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White nails with ribbons. Choosing a shellac manicure design with tape: step-by-step master class

A manicure made using design tape is one of the recent inventions of nail art specialists. This technique can add luxury to the nails and emphasize the originality and individuality of the owner. Let's see what designs it goes with fashionable manicure with a ribbon, and also highlight a few interesting ideas for all occasions.

Necessary materials

Do stylish manicure You can use the ribbon in the salon, or you can also experiment with the original design at home. After all, you can buy consumables in any store specializing in decorative cosmetics.

Tape happens different sizes and looks like tape. The most common and popular option is a thin colored strip, no more than 1.5 millimeters wide. Using such decorative material is very simple, and the result exceeds all expectations. The manicure turns out not only stylish and original, but also aristocratic and sophisticated.

The thing is that on one side the stripes are colored, and on the other they are equipped sticky layer, which sticks quite firmly to the nail. All you need to do is cut off the desired piece of tape from the skein and carefully stick it to the nail plate.

Stylish options

Using a special tape for manicure allows you to create a wide variety of original patterns on your nails, as well as update existing ones. Below we will introduce you to best ideas creating a manicure with tape.

Interesting! A manicure with a ribbon is versatile, as it looks great on both long and short nails.


If you have ever tried to make a French manicure at home, then remember how much effort it takes to make an even and neat stripe on all nails. Even the use of special kits for french manicure doesn't always save the situation. Adhesive tapes allowed us to look at French clothing in a new way. All you need to do is glue the strip at the required distance from the edge of the nail, and this does not have to be done evenly. Take a look at the photo - the V-shaped jacket looks fresh and original.

There are no restrictions when choosing the tape itself. A fashionista can stick on a strip of any color, for example, choose a stylish metallic or gold.


Surely we won’t surprise anyone if we say that geometric motifs are still at the peak of popularity. What could it be easier to create squares, rhombuses, triangles and other shapes using stripes.

In this case, the strips can be left on the nails, choosing the desired shade, or removed after the procedure is completed. Step-by-step instructions for an original and easy-to-perform manicure with design tape are presented below.

With the help of such sticky strips you can easily do both everyday manicure and business and evening nail art, while the amount geometric shapes can vary from one to several pieces.


The striped design looks incredibly original and will certainly make others pay attention to your manicure. All you need to do is apply regular or gel polish to your nails. desired color, and after it is completely dry, decorate with adhesive tape. Just like in the previous version with a geometric design, the stripes can be left or covered with varnish of a contrasting color on top and removed after it has dried. Step-by-step instructions for the latter option are presented in the photo below.

Interesting! When using gel polish, the tape must be glued before applying the top coat.

Striped manicure – a real find for summer sea nail design. Decorate one or more fingers with a red and blue stripe and enjoy the admiring glances of passers-by!

Beautiful blue


Manicures with color transitions are very popular among fashionistas today. Despite the fact that this nail design is self-sufficient, it looks great in combination with ribbons.


A matte manicure creates a velvety effect on the nails, but most often this design requires additional decor, as it can look quite boring on its own. In this case, tapes come to the rescue, especially metal and golden shades. They add luxury to your nails, making the manicure festive and presentable.

Lunar French

Like the classic French manicure, moon manicure requires updating. Fashionistas are constantly looking for something new and unusual. Design with ribbons is a great opportunity to make your look more interesting. Take a look at the photo; colored stripes not only simplify the process of creating a “hole”, but also allow you to design it in an original way, changing its shape and outline.

Rhinestones and sparkles

Despite the fact that experts warn fashionistas and always advise moderation in everything, a manicure with a ribbon can be supplemented with rhinestones, sparkles or glitter. The main thing is not to overdo it. Small rhinestones glued along the shiny line, glitter between the stripes - all this will make the manicure even brighter and more festive.


When creating a manicure with acrylic rubbing, you can also use tapes. The nails are not just fashionable, but also ultra-stylish, bright and catchy. Try one of the options suggested in the photo below.

