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Associations to the word “Stone. Associations to the word “Road Associations to the word stone solution

Lesson objectives:

  • Personal:
    • improvement of spiritual and moral qualities, respectful attitude towards Russian literature;
    • improving the ability to solve cognitive problems using various sources of information.
  • Metasubject:
    • develop the ability to understand a problem and put forward a hypothesis;
    • develop the ability to select material to argue one’s own position and formulate conclusions;
    • develop the ability to work with different sources of information.
  • Subject:
    • develop the ability to understand the connection of literary works with the era of their writing, to identify the timeless moral values ​​inherent in the work and their modern meaning;
    • develop the ability to analyze a literary work, determine its belonging to one of the literary genres and genres;
    • develop the ability to understand and formulate the theme and idea of ​​the work, the moral pathos of the work;
    • compare poems by different poets;
    • consolidation of the ability to determine the elements of the plot of a work, the role of figurative and expressive means of language;
    • consolidating the ability to understand the author’s position and formulate one’s position in relation to it;
    • strengthening the skill of answering questions based on the text read, conducting a dialogue
    • consolidation of the ability to write an essay related to the problems of the studied work.


1. Organizational moment

2. Setting the goal of the lesson. Annex 1. Slide 1

In literature there are cross-cutting images that unite the works of different authors and different eras. By identifying these images, the reader understands that there is a connection between times. Of course, different authors interpret the same image in their own way. Thus, the different facets and meanings of the image become clear, which makes it possible to see the world in a more diverse way. For example, in literature, folklore and painting the image of a stone is used.
- Choose associations for the word stone. (work in pairs)
- Write them down in a table (3 columns)
- In the second column, write down the words that you hear from other students.

3. Phraseologism “stumbling block”

The special role of the image of a stone is reflected in the language, in particular in phraseological units.

A stumbling block is a catchphrase that denotes an obstacle to achieving a goal or solving a problem.

Initially, the expression “stumbling block” is found in the Old Testament in the Book of the prophet Isaiah, where God says about himself: “He will be a sanctification and a stumbling block and a rock of offense to both houses of Israel.

What other phraseological units with the word “stone” do you know? (Throw a stone, a stone on the heart, a philosopher's stone, leave no stone unturned, a stone in your bosom, a cornerstone, a scythe found a stone)

4. The image of a stone in folklore

Student message.

Slide 3. The veneration of sacred STONES is widely known among the Eastern Slavs, especially characteristic of Belarus and the Russian North. Revered stones are often found near the remains of pagan sanctuaries.
Sacred Stones, as a rule, were uncut boulders, often large in size and bizarre in shape. Located on the shores of a lake, river or river, among trees, the sacred stones formed a single ritual complex with their natural surroundings. People came to them from all over the area, prayed, swam in the local pond, hung ribbons, towels or items of clothing on trees, drank water from the recesses of the STONES and doused themselves with it to heal from illnesses.
Slide 4. Russian settlers in Little Russia noted the veneration of “stone women” - statues left by the ancient population of the Black Sea region. In the middle of the 19th century. in the Ekaterinoslav province, during a drought or epidemic, they went to the stone woman, put a loaf of bread on her shoulder, scattered grain at her feet and bowed at her feet.
Slide 5. The Life of St. Irinarch (17th century) tells that in Pereyaslavl there was a Stone in a ravine, which was possessed by a demon. The monk ordered him to “put it in the hole,” however, this boulder of glacial origin, nicknamed by the locals “Blue Stone,” still exists to this day.
Slides 6, 7 A special group of Stones consists of the so-called. footprints are boulders with depressions resembling a footprint. Some of these “traces” are of natural origin, others are ancient rock paintings. They are often different large sizes, which seems to indicate that they were abandoned by giants, heroes, saints, etc. The footprints on the Stone were attributed to Christ, the Mother of God or saints (Alexander Nevsky, Zosima, Kirill Belozersky, Alexander Oshevensky, etc.), sometimes to evil spirits.
Slide 8. Among the Christian relics is the stone of St. Anthony the Roman
(12th century), which is kept in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Novgorod Anthony Monastery. According to the life compiled at the end of the 16th century, St. Anthony was born in Rome. Having become a monk, he settled on the seashore and prayed while standing on a stone. One day a storm picked up a stone and carried the saint away. Two days later the stone landed on the shore near Novgorod. Subsequently, Anthony founded a monastery on the banks of the Volkhov.
Cosmogonic legends say that at the beginning of creation, Satan dived and took out a Stone from the bottom of the sea: the Lord broke it in two, kept one half for himself, and gave the second to Satan; After this, God struck the stone and angels appeared from the sparks that flew out of it; when Satan did the same, sparks appeared demons . Echoes of ancient cosmogonic myths are also preserved by the motif of a bird sitting at the beginning of creation on a Stone in the middle of the sea.
The motif of the origin of man from the Stone is also archaic in nature, for example in the epic "The battle Ilya Muromets with son": “I was born from damp earth, / I am from the father, everything is from a pebble, / From a pebble and from a burning thing.”.
In folklore and mythology, the Stone is conceptualized as a certain foundation, the center of the world or a castle , holding heaven and earth together. When you hit a Stone, fire or water - the main elements of the universe - emanate from it. In epics and fairy tales, the hero turns into a Stone or is temporarily enclosed in it, which is subsequently interpreted by them as a temporary immersion in sleep. In fairy tales, Koshcheev’s death may be contained in a stone egg; the epic Svyatogor finds eternal rest in a stone tomb .
In folklore, the theme of rock is organically linked with the Stone: in epics it becomes a “Stumbling Stone” for Vasily Buslaev, foreshadowing the future of the hero at a crossroads. The stone occupies a central place in the archaic picture of the world, recreated in Russian and Belarusian conspiracies . The images of a stone wall to the sky, a stone cloud, a stone woman, etc. are known in conspiracies. Stones are used in a variety of ways in folk medicine and protective magic.

