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Women's beauty from around the world. Beauty criteria for women in different countries of the world Spain - sensuality

These role models indeed determined public consciousness and its aesthetic guidelines, but only in the Western world. Most of the planet's population has its own, very special ideas about female beauty. We are carefully studying who is considered the first beauties by millions and even billions of people from different countries of the world.

Angelababy is not just the most popular girl in the Celestial Empire, but the most popular person in the world - almost 100 million people subscribe to the “Chinese Kim Kardashian” in the local social network Sina Weibo. The singer, actress and model with an infantile pseudonym is considered not just the main beauty of the country, but also the N1 star in principle - the paparazzi follow her every step, the media discuss the numerous plastic surgeries that the star undergoes in pursuit of ideal parameters, and luxury wedding beauty with actor Huayang Xiaoming became the most expensive and discussed wedding of the decade.

Neither Victoria's Secret "angels" nor Hollywood stars can compete in Brazil with Ana Paula Arosio for the title of the most beautiful woman in the country. "Princess of Brazil", "girl with the face of an angel" - what epithets has not been awarded to the soap opera actress, which the giant L"Oreal has rightly chosen for quality local person brands. In Russia, the beauty is known for her role as Juliana from the television series “Land of Love” - at the beginning of the 2000s, our country experienced a boom in long-running Brazilian sagas. Since then, little has changed in the largest country in South America - Arosio is still considered the most beautiful woman in the country, and people's love for her does not subside - and this despite the fact that she is already 40, she does not promote herself on social networks and rarely acts in films.

Lebanese TV news anchor Nadine Agnatios is considered the most beautiful woman in the country, according to polls. public opinion. Here the beauties do not hide their faces, since Lebanon is an Arab country, far from dictatorship. The Lebanese know a lot about female beauty: among many show business and TV stars, Nadine is considered a cult figure - she started as a model, a beauty queen and was the winner of the Miss Lebanon 2004-2005 contest. Today she is the most popular TV presenter in the country and a woman whose beauty is considered canonical.

Every Indonesian girl knows Vhulandari, but may have no idea who Angelina Jolie is. Title holder national competition beauty “Puteri Indonesia 2013” ​​is the most famous and titled model in Indonesia. In this country, Hollywood beauty standards do not work - but their beauties are adored here and elevated to the rank of stars.

Venezuela is the main source of personnel for world beauty contests, and almost all the country's TV presenters and actresses have emerged from the modeling stage in one way or another. Perhaps the main beauty of the country, who has become a real star, can be called Chiquinquira Delgado, who, having participated in “Miss Venezuela”, successfully consolidated her success by participating in soap operas. Further more. The beauty hosts television shows, participates in musicals and has a huge army of fans on social networks.

Despite the fact that Spain, being a European country, lives in the aesthetic canons of the West, nevertheless, it has its own original ideas about beauty than those accepted in Hollywood. The Spaniards consider the most popular beauty not even Penelope Cruz, but local actress Paola Echevaria. She became famous for her leading role in the cult Spanish TV series Velvet. Today the girl runs her mega-popular blog on the Spanish website ELLE - since she is considered a local style icon, the actress’s lifestyle is of great interest. In addition, for small Spain, 1.5 million followers on Instagram is a whole army of fans.

Another European country with its own values ​​in matters of female beauty is Italy. No one has canceled the authority of Monica Bellucci, but today we have our own idols here. Thus, TV presenter Melissa Satta is officially considered the most beautiful and sexiest girl in Italy. On Instagram for the life of a beauty with ideal forms 2.5 million fans follow, and the beauty’s chosen one, as often happens, is the famous football player Kevin-Prince Boateng.

The Kabul native was crowned Miss Afghanistan in Germany in 2008 and is currently pursuing a master's degree in business administration. The beauty prefers to live in Europe, but creates funds to fight various diseases in her native country and tries to help the local population, using the only available resource - her mega-popularity.

Young and early - this is what they say about this girl, who at a very tender age became a real big star in her native Argentina. The beauty, who took the pseudonym Sol Rodriguez, simultaneously starred in feature films and soap operas, was a model and TV presenter, as well as the most popular socialite - all teenage girls in the country want to be like her.

So different and beautiful women different countries of the world. Mihaela Nokos, a Romanian photographer who has been traveling around the world since 2013 as part of her project “Atlas of Beauty”, has...

Such different and beautiful women from different countries of the world. Mihaela Nocos is a Romanian photographer who has been traveling around the world since 2013 as part of her Atlas of Beauty project, taking portraits of women of different ages and nationalities.

The artist collects women's life stories and has already visited 60 different countries to show the world her view of beauty.

