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Biography of Timati's wife. All Timati's girls: Love stories

On March 19, 2014, Alisa Yunusova, the daughter of the popular rapper Timati and model Alena Shishkova, was born in the ward of one of the clinics in the Dominican Republic. The young father enveloped his long-awaited child in care long before his birth: his girlfriend spent the entire pregnancy on the ocean shore near Santo Domingo. After giving birth, Alena and the rapper’s mother Simone basked in the sun with the little princess for another three months, until the girl got stronger and the Moscow heat gave way to pleasant coolness. Alice is now nine months old. Speaking of daughter happy parents They say in one voice: “We have a little monster growing!” The active little girl is very similar in character to her dad; together they often don’t sleep until the morning. The young parents made a categorical decision - not to publish photographs of their daughter’s face on personal blogs, but to publish details family life the couple does not advertise it, just as they once kept silent about Alena’s pregnancy. Only in an exclusive photo shoot and interview with SUPER did one of the most beautiful couples in Russian show business show the heiress for the first time and talk about the joys and hardships of young parents.

Everyone learned about the new addition to your family from Instagram on Alice’s birthday. PocheWhy did you take such care of information about the upcoming event?

Timati: In our show business, it is customary to make a PR campaign even out of one’s own family life, turning it into “Santa Barbara.” To the point where the press even ends up in the operating room during childbirth. My ideas about family are very different from this. I'm a fairly private person in this sense.

Alyona: As soon as I became pregnant, he put a burqa on me and sent me to my mother on the other side of the world .

Timati: I sent Alena to what, in my opinion, is the main expert on children - her own mother - to eat fruit, drink coconut milk in the morning and swim in the ocean. Anticipating your next question - why, if we don’t want publicity in family matters, now we are telling and taking these family photographs for everyone, I will explain: we are both famous people, there is a serious stir around us. To preempt further paparazzi hunting and satisfy the interest of our audience, we decided to do one single family photo shoot and this interview.

You still call yourself a family, but you are not married.

Timati: Truly a real Addams Family . Paradox - I proposed to Alena for Last year twice. Both times she refused, completely stumping me.

Alyona: I don’t want to deprive him of his status as the most eligible bachelor . As long as his fans perceive him as single, our family will have more wealth.

Timati: I refuse to understand this logic of hers.

Alena, aren’t you afraid that you’re giving Timati too much freedom? He is always surrounded by a string of beauties.

Alyona: In general, I am by nature a very rational and self-possessed person. They continued to spin and continue, but I gave birth to his child and live with him.

How do your parents feel about this type of relationship?

Alyona: Mine are shocked. They are adherents of the traditional institution of family and have been married for many years. For them, our relationship is a real mystery.

Timati: My parents became grandparents, and for them this is the main happiness. For so many years they have already seen so many numbers performed by me that they don’t consider it strange.

Who is Alice more like in character?

Timati: We have a little monster growing!

Alyona: She has one hundred percent her father's character - she makes faces, constantly demands attention and does not sleep until the morning. Dad promised us that when Alice grows up, they will walk together until dawn, and I will finally get some sleep.

Timati: Well, I don’t know, she’s the most exemplary daughter with me. It seems to me that we are on the same wavelength and our biological clocks are the same.

How do you cope with the role of parents?

Timati: Alena is just a super mom - she copes with difficult things educational process and fearlessly faces all the hardships that have fallen on her fragile shoulders. Almost no one helps her with this, except perhaps a small team of specialists under the leadership of my mother, consisting of nannies, cooks, doctors, drivers and independent experts changing around the clock.

Alyona: I could do it just fine on my own, but who gives it to me?

Timati: I told you that the mother of my child and the child himself will not need anything - I kept my word, don’t complain.

Alyona: By the way, I work myself and earn enough money not to depend on you!

Timati: That’s great - if my career doesn’t work out, I’ll definitely marry you.

How do you get along under one roof?

Alyona: I want to tell everyone the truth: Timur is just a complete pedant. He just shakes if anything is out of place. The last time I suggested that he put a label under every item in the room so that he could be sure that everything was in its place. I thought that rappers are masters of parties and do not accept any orderliness, but at home Tim turned out to be a master of feng shui.

