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Skull in a bowler hat tattoo. The meaning of the Skull tattoo: historical background and our days

The skull is unlikely to evoke positive feelings. The first association with this symbol is death. This is well deserved. After all, skulls are an integral element of horror films and other horror stories. At the same time, in a number of cultures, the skull is a symbol of good luck. In this article we will find out the meaning of the symbol in history, culture and tattoo art.

Who is it suitable for?

Tattoos with this symbol are more common among men. But the symbol itself is still universal and is perfect for girls. This explains the huge number of sketches with skulls for girls.

Often, such a tattoo is applied by people whose lives are invariably associated with risk. Including gamblers.

Places and style of tattoo

The skull with a crown is the absolute leader. This is the most common design for such a tattoo. On the one hand, this is bad, because everyone wants to be the owner of an individual drawing. But, look at the collage below. Is it possible to call such works the same? For comparison, skulls in hats that look like gangsters. And the skull in the beret is a symbol of the military.

For men

Sketches men's tattoos, as a rule, are characterized by brutality. It can be a stylized black and white image, which emanates the theme of death.

Wrist tattoos are only gaining popularity. Before choosing a sketch for such work, you need to take into account a couple of nuances. First of all: this place is always in sight. Secondly: you need to think carefully about how to position the sketch. While eating or during an important, tense conversation, people tend to gesticulate a lot.

Most often, skull tattoos are applied to the hands. Tattoos are placed on the wrists, forearms, and shoulders. Sometimes even on the hands.

Skull on face is a common search query. But this is not at all connected with the popularity of this place for tattooing. This is how people try to find the name of the Canadian tattoo model.

Rick Genest (born August 7, 1985, Chateauguay, Canada) is a Canadian model from Montreal, better known as Zombie Boy because of his tattoos depicting a human skeleton.

An image in which a skull is crowned is the most common among sketches of such tattoos. Also popular are the following sketches: the skull of a goat, a bull, a ram, an Indian, a skull with wings, wearing a beret.

Symbol meaning

In his general meaning , the symbol indicates transience of human life . The symbol is a reminder that life is short. But, at the same time, you should not be afraid of this fact, but live every moment. This tattoo is often applied as a talisman. No wonder it is especially popular in biker circles. The skull, as an integral symbol of death, reminds the owner that all people are mortal and the only question is how much rich life we will live.

The meaning of the symbol can be summarized as follows:

  • the transience of our lives
  • death
  • the truth
  • rebirth

For men skull means determination and courage in actions. Sometimes the symbol means a disdainful and chauvinistic attitude towards women.

Skull with snake. If a snake crawling out of the eye socket of the skull is added to the sketch, the symbol will change the meaning to immortality and wisdom. The symbol indicates that knowledge and wisdom will remain after physical death.

Scull with crown- a symbol of power, or the desire for power. In Mexico it has a different meaning: you will have better luck in your next life.

Skull with wings- freedom and carefree. The same light attitude towards life and death.

Tattoo skull with clock has the value of reminding the owner of the finiteness of life. Symbolizes the need for development in every current moment.

Indian skull in tattoo culture it means unity with nature and beyond knowledge.

Meaning of tattoo bull skull depends on the performance style. The Celtic style of tattoo is suitable for fighters; real wars of antiquity adorned their bodies with this symbol.
Tribal style is suitable for those who believe in communication with spirits. In such works, the color red is used to emphasize the motif of ancient shamanic rituals.
The bull's skull can be used as a symbol of the zodiac sign "Taurus". Such a sketch will suit you if the horoscope is not an empty set of random facts that are suitable in any situation, for any person.
If the design contains flames, the symbol means aggression and the harsh disposition of the owner of such a tattoo.

Sugar Skull, its name is correct "Calavera". The meaning of the symbol is the unchangeable cycle of life. The eternity of the existence of human souls.
The symbol was first used in Mexico at a festival in honor of day of the dead. Calavera - goddess of the dead beautiful girl with a skull instead of a face. It is believed that on this day the souls of the deceased descend to earth. And the Mexicans greet them with joyful dances and dances.

