Health Pregnancy beauty

After winning a beauty contest, model Yulia starved herself to death. Regional beauty contests or whatever I want, I do it Nutrition and tone of the skin of the face and neck

New Year, with all his joyful forebodings and expectations, requires preparation so that the meeting is successful, and all impromptu statements are prepared. And we have to admit that even with the active help of household members, the main troubles still fall on women's shoulders: you need to clean the apartment, spend several hours in the kitchen preparing all sorts of goodies, and set the table. But everything is ready, guests will arrive soon, it’s time to take care of yourself. You go up to the mirror and... you see a tired face with which you will have to celebrate the New Year; but how you meet him is how you will see him through. What to do? Don't worry. You still have an hour and a half left. This is quite enough to tidy up your skin and look festive. In addition, this can be done with improvised means, using what is in the refrigerator.

Water procedures

A simple shower helps to relieve fatigue. If you want to quickly get yourself in order, stand for 10 minutes in a shower with strong water pressure, preferably not very hot (as it relaxes and then you will want to sleep, besides, a very hot shower is contraindicated during pregnancy), but not cold either. . For a few minutes, expose your face to small streams, especially the area around the eyes - this creates the effect of acupressure water massage, and the face becomes noticeably fresher, puffiness goes away.

Wash your face with mild soap for normal, oily or combination skin, or with special soap substitutes. Having placed other parts of the body under the shower, do a facial massage by moistening your fingertips in vegetable oil and massage your face and neck according to massage lines(face - from the bridge of the nose to the temples, forehead - from the eyebrows up, neck - from the chest to the chin - from bottom to top). After that add to vegetable oil(for dry or normal skin) or in fermented milk product- liquid cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt (for oily skin) - iodized salt and with light circular massaging movements of your fingers, cleanse the skin on your face. For quick peeling you can use coffee grounds. Apply it evenly on your face, let it dry a little, then remove with a cotton swab.

Do not forget, using your favorite aromatic shower gel, massage your body - again, not under hot, but under warm water, finally rinsing with cool water (as an option, washing your face and pouring it on your feet).

If you are pressed for time, you can use: contrast wash: rinse your face 3-4 times, either warm or cold water. After this it is restored good color face, the skin becomes elastic again.

Nutrition and tone of the skin of the face and neck

The next step is a suitable mask that will tighten your skin for at least five hours. Possible different variants depending on what you have on hand. An ordinary apple, which is probably among the prepared fruits, will serve well in this regard. Apple juice contains fruit acids, a lot of vitamins, which provides a good toning and refreshing effect, helps tighten the skin and improve its texture.

Therefore, apples will quickly put your facial skin in order, give it a healthy look and relieve fatigue.

  • Massage your face and neck with a slice of fresh apple. It will only take you a couple of seconds, and the effect will not take long to appear - the skin will immediately tighten, become more pink and rejuvenated.
  • After washing, rinse your face with water to which apple cider vinegar has been added (1 teaspoon of vinegar per 0.5 liters of water).
  • Make a compress from diluted water apple cider vinegar(1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water). Soak in the solution gauze pad and apply it on your face and neck for a few minutes.

You can also make masks from apples.

For all skin types. Peel the apple, grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Place a gauze pad well moistened with juice or just a layer of cotton wool on your face for 15-20 minutes. Dry skin must first be lubricated thick cream. After removing the mask, wipe your face first with a damp and then with a dry cotton swab.

For normal skin. Peel the apple, grate it and mix with a teaspoon of sour cream or olive oil and a teaspoon of starch. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and neck for 20-25 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

For oily skin. Grate 1-2 apples on a fine grater, apply the paste on your face for 15-20 minutes. After this, rinse off the mask with cool water. This mask refreshes and nourishes the skin, saturating it with vitamins. It also has an astringent effect and tightens pores.

For dry and normal skin. To a tablespoon of freshly squeezed apple juice, add half an egg yolk and a little flour or starch. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For dry skin. Mix a finely grated apple with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For dry, irritated skin. Make a mask of 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of fresh apple juice, half an egg yolk and a teaspoon of camphor oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Then rinse off first with warm and then with cold water. The skin will immediately become softer and stop peeling.

By the way, mashed apple can be used to heal cracks on the lips, which is not uncommon in winter. Place it on your lips for a couple of minutes and then just lick it.

In addition to an apple, products such as honey, eggs, olive oil, and yogurt can be used for an “emergency” mask.

