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The desire to kiss is the desire to love. How to understand that your feelings for a person have cooled? What men themselves think about kissing

Last time we discussed what you canbeautiful adjectives for a girl to use to charm her, and today news for lovers of outdoor activities.

Well, kiss me, kiss me,
Even to the point of bleeding, even to pain.
At odds with cold will
Boiling water of heart streams.

(Sergey Yesenin)

A kiss with another person is difficult to describe in words - it is like consuming him, as if swallowing the entire adored object. Have you noticed that it is easier to have sex with a person than to kiss? Sex is a direct physiological need and desire. Excitement can arise even when the object of this desire does not always correspond to our “beauty standards.” But to kiss a person, you need a special spiritual impulse... And you don’t have to love this person, but you have to have a passionate desire and sincere sympathy.

Many people have never thought about it, but lips are the real gates of heaven. It's like a bud of passion that opens and blossoms at the moment of the kiss itself. Lips always become more beautiful after kissing rich color, they seem to “swell” a little. This makes girls seem more attractive and sexy.

We always want to kiss our partner if he is attractive and desirable to us not only physically, but also mentally. Many couples, being in long-term relationships, no longer want to kiss each other. Only those who truly love each other kiss even after many years. Some people have been in a relationship for several years, but sex is already without kissing, just as a need, while others, years later, kiss with gusto...

The desire to kiss a person is like a signal from above, like a need to penetrate deep into his being. Studying kisses, one can come to the conclusion that their variety is really great, but only kisses on the lips speak of the desire of one soul to touch another.

The well-known and most popular French kiss, when the contact of lips and the merging of tongues occurs based on the intuitive feeling and desire of each other, often surprises with its variety and behavior of the partner. It is in this kissing that we women can decide whether we want further intimacy with our partner, provided that he does not stain our entire face with saliva and does not push his tongue to the point of gag reflex. Smells play a big role here, body odor, and a pleasant smell from the mouth is very important.

When we talk closely with a potential partner, we already feel what “aroma” is coming from him... And here even the most beautiful “male” in the presence of negative odors can get a rebuff.

I have always been surprised by the periodic desire of men to kiss during dinner, when the aromas are clearly not conducive to kissing. It is a particularly blasphemous sight at a wedding, when it is better for the newlyweds to remain hungry rather than, amid loud cries of “Bitter,” NERVOUSLY chew the leftover food and amuse everyone with kisses that do not bring true pleasure to the lovers.

The lips are very pleasant in contact with the partner's earlobe. It's an amazing feeling - gently biting your earlobe with the sensation of excited breathing. This is much nicer than an inept “French kiss”.

In general, kisses are the simplest and most natural need of one person to bestow them on another. When we like a person, we are drawn to him like a magnet, we want to be closer to him. Through kisses we let another person into our inner world.

Over the years, we become sexier, but we don’t always have that feeling of wanting to touch our lips, drink the scent of the person next to us. How to avoid this? It's very simple - kiss only when you feel like it. Don't make desperate attempts to force yourself to feel it.

The first kiss is a kind of test of whether the relationship can develop further. This cannot be corrected; if during a kiss you completely lost your head, this is already an excellent signal for a romantic adventure.

Psychologists say that a kiss can say a lot about a person’s character. If a person kisses slowly, savoring every movement of his lips and tongue, and is very sensitive, then sex with him will be burning and intense, but most likely tender. Such a girl can be tender in a kiss, but very passionate and aggressive in bed, because during a kiss she relaxes and simply surrenders to the power of emotions or, feeling male pressure, removes resistance.

Both fast and slow kisses can be quite passionate and emotionally intense. The worst thing is the “disdainful kiss.” As a rule, he does it “in a hurry” when the partner wants to leave quickly or for some reason he is not interested...

We can also say for sure that people who don’t like to kiss are withdrawn and lack self-confidence. On the contrary, a person who loves to kiss is open to the world, sociable and interesting to the opposite sex. So have fun kissing!

Admitting to yourself that a relationship is slowly but surely dying is often difficult. Often we deceive ourselves, afraid of being alone after a long relationship, but in fact we feel that love is fading away. What signs indicate that feelings are in agony and the relationship cannot be saved?

