Pregnancy Diets Health

25 weeks of pregnancy what you need. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

The skin of the baby straightens, becomes less wrinkled, brightens. Subcutaneous fat is becoming more and more.

This is what your baby looks like at week 25

The skeletal system accumulates calcium and strengthens. The kid constantly checks the strength of his muscular system - bends, unbends arms and legs, cams.

With a stethoscope, the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat, which normally is 140-160 beats per minute.

The descent of the testicles into the scrotum in boys begins, in girls the formation of the vagina occurs.

The structures of the brain continue to mature, the baby independently sets the regime of the day. In addition, the dominant hemisphere is already being determined, further hobbies of the baby, left-handed or right-handedness are being laid.

The red bone marrow fully performs the function of hematopoiesis, which so far the spleen has taken upon itself.

One of the important changes is the accumulation of surfactant in the lungs - only thanks to it, a newborn baby will be able to breathe on its own.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at this time is not a mandatory study. As a rule, it is prescribed in controversial cases. If the height of the uterine fundus is less than or greater than the norm, the amount of amniotic fluid and the size of the baby are determined using ultrasound.

Low or high water levels may indicate intrauterine infection and other problems. The size of the fetus is also assessed - an excessive weight gain in a child occurs with improper nutrition of the mother, as well as with diabetes. Underweight occurs when there is a violation of the utero-placental blood flow, difficult living conditions of the mother, difficult working conditions, as well as diseases of the pregnant woman.

What happens in your body at week 25?

The breast continues to grow and prepare to feed the baby. The abdomen is growing rapidly not only in height but also in width. Mandatory measurements when visiting a antenatal clinic are the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference.

If you are not lucky, and the hormones are too raging, then even the daily use of creams will not save the body from the appearance of stretch marks. After giving birth, they will brighten and become less noticeable. Hormones act relaxingly even on the vascular wall, so varicose veins of the lower extremities often develop.

Your feelings at week 25

Unpleasant sensations that arose in the middle of the second trimester continue to worsen. Heartburn can also occur in a dream, removing it with improvised means is not good, you have to endure it. Attention - pregnant women should not use the folk method of salvation from heartburn with soda, this is harmful for the child.

Constipation also does not allow you to forget about yourself, especially since pregnant women can not take a number of habitual drugs. Another problem - straining pregnant is prohibited, because they can provoke uterine hypertonicity and the onset of labor.

Shortness of breath and back pain are a consequence of increased uterine pressure and a shift in the center of gravity.

Fullness of the nasal mucosa is preserved, which leads to constant difficulty in nasal breathing. A new symptom also joins - vision may decrease.

Genital secretions

The discharge at week 25 is light, milky, moderately thin, without a pungent odor. Any changes in color, smell, consistency and amount of discharge should be a reason to seek help for timely diagnosis and treatment of pathology. The doctor will perform the necessary studies, eliminate the threat of interruption, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy. If there is a threat of interruption, it will be sent to the hospital

Abundant transparent discharge, which constantly creates the effect of wet panties, can indicate a rupture of the membranes, which can lead to infection of the fetus and termination of pregnancy.

Photo tummies at week 25

Surveys at week 25

A general examination of the pregnant woman, with a measurement of the abdomen, blood pressure, weight. Of laboratory methods at this time, a general urinalysis is required, in which the number of leukocytes, epithelium, and protein is estimated.

Risks at week 25

There is a risk of premature cervical dilatation and premature birth. Do not forget to wear a bandage. Significantly increases the risk of toxicosis if non-compliance with recommendations for nutrition and daily routine.

Important at week 25

It is necessary to limit the use of salt, to prevent the development of edema.

It will not be superfluous to wear compression underwear, especially if there is a predisposition to the development of varicose veins.

Do not stay in one position for a long time - this disrupts blood circulation throughout the body, including in the placenta.

We prepare the breasts for feeding - regular air baths, inserts from a hard cloth in a bra, wiping with a rough towel.

Meals at week 25

The usual drinking regimen is about 1200-1500 ml, while it is necessary to ensure that the fluid is excreted from the body. When edema appears, it is necessary to limit salt intake and spend fasting days.

Completely exclude carbonated drinks, alcohol. A healthy placenta can hold only 1 tablespoon of red wine, everything else goes safely to the baby and has a detrimental effect on his body.


You need to sleep at least 9 hours a day, and before going to bed it will not be superfluous to walk with your husband in the park, this will not only enrich the body with oxygen, but also help you get closer. Be sure to ventilate the rooms before going to bed. If you have not signed up for a pregnant gymnastics - it's time.

Your pregnancy calendar

Mother's Feelings at Week 25

  • The work of the gastrointestinal tract slows down, and as a result, heartburn appears;
  • Intestinal motility is impaired, and constipation begins;
  • Is developing anemia  (anemia);
  • In connection with a sharp weight gain, an additional load appears and as a result arise lower back pain;
  • Swelling  and pain in the lower legs (due to prolonged stay on the legs);
  • Dyspnea;
  • Bring discomfort itching and burning  in the anus when visiting the toilet;
  • Periodically pulls belly  (often this happens due to the increased activity of the baby);
  • Going on highlight  from the genitals (milky, not very plentiful with a subtle smell of sour milk);
  • Appears dry eye syndrome  (vision deteriorates);

As for external changes, here they also take place:

  • The chest becomes poured and continues to grow (prepare to feed the newborn baby);
  • The stomach continues to grow. Now it is growing not only forward, but also in the sides;
  • Stretch marks appear in the abdomen and mammary glands;
  • Varicose veins are noted, especially on the legs;

Changes in the body of a woman:

Week 25 is the beginning of the end of the second trimester, that is, all the most significant changes in the mother’s body have already occurred, but small changes are still taking place:

  • The uterus grows to the size of a soccer ball;
  • The bottom of the uterus rises to a distance of 25-27 cm above the bosom;

Reviews from forums:

It's time to find out what women feel, because, as you know, everyone has their own body and completely different tolerance:

25 week, so much has been done, and how much more you need to endure! The lower back hurts very much, especially when I stand for a long time, but even though my husband does a massage before going to bed, it is even easier. Until recently, I discovered that it hurts to go to the toilet, everything burns right to tears. I heard that this often happens in pregnant women, but I can’t stand it anymore. Tomorrow to the doctor!

She recovered by 5 kg, and the doctor scolds that a lot. I feel normal, the only thing that bothers me is that pressure is jumping!

I got very well. At week 25, I weigh 13 kg more than before pregnancy. The back hurts, it is very difficult to sleep on the side, the thigh becomes numb, but most of all it is concerned about the weight and possible complications due to it during childbirth.

