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We'll swim and sunbathe. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group

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Poem by Zinaida Alexandrova " My bear" - about the charm of selfless children's play, about the cozy objective world of a child, the memories of which we keep in our memory all our lives.

The poem “My Bear” can not only be read aloud to a child, but also used as a script for...

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Probably every child in childhood had his own favorite Teddy bear, true friend and an irreplaceable playmate. With him you could pretend to feel like a completely grown-up and for the first time in your life try on the role of a caring parent: cook the bear's lunch on a doll's stove, wash his paws before eating, sit him at a table and feed him with a spoon, tying a napkin around his neck, and then take him for a walk and protect him from all dangers.
Zinaida Alexandrova's poem "My Bear" is about the charm of selfless children's play, about the cozy objective world of a child, the memories of which we keep in memory all our lives.
Since 1952, the poem "My Bear" has been republished many times with various illustrations. But it is the drawings of Elizaveta Volyanskaya-Ukhanova and Boris Ukhanov that best convey its warm atmosphere and sunny mood summer day from distant childhood.
The poem “My Bear” can not only be read aloud to a child, but also used as a script for home games. Thanks to the precise rhymes and the simplest sentences, even the youngest children can easily learn it by heart.
Recommended for children of early preschool age.


Natasha Ishchenko
Lesson notes on speech development in the second younger group. Reading the poem by Z. Alexandrova “My Bear”

Lesson notes for junior group 2 on speech development.

Reading poem Z. Alexandrova"My bear»

Integration of educational regions: « Speech development» , "Artistic and aesthetic development» , "Physical development» .

Activities: gaming, communicative, musical.

Activity goals: introduce to poem 3. Alexandrova"My bear» , cultivate good feelings, positive emotions.

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, what toys do you have at home? Which one is your favorite?

But listen poem about my favorite toy - this bear.

I'm reading poem Z. Alexandrova"My bear» , showing illustrations for poem.

My bear

I sewed a shirt bear,

I'll sew some pants for him.

I need to sew a pocket on them

And put some candy.

Porridge was cooked on the stove.

Where is our big spoon?

I'll tell you before you eat

I wash my paws with water.

I'll tie you a napkin -

Eat a cutlet, eat a candy,

Drink your milk

And let's go for a walk soon!

These are chickens, these are ducks,

Black Ball is sleeping at the booth.

We won't call him

Let's run away for a walk together.

The kid drinks from the trough,

He looks at you angrily.

Don't be afraid - it's a goose

I'm afraid of him myself.

We are on a narrow plank

Let's run to swim in the river,

Let's swim, sunbathe,

Wash our panties.

The bear stomped, indulged,

The light bridge began to shake,

There are circles in the water...

Sharik, Sharik, help!

Teddy bear wet like a sponge

The plush fur coat is drying.

The ball ran forward.

We'll get it from mom!

Questions on the topic:

Did you like it poem?

What did the girl sew? bears?

What did she feed him?

Who did the girl see? with a bear on the street?

Why the bear fell into the water?

A game "Guess the sound"

The teacher shows the children the objects prepared for play and invites them to guess riddles; behind a screen, he extracts sounds from the sounding toys. And the children must guess what it sounds like.


Positive assessment of children's activities.

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