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18 year is expected to increase pensions. Average pension after indexation to persons with disabilities

In 2018, there will be another increase in pensions, the corresponding order was given by President V.V. Putin during the next meeting of the commission on the regulation of social and labor relations. Authorities are planning an indexation of 3.7%, which is ahead of expected inflation. However, today in the Russian Federation there are three types of payments: to working and non-working pensioners, as well as social pension. Will they all be reviewed and to what extent?

The increase, according to forecasts, will be 3.7%, which significantly exceeds the expected inflation rate in 2017 (3.2%). The Ministry of Finance is confident that they will be able to fulfill the order of Vladimir Putin and perform synchronous indexing from January 1, 2018. As a result, officials expect to increase the welfare of retirees. According to forecasts, the average increase in payments will reach 400 rubles. and from 01.01.2018, the so-called “old-age pension” will be fixed at the amount of 14,045 rubles. (today the amount is 13 657 thousand rubles.).

Previously, the authorities planned an increase of 4%, but a significant slowdown in inflation allowed to reduce the scale of indexation. In 2017, the total increase was almost one and a half times higher - by 5.4% in February and 0.4% in April. However, many were left without the expected increase, as the government refused to index payments for working retirees.

The next review is scheduled for April 2018, and it will coincide with an increase in survivor pensions, military pensions and other social benefits. In general, the Ministry of Labor claims that at the moment a strategy has been developed to gradually increase the size of pensions and by 2030 they will amount to several subsistence minimums.

For working retirees

Earlier, the government considered the possibility of renewing the indexation of payments for pensioners who continue to work. However, the Ministry of Finance rejected this initiative. The economic crisis affected a decrease in budget revenues and as a result, the government was forced to limit existing expenses by imposing a moratorium on increasing payments to working pensioners. Thus, about 14 million citizens were left without an annual increase.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov emphasizes that this category of citizens has the main source of income - wages, with which employers pay insurance premiums every month. Most analysts believe this approach is not entirely fair, because even taking into account indexation, citizens' incomes remain at a low level, which forces them to seek additional earnings. Perhaps that is why, according to the Ministry of Labor, in August 2018, a slight increase in the pensions of working pensioners will nevertheless occur. However, you should not flatter yourself. The increase will depend on the amount of taxes paid by the employer this year and its maximum amount will be 3 points.

Attention! In 2017, 1 point is 78.58 rubles, and in 2018 - 81.49 rubles. Accordingly, the maximum increase is 244.50 rubles.

Social pensions

In 2018, there will be a synchronous increase in pensions, including for the former military. The corresponding initiative was put forward by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The head of state notes the improvement of budget indicators, which will allow the authorities to index for more than 2.6 million citizens.

Revision of insurance payments depends on last year’s price growth and the size of the IPC (individual pension coefficient), and social payments - on the size of the PHC ().

Indexing in 2018 is scheduled for April 1, representatives of the Ministry of Labor emphasize, and it will amount to + 4.1% to the amount of this year. In 2017, these are:

The indicative pension review calendar for 2018 will look like this:

Despite a regular review, average pensions in Russia remain low. At the same time, the PFR budget remains in deficit, which does not allow officials to use more substantial allowances.

Contrary to the rise

The latest news about the increase in pensions in 2018, supported by the government of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin, will not be able to change the negative dynamics. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, real payments will be reduced, which will negatively affect the welfare of citizens.

Analysts believe that without changing the basic parameters of accrual of power, they will not be able to balance the existing model of pension provision. First of all, it is necessary to move to a phased increase in the retirement age, which will halve the budget deficit of the PFR. If the authorities do not take this step, then by 2030, about a third of citizens (32%) will be able to apply for a pension, which will create an additional burden on the PFR budget. As a result, the government will be forced to increase transfers from the budget, which now reach 4% of GDP.

A phased increase in the age limit will reduce the budget deficit of the FIU to 2.2% of GDP, and this measure will have a short-term effect. The government will be able to launch reform after the election, experts predict, but a comprehensive approach will be required to fully resolve the problem. For a steady increase in payments, an increase in deductions is necessary, which cannot be made without a significant increase in salaries.

