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Knitted sleeveless vests for teenage boys and patterns. We knit stylish warm vests for boys

It's already the middle of summer, so it's time to think about what your children will wear to school on September 1st. That’s why in this master class I’ll tell you how to knit a vest for a boy with knitting needles, but in addition to schoolchildren, who may need it for their uniform, you can knit such a vest for both a very young child and an older child. I will talk about all this in today's master class.

6 months
OG: 45.5 cm.
Length: 25.5 cm.
You will need:

  • 1 skein of Dream In Color Classy yarn
  • Spokes:
    No. 4 double needles
    No. 4 straight or circular knitting needles
    No. 4.5 straight or circular knitting needles (or other suitable density)
  • Add. braiding needle
  • Stitch markers
  • Yarn needle
  • 2 buttons (for the first two sizes)

Knitting density:
26 pet. and 28 rub. = 10 cm in a pattern with braids according to the pattern using larger knitting needles.

Pattern for knitting a vest for a boy:

Explanation of the diagrams.
The blue lines on the diagram divide the diagram into three parts: left, middle and right.
Knitting each size begins with a different row of the pattern, so that the braid pattern ends in a place suitable for the design of the neckline. Depending on the size, start knitting from row 1 of the pattern.

Using a smaller needle size, cast on 60 stitches.
Rows 1-6: Work in rib 1x1 (k1, p1).
Change the knitting needles to a larger size.
Row 7 (Wrong Side): P2, K0, (P2, K2) 0 times, start Row 1 on the left side of the pattern 2 times, then the middle side of the pattern 1 time, and the right side of the pattern 2 times , knit 0, (p2, k2) 0 times, p2..
Knit edge stitches. as shown in the diagram, after completing the pattern on Row 28, repeat Rows 1-28 of the pattern 0 more times, then perform Rows 1-5 of the pattern once.

Row 1 (Front side): Cast off 4 sts, knit further according to pattern: 56 sts.
Row 2: Cast off 4 sts, knit further according to pattern: 52 sts.
Row 3 (Decreasing row): K2, k2tog. with a slant to the left, knit according to the pattern until the last 4 stitches, k2 together, k2.
Row 4: Knit according to the pattern.
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 2 more times: 46 sts.
Continue knitting according to the pattern until the armhole reaches 9.5 cm, stop after knitting the front row.

Neckline and shoulder slits.
Track. row (Wrong side): Cast off 0, knit next 12 sts. according to the pattern (12 stitches on the right needle), remove the stitches from the right needle onto a temporary stitch holder (for the left shoulder bevel), cast off the next 22 (for the neckline), then knit according to the pattern: 12 stitches.
Right shoulder bevel.
Row 1: Cast off 3 sts, work according to pattern until last 3 sts, k2tog, k1: 8 sts.
Row 2: Knit according to the pattern.
Row 3: Cast off 3 sts, work according to pattern until last 3 sts, k2tog, k1: 4 sts.
Cast off remaining stitches.

Left shoulder bevel.
Only available in sizes 6 and 12 months.
With the front side facing you, remove the stitches from the temporary holder onto the freed knitting needle.
Row 1 (Right side): K1, k2tog. with a slant to the left, knit 5, turn the work to knit a shortened row.
Row 2: Knit according to the pattern.
Row 3: Knit 4 stitches. according to the pattern, turn to knit a shortened row.
Row 4: Knit according to the pattern.
Knit 5 rows with 1x1 rib (k1, p1).
Close all loops loosely.
For sizes from 18 months. up to 8 years: (18 months)
With the work facing towards you, remove the stitches from the temporary holder onto the free knitting needle.
Row 1 (Right side): K1, k2tog. with a slant to the left, knit according to the pattern until the end of the row: 11 sts.
Row 2: Cast off 5, knit according to pattern: 6 sts.
Row 3: K1, k2tog. with a slant to the left, close the remaining loops.

Start knitting as a back, complete the knitting pattern with Row 28, then knit Rows 1-28 of the pattern 0 times.
Knit Rows 1-3 patterns.
Place a marker after 30 stitches to mark the center of the front.
Neck and armhole.
The armhole is made in the same way as for the back, and the neckline is knitted at the same time.
Track. row (Front side): Knit according to the pattern up to 4 stitches. from the central marker, purl 1, remove trace. loop for extra knitting needle at work, knit 2, knit 1. with additional knitting needles, re-shoot the marker, remove the mark. 2 pet. for extra knitting needle before work, knit 1, knit 2. with additional knitting needles, purl 1, knit further according to the pattern.
Track. row: Knit according to the pattern, purl 6 central loops.
Track. row: Cast off 4 sts, knit according to pattern up to 4 sts. from center markers, k2 together, k2, remove marker and transfer 25 stitches just knitted. on a temporary loop holder (for the left shelf), knit 2, knit 2 together. with a slant to the left, knit further according to the pattern: 29 sts.

