Pregnancy Diets Health

Unemployed pregnant women rely on benefits. Benefits for non-working mothers

It is useful for any future parent who finds himself in a difficult situation and is left without work to know by what principle maternity benefits are paid to the unemployed in 2019.

If the work did not work out ...

First, let’s see if maternity pay is paid to the unemployed?

Of course! These payments are guaranteed by the Constitution of Russia (Article 38) and the Family Code (Article 1). State assistance can be provided not only to mothers or fathers who have been reduced, but also to guardians, as well as other relatives caring for the baby. In this case, we are not talking about the payment of standard maternity benefits.

For reference: maternity leave consists of 70 days before delivery and 70 days after them. In special cases, extended leave is provided: for multiple pregnancies - up to 84 days before childbirth, after complicated births - up to 86 postpartum days, at the birth of two or more children - up to 110 postpartum days. Payments are made by the employer depending on the duration of the vacation.

But what if the children appeared and there is no work, which means that it will not work to draw up documents and receive financial assistance through the employer?

What to hope for, waiting for replenishment

Unfortunately, statutory cash payments are unlikely to provide for a family that is in a difficult life situation. How much do maternity workers pay in time for the unemployed, and is the amount large?

  • The size of the lump sum is 16 873 rubles 54 kopecks;
  • Monthly allowance for the care of children under the age of 1.5 years:
    - 3,163 rubles 79 kopecks per first child,
    - 6,327 rubles 57 kopecks for the second and subsequent.

In addition, additional benefits are provided:

  • women fired during maternity leave or childcare in connection with the liquidation of the organization, you can count on benefits in the amount of 40% of average earnings for the previous 2 years, but not more than 26 152.39 rubles. monthly;
  • maternity allowance:
    - for students  - the payment is equal to the size of the scholarship (only for full-time study; read also the article How to take academic leave at the university?),
    - upon recognition as unemployed within 12 months from the date of dismissal due to liquidation of the organization - 632 rubles 76 kopecks,
    - women military personnel, employees of the police department and other public services  - in the amount of cash allowance.

Note! A woman can count on maternity benefits upon dismissal in connection with the liquidation of an organization or individual entrepreneur if she was dismissed no earlier than 12 months before the decree.

It should be remembered that from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2021, at the birth (adoption) of a second child, maternity capital is provided to the family. The amount in 2019 is 453,026 rubles, in 2020 indexation is planned to 470 thousand rubles, in 2021 - up to 489 thousand rubles. (Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ). It is paid regardless of the social status of the parents and their employment.

The situation of single mothers

Maternity benefits are paid to unemployed single mothers under the same conditions and in the same amount as married women. But in each region, additional benefits may be established to provide material support to women of this category.

What situations, according to the state, allow calling a woman a single mother?

  • Women who have given birth not married, and also after 300 days or more after the dissolution of the marriage, if paternity is not established.
  • If the children were born in a marriage or within 300 days after its dissolution, but at the same time on the basis of a court decision, the spouse is not their father.
  • Women who have given birth (adopted) a child and bring up (containing) him independently.
  • The birth certificate does not contain information about the father.

For emotional support and improvement of the material condition of single mothers, the law also provides for them benefits related to labor, housing and tax spheres.

Instead of a conclusion

Once again, we list the key points:

  • childcare allowance  unemployed mother guaranteed by the state and mandatory;
  • in the absence of work, a woman will not be able to get   maternity allowance  (with some exceptions, which are described above);
  • the situation of single mothers is not as catastrophic as it seems at first glance: in addition to standard benefits, this category of women in the regions is assigned additional payments and benefits;
  • when the second child is born, the state provides the family with maternal capital;
  • the poor have the right to make a monthly allowance for the birth of the first-born;
  • the purpose of payments and the procedure for processing them are strictly regulated by the legislation of Russia.

In our country, a list of those benefits that a woman can get by going on maternity leave, and also after giving birth to a baby, is defined. In some cases, certain regions also provide material support to families, but whether or not there are additional cash payments in your region can be found only in the social welfare offices. You can also go there for complete information regarding the list of all benefits and payments.