Waiting for a salary increase

As part of the May decrees of Vladimir Putin, in 2018 budget employees expect another increase in salaries. In addition, officials plan to extend this initiative to categories that were not covered by the decree. The indexation of wages is planned at 4%, representatives of the Ministry of Labor emphasize.

At the same time, officials plan to significantly increase the minimum wage, which next year will reach 9489 rubles. As a result, the minimum wage will increase by 21.7%, officials emphasize. The authorities intend to gradually increase the minimum wage, until this figure is equal to the cost of living.

Next year, the salaries of doctors should double the average level in the region. In addition, military allowances should be consistent with salaries in leading sectors of the economy.

The budget has the necessary resources to increase salaries, the government emphasizes. However, experts are not so optimistic. The increase in budget revenues is associated with an improvement in the external environment. The growth of oil quotes leads to an increase in export earnings, however, the black gold market may present an unpleasant surprise. As a result, the implementation of government plans to increase salaries and social benefits will be in jeopardy.

Video:    Putin on raising pensions in 2018


Starting from January 1, a 3.7 percent increase in the labor pension for non-working pensioners (old age, disability and breadwinner) will occur. This indexation will be carried out one month earlier than usual, because the Government decided to index these types of pension payments above the inflation rate, which in 2017 was at a record low (less than 3%).


The moratorium on indexation of pensions in 2018 will be maintained - that is, employed citizens who are already retired will be able to count only for recalculation from August 1   on accrued pension points for the previous year. All missed during the moratorium on indexation, they will be able to get.


In addition to indexing pension payments, in 2018 it is also in the basics of pension provision for Russian citizens, which will affect the conditions for retirement upon reaching retirement age and the formation of pension rights of working citizens. Another question that concerns pensioners in connection with the onset of the new year is whether there will be (alas, but not - this time there will be no such payment).

Pension indexation in 2018

According to the provisions of law No. 400-ФЗ dated 12.28.2013, insurance (labor) pensions of citizens must be indexed annually from February 1to the inflation rate of the previous year, and if there are additional material opportunities for the FIU, indexation is carried out repeatedly on April 1. But in the new year, traditional the procedure for indexing labor pensions will change:   their increase will occur 1 month earlier - already.

Social pensions and other social payments made by the Pension Fund, will be promoted as usual   on the actual level of price growth for 2017:

At the same time, an increase in insurance pensions. Recall that the indexation of pensions for working citizens was suspended in 2016 due to the difficult economic situation in the country. This freeze helped save the state 12 billion rubles. However, all missing indexations should be compensated to the citizen already.

Pension increase since January 1, 2018 (latest news)

In accordance with the law adopted by the State Duma on December 15, 2017 (introduced by the Government as bill No. 274624-7) on changing the procedure for indexing insurance pensions in 2018   all types of this pension (old age, disability, breadwinner) should increase from January 1, 2018 by 3.7%. The previous procedure for increasing labor pensions is suspended until the beginning of 2019, and this increase does not apply to working pensioners (see the text of the law below).

It should be borne in mind that any insurance pension consists of two parts:

  • fixed payout   (or PV) - this is a constant value guaranteed by the state (for all categories of recipients it is set in a solid amount);
  • directly insurance part   - This is an individual estimated value, which depends on the number of pension points earned during the work.

January indexation will affect both parts of the pension as follows:

  1. The fixed payment will be increased by 3.7% and will be a constant amount 4982 rubles 90 kopecks, its increase or decrease is legally established for certain categories of citizens by law No. 400-FZ of 12.28.2013;
  2. The insurance part of the pension directly depends on the points accumulated by the pensioner, the cost of which will increase by January 3 by 3.7% and amount to 81 ruble 49 kopecks.


In 2017, actual inflation in the country was fixed at no more than 3%. Consequently, the 1.037-fold increase in pensions proposed by the Government in 2018 formally covers the growth of consumer prices (although, of course, in absolute terms this increase will be very small - the increase will be even less than in previous years).