Continue knitting according to the pattern between decreases for the armhole and neckline.
Row 1: Cast off 4 sts, knit according to pattern: 25 sts.

Knit according to the pattern until the front and back are the same length (at the beginning of the shoulder bevel), stop after knitting the front row.
Shoulder bevel.
Row 1 (Wrong side): Cast off 3 sts, knit according to pattern: 7 sts.
Row 2: Knit according to the pattern.
Row 3: Cast off 3 sts, knit according to pattern: 4 sts.
Cast off remaining stitches.

Place the work with the wrong side facing you, transfer the postponed 25 loops to the free knitting needles.
Row 1: Knit according to the pattern.
Row 2: K2, k2tog. with a slant to the left, knit according to the pattern until the last 4 sts, k2tog, k2: 23 sts.
Continue decreasing the 1st stitch along the edge of the armhole in each knit row 2 more times, while simultaneously decreasing the 1st stitch for the neckline in each knit. row 11 more times: 10 stitches.
Knit according to the pattern until the front and back are the same length (at the beginning of the shoulder bevel), stop after knitting the purl row.
Left shoulder bevel.
Only for sizes 6 months. and 12 months
Row 1 (Right side): K2, yarn over, k2tog, knit to end of row.
Row 2: P7, turn work to knit a short row.
Row 3: Knit to end of row.
Row 4: P3. , turn the work to knit a short row.
Row 5: K2tog, yarn over, k1..
Row 6: Purl to end of row.
Close all loops.
Only for sizes 18 months. - 8 years (18 months)
Row 1: Knit according to the pattern.
Row 2: Cast off 4 sts, knit according to pattern: 10 sts.
Row 3: Cast off 5 sts, knit according to pattern: 5 sts.
Row 4: Knit according to the pattern.
Row 5: Cast off remaining sts.

Sew right shoulder slopes for sizes 6 and 12 months; for other sizes - sew the left and right shoulder bevels.
Sew side seams.
Elastic for the right armhole.
Place the work with the right side facing you and, using double needles, pick up 3 stitches from every four rows of the armhole along the edge of the armhole.

Loosely bind off all loops.
Elastic for left armhole.
For sizes 6 and 12 months.
Place the work with the right side facing you and using smaller straight needles, cast on 3 stitches from every four rows of the armhole along the edge of the armhole.

Loosely bind off all loops.

Work like a rib for the right armhole.
Elastic band at neckline.
For sizes 6 and 12 months.
Place the work with the front side facing you and using straight knitting needles, from the beginning of the left shoulder, cast on loops (each loop) to the middle of the front neckline. Pick up a loop from the broach (twist so that there is no hole) in the center of the front (between the left and right front), continue casting on loops on the opposite side of the neck, while the number of loops should be the same on both sides from the cast-on middle front loop to the shoulder bevel.
Row 1: P1, (k1, p1) to end of row.
Row 2: K1, (p1, k1) to end of row.
Rows 3-5: Repeat Rows 1 and 2 again, then repeat Row 1 once.
Loosely bind off all loops.
For sizes 18 months. - 8 years.
Place the work with the front side facing you and, using stocking needles, from the beginning of the left shoulder, cast on loops along the edge of the neckline to the middle of the front. Pick up a loop from the broach (twist so that there is no hole) in the center of the front (between the left and right front), continue casting on loops on the opposite side of the neck, while the number of loops should be the same on both sides from the cast-on middle front loop to the shoulder bevel.
Rows 1-5: Work in rib 1x1 (k1, p1).
Loosely bind off all loops.
For sizes 6 and 12 months.
Sew on buttons.

That's all! A vest for a boy, knitted with knitting needles, is ready!

Charming knitted vest for the baby will make his image stylish and cute. Fashionable ones are always relevant, in addition, they are very comfortable and warm for the baby.

To link vest for boy on height 92 (98-104, 110) you will need:

  • yarn: 1 skein of white and 1.5 skeins of blue, a little red (this yarn can be seen on Alize Baby Wool or Gazzal Baby Wool, it is important to get the right density);
  • knitting needles No. 3.5 on fishing line;
  • scissors and needle.

Knitting density: 5 x 5 cm – 7 loops x 11 rows.
For convenience, I counted the number of loops for several sizes: 86-92, 98-104, and 110. In addition, it is important to take into account the baby’s body type.