Timati: Stop ruining my image!

Where do you prefer to go for walks with your child?

Alyona: You have to get out secretly, away from prying eyes. Fortunately, we have a large playground on the roof of our house—that’s where we mostly go for walks and get to know the neighbor’s kids.

Timati: Alice has been looking at the city panorama since childhood, I hope this will help her think broadly.

Tell us about your first meeting.

Timati: I asked a director friend of mine to collect the 25 most popular and beautiful girls on Instagram. Alena was one of them. The clip was quite explicit, and all the girls were filmed in their underwear, and she was the only one who refused to undress. I immediately noticed that everyone arrived dressed up - in heels, miniskirts, makeup, and Alena looked the best in sneakers and tracksuit. The next day I got her number and for the first time in my life I went on long hold. She communicated with pleasure, but never picked up the phone, only via SMS. The first date took place 3 months later - but not because of my disastrous employment, but because Alena is extremely in demand in her profession. No matter how I write, she is either in New York, then in Milan, then in Paris, or, finally, in Moscow, but again on the set. It felt like I was trying to ask Claudia Schiffer's daughter out on a date.

Alyona: I had just moved to Moscow then, and I really had a lot of filming, but sometimes I specifically answered him that I was somewhere abroad, sitting in the kitchen with my friends. I was just wondering how long he would have the patience. We must pay tribute, he turned out to be a very stubborn guy. On the first date, I reproached myself because he turned out to be completely different from what I had imagined, but natural and open. Instead of the traditional rose broom, he arrived with two packages of pizza and forced me to eat it with him. We sat on the roof of the car half the night and talked about all sorts of nonsense. In the morning I woke up with heartburn and with a wild desire for him to call me again, but he disappeared for a week. Then I realized that he took revenge on me.

Timati: I just took a break and decided for myself that if she really liked me, she wouldn’t go anywhere. Alena, tell me what happened next.

Alyona: Yes, I admit, I wrote first, but what’s wrong with that?

Timati: I wrote it and off we go...

There are rumors that you are no longer together. Is there any truth behind this gossip?

Timati: Together under a blanket with the whole country is not our option. We don't need to post photos of a happy family life all day long and endlessly post pictures of our children on Instagram to create the image of an ideal couple.

Style: Gaya

Makeup: Dinara Samigulina (The Agent)

Rapper Timati has never been officially married. But everyone calls his wife model Alena Shishkova. All because the girl gave birth to a child for the musician - a daughter, Alice, in whom he dotes. Today, Timur is going to marry his new companion Anastasia Reshetova. The beautiful model has already received an official marriage proposal from the rapper.

Not serious

The famous rapper has a huge number of novels. Timur Yunusov always dated only the most beautiful or notorious girls. His relationship was actively discussed in the press.

They first learned about Timati during the launch of the first part of the Star Factory project. There, the still very young rapper began dating the charming Alexa. The girl also participated in the show and dreamed of becoming a singer. True, after the end of “Factory” the lovers quickly broke up. To this day, they communicate on friendly terms and never say anything bad about each other in interviews.

Timur's next relationship turned out to be bright and scandalous. And this is not surprising, because Ksenia Sobchak became his chosen one. The couple surprised those around them with their provocative photographs and often appeared together at night parties. Ksyusha even starred in the rapper’s video, which included home videos of lovers.

As soon as the couple’s story ceased to interest others and everyone forgot about them, the stars immediately broke up. They also managed to save friendly relations.

Mila Volchek almost became the rapper’s wife. During the first meeting, the girl was unable to conquer Timati. But she turned out to be very persistent and purposeful. The fan sought Timur’s attention in every possible way and eventually almost became his wife. In 2011, the couple announced their imminent wedding. True, the fans did not wait for the holiday. The exact reason for the separation of the lovers is still unknown.

Tender Alena

Alena Shishkova is the owner of amazing beauty. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why she attracted the rapper in the first place. Timur noticed the girl at one of the beauty contests. Soon they began a relationship.