I feel like a patient, not a pregnant one. Very bones, pulls the stomach and lower back, I can not stand for a long time, sit too. In addition to everything, constipation began to torment me! But on the other hand, endure not for long, and I will see my long-awaited son!

I am pregnant with my second child. In the first pregnancy, she gained 11 kg, and now she is 25 weeks old and already 8 kg. We are waiting for the boy. The breast swells and grows, has already changed linen! The belly is huge. I feel like nothing, only constant heartburn, no matter what I eat, it's the same thing.

Fetal development at week 25

  • Fetal length  reaches 32 cm;
  • Weight  increases to 700 g;
  • The fetal skin continues to straighten, becomes firmer and lighter;
  • Folds appear on the arms and legs, under the buttocks;

The formation and functioning of organs and systems:

  • Intensive strengthening of the osteoarticular system continues;
  • The heartbeat is heard. The fetal heart beats at a frequency of 140-150 beats per minute;
  • The boy's testicles begin to descend into the scrotum, and the girls have a vagina;
  • The fingers get dexterous and able to clench into fists. He already gives preference to some hand (you can determine who the baby will be: left-handed or right-handed);
  • By this week, the baby has formed its own special sleep and wake regimen;
  • The development of bone marrow is coming to an end, it fully assumes the functions of hematopoiesis, which until now have performed the liver and spleen;
  • The formation of bone tissue and the active deposition of calcium in it continue;
  • In the lungs, surfactant continues to accumulate, preventing lung subsidence after the first breath of the newborn;

Ultrasound on the 25th week

With ultrasound the spine of the baby is evaluated. You can already find out exactly who lives inside - boy or girl. A mistake is possible in extremely rare cases, due to an inconvenient situation for research. With an ultrasound, you are informed that the baby's weight is approximately 630 g, and a height of 32 cm.

Amniotic fluid count. When polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios is detected, a thorough comprehensive assessment of the fetus in dynamics is required to exclude malformations, signs of intrauterine infection, etc. Everything is done too necessary measurements.

For clarity, we present you the range of norms:

  • BPR (biparietal size) - 58-70mm.
  • Exhaust gas (fetal head circumference) - 214-250 mm.
  • Coolant (fetal abdomen) - 183 -229 mm.

Normal sizes of long bones of the fetus:

  • Thigh 42-50 mm

25 week of pregnancy - how many months?

The 25th week of pregnancy begins the seventh month! You left the full six months, however, obstetric, which consist of 28 days or 4 weeks. This is a lot, but there are still 15 weeks ahead, so be patient and strong.

Let's see how our baby is there at the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy?


He has already grown enough: at the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs about 700 g, its size from the toe to the heels is on average 34.5 cm. The development of the baby does not stop for a second! He is becoming more and more like a newborn, although he is not yet ready to appear to this world. And, nevertheless, if for some reason the birth takes place next week, then the doctors will already fight for his life.

The lungs are preparing for the first breath: the alveoli begin to ripen, but they are not yet lined with a surfactant, which will prevent them from sticking together during breathing. The auricle also continues to form - according to its condition, doctors will judge the degree of full-term baby in case of his premature birth.

At week 25, pregnancy, the function of hematopoiesis, as expected, completely goes over the bone marrow (before that they were performed by the liver and spleen).

At this time, the baby's sense of smell is already highly developed. He is also able to feel the mood swings of his mother, and even feels pain, like a newborn, smiles with joy or frowns with displeasure!

The child begins to actively grow in muscles, bone tissue is getting stronger and stronger, so his movements and tremors will become more and more noticeable. On ultrasound, you can already see how he plays with the umbilical cord, sucks a finger, cleverly grabs a leg with a pen, covers his face with his palms - the child's movements are already well coordinated, moreover, the leading hand was determined. Also, the uzist will be able to determine the sex of the child, because the external genitalia have long been formed. Now, at the 25th week of pregnancy, the boy's testicles descend into the scrotum, and the girl has a vagina.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation

The uzist will first of all evaluate the condition of the fetus and compare its size with the established gestational age: a large discrepancy will be the reason for an additional study to exclude developmental delays.

The fetal parameters at the 25th week of pregnancy are approximately the following: head diameter - 62.3 mm, chest diameter - 63.1 mm, tummy diameter - 64.2 mm. An important indicator of a child’s vital activity is his heartbeat: now a small heart makes an average of 140-150 beats per minute, and his work is already so well audible that not only the doctor hears the beat through a stethoscope, but when close to the abdominal wall, dad can catch a bewitching rhythm with his ear against his mother’s stomach.

The wall thickness of the placenta at 25 weeks of gestation reaches 26.22 mm. If it was located low, then there is a high probability that now it will begin to rise.

In addition, the uzist is obliged to examine the condition and amount of amniotic fluid and the uterus - its size, surface and location.


The uterus reaches the size of a soccer ball at 25 weeks of gestation. Its bottom (that is, the upper part) rises above the pubis at a height of 25-27 cm. This indicator is very important, so the gynecologist checks the height of the uterine fundus at each visit. If the parameters diverge from the norms, then you will need to look for the cause of the violation. A smaller height and size may indicate a lag in the development of the fetus, placental insufficiency, large ones - about polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancy.

The uterus at the 25th week of pregnancy continues to grow and is already training before childbirth, contracting from time to time. Therefore, you can feel mild cramping pains - they do not cause much discomfort and soon pass. But if the pain intensifies and becomes more frequent, then it is urgent to go to the hospital.

The muscles that hold the uterus are stretched all the time and can also cause pain, especially when coughing, sneezing, sharp turns and movements.

Belly at 25 weeks of gestation

The abdomen is gradually rounded, adding in diameter an average of 1 cm per week. It will seem to you that now the tummy will grow too fast, which, in principle, is true: the baby is gaining weight.

In connection with the growth of the uterus, fetus and abdomen, your gait, posture, and well-being change. A growing uterus compresses its surrounding organs, so shortness of breath, constipation and heartburn in the second half of pregnancy are not uncommon. Try to prevent the occurrence of these adverse events. And if you fail, then learn to deal with them effectively. Pay attention to your diet (include one-day kefir, beets, prunes), in the absence of contraindications to physical activity, do not stop it until the end of pregnancy.

Talk to your doctor about wearing a prenatal brace: it can greatly ease the bearing and moderate the pain that can occur due to a large tummy.


