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Implementation of the national regional component in the dhow. Regional component in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

The priority area of \u200b\u200bwork of preschool groups of the MDOU center for the development of a child-kindergarten number 41 in Sochi is:

  • studying and maximizing the use of favorable climatic, natural and cultural features of the southern region when carrying out physical culture, health-improving and educational and educational work, the development of physical qualities through preschool tourist training, participation of older preschoolers in the sports life of the city, in regional, city, all-Russian competitions, contests, festivals, promotions; organization of intellectual, emotional and physical activity as the best option for moral, patriotic and spiritual education of preschoolers

The work program includes a regional component in all types of children's activities:

By means of using regional, municipal programs, authorized programs and experiences of teachers of preschool educational institutions of the city of Sochi to familiarize children with the national and cultural characteristics of the Krasnodar Territory, city, district and the formation of spiritual and moral culture;

Through the study and maximum use of the favorable climatic, natural and cultural features of the southern region when carrying out physical culture, health-improving and educational work

The implementation of the regional component is carried out in senior groups in educational activities in security moments

Regional component provides:

  • building the program on local (Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Sochi districts) material in order to foster respect for their small homeland;
  • introduction of the child to the national cultural heritage: folk arts and crafts, national and cultural traditions, works of local writers, poets, composers, artists. Together with adults, children learn the traditions and customs of the peoples of Sochi. Get acquainted with the geographical features of the city, with the sights of the city and regions;
  • development of physical qualities through preschool tourist training. Children of senior preschool age participate in the sports life of the city, in regional, city, all-Russian competitions, contests, festivals, promotions.

The upbringing and educational process is carried out according to the author's programs "Compassion for Kids", "Preschool Tourist Training" (review by the director of TsDYuTiE RR Iskakov, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management Ya.A. winner of the Semenov-Tianshansky silver medal, laureate of the 1st city competition of author's programs E.N. Gavrilyuk)

The goal of program implementation is a process that involves:

Organization of intellectual, emotional and physical activity as the optimal variant of moral, patriotic and spiritual education of preschoolers

- using the example of the close natural and social environment to familiarize preschoolers with the world around them, to help them realize their place in it by means of tourist and local history activities

In this regard, the main tasks are:

In education:

Expansion and deepening of pupils' knowledge of local history, city sights, social skills;

Acquisition of skills and abilities in working with the card;

Acquisition of special knowledge on the issues of tourism and local lore activities, the provision of first aid;

The development of the child's intellect, the formation of visual-figurative thinking, the improvement of the qualities of the spiritual, moral, patriotic education of the younger generation;

Acquaintance with the problems of ecology and nature protection, protection of historical and cultural monuments.

In the field of education:

the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the home, family, kindergarten, city;

the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the cultural heritage of their people;

the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude to the nature of the native land and a sense of belonging to it;

fostering love, respect for your nation, understanding your national characteristics, self-esteem as a representative of your people, and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities (peers and their parents, neighbors and other people.)

In the field of physical fitness:

Physical improvement of preschoolers - the development of strength, endurance, coordination of movements in accordance with their age and physical capabilities;

promote physical development and health improvement

Fulfillment of the relevant standards during the academic year, participation in tourism and orienteering competitions in urban areas, participation in hikes, including multi-day trips)

Learn to navigate in the natural and social environment.

These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, in work, in everyday life - as they bring up in the child not only patriotic feelings, but also form his relationship with adults and peers. Thus, solving the problems of moral and patriotic education, each teacher must build his work in accordance with local conditions and characteristics of children, taking into account the following principles:

"positive centrism" (selection of knowledge most relevant to a child of a given age);

continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;

a differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of his psychological characteristics, capabilities and interests;

a rational combination of different types of activity, a balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads adequate for age;

an activity approach that develops the nature of learning based on children's activity.

The national-cultural component is implemented by topic and makes up 20% of the main general educational program of preschool education of the center for the development of a child-kindergarten number 41 in Sochi:

The thematic plan of the programs includes the following topics:

Geographic characteristics:

Introductory lesson - what is interesting about local history travel (introduction to the course); what and how they will be doing, watching videos, photographs, slides about the activities of the Caucasian Geographical Society, about the history of the city, its regions, about flora and fauna, etc. ...) Districts of Greater Sochi. The climate in Sochi. The population of the city of Sochi. Sochi-city is a resort and the capital of the Winter Olympic Games.

Map of the city of Sochi (studying topographic signs, depicting relief and its elements on schematic maps, topographic maps, reading maps and working with them; using a compass in hikes; participating in test orienteering competitions). Rivers and mountains in Sochi, lakes, waterfalls, Sochi caves. Settlements. Sights of Sochi and its regions.

Relief of Sochi and rocks.

Characteristics of relief and rocks (study of relief and rocks at field events, museum pedagogy)

-History Khosta and Sochi

Acquaintance with the historical events of the region and the city, where the names of Khosta, Sochi, Kudepsta, Matsesta originated. Legends. Sochi and Sochi residents during the Great Patriotic War... Organization and holding of anniversary events dedicated to Victory Day. Attractions Khosta and Sochi. Visiting sights - excursion sites and museums with the involvement of parents. Participation in the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa", contests "I am Sochi!" , Bright Easter, etc. Meetings with famous residents of Khosta and Sochi. Staging of performances, theatrical games aimed at historical events.) Business - events

Our land

Acquaintance with the Krasnodar Territory. What is the Krasnodar Territory famous for? City and coat of arms of Sochi, Krasnodar; participation in city competitions in local history, excursions, promotions, creation of an album and photo exhibitions about your beloved city; problems of protection and preservation of natural unity in recreation and tourism zones, etc. Staging of performances according to legends, "My native land, my beloved land", "We live in the Kuban".

My family and family.

Family presentation. Family tree. Creation of a personal album "Me and My Family". Traditions of the peoples inhabiting Khosta and Sochi. Traditional Russian religions. Meetings with representatives of the Orthodox Church. Legends about peoples. Folklore. Theatrical performances. Participation in family festivals, fairs and competitions. Excursions to ethnic museums and temples. Families visiting families in order to familiarize themselves with family traditions.

Black Sea.

Geographic characteristics. Riches of the Black Sea. Legends of the Black Sea. Flora and fauna of the Black Sea. Environmental problems of the Black Sea.

Participation in the city competition "Black Sea". Celebrating the Black Sea Day. Staging of performances, theatrical games. Charity events.

The flora of Sochi.

Features of the vegetation of Sochi. Plants are exotic. Plants are relics. Tiers of the forest. Plants are endemic. Poisonous and dangerous plants. Medicinal plants. Ability to distinguish medicinal and poisonous plants, mushrooms of the Sochi region in the herbarium, in drawings, in walks and travels; "Green Pharmacy" - the use of medicinal and edible plants, etc. Visiting the Museum of Nature, Arboretum Park, "Southern Cultures" Photo exhibition. Staging of performances, theatrical games. Planting trees in the territory of the preschool educational institution and yard areas.

Animal world .

