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Crocheted duckling part 2. Crocheted amigurumi duckling

You will need:

Yarn in 2 colors - bright yellow and orange;
- filler - synthetic winterizer, if available, or cotton wool;
- hook;
- blanks for eyes or beads;
- thread and needle.

First, we knit the body of the duckling using bright yellow yarn according to pattern 1.
Then, using pattern 2, we knit the head with the same yarn.

Diagram 3 shows how to knit a wing (we knit them with 2 identical bright yellow yarns). If desired, it can not be knitted, as shown in the example of the finished product.
We also knit the beak this time with orange yarn according to pattern 4 or pattern 4.1 (in the first it will be more curved). You can use 2 types of beaks to knit different ducklings.
More detailed master class How to do this is presented below (lesson 1 to 20).

After all the necessary parts are ready, we stuff them and begin assembling our duckling. We sew the beak to the head and attach eyes to the sides of it (if these are beads, we sew them on). We sew wings to the body on both sides. Then we attach the head to the body. Our bright duckling is ready.

Amigurumi ducklings

1 - air loop;
2 - single crochet;
3 - 2 single crochets in one loop of the previous row;
We knit 4 - 2 single crochets as 1;
We knit 5 - 3 single crochets as 1;
6 - air loop for lifting to the next row;
7 - single crochet, which we knit only behind the back wall of the previous row

Duck Marfutka

Patchwork is a patchwork sewing technique where a unique product is created from many pieces of fabric.

Bulky toys knitted from leftover yarn, like this cute Marfutka duck, belong to this type of needlework.

To complement the duck theme, knit beautiful hats for the kids.

For babies aged three months to six months who do not yet distinguish birds by appearance, you can knit duck-themed hats as an addition to the toy.

Duck Marfutka

Why Marfutka? She resembles a kind and elegant housewife. He moves slowly, waddling from one side to the other. She has a great character. Unlike geese, these breeds of birds never rush at people. The name says it all.

Knitting materials:

  • yarn Coats & Clark Red Heart TLC, 170 g / 285 m;
  • yarn colors - light purple, dark pink, bright green, yellow, light pink, black;
  • hook No. 6;
  • filler synthetic winterizer (holofiber, synthetic foam balls or others);
  • tapestry needle.

Some notes

5 sc = 2.5 cm, and the height of the finished toy is 27 cm. At the beginning of knitting each row there is a lifting air loop, at the end of the row there is a connecting loop.

Knitting a toy begins with a bright green thread from the top of the head. Typically, oval pieces begin with knitting a “magic ring” (see table).

During knitting, add filler to the pieces. Embroider the eyes. An additional abbreviation has been introduced in the description of knitting, namely: “ Sat" - this is the loop of the previous row.

Description of knitting

Head and body of a duck

Start knitting with a bright green thread.

row 1: knit a “magic ring” of 6 sc

row 2: increase.

Row 3: (sc, increase) * 6.

row 4: sc in each loop circular row.

Row 5: (2 sc, increase) * 6.

Row 6: (3 sc, increase) * 6.

rows 7-14: repeat row 4.

Row 15: (3 sc, decrease) * 6.

Row 16: (2 sc, decrease) * 6.

row 17: repeat row 4.

At the end of the row, attach a light pink thread.

rows 18-20: repeat row 4.

At the end of the 20th row, attach a light purple thread.

row 21: repeat row 4.

row 22: increase everywhere.

Place filler into the connected part.

row 23: repeat row 4.

Row 24: 16 sc, 2 hdc, 2 dc! sc, 2 dc! sc, 2 hdc! sc, 16 sc! 16 sc.

Row 25: 18 sc! 18 sc, 2 hdc! sc, 2 dc! sc, 2 dc! sc, 2 hdc! sbn, 18 sbn! 18 sc.

Row 26: 20 sc! 20 sc, 2 hdc! sc, 2 dc! sc, 2 dc! sc, 2 hdc! sc, 20 sc! 20 sc.

Row 27: 22 sc! 22 sc, 2 hdc! sc, 2 dc! sc, 2 dc! sc, 2 hdc! sbn, 22 sbn! 22 sc.

row 28-30: repeat row 4.

Rows 31: 24 sc! 24 sbn, decrease * 2, 24 sbn! 24 sc.

Row 32: 23 sc! 23 sbn, decrease * 2, 23 sbn! 23 sc.

Row 33: 22 sc! 22 sbn, decrease * 2, 22 sbn! 22 sc.

Row 34: 21 sc! 21 sbn, decrease * 2, 21 sbn! 21 sc.

Row 35: 20 sc! 20 sc, decrease * 2, 20 sc! 20 sc.

Row 36: (5 sc, decrease) * 6.

Row 37: (4 sc, decrease) * 6.