Toning and nourishing mask . Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of starch and the same amount of milk. For oily skin, use sour cream or yogurt instead of milk. Apply the mask to your face. Apply a special eye cream to your eyelids, patting around the eyes with the pads of your middle fingers. Lie on your back, place a bolster under your legs so they are slightly elevated and can rest, and relax for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water, then wipe your skin with a piece of ice. Pat your face dry with a towel to keep your skin slightly damp.

Nourishing and tightening mask. Mix egg yolk, a spoonful of olive oil, 5-10 drops of lemon juice and add rolled oats until the cream becomes thick. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then cool water.

Skin tightening mask. Beat the egg whites until foamy, add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops lemon juice, apply this mask for five minutes for dry skin and ten for oily skin, then rinse with cool water. The face will look fresh and young.

Mask that relieves puffiness and redness. If you have natural yogurt in the refrigerator (preferably low-fat), apply a thick layer of it to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Lactic acid will quickly relieve unpleasant swelling and redness. Rinse off with cool water.

Swelling often occurs under the eyes; they can be eliminated with the help of such masks.

Masks for eyelid skin. A 15-minute mask made from raw grated potatoes perfectly relieves puffiness under the eyes; a mask made from finely chopped dill also helps very well. After the masks, apply a moisturizing cream on your face, and on your eyelids - a special one intended for the skin of the eyelids to retain moisture in the skin, remove any residue paper napkin. The skin smoothed out and became fresh.

New Year's makeup

Every woman wants her makeup to look as if it had just been done throughout the entire holiday. This is easy to achieve. Apply foundation directly to clean skin, powder and apply blush. Then take three pieces of ice and vigorously move them all over your face. Use each cube until it begins to melt - then your makeup will not smear.

To disguise a pimple on your face: place a dot of foundation in the very center of the reddened area of ​​skin, and then dust it with loose powder. Just don't apply a thick layer. foundation, since the effect will be opposite to the desired one. It is best to use an antiseptic corrector.

IN New Year's Eve You can afford a lot of glitter, so take care of purchasing reflective powder, face and body gloss, and pearlescent shadows in silver or greenish-silver tones. But keep in mind that in this case the lipstick should not be pearlescent or glittery. Just bright lipstick is enough.

To create an open and radiant look, apply white pearlescent shadow or pencil to the inner corner of the eye, on the upper and lower eyelids in a V shape.

If you want your eyelashes to look thicker, simply dust them lightly with regular loose powder and then apply mascara.

So, let's calculate how much time it will take you to prepare for the holiday and be irresistible at it?

  • Water procedures: 20 minutes.
  • Masks (including preparation): 30 minutes.
  • Relaxation alone: ​​15 minutes.
  • New Year's makeup: 20 minutes.

Inspection of the results of your work, a shining clean house, a set table and dear faces: 5 minutes.

And as a parting piece of advice, I would like to give you some advice: do all the most labor-intensive things in advance. Try to keep everything basic for festive table(except maybe hot dishes) was ready the day before. And dedicate December 31st to yourself. You need to do well so as not to nod off at night. And you won’t feel tired, and your mood won’t drop, if on December 31st you allow yourself to be a little lazy: sleep longer, have a long and happy breakfast. What a pity to bring this to life helpful advice, which, in general, everyone knows, happens so rarely. But if this time it didn’t work out, look above!

“Who came today just to look at beautiful girls?” - Oleg Ivanov, founder of the CryptoBazar and InvestBazar funds (platforms for finding investors in various fields) addresses the half-empty hall of the former 35MM cinema. Note ed.).

The audience screams and raises their hands.

There were significantly more people wishing to watch the beauty contest “Miss Blockchain 2017” than the audience at the conference that preceded it, “World Cryptocurrency Trends and Forecasts 2018.” Although it contains blockchain specialists from different countries, including Alexander Vinnik’s lawyer Ilias Spirliadis, head of the Blockchain Association of Ireland Reuben Godfrey, founder and CEO of Gravitas Holdings Singapore Malcolm Tan and co-founder of the Swiss blockchain association CryptoPolis Paolo Barray, shared their opinions on the future of Bitcoin and the blockchain industry.

“If I had known that we would be in the cinema hall, I would have brought popcorn for everyone,” continues Ivanov. After a failed attempt to give a presentation (for some reason another presentation appeared on the big screen) and an awkward joke that instead of giving a report he would have to dance on stage like Miss Blockchain, the entrepreneur invites the presenter of Europe Plus TV Pavel Roslik to the stage.