Features of the animal world of Sochi. What animals can be found in the forest. A visit to the Museum of Nature and the Zoo-valery complex "Laura", Aquariums, Dolphinarium. Protected animals. Photo exhibition. Meetings with representatives of the Zapovednik and Zakaznik. Participation in promotions and contests. Staging of performances, theatrical games. Business events to protect nature.

Protection of Nature

Protection of Nature. Ecology and nature protection. Reserved nature - Red Data Book of Krasnodar Territory and Sochi. Rules of conduct in nature. Helping nature. Environmental actions. Participation in the contests "Day of Birds", "Day of the Earth", "Day of Water", "I am an explorer", "Day of the Black Sea", March of Parks, "Our Home is Earth", etc. Staging of performances, theatrical games.

- Study and protection of monuments of history, culture, nature.

Acquaintance with monuments to partisans, "Eternal Flame", "Feat of Mercy", Stele, Matsesta, Anchor - cannon, N. Ostrovsky, Mayak, People's House, library named after Pushkin, yew and boxwood grove, etc. Laying flowers, participation in security measures with the involvement of parents. Photo exhibition and exhibition of drawings. Meetings with WWII veterans and local historians, residents of Khosta and Sochi. Staging of performances, theatrical games aimed at historical events.

- Museum pedagogy.

Creation of a mini-museum in a preschool institution. Collection of exhibits with the introduction of parents and conversations in the mini-museum on the topics "Hosta's history", "My city is the best!", "People's life", "Sochi's natural wealth", "Sochi and Sochi during the Second World War", "Sochi - hospital city "," Sochi Olympic ". Drawing up stories about the city, region, region. Excursions to museums of history, local history, sports glory, Cossacks, nature museums with the involvement of parents. Photo exhibitions. Picture gallery on the subject of a mini-museum.

Repetition of material.

Repetition of topics at contests, quizzes, ecological holidays. Participation in the family festival "My city is the best!", "Let's join hands, friends!"

Based on the goals and objectives formulated in the program, the following are used methods and forms of work:

Joint activities with children: directly educational and educational activities in regime moments;

Independent activities with children;

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the tasks of the national-cultural component;

Creation of a subject-development environment for the implementation of the tasks

Search and research method (independent work of children with the implementation of various tasks on excursions and hiking),

The method of self-realization through various creative activities, participation in competitions, hikes, excursions;

Control method: medical, self-control, quality control of the assimilation of the program, the growth of the dynamics of sports indicators;

The method of an integrated approach to education and upbringing, which presupposes the unity of moral, physical, aesthetic and other forms of upbringing.

For the implementation of the program, a variety of shapeworks: various games (sports relay races to overcome obstacles - "tourist strip", orienteering role-playing games "Find the treasure", "Orientation by legend", etc.), quizzes, contests, health days, excursions, weekend hikes.

Forms and types of control: contests, quizzes, games, competitions.

Intermediate results of mastering thematic blocks

6 years

Inquisitive, active

Asks search questions. Interested in a new unknown in the world around him. Names and shows the city of Sochi, the Black Sea on the map, notes their uniqueness, names the quality of sea water (clean, salty, transparent, medicinal).

He names some of the inhabitants of the Black Sea by representation or with the help of pictures. Guesses and composes descriptive riddles about objects and objects of nature. He recognizes in the pictures and names endemic plants., Primroses, plants listed in the Red Book.

Emotionally responsive

Expresses delight, surprise, admiration when studying the inhabitants of the sea. Expresses positive feelings when viewing the nature of the city of Sochi in albums, when watching slides, videos. He responds to the emotions of close people and friends, empathizes with the characters of legends, stories, stories. Reacts emotionally to works visual arts, musical and artistic works, the natural world. Motivates his attitude to the Khostinsky district, the city of Sochi, the Black Sea.

Composes simple stories about the flora and fauna of Sochi and the Black Sea. The child adequately uses verbal and non-verbal means of communication, owns dialogical speech and constructive ways of interacting with children. Composes simple stories using illustrations.

Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks that are adequate for age

Establishes connections between flora and fauna (forest layers) using a visual model. Conducts experiments, experiments with sea and river water. The child is able to offer his own idea and embody it in a drawing, construction, story.

Having primary ideas about himself, family, society, the world and nature

The child has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe flora and fauna of the Black Sea, the city of Sochi, the temperature of water and air; honorary residents of Sochi, parents' specialties.

Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity /

Performs independently step by step instructions an adult, in case of difficulty, turns to an adult for help.

Final results of mastering thematic blocks

7 years

Inquisitive, active

Asks search questions. Interested in a new unknown in the world around him. Names and shows the city of Sochi, the Black Sea on the map, notes their uniqueness

(the sea is two-layer, the lower layer is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, the upper layer is oxygen; the city of Sochi is protected from strong winds by mountains and the warm sea, the Winter Olympic Games will be held here), calls the quality of sea water (clean, salty, transparent, medicinal, storm, calm) ...

He names some of the inhabitants of the Black Sea by representation or with the help of pictures. Guesses and composes descriptive riddles about objects and objects of nature. He recognizes in pictures and names endemic plants, relict plants, primroses, plants listed in the Red Book. Participates in environmental campaigns, city and all-Russian contests and competitions, festivals, hiking trips, summer camps.

Emotionally responsive

Shows a steady interest in understanding the unique ecosystem of the city of Sochi and the Black Sea. Knows poems, legends about the sights of Sochi, about the inhabitants of the sea. Respects the work of adults of different professions in nature conservation ..

Together with adults, he performs available nature conservation tasks.

He responds to the emotions of close people and friends, empathizes with the characters of legends, stories, stories. Motivates his attitude towards the city and its districts.

Has mastered the means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers

Reflects knowledge about the city of Sochi, the inhabitants of the Black Sea e in small coherent stories, in expressive, musical and theatrical activities.

Composes simple stories using illustrations.

Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks that are appropriate for age

Establishes connections between flora and fauna (forest layers) using a visual model. Conducts experiments with sea and river water.

The child is able to offer his own idea and embody it in a drawing, construction, story.

Has primary ideas about himself, family, society, and nature

The child has an idea of \u200b\u200blife in the Black Sea, knows its inhabitants. Has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sights of Sochi and its regions, together with his parents participates in environmental campaigns, city and all-Russian contests and competitions, festivals, hiking, summer camps.

Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity, he is able to simulate the "floors" (layers) of the Black Sea water, flora and fauna of Sochi and place plants and animals on them, according to their lifestyle.

Can make simple "discoveries" in the process of learning the flora and fauna of his native city, region, sea. He independently performs the step-by-step instructions of an adult, in case of difficulty, he turns to an adult for help.

Predicted results:

Acquisition by pupils of knowledge about the criteria for a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of a positive attitude of the child to a healthy lifestyle and active recreation;

The acquisition by children of the experience of independent social action.

