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American clothing style: how girls dress in the USA. American style of clothing How men dress in America

It is known that the place in which a person lives, the culture and rhythm of life leave an imprint on everything - from character to lifestyle. When talking about how they dress in America, you need to remember that America is not only big cities, but also small “bedroom areas” in which the locals look completely different.

In general, the style of Americans can be called comfortable and free, because they know very well that every person can look exactly the way he wants.

The mixture of cultures and styles can best be observed in New York, because this city is considered a Mecca for all talented artists, painters, musicians, and writers. At the same time, in business districts you can find crowds of men and women choosing formal suits for daily wear.

If you want to know how they dress in the USA, you can pay attention to the style of people who come to all kinds of talk shows as spectators. As a rule, in Everyday life These are jeans, T-shirts, comfortable sweaters, simple jackets, sneakers or sneakers.

You also need to understand that in Florida, where the temperature in winter is much higher than in New York, people are not used to wearing UGG boots or warm jackets, they just need to stock up on warm sweaters in case of an abnormal cold snap.

Cost of clothes

All clothing in America, unless we are talking about branded items sold in boutiques, is very cheap.

There are entire chains of stores that constantly update their range of clothing with huge discounts.

For example, if clothes in the USA are left over from last season in branded stores, they are quickly sent to similar chains and are given a discount of 20 to 90%.

Low prices for clothes allow you to frequently change your wardrobe and, if necessary, buy very high-quality, branded items at half the price. This is what amazes all Russians who come to the United States for the first time.

You can find out in advance how much clothes cost in America in online stores, and get an approximate idea of ​​how much you will have to spend to create a new look.

Style difference

If girls in San Francisco fundamentally do not wear the transparent tights familiar to Russians, not seeing the need for them, then in colder states you can often find women choosing warm tights or leggings as additional “insulation.”

It should be noted that many companies set a dress code that must be met.

For example, management may require you to wear tights and skirts of a certain length to work, but if this can be refused, American women will certainly do so. Knowing what kind of clothes are worn in the USA, you don’t have to be afraid to experiment with style; here people do what they want.

It is better to come to the US Embassy for a visa interview in what a person feels comfortable in. It is not at all necessary to wear a suit; it is enough to base your image on the basis of clean, neat clothes.

Fabulous dressed men and women can meet at certain events - Fashion Week, music awards, the theater, musicals and so on. Stylish people easily combine popular clothing brands in the USA - Converse, Levi's, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein with more status ones - Chanel, Versace and the like.

Fashion for special occasions

As a rule, Americans have a great understanding of what to wear to Thanksgiving (comfortable corduroy pants, jeans, cozy sweaters and simple shirts), and what to wear on a date (more romantic outfits) or to a party (bright, sparkly outfits, complemented by flashy dresses). eyes with accessories).

On New Year girls can go out in long shiny dresses, but they can also please passers-by with funny stretched sweaters with images reindeer or Santa.

In the USA, people are not afraid to seem ridiculous or funny; they look exactly the way they want at a particular moment.

For the holidays, many people prefer to choose a classic American pair - light jeans and an oversized sweater. If we are talking about summer and spring holidays, people dress brightly and more easily.

On Halloween, many girls try on the image of movie heroes, comic book characters, and are not afraid to expose their bodies, preferring seductive outfits. In the USA you can find almost any costume, so the chance of meeting interesting people on the street increases significantly.

The myth that girls don't wear pantyhose at all needs to be checked in a specific state. As stated earlier, if a person has always lived in California, where it doesn't get very cold, they can really stick to a lighter, beachy style. Similarly in Miami and Los Angeles, where there is a cult of a healthy lifestyle and beautiful body, people choose simple, revealing clothes that highlight their assets.

How to dress in the USA

If for a person buying clothes is a complex issue, about which he thinks for a long time and carefully analyzes future images, in the USA he can breathe a sigh of relief. Here everyone wears what is comfortable for them.

It is enough to walk once through different areas of large cities, come to small towns, to look at that same “one-story America”, to understand how to dress in order to feel comfortable.