You see more flaws in a person than strengths

Falling in love puts rose-colored glasses on us - we don’t see any flaws in a person. Over time, the euphoria passes, but our sober look, noticing the disadvantages, does not detract from the numerous advantages of our loved one. When feelings fade away, our partner’s shortcomings come to the fore, overshadowing all the positives. We become intolerant even of those little things to which we previously reacted calmly. This is an alarming symptom that indicates a change in your attitude towards your loved one.

You are constantly angry with a person

You no longer have enough patience and endurance - you get angry, argue, take offense and constantly express dissatisfaction. You get irritated by every little thing, every day you notice a lot of things that can piss you off. Anger for no reason is especially telling. If you begin to be annoyed not only by the behavior, but also by the characteristics of your partner - his facial expressions, habits, gestures, appearance, speech - then this is a clear sign of outgoing love.

You need to be alone more and more often

Previously, you tried to spend every free minute with your loved one, but now you can seriously choose between an evening with him or alone. This suggests that you are no longer comfortable in society with your chosen one. Communication with him began to weigh on you. There can be a lot of reasons - constant conflicts, divergence of interests, indifference to each other’s lives. Whatever the reason, the regular choice of solitude or the company of other people indicates a gap between you that only continues to grow.

You don't see a future together

Previously, dreams of a future together came naturally, but now you are increasingly making plans for a life where there is no organic place for your lover. If you don’t see him next to you after a few years, then think about it - maybe subconsciously you have already crossed out this person from your life a long time ago?

You no longer want intimacy

It is not for nothing that family psychologists begin their session with a question about the sexual intimacy of the spouses. Intimate life is one of the most striking indicators of the state of relationships between partners. Lack of sexual desire is a sure sign of fading love.

You can imagine yourself with another person

If you, thinking about your life and future, can imagine yourself next to another person, then this is a depressing symptom for your current relationship. You are open to new people and live with the feeling that another person may appear in your life - better and more worthy than the previous one. The current chosen one no longer seems to you the best candidate for the role of your companion, and you will always doubt him, waiting for a more suitable person to appear on the horizon. In such a situation, relationships become an unnecessary yoke around the neck, preventing you from starting a new life.

You no longer strive to solve problems

The desire to understand the causes of quarrels is a natural impulse, indicating that you value the person and your relationship. But now another conflict only evokes a desire to escape, rather than discuss the accumulated grievances once again. When you sometimes get into an argument, you blame and reproach your partner for all his mistakes, recalling many episodes from the past. If this situation is familiar to you, it means that you have let the relationship take its course, no longer having the strength and desire to fight for a happy future with this person.

You are not afraid to offend someone

You no longer choose tactful words when trying to explain yourself to your partner, and you can react coolly or even indifferently to his declarations of love. In your thoughts, you simply became honest with yourself and now call things by their proper names, but such honesty suggests that the feelings of your chosen one are no longer in the first place for you.

You no longer confess your love

You no longer want to lie, first of all to yourself, and don’t say “I love you,” because now it doesn’t come from the heart. Occasionally, recognition may come from your lips, but this happens rarely and most likely out of habit. Reluctance to tell a person about your love for him is the most important signal that there is no more love.

Can you imagine a world without a kiss? How much happiness and joy is inherent in it; is it possible to forget your first kiss with your loved one? What could be more tender and affectionate than a mother’s kiss in childhood? Memories of such moments go with a person throughout his life and warm his heart in the most difficult times.

Probably every woman believes that without kisses there can be no relationship. After all, there is nothing more tender and romantic than a kiss with your loved one. And everyone wants to know why men so often avoid kissing, what they don’t like and how to change it.

There are kisses in any relationship between a man and a woman, be it a fleeting romance or a long one. family life. The kiss itself occurs when a spark of passion jumps between them, it is this that makes people forget about the whole world and focus only on this moment of life, the first kiss is born. Then women want more, but men don’t need it. This happens due to male psychology and no one can change this, it has been proven by experience.

Why do you need a kiss?

In our life kiss plays quite a significant role. People are ready to give their kisses only to their closest and dearest people. A kiss can be considered the most sincere manifestation of feelings for another person. For women, kissing is an integral part of relationships; men have a completely opposite attitude towards them. Quite often, in the absence of kisses from a man, women begin to think that the man has stopped loving them and has found someone else.

You have to understand that men and women look at the same things differently, and it is this opposition that causes attraction between the sexes. And if a man sometimes doesn’t want to kiss, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you anymore, this is inherent in him at the level of instincts, you need to take everything for granted and not focus your attention on it. Although the constant absence of kisses in a relationship is already a serious signal, it means there is a problem.