In addition to the described abdominal pains, these are mainly pains in the back, lower back, sacrum, pelvic region, spine and under weight, possibly in the legs. These pains can be relieved in many ways by following simple rules:

  • do not sit with your legs crossed, or in a chair without a back;
  • try not to sit for long on hard surfaces;
  • learn to get out of bed and squat correctly;
  • do not stay on your feet for a long time (do not walk or stand much);
  • do not wear high heel shoes;
  • use a bandage and compression stockings;
  • do gymnastics for pregnant women.

You will have to endure the pain in the hypochondrium, because the baby is growing faster and the legs are getting stronger - so he pesters you with his blows. Try to change your position if the baby began to kick.

25 week of pregnancy photo

Do not disregard pain in the anus. They can indicate developing hemorrhoids and be accompanied by itching, burning, blood secretion during bowel movements. If pain is felt during emptying, and a streak of blood is visible on the stool, then most likely it is an anal fissure (the first thing you need to get rid of constipation).

If headaches often begin to bother you, then follow these symptoms: do not swelling of the hands and face, does not darken in the eyes, does the weight gain exceed the norm, does the stomach hurt. The combination of these signs may indicate a beginning preeclampsia, although it usually develops in pregnant women later.

Abdominal pain can also occur with the threat of premature birth or detachment of the placenta, if it is accompanied by an increased tone of the uterus (it becomes stony) and spotting.


Normally, discharge at the 25th week of pregnancy is transparent or whitish, liquid, sometimes abundant, which can alarm a woman. They should not emit any pungent odors and cause any discomfort. But sometimes it happens that water begins to leak in the second half of pregnancy. This question needs to be clarified with your gynecologist and make sure that everything is fine. Leaking water is a danger, so a woman in this case will be hospitalized. Water can leak in small portions, drop by drop or pour out abruptly, wet clothes. Amniotic fluid has a yellowish color.

If the discharge became large, they acquired a sour smell, became curdled and cause itching, burning and swelling of the genitals, then, obviously, you have exacerbated thrush. It must be cured before childbirth, because during the passage through the birth canal the child will also be infected. And henceforth do not wear synthetic underwear and limit the consumption of flour and sweets.

Still, the risk of developing other genital infections remains high. You should be wary of any changes in normal discharge. Consult a doctor for a smear with yellow, green, purulent, earthy, brown discharge. A change in their consistency, appearance, smell and the appearance of additional alarming signs (discomfort, painful urination, fever, chills) should be an occasion for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist.

Do not be afraid of spotting spotting that occurs after intercourse or gynecological examination and is not accompanied by abdominal pain. They, of course, are not the norm, but they do not indicate a threat of abortion. Most likely, this is erosion of the cervix.


As you can see, a woman experiences many inconveniences for a period of 25 weeks. But this is not all the sensations associated with pregnancy. Now the prevention of thrombosis is becoming relevant. If you are prone to varicose veins, then be sure to wear tightening stockings. With the expansion of veins in the external genitalia, one needs to lie more. Your doctor may prescribe medications to strengthen your blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. Do not stop walking and physical activity, but do not walk too much, and put your feet on a raised platform at night.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are no longer just palpable, but sometimes they can cause discomfort to the expectant mother. This is due to the continuous growth of the fetus: there is less and less space in the tummy, sometimes during coups you can watch your belly stretch, and the baby’s bone and muscle tissue will grow stronger enough to sometimes give mom pain. If you see that the puzozhitel suddenly protested, then try to change the position of your body: perhaps it is uncomfortable for him or you somewhere blocked the access of fresh blood to the placenta. For this reason, it is not recommended to lie on your back; the most physiological posture for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.

Sex at 25 weeks of gestation

Let it not bother you that the child is already big enough and active. This is not a hindrance to having sex at the 25th week of pregnancy, if there are no medical contraindications to it. Of course, many poses will be inaccessible to you now. The most convenient for a large tummy - a pose in the style of "mastiff style", the pose of a rider. However, try to avoid deep penetrations and sudden gross movements.

It happens that a man is embarrassed by the fact that the child is in the bosom of his wife. But if there are no threats to abortion, then you should not worry: the child is reliably protected, and he is hardly capable of peeping and recognizing sexual intercourse.

A woman in this period can take a fresh look at sex. It happens that only now is she the first time able to experience an orgasm, or even several in a row. So do not miss this moment - enjoy it!


Now you should visit the gynecologist once every 4 weeks. Do not miss scheduled examinations and do not neglect the doctor’s directions for taking tests - a general blood test, urine test, glucose test, blood coagulation, hemostasiogram. They will help to monitor the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus and in time to identify possible deviations and violations.

If you recently passed tests, and pregnancy is proceeding well, then at week 25, you may be able to take a break from trips to clinics and laboratories. But according to the testimony, the gynecologist can refer you to additional studies. This, for example, can be tests to determine the level of hormones, in particular hCG and progesterone.

Now we should be wary of the development of anemia, so controlling hemoglobin levels is also very important. Dizziness, weakness, pallor of the skin, increased heart rate during physical activity, and darkening in the eyes can indicate a lack of iron in the body. If you observe these signs in yourself, then you should take a blood test, without waiting for the next trip to the doctor.


Prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia in many ways will help proper nutrition at 25 weeks of gestation. Include iron-containing foods in your diet: prunes, bran, oatmeal, buckwheat, beets, boiled beef, liver. If the intestines respond normally, then use legumes regularly.

Remember that protein should prevail in the diet. Try to consume fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salty, sweet, flour, in minimal quantities, or even completely exclude it. However, recommendations regarding nutrition remain the same. Drink enough water, cook yourself compotes and fruit drinks. Eat only fresh dishes and carefully study the packaging of products in stores.

Try to eat fractionally: every 2-3 hours, eat a serving in half a glass. Do not overeat, so as not to gain too much, but starving during pregnancy is also unacceptable!

Weight at 25 weeks gestation

Weigh yourself regularly once a week to monitor your weight gain and record all indicators. It is best to be weighed at the same time in the same clothes or better without them at all. For example, make it a rule to get on the scales every Sunday morning.

Not all women gain the same amount, but nevertheless there are average norms of weight gain, which should be guided by. At the 25th week of pregnancy, your weight should ideally be 6.4-6.9 kg more than the original. A slight deviation from these figures does not need to be regarded as a pathology, but keep yourself within the framework: overweight is fraught with the development of complications now and in the future, as well as the accumulation of excess weight by the child.