Increase in social payments to pensioners in 2018 from February 1

From February 1, 2018, there will also be an increase (indexation) of all social benefits of the Pension Fund, provided for various categories of citizens (disabled people, veterans, heroes of Russia, etc.). They are provided in the form of monthly cash payments (EDV), an integral part of which is also a set of social services (NSOs).

In general, the NSO consists of three parts (medicines, travel and spa treatment) and is provided at the option of a pensioner in one of two ways:

  • in kind (i.e. directly by social services);
  • in monetary terms in case of rejection of the natural.

The cost of a set of such services (each part separately) is determined by law and increases in direct proportion to the increase in monthly payments (EDV) - i.e. the same percentage. In 2018, this increase is planned at a level of less than 3%, so beneficiaries will hardly feel such an increase. The preliminary values \u200b\u200bof EDV and NSO in 2018 can be found in the table.


Thus, from February 1, 2018, it is planned to index social payments (including a set of social services) to the actual inflation rate of last year. In the draft Government Decree, this value was fixed at 3.2%, but actual inflation will be less than 3%, so the increase will be even less (the same applies to children's benefits in 2018).

Indexation of social pension in 2018 from April 1 by 4.1%

Social pension is a special type of pension, which is characterized by the absence of a senior citizen for any reason of work experience. Such a pension shall be granted in a fixed amount approved by law. And, as a rule, the size of social pensions is significantly lower than the estimated labor (insurance) pensions.

It should be noted that in the last two years there has been a decrease in the established growth rates of social pensions. So in April 2017, this type of pension was indexed by only 1.5%. In 2018, it is planned to reach the usual (pre-crisis) increase in the level of this type of pension provision - the projected increase in social pensions in April 2018 will be approximately 4.1%.

    Unlike labor, the indexation of social pensions is tied to a change in the living wage of a pensioner   for the previous year. Therefore, the indexation value of insurance and social pensions for the same year may differ (although in both cases it is related to actual increase in consumer prices).

Thus, one of the positive changes in 2018 is a more tangible increase in the cost of living (minimum subsistence level) in the country, including by region. Moreover, the established PM allows all non-working pensioners to receive additional payments (the so-called social payments up to a living wage   - federal and regional) if the size of their pensions is lower than the approved values.


According to the law, a citizen's pension level should always be not lower than the living wage in the regionwhere he lives (from here come the seemingly strange statements by the Government that “There are no poor pensioners in Russia”   - all of them receive pensions in conjunction with other social benefits in the amount of at least PM.

Since 2010, applications for the appointment of a pension already include a section on the receipt of social co-payments. If your pension was assigned before 2010, and you did not submit a separate application for the assignment of a supplement, and the pension is lower than the established subsistence level in the region, you must contact the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund yourself.

Pension increase in 2018 for working pensioners in Russia

For 2018, the laws adopted in the State Duma are not provided for any changes for the working population receiving pensions. This means that pensioners will continue to be paid pensions. without annual indexation.

    Recall that the indexation of pensions was stopped in February 2016 to those citizens who continue to work, exercising their right to pension provision. The government planned not to index pensions for working Russians up to 2019.

This moratorium on pension indexation is as follows:

  • Those citizens who retired before February 1, 2016 and retained their jobs remain without increasing their pensions since February 2016.
  • Citizens who become pensioners after February 1, 2016, when calculating the individual pension coefficient (IPC), all the increases that took place on the date of the right to retirement are taken into account.
  • With the continuation of labor activity and the simultaneous receipt of a pension, all subsequent indexations from the time of employment will not be applied again.


Working retirees have the right to increase the size of their pension only through annual recalculation according to the employer. From August 1 of each year, pensions of such citizens increase by the number of points taken into account in the previous year for the period of work and payment of insurance contributions during this period. But not more than 3 points per year!

An example of how working pensioners will recalculate pension indexation in the FIU

The woman born on 05/01/1962 retired in 2017 on the dates established by law and continues to work. What indexations will be taken into account when determining the size of the pension? And since when will the pension cease to be indexed?

The calculation of the pension for this woman will be made on the date of May 1, 2017. When calculating the IPC, all approved pension growth indices will be taken into account, starting from 2015 to 05.05.2017.

