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Performance on February 23 at an elementary school.

Primary school children are not known for their perseverance, so the solemn part of the holiday on February 23, which is undoubtedly necessary, should take a minimum of time, and most of it should be. But as part of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a whole range of events can be held: exhibitions, classes, competitions - all of them will expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about this holiday and introduce it to its history.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important holiday, which is sometimes celebrated without reference to its history and traditions. Rather, February 23rd is our day of congratulations to men, as opposed to March 8th - International women's day. Both of these days are not far from each other on the calendar, and in schools they are also often combined and celebrations are held on the same day. Generally speaking, in our age, the holidays of February 23 and March 8 are a good reason to talk with children about what a Man is and what a Woman is, what their purposes in life are, what their qualities are.

Holidays in primary school It is worth organizing for children in such a way that they become bright, interesting and memorable events in which they can return in memory and return in further discussions. It should be taken into account that holding a holiday at school should not be reduced to the banal organization of competitions or sports competitions; it needs to be made deeper and more serious.

Children primary classes and their parents are still actively involved in school life and happily support all the teachers’ endeavors: holidays, competitions, they don’t mind doing preparatory work at home: learn poetry, sew costumes, and even enjoy taking part in sports competitions. You need to use this! But the parents don’t know each other well and it’s hard for them to come to an agreement, so parent meeting or in some other way, teachers should offer roles and tasks to parents in advance so that they simply choose something they like. That is, preparation for the holiday must begin in advance, and approach it with all responsibility.

As part of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a set of events can be held that will expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about this holiday and introduce it to its history and features.

Examples of activities that can be carried out in elementary schools by February 23

  • Drawing competition. Junior children school age they love to draw. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can hold a drawing competition on one of the topics: “Glory to the dear army”, “Military equipment”, “From the history of army life”, “Our army is the pride of the country”, etc. The most worthy works will take part in decorating the classroom for the holiday.
  • Class hour. You can conduct a class hour or lesson on courage that is appropriate to this topic.
  • Alternatively, instead of class hour can be arranged an hour of communication between children and parents on the topic “Raising a Defender”. This is a serious question; the preparation of such an event must be approached carefully, but you can start talking about it in elementary school.
  • Presentation about February 23. It is a presentation for elementary school that is the most meaningful, colorful and interesting way to leave information about the holiday in the memory of students. It is intended to introduce the history of the origin memorable date, features of celebration in the past and today.
  • Patriotic landing “Doing good”. As part of the holiday, you can organize help for lonely elderly people: former military personnel or combat veterans; you can also organize more peaceful help - to protect stray animals and birds.
  • Meeting interesting people. You can invite veterans, military, police, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who will share their memories and impressions with students, talk about the defense of the Motherland, give useful tips.
  • Wall newspaper. You can also arrange an organized graduation for the guys collective wall newspaper, made by girls and dedicated to the boys of the class, future defenders of the fatherland will come in very handy.
  • Musical background in the classroom or school. Pick up musical compositions, corresponding to the theme of February 23. They can be turned on during recess on the day of the celebration at school - this will help create a special holiday atmosphere.
  • Review of the formation and songs.
  • Military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa". Primary school children are very enthusiastic about organizing such games, and on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day it is especially relevant. Such a game has an extremely positive impact on schoolchildren, developing qualities that, without a doubt, will be useful to a man, the future defender of our Motherland.
  • Crafts in elementary school for February 23 are carried out with the aim of giving them to fathers and grandfathers. You can also make crafts together with your children (flags, military equipment made of paper, flowers) to later decorate the classroom for the event.
  • Reading competition. The event, which is also received with a bang by primary school children and their parents, also trains memory and organizes to a certain extent research activities, develops imagination and empathy for the characters of a poem or piece of prose. As part of the recitation competition, children must select poems by February 23 and prepare them. If such an event is held in the form of a competition, then it is important to provide gifts.

Whatever events are held for February 23, the final one should be a holiday organized for boys. As a rule, in elementary schools, sports competitions and relay races are held, where future defenders have the opportunity to demonstrate their strength, ingenuity, agility and endurance.

in primary school

Prepared by: primary school teacher Bozhko A. A.