Clothing in the United States. Let's start with the most interesting and even a little offensive thing, the main difference between Americans and Russians is that Russians do everything for show in public, Americans do everything for themselves, this also applies to the manner of dressing. Russians consider clothing an opportunity to show off, show off, and show their status with clothes. Americans show their status with other things that may not be available to people of other social classes, for example, the location of their house in an elite area, an unusually expensive car, but not clothes, this is too small for these Americans, they do not understand how they can stand out in any way. then there is a rag, of which you can buy a whole truckload for one paycheck. To confirm my words, I will say that Russians do everything for show, and Americans are more modest, you can give an example of what houses and apartments of Russians and Americans look like, Russians, even with iPhones and foreign cars, can live in real ruins without proper repairs, while Americans First of all, they turn their attention to things that constitute the inner essence, which cannot be boasted.

The level of income determines the level of pampering with toys; for Russians and Ukrainians, income allows them to show off the cheapest toys, and these are clothes or even food; today another fashion idol has appeared, the iPhone.

It cannot be said that Americans neglect clothing so much, for them it must first of all be appropriate, each society has its own clothing, if a person works in a place where, according to professional criteria, it is necessary to wear fashionable or expensive clothes, then the person will do it, in In another case, an American will strive to wear comfortable and clean clothes, but boasting about status here is done in completely different ways. Probably, in a business center, in the office of a large business firm, all employees will wear formal suits, this applies to men and women, the latter will also prefer formal trouser suits. America is so diverse that the idea of ​​clothing will be very different, as you understand, residents of Texas will dress completely differently than residents of Manhattan.

Many Americans are engaged in anti-fashion, that is, they dress deliberately disdainful of fashion standards, look at how Steve Jobs dressed and Mark Zuckerberg dresses, these people had only a few pairs of clothing, for example three identical sweaters, jeans or boots, every day they wear the same clothes. They explain this not by their contempt for fashion, but by convenience; they save mental energy on the problem of choosing clothes. Of course, you will say, such people do not really need to show off or be liked by others, they can be loved simply for their money. But on the other hand, the question arises, how can this person successfully cope with his business if he cannot dress normally, how can a designer make beautiful things and at the same time it is clearly visible that he does not know how to dress himself. Perhaps a person wants to appear like one of his own in the eyes of service consumers, if a person works for the upper class, then he should dress like the upper class, if the consumer is the common people, then from a marketing point of view it is better to dress like the common people dress, that’s why Steve Jobs dressed like the simplest person, the products of this company in the USA are mostly used by the most simple people, but in Russia such goods can only be bought by the elite, who are dressed completely differently. Most clear example In addition to how an ordinary American dresses - this is the clothes of the President of the United States in an informal setting, the President dresses exactly the same as most Americans, because his election campaign is aimed at the broadest masses, so he wants to seem like one of his own, shows that he can joke, although -Dogi and generally behaves like the simplest person.

It’s impossible not to notice that residents of wealthy areas or suburbs where super rich houses are located look very representative; this, of course, applies more to the clothing style of women.

How many clothes do Americans have?

How many Americans have clothes. Try going into a dressing room in a middle class house or apartment in the US and compare it to our middle class. In the USA, dressing rooms are not a built-in wardrobe, but separate rooms, which in area can exceed the size of the entire apartment we are used to. This was done because an ordinary resident of America can have dozens of suits, dozens of pullover sweaters, dozens of jeans, dozens of shoes and the like; count how many suits or pairs of clothes ordinary residents of Russia or Ukraine have. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to call Americans “clothes people”; why do they need so many clothes? In general, the answer may lie in overproduction, because it is no secret that Americans consume many times more goods than residents of other countries of the world.

Modern youth in the USA are not deprived of this feeling; young girls want to please guys, for this they resort to the delights of fashion. In an area where people dress very well, you need to dress just as well in order to seem like one of your own; in an area where people dress poorly, you need to dress just as poorly so as not to fall out of the crowd.

In general, Americans are very relaxed, there is no need to worry about social issues, Americans worry about completely different things than Russians, this is the polar view of the world. Russians lived their whole lives in the same apartments, ate the same foods, wore the same clothes, the variety of which never existed. Only now in Russia or Ukraine clothing has lost its once cult significance, perhaps in the near future in relation to clothing, or rather the simplicity of our attitude towards it, we will be on par with the Americans and will be proud of completely different things.