Short nails

As noted above, manicure using design tape looks equally good on any shape and length of nails. Look at the photo, such stylish nail art can visually lengthen even the shortest nails. For small nail plate preference should be given light shades varnish and vertical arrangement of stripes.

Beginners who decide to try a manicure using tape for the first time may encounter some problems. Now we will try to warn fashionistas against serious mistakes and give a few practical advice on the use of sticky strips.

  • Choose as much as possible simple patterns. There is no need to immediately grab onto complex multi-level and intricate drawings. One strip will be enough to start with. Try to get used to it and learn how to carefully transfer the decor so that it does not extend beyond the nail.

  • It is necessary to carefully ensure that during gluing the strip is smooth and does not wrinkle. Otherwise, the result is unlikely to please you, and the manicure will look careless and untidy.

  • Using several color schemes and additional decoration with sparkles and rhinestones within one decor, it is important to know a sense of proportion and taste.

  • When choosing the width of the tape, carefully evaluate the shape and length of your nail plate. For short, round and square nails, a thin version is more suitable. While owners of an almond-shaped nail plate can experiment with the width of fashionable decor.

As you can see in the photo, a manicure with a design ribbon looks stylish and original, especially if you learn how to properly combine it with other options for modern nail art. Therefore, if you want to look stylish and beautiful in the coming season, feel free to go to the store for ribbons. By the way, they are quite inexpensive, so any fashionista can afford to assemble a whole arsenal, differing in color and width.

When choosing black clothes, many women make a common mistake. Sometimes, without noticing it, they choose faded things with a shade of gray, while real black should be a deep, rich and dark color.

There is no limit to imagination in nail art.

Masters experiment not only with the shape of nails and designs on them, but also with the materials from which these designs will be made.

Scotch- one of these materials; Let's look at it in more detail.

You can cut out any pattern from tape and paint it in any shade by gluing it onto your nail. Plus, if you don’t like something, you can easily delete it.

There are many ideas for manicure with tape:

  • geometric;
  • French;
  • lunar;
  • manicure for short nails;
  • with different prints and patterns.

Let's look at some of these types of manicure in more detail.

Manicure using adhesive tape and adhesive tape

First you need to think about color palette, where you can get a manicure. For example, we will have a dark varnish - black, brown, purple - and on it there will be several multi-colored rays made of tape.

Scotch tape needed special— it is made just for manicure.

How to make multi-colored rays.

  • Take three varnishes different shades: for example, yellow, green and red.
  • We draw three lines on the nail: first in yellow, then in green and finally in red. We are waiting for the varnish to dry.
  • Cut out rays from tape. First, to avoid excessive stickiness, apply the stencil to your hand and then to your nail. We apply this stencil over all nails. You can cut out different rays: parallel, intersecting, you can glue two, three or four rays - this way the design on your nails will look impressive.
  • Paint the nail with dark varnish. Waiting for it to dry
  • We remove the stencil - you get an original manicure in a geometric style!

For this manicure we will need: white varnish, blue varnish and tape.

  • Apply white polish to one nail and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Take the tape and carefully stick it on the nail. The pattern may be different, and so can the number of ribbons: the main thing is not to overdo it. It would be good if the tape was blue.
  • Cut off the excess with nail scissors.
  • We cover the remaining nails with blue varnish and secure the coating with a base. Manicure with tape is ready!

Lunar manicure

This manicure has become fashionable and is now one of the most popular styles.

It should be done like this: paint the nail plate with varnish, and leave a light hole near the nail to paint over it with another, contrasting varnish or cover it with glitter. This manicure looks very impressive, and it’s quite simple to do.

  • We paint the nail with varnish dark color, leaving the nail hole unpainted. We are waiting for the varnish to dry.
  • We take tape and cut teeth on the tape. You can use special serrated scissors - it will be easier and faster. You can cut an oval hole - it all depends on your imagination and desire.
  • We glue the tape with teeth onto the hole.
  • Paint over cover the hole with light varnish or glitter. Lunar manicure ready!