Presenter (teacher):

Today all mothers and girls know

That they congratulate dads and boys,

After all, the February holiday is always for men,

There are many reasons to celebrate this.

1 girl:

We send our congratulations to the defenders,

Let them become our pride.

2nd girl:

We wish men strength in everything,

After all, they need to protect their home from all troubles.

3rd girl:

To raise brave, reliable fighters,

We set our fathers as examples for boys.

4 girl:

Of course, we are all crazy about dads,

We want to tell them simple words.

Dear dads! You are our best...

Girls' answers (one by one)

5 girl:

To remain like this,

Never changed

So that you all love children

And they were always praised for everything.

Performance of the song:

(song - adaptation to the tune of the song “We wish you happiness”):

In a world where crazy snow swirls,

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Even strong women need protection so much,

You need to know that they are nearby -

Knights whose shoulders are so strong

Those who serve us as a complex support in life.

Chorus: We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world,

We can't live without men

We want to honestly admit to you,

In a world where there is no rest for the winds,

Where there is a cloudy dawn,

Only strong hands can build a house.

And the country can live in peace,

You are our support and armor,

And legends are created about your valor.

Chorus: We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world,

Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house.

We can't live without men

We want to honestly admit to you,

And we congratulate you and say thank you.

6 girl:

And the boys on this day

We are not too lazy to congratulate everyone.

Even though they are not babies,

But such naughty girls.

7 girl:

Mischievous tomboys, like in childhood, their fathers

They all look like dads

At least they are much younger.

8 girl:

You, dear boys,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

How much we love you,

You are so good with us!

9 girl:

You're not brave in class

And everyone is hiding behind us,

But as soon as there is a change,

You are rushing forward!


10 girl:

We worry about you

We often let you write off.

Congratulations on the 23rd,

We'll sing you our song!

12 girl:

May you be strong, healthy,

Never sneeze!

We know that from such protection -

Run, grief and trouble!

Performing an alteration song

(to the tune of the song “A Soldier Walks Through the City”):

The people celebrate Defenders of the Country Day.

Dear guys, how lucky you are!

We hasten to congratulate you on this wonderful day.

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you good luck in everything, good luck to you in everything!


You are the most reliable and loyal friends.

You are the most beautiful, you are smart and strong,

You are the most reliable and loyal friends!


It is not for nothing that congratulations were heard in this hall today.

Let's all say together: “Hurray!”

It's time to start the holiday.


We continue our holiday program, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland. And in honor of this event, we are holding demonstration exercises in which young soldiers – our boys – will take part. Let's welcome them!

Applause. The presenter gives the boys berets.


Considering that women also serve in the army, we invite girls to join our ranks. We hope that they, like the boys, will demonstrate their physical fitness. Let's support them with friendly applause!

The girls are given berets to applause.


The exercises will be observed by generals, in the role of popes. After all, each of them was once a soldier. Applause to our jury!


Our first competition – “Intellectual”.

All team members answer the presenter’s questions and receive a point for the correct answer.

Questions for the 1st team:

  1. Continue the proverb: “It’s hard to learn, it’s easy.. (where?)” ( in battle )
  2. Who serves on a submarine? ( sailor)
  3. Who flies the plane? ( pilot)
  4. What is the name of the kitchen on a ship? ( galley)
  5. Who is responsible for firing the cannon? ( artilleryman)

Questions for the 2nd team:

  1. Continue the proverb: “Stand for a just cause... (how?)” ( boldly)
  2. A specialist in ship navigation, plotting a ship's course. ( navigator)
  3. Who controls the tank? ( tankman)
  4. Who keeps the ship clean? ( boatswain)
  5. What is the name of the steering wheel on a ship? ( helm)

Competition: “Collect a picture”

Each team receives an envelope containing a cut card. Team task: collect the cut postcard. The maximum number of points is 3 points.

Competition: “Orientation”

Participants in the competition must move objects from one chair to another, blindfolded.

Competition: “Passing the ball”

Teams line up in a column one at a time. Task: pass the ball over the head, while the last participant, having received the ball, runs forward, and so on until the one who started the competition is again the first.

Competition: “Sleight of Hand”

Use a spoon to transfer the water from the jar to the glass. The team with the most water in the jar wins.