Tattoo swallows with skull mean a single end for all living people.

Skull and crossbones, located at its base - this is. An unchanging symbol that was depicted on the flag of real pirates.

IN among bikers the skull is a symbol of good luck. This type of tattoo is often perceived as protective. Many believe that such a tattoo helps lovers of roads and their iron horses.

Skull with rose symbolizes simultaneous duality: love and hate, death and life.

Any plant, wrapped around the bones or located at the base of the skull indicates loss loved one.

Flower or other plant in teeth- the desire to live for your own pleasure, enjoying every moment of a fleeting human life.

Goat skull- peace and goodness. Large supply of vitality.

Ram skull- perseverance, perseverance on the path to your goal.

Raven on a skull- destruction that brings death. If you draw a nest next to the bird, the meaning changes almost to the opposite. Such a symbol will mean longevity and wisdom.

History of the symbol

IN Christianity is an important symbol. In some movements, for example in Orthodoxy, the skull is depicted on a crucifix at the feet of Christ. This is explained by the legend according to which Christ was crucified on the cross and his blood flowed onto Adam’s skull, thereby atonement for the sins of mankind.

IN Buddhism used in amulets and amulets as a symbol reminiscent of the sacredness of human existence.

Among the residents Mayan tribes, only shamans had the ability to control evil. This was confirmed by a ritual thicket made from a skull. It was believed that only a shaman could hold it in his hands.

Ancient Celts They believed that the skull was the habitat of the human soul. Therefore, they carefully preserved the skulls of their deceased ancestors and distinguished warriors. Among these people it was believed that along with the skull, courage and other important qualities of the deceased passed to its owner.

IN Latin America tattoos are often accompanied by the inscription “don’t forget that you must die.” The meaning of this phrase is that you should enjoy every moment and live to the maximum. because everyone has the same ending. This country celebrates death every year. Here it is truly a holiday, i.e. very fun event.

Value per zone

The symbol indicates the desire for power. May indicate belonging to the thieves' caste.

A skull with a blade or dagger - blood revenge on the enemy.

Skull with a rose - met by sixteen-year-olds in prison.

It is no secret that a skull tattoo in most cases carries a negative connotation, as it personifies the transience of earthly life. The famous Latin expression "memento mori", which literally translates as "remember death", is the most accurate verbal interpretation of this symbol. The philosophy of this sign is for everyone to remember that they are only human. Unfortunately, most tattoo lovers fill their skulls following fashion trends or simply for personal aesthetic reasons, completely forgetting the meaning that the human skull depicted on the body carries.

But a reminder of death is not the only interpretation of this symbol. Some cultures view the skull as a personal amulet. In addition, the image of the skull emphasizes the masculinity and fearlessness of its owner. Such tattoos often have a frightening warlike character. It would not be superfluous to mention that the skull is also a symbol of destruction and death. It is not without reason that pirates and representatives of the criminal world actively used and continue to use this symbol. The skull stuffed on the body seems to say “don’t stand in my way.”

It is important to know that in a criminal environment, a skull symbolizes a high rank of a thief, so you should carefully select a tattoo design. Otherwise, there is a possibility of finding yourself in a difficult situation where you will have to confirm your authority not with a body image, but with real action and strong-willed qualities.

Where to stuff

Skulls are stuffed in a variety of places. The most popular of them:

  • Breast;
  • Shoulders;
  • Back;
  • Hands.

However, the skull looks harmonious on almost any part of the body. For the most part, guys get these tattoos, although some girls who have a craving for an old-school tattoo also decorate their bodies with skulls.

Tattoo options

Perhaps there is no such variety of designs for any symbol as for a tattoo with a skull. We will look at some of the most interesting ideas in our opinion:

  • Bright multi-colored skull in old school style. Such tattoos are not so common among body painting. So you can consider this option as an opportunity to stand out from the monotony of monochrome tattoos.
  • Skull with crown. A very ambiguous sign, symbolizing the idea that the one who yesterday sat on the throne and ruled the living, tomorrow may find himself in the kingdom of the dead.
  • Skull with a sacred inscription. The choice of inscription depends on the concept of the tattoo and the personal beliefs of the author.