So let's get started knitting the back of a vest. To do this you need to cast on 45 (47, 53) loops. And we knit with an elastic band 2 x 2 (slip 1, then k1, p2, k2, p2, and so on). You need to knit 10 rows (for a height of 110, 12 rows are possible, and for a height of 86-92, 8 are enough). The result is a rubber band like this:

Then we start knitting the front stitch - all the loops are knitted on the front side, and purl on the wrong side. Like this:

Having knitted 14 rows (for size 86-92 - 12, for height 110 - 16 rows), we begin knitting blue. To do this, we determine the center, and from the center we will knit according to the pattern: (pattern 1).

Introduce blue thread:

Then, to avoid broaches, before knitting the loops with white yarn, we overlap each time:

And we knit the second blue loop:

From the inside it looks like this:

Turn the knitting over and continue knitting:

Next, we cut the blue thread and at the beginning of the next row (from the wrong side) we will knit only with blue yarn:

Turn over:

After this, you can start knitting the armhole. To do this, we will knit the outer (left and right) loops, 5 (together with the edge) from each edge, in garter stitch. And we will cut the next loops in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 21, and so on in rows. In total you will need to make 10 decreases.

So, remove the loop and knit 4 knits, then knit 2 knit stitches together behind the back wall of the loops:

Now we knit 2 loops together, but only behind the front wall:

And we knit the remaining loops. Turn over, remove the first loop, knit 4 knits:

the rest are purl, the last 5 are like this: 4 knit and the last one is purl:

We repeat:

We make loop reductions until 25 (27, 31) loops remain.

In the 31st (33rd, 35th) row from the beginning of knitting the armhole, you will need to insert a white thread into the center of the fabric. To do this, count the same number of loops on both sides, and knit the central 8 with white thread:

In the next row (on the wrong side) we knit one less loop (in blue), then 1 loop in white (purl), then 8 loops in white, knit (garter stitch), then 1 white in purl, and the remaining loops in blue, purlwise (except for the last 5). Don't forget to knit garter stitch along the edges.
In the front row we again knit one less loop in blue, then 12 loops in white, knit, and again in blue. On the wrong side again - 1 less blue stitch, 1 white purl, 12 knit stitches, 1 purl, and again blue. In the next front row we again knit 1 less loop in blue, then 5 in white, close 6 loops, and 5 in white, the rest again in blue:

Important point ! When we introduced the white thread, it is worth conditionally dividing the knitting into 3 parts. The first part is blue, the second is white, the third is blue. Before inserting the white thread, unwind several meters of blue thread and cut it. We introduce a white thread, knit 8 loops with it and take the second part of the blue threads and knit with them. It turns out that we will knit all 3 parts separately, twisting threads of two colors in each row. This technique called intarsia.

We knit a row from the wrong side to the place where the closed loops are and turn it over. We remove the first loop, knit the second and third together, then knit all the stitches. We repeat again. In the next front row, we again remove the first one, knit the second with the third, then knit another loop with white:

Then we knit 4 more rows without decreasing and bind off the loops. We knit the second side in a mirror manner:


The front part is knitted 1 stitch less than the back. We start in the same way, by knitting an elastic band (the same number of rows as in the back). Then we knit 4 rows stockinette stitch. And we begin to knit the pattern according to the pattern:

Please note that we will knit in blue from two skeins, or ends. You can unwind several meters from a skein and knit from one end - from a skein, and from the other quack - from a cut piece of thread (intarsia principle).

This is what you should get:

Introduce the red thread:

Next, we knit the entire fabric in blue in stockinette stitch, except for the central 4 loops: we knit them in garter stitch (always knit: both on the wrong side and on the front side)

So we knit 4 rows (for size 86-92), 6 rows - for size 98-104, and 110. Then from the central 4 loops (which will imitate the bar) we count 6 loops each, and we will knit 8-9 loops garter stitch. So, we knit:

We knit 6 (8, 10) loops from the edge, then purl 8-9 loops and then follow the pattern:

We knit another 16 (18, 18 rows) from the red tie and begin to knit the armhole on both sides, according to the principle of the back armhole:

After 2 rows, we insert the red thread again into the center of the front and begin to knit the top of the tie:

View from the inside:

Next we introduce a white thread and knit according to the pattern:

in which we do everything exactly as drawn in each row:

Don't forget about the armhole:

After the last row of the tie is knitted, close the loops (6 loops above the tie):

We cover it with white, we no longer need red.

we will knit the left part of the front:

In the front rows we will knit the second loop together with the third:

Please note: the first stitches are knitted in garter stitch:

After 3 white loops remain, knit another 2-4 rows. (For sizes 86-92) you can not knit them, but immediately close the loops:

We knit the second side in the same way as the first:

Before ready:

We sew both halves together with the same thread we used to knit.