Competition: “Tie a scarf”

Required: two chairs, two scarves or scarves.

Two boys are competing. In front of each boy, a girl sits on a chair; headscarves hang on the backs of the chairs. At the signal, the boys tie scarves on the girls. The winner of the competition is the boy who can tie a scarf the fastest.

Competition: “Know-It-All”

Each team receives a set of identical letters. For example: “o, i, i, l, n, s, k.” At the leader’s signal, teams must form a word using all the letters. The word should not be shouted out, but collected on the table. In our case, this is the word “STRETCHER”. The maximum number of points is 3.

Competition: "Shoe"

Do you know your shoes well? Both teams sit on chairs. They take off their shoes, they are blindfolded, the shoes are shuffled, and the children must find their shoes while blindfolded and put them correctly on their feet. If the whole team does it quickly and correctly, they get 10 points. The next team gets the number of points for the number of team members who put their shoes on correctly.

Competition: “Inflate the balloon”

Required: 2 balloons. Two children are selected and given balloons. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but so that the balloon does not burst when inflated (in time). The winner of the competition is the one who completed the task first.

Competition: “Wind the Cord”

Required: cord, pencils. A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, and a simple pencil is attached to the ends. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil. Whoever gets to the knot faster is the winner. Instead of a cord, you can take a thick thread.

The jury counts the points. The teams line up to announce the results. All competition participants are awarded small souvenirs.

“Come on, boys!”

Purpose: to introduce the history of the holiday and congratulate future defenders of the Fatherland; create conditions for improving the microclimate in the team; cultivate a culture of communication.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1.

In the winter month of February, when frosts and snowstorms are still fierce, we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all men: grandfathers, fathers, brothers, classmates and boys they just know. Today we are holding competitive program for our boys.


1 girl.

Lena, Katya! Come here!

Let's talk to you

While everyone left for breakfast

After all, the 23rd is tomorrow!

2 girl

What? 23? So what?

Why is this day so good?

3 girl

Well, what a holiday for men!

There is only one day like this in a year!

We must congratulate all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

4 girl

What does our guys have to do with it?

They are not soldiers yet.

5 girl

But they will grow up and protect!

6 girl

So far they only know how to offend:

Sometimes they pull your braid, sometimes they push you,

Either they won’t let you in the door, or they’ll call you names.

7 girl

Moreover, there is a reason to congratulate -

We will remind them that they are men.

Let's congratulate you on the holiday,

We'll arrange some kind of surprise for them.

1 girl

I came up with an idea! Let's arrange a tournament for them!

2 girl

What kind of tasks will there be?

3 girl

Let's do a skill competition,

On intelligence, intelligence and knowledge,

For speed, for skill

In a serious matter, be patient

4 girl

Well, then, let's start quickly.

And we will cheer for them today!


Let's salute our boys, the heroes of today.

(sound: Music “A soldier is walking through the city”, marching out in formation, following the commands of the commander). . And in honor of the holiday - demonstration exercises for young fighters - students of class 2A. Let's welcome them! (A detachment of young fighters has arrived for the celebration “Come on, boys!”, reports the commander of the Temple detachment.

Here they are - our future defenders. (Applause). Although they are still small, they are already preparing for military service and they are doing well. Today you guys will test your strength and endurance, ingenuity and resourcefulness. Well, grandfathers, fathers, girls and mothers - our beautiful ladies - will support you in your quest to win. As future soldiers, I think you will come out of any situation with honor, no matter how difficult it may be.

A fair jury evaluates your work. For completing the task correctly and quickly and for each correct answer to the question, each of you receives 5 points. The jury will determine who is the most accurate, the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, the most dexterous, the most resourceful, the most skillful today.

We wish you success in the competition!

1. Competition “Collect a word”.

Let's check how you can work harmoniously, how savvy you are. You receive a set of letters (on cards) scattered “DEFENDER” and are asked to use them to create a word suitable for our holiday. The one who writes the correct word faster wins. .

Read the word you came up with. Guys, what qualities do you think I should have? defender? (He must be brave, strong, savvy, kind and noble.)