An indicator of status in the USA can be a witty way of thinking, the place where you live, the quality of the house, the place where your children study, lifestyle and the like, what clothes you wear or what phone you have does not matter, especially since all Americans have the same one same phone

Clothing, work and environment

Clothing, work and habitat. The only time Americans think about their clothes is when they go to an interview for a new job. workplace, though another case is a wedding.

So, in order to dress appropriately, you need to study it yourself new company. If you dress too expensively, then at the interview they may think that you are too wealthy or pay too much attention to extraneous things and may not value this place of work; if you dress too poorly, then you may be from another disadvantaged society and will drag the entire company down for yourself, you need to find the ideal middle ground in order to become your own person in the future team. As you move up the career ladder, you also need to wear clothes of your class; a subordinate cannot look more chic and expensive than his superiors; in America this is very difficult to do, since here expensive clothes are financially accessible even to the poorest. Clothing at work is not only your face, but also the face of the company. I have noticed many times for myself that by dressing more expensively than others, people force society to treat themselves appropriately, this proves a simple truth, dress the way you want others to treat you. It would be a complete mistake to wear poor clothes when going to the tax office, dressing expensively, but not flashily, the people around you are imbued with trust and goodwill, everyone wants to maybe even help you with something, touch you, communicate, and the like. A poorly dressed person in any country in the world causes disrespect and contempt; dress like a homeless person and people will shun you, there is no question of any kind of trusting relationship.

In the United States, neat and clean clothing is accepted, some managers even change their jacket or shirt after lunch to look fresher; the availability of clothing allows Americans to come to work in a new suit every day.

Work clothes in the USA are a separate topic of conversation, pay attention to what a doorman looks like in an elite hotel, the clean red carpet that crosses the sidewalk and leads to the roadway, how airlines compete with each other in the clothes of flight attendants, how bright and elegant shop assistants and cashiers look , how interesting the uniform is for everyone who is involved in the service sector, the uniform should say, look what we look like, and the service that we will provide looks even better, so clothing in the USA is not just clothing, it has turned into a marketing tool, into an elegant packaging that can itself promote the product.

Boutiques and availability of branded clothing

Boutiques and availability of branded clothing. In the USA, like no other country in the world, branded clothing is available to ordinary people, perhaps for this reason, clothing for the rich has ceased to be a status of wealth, when the first homeless person on the street can buy himself a Versace. In stock centers and sales, branded items lose up to 100% of their value, just as fruit with a speck of wilting will simply be thrown into the trash from the store window.

Americans do not wear their clothes to holes; if the clothes have lost their original freshness and shape, they will certainly be thrown away or given to the poor and needy. The cost of clothing is very low compared to income, if after mandatory payments an American is left with $2,000 a month, then imagine how much clothing can be bought if a pair of jeans can cost only $20.

We can talk separately about blacks or migrants. As a rule, blacks in the USA dress more elegantly than whites, again this is how they can stand out, since they cannot boast of a house in a prestigious area and education of children. People who grew up in the ghetto are accustomed to wearing old things from their older brothers and sisters; this can justify their stage style of rappers and other subcultures, along with their love for gold chains and artificial “show-off.”

Lenadra Medin, founder of the cult portal Man Repeller. An example of the style of a modern American woman, an innovator and a favorite of photographers. Modern American women value comfort above all else. During the day you won't see them in heels, but in the evening they like to dress up.

In large cities, comfort plays a very important role. Sneakers, boots on flat sole, sandals in summer and spring, almost complete absence of heels - what you will find in the daytime. The foundation of any American woman's wardrobe is jeans. They are worn with boots, stilettos, T-shirts and coats. Seriously, you'll have to work hard to find a woman who doesn't have at least one pair. This wardrobe item is very multifunctional and occupies an important place in American fashion.