Oleg Ivanov, founder of the CryptoBazar and InvestBazar funds and one of the organizers of the CryptoBazar New Year forum

Roslik, armed with a sheet of paper, reads out: “Russia is a very rich country, don’t you agree? Is it really a very rich country? I think it would be too long to list all the abundance that our vast homeland has. I don't think this is necessary. The most beautiful asset of Russia can be called, of course, the girls of Russia. Russians. Men, would you agree?”

Rare male cries of “Yes!” can be heard. and applause.

To the music from the film “Pretty Woman”, the second host of the competition appears on stage - “a luxurious singer, talented actress, TV presenter, ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra”, winner of the title “Miss Russia - 2006” Tatyana Kotova.

“I see there are a lot of men and women here,” Kotova greets the audience.

I noticed that 70 percent are men, those who are now looking at you, at your beauty,” Roslik picks up.

I think it will be 90 percent when they come out of traffic jams,” Kotova laughs.

The first and, as will become clear later, the only stage of the competition begins - the fashion show. Girls in evening dresses to the floor, three or two at a time go on stage. Each of them has 40 seconds to tell the jury and viewers about themselves and how they got into the “world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.” There are only 11 contestants - a lot, considering that the selection began two weeks before the event itself. To get into the competition, girls had to fill out a form, write a speech for a performance and go through a closed qualifying round.

The first to approach the microphone is a tall blonde in a silver dress named Elizaveta. Previously, the girl worked in a government agency, as an assistant to a deputy. Having learned about cryptocurrency in 2013, “when the cue ball was at 600,” she decided that government agencies were “too slowing down economic processes due to bureaucracy and many other reasons,” and created her own NPO based on cryptocurrency. The goal of Elizabeth's NGO is to help people exchange goods that they create as a hobby. In the case of a girl, these are feminine and male shoes which she makes herself.

To the exclamations of Roslik: “Don’t skimp on the applause, what an amazing girl,” the next contestant, Victoria, speaks. Having accidentally stumbled upon the abbreviation ICO, she, “without thinking twice, Googled these overseas letters.” “My magnificent imagination began to draw crazy pictures of me buying a red Ferrari, flying to Dubai, racing along the highway with local princes, competing to see who gets the most fines,” the girl recalls. After that, she found instructions on how to conduct her ICO in four steps, but she never completed them all. And all because the girl was invited to participate in a project that is launching an ICO. “As you can see, now I’m here in Moscow, without a Ferrari, without a prince, but at the same time I’m incredibly glad that I can have a hand in the formation of a new technological revolution using blockchain,” says Victoria.

Friends, let’s agree that we will applaud the girls, because they are so beautiful today,” Roslik greets the next participant.

MGIMO student Valeria talks about how, after reading Sun Tzu’s book “The Art of War” at the age of 8, she decided to develop herself in three directions. The first is struggle; the girl is engaged in kickboxing. The second is competition; in 2016, Valeria became a finalist in the Miss Russia competition. Third is protection; she is responsible for the security of blockchain projects at Group-IB. “If you want crypts, get ready for war!” - Valeria ends her speech.

Thank you, Victoria. Oh, Valeria, I'm sorry. “You surprised us,” says Kotova.

She’s such a militant girl,” her co-host supports her.

Yes, and such a dress!

The fourth “magnificent participant,” Elena, studies at MEPhI: “When asked how I got into the world of cryptocurrencies, I will answer this way - it wasn’t me who got into the world of cryptocurrencies, it was he who broke into my world.” The girl works as a production editor at MediaMetrics and believes that “you shouldn’t be afraid to discover new things, make acquaintances, communicate with people who know more than you, and strive to learn from them.”

The next speaker is “journalist, author and presenter in the MediaMetrics project, “Miss Audience Choice”, “Miss Moscow - 2017”, as well as “Miss Media - 2017” Evgenia Volkonskaya. She says that fate itself brought her into the world of the crypto industry, and ends her speech with the phrase: “ Real girl must have kind heart And beautiful smile. I took both with me to the competition today.”

And the dress is beautiful too! - Kotova echoes her.

