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Facial features that indicate a very rich person. How the rich dress How rich people dress every day

A.B. The proverb about being greeted by your clothes is more than relevant today. If a person is unpleasant to look at, then you don’t want to deal with him.

D.K. Absolutely right. Clothing conveys certain information about a person to others. And a certain layer of people appeared who learned to read this information. Moreover, another layer of people has appeared who have learned to distinguish this information, that is, to distinguish the fake from the real. In the late 1980s, a professional black marketeer could tell by eye who was in front of him: a Frenchman, an American, a German, a Yugoslav, or our man “in the dark” of someone. And now this information is being read by a wider segment of the population. And people get involved in fashion and buy fashionable things precisely in order to be “read”, realizing that this is important.

Yes, but there are many expensive fashion brands, and among them there are “pop” ones, like Hugo Boss, for example, and there are “elite” ones, like Patrick Hellmann. What is the difference?

D.K. The fact is that in places like this they can convey to you the style and atmosphere of the brand. Everything we see in this boutique, for example, allows us to imagine some kind of complete character who could live here. That is, we see what he likes - what personalities he has, what he strives for. It’s not just that someone came up with the idea to hang just such photographs here, to make just such Lalik stained glass windows in the doors. It’s rare where you can feel such a seamless atmosphere, and this is very important, because if it’s not there, you get a conveyor belt that leaves you with the feeling that yes, you saved a lot, but at the same time you didn’t rest, and nothing new was handed to you.

What we're talking about is brand image?

D.K. A brand and those people who serve this brand create it. Therefore, it is dangerous when a gap arises between what is stated and how it is presented. If, for example, you pour expensive cognac into a Stolichnaya bottle, the taste may not change, but you won’t get any aesthetic pleasure from it. So it’s not enough to just tell a person: here are 25 suits, buy the one you want.

And by the way, returning to Hugo Boss, I must say that within this brand there is a division into more expensive and less expensive clothes, but in Russia they learned about this only four or five years ago. And before that, Boss clothing - a very average brand for clerks - was purchased by those who were trying to stand out from the masses in this way, to show their wealth. It was an attempt to move away from the “middle” into luxury, and from there even further, into luxury. And this is a very serious step.

That is, the brand hierarchy is a price hierarchy?

A.B. To a certain degree. Let's say we stopped bringing suits, which we sell very well in Germany and which cost around 500 euros. In Moscow we still have a number of these suits left, and our clients buy them for their security guards and drivers, but don’t want to wear them themselves, although in Europe these are suits for the middle class.

In general, we have several price niches that we supply within one brand. This means that, theoretically, a person, having started earning some money - having got a job in a large company - can dress with us on a relatively budget, from 35,000 rubles per suit. And then he has a chance to grow within one brand, without going anywhere and without looking for something that would correspond to his status when he starts earning more.

Are there “price victims” among the rich, where a person believes that he cannot afford to buy cheap things?

A.B. There aren't very many of them. The more a person earns, the more he begins to value money. If he has 100 employees, then increasing the salary by $100 for each of them is an increase in expenses by 10 thousand. And he understands all this perfectly, so he tries to squeeze out the maximum possible discounts, etc. (Smiles.)

And yet some part of the price that the rich pay for clothes is symbolic. Is this the price of prestige and image? Why do the rich pay extra?

D.K. For some difference from everything like that.

A.B. And because they sometimes come to their house with boots. (Smiles.)

That is, for convenience? Or is it for the image?

D.K. Both for convenience and for image. One image was created here, other brands have a different one. Apparently, everyone chooses what is closest to them and pays for it. After all, people choose those with whom it is easier, more interesting, who are closer to them in spirit; This is how relationships with this or that brand develop.

On the other hand, a person can change and move from one image to another. For example, Patrick Hellmann is a combination of English and Italian styles. And someone may choose a more strict one English style and accept the conditions of play on that field. Someone can get carried away and completely devote themselves to observing all the points of a particular style. Well, for example, in Switzerland it is considered bad taste among bankers to wear a striped suit: some seller of expensive real estate can afford it, but a banker cannot.

Should we follow such laws? We don’t yet have such rigid established traditions, and therefore everything here is more interesting and varied.

What do you need to always maintain a perfect appearance? Is it really just money? Money, of course, plays a huge role in this matter - you can buy expensive clothes, equipment, buy expensive medicines and personal care products. But without inner willpower and striving for excellence Any capital is worthless!

We recommend that all people who do not have the means to emphasize that you have willpower. This power is amazing, thanks to it even a person with little means can look luxurious. Because the secret is different... Thoughtful actions always give good results.

Image consultant Silvie di Giusto believes: it doesn’t matter how much you earn. What matters is the amount of self-confidence you exude. Sylvie's clients include managers of large corporations such as McKinsey, BMW and Thomas Cook.