5. Comparative analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "Probleme"and poems by O.E. Mandelstam “Falling is the constant companion of fear...”

F.I. Tyutchev (1803 - 1873) Slide 9

What is the mood in the poem?
- What is the meaning of dividing the poem into two stanzas?
- Why can the poem be classified as philosophical poetry?
- What are the rhetorical questions in the first stanza about?
- Does the poet give answers to these questions?
- Is it possible to give these answers?
- Continue the sentence: In the poem Tyutchev reflects on...
(The poet reflects in the poem on what moves our world. Is there such a force at all that is the driving force? One can even say that this poem is about the existence of God.)

O.E. Mandelstam (1891 - 1938) Slide 10

What is the mood in the poem? How is it changing?
- How does punctuation create this mood?
- What do the two poems have in common? (Philosophical lyrics)
- What is the key image in the first stanza? (falling stone)
- The fall of a stone is associated with fear. This is the fear of emptiness. Mandelstam also begins by reflecting on the existence of a higher power, which is the driving force.
- What images appear in the second stanza? (Man, death, melancholy)
- What images are contrasted here? (cobblestones and dreams, material and immaterial)
- Stones are associated with dead nature, and dreams are associated with scope. This speaks to the diversity of man.
- What is the intonation in the third stanza? (categorical)
- Why does the hero curse the Gothic temple? (For deception)
- How does the building deceive you? (Beauty)
- What antithesis is used in the fourth stanza? (Eternity and moment)
- When, from the hero’s point of view, a person’s house, i.e. his life, fragile?
- The poet uses the image of a house. But a house can be built of stone.
- Continue the sentence: Mandelstam in the poem reflects on...
(The poet, comparing the material and the immaterial, reflects on the eternal and the momentary. The hero of the poem is afraid of emptiness, i.e. the meaninglessness of existence, unrealization, is afraid of leaving life unrealized. What is eternal and what is transitory? When does life have meaning? Human life has meaning , if it is directed towards eternity.)

6. Analysis of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”

Slide portrait of Vasnetsov. Slide 11

Painting. Slide 12

What is the mood in the picture?
- What creates that mood?
- Describe the figure of the knight. What is the pose? What are you wearing? What kind of weapon?
- Describe the horse.
- Why is the knight standing in thought?
- There is an inscription on the stone: “No matter how straight you go, you won’t be alive - there is no way for a passer-by, a passer-by, or a flyover. If you go to the right you will be married, if you go to the left you will be rich.” That is, the stone provides a choice to the traveler. It is up to the individual to decide where to go.
- What is the stone here a symbol of?
- Describe the area.
- What could happen here?
- What colors does the artist use when painting the sky in a picture?
- What time of day is shown?