A woman who has given birth to a child has the right to receive:

  • Maternity allowance. It is provided at a time. This is the so-called payment of sick leave, which is issued to a woman in the third trimester of pregnancy at the moment when she goes on maternity leave
  • The allowance for the care of a child up to one and a half years. It is paid to a woman every month. In order to start receiving it, you must come to the place of work and write the appropriate application. Well, and, of course, provide all the missing, but necessary documents.
  • Birth allowance. Payment is made once and only to one of the parents. That is why, from the other parent, a document is required confirming the fact that such a benefit was not paid at his workplace. Each year, the amount of payment is changed, indexed in accordance with rising inflation.
  • Extra payout. This payment is not carried out in all regions of our country, since it is not always provided for in the budget. To know exactly whether it is available or not, you need to contact the center of social protection of the population or call the hotline there. There they will provide accurate information and list those documents that are necessary for the preparation of benefits.

This is the list of benefits that every woman can get. True, in some regions there are additional support measures for those families that have the status of "poor."

Benefits for unemployed women

Very often, those women who do not work, ask one question whether they are entitled to any payments for pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. Since 2007, the situation has improved in this regard, and now women who are not officially registered anywhere, that is, do not formally work, are entitled to receive benefits such as: At the birth of a baby, which is a one-time payment for caring for a child whose age up to one and a half years, in principle, that's all. The list, of course, is much smaller than that of women who are officially registered somewhere. But also, in each region there are separate support measures for those families who have a difficult financial situation. To clarify such payments, you need to contact the departments of social protection of the population.

Previously, until 2007, women who did not work anywhere did not even receive a monthly childcare allowance that was less than one and a half years old.

Benefits for unemployed housewives in 2017

If you have never worked before pregnancy, if you quit before pregnancy, if you were fired pregnant in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise, we will consider you a mom-housewife, and everything that is written in this article is for you. In our country, motherhood is protected and encouraged, including financially. Disabled mothers also have the right to rely on several types of benefits.

Here is a list of these benefits and their sizes in 2017:

  1. The lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child is 16,350.33 rubles.
  2. Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years. Housewives receive 3065.69 rubles per month for the first child, for the second, third, etc. - 6,131.37 rubles. On the twins and the weather allowances are summed up.
  3. Monthly child allowance. In each region, the size of this allowance and the conditions for issuing may vary. Maternity allowance (paid leave of 140 days) is not allowed for housewives, because housewives do not go on sick leave. And a one-time allowance for registered housewives before the 12th week of pregnancy is also not supposed. All benefits can be obtained at the social security authorities (social security) at the place of residence.

Where to get benefits in 2018?

As in 2017 and in previous years, the birth allowance in 2018 can be obtained in two ways: At the place of official work of mom or dad; In the bodies of social protection of the population. In order for the allowance to be accrued, less than six months must pass from the child's birth to the date of issuing cash assistance. In other words, the certificate that will be given to you in the hospital will be valid only for six months.

Why is this done? Probably so that you do not forget to checkmate. help on time in order to have statistics of appeals and keep correct accounting. You can contact the social protection authorities only if you did not officially work anywhere before the birth of the child. That is, you do not have the right to choose. The amount of payment for the birth of a child in 2018 will not depend on any official salary of the parents, as it did not before, and in this case the source of income will not be the employer, but the state itself.

Unemployed pregnant and employment center (labor exchange)

If a woman resigned for any reason, she will be able to register with the employment service authorities (register as unemployed) and receive unemployment benefits (in 2017 the minimum unemployment benefit is 850 rubles, the maximum is 4,900 rubles) before maternity leave. However, women registered with the employment service authorities do not have the right to maternity allowance and the employment center does not pay the benefit.

Unemployment benefits are not paid during maternity leave, so a woman submits a disability certificate received at 30 weeks to the employment center. During the time specified in the certificate of incapacity for work, the center specialist does not appoint visits to the employment service.

If, at the end of this vacation, the woman is ready to look for work and start it, then the unemployment benefit payment will resume (if the payment period has not expired), if she is not ready, then payments will be suspended for the period of parental leave. The period of pregnancy, the period of maternity leave are not grounds for deregistration as unemployed.

Lump-sum allowance for women registered in early pregnancy

Since the allowance for registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) is assigned in addition to the maternity allowance and is paid at the place of destination and the payment of the maternity allowance, non-working pregnant women are not eligible for this type of allowance.

Again, the exception is made only by women who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization and students who study full-time.