Manicure with fabric

It’s very stylish to mix geometry and romance in a manicure: for example, draw two lines and a heart on one of the nails. Let's try to do this manicure:

  • Let's take this palette for manicure: pink, gray and white. We paint our nails with pink polish, leaving one of them unpainted - for example, the middle one.
  • Paint the nail on the middle finger with three colors: draw a line of pink, gray and white. Let the varnish dry.
  • Let's do tape stencil: cut out three strips with a diameter of 3 millimeters and glue them to the nail.
  • Now we need to do fabric stencil. To do this, take a piece of material and draw a heart on it. Cut out the heart and place a piece of fabric on the dried nail. Draw the shape of a heart through the stencil and let the varnish dry.
  • After the painting procedure, you can fix the polish with a nail base so that the manicure lasts longer and your nails shine very beautifully.

Bright mosaic manicure

Mosaic– a very bright and effective design that will look great on nails. For this manicure we will need two varnishes: black and white.

  • We cut out a stencil from tape in the shape of one fragment of the mosaic - we think everyone knows what it should look like.
  • Paint the nail with white varnish.
  • Glue the cut out stencils onto the nail perpendicular each other.
  • Paint the area of ​​the nail where there is no stencil with black varnish. There is no need to be afraid to “drive” the brush onto the stencil - we will remove it in the future anyway.
  • As soon as the varnish has dried, remove the stencil from the nail - you get a spectacular mosaic manicure!

You can go the other way: if it’s difficult for you to cut out a fragment of a mosaic from tape, you can simply cut out small rectangles, and paint on the circle with a brush later, after removing the stencil.

It is also quite possible to do a French manicure using adhesive tape - it will even be easier and more convenient!

  • Apply base coat polish to the nails; We are waiting for it to dry completely.
  • Take the tape and cut out a small ribbon from it.
  • Glue the cut tape to the top of the nail.
  • Apply varnish of the chosen color. It must be remembered that for French manicure they use light beige or pink shades varnishes.
  • We cover the space left from the stencil with white varnish, traditional for French manicure - a stylish manicure is ready!

Bold manicure with a predatory print

A predatory print always adds confidence and attractiveness, and a manicure in this style will definitely not leave you unnoticed.

  • We take two varnishes: dark brown and light brown.
  • Paint the nail plate with light brown varnish.
  • We cut out a stencil from tape: on one edge of the tape we cut the spiky teeth characteristic of the print.
  • Paste the stencil onto the nail.
  • Paint the nail along with the stencil dark brown varnish.
  • We fix the result with a nail base - a daring, predatory manicure is ready!

Manicure for short nails

To do this, let's take one of fashion solutionspolka dot manicure. Polka dots– another fashionable print that must be not only on clothes, but also on nails.

  • Paint the nail with black polish.
  • Cut out round stencils from tape.
  • We paste stencils on the nails.
  • Paint the stencil with white varnish - almost done! One of the nails can be made different from the others - for example, put a heart on it for greater beauty. We discussed in detail how to do this above.

So, we have outlined the most popular manicure ideas with tape. As you can see, with the help of this material you can create a bright, stylish and most spectacular manicure.

Don't be afraid to paint over the stencil itself when you apply the varnish coating - you will remove it later anyway. It is better to choose varnishes that are durable and those that dry as quickly as possible. And, of course, don’t be afraid to fantasize - everything is in your hands and only you can give yourself an original, unique manicure.

Among manicure lovers there are conservatives who prefer classic style and innovators who are constantly looking for something special and new. For both ladies, tape technology was developed.

Having mastered it, you can make classic french design or an extravagant evening one made with adhesive strips. This will help save money and time without compromising your image.

What is manicure tape?

A manicure is a painted plate, on top of which a strip of tape with a self-adhesive base is glued. The color and ribbon design can be very diverse. Free choice for decorative coatings, where both gel and varnish can be used.

Decorative jewelry is sold in specialized stores or ordered online. For frequent use and experimenting with design, it is more profitable to buy a whole set.

