ways, this is even preferable, because crawling is a wonderful exercise that helps your baby strengthen his back muscles. Maybe the baby wants to move so much that there is simply no time to sit! The question of how many months a boy can be seated, and for children older than 9 months, is often resolved by itself. You just need to be patient and wait a little for the baby to start doing it on his own. And strengthening gymnastics, massage, jams and games with mom and dad can help him with this.

There is no need to rush to place your child artificially. He will definitely sit down on his own! You need to believe in your baby, give him more room to move and help him strengthen his muscles.

At what months can boys be started? The question, which is so actively discussed on the forums, does not make much sense. Because motor development and, in particular, the sitting skill of infants is in no way related to gender. Gross motor skills can be affected by genes, fetal conditions, birth, neurological and musculoskeletal disorders, and even temperament. But not gender.

Boys and girls need equal amounts physical activity. Without it, the child will not be able to fully develop either intellectually or mentally. Gross motor skills like sitting are not always easy for infants. It happens that the baby first and only then makes attempts. It is important that these attempts take place. Parents need to encourage them unobtrusively.

When does sitting become a habit?

The sitting skill of a baby boy is associated with his general physical development. If he is good, dexterous, began to crawl and actively explore the world, then he will learn to sit in time. There are boys who sit down early - at . There are heroes who are in no hurry to take a sitting position and can sit at 8, or even . All these figures are within the normal range.

When and how can you teach

Boys can be seated with. How to do this correctly?

If a boy learns to sit early, on his own, without active participation Parents are not a reason for special pride. It’s just that his body has matured to this skill. If a boy is 8–9 months old and he makes no attempt to sit down, this should alert the parents. It is imperative to consult a neurologist and orthopedist to rule out neurological and musculoskeletal disorders.

Experience of foreign mothers: 3 unclear questions

Russian-speaking mothers living abroad are often perplexed by the questions posed on forums about seating the baby. In European countries, Canada, and the United States, this topic is not raised or discussed at all. What kind of questions are these?

  1. When should girls sit down? When they are ready for it. Not only mothers, but also pediatricians have heard nothing about the curvature of the uterus and the impact on the female reproductive system.
  2. When can a male child be seated? A similar question leads foreign mothers to a dead end. Moreover, in Europe, gender education is currently undergoing significant changes. And its principles are not entirely clear to the Russian mentality. But that's a completely different story.
  3. When can babies sit down? Whenever they want. In Europe, it is customary to travel with babies immediately after birth. They spend a lot of time in car seats and specialized child seats. Neither pediatricians nor orthopedists talk about contraindications to early sitting up, or about the dangers of vertical load on the spine at such a young age. Maybe because abroad there are no such concepts as “train”, “teach”, “plant”, “plant”. There, children sit down on their own when the time comes - and that’s it, no demagoguery around this topic.