I live in Boston, this city is located next to New York. There are a lot of young people here, students from Boston University. Local style - thick jackets, windbreakers, sweatshirts, jeans (of course), handbags from the Coach brand, and if a woman has a little more money, then from Goyard. In the cold season, women wear high jockey boots tucked into skinny jeans. Personally, I love most leather jackets and soft fabric crewneck T-shirts, but I think it's all French influence: I go to Paris several times a year because it's hometown my husband.

A leather jacket, jeans and flat boots are the favorite things of many girls in America. In the state of California, American women dress up brightly but casually so that no one will accuse them of trying too hard.

In Los Angeles, most girls wear torn ones loose jeans, T-shirts and pumps. All this is complemented by the “I just woke up” hairstyle.

The whole look should scream: “I wasn’t trying to look cool and sexy at all, I’m already so gorgeous that I just can’t be any more attractive.”

Megan Perelman

This narcissism certainly accompanies the love of sports, healthy image life. In Los Angeles, almost no one smokes, drinks or parties loudly until the early hours, like in New York. Everyone is very particular about their appearance, they run and go to the gym.

In general, the fashion map of America is large: San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Austin, Portland, Seattle. Every city has its own unique style that deserves to be told. The capital of fashion is New York, few would disagree with this.

American women love European style, and especially the “style” of Parisian women

American women adore European designers and the style of French women. Many people sincerely believe that Louis Vuitton, Prada and other European brands are tens of times cheaper in their homeland than in America.

Few Americans go to Europe during their vacation. This is not a cheap pleasure, in addition, many are sure that within their homeland there is everything necessary for recreation: the sea, ski resorts, hiking, beautiful parks, vineyards, and so on. In the States you can do anything. Meanwhile, many girls gravitate towards European designers and brands and believe that it is cheaper to buy Chanel and Louis Vuitton in France. The best gift an American woman will have a box of Ladurée macarons (although this confectionery is represented in America) and a bracelet from Hermès.

Most American women are sure that Paris is the most stylish city in the world; they think that all Parisian women wear vests, berets, bouffant skirts a la Brigitte Bardot, ballet shoes. I travel to Europe often and don’t want to disappoint my compatriots if they ask me about the famous French style.

In general, I can’t help but admit that every time I look at someone on the street, I notice beautiful clothes, shoes, hairstyle and give a compliment, it turns out that the person is a foreigner.

Megan Perelman

Stylish American women are rarer than we would like.

Style icon

Fashion icons in America are a very fickle concept. The stars that everyone prays to appear and then go out. For example, Kim Kardashian, despite all her popularity, has a very negative image. She and her entire family are interesting to twelve-year-old girls within the confines of Snapchat, and that’s where the army of fans ends. Otherwise, she is cited as an example of bad taste. Taylor Swift is a better example, but many people think she's trying too hard: red lipstick, blonde hair, copying Monroe's style. In general, people sympathize with her, but a lot of heckles are thrown at her.

American women most often mention Rihanna when it comes to an example of good taste. Almost everyone likes her bright and bold style.

I think I can only single out Rihanna. Almost everyone admires her, but this applies to her stage images. They are really bold, bright, and certainly very individual.

Blogger zaneta talks about her experience of living in the USA and communicating with Americans:

1. Even if you buy one banana at the supermarket, they will put it in a plastic bag or paper bag. Or maybe even two. As a result, huge amounts of both constantly accumulate in homes.

2. If you ask an American where he is from, he will first say in which state or city he was born, even if he was taken from there as an infant and has never been there again. In addition, Americans like to list what percentage of which nationality is present in his ancestry.

3. You can return almost everything you bought back to the store, saying that it “didn’t suit you.” You will receive either your money back or a purchase credit. I personally saw one woman bring a huge bag filled with used cosmetics without a receipt and receive $300.

4. The system of snitching is unusually developed. For example, if there is a “No Smoking” sign in a public place and someone starts smoking, none of the visitors will personally reprimand the smoker. They will go to complain to the manager.

5. Bouquets of flowers are sold for pennies in all supermarkets, but men very rarely give them to women. A bouquet brought on a date will make a girl think that the guy is a loser and is desperately trying to win her affection.

6. Americans are incredible workaholics. If you come to the office at 6 am or stay at work until midnight, no one will appreciate it. This is exactly how many people work.

