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Happy 60th anniversary animations. From merry people to business people

What is age? Is age measured in years? It happens that you look at a person - he is cheerful, running and jumping. And he is almost ninety years old! And sometimes thirty-year-olds lie on the couch and cannot go somewhere else. No, age is about knowing when and what to celebrate. For example, are you going to celebrate your 60th birthday? If you are going, then we have great news for you. We made it with our own hands wonderful cards Happy 60th anniversary to the woman. These cards will help you congratulate a woman on her 60th birthday and do it in a bright and unusual way.

Each card has a unique style. Each card is flowers, delicate tones and beautiful words. Choose any of the cards below and give it to your beloved woman! And remember - age is not something to worry about!

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There are only a few days left until the anniversary of your employee, friend, acquaintance or relative, and you have not yet figured out how to congratulate her? Of course, if gifts and flowers are prepared, then half the battle is already done, but do not forget about such an important part as birthday wishes.

A woman’s 60th birthday is the age when she has already realized herself professionally and family-wise, when she has life’s wisdom, so gifts for the soul, and these are precisely wishes, occupy a paramount place for her.

What can you wish a woman on her anniversary? They say that all the wishes that we pronounce impromptu, in our own words, paradoxically reflect our own desires, and not the wishes of the birthday person. Therefore, in order for the birthday greetings to please the hero of the day, let’s distract ourselves from what we lack and focus entirely on the woman’s desires.

Think about what brings her happiness in life, what is dear and loved to her, and wish for more of these pleasures and joys. Congratulations on your 60th birthday can be in prose or verse, sincere and heartfelt; humor is often appropriate here and there is always a place for compliments and praise.

If you still haven’t been able to write wishes for a woman’s 60th birthday yourself, don’t despair ahead of time, we will help you. Depending on who your hero of the day is and how you will congratulate her, we have divided the congratulations to a woman on her 60th birthday into the following parts:

  • Cheerful and playful.
  • Strict and bright.
  • From employees.
  • From friends.
  • At the feast.
  • In a postcard.
  • Short ones for SMS.

From family:

  • To my wife.
  • To mother from her daughter and from her son.
  • To my sister.
  • Tete.
  • To my grandmother.

From merry people to business people

My favorite option for happy anniversary wishes is cheerful. Birthday is the happiest holiday, and it should be celebrated with childish enthusiasm! Comic congratulations Happy 60th anniversary should lift the mood of the woman celebrating the anniversary, bring a smile and a joyful glow to her. Such wishes are appropriate from family members, friends and even colleagues. How do you like these? cool congratulations Happy anniversary?

But it happens that the situation requires official congratulations. 60 years is a respectful age and often requires addressing you. Especially for such cases, we have selected wishes for a woman’s 60th birthday in prose and in poetry, which correspond to a fairly strict and restrained tone, but are not devoid of bright and sincere words. If you are a colleague, subordinate, relative or old acquaintance, perhaps you were looking for the following congratulations and wishes for a woman on her 60th birthday:

From employees to relatives

Since we have become familiar with the general wishes, let's look at congratulations, which depend on the status of the congratulator. So, if you are an employee and are looking for congratulations on the 60th anniversary of a female colleague, then the verses below are collected for you:

An important anniversary cannot be left without the attention of friends, so we have also selected for them warm congratulations on the 60th birthday of a dear friend.

Relatives and friends are preparing more than anyone else to congratulate their beloved hero of the day on her 60th birthday. Relatives certainly cannot limit themselves to the phrase “Happy Birthday”; women here are prepared with the most tender words. And what the husband says on his beloved woman’s 60th birthday should be the most heartfelt:

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday are no less affectionate. Adult children prepare their best wishes so that mommy knows how loved she is and how grateful she is. Perhaps you will like this poem:

A sister is a person who has been by your side all your life, and thanks to whom you have had the most reliable friend since childhood. You protected and supported each other, and age only strengthened your love and gratitude.

Therefore, every sister’s birthday brings joy even greater than her own, and congratulations on her anniversary to her sister should reflect these feelings. On her 60th birthday, you can dedicate the following poems to a woman:

We also will not dare to ignore our beloved aunt in her velvet sixties. We managed to find this congratulation to your aunt on her 60th birthday, we hope it suits you:

Congratulations come to a 60-year-old woman and from grandchildren, big and small:

Toasts and SMS

What holiday is complete without a feast, and what feast is complete without toasts? Anniversary toasts are the most important part of celebrating such an important date, and it is impossible not to participate in it. Below you will find toasts and wishes for a woman’s 60th birthday, which will be good at the table with family, friends or co-workers:

Beautiful greeting card It's never too much for a sixtieth birthday. And the birthday girl will be much more pleased if you write your wish by hand. Postcards will keep good memories for years, especially if you left suitable words there. Here are some congratulations on your 60th birthday to a friend, colleague or family member you can leave in a postcard:

Wishes in SMS leave a similar impression. With the right approach short messages can bring as much joy to the hero of the occasion as the words spoken at the meeting.