The knitted vest for the young gentleman is ready:

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Select the appropriate pattern and calculate the knitting density and the required clothing size. For example, for 4-5 years, you can wear vest No. 4 from medium-thick yarn (you will only need a couple of 100-gram skeins). The knitting density in the described example will be 23 loops per 10 cm of fabric.

Start working from the back of the vest with thinner knitting needles - No. 3 or 3.5. Cast on 73 loops and make an elastic band 2-2.5 cm high (two purl and two knit loops). Next, you need to switch to thicker knitting needles, on which you calculated the density of the knitted fabric (in this case, No. 4).

Go to the main selected pattern. A beginner knitter can recommend “rice” or “pearl” relief pattern– with its help, an interesting “crumbly” structure of the canvas is created.
Small “pearls” are easy to do:
- first knit a row like an elastic band - alternating knit and purl loops;
- in the next row, shift the pattern by one loop: make a purl over the front one, a front one over the back one;
- then continue making shifts according to the pattern.
For large “pearls”, make offsets through the row.

Knit the vest until you make a fabric 20-25 cm high from the end of the bottom elastic. Now the sleeve armholes should be made on the left and right sides. For each armhole, close through a row:
- first 3 loops at once (knitting adjacent loops together);
- then 2 loops;
- finally, 1 loop.

Measure the knitted back from the bottom edge to the top - if the total length of the work has reached 40 cm, close the loops. You should have ten stitches for each shoulder and 33 middle stitches for the neckline.

Make the front of the vest following the pattern of the back until you reach the beginning of the armholes. Start performing them in the manner described above and at the same time remove a couple of central front loops onto a pin - this is the beginning of the triangular neck of the future children's vest.

On one side of the neckline, continue knitting with the same working yarn, on the other, insert a thread of the same color and thickness from a separate ball. You need to do one part of the front first, then the other.

To gradually reduce knitted fabric for the neck of the vest, in every second row, step back from the edge by 3 loops and knit the next two loops together. Decrease 2 stitches on each side of the neckline 3 times, then 16 more stitches. When you finish the fabric to the shoulder line, finish knitting the vest.

Sew the front and back together, using neat knit stitches along the sides and along the shoulders. Along the edge of the neckline, pick up stitches for the placket using the same knitting needles used to make the elastic band at the bottom. In this example, only 130 loops are obtained. Make the bar the same height as the elastic fabric of the lower edge of the product.

An adorable knitted vest for your baby will make your baby look stylish and cute. Fashionable ones are always relevant, in addition, they are very comfortable and warm for the baby.

To link vest for boy on height 92 (98-104, 110) you will need:

  • yarn: 1 skein of white and 1.5 skeins of blue, a little red (this yarn can be seen on Alize Baby Wool or Gazzal Baby Wool, it is important to get the right density);
  • knitting needles No. 3.5 on fishing line;
  • scissors and needle.

Knitting density: 5 x 5 cm – 7 loops x 11 rows.
For convenience, I counted the number of loops for several sizes: 86-92, 98-104, and 110. In addition, it is important to take into account the baby’s body type.


So let's get started knitting the back of a vest. To do this you need to cast on 45 (47, 53) loops. And we knit with an elastic band 2 x 2 (slip 1, then k1, p2, k2, p2, and so on). You need to knit 10 rows (for a height of 110, 12 rows are possible, and for a height of 86-92, 8 are enough). The result is a rubber band like this:

Then we start knitting the front stitch - all the loops are knitted on the front side, and purl on the wrong side. Like this:

Having knitted 14 rows (for size 86-92 - 12, for height 110 - 16 rows), we begin knitting in blue. To do this, we determine the center, and from the center we will knit according to the pattern: (pattern 1).

Introduce blue thread:

Then, to avoid broaches, before knitting the loops with white yarn, we overlap each time:

And we knit the second blue loop:

From the inside it looks like this:

Turn the knitting over and continue knitting:

Next, we cut the blue thread and at the beginning of the next row (from the wrong side) we will knit only with blue yarn:

Turn over:

After this, you can start knitting the armhole. To do this, we will knit the outer (left and right) loops, 5 (together with the edge) from each edge, in garter stitch. And we will cut the next loops in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 21, and so on in rows. In total you will need to make 10 decreases.