Moreover, working with the material is easy, even beginners can handle it. The most popular is a thin strip, only 1.5 mm wide. Delicate lines will add sophistication and sophistication to the manicure. The assortment line amazes with the choice of textures: silver, gold, glitter, stripes, melange, etc.

What is it for?

The ribbon makes the design process complex drawings easier. An ordinary coating with an unusual finish looks much more interesting and not boring. The adhesive base allows you to use the material without much difficulty. If you want to complement the design with clear, even lines, best option can not found.

To make your work look neat, you need to follow some rules for using decor:

  1. When gluing the strip should not reach the edges of the cuticle 1-1.5 mm. A tape fixed tightly or overlapping will quickly break.
  2. When applying the finishing coat The ends should be sealed carefully.
  3. It is better to use sharp scissors to cut the material., because the accuracy of the manicure will depend on the quality of the cut.
  4. The main assistant in attaching strips is tweezers. The pointed ends of the tool make it easier to pry and secure the material.

Use Cases

Resourceful craftsmen have come up with several options for using the tape. It can serve as a decorative design that complements the drawing and can be an auxiliary material for creating clear boundaries.

In the first case, the strips are glued to the finished composition before the fixative, and in the second - to the base coat, but before fixing the surface the following is removed:

  1. One option is to differentiate color zones. First, markings are made on the plate, then each zone is covered with a different coating. For convenience, you can use . After the coating has dried, tape is glued along the borders. A fixative is used as a fixing agent.
  2. The material can be used for the same borders, but it is glued to the base coat, and after applying varnish and drying it is removed. In this case, the borders will have smooth contours of uncovered plates, which, in combination with colored compositions, look quite interesting.
  3. It is convenient to use a strip with an adhesive base to create clear boundaries between two tones. After applying varnish to one area, dry the surface and stick the decor along the edge of the design. Then paint the next part of the plate. After drying, carefully remove the auxiliary material. As a result, there will be a clear outline between the color zones.

How to do a manicure with ribbons?

Forwith tape technology, you will need:

  • manicure set for treating nail plates and cuticles, a set of tapes;
  • tweezers with thin tweezers;
  • base coat;
  • colored varnishes;
  • orange stick;
  • fixative;

Step by step guide:

  1. Remove old coating from nail plates.
  2. Make a bath to soften your nails and moisturize with a special product. After 2-3 minutes, remove the residue with a dry cloth.
  3. Treat cuticles in the usual way.
  4. Degrease the surfaces of the plates and coat with base varnish. Dry.
  5. First, colored varnish is applied or created decoration several tones. After drying, tapes cut to the size of the nail plate are attached to certain borders of the design with the adhesive side.
  6. If color coatings are not provided, then the strips are immediately glued.
  7. The next step is to fix the accessory with a fastener., which is applied to the plate in two layers with mandatory drying of each.
  8. When performing a manicure gel polishes you need to follow the same sequence, but with drying each layer under an ultraviolet lamp. The tapes are fixed before the finishing coating.

Manicure ideas with ribbons

The variety of modern materials makes it possible to implement the most unexpected solutions when decorating nails.

Tape technology is no exception:

  1. The classic will play in a new way, if the edge is decorated with a shiny thin strip. You can create this effect on all fingers, or only on one of each hand.
  2. The option with stripes of different widths looks good, attached to one finger. Or, using the same principle, but using the same thin strips, place them at the same distance along the surface of the plate to create a vest effect.
  3. Geometric shapes on a plate of symmetrical, asymmetrical and chaotic shapes, decorated with strips of tape of different thicknesses, will create a complex, extravagant composition. In fact, even a beginner can do it. The main thing is to be patient and careful.
  4. Fashionable, complemented by brilliant decor, will look interesting and exclusive. A thin strip will emphasize the contour of the hole area.
  5. Another nail art idea was a design made against a background of light varnish. Decorative strips are glued over the base, creating regular or chaotic zones. After this, colored varnish is applied to the surface of the zones in one or more tones. Next, the strips are removed and the surface is fixed with a fixative. The result is a combination of colored fragments on a light base.