Place the filler into the piece and continue knitting

Row 38: (3 sc, decrease) * 6.

Row 39: (2 sc, decrease) * 6.

Row 40: (sc, decrease) * 6.

row 41: decrease everywhere. [X]

Embroider eyes with black thread between 8-9 rows at a distance of 4 cm between them.

Beak (2 pcs.)

Knit with yellow thread.

row 1: knit a “magic ring” of 8 sc.

Rows 2-4: sc in each stitch of the round row.

Row 5: (sc, increase) * 4. [X]

Sew the beak to the head, slightly below the eyes. [Q]

Wings (2 pcs.)

Knit with dark pink thread.

Row 2: increase, 5 sc.

Row 3: 2 sc, increase, 4 sc.

Row 4: 4 sc, increase, 3 sc.

Row 5: 6 sc, increase, 2 sc.

Row 6: 8 sc, increase, sc.

Row 7: 10 sc, increase.

Row 8: (sc, increase) * 6 times.

Row 9: sc in each stitch of the round row. [X]

Do not put filler in the wing!

Sew to the side of the body as shown in the photo. [Q]

Paws (2 pcs.)

Knit with yellow thread.

row 1: knit a “magic ring” of 6 sc.

row 2: increase everywhere.

Row 3: sc in each stitch of the round row.

row 4: repeat row 3.

Row 5: (sc, increase) * 6.

row 6: repeat row 3.

Row 7: (2 sc, increase) * 6.

row 8: repeat row 3. [X]

Insert the thread into the needle. Sew the eighth row through both thicknesses and form webbed feet in two places, tightening rows 6-7 with a stitch (pull the thread and sew tightly several times).

Sew the legs to the lower body.

Duck hats for babies

From the photograph it is immediately clear which of the hats is knitted for a boy and which for a girl. They differ in colors and decorations.

Hat for a small child

For a boy, knitting differs only in the color of the threads and the sailor's cap, which is described at the end of the text. The girl's hat is decorated with a luxurious bow.

Hat for girls aged from three to six months. The head circumference is 40 cm and the hat height is 16.5 cm.

Materials for knitting a baby hat:

  • yarn 8 ply, 100% cotton, 55 g /165 m;
  • white yarn 50 g and five colors 20 g each: black, bright yellow, light lilac, pink;
  • hook No. 5 and No. 6;
  • scissors;
  • tapestry needle.

Top of the cap

Crochet number 6 with white yarn. Count the first two chain stitches of the row as a half double crochet.

1st row: knit a chain of 2 ch, in the second loop from the hook, knit 7 hdc, sp-2.

2nd row: 2 ch + hdc, knit 2 hdc in each loop, sp-2.

Row 3: ch 2 + hdc, (hdc, 2 hdc in next stitch) * in each stitch, sp-2.

Row 4: ch 2 + hdc, (2 hdc, 2 hdc in next stitch) * in each stitch, sp-2.

Row 5: ch 2 + hdc, (3 hdc, 2 hdc in next stitch) * in each stitch, sp-2.

Row 6: ch 2 + hdc, (2 hdc, 2 hdc in next stitch) * in each stitch, sp-2.

Rows 7-12: hdc in each stitch, sp-2.

Change the thread color to pink.

Rows 13-14: hdc in each stitch, sp-2.

Rows 15-16: ch 2, 35 hdc, turn.

Left ear

1st row: ch, decrease, 6 hdc, decrease, turn.

2nd row: ch, decrease, 4 hdc, decrease, turn.

3rd row: ch, decrease, 2 hdc, decrease, turn.

4th row: ch, decrease. [Q]

Right ear

Attach a light lilac thread to the last loop of the 16th row, opposite the knitted left eyelet.

Knit according to the description of the right ear.

Edging of a hat with ears

Attach the light lilac thread to the back of the hat.

Using crochet hook No. 6, tie around with single crochets (psbn). [Q]

Iris (2 pcs.)

Using crochet number 5 with blue thread, knit a chain of 4 ch and connect into a ring.

1st row: ch, 3 sc, 3 sc in last loop, turn knitting; sc to the last loop, knit 2 sc into the last loop, sp-1.

2nd row: ch, (2 sc, knit 2 sc in each of the next three loops) * 2 times, sp-2.

Row 3: ch, (2 sc, knit 2 sc in each of the next six stitches) * 2 times, sp-2. [X]

Eye pupils (2 pcs.)

Using crochet hook No. 5 and black thread, knit a chain of 2 chs. In the second loop from the hook, tie 9 hdc, sp-2. [X]

Using white thread, embroider a highlight in the upper left corner of the eye.

Sew the pupils onto the shell of the eyes, and then onto the front of the cap, using the photo as a guide.

Eyelashes (2 pcs.)