There is not much time left until the woman can see her baby. The seventh month begins, these are golden days in the life of a future mother. The fetus is not yet so large, and if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the woman does not experience special severity. For those mothers whose pregnancy is not going very smoothly, this period is a time when you can breathe in calmly. Starting from the seventh month, the survival rate of prematurely born children is almost 100%. So, 25 weeks of pregnancy, how the fetus is located, what is happening to it now, how it grows and develops. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Receptions at the gynecologist

During this period, the doctor conducting the pregnancy, not only regularly sends you for tests, but also evaluates the increase in weight and size of the abdomen at each appointment. In addition, he will make it a rule every time to listen to how a small heart beats. When mothers examine a card, sitting in line at the doctor, many are worried about the crumbs. Actually, 160 beats per minute is a normal indicator, but not a sign of tachycardia at all.

At the last ultrasound, you have once again adjusted the term, now you have exactly 25 weeks of pregnancy. How the fetus is located, you can ask the doctor leading the pregnancy. But any of the options is not yet critical, the fruit is still small enough, it will still change its position. Only after 30 weeks he will accept it finally.

Woman at 25 weeks pregnant

The main difference between laboratory tests during this period will be an increase in cholesterol. This is not a pathology, but an important material for hormones. These include progesterone, which is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, relieving tension of the uterus and other smooth muscles.

During this period, a jump in weight is observed. Since you are on the doorstep, this is also normal. Very soon, the increase in weight will reach its maximum, and in the last weeks before childbirth it may slightly decrease. On average, every woman adds 11-13 kg for the entire period, a strong excess of this figure can adversely affect the health of the mother and the course of childbirth. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet.

So 25 weeks of pregnancy flew by unnoticed. How the fetus is located, you can now determine for yourself. Periodically, small bulges appear on the stomach, these may be the legs, arms and head of your baby. By patting your abdomen with your palm, you will definitely get an answer, and by the nature of the shocks you can determine how the fetus now lies. The uterus at this time reaches such a size that it supports the diaphragm. Sitting and lying down becomes quite uncomfortable. Rising higher, the pregnant uterus begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, so it will be harder and harder to breathe every day. Relief will come before childbirth when

Fetal movement

It can no longer go unnoticed, despite the fact that numerous stories are known about how a woman learned about pregnancy during childbirth. At week 25, the baby is already large enough to actively move, but there is still enough room for maneuvers. In addition to the morning hours, when the baby is sleeping soundly, he fidgets for almost all day, tinkers and moves in his tummy, giving Mom a lot of pleasure. Later, the uterus will become cramped and training will have to be temporarily canceled, so that for a baby the period of 25 weeks of pregnancy is as comfortable as possible. How the fetus is located can be seen on an ultrasound, although young mothers rarely can understand where their child is hiding behind these stripes and dots.

Now the movements of the embryo are chaotic. It is almost impossible to determine exactly when it is active and when not. That is why it is very difficult for mom to guess the mode of her crumbs. There is only 25 weeks of pregnancy. What happens in the stomach, you can find out on an ultrasound examination, as well as during daily games and communication with the baby.

Fetal size

Its length is approximately 29-30 cm, taking into account that the growth of a newborn child usually does not exceed 53 cm, it is obvious that a significant stage of development has been passed. The fruit weighs about 700 g. Pregnancy of 25-26 weeks is a full six months, about 15 more obstetric weeks remain before delivery. At this time, the body of the fetus is still covered with a dark fluff; it will remain until the very birth.

Now the embryo begins to breathe almost like an adult, only it does not breathe air, but amniotic fluid. The blood vessels of the lungs are about to develop - this is the main difference that marks a pregnancy of 25-26 weeks.

Physical development

A small person is becoming more dexterous, despite the fact that he is still small and only takes 25 weeks of pregnancy. What is happening in your stomach now? The baby is entertained by the fact that he catches himself with his hand by the leg. With an ear to the belly of a pregnant woman, you can hear the beat of his heart. The little man’s fingers are becoming more dexterous, he already knows how to squeeze his fingers into tight fists. It is now being determined whether he will be left-handed or right-handed. And on the fingers begins to form a unique, individual pattern, which is called fingerprints. It will not happen again to anyone in the world.

The formation of internal organs

If before 16 weeks, many women do not feel their pregnancy at all, now is the time to enjoy this special condition. The end of the second trimester is marked by the fact that the child is already big enough, but it’s not too hard for mom.

So goes the 25th week of pregnancy. The development of the fetus is proceeding at a rapid pace; there is an intensive strengthening of the osteoarticular system. In addition, the bone marrow from this time begins to function as the main organ that produces blood. Kids intensively build up mass, their skeleton is becoming stronger and stronger.

The changes that occur with the respiratory system are very expressive. Every day there is an increase in the number of cells that produce a special substance - surfactant. This substance is necessary so that the alveoli can straighten out at the first breath, it will also prevent their bonding. Such a neoplasm is famous for the 25th week of pregnancy. The development of the fetus comes to an end, now, having been born, it can survive with the help of doctors.

The main task of the child at this stage is to prepare for the birth. Therefore, hormones, which are important for adaptation to external conditions, are beginning to change strongly. First of all, the pituitary gland begins to produce growth hormones. This is important for brain growth, stimulating the body's metabolic processes.

Changes affect the respiratory system, while the baby breathes in breathing in and out of the amniotic fluid. born this week, needs medical attention, mechanical ventilation and special conditions. The endocrine system of the fetus begins to function actively. The pancreas and thyroid gland matured and joined in the work. Now the body begins to produce insulin, a very important hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

The thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxin, triiodritorin, and calcitonin. Under their influence, the work of internal organs and systems becomes more and more refined with each passing week. Hormones affect the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, mental development, muscle formation.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation

How wonderful is the 25th week of pregnancy? Stirring of the fetus is becoming more active, mom is happy to play with her unborn baby. Usually an ultrasound examination is carried out for a period of 22-23 weeks. But if the doctor considers it necessary, he can prescribe additional screening.

This period is very favorable for determining the sex of the unborn child. In girls, the vagina is clearly “drawn”, and in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. In addition to determining sex, the purpose of the examination at this time is to assess the amount of amniotic fluid and the development of the baby's spine. These indicators are very important for the doctor who is pregnant.

In addition, the uzist evaluates the condition of the fetus, compares its size with the established term, in this case it is 25 weeks of pregnancy. Stroking of the fetus is also an important indicator, the doctor will ask you how often you notice its activity during the day. Normally, you should count at least 10 movements per hour. In order not to miss the movements of the crumbs, put your hand on your stomach and follow your feelings. If you noted 10 movements in an hour, then you can stop counting. If not, be sure to inform your doctor about this. Perhaps there is a serious pathology of development.

Fetal position: what happens

It must be remembered that at this time almost any position of the fetus is possible. At weeks around this time, the fetus should turn its head down, but if this did not happen, then you should not be upset, he still has time to do it. Small sizes allow it to move freely in the uterine cavity and occupy any pose.