Liquid tape for manicure

Not so long ago, liquid tape appeared on the manicure market. The product is available in bottles similar to varnish. The product greatly facilitates the process of decorating nails and practically eliminates errors when performing the work, because no matter how hard you try, the coating still protrudes beyond the contour of the nail plate.

This problem is especially known when performing water manicure, gradient, with a hole, using plates for. Until recently, tape that had to be cut and pasted around the treated area helped to avoid such troubles. This saved the situation, but it’s difficult to call the process convenient. Therefore, with the advent of liquid tape, decorating has become much easier.

The principle of action is to apply the product to skin covering around the plate. This can be done with a brush, which is fixed on the lid of the bottle. After 3-4 minutes, the liquid composition hardens, turning into a film.

After performing manicure procedures, the film is carefully removed, and along with it the varnish that has gone beyond the nail plate area. Thus, the liquid tape serves as an auxiliary material that prevents the varnish from leaving the nails. The liquid was previously produced only in pink. Now the range includes products of different colors.

The article is devoted to manicure with tapes, one of the most non-trivial ways to care for the appearance of nail plates. This option for processing marigolds makes it possible to achieve an amazing effect, without unnecessary manipulation, quickly and efficiently. You will learn what the technique of applying such a manicure is, how it is implemented at home, and what nuances you need to pay attention to when choosing a display style.

Features of manicure with ribbons

Using ribbons for nail design is as popular a way of individualization as creating a stylistic design using stripes. The abundance of self-adhesive tapes makes this manicure one of the most versatile and practical. In other words, taking into account the main features of the implementation of the technique, you will be able to recreate a stylish look for each nail and at the same time emphasize the features of the wardrobe you are wearing.

As for the main advantages of this option for caring for nail plates, they include:

  • Low cost. Finding suitable decorative elements for nail art in specialized stores is quite easy. They are presented in a wide variety of sizes and colors. Moreover, the price of each option pleasantly pleases with its availability. In other words, implement stylish look at home, every representative of the fair sex can afford it.
  • Variability and practicality. A large number of different options for the products discussed in the article will allow you to create an attractive image on any nails, long or short. Wherein belt method care goes well with other techniques. Therefore, having the skills of combining, you will definitely recreate on your nails the style that will make your image stand out among the “gray mass”.

  • Easy to apply. Using ribbons for nail design is not difficult. Classical technique performance can be curbed by any representative of the fair sex. It is enough to take into account the basic rules and follow the standard step-by-step instructions. By the way, you will get acquainted with it further.
  • Durability. If in the process of applying elegant lines on your nails you took into account all the nuances and rules, and also chose high-quality consumables for your manicure, then as a result you will be able to achieve a remarkable effect that requires a long period of wear.
  • Relevance. The tape technique for individualizing nail plates has been familiar to girls and women all over the world for several years, but it still remains one of the most popular. The reason for this is versatility. With correctly applied products, you can easily realize any image.

Types of manicure tapes and how to use them correctly

Having set yourself the goal of realizing a high-quality image, be prepared to get acquainted with various types of decorative elements. Each of them has its own unique properties and is able to give a unique stylish result. The main parameters according to which modern tapes can be distinguished include:

  • Size. Most often, products with a width of 1 mm are found on sale, but sometimes you can find thicker options with 2 and 3 mm, respectively. Typically, thin strips are chosen for square-shaped nails, and wide ones for almond-shaped nails.
  • Color. The palette of colors is so diverse that every representative of the fair sex will find her own joy in it. Moreover, not only decorative elements in strict colors are popular, but also bright products.
  • Coating. Today on sale you will find products that can have both a matte and glossy finish. Their selection should be made based on the texture of the pre-selected varnish.

Note! Be sure to use only high quality smoothing fixatives. In this case, you should not save, since the durability of the manicure you implement depends on them.