In 2014, their common daughter was born star couple. Alice became the first child for both. From the outside, the lovers seemed like an ideal family. Everyone around was waiting for the imminent wedding of Timur and Alena. But instead, it became known about the separation of the rapper and the model. A year after the birth of their daughter, the young parents separated. However, they remained on good terms. To this day, Shishkova and Timati communicate and even go on vacation together.

Little Alice stayed to live with Timur's mother. Today her grandmother is fully involved in her upbringing. The girl spends most of her time in the Dominican Republic, where both her father and mother regularly visit her. Timati helped ex-lover with the opening of his own beauty salon. Now the girl devotes herself entirely to this matter. She has not yet gotten married, although rumors about her new novels periodically appear in the media.

Brunette Anastasia

After breaking up with the mother of his daughter, Timati was not alone for long. Already in 2015, he began a relationship with another model, brunette Anastasia. It was Reshetova who was able to stay next to the famous rapper the longest. Recently, the beauty even received an official marriage proposal from her lover. Today, the couple's fans are frozen in anticipation of the wedding. Rumors periodically appear that Nastya is pregnant.

Reshetova in Lately also started doing business. For example, a girl opened her own beauty clinic in the capital and even wrote a book. Initially, the model was accused of paying attention to Timati solely because of his multimillion-dollar fortune. But Nastya always denied this fact. The girl notes that she would be next to Timur under any conditions, because he managed to conquer her precisely with his inner world.

Apparently, Reshetova and Yunusov are already living together. The model regularly posts new photos from her lover’s apartment and shows how she prepares dinner for him. The wedding will probably take place in the very near future. By the way, Anastasia admits that she is ready to give Timur the heir he has long dreamed of.

Timati, in everyday life Timur Ildarovich Yunusov, is one of the popular rappers on the domestic stage. His work has attracted attention since the late 90s of the last century.

After participating in the “Star Factory” project, the star of the domestic pop firmament worked for several years in the “Banda” group, after which he began to engage in solo activities.

Currently, the singer regularly records compositions, participates in various concerts, and actively tours. Among other things, he is a successful businessman.

Height, weight, age. How old is Timati

Questions about Timati’s height, weight, age, and how old are of interest to numerous fans of Russian music. It is known that the rapper was born in mid-1983, therefore, after making simple calculations in his head, it becomes clear that in 2018 the young man will celebrate his 35th birthday.

Timati, whose photos in his youth and now are collected by fans, weighs 75 kg with a height of 170 cm. The Russian music star is actively involved in sports. He does push-ups and weights every day, which allows him to become strong and purposeful.

Timati: biography, nationality, parents

Very often on the Internet you can see questions about Timati, biography, nationality, whose parents arouse interest among admirers of his talent. The popular rap artist tries not to tell anything about himself. He believes that every person has the right to his own personal life. But some information about the artist can still be found.

It is known that his roots are Jewish-Tatar, which can be seen in his appearance. The artist says he is proud of his ancestors. He is happy that their blood flows in his veins.

The biography of our hero began on one of the beautiful August days of 1983. The capital became Timati's hometown Soviet Union- Moscow. Father - Ildar Vakhitovich Yunusov is one of the most successful Russian businessmen. Mother - Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova is engaged in housekeeping.

Since childhood, our today's hero has been interested in everything. Mom, noticing her son's talent, sends him to learn to play the violin. Despite hating it musical instrument, Timati still receives a full education at a music school.

At the age of 13, he goes to the United States of America to study at one of the elite schools, where he learns the science of hip-hop. Literally a year later he gains fame as one of the best masters break dancing. After returning to the Russian Federation, he began performing in clubs along with other artists of the group VIP77 he created. After existing for several years, the group ceased to exist, having given several dozen hits.

At the request of his father, Timati becomes a student at the capital's Higher School of Economics and Finance. This was necessary to become a businessman. But after a few months he takes away the documents, deciding that economics is a boring science. After that, he began working with rapper Decl, performing as a backing vocalist.