  • The cost of one pension coefficient will be taken on 05/01/2017 - this is 78.58 rubles.
  • The fixed payment, which is part of the insurance pension, will be taken into account, taking into account indexation as of May 1, 2017, and is equal to 4805.11 rubles.

Further, subject to the continued implementation of paid work, all subsequent indexation of singing after appointment will be suspended. Those. indexation carried out will not be applied to the pension of this woman. And this will continue until she quits her job or is fired by her employer.

Pension indexation after the dismissal of a working pensioner in 2018

In 2017, a law was passed according to which there was a change in the term for recalculating pensions after dismissal. In 2018, working pensioners will be able to receive a pension with all the missing indexes from the next month after dismissal. At the same time, the pensioner himself will not need to additionally apply to the Pension Fund, since this recalculation is entirely based on the monthly reports of employers!

Earlier, after leaving the job, the pensioner recalculated the received pension taking into account all indexations for three months:

  • the first month is the submission of reports to employers in the FIU on citizens working in the organization;
  • the second month - the data on the fact of work was loaded into a single software package operating throughout the country;
  • the third is the adoption by the territorial authority of the PFR of the decision on the allocation.


For citizens who terminated their employment in 2018, the period for calculating the pension is reduced, taking into account the indexations missed during the work period. This will be possible after entry into force. from January 1, 2018   Federal Law No. 134-ФЗ dated July 1, 2017.

However, the process of re-accruing missed increases will be the same for technical reasons. will also take several months. But after that, when paying the already recalculated pension after 3 months, an additional payment will be made for the entire period after dismissal.

This innovation applies only to dismissed after January 1, 2018. If a pensioner quit, for example, in December 2017, then his pension will not be indexed until April 1, 2018 - at no additional charge for the period from January to March (in other words, these months will be lost).


Latest News and Recent Pension Changes

As it has already become clear, raising a pension in the new year for most categories of pensioners (inconspicuous) or, as for a large category of working pensioners -. But in the new year requirements will increase to the already formed pension rights and the level of wages of Russian citizens for retirement:

No other significant changes in the Russian pension system are expected in 2018. In particular, expected by many in the amount of 5,000 rubles will not be paid in 2018   - it was a one-time, one-time supplement, which was supposed to be for all pensioners in January 2017 instead of the additional indexation missed in 2016, provided for by law (and there is simply no reason to pay it in 2018).


And one of the few really good news for the Russians is that no decision has yet been made on what is relevant for those who are still working or planning to retire (including men of 1958 and women of 1963 year of birth).

Will there be a lump sum payment to pensioners of 5000 rubles in 2018?

At the beginning of 2017, recipients of all types of pensions, regardless of the fact of work, received an additional payment of 5,000 rubles. This measure was necessary in the current economically unstable situation.

Against the background of high inflation and the inability to conduct additional indexation of pensions in 2016, a decision was made on a lump-sum payment to citizens' pensions (Law No. 385-FZ of November 22, 2016). Thus, the pensions of Russians were “conditionally indexed”, many of which took it simply as a New Year's gift.

Currently, according to the Government, the economic situation in the country is normalizing. Over the past 12 months, consumer price growth (inflation) does not exceed 3%, and pensions in 2017 rose by 5.78% in total for two indexations.

    The upcoming 3.7% indexation, scheduled for January 2018, exceeds the 2017 inflation rate. Therefore, no additional one-time payments (5 thousand rubles or any other) besides will not be made!

Will there be an increase in retirement age in 2018 (latest news)

In the past few years, the most discussed and acute for Russians is the question of increasing retirement age. In many other countries, including post-Soviet, relevant decisions have already been made and are being implemented.

  • For example, from January 2017 in Belarus annually, the retirement age will increase by six months until women reach 58 years old and men 63 years old. In Kazakhstan, the same values \u200b\u200bapply - for women at 58 years old, for men at 63 years old.
  • In many developed countries, such as Germany, men become pensioners at age 65 and women at age 60.
  • In Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on pension reform, which also includes raising the current retirement age.


Now this question has matured in Russia. According to the Government, in the first place it is interconnected with the fact that the country has a longer working age - i.e. about a third of Russians already stop working later than retirement.