Let’s now analyze the concepts of “position” and “presentation”. Pregnant women often confuse them. The position of the child is the ratio of the longitudinal position of the body to the longitudinal axis of the uterus. The child takes a longitudinal position when his head is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe diaphragm of the mother. If the baby turned, resting his head against the left wall of the uterus, and his feet to the right, this position is called transverse. The location of the child at an acute angle is called oblique.

Not all types of fetal position are considered a variant of the norm. Optimal is only the first option, which is noted in 95% of cases of pregnancy. The remaining cases are related to the pathology of pregnancy, but doctors make such a conclusion only at the latest dates, when the child will take the final pose, because the uterus becomes so tight that it will not unfold. While mom can only give recommendations - do special exercises that contribute to changing the baby’s posture.

There can be many reasons for the wrong. But at this time, most often, doctors correlate it with the presence of space "for flight." However, very soon (by about 30 weeks) the head position of the fetus will become the only correct one, ensuring the optimal course of labor.

If the baby does not roll over, then the doctors begin to look for the causes of this phenomenon. They can be obvious, long noted by the doctor who leads the birth. These include abnormalities of the uterus: its saddle-shaped or two-horned form, the presence of tumors, a narrow pelvis. Also, during pregnancy, prerequisites for the incorrect position of the fetus may arise: a decrease or increase in uterine tone, as well as abnormal development of the baby.

Pregnancy Twins

The second trimester of a mom expecting twins is very difficult. The severity increases at times, without bandage is almost impossible. How is the 25th week of twin pregnancy?

Kids in this period are simply fantastic activity, sometimes it seems that they play in the game, and even in football. Very soon they will become very crowded and the period when one baby can still actively swim, they will spend only playing with their own arms and legs. At the same time, at the age of 25 weeks, the babies are already fully formed, all organs and systems are ready for independent functioning, but the weight of the crumbs is still very small, about 680 g. They will now grow and store subcutaneous fat until birth.

The respiratory system continues to improve, the lungs are preparing to provide the baby with oxygen after birth. At this time, the nostrils open. Another important neoplasm at this stage of development is the rapid development and growth of the brain, joints, rings of the spines and ligaments. If you watch twins through an ultrasound machine, you can see that they already know how to compress the handles into fists.

Nutrition and weight of a pregnant woman

Prunes, oatmeal, pomegranates, buckwheat, beets, and boiled beef should be included in the diet during the gestation of the baby. This is especially true at the end of the second trimester, when you have a pregnancy of 25 weeks. The weight of the fetus begins to increase every day, however, this does not mean that the mother should actively recover. The normal increase for this period is no more than 600 g per week, so you need to monitor your diet, avoid excess fried and fatty foods, as well as sweets.

Now mom needs to walk more in the fresh air, it is not advisable to eat salty foods and plenty of fluids, especially at night to avoid swelling. To prevent gestosis, doctors sometimes offer a special, salt-free diet. Observing all the recommendations of doctors, you can safely survive the last period of your pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetal size reaches 22 cm, weight - 700 g. The baby's hair gradually accumulates pigment and begins to acquire the color that they will have at birth. Now the main thing for the future mother is the correct metabolism and the absence of any infections.

Weeks and months

If the gestational age is 25 weeks - how many months is it? You are now in the seventh lunar month, more than half of the gestational age has already been experienced. On the calculation of the terms and dates of delivery.

How is the development of the fetus

Under the skin of your baby, the development of subcutaneous fat continues. Thanks to this, the baby becomes chubby. But this is not for the sake of touching relatives and not for infantile beauty. Without subcutaneous fat, a person is very cold. In addition, it is this layer that later allows you to survive short-term starvation. What else happens to the fetus:

  1. Pigment begins in the hair. This substance will determine the color of the hair on the baby’s head by the time he is born.
  2. Brain cells and nerve connections are complicated.
  3. The bone marrow is actively involved in the digestion process.

The fetus sleeps for the most part, but continues to move. During wakefulness he is more active. To train the movements, the baby has the walls of the uterus, which he sometimes rests against. And yet - the umbilical cord, for which the fetus can reflexively grab the handles.

Another training action is breathing. This skill is very important for the first breath of the child. A small amount of amniotic fluid enters the bronchi and lungs through the fetal nose, but there is no danger.

The kid grew up very much, became stronger. His movements are already felt very clearly. Some tremors may cause slight pain. If the fetus is very much frolic, you can pat yourself on the stomach. Many mothers noted that this calms the little "footballer" very well.

This is what your child looks like:

Moms often worry about how their baby is located. Some babies are already settled in the uterus head down, as it will be necessary before childbirth. But the property of the fetus is that it can turn over right up to the onset of labor in the mother. If you get an ultrasound scan and say that the fetus is still head up or even across, you should not be scared. The kid still has time to turn around as it should, and if not, there are special exercises that can help with this. Now don’t worry.

Your feelings

The third trimester, the most difficult, has not yet begun. If you are healthy, follow all the recommendations and balance your diet, everything should be just fine. A frequent urination became habitual. Surely you have learned to overcome bouts of heartburn - eat porridge and drink jelly. A grown tummy makes you slightly lean back while walking. Surely you enjoy beautiful, thick hair and delicate skin.

And yet your body is constantly doing difficult work. If he does not cope, some unpleasant sensations and problems are possible.

In approximately every second woman, pregnancy is accompanied by the onset and development of hemorrhoids. There are two reasons for this:

  1. The uterus grows and presses on the intestines and its large blood vessels.
  2. The intestines do not always work stably, pregnant women often have constipation.

This disease is not dangerous, but very unpleasant. It is best to make sure that hemorrhoids just do not start. To do this, you need to avoid constipation, help digestion - abandon everything fried, fatty and spicy. There must be food in the diet that stimulates peristalsis, that is, a reduction in intestinal muscles. These are dried apricots, prunes, sour-milk and grain products. Another important point. If constipation still occurs, you can not push.

Talk to your doctor about how to resolve such problems. He can prescribe relaxing or softening candles. Do not be afraid to talk with the doctor about such problems - during pregnancy, such troubles are not uncommon.

The fear of spontaneous abortion is gradually decreasing. Now, if the birth begins prematurely, the baby has every chance to survive. But still he will be born underdeveloped. That is why it is important to protect your health and avoid any dangerous situations.

At week 25, you can start snoring in your sleep, even if this has never happened before. This is a temporary phenomenon, it is associated with an overload of your respiratory organs. For the same reason, you may feel shortness of breath when walking or climbing stairs.