Michaela made it her goal to convey to her audience that every woman shines like a star, even if she doesn’t look like a model from a glossy magazine. According to the artist, beauty does not depend on age, clothing size or skin color. It can be found in Africa and Europe, in the village and the skyscraper of a big city, in its piercing gaze and wrinkles that bear the imprint of life experience. Beauty radiates from the human heart.

The result of the “Atlas of Beauty” project was a book with more than 500 portraits and many interesting stories. At a time when hatred and intolerance are rampant in the world, Michaela calls on humanity to love and embrace otherness. In her opinion, diversity is a real treasure and should not be a trigger for conflicts and hostility. The photographer believes that all people, despite their differences, are part of the same family, and hopes that his book will fall into the hands of people around the world.

#1 Kathmandu, Nepal

The photographer met a girl named Sona during Holi celebrations.

№2 Ethiopia

The girl in the photo is a Muslim, on the terrace of her Christian friend. While traveling in Ethiopia, the artist admired friendly relations between representatives of these faiths, and was glad that religion did not divide them.

No.3 Baku, Azerbaijan

In a patriarchal society, many women are still afraid to be photographed without the permission of their husband or father, but things are changing. More and more Azerbaijani women are fighting for gender equality, and although there are few of them today, the changes in society are irreversible. Fadan is one of those who chooses a relationship with a man based on the principles of equality and mutual respect.

No.4 Tehran, Iran

Masha, an aspiring graphic designer, is proud to have been financially independent since reaching adulthood.

#5 Amazon Rainforest

Girl in a wedding dress.

No. 6 Wakhan corridor, Afghanistan

A girl working in a field in one of the most remote places in the world.

#7 Kathmandu, Nepal

Michaela met this woman accompanied by her son. The boy understood English, so the photographer asked permission to photograph his mother. When asked why, she answered: “because she is beautiful.” The boy smiled and agreed: “Yes, that’s true.”

#8 Chichicastenango, Guatemala

Maria sold vegetables at the market in a small village.

No. 9 Pokhara, Nepal

On Sunday, residents of Pokhara usually relax at Phewa Lake. It was there, in 2015, that this photo was taken.

No. 10 Idomeni refugee camp, Greece

A mother and her daughters who fled the war in Syria.

No.11 Nampan, Myanmar

The photographer met this sweet old lady at the local market

No. 12 Rekjavik, Iceland

Thorunn brings together Icelandic women in a popular online community.

No. 13 Korolev, Russia

Nastya works as a photographer and takes photographs for documents in a small shop, but dreams of photographing landscapes around the world.

No.14 Lisbon, Portugal

In Lisbon, many people of different nations live in harmony with each other. The girl Daniela in the photo has Angolan roots.

No. 15 Havana, Cuba

Actress or model? No, the girl just dreams of finishing school and becoming a nurse.

No.16 Bucharest, Romania

In 2005, Magda survived a terrible accident. Unfortunately, in many countries people with disabilities are doomed to isolation. While traveling through many countries, the photographer noted that in some of them it is impossible to meet a person in a stroller in a public place. And the reason for this is the lack of a barrier-free environment. Magda is one of those who wants to fix this.

No. 17 Pushkar, India

Traveling around the world, Michaela was delighted to meet women in the ranks of law enforcement.

No. 18 Omo Valley, Ethiopia

Beauty is a subjective concept. Each country has its own ideas about beauty. In Africa, fatness is considered beautiful, and in Europe, women torture themselves in the gym to achieve perfect figure. While in Europe they get rid of scars and stretch marks, in Africa there is a tribe that specifically deals with scarring.


In America they love a Hollywood smile, plump lips, perfect eyebrows and blonde hair. As for figures, a sporty and fit body is in fashion. The ideal of American beauty is Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson.

The typical beauty queen in America is a tanned girl with a chiseled figure and blonde hair. US plastic surgeons annually compile lists of celebrities that ordinary women look up to. Angelina Jolie appears on such lists every year (puff lips are the dream of many American women).

Previously, girls still dreamed of being like a Barbie doll, but, fortunately, this trend is becoming a thing of the past. Now American women dream of more curvaceous figures; plastic surgery of the breasts and buttocks has become fashionable. Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez are in fashion.


The standard of beauty for Asian women is European appearance, White skin, big eyes. Chinese and Japanese women get rid of imperfections in their appearance with the help of plastic surgery, and their skin is whitened with special creams. They even use special devices to create a fold on the upper eyelid (this is not typical for people of the Mongoloid race). Some Asian women lighten their hair and wear colored contact lenses.

IN different countries Asia has its own local peculiarities. IN South Korea doll faces are in fashion: girls try to visit a plastic surgeon as early as possible and get big eyes, a neat nose and a sharp chin. Korean women spend incredible amounts of money on makeup and surgery. So, as many as 20% of the country’s women had plastic surgery. There is also a strange trend in fashion - swelling under the eyes, which creates the appearance of smiling eyes.