In addition to federal payments, Moscow provides a one-time payment for registration with medical institutions (up to 20 weeks). This allowance is assigned to a woman (registered at the place of residence in Moscow) in RUSZN regardless of the fact of work, study or service, upon presentation of a certificate of the established form (Letter of the Moscow Department of Health dated 08.11.2006 N 33-18-3165).

Receiving a lump sum at birth

One of the parents has the right to a lump-sum benefit at birth. In the case of the birth of two or more children, a lump sum is assigned and paid for each child.

The answer to the question of where to get this benefit depends on the husband of the unemployed woman:

  • if one of the parents works and the other does not work, a lump-sum benefit at birth is assigned and paid at the place of work of the parent. Therefore, if the father of the child works, then he will be able to receive a lump-sum allowance only at the place of his work;
  • if both parents do not work or study full-time in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education and institutions of postgraduate vocational education, a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child is assigned and paid by the social security authority of the population at the place of residence (place of stay, place of actual residence) one of the parents.

A non-working single mother receives a lump-sum allowance at the social security bodies of the population at the place of residence. If the unemployed mother is a full-time student of the educational institution, then the benefit is paid by the social protection authorities (paragraph 2 of paragraph 27 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n). Earlier, she had to go to her school to receive benefits at birth.

The benefit is paid by the social security authorities through federal postal organizations or credit organizations indicated by the recipients of the benefit, no later than the 26th of the month following the month of receipt (registration) of the application.

Can a husband get money for a newborn

The father of a newborn has the right to receive maternity after the birth of a daughter or son. Such a payment is one-time and is provided for each case when a baby appears in the family. Any parent can apply for it, for this you need to draw up a package of documents at the workplace. If the husband decides to take out the allowance for himself, then documents from the mother’s place of work will be required, which will confirm that she has not yet exercised this right to receive payment. The amount of financial assistance depends on the number of newborns in the family, and will also increase with each subsequent birth.

Part of the size of maternity leave depends on the region where the husband and wife live. You can find out in more detail about the amount and conditions under which you can receive money in your area at the social security authorities at the place of residence of the baby's parents. Every year, the country's authorities review the size of payments and, if necessary, indexation takes into account inflation, rising prices for services and goods, and also depends on the indicators of the budget of the country and each individual region.

If the baby is dead

We do not live in the 19th century, and infant mortality does not reach such high numbers as in past centuries. But, nevertheless, such grief sometimes happens in our days. By law, a newborn is considered a child and is subject to legal registration if he lives more than seven days. In this case, parents are entitled to receive a birth certificate, death certificate, lump-sum allowance and all due payments if the child has lived up to the time when the parents have received the right to them (applies to childcare payments). Childcare benefits are discontinued from the month following the sad event.

In addition, we must not forget that parents have the right to 3 days of paid leave for the death of children. The size of maternity benefits (sick leave) does not affect the death of the child. We will not talk about sad things, although knowing about it, albeit for general information, is useful. The state takes care of families and annually reforms the support system for parents, children and families. Let's hope: in addition to what was supposed to be for families with children in 2017, in 2018 there will be some new forms of material assistance to people. Know your rights and use them as provided for by laws in the Russian Federation.

Women who have already become mothers or are on maternity leave can receive financial support from the state.

Its size in most cases depends on the size of the salary that they transferred to them over the past 2 years.

Persons who are in an official labor relationship with the employer (subject to compulsory social insurance) can expect to receive maximum payments.

And what benefits are given at birth if the mother does not work?  And do they even exist in 2019?

It must be said right away that unemployed women or students are entitled to receive assistance from the state. Its size will be different, but any money in such a case is not superfluous.

To avoid confusion with the types of benefits, the size of payments and the specifics of the calculation, we will present them all in the form of a list:

Now we determine what are the benefits for pregnancy for unemployed mothers, from those that are listed.

Non-working women, as well as employed women, registered with a medical organization before the gestational age exceeds 12 weeks, are entitled to a one-time payment of 628 rubles.

Money is added to those that are given after going on maternity leave if there is a certificate from the antenatal clinic or other medical institution where the expectant mother is registered.

It must be attached to the package of documents required to receive funds after the decree.

The allowance is assigned 10 days after the delivery of a full package of documents. The social security authorities transfer money through the post office or to a valid bank account indicated by the woman, no later than the 26th day of the following month.

The number of unemployed who are entitled to benefits includes full-time students, regardless of whether they pay for their studies or not.