So, remove the loop and knit 4 knits, then knit 2 knit stitches together behind the back wall of the loops:

Now we knit 2 loops together, but only behind the front wall:

And we knit the remaining loops. Turn over, remove the first loop, knit 4 knits:

the rest are purl, the last 5 are like this: 4 knit and the last one is purl:

We repeat:

We make loop reductions until 25 (27, 31) loops remain.

In the 31st (33rd, 35th) row from the beginning of knitting the armhole, you will need to insert a white thread into the center of the fabric. To do this, count the same number of loops on both sides, and knit the central 8 with white thread:

In the next row (on the wrong side) we knit one less loop (in blue), then 1 loop in white (purl), then 8 loops in white, knit (garter stitch), then 1 white in purl, and the remaining loops in blue, purlwise (except for the last 5). Don't forget to knit garter stitch along the edges.
In the front row we again knit one less loop in blue, then 12 loops in white, knit, and again in blue. On the wrong side again - 1 less blue stitch, 1 white purl, 12 knit stitches, 1 purl, and again blue. In the next front row we again knit 1 less loop in blue, then 5 in white, close 6 loops, and 5 in white, the rest again in blue:

Important point ! When we introduced the white thread, it is worth conditionally dividing the knitting into 3 parts. The first part is blue, the second is white, the third is blue. Before inserting the white thread, unwind several meters of blue thread and cut it. We introduce a white thread, knit 8 loops with it and take the second part of the blue threads and knit with them. It turns out that we will knit all 3 parts separately, twisting threads of two colors in each row. This technique is called intarsia.

We knit a row from the wrong side to the place where the closed loops are and turn it over. We remove the first loop, knit the second and third together, then knit all the stitches. We repeat again. In the next front row, we again remove the first one, knit the second with the third, then knit another loop with white:

Then we knit 4 more rows without decreasing and bind off the loops. We knit the second side in a mirror manner:


The front part is knitted 1 stitch less than the back. We start in the same way, by knitting an elastic band (the same number of rows as in the back). Then we knit 4 rows in stockinette stitch. And we begin to knit the pattern according to the pattern:

Please note that we will knit in blue from two skeins, or ends. You can unwind several meters from a skein and knit from one end - from a skein, and from the other quack - from a cut piece of thread (intarsia principle).

This is what you should get:

Introduce the red thread:

Next, we knit the entire fabric in blue in stockinette stitch, except for the central 4 loops: we knit them in garter stitch (always knit: both on the wrong side and on the front side)

So we knit 4 rows (for size 86-92), 6 rows - for size 98-104, and 110. Then from the central 4 loops (which will imitate the bar) we count 6 loops each, and we will knit 8-9 loops garter stitch. So, we knit:

We knit 6 (8, 10) loops from the edge, then purl 8-9 loops and then follow the pattern:

We knit another 16 (18, 18 rows) from the red tie and begin to knit the armhole on both sides, according to the principle of the back armhole:

After 2 rows, we insert the red thread again into the center of the front and begin to knit the top of the tie:

View from the inside:

Next we introduce a white thread and knit according to the pattern:

in which we do everything exactly as drawn in each row:

Don't forget about the armhole:

After the last row of the tie is knitted, close the loops (6 loops above the tie):

We cover it with white, we no longer need red.

we will knit the left part of the front:

In the front rows we will knit the second loop together with the third:

Please note: the first stitches are knitted in garter stitch:

After 3 white loops remain, knit another 2-4 rows. (For sizes 86-92) you can not knit them, but immediately close the loops:

We knit the second side in the same way as the first:

Before ready:

We sew both halves together with the same thread we used to knit.

The knitted vest for the young gentleman is ready:

In order not to forget the page address and share with friends, add to your social networks:

The cold weather is coming very soon, so we suggest you take care of the warmth and comfort of your children. Our master class today will tell you how to knit a sleeveless vest for a boy with knitting needles. The size variations we offer will help you knit a vest with your own hands, both for a newborn and for a schoolchild!

Sleeveless vest for a schoolboy

We will need:

  • yarn (100% wool, 90 m. per 50 g.) – 4, 5, 5, 6, 7 skeins;
  • sp. No. 3 and No. 3.5.

Density: l. Ch. – 22 p. x 28 r. = 10 x 10 cm, braids – 28 p. x 28 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Braid for 10 p. (10 p.): according to the scheme, alternate 1-4 pp.
Pattern with braids on the back. No. 3.5 (knot with k.): number of p. kr. 16 + 2, we work according to cx. – 1 time 1-26 pp, alternate 3-26 pp..