The next competition is announced

2. Competition “Sharpshooter” (bucket, 5 balls) You will need ammunition. The task is to hit the enemy. (bucket, basket)

All the boys line up. Plastic baskets (buckets) are placed in front of them at some distance and balls (tennis or similar) are given out. Purpose of the competition: each team member throws a ball into a basket. Whoever hits the most wins. Each participant throws 5 times . (Sound music)

3.Competition« Combat alert». Participants remove shoes from both feet and place them mixed up in the middle of the class. On command, you must quickly find your shoes, put on your shoes and stand at attention. Attention alarm!

- They always said about the Russian soldier: “He won’t take it by force, but with wisdom.”

Now we will check which of you is the smartest?

. Competition "Scouts"

Each team is given an encryption code that needs to be read.

Everyone receives an envelope containing cards (cut proverbs)

We need to “collect” proverbs.

Who will do it quickly and correctly?

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it.

The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Every man to his own taste.

For a beaten one, they give two unbeaten ones.

It is not the gift that is precious, but the attention.

The careless one drinks water, and the caring one drinks honey.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

(waltz sounds)

- Dear boys of the same age,

Knights without fear and reproach,

Do you love computers and books?

Sometimes you run away from class.

The sea beckons you with a magical dream.

You are always persistent and stubborn

And are you ready to sacrifice yourself

For the sake of a girl - a beautiful sweet lady.

.Compliment competition

- Do you all know what a compliment is? (a compliment is a kind thing, nice word)

Who can (should) be complimented?

We will now check whether you know how to do this.

Each of you must choose a lady of your heart and compliment her.

(the teacher invites everyone to choose a heart, on the back of which the girl’s name and a compliment are written)

- you invite the girl one by one and, looking into her eyes, say the words.

Your eyes are like two diamonds...

Your lips are like rose petals...

Your hair is like silk threads...

Your face is as beautiful as a violet...

You are as good as a star...

Your figure is like a white birch...

Curve of eyebrows like a seagull over a wave...

Your lips are like scarlet roses...

Your neck is nothing short of admirable...

Your hands are like velvet...

Your eyes are clear, like beautiful emeralds...

Your smile is like the sun shining...

You are undeniably good...

Do you know that in the most difficult moments in the army, soldiers were always helped by a sense of humor. Army joke: Crazy people play war. One hits the other hard on the head with a brick. The frightened doctor asks: “Aren’t you in pain?” “No, I’m in a tank”

4. Competition: “Best tank driver” (7 cars)

The contestant sits on a chair. He has a stick in his hands with a rope tied to it, and a toy car is tied to the end of the rope. You need to wind the thread around the stick and pull the machine towards you. Who is faster?

You said that a defender must be strong.

Let's check if you have this quality.

5. contest: Quiz« The smartest"."Who is who?"

Slide- you need to compare the names of famous Russian military leaders and famous personalities, as well as their ranks and positions.

Putin V.V. President of Russia

Zhukov G.K. Marshal

Suvorov A.V. Commander

Ushakov F.F. Admiral

Gagarin Yu.A. Astronaut

Ivan the Terrible Tsar

And now I want to give you a military quiz. Listen to my questions:

1. What positions in the army can girls serve in? (clerk, nurse, lawyer, customs officer, etc.)

2. What is air defense? (Air defense is a set of measures to ensure protection against enemy air attacks).

3. What hero cities do you know? (Leningrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Volgograd, Kyiv, Brest Fortress, Moscow, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Minsk, Tula, Murmansk, Smolensk)

4. How many years have you served in the army? (1 year)

5. What military ranks do you know? (private, warrant officer, sergeant, lieutenant, major, colonel, general, marshal).

6. What color is the Russian flag? (White blue red)

7. What is the name of a soldier who serves on the border? (border guard)

8. What is the name of a soldier who serves in the navy? (sailor)

9.What is the name of the cap worn by sailors? (Visorless cap.)
10. What is the name of the tower on the seashore with signal lights? (Lighthouse.)
11. What is a submarine? (Submarine.)
12. What is the name of a ship's basement? (Hold.)
13. When it is needed, it is thrown away; when it is not needed, it is picked up. (Anchor.)