How to look rich

Even without a million in your pocket, you can look like your life is at a high level of prosperity. It is beneficial for everyone to give the impression of a decent, well-earning, responsible person, and, as you can see, not much is needed for this!

Don’t forget: yours is the first thing that other people pay attention to, so make sure it suits you. Show these 7 useful tips friends!

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Habits and luxuries of rich people

In any society there are different segments of the population. People can be divided by many factors, but one of the most striking factors is the level of wealth. Rich people can literally be seen from afar, and their lifestyle is significantly different. The habits and luxuries of rich people are amazing, and some even cause undisguised envy. This is not the best feeling, but you can take example from rich people, imitate them and look up to them, especially if you like this lifestyle.

Who is a rich man

Let's look at who a rich person is before we lift the veil of secrecy about the lives of rich people. In the usual understanding of this term, a rich person is a person who has a large amount material assets. Wealth can be not only material, but also spiritual or family. In this article we look at the habits of people who are financially rich.

Rich people are people who have income significantly above average. If in your region the average salary is 35,000 rubles per month, then a truly rich person either already has a significant amount or receives at least 7-10 times more than the average. Material wealth is not only money that comes in, but also money that is already available.

A rich person has a sufficient amount of material assets behind him that can fully support his life. This includes real estate, antiques and collectibles, precious metals, products, etc. A “millionaire” can also be an ordinary poor person, for example, living in Moscow in an apartment worth 7-10 million.

But such a person cannot be called rich, even taking into account the cost of his home. A rich person has many material assets, and in this case, an expensive apartment is the only thing the “millionaire” has in his heart.

How to spot a rich person

There are many myths surrounding rich people. Most main myth- Rich people don't work. If it were so, then it is unlikely that they would become rich unless they received an inheritance or won the lottery.

Rich people don't just work, they often work even harder and harder than everyone else. Surveys have shown that wealthy people in America work an average of 50-55 hours a week when middle class only works 40-45 hours.

Rich people may be incredibly busy, but they have more freedom with their time. The reason for their vacation 3-4 times a year and numerous foreign trips is not only money, but also their approach to life.

They are busy not because they work for food/shelter, they are busy for another reason - they like their work, and it brings them a huge income. Therefore, they can afford to vacation in Cyprus, the Philippines or luxury ski resorts in the Alps.

You are unlikely to be able to find out the exact work schedule of a person, so you should not focus on his employment. But you can determine a rich person by his lifestyle. There are exceptions, such as, for example, the founder of the IKEA chain, Ingvar Kamprad.

He is a very rich man, but leads an ascetic lifestyle and still drives a Volvo 240, released in 1993. But if we do not take into account rare exceptions, then rich people are always betrayed by their lifestyle.

Lifestyle manifests itself in both small and global things. You can spot a rich person even just by his suit or watch. An expensive car is an ambiguous indicator. You need to pay attention to the details.

A car, even an expensive one, can be taken on credit as a necessary thing that clearly emphasizes one’s status. But few people will take out a loan of 10-20 thousand dollars to buy a watch or a nice suit. However, among cars there are some brands that are typical only for truly rich people:

  • Porsche;
  • Bentley;
  • Ferrari;
  • Maybach;

Cars of the brands Mercedes, BMW, Land Rover, etc. can belong to both rich people and people with sufficient income. Rich people are also known for their expensive vintage cars. Some rich people are fond of collecting antiques, including rare cars.

It is ideal if you can observe a person for a while or look at his life story. Where a person goes to eat, where he gets his hair cut and where he rests - all this reveals rich people, even those who hide their wealth. Pay attention to where the person gets his hair cut. The level of salon and prices characterizes a person, as does the regularity of visiting such places.

The same can be said about nutrition. This includes not only expensive restaurants, but also proper nutrition, which includes a lot of fish, meat and fresh vegetables/fruits even in winter.

A person’s place of residence is also a controversial indicator. As a rule, expensive houses or apartments are expensive for a reason, but because of their high quality or excellent location. Simply wealthy people can buy such things, because this is a global issue of comfort. But there is also a certain sign where a person lives. Pay attention to the details of the apartment or house, as well as the materials and equipment used.

Pets bring joy not only to ordinary people, but also to the rich. There are very expensive breeds of dogs or cats, but rich people also choose classic breeds. The difference is not so much in the breeds as in the approach.

Rich people spend a lot more money on their animals. The pet is always well-groomed, and a personal doctor can be responsible for its health. Due to the catastrophic lack of time, animals are often cared for not by the person himself, but by his family or specially hired people.