In Japan the standard beautiful girl looks like a comic book illustration: big eyes, sharp chin, cute outfits and awkward gait. The Japanese like immaturity: girls look like little girls. The images are usually very cute: dresses, voluminous hats, a la children's shoes. Some even deliberately spoil their gait by placing their feet with their toes inward.

In China, women, just like throughout Asia, strive to look European. Those who have the opportunity early age starts doing plastic surgery. Beautiful appearance helps girls move up the career ladder. Surgery to increase height is common in China: an expensive and time-consuming procedure can increase a girl’s height by a couple of centimeters, which already increases her chances of finding a job.

Latin America

Considered the standard of beauty in Latin America passionate woman with curvy figures, long hair and plump lips. Overall similar to beauty ideals in the US. Latin American women prefer bright makeup and sexy costumes. Landmark: singer Shakira, Jennifer Lopez. To understand which women are considered beautiful, just look at photographs from Brazilian carnivals: many are ready to walk like this every day, but the dress code does not allow it.

To achieve their ideals, Latin American women actively visit plastic surgeons. In Venezuela, according to the Association of Plastic Surgeons, about 40,000 women have their appearance adjusted every year. The most popular operation is breast augmentation. Parents even give this operation to their daughters for their birthdays. By the way, it was Venezuelan girls who most often became winners in the international beauty contests “Miss World”, “Miss Universe” and “Miss International”.


Russian girls are often called the most beautiful: big eyes, natural long hair, plump lips, harmonious facial features, defined eyebrows. Russian girls strive for such ideals.

Nowadays, an athletic figure is in fashion, so Russian girls are constantly losing weight and going to the gym. Russian women spend a lot of money on makeup and salon treatments, but only a few decide to undergo plastic surgery. If they still decide, then they do rhinoplasty or breast augmentation. In terms of hairstyles, healthy and long hair remains the standard.


There are many tribes and peoples in Africa, so ideas about beauty vary. However, there is something in common that is fundamentally different from the ideas of Europeans. In Africa, an anorexic body is not considered beautiful. Completeness is an indicator of high social status. In some regions, it is customary to fatten up brides for the wedding: the more folds a girl has, the more willingly she will be taken as a wife. African beauties have sophisticated hairstyles, braids, dreadlocks, piercings, facial designs, and bright ethnic jewelry in their arsenal.

Some tribes are famous for their unconventional ideas of beauty: piercings, rings, tunnels. In other tribes, it is customary to give your body a red tint to your skin. In some other tribes, scarring is considered beautiful.

Muslim countries

The girls from Muslim countries there are not many tools to show off your beauty. IN best case scenario Only the face and hands remain open, and if a girl wears a burqa, then only her eyes. In some countries, it is even prohibited to pluck eyebrows and paint nails. So, where possible, girls pay increased attention to eye makeup.

In addition, women use henna designs and decorate their hands with rings. Most women from Middle Eastern countries can fully show their beauty only at home with their husbands and relatives.

Every nation has its own standards of beauty, so it is quite difficult to talk about which country has the ugliest women. However, the dating site Beautyful People tried to create a rating based on its data.

The fact is that this dating club only includes beautiful people, which will be chosen by users: the applicant who receives the majority of votes appears on the pages of this site within two days.

The list of countries with the ugliest women includes states whose acceptance rate was 25% or less.

The most “pretty” of all the ugly ones turned out to be the inhabitants of this continent.

Residents of the African continent completely reject European values ​​regarding a miniature figure, and believe that a beauty must be plump. Therefore, every lady in this country tries to gain an extra 5-6 kg in order to please a man.


According to the rating, Australians have 21%. But still this figure does not reach 25%, which means Australian women are unattractive. Although handsome men in this country, according to users, it is even less - only 20%. Therefore, you should not focus on the handsome Chris Hemsworth, who has millions of fans all over the world.

But Australian men themselves value an athletic figure in their ladies. In addition, an attractive girl must have a tan, which is quite natural in a country with numerous islands and beaches.


It is generally accepted that Indian women, like men, are stunningly beautiful, and their exotic appearance is simply mesmerizing. But for some reason, visitors to Beautyful People think differently. The site accepted only 16% of Indian girls.

Men of this country appreciate almond-shaped eyes, black straight hair and a sharp nose in Indian women. This is exactly what they think a real beauty should look like.


Only 15% of Chinese girls were rated excellent by site visitors. The Chinese were greatly outraged by this fact, because every nation considers its women the most beautiful in the world. And here, apparently, cultural differences played a role.