7. Monuments in St. Petersburg. Slides 13,14

There are monuments in St. Petersburg in which the stone has a symbolic meaning: the Bronze Horseman and the “Solovetsky Stone” (a monument to victims of political repression)
- What are the symbols of the stones in these monuments?

8. Results. Slide 15

Today we looked at the image of a stone in two poems and one painting.
- Write new associations to the image of the stone. Write down the associations in the third column.
- Continue the sentence: Analyzing the associations to the word stone, I realized that.....
- Continue the sentence: Today in class I learned that...

9. Homework. Slide 16

A) Comparative analysis of poems
B) Written analysis of the painting
B) Essay “The image of stone in literature, folklore and painting”
D) Essay based on associations from the table

STONE, noun. Geol., uncounted natural solid mineral, rock mass, rock

STONE, noun. Isch. a piece of such rock, mineral

STONE, noun. Architect., builds. uncounted stone as a structural or facing material

STONE, noun. Special, colloquial same as gem

STONE, noun. Honey. salt deposits in internal organs person or animal

STONE, noun. Game piece in dominoes and some other board games

STONE, noun. Sport. curling game equipment

STONE, noun. Comp. slang CPU

STUMBLING STONE, Stable combination. An insurmountable obstacle; something that prevents you from achieving success or progressing in anything

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

STONE, stone, plural. stones, stones and (less often) stones, and stones, stones, m. 1. only units, obir. Any rock that is hard, not malleable, and does not dissolve in water, in the form of a separate piece or mass. The streets are paved with stone. Stone gives way to reinforced concrete. 2. A separate piece of such a rock. A pile of stones (or rocks). The path is strewn with small stones. Gems. || (plural stones). Gemstone(colloquial). Pin with stone. All covered in stones, discharged. the heart lies. A stone has been lifted from my soul. 6. (plural stones). Fossilized formation of morbid origin in internal organs (med.). Gallstones. Liver stones. Leave no stone unturned (rhetoric) - destroy it to the ground (biblical expression). The proletariat breaks it (the old apparatus of state power) to pieces, leaving no stone unturned. Lenin. Throw a stone at someone (book) - condemn (from ancient execution - stone). cornerstone - see cornerstone. Stumbling block - see stumbling block. The stones are crying out - see crying out. cream of tartar - see tartar. Stone in the bosom (to hold) for someone or against someone (colloquial) - transl. about hidden anger towards someone, about a secret intention to take revenge, to harm someone. touchstone - see touchstone. To fall like a stone (fall, etc.) - to fall with the speed and weight of a falling stone. Having fallen from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her (the dog’s) face. Turgenev.

STONE, stone, plural. stones, stones and (less often) stones, and stones, stones, m. 1. only units, collected. Any rock that is hard, not malleable, and does not dissolve in water, in the form of a separate piece or mass. The streets are paved with stone. Stone gives way to reinforced concrete. 2. A separate piece of such a rock. A pile of stones (or rocks). The path is strewn with small stones. Gems. || (plural stones). Precious stone (colloquial). Pin with stone. All covered in stones, discharged. 5. units only, transferable Mental heaviness, grief (colloquial and poetic). There is a stone on my heart. A stone has been lifted from my soul. 6. (plural stones). Fossilized formation of morbid origin in internal organs (med.). Gallstones. Liver stones. Leave no stone unturned (rhetoric) - destroy it to the ground (biblical expression). The proletariat breaks it (the old apparatus of state power) to pieces, leaving no stone unturned. Lenin. Throw a stone at someone (book) - condemn (from ancient execution - stone). cornerstone - see cornerstone. Stumbling block - see stumbling block. The stones are crying out - see crying out. cream of tartar - see tartar. Stone in the bosom (to hold) for someone or against someone (colloquial) - transl. about hidden anger towards someone, about a secret intention to take revenge, to harm someone. touchstone - see touchstone. To fall like a stone (fall, etc.) - to fall with the speed and weight of a falling stone. Having fallen from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her (the dog’s) face. Turgenev.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