If something hurts

It is important to distinguish pain from discomfort. Minor inconvenience accompanies you almost all the time. The pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back are a signal that the body is trying to adapt to the growth of the uterus (now it is comparable in size to a soccer ball). A dangerous sign is real, severe pain in these areas. They talk about the threat of premature birth, especially in combination with strong or simply repeated contractions.


Your body weight should increase. This ensures the growth of the fetus, the formation of the required amount of blood and amniotic fluid. The rate of weight gain at twenty-fifth week is approximately 350 grams. Otherwise, anemia, calcium deficiency may begin - because this baby needs this element. However, too much weight gain will make your breathing and movement difficult. Be careful. Ideally, if you have scales at home, it helps to monitor your performance between visits to the doctor.

Photo of tummies (click to enlarge)


Nothing changes here. The secretion of your vagina should normally be light, moderately thick, without an unpleasant odor. Any deviation from these indicators requires medical attention and examination.

Women's consultation

At this time or a little later, your doctor can change the calendar of visits. This is due to the need for more careful observation.

At the end of the second trimester, many women experience anemia (anemia). The first signal is a decrease in hemoglobin level, detected by laboratory analysis. If this is your case, your doctor will prescribe iron supplements.

Equally important is the control of blood glucose. Sometimes pregnant women develop diabetes, in which it is very important to take action on time. With a slight increase in sugar levels, it is usually sufficient to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

If recently you have not been assigned a blood test and a vaginal smear for various infections (including genital), then this can be done at the 25th week.

Remember that any "bad" analysis must be done repeatedly to exclude a possible laboratory error. Never eat breakfast before donating blood, because of this, the test results will be incorrect.

Now or soon you will have to undergo cardiotocography. This is a detailed, extended study of the heart activity of your fetus. It lasts 30 minutes and registers the beat of a small heart in dynamics. Over time, such studies will be prescribed to you periodically. How often - the doctor decides.

  1. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Do not try new exotic fruits and other completely unfamiliar foods. Your body can react unpredictably.
  2. If your hands swell, do not wear rings or tight bracelets.
  3. With edema on the legs (not associated with late toxicosis), try to keep your legs raised whenever possible.
  4. Try to sleep with your pillows on your left side.
  5. It is advisable not to be among large crowds, especially during epidemics.
  6. At work, take breaks every half hour, if possible. Do not sit cross-legged; change your body position more often.
  7. Wear an antenatal bandage.
  8. Light exercise is a must! But no contact sports, dexterity exercises and tedious exercises. It is best to practice swimming or yoga.
  9. Sexual desires can increase markedly. This is due to the frequent rush of blood to the genitals. Choose comfortable postures for sex and do not allow too much activity, pressure on the stomach. If your partner is afraid of harming the fetus, develop collaborative cautious behavior.
  10. Wear only comfortable clothing and shoes.
  11. Do not dye your hair with chemicals now - many of them penetrate the bloodstream and can harm the fetus.

Your well-being is the most accurate indicator that you are doing everything right.

Video guide: 25th week of pregnancy what is happening, fetal development, exercise, hemorrhoids

The child hears you:

25th week of pregnancy - This is the week when the expectant mother begins to feel psychological stability. Because the threat of miscarriage at such a time is significantly reduced. And even preterm birth is not so scary, because a baby born in the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy has a real chance of survival. All the organs of crumbs important for life are already formed, but not sufficiently developed.

What does the expectant mother feel and feel at the 25th week of pregnancy?

Mom starts to gain weight quickly. Now the next 15 weeks before childbirth will gain weight on average 350 g.

Mild ailments begin to appear, but fatigue does not come so quickly. The expectant mother may well bend over without difficulty and tie her shoelaces on her own.

The abdomen becomes even more rounded and noticeably increases in size. Now, at the doctor’s appointment, the roundness of the abdomen will be measured.

Excessive salt intake may cause swelling.

If you suddenly begin to have age spots on your face, then this is quite normal, but it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor.

. The development of pregnancy at this time  passes calmly and there should be no discomfort.

Thanks to pregnancy hormones, your hair begins to look amazing, become more shiny and strong.

Toddler stir day and night. Life rhythms of mother and baby may not coincide.

The risk of preterm birth is low.

What's new with the baby at the 25th week of pregnancy?

At this time, the baby is usually usually turned upside down - this is a preliminary preparation for childbirth. But if at normal pregnancy  this did not happen, do not worry, the crumbs still have 15 weeks ahead in order to occupy the correct position in the mother’s stomach.

The body length of the baby is about 30 cm, weight - 700 g. In the future, the child will actively begin to gain weight. The body length will not change significantly.

The kid may start hiccuping. A future mother may not begin to feel hiccups of crumbs. It's quite normal. Hiccups occur due to irritation of the baby’s diaphragm when he swallows amniotic fluid.

The baby's lungs are already formed at 25 weeks gestation. And the baby begins to form a substance called surfactant, which is produced in order to help his lungs straighten and begin to breathe after birth.

Pregnancy at week 25, with its stability, full of new sensations. Mom feels the baby more and more. In addition, the long-awaited maternity leave is approaching. But still there are a number of warnings and prescriptions for the stable development of pregnancy at a later date.

1) Report any changes and suspicions that occur to your doctor. It is always better to play it safe.

2) If at night the baby does not want to sleep in any way, and thereby interferes with his mother’s sleep, then try to calm the crumb with something: turn on calm music, you can even sing, it will all work for the crumb.

3) Do not overload yourself with big worries and deeds. This is a feminine feature to strive to have time to do everything. But remember that you won’t do all the work, and the future mother and baby twenty fifth week of pregnancy  better to relax.

4) Provide yourself the conditions for a calm and good sleep, positive emotions. Protect yourself from negative thoughts and negative events. Remember that the baby feels your emotional state. Smile more often and rejoice.

5) Do not build any long-term plans or projects if they are not related to the child, as you risk not fulfilling them. After all, after birth, you will spend a lot of time on the baby.

6) Do not refuse the help of loved ones and gratefully accept it. This will help you find more time to relax.

7) The diet should be full, fractional, balanced. Meals should be regular and in small portions. If you eat large portions, then there is a chance of provoking heartburn.

8) Try to drink a lot, because you need to drink for two. But eliminate sodas and juices.

9) Limit completely or minimize salt intake. Excessive salt intake can lead to swelling of the legs and arms.

10) Take an interest in the results of your analyzes. Ask questions and try to understand different terms and processes that directly concern you.

11) When pregnancy development  It is not recommended to dye your hair. Firstly, due to pregnancy hormones, the color can turn out unpredictable. And secondly, it is harmful for the baby, because during pregnancy, the baby eats what enters your body. And hair dye consists of many chemical components.