By the end of the training, pupils should know:

Healthy lifestyle criteria;

The name of the edge and edge center;

What is the Krasnodar Territory famous for;

The name of the city you live in, the name of the districts

Sightseeing: railway and sea, bus stations, Archangel Michael Cathedral, Festival Hall, Winter Theater, Art Museum, TsDYuTE, circus, stadium, Arboretum, Riviera, Southern Cultures, Anchor-Cannon monument , stele "Feat of Mercy";

The name of the area in which you live, its streets, attractions of the area, microdistrict;

Rules for arranging a bivouac (find comfortable and safe places to sleep away from villages, where it is more convenient to put up a tent, where to make a fire, is there any firewood, water);

Variety of travel conditions (roads, forest, uneven relief - descent, ascent);

Topographic signs: highway, path, garden, buildings, mountain pass, tall grass, well, pit, impenetrable swamp, river, barbed wire, cliff, pile of stones, river, spring, lake, bush, meadow;

Safety requirements for a hike, safety rules on the street; fire safety, road and transport safety; safety on the water and in nature;

Features of flora and fauna of the city;

be able to:

- to distinguish and lay a fire (taiga, well, star, hut, signal);

Possess the technique of hiking (downhill, uphill, bumps, pendulum, log, parallel and hinged crossing);

Freely set up and assemble your tent;

Choose healthy food correctly;

Serve yourself on a hike, on a tourist rally;

Follow the hygiene rules of a young tourist;

Navigate unfamiliar terrain using a map;

Use a first aid kit (iodine, brilliant green, bandage, pain reliever, adhesive plaster);

Apply 3-5 medicinal plants as needed;

Execute general rules and the responsibilities of the participant in the hike;

Distribute responsibilities in the group (detachment commander, deputy, caretaker, medic, commandant, photographer, campfire, responsible for equipment)

Show personal responsibility for the business started, the given word;

Conduct simple research to develop mini projects.

The conditions for the implementation of these tasks are:

Availability of qualified teachers additional educationhaving the title of "Instructor of Children and Youth Tourism" or "Organizer of Tourism and Local Lore Work";

The relationship of theory with practical work;

Availability of a sufficient number of camping equipment.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba small homeland is a meaningful basis for the implementation of a variety of children's activities. Therefore, this content can successfully integrate with almost all educational areas and consist of the following:

Inclusion of regional material to the educational areas of the Program implemented at the preschool educational institution, integration of the regional component into the educational process:

Educational area

Methodical techniques


Introducing nature to preschool children:

  • Acquaintance with the flora and fauna of the Krasnodar Territory; with folk signs.
  • Acquaintance with the flora and fauna of the Black Sea
  • Collection of herbarium; experimental work.

Acquaintance with the outside world:

  • Excursions: in the kindergarten, in the territory of the kindergarten, on acquaintance with the sights of the city, walking tours around the city, trips to the forest-park zone, theater, park, square, museum, circus, etc.
  • Conversations: “Where does a person live”, “The house in which we live”, “The streets of our microdistrict, city”, “My city is the best”, “The Black Sea”, “Sochi is the capital of the Winter Olympic Games“ Sochi -2014 ” , "Sochi - a resort city", "Sochi - a hospital city", etc.
  • Signs, symbols, flag, coat of arms, badges, postcards.

Acquaintance with the past of the native land:

  • meetings with parents: organizing an evening with tasting of national dishes, conversations with residents of Khosta, Sochi, who have lived since the founding of our city, are familiar with their historical moments.
  • counseling for parents

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Combined Kindergarten No. 75" Carnation "

Presentation at the seminar

"National and regional component in preschool educational institutions"

Prepared by:

Educator Metudanova A.O.

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2013

Today, modern concepts of the development of a child's personality, as well as regional approaches to the educational process in preschool institutions, imply the inclusion of a national-regional component in the process of child development.

When drawing up educational programs of a preschool institution, the second part recommends a national-regional component. Each institution determines this component for itself independently, taking into account the type of institution, the specifics of the organization of educational and correctional and developmental activities of the teaching staff. In this regard, the problems associated with determining the content and ways of implementing the national-regional educational component seems to be very important from both theoretical and practical points of view.

One of the main sources of the content of education is the social experience that has been accumulated in society as a result of the cognitive and objective-creative activity of many generations. It includes not only the generalized experience of mankind, but also the experience of a specific community (nationality) of people, i.e. national and social experience. In this regard, the national-regional educational component is filled with knowledge about the historical past and present of the people, their culture, national traditions and customs; ways of activity associated with traditional national activities, national visual and musical arts, as well as with those social relations of people that are enclosed in national traditions and customs, behavior and activities. We are talking about a progressive social experience, the assimilation of which by the younger generations contributes to the goals of their education.

The second aspect of solving the problem under consideration is related to the implementation of the content of the national-regional educational component. Two ways are possible here:

1. Accumulation of the Federal educational component with content that reveals individual national sociocultural values.

2. Inclusion in the curriculum of educational institutions of disciplines, the content of which directly reflects the social national experience.

T. the national-regional component is, first, the real form of functioning of the federal standard in a particular region; secondly, it performs a number of very important functions in the educational process and has certain didactic and educational capabilities:

Ensures the unity and continuity of the content of education within the region and the Russian Federation, solving the problem of the integrity of the educational space;

Able to form a new thinking of a person based on a holistic view of the world, nature, man;

Allows you to use the ideas of individual and personal learning;

Creates conditions for the revival of national culture, education of patriotism;

Promotes adaptation to the surrounding social and natural environment in the region;

Forms a regional community of people.

The inclusion of the national-regional component in educational and correctional-developmental training allows teachers to solve the following tasks:

1. To educate the moral qualities of the child's personality: kindness, responsiveness, ability to empathize, love for the Motherland, pride in it.

2. Encourage children to learn about history and their true homeland.

3. To expand the volume of knowledge about art: to form the ability to distinguish the national originality of decorative applied, fine art, its characteristic features.

4. To form skills for independent artistic activity.

5. Develop voluntary attention, perception, memory, imagination, thinking, develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to concentrate.

6. To stimulate the speech activity of children, to improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, to develop its semantic side, to improve communication skills.

7. To organize fruitful cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in organizing the upbringing and education of children on a national-regional basis.

Conditions for the successful solution of the assigned tasks:

1. The competence of the teacher on this issue.

2. Availability of the necessary methodological kit for this problem.

What are the most optimal ways to implement the national-regional component in a preschool educational institution?The most priority directions of the activity of preschool institutions in the framework of the implementation of the general problem of the national-regional component are indicated. It:

  • integration of the national-regional component into the educational process of older preschoolers;
  • circle work, in the program of which various narrow directions (fairy tales, theater, tourism, museum, etc.)

Enriching the range of ideas about our native land, we not only solve the problems of cognitive development, but also contribute to the quickest mastery of correct speech. The most effective form of work is the use of methods of problem-search developmental nature: research, experimental activities, project method, excursions - searches, conversations, complex classes. The method of dialogue is the main one in the process of all types of classes.

Work on local history education of preschoolers is built in close cooperation with the families of the pupils. One of the most promising methods in working with a family is the method of research project activity.