The right to receive benefits:

  1. Full-time students.
  2. Unemployed, who became so after the company fell under the liquidation procedure.

The right to receive a sum of money arises from a woman at the time of decree. With a normal pregnancy, it is 30 weeks, with a multiple pregnancy - 28.

If a woman lives in the area contaminated after the Chernobyl accident, the period is 27 weeks.

Payments are also assigned in the event of premature pregnancy (22-30 weeks). They are paid by social security authorities at the place of actual stay, to students - at the educational institution.

The amount of cash compensation is:

  1. For those dismissed as a result of the liquidation of the enterprise - 300 rubles.
  2. For students - in the amount of a scholarship, regardless of whether a woman receives it or not.

Necessary documents (if the status “unemployed” arose in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise):

  1. Passport;
  2. Application for benefits;
  3. Disability certificate;
  4. Data on the last place of work (certified extract from the work book);
  5. A certificate from the employment center that the person is unemployed;
  6. Decision of the Federal Tax Service authorities to terminate licensed or state registration activities;
  7. Certificate from the SZN authority at the place of residence;
  8. Certificate of registration for pregnancy up to 12 weeks (to get an additional 628 rubles).

Students need to submit a pregnancy certificate, write a statement at the school, attach a certificate of registration in the early stages (if this was done).

Money will be transferred no later than 10 days, in other cases - no later than the 26th day of the next month. Documents are submitted in originals, or in the form of certified copies.

Allowances for the birth of a child in 2019 can be paid to both the mother and the other parent.

Similar funds are put on the second, third children. The amount of cash allowance is 16,759 rubles. (liquidation of the enterprise, students).

List of documents:

  1. Statement;
  2. Certificate from the hospital about the birth of a child;
  3. Pension certificate of parents;
  4. Certificate of cohabitation of the applicant with the child (taken at the housing authority);
  5. Certificate of annulment of marriage, if the case takes place;
  6. Passports and copies;
  7. Extract from the last place of work (from the work book, if any);
  8. Certificate of the absence of previously accrued benefits (in social protection authorities).

Maternity leave for non-working mothers is listed under the same conditions as above. The main thing is to have time to submit documents no later than six months from the date of birth.

This type of allowance can be received not only by the mother or father, but also by other persons caring for the child: grandmother, grandfather, etc.

This is a great chance if mom has already gone to work full time, and you don’t feel like losing your reward, or when she is studying.

To receive cash payments, you need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence (of the unemployed mother), students at the place of study, other family members, if the mother works - (at the place of work).

If the allowance is made out by a working family member, he will receive monthly 40% of his salary. A non-working mother will be paid a minimum allowance of 3142 rubles / month. Here you need to think before you take such a step.

A working family member will receive a salary of 100%, and a benefit of only 40%.

If the mother does not work or receives a scholarship at the institute / college, it is better to apply for it, in the family there will be more money.

The resulting figure should not be more or less than the minimum and maximum indicators established by law: 24536 rubles and 3142 rubles.

Note! The allowance up to 1.5 years will be paid to the mother, even if she does not work all day or at home.

Documents for those who do not work:

  1. Statement;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. A certified statement with information about the previous place of employment;
  4. Order to go on maternity leave from a previous work (copy);
  5. Information on the amounts received for pregnancy and childbirth or for care up to 1.5 years;
  6. Information about average earnings (for people who were laid off after maternity leave).

Those who were engaged in activities subject to registration or licensing must provide copies of documents confirming their status, as well as a certificate stating that there is no registration as an insured and a cash payment for care up to one and a half years.

If the child was born after the date of January 1, 2019 and the family income is less than one and a half living wages for the last year, he provides for targeted assistance from the state in the amount of 10,523 rubles (average for the country). In each region, accruals may vary.

Payments are made until the child is 1.5 years old and does not affect the standard care allowance. Each mother will be able to receive both rewards.

The implementation of family support measures is aimed at maintaining fertility. It is planned to increase material assistance to 10,836 rubles in 2019 and 11,143 rubles in 2020.


  1. Passports
  2. Statement of purpose of payment;
  3. Birth certificate;
  4. Certificate of Income.

The payment may be received by the father or guardian.

What payments are due to a disabled mother at the birth of her second child? At the birth of the second, third baby, parents receive all of these benefits.

Upon reaching the child 1.5 years, monetary compensation is provided in the amount of 50 rubles. It is produced up to 3 years. Plus, the family has the opportunity to obtain maternity capital, the amount of which is 453,026 rubles.