Participant number six Ekaterina is “a professional organizer of business and scientific events. The torchbearer of the Olympic torch relay in Sochi, a journalist,” says that she was lucky to be born healthy, in a wonderful family, while “not everyone has the opportunity for a full recovery.” Having once taken part in a charity event for a children's cancer center, she has been organizing similar events for children with disabilities for two years in her own foundation, “Grow Good.” To attract more people to donate, the girl decided to “include charity in the blockchain.” At the end of her speech, Ekaterina gives out “all her bitcoins” to the jury and the audience, albeit gingerbread ones.

Well, of course, she bribed the jury. “Everything is clear,” Kotova laughs.

In my opinion, this is a slightly Jewish approach,” says Roslik and offers to applaud “our charming girls, magnificent, beautiful, luxurious.”

“When I came there [to the project that is going to ICO], I met two enthusiasts who made it clear to me that in fact there is nothing but an idea. And everything will have to be implemented with eyes closed, with tied hands, also under water. But I’m a tough girl, and as a result, we have a financial model, a full-fledged ICO Book, which includes an incredible amount of documentation, and a strategy. In general, everything in the world,” says participant number two, Victoria.

1 out of 10

“As they say, whoever owns the information owns the world,” Elena, participant number four, ends her speech.

2 out of 10

Participant number five, Evgenia, about herself: “Journalist, author and presenter in the MediaMetrics project, “Miss Audience Choice”, “Miss Moscow - 2017”, as well as “Miss Media - 2017”. In addition, I have two higher education degrees.”

3 out of 10

Participant number six, Ekaterina: “The idea came to me to include charity in the blockchain, so to speak. So that people can willingly donate funds and see how transparent it is where the money is spent. It is very difficult to learn to give. But it's necessary. Today (...) I want to give you my bitcoins (...) You know that the Bitcoin rate is high. And they are not for everyone. But my bitcoins are tough for everyone, I hope you will appreciate their taste. You can eat them, they are really bitcoins. These are such sweet bitcoins.”

4 out of 10

“Our team is creating a unique ecosystem on the blockchain. A multifunctional infrastructure that will allow every user or business to make the most of the blockchain’s capabilities: buy, sell, issue their own cryptocurrencies, conduct crowdfunding campaigns and much more,” says participant number seven, Anna.

5 out of 10

Participant number nine, Maria, and she has either feathers or fur.

6 out of 10

Olga, participant number ten: “We have several large projects, but the most serious one now is the NWA Fund. This is a crypto fund. We are in the process of obtaining an official license so that all operations are carried out officially, legally and accessible to each of us.”

7 out of 10

“Since I am an international economist, I always try to be on trend. One day I bought myself cryptocurrency. Now I’m studying the prospects for using blockchain in accounting and mutual settlements with the tax authorities,” says participant number eleven, Albina.

8 out of 10

The jury gives the girls scores on a three-point scale

The time has come to tell us who our jury is, my friends,” Roslik proclaims.

Together with Tatyana Kotova, he, distorting names and confusing the order, introduces each member of the jury. Only three of them were listed on the event poster: Ekaterina Kondratenko, a member of the working group on the digital economy and blockchain technologies at the State Duma of the Russian Federation and news producer of the BitNovosti portal, co-founder of the Aktivo crowdfunding platform, organizer of blockchain meetups at IBCG and the cryptogaming project Ethernal Heroes, Yulia Plavnik, and also editor-in-chief of CoinFox, promotion director at Descrow and co-founder of the PR agency Where Is John Connor Tatyana Maksimenko. In fact, five more men were called to help the “already recognized beauties from the blockchain industry universe.”

The most interesting, the most exciting for all the contestants. As always. Girls, are you worried? Yes, do you have some? - asks Kotova.

Only the co-host answers her:
- We have cognac for this. Just kidding, of course, my friends. I think we'll have a vote right now.

It seems to me that the dress also plays a role,” says Kotova.

Of course it does. “It’s beauty when a girl wears a dress,” Roslik answers her.

Despite the ambiguity of the evaluation criteria, the jury manages to evaluate each participant on a three-point scale, and as a result, participant number three, Valeria, and participant number five, Evgenia, receive the same number of points. After repeated voting, the title “Miss Blockchain 2017” goes to Valeria Shakhovtseva.

While “traditionally” Tatyana Kotova places a “chic, radiant crown” on the winner’s head, a huge check for 10 million satoshi (a monetary unit; one Bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshi) is brought onto the stage. Note ed.), which provokes the presenters into new outbursts of prepared jokes.