STONE, m. old. Kamyk, Tver kama the general name for any solid fossil, except pure metals or crushed stone, bead. Several liquid and granular bodies, metals, and then stone different types, constitute a whole kingdom of fossils; the stone forms the entire thickness of the globe. Stones consist of salts (compounds of alkali and acid), and if their composition includes metal extracted by smelting, then the stone is called ore. Stone, honest, expensive, precious, semi-precious, used as an outfit, for decoration, old. honest stone. | The stone is sometimes significant. cliff, ridge, separate stone hill, mountain, rock; in Sib. mountain, ridge, mountain ridge; the whole Urals, the whole Yablonny ridge is called stone there; and Ural is also a belt stone. belt The deer were driven behind a stone, arch. beyond the mountains, to the Siberian side; wind from a stone, tob. west. | Star. weight, for some goods, such as a circle, a cut, a bunch. Wax, ginger, almonds are sold in stone. Pebble, pebble, pebble will diminish. stones, stones enlarged Pebbles, children's game, creams: they throw up pebbles, grab them from the ground and catch them in flight. Stone m. stone, stone cf. collect stones, many stones Wild stone, savage, boulder, cobblestone, granite; sandstone and limestone in places. Hellstone, lapis, silver nitrate. Blue stone, Prussian blue paint; | copper sulfate. Stone of stumbling, stumbling block; hindrance, temptation, difficulty. Philosopher's Stone, the supposed secret of the alchemists, convert simple metals into gold. A drop is chiseling a stone. Need chisels the stone. The heart is not a stone. Money and stone are hammering. It was like a stone on my heart. A stone fell away from my heart. Throwing a stone into the water. Like a stone into water. He disappeared like a stone fell to the bottom. Like a stone (key, ax) to the bottom. This is a stone (block) on the neck. No stone was left unturned (or I won’t leave it). There is a dog, but no stone. I scattered two dogs with one stone. Money is like stones: it weighs heavily on the soul! Neither from the stone is the fruit, nor from the thief is the good. When the sand rises on the stone. Shooting at a stone only results in losing arrows. Sand over stone. Eat, my friends, fill your bellies up to your ears, like pebbles! You can't put a stone on your tooth. You can't pick the bast off a stone. He even removes basts from stones. The rich do not eat sugar, the poor do not gnaw at stone. A hungry man would bite off a stone. We pound from stone to stone. Lying in one place, the stone becomes covered with fur. The stone is not a person, but even that one is being destroyed. Against fire, even the stone will crack. The heat will cause the stone to crack. If you endure, the stone will crack. We will remain silent, and the stones will cry out. It’s better to chisel a stone than to teach your wife evil. A stone is not a piece of land, a dog is not a ram. He was born on a rock, naked. My heart is in you, and yours is in stone. Lord, put down a pebble, pick up a feather! talk about trouble. The stone is a refuge for hares and cowards; Psalm of David. A pebble grew up in a steep mountain. lying between satin and velvet! Whoever eats the white, flammable stone Alatyr will overcome my conspiracy. 33 crows are flying, carrying 33 stones, sitting under a tree, under a leaf? harrow. They throw stones into the water: if it grumbles, then the husband will be a grump. Get stones out of the ice hole, cast spells and tell fortunes about Christmas time. If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in a chicken coop, the chickens will be safe. | Stone, made of stone or generally related to stone. Stone house, made of stone or brick. Stone break, break, mine. Stone forest, rocky. Stone sheep, wild sheep, arkar, argali, Ovis ammon, on Ustiurt; Kamchatka, Ovis nivicola. - flax, mountain flax, amianth, asbestos. - onion or garlic, wild garlic, Allium altaicum. - honey, Transcaucasian wild bees build honeycombs in rocks, where it is completely candied for years; This is also the name of the hardened parts of honeycombs in hives. - marl, hardened loose soil. -brain, clayey earth, compacted in clods. - fracture. saxifrage, Saxifraga plant. - ivy, plant. Antirrhinum asarina, undergrowth. Stone cockerel, hoopoe, tattoo? Stone hazel grouse, sib. gray partridge. Stone linden, shrub Phillyrea latifoliа. Stone rose, Cistus bush. Hard coal, mountain coal, fossil, comes in various types: anthracite, lignite, brown, etc. Stone disease, the formation of stones in the viscera, esp. in the kidneys or bladder. - clay, opoka, shale. -mint. plant Mellisa calamintha. - sedge, plant. Sarex saxatillis. - parsley, plant Bubon galbanum. - pechanka, grate, plant. Аrenaria saxatilis. - dew, paw, rockweed, overflowing grass, plant. Androsace villosa. - resin, tar, oil, rock tar, different kinds fossil resinous substances, asphalt, oil, etc. Stone oil is also called