The inclusion of the national-regional component in the educational and correctional-developmental process has cognitive, educational and developmental functions. Acquaintance of children with disabilities with their native land will make it possible to form a moral and patriotic component in the basic characteristics of the personality of a preschooler:

  • interest in the people of the native land, their professions, respect for their work, love for the nature of the native land, indifference to the environmental problems of the city, the desire to take an active part in environmental conservation measures;
  • interest in the history of the native land, desire to study research activities individually and in creative groups;
  • interest and respect for the culture and traditions of the Tatar people;
  • children's interest in their closest environment: in their home, family, kindergarten, street, city, republic;
  • the perception of people of a different culture, other traditions, highlighting significant differences in them and at the same time finding common human values \u200b\u200bin them: kindness, friendship, honesty, love, hard work, justice, mutual assistance;

The inclusion of the national-regional component in the educational and correctional-developmental process also makes it possible to solve the problems of correctional education: the development of higher mental functions, stimulation of the speech activity of children, the development of communication skills, the improvement of the lexical and grammatical structure, its semantic side, the formation of understanding and construction skills. detailed speech statements, the development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers.

Regional component in the system of work of a preschool teacher

In accordance with the approval and entry into force from January 1, 2014. - Federal State Standard for Preschool Education, approved by By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1155 dated 17.10.2013, the form and structure of the educational program of the preschool educational institution is changed. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the main general educational program of a preschool institution consists of two parts - a compulsory part and a part formed by participants. The regional component occupies an important place among the directed educational program of a preschool institution.Regional component - this is part of the content of the basic plan subjects, including materials about the region.

National-regional component (native nature, cultural heritage - monuments of architecture, art, arts and crafts, artistic and craft traditions, language, rituals, folklore, folk games, etc.)preschool education helps children to feel and realize their belonging to their "Little Homeland", to their home, perceiving the fullness of the immediate environment, while assimilating universal and national values \u200b\u200bin spiritual, material and moral-aesthetic terms.

Preschool age - the most important period of the formation of the personality, during which the prerequisites for civic qualities, the idea of \u200b\u200ba person, society, and culture are formed.

The challenge of modernpreschool education - to lay moral foundations in children that will make them more resistant to unwanted influences, to sow and nurture in the child's soul the seeds of love for the home, for the history of the homeland, created by the labor of relatives and friends, those who are called compatriots.

It is necessary to work on the formation in the child of a feeling of love for the Motherland, instilling in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives; develop the ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding life; desire to learn more about the peculiarities of nature and history of the native land. And therefore, the implementation of the regional component is the most important component of modern education.

Practice shows thatlocal history is of great importance in the upbringing of patriotic feelings of preschoolers, in the development of their intellectual and creative potential, in expanding their horizons.

The kindergarten team determined that it is the introduction of a regional component, that is, such a direction as "Local History", that will determine the content of the variable part of the educational program of the preschool educational institution, formed by the participants in the educational process. The relevance of the development and inclusion of this direction in the upbringing and educational process of preschool education is that during the period of renewal of preschool education, the role of folk culture as a source of development of the creative potential of children and adults, their moral and patriotic upbringing significantly increases.

The work on the implementation of the regional component began with the enrichment of the developing environment(Stage 1)

At the five-minute meeting, a decision was made to collect material for the regional component. Each group drew a phantom with a task (fossils, animals, plants, etc.). The teachers have collected and arranged material in travel folders, albums and presentations. Educators have the opportunity to use the developments of their colleagues. All material is in electronic form.

To work with children, the necessary fiction was selected (fairy tales, riddles, collections of poems, magazines, books and paintings telling about the life of ancestors, scientific and journalistic literature, there are illustrations depicting plants and animals, landscapes of the Amur nature, collections of musical works.

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Competition was held in February"Local history corners".

Local history corners were arranged in each group. They have collected material for working with children. The group educators approached the creation of the corners creatively. In the corners there are models with the sights of the city, toys of rare wild animals of the Far East, albums, a map of the Amur Region, a Cossack and Cossack doll, heraldry, collections of seeds of cereal crops grown in our region, books about Blagoveshchensk, albums about the life of ancestors, photo albums, geographical cards, drawings and crafts of children, etc.

Family work (stage 2)

An important condition for the effective implementation of local history education of preschoolers is, in our opinion,close relationship with the families of pupils. It is necessary that the process of fostering love for a small homeland be two-way, therefore, work with parents is carried out in a preschool institution. We are deeply convinced that the family is a source that gives strength for the spiritual development of a child, helping him to adapt in society, to find himself in life. For the successful entry of a child into the world of social relations, it is necessaryintegrate efforts of the kindergarten and the family in this direction and significantly increase the role of the family as a vehicle for socialization.

In our kindergarten, various forms of cooperation with the family are implemented: questionnaires, parent meetings, consultations, poster design, joint holidays, publication of booklets, leaflets, exhibitions of folk art, joint actions, etc. Parents, in turnhelp to collect exhibits for corners, provide photographic materials, participate in folk festivals, sew folk costumes, decorate a developing environment are active participants in competitions and exhibitions held in kindergarten.

There are pillars of henbane, with green caps on them. (Birches.)

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July 2 was like a holiday« I love the Russian birch "for all age groups.

A sweet, dear birch tree has long been considered a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. For the holiday, parents sewed costumes for children, learned poems, created handicrafts and drew pictures, for the "Family Photos with a Birch" competition they organized photo sessions. At the holiday, children played Russian folk games, sang songs, danced round dances, walking in birch groves, disenchanting Russian birch trees, enchanted by a baba yaga, answering questions about Russian birches. Contests were held: for boys "Cavalier for birch trees", for girls "Suit for a birch tree". They introduced the children to the Russian folk rite and performed it by tying colored ribbons, making wishes for happiness and good luck. The holiday was a success, the children were active, enjoyed, a charge of energy and cheerfulness. The holiday was attended by a lot of parents who were active helpers. All participants received prizes, diplomas and certificates. Photos remain in memory.

How big a cat he is

Graceful and smart

But he doesn't like different games

The striped formidable ... tiger

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July 29 is International Tiger Day. To this day, with the participation of the education department of the city of Blagoveshchensk, a holiday was organized for all children of the kindergartenTiger Day. The striped symbol of Primorye is also called the tiger. Children gained knowledge about the life of a tiger. Parents with children drew pictures, made crafts, sewed costumes. The kindergarten teachers organized a flash mob, a defile, an exhibition of drawings and crafts. The creative team made a presentation on the results of the holiday.

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From January 25 to February 1, 2016, the COMPETITION "FATHER'S HOUSE - LAND OF AMUR" was held in the kindergarten

For the competition, a regulation was developed in it, all the conditions were spelled out (terms, venue, form of holding, jury). The competition lasted for 1 week; parents, children and teachers took part in it. Parents, together with their children, made hand-made articles, drawings in which were reflected the characteristic features of the Amur land (lotuses, the eastern cosmodrome. Raichikhinsky section, the sights of the city, etc.). An exhibition of works was organized. Summing up and rewarding took place on February 2. All participants received certificates, the winners - diplomas.