How will you carry this wonderful check? - Roslik addresses Miss Blockchain, - Tatyana, look at how huge the check is! It says "10 million satoshi". This is simply amazing. You don’t need a one-room apartment, but probably a two-room apartment to store such an insane receipt.

How nice it is to take a ride on the subway with such a receipt before the New Year,” Kotov picks up the wave of humor. - So many friends will appear immediately, it seems to me.

The jury also decides to congratulate the competition participants. The first to speak is Ekaterina Kondratenko, who promises to make an article about each of them on the BitNovosti portal, and asks the girls to write to her.

Kondratenko’s example is followed by another member of the jury, the rector of the Synergy business school, Grigory Avetov: “I cook well, I am unpretentious in everyday life. I also want you to write everything to me.” Next, Avetov turns to the organizers of the event, Oleg Ivanov and Alexander Yudin, with a request to make one more stage of the competition - a fashion show in swimsuits, since otherwise “it is impossible to really understand the blockchain industry deeply.” The audience supports him with thunderous applause and shouts.

Maybe the girls are ready. Girls, weren't you prepared? - asks Kotova.

Roman Kaufman, co-founder of the Blockchain communities IBCG and HOQU, takes the last word: “Girls, you are all very beautiful. Today there is a concentration of rich, serious, intelligent, wealthy men ( there is laughter in the hall). You have arrived exactly where you need to be targeted. It will be a wonderful step for you that everyone leaves today with some kind of victory. Let this step be the starting point in 2017, so that in 2018 you become simply top one in different areas.”

"Miss Blockchain - 2017" Valeria Shakhovtseva

Flashmob “I#Satoshi”

The audience will have to choose the runner-up. To do this, they are asked to subscribe to the telegram channel of the forum, where they can choose the name of the contestant they like. To help, the numbers and names of the participants are displayed on the screen, among which there is no tenth, Olga. The mistake was noticed by Tatyana Kotova, but only at the end of the voting. To “compensate for the stress,” Olga was promised a “secret prize.”

While the audience is voting, the male jury goes up to the stage and, at the request of the event organizer Oleg Ivanov, gives each participant one flower. After all, no matter what financial status these men achieve, they cannot forget their school habits.

That's not all, Ivanov proclaims. - You have so excited some of the participants with your beauty that there are people who would like to give special gifts to the participants they especially liked.

Thus, the company BitCredit Suisse gives participant number five, Evgenia, a trip to the “capital of cryptocurrencies” - Switzerland. And the KickiCo company - 100 thousand KickCoin, which is equivalent to 6 thousand dollars, to participant number six, Ekaterina.

The People's Choice Award (YohoCube cardboard construction set) and the title of Vice-Miss went to three contestants at once - Evgenia (number five), Ekaterina (number six) and Anna (number seven).

The girls leave the stage. The event ends with the “I#Satoshi” flash mob. Everyone else is asked to put on plastic Guy Fawkes masks, which for some reason are called “Avenger” masks, and freeze for a minute.

“I was surprised and a little upset that there was no intellectual part. A lot of girls here don't understand anything about blockchain. Someone came to this topic a couple of days ago, someone heard something.” “There are no beauty contests among men because we evaluate them by their success and intellectual capabilities. It's important for women to look good." “If I worked with women in the women’s sphere, it would be a complete failure. Men are much more systematic, it’s much easier with them.” The Bitcoin rate at the beginning of 2018 was $23,500.

© Victoria, participant number two

1 of 8

“We were judged on how well we carried ourselves on stage.” “I would love to see a beauty contest among men. It would be interesting, but without going out in swimsuits, of course, although it depends on what shape they [the men] are in.” “[About men in the team]: Men treat girls better. Girls can’t always find common ground with each other.” “The Bitcoin rate will reach 40 thousand dollars at the beginning of 2018.”

Millions of girls around the world dream of becoming the winner of the Miss World contest or similar competitions. No one argues that realizing yourself as the most beautiful and attractive is damn nice. But few people think that because of our realities, the value of such merits has practically been reduced to nothing...

The path to world beauty titles begins with selections for regional competitions. Moreover, these castings look completely unprepossessing. And in each region the selection can take place according to its own scenario.

It’s good if the organizers of regional beauty contests not only take their mission responsibly, but also know the inner workings of such competitions. But there are so few such examples!