7. If you want to make someone feel very guilty and apologize to you, just say that their words or actions hurt your feelings. “Hurting someone's feelings” is a very serious offense in the United States.

8. Americans know how to make money from the most incredible and even idiotic idea. One, seeing dentures in a dentist’s office, molded crooked teeth out of plastic at home to scare his friends and became a millionaire by putting this production on stream.

9. It is not customary for Americans to meet people on the street. If someone approaches you, be prepared to hear a foreign accent.

10. Among Americans, potato chips are considered part of a dish - a side dish, like Russians, for example, fried potatoes.

11. The Russian dish jellied meat evokes surprise among Americans, or rather carefully hidden disgust. Jelly here can only be sweet.

12. In America, the concept of “no prophet is in his own country” does not exist. Americans are proud and loud when their compatriots achieve success abroad. In the same way, they make a fuss if one of their friends abroad gets into trouble.

1 3. The American army not only pays well and provides numerous benefits, parents themselves send their teenagers there to be “turned into men.” The result is usually very impressive.

14. Suing a company for a completely idiotic reason is a favorite way for Americans to earn money and is reminiscent of a national sport. Sometimes a person becomes involved in a collective court by accident: several times I received a piece of paper in the mail asking me to confirm my desire to participate in a collective court and receive compensation. It turns out that someone didn’t like the purchase (or service) and decided to sue, as well as involve another hundred hundred people who purchased goods there at approximately the same time. The irony is that the real money is made by the lawyers, because they get a percentage from each person involved, and they will send you twenty bucks divided by one hundred hundred people.

15. American girls are very independent and self-confident early age. It is difficult to imagine a young American woman trying to win the favor of her parents or others by being obedient. The famous Russian remark “well, you’re a girl” has no equivalent here. Appearance and especially thinness come first and all other places.

16. American boys will do everything they can to get a girlfriend as early as possible: it doesn't matter how many guy friends you have or whether you're good at sports - if you don't have a girlfriend, you're a loser. When you have a girlfriend, your buddies automatically assume you're having sex (which isn't necessarily true), which means you're incredibly cool.

18. American husbands often repeat the saying “a happy wife is happy life”, hinting that you shouldn’t argue and contradict your wife, it’s better to agree right away, you’ll lose anyway. American fathers have no problem pulling out a credit card when their daughters want to buy something or spend a day at the salon. Fathers are much stricter with their sons and, in general, treat the boys who are their daughters’ friends with great distrust.

19. When traveling to other countries, Americans never try to learn the local language. They don’t understand why the French refuse to accept orders from them in English, believing that they are just showing off and creating unnecessary problems. The whole world already speaks English, what's the problem?

20. Americans are not at all interested in foreign films and celebrities. Only when some European star moves to the USA can they start writing something about her in the newspapers, but otherwise Americans are completely indifferent to foreigners.

21. Living with parents or relatives is not customary here and only happens if a person has no money at all. But a huge number of Americans rent out rooms in their home or rent housing with complete strangers whom they found through advertisements. There are often cases when single people take lodgers in order not only to save money, but also to avoid loneliness.

22. Americans are crazy about pets and often treat them better than their own family members. The housewife does not have to bother preparing dinner for her children and husband, while stocking up on a wide variety of canned food and mixtures for her dog or cat.

23. If you do something with your own hands, no matter how crooked and askew it is, Americans will admire and advise you to start your own business. It is normal to applaud loudly for a home-grown singer, even if a bear crushed his ear. Therefore, indescribable mediocrities often flaunt on the screens in full confidence of their talent.

24. Americans are not very superstitious. Apart from knock on wood, I can’t think of a single superstition. It is mainly emigrants who go to fortune tellers and fortune tellers. But everyone as one believes in the 2012 Apocalypse and the existence of UFOs.

25. Getting a higher education is considered a guarantee in the USA successful career. At the same time, the vast majority of billionaires and truly rich people either never crossed the threshold of college at all, or made their money on something to which their diploma has nothing to do. University graduates are paying off student loans before retirement and are dreading retirement.

26. American women consider a day wasted if their hair is poorly styled and are generally very particular about haircuts. They can walk around in sweatpants and a T-shirt, but with a great haircut, well-colored and very well-groomed.