However, so far, due to the great unpopularity of this measure, the Russian Government has not yet made a final decision to extend the retirement age (although many consider this issue resolved and note that it will most likely begin to be implemented after the next presidential election, which will be held in March 2018 - but so far it's only rumors).

How many points and seniority do you need to retire in 2018?

Since 2015, there has been a point system for accruing labor (insurance) pensions to citizens, in which insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund by the employer for their employees are converted from rubles to relative values \u200b\u200b(points). The amount of contributions recorded for the year is related to the maximum accountable amount of contributions approved by the Government, which corresponds to 10 pension points   (this is the maximum that can be obtained in one year).

But in order to obtain the right to retire according to the established deadlines, compliance with three prerequisites:

  • the onset of age established by law;
  • the presence of insurance (employment) experience;
  • the presence of the established value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC), or in other words, the amount of pension points.

It should be noted that this applies only to old-age pensions! Other types of compulsory pension insurance pensions (disability, survivor) assigned independently   on the duration of the labor (insurance) experience and the number of points received.


Since 2018, the prerequisite for the appointment of a pension upon reaching retirement age (now it is 55 years for women and 60 years for men) is 9 years of experience and 13.8 points   individual pension coefficient (IPC).

Example of calculating pension points from 2015 to 2018

For a man born in 1965, he has an official salary before income tax (PIT) in the amount of 30,000 rubles (respectively, for a year, earnings are 360,000 rubles). Suppose that since 2015, this citizen has never been raised. At the same time, deductions for the funded part of the pension are not made for him, as he was born earlier than 1967. Thus, the employer deducts for this man insurance contributions to an individual personal account in the amount of 16% of earnings before personal income tax - that is, 16% × 360,000 \u003d 57,600 rubles per year. We calculate how many points this man earned for the period from 2015, when the new pension formula began to operate.

The Government annually approves the so-called salary limit, the amount of mandatory deductions from which in the FIU to the individual personal account of a citizen is 16%. So, the maximum salary limit for a country from 2015 to 2018 is as follows (see table below).

In 2018, the insurance base of contributions to the Pension Fund will amount to 1,021,000 rubles in accordance with the Government Decree of November 15, 2017 No. 1378. Then the maximum amount of insurance premiums recorded for the year, taken for 10 points, will be 163,360 rubles (an increase of almost 17% immediately relative to 2017).


Therefore, each ruble earned in 2018 will “depreciate” when transferred to pension points relative to 2017 immediately by 1 - (1 / 1.17) \u003d 15%, and relative to the level of 2015 - by more than 30! Therefore, it is not enough to have only a constant high salary for the formation of decent pension rights. So that their volume does not decrease from year to year, according to the new pension formula salary should grow by at least 10% per year   (see table above).

Let's get back to our example. To translate a monthly salary of 30,000 rubles into points, you need to correlate salary data (taking 16% of the annual salary, which in this example will be 57,600 rubles a year) to the established limit values \u200b\u200band multiply by 10:

  • 57600/113760 × 10 \u003d 5.06 points earned by a citizen in 2015;
  • 57600/127360 × 10 \u003d 4.52 points in 2016;
  • 57600/140 160 × 10 \u003d 4.11 points in 2017;
  • 57600/163360 × 10 \u003d 3.53 points will be earned in 2018.
  Thus, in just 4 years, while maintaining the same level of wages (in this example, this is 30 thousand rubles per month) the number of accrued pension points decreased by 30% (in this example, from 5.06 points in 2015 to 3.53 points in 2018). Thus, in the modern pension system

Next year, Russian pensioners will face a triple increase in pensions. True, we are talking about increasing once for three different categories of recipients of payments - labor and social pensions, as well as pensions for working pensioners. In general, the draft budget does not contain anything new - everything is as usual. However, officials still decided to make some amendments to this process. In particular, the Ministry of Finance promised that the pensions for the elderly who left on a well-deserved rest and left their labor activity will be increased by a factor exceeding the inflation rate.