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Having accumulated material, we gradually came to

continuous educational activities(Stage 3)

from April 4 to 8, a week of pedagogical skills was held inimplementation of the regional component in continuous educational activities.

In all groups, classes were held:

"My family" - younger group

"Wild animals of the Amur region" - middle group

"Magic Lotus" - middle group

"Medicinal plants of the Amur region" - senior group

"My Motherland" - Preparatory Group

I'll tell you about some in more detail.

Strong stone, not granite In winter, it burns in the stoves ... Warming every corner, It is a black stone .. (coal)

19 slide

"Coal mining in the Amur region"

(middle group)

purpose 1. To acquaint children with the properties of coal. 2. To consolidate the ability to examine objects with the help of intact analyzers, to name their properties and features. 3. Develop sensory experience.

4. To foster interest in experimental activities, in the phenomena of inanimate nature. 5. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow coal is mined in the Amur Region, how it is used by humans. 6. To acquaint with the deposits of coal in the Amur region

7. To cultivate love for the native land.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the profession of a miner, about his work, examining illustrations on the topic, conversation on the topic "Minerals", reading fiction - a fairy tale about "Ugolyok"

The children went to the "children's scientific laboratory", where they conducted experiments with coal. The children learned that coal is strong, but not so strong as marble that it crumbles upon impact, that is, it is crumbly, brittle. We examined the coal with a magnifying glass and concluded that it is porous like wood. Having dipped in water, it sinks to the bottom and bubbles appear, it comes out. The children concluded that the coal is heavy and there are a lot of pores in it because air was escaping. The children saw that the water was becoming cloudy and, with a stick, checked that it did not dissolve. The teachers used the presentation to familiarize the children with the coal deposit.

Z the light burned,

But it does not heat and does not burn,

On the water he floats

The beauty makes us happy!

Answer: Lotus

20 slide 21

« DIY paper lotuses "

(senior group)


  • To acquaint children with one of the seven wonders of the Amur region - the lotus.
  • Teach children to create expressive applicative images of flowers.
  • Improve the technique of volumetric application.
  • Improve the ability to work with scissors.
  • Develop creative skills children, fine motor skills, color perception, compositional skills.
  • To cultivate an artistic taste, interest in making crafts with your own hands.
  • To foster interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of representations in the visual activity.

To familiarize children with the lotus, the teacher used a presentation. The children learned that lotus - one of the most ancient flowers on earth, that he is one of the seven wonders of the Amur region. The children were breeders and bred different varieties of lotus for this they used different colors of paper. We learned to design a flower out of paper.

An odorous bush grows on a hummock,
Not bright, but blooms magnificently in summer.
He gave the name to the rhododendron,
And he himself became a stranger to the inhabitants.

22 slide


(senior group)


to acquaint children with the Red Book, with the protected plants of the Amur Region, included in the regional Red Book.

Development of cognitive interest in the nature of the Amur Region, mental ability, logical and creative thinking.

fostering a respect for nature, broadening one's horizons.

In this lesson, children were introduced to the red book of the Amur Region. The teacher introduced the children to the red-listed shrub. The children were invited to create in the group their own red book with the first page of the drawing of the Ledum bush. The teacher used unconventional technique drawing inflating potassium paint with a tube, and flowers on the bush were painted with cotton buds - poking, green leaves with a finger.

23 slide

"The life and life of our ancestors"

(preparatory group)

  1. Form an initial idea of \u200b\u200byour country.
  2. To acquaint children with the history of their native land, with the life of our Ancestors.
  3. To develop children's historical memory, cognitive abilities.
  4. Develop coherent speech, take an active part in the conversation, showing interest in historical facts.
  5. Dictionary activation: tribes, peasants, migrants, agriculture, Amur residents, tools, household items.
  6. To foster a feeling of love and pride for their people, their native land.

The children traveled to the distant past of our native land. They got to the museum by time machine. We got acquainted with the life and life of our ancestors. Educators used the presentation to acquaint children with the life of their ancestors. Was productive activity... Delhi sculpted clay pots from clay. Children received a large amount of knowledge on this topic.

Pedagogical Council

24 slide


  1. To instill the interest of teachers in non-traditional forms of conducting pedagogical councils.
  2. Create a positive emotional attitude of teachers to work in local history.

The questions for the game were related to the Amur Region. The questions were in different forms: video question, blitz poll and of course there was a musical pause. According to the results of the game, the "Expert of the Amur Region" was chosen. All participants in the game received certificates.

OUTPUT: The specifics of the organization of work on the design of the regional component in the content of the work of our preschool educational institution was that in this processSlide 2

Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world, therefore it is necessary to make it so that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness. V. A. Sukhomlinsky. "Education should be aimed at fostering respect for the child's parents, his cultural identity, language, and the national values \u200b\u200bof the country in which the child lives" "Convention on the Rights of the Child", article 29

Local history corners of groups Senior group

Junior group

Preparatory group

Senior group

Junior group

Senior group

Middle group

Middle group

Competition "I love Russian birch"

Tiger day

Competition "Father's House - Amur Land"

Rewarding of participants of the competition "Father's House - Amur Land"

Continuous educational activity topic "Coal mining in the Amur Region" middle group

Continuous educational activity "DIY paper lotuses" topic with tarsha group

Continuous educational activities "Ledum" theme with the tarsha group

Continuous educational activity the topic "Life and everyday life of our ancestors" preparatory group

Objectives: To instill the interest of teachers in non-traditional forms of conducting pedagogical councils. Create a positive emotional attitude of teachers to work in local history. Pedagogical advice topic: "LOVE AND KNOW YOUR NATIVE LAND" in the form of the game "What? Where? When?"

Elvira Shabanova
Regional component in the system of work of a preschool teacher

"Education should be aimed at fostering respect for the child's parents, his cultural identity, language, and the national values \u200b\u200bof the country in which the child lives."

"Convention on the Rights of the Child", article 29

The idea of \u200b\u200bfostering patriotism and civic consciousness, acquiring more and more social significance, is becoming a task of state importance. Positive changes have also occurred in preschool education: a regional component has been introduced into the educational and upbringing process of preschool educational institutions.

It is necessary to work on the formation in the child of a feeling of love for the Motherland, instilling in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives; develop the ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding life; desire to learn more about the peculiarities of nature and history of the native land. The implementation of the regional component is the most important component of modern education, the use of which is aimed at achieving the following goals and objectives: Contribute to the formation of initial ideas about the peculiarities of the native land

To acquaint children with the peculiarities and traditions of the northern region;

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe native village: history, streets, professions;

Introduce the names of famous fellow countrymen;

To form knowledge about the living and inanimate nature of the Russian North;

Lay the foundations of a moral personality, national pride and national identity

The use of the regional component as one of the means of socialization of preschoolers suggests the following:

1. Acquaintance with the native land is included in the educational process, built on the basis of the dominant goals of the basic program, into which the local history material harmoniously fits.