Parents with a third child born can count on additional regional maternity capital, if required by local law. Somewhere it is given after 5 children or compensated by the issuance of land.

To obtain a regional certificate, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Passport;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. Certificate of registration of marriage or its annulment;
  4. Certificate of the number of people living in the family.

In some cases, documents may be required that confirm the status of a “poor family”, a statement of income, a mortgage agreement, data on the movable / immovable property owned.

Families with many children, whose per capita income is less than the minimum subsistence level established in the region, can count on monthly payments for a third child and subsequent children until they are 3 years old.

Each region has its own rules and laws, demographic features, budgetary opportunities. Based on many factors, an additional regional funding program for families with children who have never worked or students is calculated.

Payments are made at the social security authorities or at the place of study, so all interested mothers need to go there. Federal payments correspond to those given in the article, while regional payments are different in each case.

Moscow region (if one of the parents is registered and the child will also be registered in the region or city):

Also in the city there are privileges for travel, food, medicine, payment of housing and communal services, IVF.

St. Petersburg:

  1. The birth of the first child - 3300 rubles. (in the single-parent / military family - 3750 rubles), the second - 4280 rubles, including in the single-parent / military family;
  2. From 1.5 to 7 years for products - 960 rubles. single-parent family - 1400 rubles;
  3. From 7 to 16 (18) years - 900 rubles., National Assembly (single-parent family) - 1300 rubles .;
  4. The birth of the first child (for the purchase of children's goods and food) - 29830 rubles., The second - 3979- rubles., The third and next - 49730 rubles .;
  5. Student family - 3650 rubles .;
  6. Family capital - 148,069 rubles .;
  7. Land capital - 341,000 rubles;
  8. From birth to 3 years, low-income families - 10,400 rubles.

Social support for large low-income families in the Perm Territory implies free provision of clothing, travel, free medicines for up to 6 years, a land plot, exemption from payment of transport tax, and many others. other


  1. Support for poor families: up to 3 years - food, up to 16 (18) years: basic size / single - 307/814 rubles .;
  2. Up to 3 years: provision of products, medicines.

In Tatarstan, financial assistance is provided to families whose income per person does not exceed PM: payment of meals for students, 30% discount on utilities, trips to dispensaries and sanatoriums, subsidies for travel 282 rubles, fuel, clothing, etc.


  1. 1, 2,3-th child - 6, 12, 18 thousand rubles. regardless of welfare;
  2. Twins or triplets - 5000 rubles. one-time;
  3. Up to 16 (18) years if income is lower than PM: base size / single mother - 320/480 rubles .;
  4. For the 3rd child (every month) - 10225 rubles .;
  5. Large when the child went to school - 5000 rubles .;
  6. To buy a school uniform - 2000 rubles, 300 rubles. - school supplies;
  7. Having many children, when a child enters a higher educational institution - 10,000 rubles.
  8. Improving housing conditions, regardless of marital status, having many children: 100,000 rubles .;
  9. Regional family capital - 100,000 rubles.

There is a wide system of material assistance: from travel to payment of utility bills.

Volgograd region:

  1. Up to 16 (18) years old, poor, every month: regular size / single parent-student family - 317/635/1000 rubles .;
  2. One-time at birth - 25,000 rubles. (conditions: the child was born after 2016, the age of the mother - no more than 23 years);
  3. From 3 to 3 years, for the poor, every month - 8115 rubles .;
  4. Parent capital for the 3rd and following children born after 2016, older than 3 years - 70,000 rubles.

Krasnodar region:

  1. Up to 16 (18) years old, low-income: basic size / single parent - 190/370 rubles .;
  2. Lactating, pregnant, children under 3 years - 150 rubles for food;
  3. 3rd child born in the period from 2013 to 2017, up to 3 years, for those in need - 10,050 rubles .;
  4. Subsidies for housing and communal services, travel, free medicines up to 6 years;
  5. Regional family capital - 119815 rubles.

Full information on all payments to needy families can be obtained on the websites of social protection authorities of these regions and cities.

State social guarantees include support for families with children, pregnant women, and women on parental leave. The amount of the maternity allowance for unemployed women will differ from the size of the allowance for employed women. Many women who are housewives are concerned about how to get maternity, if not working. 2017 brought changes in payments through the Social Insurance Fund; in an even larger number of regions, the Fund switched to direct transfers of benefits. Now there are 33 such regions. In addition, from July 1, 2017, in Russia, along with paper, electronic disability certificates began to be used everywhere.