6. contest « Build a machine gun». In the army, you will often have to disassemble and reassemble weapons, and clean them. Task: collect a cut image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle . (Slide)

7. Competition “Soldier’s Letter”. (“In the dugout”)

- What do you think a soldier looks forward to most in the army? (letters). Of course, parents also expect letters from soldiers.

Now you will imagine yourself as soldiers and will write a letter (to your parents, girlfriend, classmate, friends).

- While the boys are writing letters, accept another one musical gift from your classmates.

While the jury is counting the points, our boys want to congratulate their beloved fathers and grandfathers. Today is a holiday in our class. Let's greet the defenders of your family hearth, congratulate these strong, noble, dexterous, brave men.

1. Better than dad there is no friend, believe me,
We are nearby at the cinema and at the concert,
It's not even interesting to go to the zoo
go without him

2. And it was not for nothing that my mother and I decided,
That my dad is the kindest one,
What nowhere else, like this,
You just can't find it

3. We are very similar - me and my dad
I'm waiting for him to come home soon
Together we will surely honor
Books by Mikhalkov or Marshak

4. I want to imitate my dad in everything
Even keep a spoon at the table
Dad and I play, joke and sing
It's twice as fun if it's just the two of us!

5. Dad was once little, like me,
And he sailed the boat along the stream
And this boat was carried away by the water
So he remained in childhood forever

Summing up, rewarding.

(Girls read poetry)

Everyone celebrates the holiday

And we are girls on this day

Congratulations boys.

2.We wish you forever:

So that you don’t be timid in life,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

3.Study only for five,

We will help you!

Just don't wonder

And, of course, don't fight!

4. Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you.

Best skiing

And beat everyone at football!

5. May luck be with you,

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything,

Protect us from others!

6. In general, dear boys,

We'll tell you a secret:

Better than you in white light. Of course there is no one!

Our holiday has come to an end. Let me once again congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Always be strong, dexterous, brave, smart, resourceful, courageous. And most importantly - our reliable support, our defenders! Health, happiness and, of course, peaceful skies above your head. Thanks everyone!

Scenario February 23 for younger students

Scenario of educational and game program for primary school students.

The script is based on the stories of S. Baruzdin

Event preparation stages

1. Phonograms of the songs “A soldier is walking through the city” by V. Shainsky, “Indestructible and legendary” by An. Alexandrova.

2. Photos of the Victory Parade on Red Square are being prepared (the moment when the fascist banners were thrown); two hoops and rudders, four baskets, eight dummies of vegetables; an airplane sliding freely on a rope, fabric balls; six to eight flat discs, two large baskets.


Presenter (adult).

Progress of the event

On the central wall there is an image of a soldier against the background of the Russian flag and the inscription “Glory to the Army!”

Schoolchildren with flags enter the hall to the song “A Soldier Is Walking Through the City” by V. Shainsky and stand in a circle.

Leading. Guys, today we celebrate Defender of our Fatherland Day.

1st student

On the borders of your country

The sons of the Fatherland stand,

And they look vigilantly into the darkness

Those who are on duty today.

2nd student

Welcoming the dawn of youth

Under the shadow of wings and rockets

And guard the heights

Those who are on duty today.

3rd student

In the hearts of maturing sons

The courage of grandfathers and fathers,

And glorify their Motherland

Those who are on duty today.

4th student

Indestructible they are

Stronger than tried and tested armor.

After all, they protect the world in bloom

Those who are on duty today.

Exercise to the song “Indestructible and Legendary” An. Alexandrova.

Leading. Many years ago, a soldier walked through his land. Behind him was a country - great and huge. All the people were with him. Everyone rose up to fight the fascists.

"For the Motherland!" - the soldier shouts and goes into battle. "For the Motherland!" - Planes - fighters and bombers - fly into the sky.

"For the Motherland!" - ships and submarines go into battle.

Soldiers fought for their homeland and won.


Once upon a time there was a war,

She passed away a long time ago

For those who are alive, she once was.

We remember how we walked into the flames

And how the country was saved for us

Soldiers, soldiers, soldiers.

Song “The Sentinels Are Standing” by D. Kabalevsky

Performed by adults and children.