Sizes: for boy aged 4 years/6 years/8 years/10 years/12 years.



Using knitting needles No. 3, knit 72/80/86/92/100 p., 5 cm (16 r.) r. 2 x 2. Change sp. at No. 3.5, then - l. Ch. In 21/24/27/30/33 cm = 62/70/78/86/96 r. We close the armholes on both sides in every second r. 1 rub. x 3 p., 2 r. x 2 p., 3 x 1 p./1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p., 4 x 1 p./1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p., 5 x 1 p./1 x 3 p., 3 x 2 p., 4 x 1 p./1 x 3 p., 3 x 2 p., 5 x 1 p. = 52/58/62/66/72 p.. After 15/16/ We close 17/18/19 cm from the beginning of the armhole with knitting needles on both sides in every second r. 3 x 3 p., 1 x 4 p./1 x 3 p., 3 x 4 p./4 x 4 p./3 x 4 p., 1 x 5 p./1 x 4 p., 3 x 5 p.. Together with the first deduction, closing. middle 16/18/20/22/24 p., we complete both sides separately. Closed also on the inside in each. 2 r. 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p.. After 17/18/19/20/21 cm close. All P..


Using knitting needles No. 3, knit 90/98/104/116/124 p., 5 cm (16 r.) r. 2 x 2, starting from 1 l. p./1 l. p./3 i. p./ 3 l. p./3 l. p.. Change sp. for No. 3.5: 10 p.l. ch., 10 p. braids, 50 p. pattern with k., starting from 23 r. and 11th p. of the diagram, 10 p. braids, 10 p.l. Ch./14 p.l. ch., 10 p.k., 50 p. pattern with k., beg. from 15 r. and 11th p.s., 10 p.k., 14 p.l. Ch./17 p.l. ch., 10 p.k., 50 p. pattern with k., beg. from 7th p.m. and 11th p.s., 10 p.k., 17 p.l. Ch./15 p.l. ch., 10 p.k., 66 p. pattern p. k., beginning from 11 p.m. and 11th p.s., 10 p.k., 15 p.l. Ch./19 p.l. ch., 10 p.u., 66 p. pattern with k., beg. from 1 r. and 11th p.s., 10 p.k., 10 p.l. ch.. Now the armhole on both sides (as on the back) = 70/76/80/90/96 p..

After 5 cm, divide the knitting into 2 parts, finishing them separately. At the inner edge we reduce each. 2 r. *1 x 2 p., 2 x 1 p., from * x 3 times, 1 x 2, 3 x 1 p./*1 x 2 p., 2 x 1 p., from * x 4 times, 1 x 2 p./*3 x 1 p., 1 x 2 p., from * x 3 times, 4 x 1 p./*3 x 1 p., 1 x 2 p., from * x 3 p., 6 x 1 p./*3 x 1 p., 1 x 2 p., from * x 3 p., 7 x 1 p., with a deduction of 2 p. at the beginning. R. connection 3 l. p., 1 i. p., prov. 3 p.vm. i., 1 i. p., 3 l. P.; for a deduction of 1 point at the beginning. R. knitting 3 l. p., 1 i. p., prov. 2 p.vm. i., at the end of the river. Prov. 2 p.vm. i., 1 i. p., 3 l. p.. After 21/24/27/30/33 cm = 62/70/78/86/96 r. close for shoulder bevels on the outside. edges in each 2 r. 2 x 4 p., 2 x 5 p./4 x 5 p./3 x 5 p., 1 x 6 p./4 x 6 p./2 x 6 p., 2 x 7 p., closed. All P..

Neck strap

Using knitting needles No. 3, knit 102/110/118/126/134 p., 4 r. R. 2 x 2, set aside p..

Armhole strap (x 2)

Knitting needles No. 3 emb. 86/94/102/110/118 p., 4 r. R. 2 x 2, set aside p..


We do knitting shoulder seams, we sew the strips with a loop-to-loop stitch to the armholes and neck, and make side seams. The boy's sleeveless vest is ready!

Sleeveless vest for a boy for one year: video master class

Children's vest for beginners


Front sleeveless vests for boys

Knit with knitting needles 50/56/62/70/76 p., including edge loops, 4 r. handkerchief knot..
Next row (RS): 1 l. p. (chrome p.), 11/14/17/21/24 and. p., *prov. sl. p. twice persons. x 2, 4 and. p., from * x 4 r., prov. sl. n. two persons once. x 2 r., 11/14/17/21/24 and. p., 1 l. p. (chrome p.) = 60/66/72/80/86 p..
New r. (IS): 1 l. p., 11/14/17/21/24 l. p., *p. according to sketch, 4 l. p., from * x 4 r., p. by c., 11/14/17/21/24 l. p., 1 l. P..
Another r. (LS): 1 l. p., 11/14/17/21/24 and. p., *p. according to sketch, 4 l. p., from * x 4 rubles, p. according to c., 11/14/17/21/24 and. p., 1 l. P..
We continue knitting in this way until the height is 15/16/18/19/21 cm, where knitting. 4 rub. plat. knot extreme 6 stitches on both sides, the rest - as before.