At the end of 2004, Timati became a participant in the “Star Factory”, but he was not destined to become a winner. After this project, he begins to perform as part of the “Banda” group, which was created on the project. In 2007, Timati began performing solo, recording new songs.

In parallel with creative activity the artist began to engage in business. He started opening the popular club “Black star” and the production center of the same name, which have been successfully operating to this day.

In mid-2008, a computer game was released in which Timati became one of the heroes. In the same year, the popular rapper began producing sportswear. Since 2014, our hero has been producing high-quality children's clothing. In the same year he becomes the official face of the Sprandi brand.

Since 2010, the famous musician began acting in films. He gave his unique voice to several cartoon characters.

In mid-2014, Timati began hosting several show programs on the Culture channel. In the same year he becomes People's Artist Chechen Republic.

Today Timati is not slowing down. He actively goes on tour, visiting a variety of cities. Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Currently, he cannot enter the territory of Ukraine, since he supported the will of the residents of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to join the Russian Federation.

The rapper is actively recording new songs, which invariably become loved by music connoisseurs. The hero helps young artists develop by recording songs performed by them in his production center.

Currently, our hero dreams of creating his own football club. He will become a new word in Russian football. According to the musician, his club can become the winner of the world club championships.

Since 2016, Timati has been publishing books. The singer often produces audiobooks where you can listen to fairy tales for young children. All episodes are dedicated to our beloved daughter Alisochka, who in the last issue told one of the fairy tales herself.

Timati's personal life

Timati’s personal life has been of interest to admirers of the loving guy’s talent since his participation in the “Star Factory”. TV viewers followed with great attention the development of the romance between Timati and Alexa. In mid-2005, Alexa left for Ukraine. She becomes the lover of one of the Donetsk businessmen. The wedding was soon to take place. On Timur's tour, the young people met again, after which they left for Moscow together. But, after dating for about another year, the young people broke up again. This time the separation was final.

After Alexa, Timati changed lovers very often. According to rumors, he was in romantic relationships with a number of the brightest and most talented women. For example, his favorites included Victoria Bonya, Sofya Rudyeva, Masha Malinovskaya and others. But the relationship was fleeting.

Since 2012, the popular rapper lived with Alena Shishkova. The marriage was civil, but gave Timati a daughter.

Recently, the artist began dating one of best models Russian Federation. Our hero often appears with Nastya Reshetnikova at social events, but young people are in no hurry to talk about the essence of the relationship.

Timati's family

Timati's family had nothing to do with show business. My father was in business. He dreamed of his sons becoming businessmen. Nowadays, the man’s dream has partially come true.

Ildar Vakhitovich is engaged in the restaurant business. He holds shares in oil companies.

Our hero's mother devoted herself to housekeeping and raising children. She contributed to the formation of our hero.

The future rapper was not raised alone. He has a brother Artyom, who is several years younger than his famous brother. Artyom is also famous in musical circles. He performs under the pseudonym DJ Temniy. The young man is still single, but dreams of meeting a girl who can give him happiness and children.

Timati's children

Timati's children are currently only represented in the singular. Our hero has an only daughter whom he loves very much. The artist hopes that in the future he will be able to become a dad again.

At the beginning of the new millennium, no one could have thought that in the soul of this strong man love for children can live. Timati participates in projects of the Give Yourself Life foundation. He supports sick children by taking part in charity concerts.

The popular rap artist often visits the child's home. He brings gifts and gives concerts. Timati recently held a charity event, all proceeds from which were transferred to children in difficult life situations.

Timati's daughter - Alisa Yunusova

On a rainy March day in 2014, the artist became a father for the first time. He had a daughter, whom the happy parents named Alice. The girl got her name in honor of the heroine of Carol's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland".

Our hero was next to his beloved wife, helping her breathe correctly. He was the first to take his daughter in his arms. From the photographs widely presented on the singer’s Instagram, one can judge that Timati’s daughter, Alisa Yunusova, is very similar to him. But outwardly she looks more like her mother. The girl has beautiful skin and blonde curls. According to numerous lovers of her dad's talent, she can become famous model and captivate audiences around the world with its beauty.