Celebrities such as:

  • Avril lavigne;
  • Kesha;
  • Kelly Osbourne;
  • Lita Ford;
  • Maria Brink;
  • Jessica White;
  • And many others.

Tattoos are very interesting option decoration of your body. But it’s not enough to just choose the design you like – you need to find out what your tattoo means. After all, symbols applied to yourself can have both positive and negative effects on your health and life in general. Therefore, in the following material, I suggest you study the meaning of a skull tattoo.

The skull acts as a tattoo that evokes many different emotions in people. Basically, the characteristics of a skull tattoo concern danger, death and awareness of the transience of human existence. In most cases, every person is puzzled by similar topics to one degree or another, although not everyone wants to discuss such things.

In addition, a tattoo with a skull symbolizes the truth, the bitter truth of time, which can destroy and kill everything over time. Another tattoo like this can symbolize forgiveness and sacrifice.

This designation came to us from the beginning of Christianity. According to one ancient legend, when Christ died on the cross, his blood spread over the cross and the ground and wet the skull of Adam, who was the first man on earth. Thanks to this, Jesus, with his death, was able to atone for the sin committed by Adam and Eve.

It is for this reason that all crucifixion icons below the cross show a skull with crossbones - the grave of Adam.

Some Buddhist religious organizations use skulls as a talisman, designed to regularly remind them of the sanctity of human life.

The ancient Celts, who traveled throughout almost all of Europe, believed that the eternal soul of a person was stored in the skull. As a result, there was a tradition of keeping the skulls of prominent members of the tribe, famous warriors, and treating them very carefully and with care. It was believed that a person who has someone’s skull takes on the power and greatness of the deceased.

Having familiarized ourselves with the ancient options for interpreting a tattoo with a skull, let’s move on to a review of modern options.

The meaning of tattoos for men

It should be noted that the skull tattoo has a universal meaning and, for the most part, has a common meaning for both sexes. Differences in drawings with skulls can only lie in variations in the images, as well as in the parts of the body on which they are located.

In particular, representatives of the stronger half like to apply skulls on fire or black skulls that do not have auxiliary details.

You can also often see tattoos on men depicting a skull and crossbones (an ancient pirate symbol). In ancient times, only individuals with connections to crime could have similar tattoos on their bodies. But over time, the meaning of the symbol changed, and it began to increasingly denote death and everything related to it.

Individuals who seek to tattoo skulls on their bodies have repeatedly had to look death in the face or face it as fate would have it. It is likely that the impressions received or thoughts about the eternal were able to leave such a deep imprint on a person that he had a desire to imprint the face of death on his body.

In some cases, a skull tattoo symbolizes sacrifice. Therefore, the image is often chosen by guys belonging to a certain subculture or movement, applying the image mainly to the back and shoulders. It is noteworthy that in such organizations, a tattoo with a skull is more likely to convey openness and even service to death than fear of it.

What does a skull tattoo mean for lovely ladies?

Often, representatives of the fair sex opt for lighter and more beautiful variations of tattoos with skulls: decorated with flowers or auxiliary details.

And the most popular areas of the body for tattooing are the hips, lower back or shoulders. A tattoo of the indicated plan will indicate the dream of living forever and being forever young and attractive.

If in a skull tattoo a snake crawls out of the eye, it means that such a tattoo personifies wisdom, past trials and the eternal life of one’s soul. Tattoos of this kind are often performed when people have suffered some serious upheavals in life and seek to perpetuate the memory of them.

Once a year, the people of Mexico hold a very strange celebration called the Festival of Death. This kind of carnival implies the worship of death, as well as the celebration of the opportunity to live for some time in physical reality, showing respect for every moment lived. At the celebration, people paint their bodies using a wide variety of skull variations.