At the same time, after 2 pp. handkerchief pattern, close 3 stitches on both sides. Knit edge. 3 p. on both sides of the scarf. pattern, the rest - as described above.

At the same time, decrease 1 st on each side in every 2nd r. 4/4/4/5/5 times = 46/52/58/64/70 p..
Having reached the highest 22/23/26/28/31 cm, remove the central 12/12/14/14/14 sts for extra. sp. (neck), finish knitting both sides separately.

Close the neck side of each. 2 r. 2 p. x 1 r., 1 p. – 3/4/4/4/4 r. = 12/14/16/19/22 p. for each part.

At high 26/28/31/33/36 cm wire. 4 sts above braids vm. 2 each = 10/12/14/17/20 p., put off knitting for extra. sp., do not cut the thread.

Front cutout

From the LS we cast on 30-40 sts along the front neckline, including sts with additional stitches. sp..
1 rub. – l. p. with IS, at the same time we adjust the p. to 26/28/30/32/34 p., then 2 r. handkerchief pattern Closed P..

Left shoulder (front)

We get 2 p. from the neck = 12/14/16/19/22 p.
IS: l. P.
LS: 1/1/1/2/2 l. p., 2 p. vm. l., yarn over, 5/7/9/10/13 l. p., 2 p. vm. l., yarn over, 2/2/2/3/3 l. p., closed p. in next R..

Right shoulder (front)

Tie symmetrically to the left.
Back of sleeveless vest for boys
Knit 50/56/62/70/76 p., incl. chrome p.., 4 r. plat. pattern, then purl. smooth...
We close the armholes as for the front part of the product, at a height. 24/26/29/31/34 cm order central 14/16/18/18/18 stitches for the neck.. each side. knitting separately.
Closed 1 p. from the side. Throat In the words R. = 10/12/14/17/20 p..
At high 26/28/31/33/36 cm. P. for extra sp., do not cut the thread.
Now the back cutout: from the RS we cast on about 18-26 sts along the neckline. throat back, 3 r. handkerchief knot, closed P..

Left shoulder back

Drb. 2 p. from the throat. = 12/14/16/19/22 p., 3 r. plat. knot, closed P..

Right shoulder back

Symmetrical to the left.


We sew the sides, sew on the buttons on the hangers and the vest for the boy is knitted!

Vest for a 1 year old boy: video master class

Knitted children's sleeveless vest

We will need:

  • yarn (75% merino, 20% silk, 5% cashmere, 50 grams per 180 meters) – 2/2/3/3 skeins;
  • sp. No. 3.25 and No. 2.75;
  • buttons 4/4/5/5 pcs.

The density is 28 p. x 36 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Sizes: for boys aged 0-6 months/6 months-1 year/1 year-2 years/2 years-3 years.



Knitting needles No. 2.75 emb. 74/82/90/98 p., r. 2 x 2 – 7 r..
8 rub. (deductions): 3/7/5/9 and. p., 2 p. vm. i., (4 i. p. wire. 2 p. vm. i.) 11/11/13/13 times, 3/7/5/9 i. p. = 62/70/76/84 p..
We change sp. on No. 3.25, knitting. l. gl..
At high 14/17/20/25 cm closed by side 3/4/4/4 p. at the beginning of the river. = 52/58/60/68 p..
At high 10/11/12/13 cm from the armholes, closing. from both sides 7/8/8/10 p. at the beginning. R. =38/42/44/48 p..
Sl. r.: closing. floor 8/8/8/10 p. = 22/26/28/28 p., closed. All P..