27. Working as a service person is not considered shameful. But only Latinos do gardening work. The worst thing you can do for your reputation is take government assistance.

28. Americans love to read and buy huge amounts of books every year. At the same time, the vast majority cannot spell half the words correctly. in English and does not know the meaning of the other half. There are often cases when professors write something on the board during class and students correct them. Spelling errors are not considered a cause for embarrassment here.

29. Americans chat freely about sex and the anatomy of both women and men, as if it were a conversation about the weather. All non-abusive designations of sexual characteristics have long been included in everyday speech, and discussions of menstruation, penises, vaginas and sexual intercourse quietly take place on TV screens. Also, for some unknown reason, “asshole” is always dubbed on television, but “bitch” or “son of a bitch” is not.

30. The most terrible structure in the United States is not the police or the courts, but the tax authorities. The defaulter will be pulled out of the ground and a concrete guard will come. Although they don’t play with the police either - you won’t be able to dodge a fine on the road.

31. In America there are bars and clubs only for blacks. I have not yet seen one for whites only and, most likely, such a bar will have to often change the glass in its windows.

32. Only narrow ones are celebrated with a feast family holidays and dinners at the White House. In all other cases, the meeting will most likely take place either in a bar or restaurant, or at home there will be a buffet and no toasts.

33. Americans do not write congratulatory poems for birthdays and holidays. A card for the occasion with a ready-made text is bought in the store, signed and presented most often without a gift.

34. Americans do not like to openly disagree and say “no.” When they say no, they will most likely say “yes, maybe, maybe.” You need to get used to reading these signals and not insisting or accidentally mistaking “maybe” for agreement.

35. In schools, no one studies in the same class for 10 years, but, as in universities, they meet in certain lessons with different people. Americans remember the school with hostility, and some with hatred. Constant clashes between teenagers, jokes between girls. Constant competition to see who has more money, who is better dressed and who has the coolest boyfriend (girlfriend).

36. Americans travel very rarely. Canada and Mexico don't even count as foreign countries. Those who vacation in France are considered to have seen the world.

37. Bargaining is not customary in America, but if you find any defect in the product, you may be given a discount. Sometimes 50%.

38. Everyone drives a car, and there are even driving stereotypes:

if a car is lagging ahead - Asian
if a car with turns on is lagging ahead - a pensioner
if you are overtaken with tinted windows - Iranian or Russian
if there are 25 people in the car - Mexicans
if the music is blaring and the car doors are shaking - African-American

39. It’s very easy to register and open your own business—you won’t encounter much paperwork along the way.

40. Americans are not at all offended when someone speaks negatively about their country. They will even agree that their president is a laughing stock, that democracy is not real, and that everyone around the world laughs at them or hates them. At the same time, almost no one would think of trying to emigrate somewhere.

41. According to an incredibly popular site where you can order a letter from Santa for your child, his office is in Texas. This is another example of the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans - someone came up with the idea to write on beautiful paper wishes from Santa and sell them for 10 bucks. The founder's annual income is in the millions.

42. Enjoying a leisurely lunch in the middle of a workday is an atypical picture for the United States, and snoring for a quarter of an hour sounds unrealistic. Mostly people grab sandwiches and eat them at their desks.

43. Being photographed for Playboy magazine is not considered something shameful. Posting nude photos of yourself from behind that you took at home is a shame.

44. Americans love to sell their junk by posting yard sale signs and displaying old items, furniture, and whatever else outside their garages. People are buying it up - the noise alone is worth it.

45. Losing weight in the United States is considered a more important achievement than success in business. If some fat businessman with his millions loses weight to normal size, this will be talked about more than his business.

46. All modern houses and apartments are designed with mandatory built-in wardrobes. They usually have sliding doors, which can be replaced with mirrored ones for an additional fee.

47. It’s not uncommon to see children of wealthy parents working at Starbucks. Parents' money is not considered an automatic inheritance for children, and the latter often make their way on their own, relying on the education received and the parents' acquaintances, but not on their money.