Leading. The war is over. And again the soldier walks down the street. Tired and satisfied. He defeated the Nazis and returned to his homeland. On Red Square in Moscow, a soldier threw fascist banners taken in battle onto the paving stones. (Shows a photograph.) “Glory to the Soldier!” - said the whole country. And the soldier began to raise his native country from the ruins.

1st student

From a distant front

To the home

We returned home

Two soldier brothers.

2nd student

And threw off the bags

Two soldier brothers

And got on the tractor -

Plow until sunset.

3rd student

And they fight again

So that the region is rich,

On my native field

Two soldier brothers.

Relay "Merry Garden"

Two teams of four people participate. At a distance of 4-5 m from the teams there are hoops (“vegetable garden”). The first participant, with the steering wheel in his hands, walks around the hoop with a stomping step (“digging up a garden”); the second player with a basket of vegetables runs around and places the vegetables in the hoop (“plants seeds”); the third with a watering can runs up and “waters the garden”; the fourth with a basket “harveses the harvest” by putting vegetables there. The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading. A very young soldier was walking down the street. And on his chest he has a military order. Where did the order come from when the soldier was not in the war? The soldier received a military decoration in peacetime for shooting down an enemy plane. They ordered a foreign pilot to fly over our country, declassify our military secrets - to photograph airfields, military factories, military units. The plane was flying high and could not be seen from the ground. Only the instruments detected him. The rocket men took their places, aimed the rocket at an invisible target and shot down the plane. And the enemy pilot jumped out by parachute and for a long time later wondered how they could notice him at such a height. And our rocket men were given medals for an accurate hit. We will also show our accuracy.

1st student

Long live the artillerymen -

Defenders of our lands:

Carriers of our shells,

Gunners hitting the target.

2nd student

Praise to our artillery -

To the descendants of gray-haired gunners,

To her military generals,

Calculations of its batteries.

Game "Rocketmen"

An airplane slides down along a rope attached at an angle. Several children take turns trying to hit him with cloth balls as he moves. The child who makes the most hits wins.

Leading. A soldier was walking down the street of a big city. During the war, the Nazis destroyed the entire city. And now he's grown up new town- beautiful and bright. They were building a new house in the city. And they discovered in the ground a terrible treasure left by the Nazis - thousands of mines and shells. To clear it, all residents were relocated from neighboring houses. And the mine-soldiers carefully removed the mines from the ground and carried them in their hands far from the city into an open field. That's where the mines were blown up. Thanks to the soldiers. Within a few days, the residents returned to their homes and began to live amicably and happily again. Just think, guys, how dexterous and careful sappers must be so that the shell does not explode in their hands. Let's see if you can be as careful.

Game "Sappers"

Children are divided into two teams and stand in two lines. On one side of the ranks there are round discs scattered on the floor, on the other there are large baskets. At a signal, the last child takes the disk and passes it to the one standing next to him, and he passes the disk to the next one, etc. Last child puts the disc in the basket. The winner is the team that collects the discs into the basket faster and does not drop any of them.

Leading. A soldier was walking along the street of an unfamiliar city in a neighboring country. An earthquake came here and destroyed the entire city. Friends called our soldier, and he came to the rescue: he helped clear the ruins, save people, and build new housing. Our soldier always comes to the aid of his friends. When needed. If trouble comes. This always happens.

American game "Round Dance of Friendship"

Leading. This is what he is like, our soldier. And when his military service ends, he continues to help people. Guess what job a soldier can do after the army?

He is very attentive and inquisitive,

Looking for clues everywhere... (detective).

Thief, robber and pickpocket,

Beware! I am ... (security guard).

Dive hundreds of times

Into the depths of the sea... (diver).

Legendary heroes

They go into the fire... (firemen).

No seconds were wasted,

The children were saved... (rescuers).

The reckless driver will order “Stop!”

On the road... (guard).


What is the soldier about?

Singing in line?


About the most precious thing.


What is the soldier about?

Did you dream in battle?

About the most precious thing.


What's in the letter

Will he write?


About the most precious thing.


What is he thinking about

Fireworks in February?

About what

And you and I...


About peace on earth.

The event ends with the song “About Peace” by A. Filippenko.