2. Introduction of regional content, taking into account the principle of gradual transition from something closer to the child, personally significant (home, family, to less close - cultural and historical facts.

3. An active approach in introducing children to the history, culture, nature of their native land: children themselves choose the activity in which they would like to participate in order to reflect their feelings and ideas about what they have seen and heard (creative play, composing stories, making crafts, composing riddles , application, modeling, drawing, landscaping and environmental protection).

The results of the diagnostic stage showed that the implementation of the regional component in preschool educational institutions occurs spontaneously and without the concentration of knowledge of preschoolers on everyday life, folklore and traditions. Consequently, purposeful work is needed to implement the national-cultural orientation of the regional component by testing the identified pedagogical conditions.

The specificity of the organization of work on the design of the regional component in the content of the work of our preschool educational institution was that children, teachers and parents were included in this process. As a result of this work, the kindergarten has accumulated a lot of experience in the implementation of tasks of a local history nature.

Relying on the principle of upbringing "from close to far", teachers associate patriotic education with local history. At first, the environment exists as a family in which the child grows up, then his horizons expand to the school and the street, later to his native village, country, and the entire cultural world.

The implementation of the regional component in kindergarten is carried out through the following forms of organization of work with children: specially organized classes, co-creation of the teacher with children, independent activity.

Specially organized classes

Acquaintance of children with the peculiarities of the North includes the integration of 4 cognitive blocks. For each block, GCD topics have been developed, which allows teachers, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children in their group, to determine the volume and content of GCD in accordance with the general theme. The calendar plan is developed in blocks in accordance with educational areas for middle, senior, preparatory group taking into account the principles of accessibility, consistency and sequence of complication of the material.

Local lore material can be used fragmentarily in teaching literacy (work with a sentence, vocabulary work).

When selecting local history information for classes, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

Local history and culture events should be understandable and accessible to the age of children;

The facts should be bright enough, emotionally rich;

Provide children with the opportunity to make small "discoveries";

To form the ability to observe the surrounding reality, to look for “the unknown in the known, the unfamiliar in the familiar”;

When organizing joint activities an important role in the implementation of this principle is played by project activities. So in the kindergarten, together with the parents, the following projects were created and implemented: "My pedigree", "Why was the street called that", "From grandmother's chest", "Victory Day is a bright holiday". And the methodological products of the project "Kizema - a railway power" albums, photographs, diagrams, art. and encyclopedic literature, are widely used in the work of educators, in particular, a detailed long-term plan to familiarize preschoolers with the railway. In the older groups a s - p game "Railroad" is organized;

It is also possible to bring up in a child a humane attitude towards the world around him, love for his native nature, family, home, region, city, village, homeland by creating centers of local history, mini - museums in the preschool educational institution. Museum pedagogy contributes to the full development of the integrative qualities of pupils, since when organizing educational work in a museum, it is necessary to organize various types of children's activities and, accordingly, an integrated solution to problems in different educational areas. Over the past 5 years, the following mini-museums have functioned in the institution: "Railway". "Russian hut", "Products from birch bark", "Northern Forest", "Our old times", "Headdresses", "Lomonosov - Great Pomor", "Museum of Bread". Conventionally, the content of knowledge about the native land in the museum can be divided into three main blocks: the natural world, human activities and the cultural image of the native village. The variability and content of such zones directly depends on the creativity and outlook of teachers. A variety of exhibits, exhibitions, corners with the use of photographs, models, stands, illustrative material, geographical maps - all these means and materials attract the attention of children, increase their interest in getting to know their native land, which makes it possible to successfully solve the problem of raising children's interest and love for small homeland.

In the 2010 -2011 academic year, an agitation brigade "LUCH" was created at the preschool educational institution, where the creative team of senior preschoolers and teachers, acting on various topics, pays great attention to the environmental orientation of performances. This is the only available genre that allows you to turn to the nature conservation topic in a form understandable for children.

Holding the traditional ecological holiday "Birthday of the Earth" (more than 10 years, poetic seasonal matinees form in children love and respect for the small homeland, its traditions and culture.

And environmental actions allow you to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Independent activities of children involves not only various games of local lore orientation, work in creative workshops, but also participation in creative competitions both within the d / s and at the district and district level. (performance on the slide).

Interaction with parents.

Parental support is essential. It is necessary that the process of fostering love for a small homeland be two-way, therefore, work with parents is carried out in a preschool institution. Parent-teacher meetings, creative drawing rooms, consultations are organized and held, and folders are being drawn up. Parents are active participants in competitions and exhibitions held in kindergarten.

To summarize the experience of teachers, the material "Implementation of the national-regional component in the work of preschool educational institutions" Educators have the opportunity to get acquainted with the development of consultations, seminars - workshops, teachers' councils, classes, holidays, entertainment. For working with children, the necessary fiction was selected (fairy tales, riddles, collections of poems, magazines, books and paintings telling about the life of the peoples of the North, scientific and journalistic literature, there are illustrations depicting plants and animals, landscapes of northern nature, collections of musical works.

According to the monitoring results, there is a positive dynamics of improving the knowledge of children on the regional component of children of older groups and the level of preparedness of preschool teachers in using the regional component in practice, which is confirmed by the presented diagrams.

A modern teacher not only needs to know everything that is connected with the regional component, but also to be able to pass on his knowledge to children, open their eyes to the national wealth of the North, instill love and respect for the national values \u200b\u200bof their region.

The essence of local lore work was most clearly, figuratively and intelligibly formulated by the Russian teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky “The most important thing in our business is that a shrine should live in a young heart. So that the fatherland, its happiness and power, its greatness and glory - so that all this becomes immensely expensive, unshakable and unshakable, like the image of a mother and father, like the eternal radiance of the stars, like a beautiful world that opens up before the eyes of man. Patriotic convictions, patriotic impulses of a young soul - this is the lofty goal of education. "

On the social and communicative development of pupils "

The relevance and importance of the regional component in preschool education is beyond doubt. Love for the Motherland begins from the native land and plays an important role in the upbringing of the younger generation. Children is our future. It is very important to promptly instill in them the correct vision of the world, to teach them to love their small homeland.

Slide 2

The tasks of educational work on the implementation of the regional component are defined in the PLO of preschool educational institution No. 29 in Lipetsk in the part formed by the participants of the educational process (40% of the total volume of the program), and ensure its implementation in the process of acquainting preschoolers with the history, culture, nature and famous people of the city Lipetsk.

The variability of the content of preschool education in each preschool educational institution is individual and is determined by the educational program of the institution. To achieve the targets defined in the FSES DO, each preschool educational institution goes its own way and chooses for itself the most effective forms and methods of work.

Since September 2014, our institution has been a Resource Center for the educational area "Social and communicative development" and we are moving in this direction.

Slide 3

In accordance with clause 2.6. FSES DO the content of the educational area "Social and communicative development" is aimed at assimilating the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, including moral and ethical values, the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions, the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of labor and creativity; the formation of foundations in everyday life, society, nature.