a mixture of alum and vitriol, which spreads like oil. - salt, unboiled, kitchen salt in rocks and layers. Stone seed, plant. Lthospermum offic. The righteous judge is a stone fence. Stone is built by those who can. It’s like hoping on a stone block. To live behind someone, like behind a stone wall. They wanted iron bread from the stone priest! From the labors of the righteous one cannot make stone chambers. The stone sea revolves around, the white hare lies next to it, is it good for the whole world? millstones and flour. Rocky, rocky, full of stones, strewn with stones. Stoney, stony, to a lesser extent. Kamezhnik, mason or kamenets m. rocky place, or collect. pile of stones Mason or artisan, engaged in masonry, construction of wild stone or brick; | stonemason, craftsman engaged in rough hewing, finishing of simple stones for construction, burial grounds, millstones, etc. | The name of the Altai Mountains, schismatics; They are the Bukhtarma people, the Bukhtarma yasachniks. Kamenshetsa mason's wife; | seller of cut stones. Kamenshchikov, -shchitsyn, belonging to him or her; bricklayer, characteristic of them. Pebble m. small pebbles, galeshnik. Kamenik or Kamenitsa, Kamenka w. hard kostenika, drupe, plant Rubus saxatilis. | Kamenitsa z. any stone structure, esp. with a vault, a tent, a burial chamber. Kamenkitsa Vyat. heater, sauna stove. Kamenka arch. generally oven; Sib. the stove is temporary, made of wild wood, not brick; | a sauna stove, a heap of wild stones and cobblestones on the stove, onto which steam is applied; the same oven in a barn; | eagle connection, crossing of two or more stone ridges, ridges; mountain node | South a trap made of five bricks for sparrows. | Birdie Motacilla ocnanthe. | Crushed stone, highway, road killed by stones. | Tver. a stone wall, built without clay or lime, in villages. | Yellow arsenic ore, yellow arsenic, auripiment, operament, rapiment. Water it on the stove! talk drunkard Kamenushka Psk. heater, stone stove, sauna stove. | Kamch. a type of sea duck that lives in the cliffs. Kamenka Psk. a river along a rocky bed, in the south it is also a heathen. Kamnyaga Chernomorsk (komyaga?) salted, a chest of 2 soots. long and 2 arsh. width and depth, where fish are salted, on gangs, under the yoke of a stone. Kamno Wed. Psk. a word that has become the name of many border areas, but initially, it seems, meant a boundary, a boundary marked by a stone. To petrify something, to petrify, to turn into stone. | Stone, turn into stone, take on its appearance and properties, harden; | become bitter or callous. The shells are petrified in lime. I was petrified with amazement. Stone cf. duration comp. by value verb; conversion, turning into stone. To stone someone, to stone someone, to stone someone. Kamenovanie cf. duration valid by value vb., stoning. Stone- or stone-beaten, serving to break stones, related. Stone breaker, stone breaker Vologda. who makes his living by beating stones on a puppy (on the highway). Stone-throwing or stone-throwing, referring to throwing, marking stones. Stone thrower, stone thrower, throwing stones; | slinger Stone thrower, stone thrower, m. kind of mine, a pit loaded with gunpowder and a whole bunch of stones, land mine. | An ancient weapon for throwing stones at the enemy (without gunpowder), or a stone thrower. Stone-like, stone-like, stone-like, stone-like, similar to a stone, suitable to it. Stone crushing, breaking, grinding of stone into bladder. A stone maker, a stone maker, a stone cutter, a mason, a mason, a cutter, a craftsman who carves, irons and levels a stone for construction. Stone-making, stone-cutting, stone-cutting, stone-cutting, related to hewing, stone lining. Stone (stone) breaking, breaking. stone breaking, break, place where stone is mined. Quarry, plant Saxifrag. Stone quarrying, related to stone mining. Stonecutter, quarryman, stonecutter m. quarryman. Stone lover, lover of stones, collector of them. Kamnelyubka w. plant Lithophila. Stone printing cf. the art of printing from a stone slab, lithography, stone embossing, -printing, lithographic, lithographic. - printing house lithography, an establishment where stone is printed. -printer m. lithographer. Stone plant cf. coral Stone-cutting, stone-cutting, related to carving on stone and cutting stones. A stone cutter or a stone cutter is an artist or lapidary or stone carver. Stone cutting cf. lithotomy, an operation to remove a stone from the bladder. Campesechpy, related to this operation. Stone drilling cf. the art of drilling stones; | a way to drill and crush a stone in the bladder or lithotripsy. Stone- and stone-forming, hardening, turning into stone; penetrating ore bodies and petrifying them. Stone borer or stone borer m. Rholas shell. Stone - or coal, related. to coal. Stone gripping tongs used for grasping stones, e.g. in the bladder, during surgery. Stoneclaw, Srepsilas sandpiper, burrows along the shore under pebbles.