How does the lack of kissing affect women?

When a woman realizes that her man no longer kisses her as often as before, she loses her calm. Some consider themselves to blame for the fact that the man’s feelings have cooled. In fact, the problem is precisely in the person who is callous towards his soulmate; it is he who has some problems, possibly of a psychological nature.
All psychologists agree that a kiss is the most important manifestation of human emotions. Therefore, if a person does not want to kiss, perhaps he is not yet ready, to a sufficient extent, to open up to someone. This means that there can be no talk of any serious feelings in such a situation.

Only for real loving man can give his kisses to a woman without forcing himself to do so. This desire arises on his own; he wants to be close to her, hug her, caress her, kiss her.

As quite a lot of experience shows, men who constantly avoid kissing their woman, in most cases, are indifferent to her. These men do not see the only one next to them; even when they are married, they are constantly looking for something new. Although this sounds harsh, a man who has already achieved a woman loses interest in her and becomes colder. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change the current state of affairs; such men do not change.

Quite often, a woman in such a relationship tries to fix everything, to change her man. But as a result, she begins to be burdened by a feeling of dissatisfaction, the severity of which is difficult to describe in words.

All this can very quickly turn a beautiful, successful and self-confident girl into an unconfident and full of complexes lady who has lost all meaning in life. There is very little good in all this, such relationships will not lead to anything good, it is better to end them as soon as possible.

What men themselves think about kissing

For men, a kiss is more of a kind of foreplay before subsequent sexual intercourse. In a man’s thoughts, everything goes in its own order: kiss, touch, sex. Based on this, if a man does not want sex, you should not expect affection, tenderness, and especially kisses from him.

The absence of kisses does not always mean that a man is too callous towards a woman. It happens that this perception of relationships goes back far into his childhood; he adopts the mistakes of his parents. Perhaps he never saw, between his mom and dad, manifestations tender feelings and this left a strong imprint on him.

Before making any decision, you need to understand what is the real reason for the lack of desire for a kiss on the part of a man. Maybe it's callousness or complexes. Only by penetrating the heart of your loved one and understanding his problem should you decide what to do next. And is it necessary to fight for such a relationship?

If, after finding out the reasons for such a cold attitude, the desire to fight for your relationship has not disappeared, then you should start with yourself. The first thing to do is sit quietly and look at your reflection in the mirror. There is in this reflection that beautiful and well-groomed woman that your boyfriend or husband once fell in love with? Even despite constant fatigue and problems at work, any self-respecting girl should look good. Neither family, nor work, nor other problems can be an excuse for a woman’s unkempt appearance. Such a harsh woman's lot, a man's attention must be earned. Going shopping and buying new sexy lingerie will help in this difficult matter. You just need to go to your favorite salon, do something new, for example a new haircut, or maybe just change your hair color. Thanks to such actions, something new will penetrate into your relationship, new emotions will appear. For men, all this is of great interest, sexual desire will appear again, perhaps he will be able to liberate himself, and then you just need to avoid the mistakes made earlier, which led the relationship to a dead end.

Your tender attitude towards each other is increasingly undermined by quarrels and omissions. He has new interests, you run off to your girlfriends more and more often...
Does this mean that love has passed? What to do next? The relationship is nearing its end...How to recognize this? And, if there is no more love, then you need to break up?
It's not as simple as it seems...
Almost each of us was faced with a dilemma: end the relationship or pretend that everything is fine... When leaving, leave or still fight to the end... What to choose?
Below are 20 signs of an impending breakup. Perhaps they will help you sort out your relationship and make the right decision.

1. You increasingly want to be alone.
Of course, it would be more than strange if you constantly wanted to be together and not be separated for a minute. Every person sometimes needs to be alone with himself and his thoughts. But if the desire for your partner to leave you alone is a growing trend, then your relationship is probably bringing you more frustration than joy.

2. You don't go out together anymore.
Even if you live together, you need to go to a movie or a restaurant together, to a party or just shopping... Happy relationship based not only on sex and watching TV together.

3. Friends are more important than a partner.

A good relationship does not exclude social contacts, both with and without a partner. But if the thought increasingly occurs to you that renting an apartment with a friend is calmer and more convenient than living under the same roof with your loved one, this is an alarming sign.