How to properly do a manicure with ribbons

Having familiarized yourself with all the features of manicure and decided to perform it at home, Keep in mind the fact that for the procedure, in addition to high-quality tapes, you will need:

  • Good base coat.
  • A varnish that serves as the basis for the formation of an exquisite color.
  • Tools for manipulating the main decorative element. They may be ordinary tweezers.
  • Ultraviolet glow lamp. Necessary if you plan to use gel polishes.
  • Top coating. As in the Broken Glass manicure, the final finishing touch will be the application of a top coat. It will protect decorative elements from various external negative influences.

Once you have all the necessary consumables at your disposal, you can begin designing your nail plates. Next, we’ll look at two ways to use ribbons for nail art.

As decoration

To use ribbon as a decorative element, follow these steps:

  1. Swipe classic manicure. Remove excess skin from the surface of the plates and provide a decent appearance to the cuticles. Next, give your nails the desired stylistic design by selecting suitable length and shape.
  2. Cover the nail with base coat and let it dry.
  3. Next, apply a single color base coat. It is advisable to do this in 2 layers.
  4. Cut off a small amount of the decorative element necessary to realize the pattern you have in mind.
  5. Apply the decorative element to the dry coating, not forgetting to step back a little from the edges of the nail plate.
  6. Having positioned the nail art item in accordance with the intended design, carefully apply 2 layers of top coat.

As a stencil

This option for using tapes is also very popular. Its implementation involves the following important steps:

  1. Get a classic manicure.
  2. Apply base.
  3. Apply two coats of the base color.
  4. Stick several strips in the direction you need.
  5. Apply another coat of varnish of a different color.
  6. Let the varnish dry and carefully remove the tapes.
  7. Apply final clear coat.

The nuances of using tapes

In addition to the main stages of applying a tape manicure, there are a number of nuances that every representative of the fair sex should take into account before using the technique at home. It is advisable to perform tape nail art on a nail plate that has been previously treated with a buffer. The smoother the nail is, the smoother the decorative element will lie.

At the time of application, it is necessary to cut the tape with a small gap of 0.5-1 mm. This gap will help you to properly seal the nail plate when applying top coat. If you use gel polishes, then after each applied layer, be sure to place the handles under the lamp. Dry your nails as responsibly as possible, because the presence of a sticky base will not allow you to manipulate the shape of the decorative product at the time of its use.

Important! Make sure to indent from the edges. The tape should be a couple of millimeters further from the cuticle and other contours of the nail plate. This will prevent the tape from snagging during everyday wear.

Fashionable manicure ideas with ribbons

Like quality manicure with stickers, nail design using ribbons can bring you a lot of interesting solutions to realize your image. Next, we have prepared for you several variations of how you can design various options marigolds with high-quality decorative elements. Based on these examples, you can easily decide own style display.

For short nails

It is best to apply no more than 1-2 thin strips to small, neatly decorated nail plates. This can be done both along and across the growth of the plates. Try not to clutter your nails with unnecessary lines.

With rhinestones

By combining the decorative elements discussed in the article with the same rhinestones, you will achieve the formation of a non-trivial design style. At the same time, one should also not forget about restraint. To create a balanced look, use a small amount of rhinestones, which can be placed on one or two nails.


For red marigolds, white or gold stripes are perfect. They will create the necessary contrast and thereby put a peculiar emphasis on your subtle nature. This design is suitable for both everyday wear and any occasion.


It is best to choose silver decorative elements for a soft pink color. They contrast perfectly, thereby creating a chic look, regardless of the shape and length of the nail plate.

The nuances of performing a manicure with dots with regular polish and gel polish

Like a manicure with stripes, the technique of decorating with ribbons can be done using regular varnishes and coatings with a gel base. The use of each method guarantees its own specific advantages and disadvantages. Next, you will become familiar with the main nuances of using the two coatings, which will later allow you to make a reasoned choice in favor of one product or another.

Active formula

In ordinary varnishes, apart from the dense structure and coloring pigments, there is practically nothing, due to which they are capable of performing an exclusively decorative task, whereas gel base form complex care for nail plates.