Often, local beauty contests are not held at all in order to select the best candidate who will qualify for a national-level competition. Usually, local bosses simply stroke their pride in this way.

It's no secret that judges are often biased and openly try to please a sponsor or a major local official. More than once or twice I had to read scandalous articles about how the daughter of a deputy or minister won the next beauty contest. Moreover, this happens not only at the regional, but even at the national level!

Even if the organizers’ intentions are pure, there is still no guarantee that the winner will be adequately selected. After all, the jury usually includes prominent people, but rather local businessmen rather than modeling specialists.

Often, jury members have no idea at all about the rules of such competitions and evaluate the contestants solely as potential candidates for trips to the sauna.

Another problem is poor feedback from the contestants. Often girls simply don’t understand what to do on the catwalk!

Moreover, even before the start of a beauty contest, few people bother to set out clear requirements for the external parameters of the contestants. And poor girls with non-standard appearance or figure become victims of caustic ridicule for a long time...

The basic requirements for participants in the Miss World contest were formed back in the 50s, but few people know about these criteria, even among the organizers! So, girls must be at least 172 centimeters, and the age of the contestants must be between 17–24 years.

Contestants must be unmarried and childless. Girls must know at least one foreign language well, have good manners and be able to communicate with people.

In addition, contestants are prohibited from appearing or being photographed nude. Neither before nor after the competition (under the threat of being deprived of the crown) they should not be involved in reprehensible relationships, participate in striptease or have anything to do with the porn business...

I wonder how many participants in provincial beauty pageants know about these requirements?

By and large, world beauty contests can be compared to professional sports. But sports competitions at the regional level are held according to the same rules as at the Olympics, and local beauty contests are at the level of street football, where the rules are set by whoever owns the ball.



Exactly at the appointed time, the festive fanfare of the competition sounds, preceding its start. There is a TV screen on which a projection of the action taking place on the site is displayed.

The phonogram of the choreographic composition sounds. Performed ballroom dance"Waltz". At the end of the performance, all its participants line up in a “picture”. The presenter appears on the site, to the sound of competition fanfare. Next, the soundtrack of the choreographic composition sounds in a light musical background.

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this cozy hall at the Miss 2012 beauty contest!

Professionals say that a beauty contest is a show doomed to success! This is an extraordinary, amazing sight, because beauty in itself is an amazing and extraordinary phenomenon. Thousands of its fragments are scattered all over the world. They are in the first rays of the rising sun, the foam of the coastal sea waves, in the smile of a loved one, in your soul...

Dear friends! You've probably noticed that there are a lot of beautiful girls working in your company. Beautiful not only externally, but, above all, spiritually. They are like the sun, bringing light and joy.

We hope that today this amazing beauty contest will become one of the brightest pages in the history of your company.

Today you will witness an amazing event. Before your eyes, the most beautiful, most graceful, most creative and charming employee of the company _______ will be chosen!

A musical beat sounds.

Leading: And by the way, they say that our girls are the best beautiful girls in the world... (to audience) Is this true? Then, dear friends, are you ready to be right now on the “crest of the wave” of an enchanting show of real Beauty?

The soundtrack of the “presentation” appearance of contestants No. 1 sounds.

Leading: Meet the participants of the Miss Energy contest!

One after another, the contestants appear in the hall bright outfits. Each participant has a number on her wrist.

At the moment when each of the beauties appears on the red carpet in front of the audience, she is introduced by the presenter.

The screen broadcasts a wide shot and close-ups of the participants during their presentation.

Leading: Look at our contestants! Simply breathtaking! I don't know about you dear men, and I'm already hot! But this is just the beginning!

It's time to introduce the jury of our competition, real experts and connoisseurs of female beauty!

The fanfare of the competition sounds.

On the screen is a projection of the jury members, close-ups as they are presented.

The presenter introduces the jury members and the counting commission in turn.

Leading: So, the jury has been introduced, the contestants are on stage, and this means that a real fireworks of beauty awaits us ahead in a series of competitions in our program!

But first I want to give the floor to welcome to CEO company __________________________________________.

Welcome speech from the director.

Leading: Thank you, _______________________________.

Friends, let's wish the contestants good luck and a little patience for us. Although, we really can’t wait to find out who will be the winner of our competition. One thing can be said with confidence: all participants in the competition, without exception, deserve this title! Let's see our girls off with applause!

The phonogram of the exit of contestants No. 1 sounds.

The girls leave the site.