48. Couples of an older woman + a younger man have become commonplace.

49. Crying in public is very undesirable. Swearing loudly on the phone, discussing intimate details - all the time.

50. Americans easily part with friends and just as easily find new ones. It is not customary to ask friends for money, salt, or help to look after the children.

Russian models living in New York complain that they are disappointed in the fashion capital of the world, because most Americans wear jeans and sneakers in everyday life. However, New York Fashion Week, numerous trends coming from America, and such big fashion names as Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Marc Jacobs and Oscar De La Renta, say otherwise. America is a melting pot of many cultures, where the desire for convenience meets eccentricity. Perhaps this is what defines American style.

Perhaps the most American style. It combines simplicity of cut plus many elements inherent in both bohemian and hippie style. Model Eva Pron says this style is especially popular in the SoHo area (New York), where avant-garde, classic and luxury coexist.


Eva Pron: “Everything is mixed in this style: sharply fashionable, classic, and freedom of expression.” Clothes of this style at an affordable price are produced by the Free People brand; if you are willing to pay more, then this is Raquel Allegra.

Free People

Denim style

Those who imagine jeans when they talk about American style are not far from the truth. Jeans were first made in 1853 by Levi Strauss. Back then they were used as work clothes for farmers. Today everyone sews from denim. It is interesting that throughout the existence of this style, it has never gone out of fashion. Most often, Americans buy jeans from Gap, Calvin Klein and Levi's.

(at a brand party in Berlin)

American casual

Among the favorites of American women are sneakers, sneakers, trousers and white shirts. Sweaters one size larger and sweatshirts. All things are combined with each other, so as not to think too long when choosing casual wear. But it may well be made in bright colors.

Los Angeles-based actress Kat Miglagio says: “American style is clothing that can be worn to work in the morning and to a party in the evening. It should be easy to transform. For example, during the day I can throw a jacket over a dress and then take it off in the evening, sometimes I take evening shoes with me - and they completely change my look.”

Kat says that she most often chooses jackets from Ralph Lauren, dresses from American designer Haley Paige, and shoes from Betsey Johnson.

Haley Paige dresses (however, the brand is better known for its wedding line)

Betsy Johnson herself

Walmart style

The largest American supermarket of cheap clothes has long become a household name. They even opened a blog on the Internet dedicated to the most ridiculous outfits of department store shoppers. Nevertheless, while New York and Los Angeles set global fashion, most residents of one-story America buy T-shirts, comfortable sweatshirts and jeans in this store.

Focus on accessories

Accessories and shoes in American fashion sometimes become more significant than the clothes themselves. A participant in the popular show Runaway, designer Sandro Masmonidi believes that it is impossible to imagine American fashion without accessories. “As a rule, these are watches with a metal dial or a gold dial. And always big and bright. This design can be seen at Michael Kors. He also makes bags that are very similar to Louis Vuitton, but much cheaper, which is why they are so popular.”

Affordable luxury

Americans generally would rather spend money on restaurants and entertainment than on expensive clothing. However, they value quality very much.

Model Ksenia Ocheredko has been living in America for several years and defines this style this way: “These are high-quality fabrics, natural tones, comfortable shoes. An American woman will not “scream” with her outfit; she will prefer a calm, sporty style and expensive accessories. It could be 7 For All Mankind jeans, a Ralph Lauren jumper, The Arrivals leather jacket, Nike sneakers, a Marc Jacobs bag.”


Sports in the USA are an integral part of life. Ask any American, and he will be either an amateur runner, a swimmer, or a boxer. Women tend to do yoga. This left its mark on the American style. Sportswear stores like Athleta sell not only leggings, but also yoga dresses, skirts and hair accessories. Actress Kat Miglagio says: “I consider myself a 'yogi' - I really love these clothes, and I don't just wear them to class. And I wear Sketchers sports shoes almost every day.”

Men's clothing

American women are known throughout the world for their commitment to feminism. The desire to be equal to a man in everything is also manifested in clothing. They accessorize white T-shirts, classic pantsuits, baseball caps and many other items borrowed from the men's wardrobe. Things with male shoulder may look stylish and appropriate.