ROAD, noun. Communication path; strip of land for movement; component of transport (road) infrastructure

ROAD, noun. Razg. a place to pass or drive through

ROAD, noun. Travel, trip

ROAD, noun. Direction, route, route

ROAD SPOON FOR DINNER, Sustainable combination. About the timeliness, the importance of something at a certain point in time

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

ROAD, roads, railway. 1. way of communication; a strip of land intended for movement. Highway road. Country road. The road went through the forest. We turned off the road and drove through the fields. 2. a place through which one must walk or drive (colloquial). The chair stood on the road itself. Move aside, don't stand in the road. 3. travel, trip. Hit the road. Relax after the journey. Got sick on the road. I went straight to work from the road. 4. direction, route, route. Show me the way to the theater. The shortest route from Crimea to Odessa is by sea. 5. Means of achieving something. goals (book). This is a direct path to getting yourself into trouble. Thrift is the sure road to prosperity. || career, life path, direction of activity. Having chosen a technical specialty, he did not follow his own path. Administrative work is his real passion. He has found his calling and is on a good path. On the road - 1) before going on a trip, before parting. Have a snack for the road. 2) the same as on the road. On the road - to use while traveling. Take provisions for the road. On the road - near the road. On the road - 1) while traveling, following. Along the way, new groups of demonstrators joined the procession. 2) with someone, in the same direction. He and I were not on the same road. 3) transfer, with someone, about common interests, views, goals, areas of activity. The Mensheviks and I are not on the same path. Railroad - 1) rail track, movement along such a track. Travel by rail. 2) management of a line or network of rail tracks and their equipment, representing a separate economic unit. Murmansk railway. Tornaya road - 1) a smooth, well-trodden road; 2) transfer too ordinary career, smb. care is desirable for the speaker); original good wishes Bon Voyage. To give way to someone - 1) to give way for passage, to let someone pass; 2) transfer Give the opportunity to act, to advance. Give way to youth. Make way for the woman! To interrupt or cross the road of someone (colloquial) - to seize something. before the other, which is what he was counting on. That's where the road is for someone (colloquial) - exclamation meaning: someone. got what he deserved, so someone. and it is necessary. There is only one road left for anyone - there is only one outcome, only one possibility. Know the way where - trans. be able to find access somewhere. or to someone To stand, to stand on someone's road or across someone's road (colloquial) - to interfere with someone, to be an obstacle to someone. Go your own way - translated. to act, to act independently, in one’s own way, according to one’s own desire.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