The expected inflation rate in 2019 is 3.2%. The indexation coefficient, in turn, should reach 6.6%, which is almost 3 percentage points higher. This seemingly insignificant “handout” to pensioners is perceived by the financial department as a real achievement. Firstly, the Ministry of Finance rarely approves of such ideas, and secondly, it turns out that this should support pensioners after so many years of falling insurance payments received by them. To whom and by how much will pensions increase, and what is the reason for this?

To whom and by how much?

The indexation of pensions will not begin traditionally for Russia - already in January, and in January it will cover the largest group of its recipients - unemployed old people. As a general rule, the increase should be dated February, due to the need to calculate the level of annual inflation. In 2020, since indexation will be carried out at a higher level, it was decided not to wait for the results of the statisticians. As the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin has already announced, in order to ensure a “more significant" increase in pensions, from January they will rise by 6.6%. It is worth noting that inflation in 2019 exceeds all expectations of officials - the originally laid down level was to be about 4%. But since today it has not even exceeded 3%, an increase in pensions of 6.6% will in any case be higher than inflation, so it would seem that the real growth of pensions for Russian old people is ensured.

Next year, pensions of the so-called social pensioners will not be left without indexation. It is received in Russia by people with disabilities, veterans, some categories of dependents, as well as those who, by reaching retirement age, could not accumulate a sufficient number of years of insurance experience. Today it averages about 9.2 thousand rubles. True, the increase is planned only in April 2020, but the index coefficient will also be higher than inflation and will amount to 7%. Please note that the size of this pension seriously depends on the basis for its appointment: some people with disabilities receive 15-16 thousand, while many old people who do not have the necessary length of service receive 5-6 thousand rubles.

The third to whom indexation is required by law are working retirees, of whom today there are about 12-14 million people. But a few years ago it was canceled and there is no plan to restore it next year, which the Minister of Labor made clear. But at the same time, working pensioners continue to pay insurance premiums, which are converted into points every year, so leaving them without raising pensions is at least criminal. Therefore, in August 2020, they will receive a pension increase depending on the points earned. The cost of one point will be 93 rubles next year. The maximum increase in pension is 3 points. Thus, regardless of the level of salary and deductions, the maximum increase for working pensioners will be 279 rubles. Better than in past years

In fact, any changes in the indexation order will affect only non-working pensioners. In the past 2017, in order to save, as we recall, indexation was carried out only by a third of the level of price growth set by the government: instead of increasing by almost 13%, pensions increased by only 4%. As compensation, the elderly at the beginning of the year were paid another 5 thousand rubles of lump sum assistance. True, these funds can only be compensated for moral damage - financial losses in the future are estimated much more seriously than 5 thousand rubles. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the promised increase in the next year by 0.5 percentage points above the level of price growth is introduced as a partial coverage of these losses. Although the size of such a “half-percentage supply” and 8.9 percentage points of under-indexation in 2016, of course, are not comparable, the Finance Ministry is confident that all the losses of the elderly are “practically compensated”.

However, there are a number of other obvious reasons that determine the desire of officials to increase payments above inflation. In particular, the growth of the Pension Fund’s revenues, referred to in the government, was precisely the argument that the Cabinet of Ministers justified the need for indexing to a level higher, and even a month earlier.

Note that the funds necessary for such not only “generous”, but early indexation, have already been incorporated into the draft federal budget earlier. But how it was presented to the public is a completely different question. Not only is the PFR “ordered to pay extra income” to pensioners from the very beginning of the year, and this is a month earlier, the payment itself was presented as a measure restoring social justice. Like, in the conditions of falling incomes of the population, the authorities should take care not only of the nominal, but also of the real growth of the assigned payments.

What is the real growth of pensions in the eyes of the Cabinet? At the moment, the average pension in the country is 15 thousand rubles. In the case of an increase in the inflation rate, the pension will increase to 15.5 thousand rubles, with an increase outpacing the inflation rate - 16 thousand rubles. It turns out that the real increase in pensions will be, roughly speaking, an average of 700 rubles. For those who have a pension below average, the increase, respectively, will also be lower.