Their structure usually contains a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins that nourish the structure of the nail, preventing it from weakening in the face of various external negative factors. That is, you get a great appearance and minimize the need for additional care.


A responsibly selected gel polish from a reputable manufacturing company will save you from the need to take breaks. You can apply this composition to the surface of your nails regularly, something that, in principle, ordinary varnish cannot boast of.

In other words, the aggressive nature of standard varnish coatings not only does not nourish the nails, but also prevents them from receiving natural vitamins from the environment. As a result, the plates lose their elasticity and healthy color, becoming prone to aches and other problems.

Application process

Conventional varnishes are applied to the surface of the nails in just a couple of minutes. They do not require any additional materials or tools. The main thing is to choose a branded coating and a comfortable brush.. Gel polishes in this case are inferior to their opponents. To fix them on the nails, it is necessary to use ultraviolet lamps.

They allow the polymers in the preparations to harden, creating the necessary conditions for everyday wear. The cost of such lamps is quite high, which is why not all representatives of the fair sex can afford a home manicure with gel bases.


The procedure for removing the coating is also important. In this case, gel polishes are also inferior to standard coatings. To remove any remaining hardened polymer base, you will need to apply a fair amount to each note. special means, designed to soften the structure of the coating. Thus, the procedure for neutralizing the composition may not take one minute, but an order of magnitude longer.


Gel polish wins here completely. Unlike his opponent, he guarantees the formation and preservation of an attractive image for 7-30 days. It all depends on the quality of materials, professionalism of application and compliance with relevant rules. A manicure with regular varnish will please you for just 2-3 days.. Then it will begin to peel off and lose its color.


A significant indicator, especially for those representatives of the fair sex who have to work with their hands. Unlike conventional varnishes, gel-based coatings last much longer. Moreover, they can cope with temperature changes, shocks and other mechanical impacts. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to properly apply and dry each layer.

Important! Try to apply the tape to dry nails. This way you can prevent the appearance of depressions in the varnish from pressing the decorative element against their structure.

Useful videos

Demonstrating a responsible approach to the implementation of tape manicure, you simply must study the full list of current information. The more data you have at your disposal, the more effectively you can use nail design techniques at home.

Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with thematic video materials in which experienced professionals share their secrets regarding the use of decorative elements when designing nail plates. Not only will you see with your own eyes how tapes can be used, but you will also receive useful recommendations, which will allow you to significantly speed up the process and improve quality.

Take care of the condition of your nails using modern processing techniques. Tape manicure is a great way to achieve an attractive result in a short time without unnecessary financial or time costs. Using this technique, you can easily emphasize any image, be it the appearance business woman or an energetic student.

Choose a design that suits you and go to the store for related tools and varnishes. Start creating original looks on your nails today.

Scotch tape is a very common manicure item. It is used by both beginners and experienced professionals. Today we will tell you about all the secrets of working with stripes and ribbons and show design options, including for short nails.

Scotch tape is a very common manicure item. It is used by both beginners and experienced professionals. It adds zest to the design, making it stylish and modern. It’s unlikely that it would have looked just as impressive without the ribbon. Today on the website we will tell you about all the secrets of working with stripes and ribbons and show design options, including for short nails.

What is duct tape?

Metallized adhesive tape is an adhesive strip that is glued as an independent decor or used as a stencil. It is universal, therefore it is a “must-have” for any girl. The strip allows you to make perfectly thin and even lines in a matter of seconds. They are different colors, sizes and shapes.

Dimensions . The most common width is 1 mm. But you can find 2 mm and 3 mm. A thin strip is chosen for square-shaped nails, and for almond-shaped nails - medium width.

Colors . The stripes come in different colors. The most popular among them are gold, silver and black.

Coating . Matte, glossy.

Storage . The ideal place for storage is a regular tape dispenser. All tapes are at hand, do not get confused and are always in one place.

Analogs . Instead of this tape, you can use regular tape or electrical tape. This use is possible in manicure using tape as a stencil.

Items that will be needed at work . It is convenient to grab them with tweezers, eyebrow tweezers or manicure scissors.