4. You are not in an intimate relationship.
Of course, there are many reasons for decreased sexual activity in a relationship. Especially stress, malaise, workload, fatigue... But if you long time you don’t feel desire for your partner, and sex has turned into an obligation or has disappeared altogether - it’s time to sound the alarm.

5. You don't caress more friend friend.
Affection doesn't just mean sex. Kisses on the cheek on the go, hugs in between, the so-called “calf tenderness”... Here we are more talking about closeness and directed attention to each other. Exactly loving people show their love and intimacy. If you feel bad when he touches you, it's time to think about breaking up.

6. You don't kiss anymore.
A crazy, passionate kiss is even more intimate than sex. If you don’t want to kiss him, the love test has been passed with a negative result.

7. You don't laugh together anymore.
Just recently, his jokes made you laugh until you got stomach cramps, and now you're praying that he'll try out his sense of humor on someone else? Then why are you still together?

9. You have become petty.
Does every sip from his cup make you nervous? Annoys him new haircut, and with her everything he does? Are you ready to turn around and get into the lioness pose? This is not so safe: constant stress will soon make itself felt through health problems.

10. He became petty.
Is he constantly disappointed by your actions, nothing makes him happy, only irritates him or even makes him furious? He is probably also tired of your relationship, but cannot find the strength within himself to break it off, causing you pain...

11. Household chores have become a punishment.
Every relationship experiences friction from time to time over housekeeping and everyone's responsibilities. As a rule, there is always a compromise acceptable to both. But when there is no desire to find him, then perhaps it’s time to think about whether it’s worth continuing to live together.

12. You no longer take care of yourself.
Have you stopped caring if he finds you attractive? This is also one of the signs of a crack in a relationship.

13. Time love letters passed.
Anniversary, Valentine's Day and other dates seem insignificant to you? But a couple loving friend a true friend, never misses such holidays. The exception is the motto: “Valentine’s Day is a stupid holiday! Let’s spend it in pastels!”
But if, along with these dates, you also forget about mutual birthdays, then your love has long expired.

14. He only takes, without giving anything in return (or vice versa).
Every relationship goes through phases when one partner is a donor of emotions and desires for the other. But if this phase drags on, you should become alarmed and look for the reason.

15. You don't like yourself.

Love always makes a person more confident in himself and in his irresistibility. If he makes fun of your shortcomings, humiliating your dignity, then soon you will believe it yourself.
Isn't it time to send him out to ruin someone else's mood?

16. Friends say he doesn't deserve you.
Your friends sometimes know you better than you know yourself. AND a true friend will always express his opinion to help you become happy. Sometimes it's worth listening to these words.

17. You compare him with others more and more often.

This is inherent in nature itself - we like people of the opposite sex even when we are firmly bound by marriage. But if you start comparing your partner with everyone you meet, and this comparison often turns out not to be in his favor, you should be wary.

18. You communicate with your ex.
Being friends with ex-lovers is a sign of maturity. Only morally mature people can calmly move from love relationship to friendly ones. But if you are trying to find out how he is doing, who he is flirting with and how he lives, asking yourself questions like: “What would happen if...” and deliberately looking for meetings with him, your current relationship with your partner is more likely everything is coming to an end.

19. You want him to change.
When the pink veil of love falls from the eyes, all the disharmony of the relationship comes out. If you are annoyed by his behavior, habits and laughter, then why live together? You will never turn another person into a being that is ideal for you.

20. You tell him “I love you”, but you don’t feel it.

The fleeting and familiar “I love you” raises a feeling of guilt in the soul: “Am I deceiving him with these words?” Think about it, maybe you are only saying this to ease your conscience? Then it's time to look for someone you really love. And you should start, first of all, with self-love!

If you tick each of the above signs, then it is time to act.
Undoubtedly, thousands of thoughts are now overwhelming your consciousness...
"Maybe I'm too picky?"
“Will I regret the breakup later?”
"It may happen that I will no longer meet a suitable partner..."
"I'm afraid my decision will hurt him..."
And dozens more reasons and fears why we continue to mend the broken cup of faded love. Sound familiar? Me too...
But all these reasons are not important enough to continue living with a person who makes you unhappy. And yet, thousands of women continue to stubbornly achieve their dream of an ideal future with this particular partner that they planned so well at the very beginning of their romantic relationship. This is what doesn't let go. Even when you want nothing more than to just run away and never see this person...

Change is never easy. But life is already too short (the life of your partner, too, by the way) to waste it on a relationship without a future...