Using crochet hook No. 5 with black thread, knit a chain of 11 ch, knit a psc into each loop of the chain.

Sew the black part above the eyes with a needle, embroidering 2-3 eyelashes with stitches, as shown in the photo. [Q]

duck beak

Using crochet number 6 and bright yellow thread, knit rows 1-4 according to the description “Top part of the cap.”

Fold the circle piece in half and use a tapestry needle to sew the outer corners.

Then sew the Duck Beak to the front of the hat, right under the eyes. [Q]

Bow as a decoration for a girl's hat

Using crochet number 5 with pink thread, knit a chain of 40 ch and connect into a ring.

1st row: ch 2, prop. 2, hdc to end of row, sp-2.

Rows 2-8: ch 2, hdc in each stitch, sp-2.

Fold the piece into a double rectangle, stitch it in the center with a needle and wrap pink thread around it at least 15 times.

Sew a bow in the middle of the top of the hat. [Q]

Braided tassel ties (2 pcs.)

From multi-colored yarn, cut 12 threads (4 of each color) 75 cm in length. Then do the following:

  1. Tie a simple knot at the bottom of the left ear and braid it.
  2. Tie a knot at the end and cut off any excess yarn.
  3. Repeat the previous steps for the right ear of the cap.

Sailor cap as decoration

Crochet No. 6 with blue yarn for the first five rows according to the description “Top part of the cap.”

Rows 6-7: hdc in each loop around, sp-2.

Change the thread color to black.

Row 8: ch 2, 2 hdc, (decrease, 3 hdc) * around, sp-2.

Row 9: ch 2, hdc in each stitch, sp-2. [X]

Sew the knitted piece in the middle of the top of the hat. [Q]


When starting to knit, carefully consider the information about the abbreviated names of the loops so that the result is not disappointing.

Abbreviated names of loops

Abbreviated names of loopsNames of loops
slp, next p, next a loopnext loop
decreasepull the working thread through the first loop, then through the second and knit them together
decreaseSSknit two unfinished double crochets together by pulling the working yarn through 3 loops on the hook.
decreasePSSNthrough two hdcs not knitted to the end (5 loops on the hook), pull the working thread
VPair loop
scsingle crochet
dcdouble crochet
ss2ndouble crochet stitch
ss3ndouble crochet stitch
psbnhalf crochet
pssnhalf double crochet
increase2 sc in one loop
increaseSS2 dc in one loop
increasePSSN2 hdc in one loop
sp-Nconnecting loop, pull the thread through Nth loop the beginning of the row and the last knitting loop
connection loopconnecting loop; pull the working yarn through the first loop of the row and the loop on the hook
prop.Nskip N stitches
(ch + sc)the plus sign indicates that both loops are knitted into one loop
archchain of several chs in a knitting pattern
! (exclamation mark) - to the left of the sign is what we are knitting, and to the right - where we are knitting in the previous one. a number of
* repeat the specified number of times
twist or turnturn knitting
previous rowprevious row
( ),() or (())brackets enclose a group of loops that are performed a specified number of times
number of loops in knitted row
[X]Fasten the thread, but do not cut it. Leave the tip 15-20 cm.
[Q]Fasten the thread, hide the end of the thread inside the part and cut it.
"around"the word “around” means that the indicated stitch must be knitted into each stitch of the circular row
"everywhere"the word “everywhere” means that in each loop of a circular or flat row, knit the indicated stitch
RNworking thread

Crocheted ducklings will decorate any interior and will also become great friends for a child. We offer step-by-step master class with a photo of how to knit them.

To knit ducklings we will need:

  • (yellow, orange, blue, pink);
  • Hook;
  • Filler;
  • Needle;
  • Beads;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Tape or electrical tape;
  • Two metal rings;
  • Paint to match the metal color of the rings.

So, crocheted ducklings. Description of work

We will knit two ducklings - a boy and a girl.

Make a loop with yellow yarn and knit two more. In the first one we knit six single crochets.

And now we knit three rows. Next we will make decreases to separate the body and head of the duckling.

In one row we will make them in 3 loops, and in the next in 2 loops.

And then immediately there are increases for the head.

We make them in one row in 2nd loops, in another row in 3rd and in the next in 4th. That is, the head will be slightly larger than the body.

We also knit three rows. We make decreases in the row in the 4th loops, in the next in the 3rd, then in the 2nd and all.

Let's tie the wings. We cast on seven loops. We knit further: single crochet, half double crochet, 2 double crochets, half double crochet and single crochet.

We knit two wings.

Now the paws. They will be orange.

We knit 6 loops. And we knit three rows in a circle. That is, first we knit one side of the chain, then the other. This is one row. We repeat two more times.

Next we decrease in each stitch.

Sew on the duckling's legs and wings. We also immediately embroider the beak.