Despite her young age, the girl is mentally and physically developed. She enjoys swimming, cooking and drawing. 4-year-old Alisa reads well and counts within ten. Relatives love to listen to songs performed by her, which she accompanies with dancing. On Timati's Instagram page you can see a song performed by a girl.

Timati's former common-law wife - Alena Shishkova

The young people met in mid-2012. The girl starred in one of the artist’s videos. He immediately liked Alena, but due to the girl’s shyness and modesty, the relationship was difficult for a long time.

After some time, the guys began to live together, deciding not to officially register the union yet. Soon Timati’s former common-law wife, Alena Shishkova, gave birth to a daughter, Alisa.

In 2016, the young people broke up, maintaining friendly relations for the sake of their daughter. Both parents are raising the girl. Currently, Alena lives with one of the promising masters of domestic football, Anton Shunin.

Photo of Timati before and after plastic surgery

Quite often you can hear that the rapper has had several plastic surgeries. The hero says that these are rumors, although on the World Wide Web there are photos of Timati before and after plastic surgery. These pictures can be seen on billboards of some clinics providing plastic services.

Timati denies the information. He claims he never did plastic surgery, since his appearance has everything that is necessary by nature, so he does not need to correct anything.

Instagram and Wikipedia Timati

Instagram and Wikipedia Timati are incredibly popular. Only the most reliable information about the popular artist is presented here.

Wikipedia gives detailed information about how personal and creative life popular performer. Here you can find out what Timati did at one time or another in his life.

On the Instagram page you can view pictures of the popular rapper’s relatives. There are especially many photographs of Alice's daughter. Here you can listen to compositions performed by Timati.

On the pages of mom and younger brother artist you can glean some information about our hero.

Today Timati is one of the most famous and successful Russian performers who perform not only in our country, but also abroad. In addition, Timati (born Timur Yunusov) by the age of 29 managed to launch his own clothing line BlackStar, assemble an impressive fleet of vehicles, and become a co-owner of a restaurant and club. Currently, he also produces many Russian singers and groups who are trying to break into the scene.

What about your personal life? Surely, each of you at least once in your life wondered how many girls Timati had and whether this loving man would ever be able to settle down. Looking ahead, we will inform you that once in Timati’s life there was already an attempt to create a marriage, but alas, it failed miserably. Today we will tell you, if not about all, then about most of Timati’s girls with whom he has ever appeared in public.

Timati and Alexa (Alexandra Chvikova)

The sensational romance between Timati and Alexa, which began at the Star Factory, made this couple one of the most popular among young people. Perhaps only the lazy did not know how beautifully and romantically the relationship between the two artists developed. They say that they separated several times, but then, unable to bear the separation, they continued to meet again. Their romance was so passionate that Timati even agreed to star in Alexa’s very first video, “Where are you?”, which, like the song, quickly gained popularity. But this couple, alas, did not last as long as their fans dreamed, and soon Timati and Alexa separated.

Now, according to Alexandra herself, she and Timur are friends and communicate quite often, and also meet at social events. In 2010, a joint photograph of Timati and Alexa was published, in which they are flying together on an airplane. After this, rumors appeared in the press that the couple had gotten together again, but they turned out to be untrue. Ex-girlfriend Timati has been living his personal life for a long time and trying to build a career in show business.

Timati and Alexa

Timati and Nastya Kochetkova

The “Gang” group also appeared at the “Star Factory,” which included Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov, Timati and Nastya Kochetkova. And although the group was not destined to last long on the Russian stage (its soloists very quickly began a solo career, and Ratmir died during a car accident), rumors about the romance between Timati and Nastya Kochetkova did not subside for a long time. The singer really treated her colleague very warmly and touchingly, but for a long time he did not dare to reciprocate her feelings. Moreover, at this time Timati and Alexa were still together. So Nastya Kochetkova never officially became Timati’s girlfriend.

Timati and the group "Banda"

Timati and Ksenia Sobchak

Many of Timati’s novels with girls were the result of, so to speak, business cooperation. Repeatedly, the singer fell in love with beautiful ladies after they starred in his videos or posed for fashion shows. Socialite Ksenia Sobchak was no exception: the couple met on the set of Timati’s “Dance” video.