There is money, but you hold on

“Increasing the level of material support” for the elderly for the next 2 years is also embedded in the forecast created by analysts of the Ministry of Economic Development. However, this wording does not change in the macroeconomic forecast of officials for many years, which does not change anything. As Rosstat reports tell us, the real pensions of the elderly, adjusted for the official inflation rate, are constantly falling. Such a fall is hardly evidence of an increase in wealth. It is interesting that earlier the Ministry of Economic Development predicted a higher level of inflation than the Ministry of Finance provides. Already today it is clear that their forecasts are not destined to come true.

Nevertheless, regardless of what the numbers will be in reality, state social policy is built on these forecasts. And if we are talking about improving the welfare of pensioners, and social policy, as declared in the government, is based on principles that are ahead of poverty, then for the next 2 years, pension should be indexed by at least 15%.

As for the expected indexation of 6.6%, experts are unanimous regarding it: it can only cover the increase in prices for goods and services that are included in the consumer basket in a given year. The increase will not allow covering the real inflation in any way. The fact is that even to a minimum, the reduced needs of the elderly in reality turn out to be much wider than officials believe. In addition to the minimum socially important products and utilities, the elderly spend money on treatment, medications, the purchase of cheap clothes, etc. Their situation continues to deteriorate. Interestingly, even focusing on raising the level of material support for pensioners, the Ministry of Economic Development has already laid down a reduction in pensions in its planned forecast until 2020 - a total of 2%.

But indexing is supposed only for non-working old people - those who work, presumably provide themselves. In addition, in August they will also increase. But experts of the pension market consider this approach not only erroneous, but also discriminatory: the majority of pensioners receive insignificant labor income, which is also not able to cover the price increase. Moreover, they are deprived of indexation, which is a social injustice, who in the government planned to restore.

The amount of funds accumulated by the Pension Fund in 2019 increased. This, according to market analysts, only means that the state has money for more substantial indexation. Due to the situation that has arisen over the past few years, it would be logical to compensate for the under-indexation of past years. But such a duty in the government does not assume.

Forgive us, dear comrades, non-working pensioners, but we will begin this publication with the words of Vladimir Putin. Since it is he who is today the main news maker, or more simply, a provider of news regarding the size of pensions.

Television Putin

In his televised address about pension reform in Russia, he said that “already in 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions will be about 7 percent ... But in general, over the next six years we will be able to annually increase the old-age pension for non-working pensioners by an average of 1,000 rubles. ”

Well, the general meaning is clear ..

Report of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The president’s words about indexing by 7 percent and increasing pensions by 1000 rubles per year in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have put on accurate figures.

Judge for yourself. Take, for example, a non-working pensioner who receives 10,000 rubles a month. For him, an indexation of 7.05% will give an increase of 705 rubles per month. Agree, this is far from 1000.

And for a pensioner who receives 15,000 rubles, indexation of 7.05% will already add 1,057 rubles per month.

Everyone who studied at school, even if it’s bad, can independently figure out what approximately an increase in rubles is expected from January 1, 2019, if his pension is increased by 7.05 percent.

And for those who have forgotten how the percentage of the number is calculated, we give a simple formula:

In order to find out how much your insurance pension will be indexed from January 1, 2019, if you are a non-working pensioner, it is necessary to multiply the current pension by 0.0705.

Example 1 Disabled recipient of a disability insurance pension. The amount of the pension is 9137 rubles. After indexing from January 1, the size of the pension will increase by 644.16 rubles and amount to 9781.16 rubles.

Example 2 A non-working recipient of an old-age insurance pension. The size of the pension is 13817 rubles. After indexing, from January 1, the size of the pension will increase by 974.1 rubles and amount to 14791.1 rubles.

Pension increase table in 2019

If someone is too lazy to divide and multiply on their own, see our plate:

The increase in pension, RUB

However, as experience suggests, many self-calculating pensions are not very correct. So it is better to trust specialists from the Pension Fund of Russia. And each of the ordinary people-pensioners will see their premium in rubles when the first payments in 2019 come to his pension bank card.

We also note that the size of the fixed payment after indexation will amount to 5,334.2 rubles per month, the cost of a pension point is 87.24 rubles.

Note that all of the above applies only to the insurance pension of non-working pensioners.