Maternity leave in the legislation of the Russian Federation

Working women receive benefits from contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. The charge is made by the employing organization, or the FSS of the Russian Federation. And the logical question arises, how to get maternity, if you do not work?

Unemployed deductions are not made, but the state envisaged such a situation and payments are made at the expense of funds allocated for social support of the population. Not everyone has the right to maternity benefits for non-working women. Housewives have no rights to pay for the disability certificate issued at the antenatal clinic. Categories of women who are still paid benefits are defined in the federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main law determining the payment procedure is Federal Law No. 81 “On state benefits to citizens with children,” which was adopted in 1995.

  1. Employees of organizations for which bankruptcy proceedings are ongoing.
  2. Registered in the employment authorities for a period not exceeding 1 year after termination of activity as an individual entrepreneur or closure of an employer company.
  3. Students of universities, colleges in full-time full-time education. They are not subject to social insurance, therefore, they retain a scholarship for the period of maternity leave.

Regardless of whether a woman is employed or is a housewife, a one-time maternity allowance is payable upon registration in the early stages and a childcare allowance of up to 1.5 years.

The amount of payment to a non-working pregnant woman in 2017

Women who cannot perform work due to the bankruptcy of the employer receive a payout from the average daily earnings, which is calculated by summing up the income for the previous two years and dividing the amount by 730 days, as well as working women. With a minimum wage, payments to pregnant non-working women in 2017 will amount to 34 521 rubles. for 140 days, 38 466 p. for 156 days, 47,836 for 194 days of disability. Similarly, the allowance is calculated for the dismissal of women on maternity leave or maternity leave in connection with the liquidation of the employing organization.

Payments to unemployed pregnant women who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise, the allowance is paid at the rate of 613.14 rubles. per month, for 140 days of disability 2861.6 p., 156 days - 3188.64 p., 194 days - 3965.36 p.

Full-time students benefit is paid in the amount of a scholarship monthly, for the entire period of stay on maternity leave.

Pregnancy allowances for non-working women registered in the employment center

Is it possible to get maternity, if you don’t work, through employment agencies? To obtain official unemployed status, a woman can register at the employment center. She will be paid monthly unemployment benefits until the opening of the sick-list. The amount of the benefit, in case of dismissal from the last place of work no later than 3 months before the date of registration, will be 75% of average earnings, the next 4 months - 60%, from 7 months to 12 - 45%, then the benefit will be charged at a minimum amount .

From the moment of receipt of the certificate of incapacity for work, the payment of benefits is terminated. You can resume unemployment benefits after the end of maternity leave. A certificate of incapacity for work will need to be given to the employment service to notify the specialist of the start of maternity leave. The maternity allowance for a non-working woman is not accrued in this case, since the employment authorities do not have such powers. But it will not be necessary to come to the mark of being unemployed, and the employment authorities will suspend the job search until mom leaves the decree.

Other maternity payments in 2017 to a disabled mother

The allowance for women who are registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy is paid in the amount of 613.14 rubles, regardless of whether they work or not. Disabled mothers can get it at the social welfare authorities. To receive this payment, a pregnant non-working woman needs a certificate from the antenatal clinic. A single parental allowance can be received by the second working parent, or by the woman herself in the social protection bodies of the population. The amount is 16,350.33 rubles for 2017.

The unemployed mother is also assigned the right to allowance for the care of the child up to one and a half years, it can be obtained through the social authorities. protection when providing the necessary information.

How to get maternity, if you don’t work - necessary documents

Since July 1, 2017, the FSS in many regions switched to direct payments, so women who have quit due to the liquidation of the enterprise, or are employees of a bankrupt enterprise, can go there directly with a package of documents. All other non-working women submit an application for due payments to the social security authorities.

To receive maternity benefits for unemployed, you must prepare the following documents:

  • statement,
  • a decision on the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee,
  • certificate from the employment center on registration as unemployed upon liquidation of the company.

Thus, to get maternity, if you do not work, it is possible only in cases directly specified in the legislation. Housewives are entitled to certain benefits, but to a lesser extent than officially employed women. Women who were laid off during the liquidation of the company are in a better position. They retain all rights to benefits, as do working women.