Great Britain

Users have equally bad reviews of the beauty of both women and men in the UK. Only 15% of English women were included in the list of beautiful ones, the rest were rejected by visitors to Beautyful People.

According to Greg Hoxha, managing director of the site, British women do not take good care of themselves, which is the reason for considering them ugly.

In the UK, they believe that a pale-faced, thin girl with freckles, wearing a minimum of make-up, is the most beautiful. British women are not shy about aging and consider wrinkles a sign of maturity and beauty.


It is believed that the reason for the unattractiveness of Argentine women lies in their origin. The fact is that Argentina has a huge number of immigrants, and this circumstance led to the mixing of genes, that is, the country’s gene pool suffered. But some hold the opposite point of view - incest further increased the attractiveness of girls.


Only 13% of girls in this country, according to users, look attractive. It must be said that German women have such a low rating not only on this site. All over the world it has long been believed that they are too tough and angry - this is what makes their appearance repulsive. Claudia Schiffer and Heidi Klum were probably in that 13%.

Summing up

  1. Beauty standards different nations are quite contradictory, so it is impossible to say with certainty that the women of a particular state are the ugliest.
  2. According to the ratings of the website Beautyful People, the women of the African continent turned out to be the “prettiest” of all.
  3. Ladies from Germany are recognized as the ugliest.

Has anyone ever asked themselves the question why so many supermodels are natives of Brazil? The simple answer to this is because Brazilians are one of the most ethnically united nations on the planet. The consequence of this is a large mixture of different shapes, skin tones, hair and eye colors. Such a mixture of races creates, perhaps, the most ideal bodies. And Brazilian women not only have such forms from childhood, which is why we know the expression “Brazilian butt,” but they work hard on them, be it a fitness club or a plastic surgeon’s knife, because Brazilians love to live on the beach, like, for example, in Rio. If you get to any fashion shows all over the world or just open Sports Illustrated, you will definitely find a Brazilian beauty there and most likely more than one.

Another 50 photos and nine countries.



Next to Brazil is Russia, which is most likely the nation with the most stunning women per square kilometer. Even if you take the metro in Moscow without going deep into the wilds of Siberia, you are guaranteed to find a girl there from whom you cannot take your eyes off. By the way, supermodel Irina Shayk was born in Siberia, and whether we like it or not, Russia is home to some of the most beautiful women that you could ever find.

If you talk to gentlemen who prefer blue-eyed blondes, then most likely you will think that they will talk, first of all, about Sweden. But what will you say when you find out that the most stunning blondes can actually be found in Slovakia? Countless women around the world spend small fortunes every day on something that Slovakia girls have completely naturally. And it doesn't take them long to attract attention from the opposite sex.

Even though blondes are not uncommon in Slovakia, Swedish girls deserve to win the category of the most beautiful blondes. And thanks to this, they have won world beauty contests more than once.

As for the Miss Universe and Miss World competitions, many countries are concerned that the beauties from Venezuela will again take the victory with them. Women in Venezuela spend a lot of money on appearance, because everyone knows that female beauty has become the biggest source of national pride. It really doesn't matter that the capital Caracas is completely unattractive. Gorgeous women make this city unforgettable.

Okay, the reality is that not all women from Colombia will look like Sofia Vergara. However, there are many who come close to her beauty. Colombian women are proud and try to show off their curves. Who can deny that they are so sexy? Make sure you can control your urges when you go on holiday to Bogota.

Why does it happen that various people on the planet take brides from Ukraine? This topic has been discussed at length and many times. The answer is simple, Ukrainian women are well-dressed women who take very good care of their figure and have an alluring charm and attractiveness. Take a walk around Kyiv and you will have all your answers about these beautiful girls.

Not everyone will agree, but we argue that in the Middle East and Arab world, Lebanese women are the most beautiful. After one of the photographs in 2006 was published in one of the magazines, many photographers around the world began to pay attention to this fact. The photo shows young and tanned women in Beirut, an area devastated by war. The radiant and cheerful mood of the people will surprise all guests of the Lebanese capital.

It may be a bold statement, but some of the most attractive women in Africa can be found in Angola. This nation is one of 2 sub-Saharan countries that hold the title of Miss Universe. Models from this country are truly popular all over the world. Young ladies in Luanda are now constantly competing in local competitions to be noticed by international modeling agencies.

It is quite unflattering for America that it has a well-known reputation for having the largest number of overweight people in the world. With such a diverse mix of people, there is no one specific type of woman in the United States. From Eva Mendes to Jessica Alba, from Jennifer Lopez to Rihanna, there is a great diversity of types, skin colors and personalities.
But there are some cities within the country that stand out because of how many hot girls there are. If you take cities like Los Angeles or Miami, it has the highest concentration of beautiful women on the planet.