Let's move on to accessories. We knit a hat.

We cast on thirty loops and close this chain into a ring.

We knit a row with single crochets. And two rows of double crochets.

In the next row we decrease through one stitch, and in the next through each stitch.

And we cut pieces of yarn and make a pompom.

Now we take two small metal rings. You can make such rings from wire.

We rewind them in the middle with tape or electrical tape. You get points.

And cover the middle with paint golden color. You can take regular varnish for nails.

We sew or glue beady eyes and put a hat and scarf on the duckling.

Glue the glasses or sew them in the middle.

We knit the same second duckling, only in pink hat and a scarf.

These are such cute and funny crocheted ducklings!

This page is found by queries:

  • how to crochet a duckling
  • duck diagram hook
  • crochet ducklings
  • how to crochet a duckling

Another amigurumi crochet pattern that will help beginner knitters master the basics of the technique. Although we are sure that absolutely everyone will want to knit cute ducklings for their collection. The design of the toys resembles ducks familiar from childhood, which are thrown into the bathtub when bathing. Bright with orange beaks, they will lift your spirits and decorate your interior, especially if you try to knit a whole family.

Knitted amigurumi ducks
Crochet toy pattern

The amigurumi duckling diagram has been translated into Russian by Handcraft Studio.


  • semi-thick yarn of 2 colors. (The head and body are knitted in one color. The beak is a different color and only a little yarn is needed for it);
  • 12 mm safety eyes;
  • hook 4 mm;
  • tapestry needle;
  • holofiber.

VP - air loop
decrease - decrease sc
approx. - increase sc
sc - single crochet
vm3sbn - 3 sc knitted together - connecting post

Note: knitting is done in a spiral.

Head and body (1 piece primary color)
Row 1: 11 ch, starting with 2nd ch from hook, 9 sc, 3 sc in last row. ch, now knit 8 sc on the back of the initial chain, 2 sc in the last one. ch (22)
Row 2: 10 sc, inc., 11 sc (23)
Row 3: 11 sc, inc, 11 sc (24)
Row 4: 12 sc, inc, 11 sc (25)
Row 5: 12 sc, inc, 12 sc (26)
Row 6: 13 sc, inc, 12 sc (27)
Row 7: 13 sc, inc, 13 sc (28)
Row 8: 15 sc, inc, 12 sc (29)
Row 9: 15 sc, inc., 13 sc (30)
Row 10: vm 3 sc, 12 sc, vm 3 sc, 9 connections. Art. through two layers, fill (not knit the entire row, you will need to knit a connecting stitch through both layers to complete the body, several loops will remain unknitted, on them you will knit the head in the next row).

Row 11: (sc, inc) 4x (Last inc. Will be made into a stitch joining the two sides) (12)
Row 12: approx. in each sc in circle (24)
Rows 13-16: sc around (24)

Row 17:(2 sc, decrease) x 6 (18)
Row 18: (sc, dec) x 6 (12)
Insert safety eyes 4 rows below the top edge, with 8 sc between them
Row 19: decrease. x 6 (6)
Fasten the thread, leaving a long end. Fill your head.
Pull the end of the thread through the front loop of the 19th row and pull tight. Tie a knot and pull the end of the thread into the head.

Beak (1 piece in contrasting color)
Row 1: ch 4, (2 sc, inc), repeat the same on the reverse side of the initial chain (8)
Row 2: (3 sc, inc.) x 2 (10)
Fasten the thread, leaving a long end. Sew the beak one row below the eyes.
Amigurumi duckling is ready!

You will need:

Yarn in 2 colors - bright yellow and orange;
- filler - synthetic winterizer, if available, or cotton wool;
- hook;
- blanks for eyes or beads;
- thread and needle.

First, we knit the body of the duckling using bright yellow yarn according to pattern 1.
Then, using pattern 2, we knit the head with the same yarn.

Diagram 3 shows how to knit a wing (we knit them with 2 identical bright yellow yarns). If desired, it can not be knitted, as shown in the example of the finished product.
We also knit the beak this time with orange yarn according to pattern 4 or pattern 4.1 (in the first it will be more curved). You can use 2 types of beaks to knit different ducklings.
A more detailed master class on how to do this is presented below (lesson 1 to 20).

After all the necessary parts are ready, we stuff them and begin assembling our duckling. We sew the beak to the head and attach eyes to the sides of it (if these are beads, we sew them on). We sew wings to the body on both sides. Then we attach the head to the body. Our bright duckling is ready.

1 - air loop;
2 - single crochet;
3 - 2 single crochets in one loop of the previous row;
We knit 4 - 2 single crochets as 1;
We knit 5 - 3 single crochets as 1;
6 - air loop for lifting to the next row;
7 - single crochet, which we knit only behind the back wall of the previous row