The only disadvantage is that the sender has to be extremely concise in order to fit his congratulatory text into the SMS. Here are some congratulations on your 60th birthday that will please a woman in an SMS:

We hope that these poems have inspired you to write your own, because best wishes– it was created with your participation. Change or add a few lines to the verse you like, or try to compose it yourself.

An original gift for a woman in verse will be the lyrics of a song composed to the favorite song of the hero of the day, which you will sing with the whole company. Such a surprise will be a 100% success at the holiday, and not only the birthday girl, but also you will enjoy it. Author: Yulia Bibik, sources:,,,,

The years fly by like birds,
There's a lot of luggage behind me.
There is always something to strive for
Age is just experience.

60 is not evening yet,
60 - you can't grow old.
There are plans and meetings ahead,
Life is full of surprises.

Happy anniversary! Happy birthday!
Don't lose your spirit,
To be in constant motion,
Don't be sick, don't be sad.

Today you are 20 again,
Even if it’s for the third time.
Don’t you dare doubt the number,
So that the light in your eyes does not go out!

We wish you eternal youth,
And a house full of happiness.
Human children and grandchildren,
May anyone have success in business!

We wish you to enjoy the world.
Health, life without interference!
Let's celebrate 20 more than once
And we will hear your ringing laughter!

Congratulations on the anniversary. At 60 years old, a wonderful time of life begins, filled with bright memories, warm meetings, kind smiles, new interests and pleasant evenings. I sincerely congratulate you on important date and I wish you to continue your journey in full health and with optimism, to be proud of the years you have lived and the successes achieved, to cherish your loved ones and to warm your heart with love.

What is "60"?
This is the marmalade:
There's no need to rush anywhere,
Nothing bothers me.

Just enjoy life
Relax and smile.
May your health not fail you
And luck is nearby.

A very nice anniversary
Many relatives and friends.
60 is just the beginning
There are many victories ahead!

We wish from the bottom of our hearts:
Don't rush to grow old
And let every day lead
Forward to a happy life!

What is "sixty"?
These are grandchildren, a house and a garden.
This is joy and family.
This is happiness and friends.

Sixty is prime
This is the experience of your years,
This is wisdom, beauty,
Life for the family, for yourself!

We wish you good health,
Days filled with love
Close relatives and friends.
And happy warm days!

Congratulations on the anniversary!
You are 60 today.
On this day what matters most is
I wish you good health.

To have more strength in the body,
So that harmony is in the soul,
So that luck - in any matter,
So that the money is in the wallet.

To bring joy
Every new day and hour,
So that you don't get discouraged.
May everything come true for you!

Congratulations! Sixty!
Oh, how the years fly by...
Know that every anniversary
Makes us all stronger
More joyful, more fun,
And some are smarter.
You can overcome everything,
Don't grow old for a very long time
Among other things, dream
Carry out everything quickly,
Smile, prosper!

Love every unique moment,
In passers-by - every gesture is elusive,
In everyday life - simplicity and complexity,
In eternal motion - every opportunity.

Love life in all its guises:
And the sound of rain, and the hubbub of flocks of birds.
Love everything that fate gives you,
And everything will come back good more than once.

May your health be impeccable,
And your happiness will become endless.
In the circle of relatives - mutual understanding
And a world without mental tossing.

I wish you all the best with all my heart
And congratulations on your anniversary!

The anniversary is important today,
Now the guests have gathered -
They congratulate and give flowers.
Birthday boy, smile.

A lot has already been lived,
There is something to remember and tell.
The children have grown up, there are grandchildren -
We need to educate them all.

There's still so much ahead
Uncharted roads.
60 is just maturity
A new life threshold.

Happy Birthday! Happy anniversary!
Happiness, health, love.
Let them come true, like in a fairy tale,
Your bright dreams!

Everything is there - you can relax.
But no! The soul is eager to fight.
I wish you reliable friends,
Good luck in life.

Health, strength and optimism,
To live an easy, bright life.
Work, but without fanaticism,
So that I wanted it and could.

In the family - love, success - to the children,
Less sadness and anxiety.
And at 60 the world is colorful!
Hurray for you! And God bless you!

Such a beautiful date
The results of life are full.
Live happily, richly.
Let autumn and spring bring joy!

Health grows stronger like wine
There will be complete peace in your soul,
Let happiness fall
A leaf for your kind palm.

Two numbers: “six” and “zero” -
Don't be discouraged now
There's still a lot ahead
To meet beautiful sunrises.

We wish you peace, happiness,
Life's pleasant worries.
Let bad weather pass you by
In the coming year behind the zero!