Slide 4

The use of the regional component as one of the means of socialization of preschoolers suggests the following:

1. Familiarization of preschoolers with their native land during the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

2. Introduction of a regional component, taking into account the principle of gradual transition from something closer to a child, personally significant (home, family) to a less close one - cultural and historical facts.

3. An active approach in introducing children to the history, culture, nature of their hometown, when children themselves choose the activity in which they would like to participate in order to reflect their feelings and ideas about what they saw and heard.

5. Professional development of all participants in the educational process (educators, narrow specialists);

6. Generalization of experience teaching activities, the study of the effectiveness of innovation and its results in the main areas of work with children, teachers, parents.

Slide 5

In this regard, the implementation of the regional component is the most important component of modern education in preschool educational institutions, the use of which is aimed at achieving the main goal: the formation of the initial ideas of preschoolers about the peculiarities of their hometown.

Achievement of the set goalcontributes to the solution of the following tasks :

To acquaint children with the peculiarities and traditions of the city of Lipetsk;

Form an idea of \u200b\u200byour hometown: history, streets, professions;

Introduce the names of famous fellow countrymen;

To form knowledge about the living and inanimate nature of the city;

To lay the foundations of a moral personality, national pride and national identity.

Slide 6

The natural, cultural, historical, socio-economic originality of the area presupposes the selection of the content of the regional component of education, the assimilation of which allows preschool educational institutions to adapt to the living conditions in the nearest society, to imbue with love for native land, cultivate the need for healthy way life, rational use of natural resources, environmental protection.

The effective formation of the foundations of the cultural and historical heritage in children is possible if the following factors:

  • a complex combination of various types of child's activities;

  • use of programs and technologies for local history;

  • creation of conditions for self-realization of each child, taking into account the experience accumulated by him, especially the cognitive, emotional sphere;

  • taking into account the specifics of the organization and construction of the pedagogical process;

  • the use of forms and methods aimed at developing emotions and feelings.

Slide 7

The educational process aimed at assimilating the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society and introducing children to the history, culture, nature of their native land will be successful if the following principles are observed:

  • the principle of supporting the initiative of children in different types activities

  • the principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant in educational relations

  • the principle of building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child.

  • the principle of full-fledged living by a child at all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) of child development

  • the principle of familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state

  • the principle of age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics)

  • the principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development

Slide 8

For the effective implementation of the regional component, a number of pedagogical conditions are also required:

  • Creation of a cultural and developmental environment in a preschool educational institution

  • Integration of the regional component into educational activities

Slide 9
Age features of the assimilation of program material by preschoolers in the educational area "social and communicative development" (regional component)


4-5 years old

5-6 years old

6-7 years old

He knows his own name, recognizes and names adults in life and in pictures, understands that other children also have their own family, parents.

Knows his last name, parents' name, family ties and his social role, knows how to politely address teachers by name and patronymic; notes characteristic changes in nature; names the plants growing on the site, names the home address, the name of the city in which he lives.

Knows the name and patronymic of the parents; their profession, briefly talks about them, names some of the sights of the city, names objects located in the kindergarten microdistrict; streets, can independently determine the route from home to kindergarten on the plan and in the space familiar with the works of local poets and artists.

Has a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe history of his city, symbols, traditions of his native city.

Slide 10

Preparing the teaching staff for the implementation of the regional component of preschool education

Starting work on the regional component, the teacher himself must know the cultural, historical, natural, ethnographic characteristics of the region where he lives in order to instill in preschoolers love and respect for the folk traditions of his region.

In order to systematize, generalize and deepen the knowledge of teachers, consultations, workshops, round tables, business games, discussion clubs on the implementation of the regional component in everyday life kindergarten. A modern teacher not only needs to know everything that is connected with the regional component, but also to be able to transfer his knowledge to children.
Slide 11

Organization of effective interaction between preschool educational institution and society

A modern preschool educational institution cannot successfully implement its activities and develop without broad cooperation with society at the level of social partnership (museums, theaters, folklore groups, etc. Our preschool educational institution cooperates with the Lipetsk Museum of Folk and Decorative and Applied Arts). The visiting program “Museum in a Basket”, “School of Crafts” is popular among children and teachers. The museum has accumulated a certain experience of working with senior preschool children and parents, kindergarten teachers and methodologists. "Touch the Museum" program designed specifically for this audience. Various specialists are involved in the implementation of the program: researchers and methodologists of the Lipetsk Museum of Folk and Decorative-Applied Arts, teachers of the graphic arts faculty of LSTU, folk craftsmen, painters. As part of the implementation of the program, the museum gives a special place to family education. The Lipetsk Museum of Folk and Decorative-Applied Arts offers various forms of cooperation:

Sightseeing (in all halls of the museum) and thematic excursions (on request), we took this form as the basis for ourselves.

Interactive museum lessons (on request) in the museum premises and on

departure. Also carried out master classes for children:

  1. "Ragdoll".

  2. "Patterned plate" (printing technique).

  3. "Birds" (patchwork sewing).

  4. "Romanov Toy".

  5. "Weaving. Fenichki ".

  6. Cutouts, paper handling

Slide 12

Integration of the regional component

An important place in introducing preschoolers to the culture of their native land is folk holidays and traditions that are studied during preparation for calendar and ceremonial holidays: Christmas, New Year, Maslenitsa, Bird Day, etc. We introduce children to Russian festive culture. We celebrate public holidays (Day of Russia, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, City Day, Metallurgist Day, Victory Day, etc.); we organize the celebration of the birthdays of the children of the group. We contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of common joy, have a good mood, forming a feeling of love for loved ones, affection for peers.

Slide 13

Organization of effective interaction between preschool educational institution and family.

Parental support is essential. It is necessary that the process of fostering love for a small homeland be two-way.

To achieve a high-quality result in the implementation of the regional component in the educational area "social and communicative development" in our preschool educational institution in the variable part of the educational program, we use partial programs and technologies:

  • “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” (OA Knyazeva, MD Makhaneva);

  • "My home." Program of moral and patriotic education (under the general editorship of T, I. Overchuk)

  • Where does the Motherland begin? Experience in patriotic education at a preschool educational institution. (Edited by L.A. Kondrykinskaya)

  • Budarina T.A. "Acquaintance of children with Russian folk art"

  • Botyakova O. A. Solar circle: Children's folk calendar.

  • Experience work of preschool educational institution No. 118 and No. 103 of Lipetsk on the topic « The regional component of the content of children's education in preschool educational institutions "

  • Program of patriotic education "Patriot" (for children of senior preschool age) educator of preschool educational institution No. 29 Chistyakova L.A.
We instill love for our hometown in children from a young age.
Slide 14

The creative group of the preschool educational institution has developed a complex thematic planning, which includes 5 blocks:




For each block, topics have been developed and forms of work have been determined, taking into account the age characteristics of the children of the group.
Slide 15, 16


Themes and forms of work

To form knowledge about the hometown of Lipetsk, its cultural and historical values

To acquaint children with the symbols of the city, its sights

To develop a cognitive interest in the history of the native land based on local history material

"Where we live" theme

  • "My house, my street"

  • "Favorite kindergarten"

  • "Streets of the hometown"

  • "City life"
Excursions starting from the 2nd half of the middle group:

  • around the kindergarten, to buildings, along the city street.
Role-playing games:

  • A family

  • City street
Family friendly

  • Questionnaire "Do you know how the sights of the city"

  • Open Day

Expand children's knowledge about their hometown of Lipetsk, its cultural and historical values.