Based on materials from the book by Marina Yurievna Kartushina “Feast of the Defender of the Fatherland”


Purpose: to introduce the history of the holiday and congratulate future defenders of the Fatherland.

Equipment: personal computer with PowerPoint, media projector.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1.

On February 23, our country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day! We know well that peaceful sky over your head, the peace of the country's citizens, its honor and dignity are protected by soldiers Russian Army: soldiers, pilots and tank crews, border guards and sailors. 1slide

Presenter 2.

In all centuries, the heroism and courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state.

Presenter 1.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day originated in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army. 3 slide

Presenter 2.

Defender of the Fatherland Day takes on special significance after the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War 1941 -1945 4 slide

Presenter 1.

There is not a single family in Russia that has not been affected by the war. For many, this is the greatest feat of the people in the entire world history, and at the same time, this is a tragedy that under no circumstances should be repeated. 5 slide

Presenter 2.

Since 1946, the holiday began to be called Soviet Army Day and Navy. 6 slide

Presenter 1.

Presenter 2.

Today, most Russian citizens consider Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as an anniversary Great Victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, just like the day of real men. 8 slide

Presenter 1.

Those who are in different years defended our Motherland, and those who are now protecting our peaceful sleep. Slide 9

Presenter 2.

Man is unthinkable without his homeland, the region, the place where he is born. Well, if there is a Motherland, a Fatherland, where we live, where our ancestors lived, then we need people who can protect it. Now the girls will congratulate the boys, our future defenders, on their holiday.

1 girl.

Lena, Katya! Come here!

Let's talk to you

While everyone left for breakfast

After all, the 23rd is tomorrow!

2 girl

What? 23? So what?

Why is this day so good?

3 girl

Well, what a holiday for men!

There is only one day like this in a year!

We must congratulate all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

2 girl

What does our guys have to do with it?

They are not soldiers yet.

1 girl

But they will grow up and protect!

2 girl

So far they only know how to offend:

Sometimes they pull your braid, sometimes they push you,

Either they won’t let you in the door, or they’ll call you names.

3 girl

Moreover, there is a reason to congratulate -__

We will remind them that they are men.

Let's congratulate you on the holiday,

We'll arrange some kind of surprise for them.

1 girl

I came up with an idea! Let's arrange a tournament for them!

2 girl

What kind of tasks will there be?

1 girl

Let's do a skill competition,

On intelligence, intelligence and knowledge,

For speed, for skill

In a serious matter, be patient

2 girl

Well, then, let's start quickly.

And we will cheer for them today!

Presenter 1.

We announce a festive tournament of Knights!

A knight must be brave, strong, savvy, and noble.

Today we will find out which of you is a real knight.

Competition “Collect a word”.

Teams are given a set of letters (on cards) scattered, for example, “DEFENDER” and are asked to use them to create a word suitable for our holiday. The team that spells the correct word the fastest wins.

Competition "Military Ranks".

The boys, as future military men, know military ranks, and now we will check this. Each team takes turns naming military ranks; Whoever is last is the team that wins.

Competition “Sharp Shooter” (relay race).

All teams line up in two lines. In front of the teams at some distance is placed plastic basket(bucket) and the teams are given balls (tennis or similar). Purpose of the competition: each team member throws a ball into a basket. Whichever team hits the most number of times wins. Each participant throws once. They throw in pairs - the participant and his opponent.

1 girl.
There are bumps on the forehead.
There are lights under the eye.
Well, if you are boys,
Then you are heroes.
2 girl.
Scratches. Splinters.
The only thing you're afraid of is iodine!
(Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring).
3 girl.
Let your head be covered in greenery
And my leg is covered in plasters,
But there are still strengths,
To defeat the enemy.
4 girl.
Stubborn, in the morning you
Again to battle, on patrol!
Scars from those battles
They still remain.

Competition "Watch".

Our observation point is located in the “swamp”. We found a hummock, but a very small one (A4 sheet of paper). You can only stand on one leg on it. Whoever stumbles first and “falls” into the “swamp” is eliminated from the competition.