Also, at the 25th week of pregnancy, the doctor can prescribe an ultrasound in order to once again look at the development of the fetus. Do not panic ahead of time. Perhaps this is in order to better consider the gender of the child.

It is known that the obstetric month is exactly 4 weeks, that is, 25 weeks of pregnancy - 6 obstetric months and 1 week. The fetus is 23 weeks old.

A normal weight gain before this period is considered to be 6-8.5 kg.

  What happens at week 25

The placenta continues to increase in volume and approaches the bottom of the uterus. The wall thickness is about 26.22 mm.

Many women may suffer from dry eye syndrome. In this case, it is recommended to use the drug “artificial tear” and drink more liquid. Be sure to wear sunglasses in the summer. Eye problems occur due to changes in hormonal levels. For example, due to fluid retention in the body, a pregnant woman may develop hyperopia or nearsightedness. After childbirth, everything should fall into place.

Possible risks

Some women may experience this week. isthmic cervical  failure, i.e. cervical insufficiency. This can lead to serious troubles, namely to or to. In this case, the cervix becomes soft and opens, although this should happen at the end of pregnancy immediately before childbirth. In addition, the bubble should burst. The danger is that the woman practically does not feel pain and notices what is happening only when her water has passed.

The causes of this disease can be:

  • cervical trauma;
  • or congenital pathology.

The risk of this problem in women who have previously had a miscarriage is increased. If a shortened or slightly opened cervix is \u200b\u200bfound in a pregnant woman, the doctor will be forced to impose special sutures. In addition, she will be prescribed drugs that will reduce the tone of the uterus.

At this time, a woman can develop, that is, anemia. This happens due to the fact that blood cells begin to age faster and do not have time to recover. The reason for this is an increased load on the body. Anemia occurs due to an insufficient amount of iron in the body of a woman, which contributes to the production of new red blood cells. To avoid this problem, you must regularly take it.

Signs of Anemia:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • palpitations.

Add foods that include iron to your daily diet, such as lentils, bran, and prunes.

  Well-being of the woman at 25 weeks

This week, a woman begins to feel really huge and awkward. Big belly does not allow you to do many things and move normally. In a woman, the center of gravity changes, and the feeling of fatigue increases every day.

Possible physical sensations

The body continues to change, and the woman is experiencing more and more inconveniences associated with pregnancy:

  1. Uterus.  The uterus is increasing in size daily and now it protrudes slightly, supporting the stomach and diaphragm. Now its size is about a soccer ball. The bottom of the uterus is at the same distance from the navel and sternum. The distance to the pubis is about 27 cm.
  2. Stomach.  The stomach becomes larger every day, and it grows not only forward, but also to the sides. For every woman at this time, her stomach may look different. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use as well as do pinching massage.
  3. Chest.  Starts to grow rapidly. At times, a woman may notice how colostrum is secreted from the nipples. You can start preparing your breasts for feeding. To do this, wash it with cool water, and also wipe the nipples with a rough towel. If the nipples are flat, then you can gently massage and stretch them. It is recommended at this time to purchase a special bra made of natural materials.
  4. Heartburn.  Due to pressure on the stomach, a pregnant woman may feel severe heartburn. It is due to the fact that due to the influence of hormones motility gastrointestinal  the tract worsened, and the valve that closes the entrance to the stomach is relaxed. Because of this, gastric juice enters the esophagus, especially when lying down. To reduce heartburn, it is recommended to eat in small portions, as well as reduce consumption or completely abandon fatty and spicy.
  5. Constipation  At the 25th week of pregnancy, many women may experience constipation, all due to impaired intestinal motility. To cope with this problem, it is recommended to eat foods that contain fiber, such as vegetables and fruits. An excellent laxative is beets and prunes.
  6. Pain  At this time, a woman may be bothered by pain in the hypochondrium. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the baby is growing, and his movements become more active. Also this week, headaches may appear, which you need to tell your doctor. In addition, a woman can feel pain in the back, lower back, abdomen, sacrum, pelvis, spine and legs.
  7. Allocations. Normal discharge is considered to have a uniform consistency, white or cream color, and also odorless. If they become curdled and have an unpleasant smell, and also provoke itching and burning, then most likely this indicates that you have another infection. It is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible so that the baby does not become infected during childbirth. Watery discharge indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, which may be a sign of the onset of labor. It is recommended that you call an ambulance so that the doctor can determine if there is any danger to the mother and her child. Excessive bloody discharge may indicate placental abruption, which is very dangerous and if emergency assistance is not provided, then the child and mother may die. Read more about the nature of discharge during pregnancy.
  8. Stirring.  The movements of the child are felt more clearly. A woman should regularly count the number of movements. During an hour of rest, 4 tangible movements are considered the norm, and in 12 hours the number of movements is 10 times. may indicate various troubles, for example, hypoxia.
  9. Hemorrhoids.  Many women during this period complain of hemorrhoids - expansion of the veins of the rectum. This is due to poor venous blood outflow due to an enlarged uterus. Symptoms of Hemorrhoids  the following:
    • pain in the anus;
    • blood from the anus;
    • swelling of hemorrhoids;
    • itching in the anus.

If treatment is started in time, the problem will disappear. Read about the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

  1. Cramps.  Some women may feel severe cramps, which are mainly associated with calcium deficiency. To get rid of this problem, include calcium foods in your diet, such as broccoli, almonds, dairy products, etc.

Possible emotional experiences

This week, many women may be bothered by the nightmares associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Quite often, the reason lies in the hidden fears that you are experiencing. In this case, it is very important to speak out and say what lies on the soul. Share with close relatives and the problem will disappear by itself.

Basically, people are afraid because of their ignorance. In this case, read the literature on childbirth, and then you will not need to be afraid of anything. To get rid of negative emotions, you can use these tips:

  1. Watch a good movie that will give you a good mood.
  2. Find a hobby to distract and get positive.
  3. Take a walk and possibly travel.