The meaning of a tattoo in prison

Such tattoos performed by prisoners have a special meaning. As a rule, such a tattoo for those who are in prison indicates entry into thieves' circles or indicates some kind of power.

For the most part, tattoos with skulls are chosen by authoritative figures who were in the colony.

Tattoo options with their meaning

Skull with roses

The tattoo combines horror and beauty. What does such a tattoo tell? This will depend largely on the location of the tattoo parts:

  • A skull that is wrapped around a flower or plant lies next to it. It symbolizes the loss of a loved one, unexpected death. The tattoo reflects grief and deep sadness.
  • in the teeth. He will tell you about the risky nature of his owner. There is a lot of excitement in his blood, he wants to lead a life that is not limited by anyone and enjoy it to the maximum.

Skull and snake tattoo

Although the reptile symbolizes death, this version of the tattoo will tell about the acquired wisdom and immortality of the soul. Moreover, the meaning of the tattoo will increase if in the composition a snake is depicted crawling out of the eye.

And, in addition, such a combination can indicate knowledge and intelligence. Many believe that such a tattoo can make its owner more successful and bring him a lot of easy money.

Skull with a dagger sticking out of it

The meaning of such a tattoo will be one - death. She can also tell you about your readiness to commit any actions, in particular immoral ones.

Skull with raven

Probably, the person who performed such a tattoo strives to look more brutal than he actually is. Most likely, death does not frighten her at all and she herself can become a source of death for others.

There is another meaning of such a tattoo - victory over enemies. Plus, in such a plot you can also trace the theme of grief and loss of a loved one.

Skull and crown

Characterizes a powerful person who will stop at nothing if he wants to achieve what he wants. This is the winner in any battle.

Skull on fire

Acts as a symbol of a bright personality, unable to for a long time sit still. Life is perceived by such a person as one amazing adventure.

Skull and clock

This tattoo is designed to motivate you to think about the transience of life, which tends to end and often unexpectedly. Many people don’t think about it in vain.

Therefore, such a tattoo will act as a kind of reminder that you should always remember the eternal.

Indian skull

A person who has done such a tattoo is confident that he is one with the forces of nature and loves to practice self-knowledge.

Sugar skull tattoo

Known as "Calavera". Serves as a symbol of the eternal soul.

Studying the meaning of tattoos is a very interesting and mysterious topic. You can find more and more interesting details of designations that will help you better navigate the world of tattoo and body painting art.

If you want to know more meanings of tattoos, I advise you to bookmark this site and carefully read its other sections.

And to conclude the topic, I suggest you watch a video with sketches of a skull tattoo:

Before you decide to “fill” your skull, study in detail the origins of this image. Nowadays the laughing skull “Jolly Roger” is very popular, which is stuffed as a sign of a positive attitude towards life, courage and dashing youthful disposition, but it has Christian roots. Unexpected, right? Yes, skull tattoos are a powerful ancient sign, the symbolism of which is much deeper and sometimes its burden is not up to everyone.

This tattoo does not always mean death and negativity; in some areas, a skull tattoo is associated with change, liberation from the frailty of existence, a talisman against evil forces, and even male chauvinism.

Meaning and interpretation in different cultures

In ancient Celtic culture, a skull tattoo was made with the belief that it would endow its owner with strength and power; often the image was personified - people believed that the skull of another person would give them the dignity and strength of the deceased.

In Buddhism, decorative tattoos with bones and skulls are used as amulets that protect the wearer of such a tattoo from evil spells, demons and magic. In this culture, such a tattoo signifies the sacredness and transience of life.

In some other cultures, for example, in Mexico, such an image symbolizes reincarnation, rebirth.

In areas where people belong to the Christian denomination, tattoos with skulls mean sacrifice and forgiveness. A death's head or "Adam's head" with several crossed bones below means salvation from death, liberation.

In subcultures and castes

Among metalheads, goths and bikers, a skull tattoo is designed to scare away death, despite the fact that it symbolizes an old woman with a scythe. Also, subcultures often give this image a different meaning - truth, honesty before the Almighty and other people.