This relationship was unlikely to develop into anything more than just friendly sex, but it was damn good. At least, Timati and his scandalous girlfriend informed the whole world about this by posting their candid video online. The home love scenes of the star couple quickly gained popularity and “glorified” their main characters for many years to come.

With Ksenia Sobchak

Timati and Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya does not have a very good reputation in Russian show business, but this does not prevent her from building her personal life and earning a tidy sum with the help of a sharp tongue and attractive appearance. A few years ago, she also belonged to those same Timati girls with whom the singer loved to have a good time. Both temperamental and cheerful, these people were often seen in public together, and photographers were not always able to capture them from a good angle.

Timati and Masha Malinovskaya

Timati and Victoria Bonya

In 2008, TV presenter and heroine of the reality show "Dom-2" Victoria Bonya took part in the filming of the rapper's video "Don't Go Crazy." She was quickly dubbed Timati's next girlfriend, especially considering the sex scene in which she had to star. But the singer himself was in no hurry to comment on his relationship with Bonya and in public preferred to “keep a distance” between them. Now this couple has quite warm and friendly relations, although Victoria never officially became Timati’s girlfriend. And the clip, by the way, turned out quite good.

Victoria Bonya and Timati

Timati and Sofia Rudyeva

Naturally, in Timati’s list of girls there was a place for such well-deserved beauties as “Miss Russia 2009” Sofya Rudyeva. The lovers did not hesitate to demonstrate their passion in front of other people, and the singer’s friends even claimed that he was going to get married. However, this time too, Timati’s next girlfriend was left out of work: very quickly the rapper lost interest in his beloved and decided to break up with her, despite the honestly won crown of beauty.

Sofya Rudyeva and Timati

Timati and Mila Volchek

Mila Volchek is the only girl of Timati who still managed to become the singer’s official wife. Although there are still many rumors about this on the Internet: some claim that the wedding did not actually take place and the couple lived civil marriage. It was with Mila that Timati was able to finally settle down, albeit not for long.

With Mila

Timati and Mila Volchek vacationed together, went to social events, planned to have children, but alas... This romance was not destined to last long, and despite numerous breakups and subsequent reconciliations, Timati and his girlfriend still separated.

Alas, nothing worked out for this couple.

Timati and other celebrities

When you constantly move around in the world of show business, new acquaintances and meetings are inevitable. And if they happen to such beautiful and talented girls as Zhanna Friske, Victoria Lopyreva, lead singer of the group “Slivki” Karina Koks and even Fergie, it’s doubly pleasant. At different periods of his musical career, Timati tried to build relationships not only with popular singers, but also with TV presenters, journalists, models and actresses. Most recently, the singer posted on his Twitter a photograph with Mila Jovovich, whom many fans immediately mistook for Timati’s new girlfriend.

With Zhanna Friske

With Victoria Lopyreva

With singer Fergie

With actress Milla Jovovich

Timati and unknown girls

Often the singer was noticed in the company of unknown persons of the fair sex, whose names remained a secret. All of them are beautiful, slim, well-groomed and have an attractive figure. As for specific preferences in the appearance of girls, Timati does not have them. He likes blondes, brunettes, and redheads; The main thing is that it is not boring with them and that you can talk about various topics.

With beautiful strangers

With a charming blonde

Hot Kiss

Timati recently went on a date with popular fashion model and designer Olesya Malinskaya. The couple went to the ballet at the Bolshoi Theater, and during the intermission they happily ate pies and took pictures for fans. Olesya posted these pictures on her microblog.

Timati took Olesya Malinskaya to ballet

During intermission

Timati and Angelina Bashkina

This summer, while on vacation in St. Tropez, Timati was spotted with a new girl. As it turned out later, this is Angelina Bashkina, a 19-year-old MGIMO student. She accepted the singer’s offer to go to the Cote d’Azur and have fun there. Timati and him new girl They not only swam in the sea, sunbathed and enjoyed each other’s company, but also tried to “cultivate” their vacation. Photos posted online by eyewitnesses show Timati and Angelina Bashkina heading to the golf course to hone their athletic abilities.