Competition “The Smartest” (2 envelopes, 20 cards). 2 people participate in the competition. Everyone receives an envelope containing 10 cards. The first five are the beginning of the proverbs, the rest are the end. We need to “collect” proverbs. Who will do it quickly and correctly?
First envelope
1. For a beaten person they give two unbeaten ones,
2. at least give it up!
3. The root of the teaching is bitter,
4. there is no friend.
5. Prepare your sleigh in the summer
6. Yes, they don’t take it.
7. Perhaps and I suppose -
8. But its fruit is sweet.
9. Taste, color
10. and a cart in winter.

Second envelope
1. The careless one drinks water,
2. don't go to the field.
3. Having not tasted bitterness,
4. and attention.
5. Spring is red with flowers,
6. and caring is honey.
7. Live a century -
8. you won’t recognize sweets.
9. Dear is not a gift,
10. and autumn - with sheaves.

Competition “Compliment”

All participants participate. The girls must either be chosen by the teacher or invited by the participant himself, then at the end of the competition the quality of the invitation is also assessed. Mandatory condition: the team captain compliments a girl from another class. Participants speak in turns and the one who compliments last wins, and the opponent will not be able to add anything more. The leading teacher must ensure that words are not repeated, and that participants give compliments while looking at the girls, and not to the side. Time for the competition is 2-3 minutes.


Let's start singing ditties

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that-

We can be shy!

We sing for you today

And we have the same motive,

Congratulations on the twenty-third

We really, really want you!

Every boy in our class

Very clever and handsome

Congratulations of course

Our entire female team!

Wake up the boys at night

In the very middle,

They will tell you the alphabet

Without one hitch!

Don't yawn in class

Be careful everyone

And good grades will be a must!

It's all boys in class

Even very good

And change comes -

Don't look for mercy.

And our boys are very

They love to run and play.

And they promise to study

Four and five!

All the boys are late

They explain simply:

And study in class

It's never too late!

The third quarter is already in full swing

The clock ticked

And the boys dream:

It would be vacation again!

Our class is all boys

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Someone's having fun!

All the ditties were sung,

Yes, that's how good we are!

Clap more friendly

We tried our best!

Competition "Funny Tankmen".

The boys are divided into two teams. Give each team half the board. Players from each team take turns, blindfolded, drawing a tank. (Each player draws one detail: the tracks, the next the turret, the third the muzzle of the tank, etc.). The one whose drawing corresponds most to the norm wins.

Competition "Mined Field".

Night. Dark. You need to go through a “mined field” and not hit a single “mine”. Blindfolded, go around (skittles or plastic bottles). Whoever hooks the most “mines” is eliminated from the competition.

Competition “The Strongest” (2 lemons)

Two boys are participating. Give them one lemon each and ask them to squeeze the juice of this citrus into a glass, using the muscular strength of their hands. The one with the most juice in the glass wins.

Competition “Hold the Ball”

Couples are invited - a member from the team + a girl from the audience. Each pair is given an inflated balloon(it’s better to take something strong enough) and the couple should hold it, holding it between themselves, without touching it with their hands. In this case, the couples should not stand still, but move, i.e. dance a slow dance (to waltz music).

Dear boys of the same age,

Knights without fear and reproach,

Do you love computers and books?

Sometimes you run away from class.

The sea beckons you with a magical dream.

You are always persistent and stubborn

And are you ready to sacrifice yourself

For the sake of a girl - a beautiful sweet lady.

And your swords are always in place,

Knight's armor fits you.

Your loyalty and courage are with you

And your victories and successes.

We wish you adventures not from a book,

So that you are always together on the road,

Dear boys of the same age,

Knights of courage, friendship, honor!

Song to music from the film “Girls”

Today we dressed up for you so smartly

And with bated breath we hasten to congratulate everyone:

We sing a song to the boys and wish to see you in

Only the brave defenders of their native country.

Almost already men: smart, strong, worthy,

Both reading and Russian are definitely within your capabilities.

But only the cheerful bell rings for recess,

Like a crowd you are rushing to attack again.

Now running past, now breaking through walls,

Forward to the cherished goal - and no matter the obstacles...

In the dining room you all stand to death without fail,

After you, only, of course, we take the buns.

But still, without the boys we would be very bored.

Without you, in fact, we grow pale day after day.

No wonder they call you the strong half,

Well, they call us the weaker sex with a grin.