Continue to acquaint children with the symbols of the city, its sights, memorable places of the city.

To develop a cognitive interest in the history of the native land based on local history material.

Senior Preschool Age

"Where we live" theme

  • My hometown, land

  • City symbols

  • Memorable places

  • A journey into the city's past

  • Lipetsk - the city of the future

  • Pedestrian alphabet

  • To places of military glory

  • To the Lipetsk Museum of Folk and Decorative and Applied Arts
Role-playing games:

  • House-family

  • City street

  • Construction

  • Drawings "Lipetsk-City of the Future"

  • Making models about the hometown "
Family friendly

  • Questionnaire "Do you know your city"

  • Open Day

  • Stand "History of one photo"

  • Competition "Making a model of the city", co-creation of parents with children

  • Family project "Family Traditions"

Slide 17, 18


Themes and forms of work

Expand, generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the nature of the preschool educational institution.

To educate from the first years of life a socially active, creative person who is able to understand and love nature

Junior and middle preschool age

  • "Trees around us"

  • "Labor in nature"

  • "How Birds in the City Prepare for Winter"

  • "Feeding birds"

  • “Friends of the forest. What is good and what is bad"

  • Labor walks-actions

  • Feed the birds

Family friendly

  • Competition "Birdhouses for birds"

Expand, generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of the city's environs and about the problems of their native land.

To educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active, creative person capable of understanding and loving nature, treating it with care, transforming and multiplying it

Senior Preschool Age

The theme "Welcome to ecology"

  • Chatting about pets and wild animals

  • Who lives in the Voronezh River?

  • Doctors of the forest. Why does a man plant a forest? ("Forestry Lipetsk")

  • "Living, inanimate nature of the city of Lipetsk"

  • "Influence of inanimate nature on the life of plants and animals in the city"

Competition. Stock. Exhibition

  • "Fantasy" / crafts from natural materials /

  • Action "Second life of waste material"

  • Exhibition of drawings "The nature of the hometown"

Family friendly

  • questionnaire "What do I know about the nature of Lipetsk"

  • family traditions competition

  • hiking trips

  • subbotnik "Greening of d / garden plots"

Slide 19, 20


Themes and forms of work

To give an idea to children about the main professions of people living in the city and the professions of their parents.

To acquaint children with some professions (doctor, educator, builder, etc.)

To foster in children respect for the work of adults.

Junior and middle preschool age

The theme "All work is honorable"

  • Who works in kindergarten? / teacher assistant, cook, doctor, educator, music director, janitor /

  • Why do people work in the kitchen

  • I want to be like a mom, I want to be like a dad

  • Who works in the city? / builder, painter, bricklayer, chauffeur, salesman, hairdresser, policeman, postman /
Excursions: (starting fromII half a year of the middle group)

  • Who built this house

  • To the hairdresser
Role-playing games:

  • Construction

  • Beauty saloon

  • post office

  • Score

  • Kindergarten

  • Polyclinic
Meeting with :

  • Our sweet doctor

  • Head chef

To give an idea to children about the main professions of people living in the city

develop interest in the work of parents, relatives, acquaintances.

Show the importance of each person's work in the well-being of Lipetsk residents.

To foster in children respect for the work of adults, to be proud of the heroism and successes of famous people, veterans.

Create the prerequisites for motivating further education in order to obtain professions for work in the hometown.

Senior Preschool Age

The theme "All work is honorable"

  • Who works in kindergarten? / head, methodologist, head of physical culture, seamstress /

  • Who works in the city? / architect, bricklayer, steelmaker, painter, roofer, railroad worker, teacher, librarian, firefighter, traffic police officer, veterinarian, dentist /

  • Who built a new city

  • Furniture factory

  • service "01", "02", "03" is always on guard of the city

  • Who will you be when you become an adult

  • Who works for NLMK / bus driver, crane operator, excavator /

  • To school, library
Role-playing games:

  • Construction

  • School, library

  • Train Station

  • Atelier fashion

  • City street

Meeting interesting people:

  • Family dynasty
Family friendly:

  • Collecting material about the professions of parents

  • Parents' meeting "Raising respect for adult work"

  • Exhibition "Different professions are important, different professions are needed"

Slide 21, 22


Themes and forms of work

To acquaint children with Russian folklore, with craftsmen, with the work of local poets, composers, artists.

Contribute to the general development of the child based on love, interest in the culture of the city.

Junior preschool age

  • Acquaintance with folklore

  • Matryoshka dolls came to visit us

  • Wonderful Russian chest

  • Fair

  • Crafts shop

  • Grandma's tales

  • Grandpa's golden hands
Senior Preschool Age

Topic "Introduction to folk origins, urban traditions"

  • A miracle is wonderful, a miracle is wondrous (fairy tales, legends and folklore of the Russian people)

  • Folk craftsmen

  • Traditions of the Russian people

  • Acquaintance with the work of local poets, composers, artists

  • Cultural and sports centers of the city

  • Sport is health

  • Hometown traditions

To acquaint children with Russian folklore, with craftsmen, with the work of local poets, composers, artists

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Parents are active participants in projects, holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten, assistants during their preparation. Support from parents is of great importance, since the process of fostering love for a small homeland should be two-way. When studying the local history traditions of the Lipetsk Territory, we try to organize communication with parents more effectively so that the family and the kindergarten carry out a single set of educational influences aimed at acquainting children with their native land; we provide practical assistance to parents in the selection of children's fiction literature by Lipetsk authors for preschoolers, we introduce them to folk games i.e. we interest parents in the problem of familiarizing children with the cultural and historical values \u200b\u200bof their native city, show them the relevance of the problem raised.

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Effectiveness work on the implementation of the regional component assumes that in the process of forming the foundations of local history the child:

  • Acquires a certain system of knowledge about the connection and interdependence of man, animals, flora and the world of people of his native land, about the peculiarities of human communication with the outside world and the impact of this interaction on him;

  • Mastering the idea of \u200b\u200bhimself, his family, his belonging to a particular nation, the elementary history of his kind;

  • Determines his social role;

  • Has an elementary understanding of the history of his hometown, its attractions;

  • Enriches vocabulary, develops memory, thinking, imagination;

  • Learns to rationally use skills in independent activities;

  • Acquires goodwill, sensitivity, cooperation skills in the process of communicating with each other;

  • Develops independence, creativity, initiative;
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Conclusion: thus, the implementation of the regional component in the social and communicative development of preschoolers, built in the system, will contribute to the achievement of the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard:

The child masters the installation of a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types labor, to other people and to himself, has a sense of his own dignity;

Distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

Possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives.

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