Angelina Bashkina and Timati on vacation

Timati turned 29 in August, but he is still young, full of strength and positive. Constant employment and a tight work schedule do not allow him to find the one and only one with whom he could get married and start a family. Or maybe just life path Has Timati still met the wrong girls?

Timati is a famous R'n'B and rap artist. Mine Star Trek I started by participating in “Star Factory-4”. Despite his fame, he did not have many serious novels. But all the girls aroused the interest of fans.

The musician even managed to acquire common-law wife. Her photos with her child are actively published. But now he is dating another girl. What is her name? This is Anastasia Reshetova.

Timati’s current passion is a Russian model, titled “First Vice-Miss Russia 2014.” The girl is originally from Moscow. The father is a former military man, later a lawyer, after the divorce he himself raised Nastya and her younger sister.

As a child, the girl was dissatisfied with her appearance. Because of tall Everyone teased her as a “big-ass,” and once they even beat her up after class.

When Nastya grew up, her height played into her hands. She posed for a modeling magazine. The girl was noticed and invited to the casting of a beauty contest. She easily passed all the stages and took the place of first runner-up.

Now her appearance no longer makes anyone laugh. Nastya is a real beauty, whom many fans strive to be like.

After participating in a beauty contest, Reshetova took up her modeling career and signed several major contracts. At the same time, she is studying at the Moscow Institute of Economics at the Faculty of Management.

Timati: biography, personal life, wife and children, photo

Fans eagerly search for information about their idol, his age, and family. The rapper's real name is Timur Yunusov. He was born in 1983. His father is a big businessman, so the guy grew up among luxury. But he was raised in such a way that he achieved everything himself.

Timur spent his childhood in Moscow, and at the age of 13 he moved to Los Angeles, where he became involved in hip-hop culture and became interested in breakdancing. Upon returning to Moscow, the guy got two jobs at the same time. The first is a backing vocalist for Decl, the second is the promoter of the hip-hop club “Most”.

In 2004, Timati took part in the Star Factory project, where he became one of the frontmen of the Banda group, which did not last long. Afterwards he opened it in Moscow night club Black club (B-club).

Timati released album No. 1 in 2006 and at the same time actively engaged in business. He founded the Black Star Inc label, which subsequently released many young performers onto the Russian music scene.

Since 2008, Yunusov launched the line sportswear TS Timati for Sprandi, and since 2012 - a line of youth clothing.

The second album, released in 2009, “The Boss,” became popular. His clips were played on TV. In 2012, Timati released his third album, in English, which he worked on for 3 years.

Today, the rapper continues to be involved in music and business. In 2016, Timati opened a snack bar on Novy Arbat, Black Star Burger, offering visitors to try black burgers.

Timati's wife - Hannah: is it true?

The rapper's passions included many beauties. Timati's first love was the singer Alexa. The romance began on the Star Factory project, and the guys’ feelings were accessible to the lenses of hundreds of cameras. They said that this novel was just a PR stunt by the producers.

After leaving the project, the couple broke up. Subsequently, the artist was seen with Sofia Redyeva. He was credited with an affair with singer Hannah. But this is not true, since the girl recently married Timati’s friend Pavel. He is the director of the Black Star label.

Timati's former common-law wife - Mila Volchek

The rapper's next novel is the loudest. Little is known about a girl named Mila Volchek. Born in 1985 in the Bryansk region. For a long time was considered the mistress of a local crime boss, then moved to Moscow.

In the capital, the girl became Uncle Timati's kept woman. Her lover helped her enter VGIK and sent her to directing courses. But Mila went to his young nephew.

The romance between Timati and his common-law wife Mila was passionate. They said that the couple even secretly signed. But a few years later, the lovers separated.

Timati's wife - Alena Shishkova

The rapper met his next common-law wife at the Miss Russia 2012 competition. The future wife attracted the man with her modesty, inaccessibility and mystery. The romance did not begin immediately.