Left side

Sp. No. 2.75 emb. 35/39/43/47 p..
1 rub.: *2 l. p., 2 i. n., from * to last. 3 p., 2 l. p., 1 i. P..
2 rubles: 1 l. p.. 2 i. p., *2 l. p., 2 i. sweat *.
So another 5 rubles..
8 rubles: 3 i. p., 2 p. vm. i., (7/8/7/8 i. p., 2 p. vm. i.) x 3/2/4/4 r., 3/4/2/2 i. p. = 31/35/38/42 p.
We change sp. at No. 3.25.
1 r.: l. P..
2 rubles: i. P..
3 rubles: 18/22/25/29 l. p., (2 i. p., 2 l. p.) x 2 r., 2 i. p., 2 l. P..
4 rubles: 3 i. p., (2 l. p., 2 i. p.) x 2, 2 l. p., i. p. to the end.
Next - knitting in the established pattern.
At high 14/17/20/25 cm closed first 3/4/4/4 sts, elm. in the drawing to the end..
Closing 1 p. at the beginning. R. in each 2 r. 2/2/4/4 r.. Prov. another 1/0/0/0 rub. in the drawing.

Now for the digressions:
1 r.: l. p. to last 5 p., 2 p. vm. l., r-ok. to end.
2 rubles: r-ok.
3 rubles: l. p. to last 15 p., 2 p. vm. l., then into the pattern.
4 rubles: in a pattern.

We knit 1-4 r. track. 14/14/16/14 r. = 17/20/20/25 p..
It is now 5/13/13/17 p. from ub. on both sides 1 stitch in each 4 rows, then exactly in the pattern until the back shoulders are beveled.
Sl. r.: closing. on the hangers 7/8/8/10 p., in the ornament = 8/8/8/10 p..
Sl. r.: according to the ornament, closed. All P..

Right side

On the sp. No. 2.75 emb. 35/39/43/47 p..
1 p.: 1 i. p., 2 l. p., *2 i. p., 2 l. sweat *..
2 p.: *2 i. p., 2 l. n., from * to village. 3 p., 2 i. p., 1 l. P..
These 2 r. another x 5 rub..
8 rubles: 3/4/2/2 and. p., 2 p. vm. i., (7/8/7/8 i.p., 2 i.m. i.) x 3/3/4/4 r., 3 i. P..

We change sp. at No. 3.25, ornament below.
1 r.: l. P..
2 rubles: i. P..
3 rubles: 3 l. p.. (2 i. p., 2 l. p.) x 2 r., 2 i. p., 18/22/25/29 l. P..
4 rubles: i. n. to the village. 13 p., (2 l. p., 2 i. p.) x 2, 2 l. p., 3 i. P..
Then we knit in the mouth. rice..
At high 14/17/20/25 cm cover the first 3/4/4/4 sts, elm. into the pattern to the end..
Cover 1 p. at the beginning. R. in each 2 r. 2/2/4/4 r.. Prov. another 1/0/0/0 rub. in fig..

Now for the digressions:
1 p.: 13 p. in the figure, dn. n. not knitted, 1 l. p., stretch sn. p. on the wire, in fig. to end.
2 p.: rice..
3 p.: 13 p. in figure, dn. n. not knitted, 1 l. p., stretch sn. p. on the wire, in fig. to end.
4 rubles: in a pattern.
We knit 1-4 r. track. 14/14/16/14 r. = 17/20/20/25 p..
It is now 5/13/13/17 p. from ub. on both sides 1 stitch in every 4 rows, then exactly in rice. to the bevel of the shoulders of the back.
Sl. r.: zak. on hangers 7/8/8/10 p., in fig. = 8/8/8/10 p..
Sl. r.: according to the drawing, order. All P..

Assembling a sleeveless vest for boys

Conn. hangers, tie a lion around the throat. sides and backs. From the middle of the sp. dial 12/14/15/15 sts along the neck, 36/46/47/49 sts along the left side, 42/50/60/78 sts along the left side, 8 sts along the elastic band from the left. parts = 98/118/130/150 p..
R. 2 x 2 – 3 r..
Sl. r.: 49/59/64/85 p. res., order. 1 p., (13/16/13/18 p. with elastic band, order 1 p.) x 3/3/4/4 p., 2/3/2/3 p. res..
Sl. r.: 3/4/3/4 p. with an elastic band, yarn over, (14/17/14/19 p. res., yarn over) x 3/3/4/4 r., then - r..
3 r. res. 2 x 2, order P..

Right side throat and back: emb. on the sp. No. 2.75 8 p. on elastic band. from rights sides, 42/50/68/78 p. on the right. side, 36/46/47/49 p. to neck. right side and 12/14/15/15 p. to the throat. back to middle = 98/118/130/150 p..
R. 2 x 2 – 8 r., order..

We connect all the borders on the back.
For openings from the LS embankment. on the sp. No. 2.75 70/78/82/90 p., r. 2 x 2 8 r., order p., we make seams on the sides.

Vest for 2 years (height 90 cm) with a V-neck: video master class