ROAD, railway driving lane; a stretch knurled or deliberately prepared in various ways, for riding, for travel or passage; way, path; direction and distance from place to place: | the most riding or walking, poutine, travel. Roads are: 6large, i.e. general postal and trade; small, district, from town to town, away from the large ones; country roads, from village to village, away from small ones. Railway, iron or cast iron; highway, stone or crushed stone; simple, or broken, torn, knurled. Horse-drawn horse-drawn road, where horses ride; horseback riding and walking or trail. To go on the road, to be on the road, on the way, at a crossing. A pillar road, measured, with miles. Planted or gray, lined with trees. The road has elbows, serrations, frequent turns, for example. on a steep climb. The road is smooth, straight and well-done. The road was swept, skidded, covered with snow, it was unrecognizable. | In the eastern lips Own road Siberian way, | and in Sib. street, in some places | abandoned riverbed, dry river, antiquity. | The middle strip of the furnace hearth, in front of the forehead, where the shovel goes; There is a road on the sides. | Fishermen have great success, especially. with a spoon, for catching pike and perch; put on overnight; throwing, noticeable, deadlock, zherlitsa, but this one with profit. | The road is also a figurative path. meaning a means, a way to achieve something; type of life, way of thinking, deeds and actions of a person, etc. Go somewhere along the way, along the way, by the way, nearby. That's where he belongs! There's no point in feeling sorry for him, there's nothing better to do. To be on a good road, to be promoted by service, honors, or to strive for good. There is no way for you there, no path, no way to go. He has lost his way to us, he can no longer walk or be in the house. Everyone has their own path, their own path, their own field. Cut off someone's path, don't let them move, run. Happy road! wishes to the departing Peace on the way! hello to the person you meet. Don’t go on the road without praying to God. Nikola on the road, Christ on the path! One has to plow, and the road is long. It is not the horse that rides (lucky), but the road (food). Don't be afraid of the road, if only the horses were healthy. On a good horse along the road, and on a bad horse to the side. The eternal path is not a road, and a drunken person’s speech is not a conversation. The path is together, and the tobacco is in half. A pie with peas is good on the trail. The road is beautiful with riders, and lunch is pies. The road route is not worth it. On the road, father is comrade to son. The road, no matter how head over heels, is smooth. Night is like day, the road is like a tablecloth, sit down and roll! Then the road was paved with gold so that the iron could eat the highway. You can't put a road to a hut. Living on the road, you can’t treat everyone. Along the main road there are herds of people grazing, and there is profit for everyone. What kind of road do they drive on for half a year, and walk for half a year? down the river. The bull is in the yard, but the horns are on the river? road from the yard. You can’t hold Father’s horse, you can’t roll up Mother’s hem? wind and road. The road is swarmed, the horse is wooden, it doesn’t feed, but only turns? boat. A path ran through the bramble. The Cossacks are guarded by the stumps on the roads, and whoever drives by will get caught. Grass doesn't grow on this road (but knotweed does). He stands on the road and asks for directions. Intercede with someone, interrupt, cut off, cross the road. Show someone the way. Make (pave) a path. Death will find a way. The road, but no one walked along it, no one looked after him? to the next world. It’s hard (difficult) to get to dea, but there’s only one road! He’s so confused that he can’t even find his way home, he’s lying. The unclean will find its way out of the belly. Money pave the way! Big road. Baba travels from the stove to the threshold. Path to you! "Look for something more beautiful than us", a track game. One under the barn, and two under the road, O sheaf theft. In Vilna there are seven roads for a Jew, and three for a Pole. If a sick person raves about the road (or about horses), he will die. If women pave the way to the house where the sick man lies, then he will die. Dorozhenka, esp. in the song The roads, reproachfully, are bad. The path will detract. path, path, path; trace, traces of what; stripe, stripe, line, furrow, groove. Stockings with tracks. There are blue paths along the white earth (field). Stripes. | A path, a narrow and long carpet rug laid along the aisle. | Path, road, big oud, girder or spoon. Roads pl. Milky Way. | Roads, paths, stripes, stripes in fabric, in patterns; longitudinal cutting, grooves. | Roads and roads are old. Shelkovaya, b. including striped fabric, sometimes with gold. and silver. herbs. Road, to the road, related to, belonging to; travel A road driver, not a policeman, going on a long journey. Road people, i.e. people, past residents, travelers. Travelers do not carry overnight accommodations with them. Cherish what, make paths. Expensive timber, furrowed in two rows to drain water. | Catch fish with a path, with a fishing rod. -sya, to be dearer, furrowed. Road Wed. duration action according to verb. Roady, with paths; furrowed, striped. Dorozhnik m. traveler; travel notes, travel diary; | travel book, painting of roads, places, distances, sometimes with descriptions. | Cookies for the road, plantain; | bread brought from the road to the hotel, rolls and saiki from another place. | Plotnich. plow, planer, planer, similar to a sherhebel, for cutting planks and cornices. | Caulkers have a type of chisel for clearing grooves. Road workers m. pl. perm. Sib. horses run empty in front of the convoy to clear the snow.