How to make a manicure with shiny stripes?

Let's consider two options for using an adhesive strip.

Ribbon as decoration

This option will look impressive. Most often it is very easy to do, no special skills are required.

  1. Cover the nail with a protective base.
  2. Apply a base of polish of the same color.
  3. Apply a different color with a second layer, not covering 1 cm from the cuticle. If you have any difficulties, use tape.
  4. Remove the protective tape.
  5. At the border of the flowers, stick a shiny ribbon and cut it slightly shorter than the nail. This way the coating will last longer.
  6. Secure with top.
  7. On nameless and thumbs try a different design.
  8. You can place any shiny glitter varnish between the ribbons with a brush or toothpick.
  9. We fix it with a top.
  10. Ready!

Ribbon as decoration and stencil

How to make a gentle manicure with sticky ribbons, using them as a stencil? This is an even easier option.

  1. Apply a protective base.
  2. Glue the tape as a stencil in the shape of a triangle and press it firmly onto the plate.
  3. Cut with scissors, leaving a small edge so you can grab it later.
  4. Paint the top of the nail with red polish, without going beyond the line.
  5. Grab the edge of the tape and quickly remove it.
  6. Do this procedure on all fingers.
  7. We cover it with a fixative to make the coating last longer.
  8. All that remains is to admire the result. If you follow these tips, you will succeed!

Little tricks

  • At the beginning of work, apply protective agent to eliminate the harmful effects of varnish. With basic protection, your nails will look healthy.
  • Make sure the polish is completely dry before applying the strip to your nail. Otherwise, when peeling it off, you will peel off the wet varnish. You can speed up the process by adding a layer of quick-drying topcoat.
  • The tape must fit tightly to the nail everywhere, otherwise other polish may flow under it.
  • Cut the strip with scissors, stepping back a little from the edge, so that it does not later cling to clothing or come off.
  • Remove the tape with a sharp, quick movement.

Securing the strip with gel polish

Gel polish is one of the most difficult types of manicure, so let’s look at step by step instructions stages of work. Its volume provides a wide field for the imagination of masters.

  1. Preparation: removing the cuticle, straightening the shape of the nail plate, removing the glossy layer, coating with primer.
  2. Apply base coat, dry under lamp.
  3. Coating with colored gel polish, drying (2 times).
  4. Gluing adhesive tape.
  5. Trimming edges with scissors.
  6. Apply top coat in 2 layers.
  7. Drying under a lamp.

The technology for performing manicure with tapes using simple varnish and gel polish is almost the same. But there are some peculiarities. When applying gel polish, the nail plate must be perfectly dry. Otherwise, when the adhesive tape is peeled off, the topcoat will be damaged. The fixative top is applied in two layers, where the decor is applied.

Manicure options with stripes and tape

French . Using one strip, the edge of the nail plate is highlighted.

Lunar . Here two colors are used, separated by a ribbon.

Summer . Bright colors– the main attribute of summer manicure.

Mesh. The stripes are arranged in the form of a mesh.

Mixing textures. This interesting solution For creative people. There are a lot of options for execution. You can mix glossy and matte finishes. You can also try combining several textures.

Stripes . This original design will always look advantageous and attract attention.

Geometric patterns . Geometry determines movement and dynamics.

Marine decor – An excellent beach manicure option.

Video “Gentle manicure with ribbon step by step”

Features of decor with stripes on short nails

Designs on short nails are the main trend in fashion season. It is very diverse and depends on the imagination of the master. The fashionable length of the nail plate from the cuticle this season is no more than 2-3 cm. In extreme cases, a length of 5 cm is allowed.

A classic French manicure with ribbons for short nails will always be in fashion. A delicate design in pastel colors or a provocative, spectacular design in bright colors will also look stylish. In the design for short nails with stripes, original geometric figures, ethnic patterns, mixing textures, textures, highlighting one or more fingers, etc. are actively used.

Experiment and you will definitely come up with the most unusual and creative design!

Have you already tried using tapes in manicure? Share in the comments!