Women's reviews at week 25

More than half of the pregnancy has already passed and women continue to experience all the delights of pregnancy, which we now learn about:

Svetlana: “At week 25, I began to feel discomfort in the lower abdomen and back pain. I’m very tired, because I spend a lot of time at work. I haven’t registered yet, as there is no time, I’ll go to the hospital somewhere around 30 weeks. ”

Kristina: “Until this week I gained 13 kg, because of this the doctor scolds me a lot. Although I feel great, I don’t feel any heaviness. I don’t know why I scored so much, because I follow my diet. In addition, they said at the ultrasound that everything is fine with the child, and he is developing on time. What is the reason no one understands. "

Ella: “Today it was confirmed at ultrasound that I will have a son, a husband in the seventh heaven from happiness. The baby is still pushing with caution. Insomnia upsets me, because I can’t sleep at all until 3 a.m. In addition, I have very strong legs and arms. I can’t sleep during the day, in general, I have a chronic lack of sleep. ”

Pauline: “I went to the second scheduled ultrasound, the doctor said that my princess weighs 900 g, this is normal, since my husband and I are tall. The baby already has her own sleep mode, she does not sleep at night, but as soon as her husband goes to work, he falls asleep. I’m conducting a long struggle with thrush and sometimes with heartburn. For all the time I gained 10 kg. "

Pelagia: “Week 25 and everything is going well, no particular ailments or problems. “Only one thing upsets me, the child does not want to turn around in any way so that we know who we are waiting for.”

Zara: “I was tormented with hemorrhoids, I just can’t get rid of it. This is probably the only nuisance in pregnancy for 25 weeks. At the ultrasound they said that we were waiting for a son. My husband has a new favorite pastime - to lie and listen to the heartbeat of his heir. In general, everything is fine. ”

Jeanne: “I feel good, after work I definitely go for a walk in the fresh air, watch for food, at the weekend I visit the pool, in general, I follow all the tips and recommendations. I decided not to find out what gender my child is, let there be a surprise. ”

Zoya: “I probably already experienced all the delights of pregnancy: toxicosis, swelling, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids. A nightmare, I don’t know what awaits me in the future. ”

Lina: “Everything is fine with us, the baby practically does not bother. He sleeps at night, and activates only during the day, in this regard, I can say that I was lucky. If you do not eat in the evening, then heartburn practically does not torment. My back hurts a little, I bought a special bandage for this. Tomorrow I’m going to the second scheduled ultrasound. ”

Regina: “I was on examination, the doctor said that everything is in order, we are developing on time. I feel good, the only thing I noticed was the sharp mood swings. ”

  Fetal development at 25 weeks gestation

The growth of the fetus is about 34 cm, and the weight is about 700 g. In a week, the baby gained about 150 g.

The diameter of the head is approximately 62.3 mm, the chest is 63.1 mm, and the tummy is somewhere 64.2 mm. Just keep in mind that all values \u200b\u200bare approximate, and each child develops individually.

The kid continues to accumulate   subcutaneous fatand his skin is smoothed. The skin is no longer transparent, but acquires a pink hue due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and the development of the capillary network. The child still can not warm himself, now this function is performed by amniotic fluid.

On the face  You can already see the genetically embedded traits. The skeleton continues to strengthen. The spine consists of 33 vertebrae, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments, that is, it is fully formed.

Internal organs and systems  keep improving. New alveoli form in the lungs, and surfactant is also accumulated in them, which will be needed so that the baby can breathe on its own. When he swallows a lot of amniotic fluid, you can feel the baby hiccup.

Braincontinues to grow and form new neural connections. The inner ear has formed, and this gives the child the opportunity to feel his position in space. At this time, the auricles are still soft and thin, and the cartilage that underlies is not fully developed. Importantly, cartilage density indicates full-term fetus.

Heartit is already knocking so loudly that you can hear it just by putting your ear to your stomach. This week it produce up to 150 beats per minute. The bone marrow is fully formed and begins to fulfill its hematopoietic function.

At this stage, you can already determine which hand the child will use in the future, that is, he will right or left handed. The kid is already learning to squeeze his fingers into a fist. In addition, he is already quite dexterous and can independently grab himself by the leg.

Coming to completion   genitals: in boys, the testes begin to move into the scrotum, and in girls, the vagina ends its formation.

The baby already has its own separate system   blood circulation, with her mother she connects only through the placenta. Now the child is calming when he hears the voice of his mother. In addition, he knows how to frown, smile, and also open and close his eyes.

The child lives according to the developed schedule of activity and sleep, which a woman can easily determine. The kid can already react to visual and sound stimuli, for example, if you shine a lamp on your stomach, he will certainly react with some movement.

  Photo of an ultrasound of the fetus

View from below:

3D ultrasound photo of 25 weeks of pregnancy:

Many women can notice. To avoid this problem, do not strain your legs for a long time and relax more often. When lying down, place a pillow under your feet so that they are above the body.

Nutrition rules

This week's menu should be balanced and rich in vitamins and minerals. You should eat "for two", but the main thing is not to go too far and not overeat. This week's menu should include dairy and meat products, as well as cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is very important to get a sufficient amount of vitamins, as the state of the mother and her child depends on them. Thanks to this, a woman can prevent the appearance of problems with hair, nails, teeth, etc.

Listen to your body, he will certainly tell you what he wants at the moment. The daily menu should include proteins. When choosing products, be sure to pay attention to their quality and freshness. In addition, look at the composition of the products, they should not have a lot of fats and carbohydrates.

It is necessary to exclude sharp, smoked, fried, salty and very fatty foods from your diet. To avoid swelling, it is recommended to reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

Exercise stress

Continue to exercise, special exercises for pregnant women help get rid of pain and easier to bear pregnancy. The best thing to do is exercise on fitball and.

To get rid of back pain, do this exercise: stand on all fours and slowly sit on your feet, while your arms should be stretched forward. Bend in the back, linger for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 5-6 reps.

To strengthen the pelvic muscles is recommended to perform   Kegel exercises. They will help prepare muscles for childbirth and control urination. It’s better to start training while lying down, in the future, when it will work out for you, you can train in any position. Tighten your pelvic muscles as if you want to hold back your urination and hold out for 10 seconds, repeat the manipulations about 10 times. Next, tighten the muscle of the vagina and anus.

Intimate relationship

If you feel good and there are no medical contraindications, then you can not deny yourself the pleasure. Many poses will be uncomfortable and inaccessible, in this case recommends using poses with penetration from behind or when a woman is on top. It is important to be careful: avoid sudden movements and deep penetrations. There are cases that it is during pregnancy that a woman can truly experience an orgasm and get true pleasure from sex.

Helpful hints:

Examinations at 25 weeks of gestation

This week, a pregnant woman may be prescribed second scheduled ultrasound. It is necessary in order to exclude defects of the nervous system, to determine the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, as well as the place of attachment of the placenta and its condition. Now the doctor can already determine the gender of your child with an accuracy of 99%.

It is also mandatory at week 25 to pass, which examines the level of hemoglobin, and that will tell about the work of the kidneys. In addition to this, a woman needs to visit a therapist, optometrist, otolaryngologist, dentist and have an ECG.

  Video about the 25th week of pregnancy