Sometimes a skull tattoo is associated with hatred, destruction and the willingness to stand up for yourself and loved ones.

This is interesting: in the world of criminals, people belonging to the thieves’ caste wear skullcaps. If a dagger or knife is stuck into it, this means that the owner of the tattoo will take revenge on the police after his release.

In the context. What do they do with, what do the combinations mean?

If the tattoo composition contains other objects in addition to the skull itself, such a tattoo acquires a secondary meaning. For example:

  1. If a rose or other flower is stuffed with the skull, this is a symbol of love and death, but if a ribbon with an inscription or name is added to these elements, this is a declaration of love to the grave, fidelity, a symbol of a death oath in blood.
  2. Snakes (sometimes a ball of snakes) next to a skull are a sign of immortality, intelligence and knowledge.
  3. If there is fire on a skull tattoo, it is a sign of hatred and courage.

Other decorative elements are often used with this symbol: weapons (pistols, knives and daggers), spider webs, flames, wings.

Much also depends on the design - the good-natured expression of the “face” of the skull means happiness and success, an evil look brings destruction with an apocalyptic, negative connotation.

In fact, no matter how you feel about skull tattoos, such an image carries only the meaning that you put into it.

Fear and disgust, peace, pain or a feeling of unity with the universe - everyone sees their own signs in this tattoo.

IN modern world, in times of a developed and continuing to develop cult of tattoos, many would not mind acquiring something really worthwhile. But, unfortunately, it happens that a large number of people, when applying any image to their body, do it purely because of the outwardly attractive picture.

Among the variety of tattoo images today you can find a skull with a rose. This slightly surprising drawing attracts with contrast and mixed feelings. Still, the rose is a universal symbol of beauty, and the image of a skull leads to dangerous and frightening associations.

In modern salons you can see a variety of photos of skull and rose tattoos, the various variations and colors of which determine the style of the image.

The relationship in the skull is peculiar - some peoples saw in it only a reflection of death and non-existence, others, on the contrary, used the head of the skeleton as a talisman against evil spirits. Pirates featured the Jolly Roger on their flags to intimidate their enemies; their flag symbolized destruction and freedom. And the Celtic tribes carefully preserved the skulls of the dead, believing that the souls of their ancestors lived in them. For many peoples, the skull served as a reminder of death and the transition to the eternal world, which also ensured veneration for this symbol.

Today, a skull tattoo does not evoke such reverent emotions, and more and more often you can find a skeleton head tattoo not only among fans of dark cults, but also among carefree people glamorous girls. Representatives of the fairer sex often put a tattoo of a skull with a rose on their back, on back side hands or on the shoulder. The meaning of the tattoo of a skull with a rose depends on the overall composition. For example, a skeleton head entwined with a rose or depicted with a flower lying nearby symbolizes the loss, the death of a loved one. Names often appear in such drawings.

The meaning of a tattoo of a skull with a rose in its teeth

You can also find another option - a skull with a rose in its teeth. This symbol speaks of the owner’s carefree nature, a predisposition to drive and courage. Sometimes such a design is surrounded by abstract additions or wings, a halo. This tattoo does not have a specific meaning, it simply demonstrates the imagination and individuality of the owner and decorates the body with unusual and eye-catching images.

Young people also wear a skull with a rose, but they tend to choose a more brutal or threatening option. For example, a skull with gloomy empty eye sockets, entwined with a rose bush; an image where a skull and roses are small elements of a complex composition.

Also, sometimes a skull with a rose is found in prison symbolism, but prison meaning of skull and rose tattoo are determined separately. That is, the skull means aggressiveness, fearlessness of death and cruelty, and the rose in most cases indicates that the owner of the tattoo came of age in a colony.

Still, there is no single definition of a tattoo of a skull with a rose, so every fan of this design can independently determine the meaning of their tattoo.

Finally, it should be said that there are 2 types of such tattoos, the meaning of which contradicts each other. A plucked rose in the teeth and a twining rose or a bush of roses enveloping a skull that grow naturally are completely opposite symbols.