Jacqueline Kennedy

It is almost impossible to imagine American style without President Kennedy's wife. She was the first to wear huge sunglasses and introduced midi skirts, trench coats, and turtlenecks into fashion. A small sheath dress and a headscarf. American women still look at photographs of Jackie and copy the most good images. One of them is singer Lana del Rey.

Business lady

The history of this style began in the 1970s, when casual and business clothes began to be strictly distinguished. It was then that the business suit appeared. In 1988, the American film “Business Girl” was released, where actresses Melanie Griffith and Sigourney Weaver played a businesswoman and made office clothes super popular. Today, American brands Ann Taylor and Banana Republic specialize in classic women's office wear.

Banana Republic

Ethnic style

In multinational America, cultures are completely united different countries. This also applies to fashion. On the streets of New York you can easily meet a girl in a Chinese dress and cowboy boots, in a Ukrainian embroidered shirt and a Mexican poncho.

Black and black

If you want to look stylish, wear black, New York fashionistas are sure. Black shoes, black jeans and a black coat are mandatory in the wardrobe of a resident of the Big Apple. Dressing in black can always make you look elegant. New York model Vlada Nikitina-Fedorov gives advice to those who want to blend in with the crowd of New York fashionistas: “First, there should be a very expensive black clutch bag, an elongated jacket, bare on one shoulder, black leather leggings and boots in military style. Another look is black tights and a black flared dress.” Rich Americans, the model says, prefer European designers such as Alexander McQueen. Middle-income Americans dress in Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.


The style, so popular all over the world, originated in America. Designer Claire McCardel combined elegance and practicality to create a comfortable feminine clothes without unnecessary details. This happened back in the 40s of the last century; nowadays, clothes in the minimalist style are created by Donna Koran and Calvin Klein.

Cowboy style

Cowboy boots, American flag print, bandanas and other classics from the Wild West can still be seen not only on the streets of American cities, but also on catwalks (you will find an article about this at the link).

Plus-size model Massel Hernandez says that every second American woman has cowboy boots in her closet, which they wear with dresses and jeans. “It’s all very American! I would add more white shirt from natural cotton and a hat. I think the best jeans are Levi's Boyriend."


America loves hats so much that there is even a national hat day on the calendar - January 15th. Black felt hats- This is a real trend in New York. They are worn with dresses, with jeans, in winter and summer. It is believed that the best classic hats are made by Borsalino.


Hipsters stand out as bright spots against the background of people in black. Colorful oversized T-shirts, printed leggings, vintage and trendy items. Hipsters love to combine affordable clothing brands - such as Gap, American Apparel - with vintage and homemade items. American brand Urban Outfitters caters specifically to them. In appearance there is deliberate negligence.

Actress and martial arts teacher Chantal Ayates says: “The main thing is freedom of choice. My clothes are an eclectic mix of everything I love. I draw inspiration from anime, video game characters, and cultures of different countries that interest me. I love spandex, I love wearing holsters, long flowing coats and wide-brimmed hats. I don't like logos on clothes."

Urban Outfitters


It's not just hipsters who love vintage. About 80% of Americans admitted that they have bought items at a second-hand store at least once. Vintage clothing is an important part of New York City fashion. The coolest vintage shops are on the Upper East Side, New York's richest neighborhood, where you can find Oscar de la renta items and dresses from casual fashion designer Claire McCardle in the racks. Williamsbourg thrift stores sell flannel shirts, biker jackets and other work clothes from 20 years ago.


Americans are not afraid of experiments. This is the reason that most of the world's fashion trends born in this country. Light dress floral and heavy combat boots, “granny sweater” and fashionable leggings, sneakers and Evening Dress successfully spread throughout the world. The Americans do not stop, and experiments continue to this day.

Plaid shirt

The regular shirt has become a real pillar of American style. And for both men and women. Both ordinary people and Hollywood stars wear it. This shirt reflects the attitude of most Americans towards fashion - practicality and convenience. Thrifty Americans buy shirts at Old Navy chain stores, while more extravagant ones buy them at J.Crew.


However, the most important pillar of American style remains classic. High-quality clothing made from natural fabrics in black, beige and gray colors. No matter what experiments designers resort to,