How rich people dress

Many rich people dress in branded items. Among the brands you can find both expensive, but very common and relatively “affordable” Lacoste, and truly expensive clothes. If you don’t know much about brands, then pay attention to the freshness of the clothes. Rich people tend to frequently update their wardrobes and rarely wear second-hand clothes.

Rich people's favorite brands include:

  • Hermes;
  • Ralph Lauren;
  • Versace;
  • Burberry;
  • Armani;

For the common man, these clothes may look simply stylish, but rich people value them for their high quality. These are all factory-made clothes, but rich people often resort to custom-made clothes. Especially it concerns men's suits and women's evening dresses.

Rich people simply cannot be satisfied with mass-produced clothes and prefer clothes tailored exactly to their figure. Some rich people even have a personal tailor on staff who adjusts their clothes from time to time.

There are also supporters among rich people Casual style, buying T-shirts and sweaters for up to 30 euros apiece. For example, the creator social network FaceBook - Mark Zuckerberg, wears fairly cheap T-shirts with regular pants. Another no less famous billionaire, Steve Jobs, paid absolutely no attention to appearance or brands, so he appearance Everyone remembers him for his cheap black turtlenecks.


It is much easier to identify a rich person by his accessories than by his clothes. The two most important accessories that tell you everything about a person are a phone and a watch. This applies to both sexes. Rich people prefer two brands of phones: Apple and BlackBerry.

There are status phones, for example, Vertu, but these are for real connoisseurs. Rich people prefer to use the latest models of devices, but they do this not as a tribute to fashion, but because of their functionality and convenience.

To identify a rich person using watches, you need to understand them. For a rich person, a watch is not only a decoration on the wrist, even if its owner is a woman, but also a working tool. Rich people value their time like no other and know its value. A watch should not only be beautiful, but also accurate and reliable.

One of the most expensive watches in the world is the 201-carat Chopard, costing more than 25 million. Again, this is an accessory for connoisseurs and extreme. Rich people know how to count their money, and most often the watch on their wrist costs between 10-60 thousand euros. Agree, for common man this amount is astronomical, but for a rich person this is the average price for a watch. Watches from the following popular brands fall into this price category:

  • Patek Philippe;
  • Breguet;
  • Frank Muller;
  • Audemars Piguet;
  • Jaeger-LeCoultre;

Patek Philippe brand watches are in high demand among rich people in Russia. For example, Alisher Usmanov has such watches - the Perpetual Calendar 5140 model, and Vagit Alekperov has the Chronograph 5170 model. Leonid Mikhelson wears the Classique Grande Reverso model from the Jaeger-LeCoultre brand. The most popular Breguet model is the Marine Chronograph, owned by several millionaires. All watches are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty, high-quality workmanship and reliable mechanism.

Expensive watches have always been the subject of copying. You need to be able to tell the difference between a copy and an original to get an idea of ​​the person. Even a layman can distinguish a cheap copy, but some copies of expensive watches can also be “expensive” and cost 1-2 thousand euros. Therefore, it is better to consider the watch in total with other indicators of a rich person.


A person's hobbies can also reveal their income level. Golf and other games of millionaires are a stereotype. Rich people tend to be very busy and therefore have a hard time finding time to play. But they may have a hobby on which they spend a lot of money.

Using the example of Oleg Tinkov (Russia) or Andrey Onistrat (Ukraine), we see that rich people take care of their health. We can say that health is a hobby of rich people. If you see that a person closely monitors his health and spends a lot of money and time on it, then remember that this is one of the signs of rich people.

They say that the rich have their own quirks. One of these fads is collecting. If a person is interested in collecting something, not necessarily very expensive, such as coins or knives, then there is a chance that this is a rich person. Some rich people are not just interested in collecting, they invest money in it. Investing in antiques and art is very common among the wealthy.

The habits and luxuries of rich people betray even the secretive rich. Hiding wealth in Russia, and throughout the world, is a very common habit. There are exceptions - people who literally “shout” about their wealth. For example, people who use real gold to decorate their phones or cars. And the rest of the rich people are distinguished from the crowd by their lifestyle.

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We have put together rules that will allow you to save money and look no less luxurious at the same time.

Pay attention to the lining

When buying clothes, inspect the lining - on high-quality clothes the lining is invisible, neatly sewn and does not peek out from under the clothes.

Check the pattern on the seams

Pay attention to whether the pattern fits together at the seams of the product. Do not buy an item if the pattern is broken: this indicates the manufacturer’s desire to save on fabric. Such clothes will look cheap.

Pay attention to the composition of the item

Pay attention to modern materials. For example, neoprene, which is present even in the most budget brands. And also for textured fabrics - tweed, cotton and linen. Such things look expensive, even if they cost little.

Opt for faux suede

Faux suede looks more expensive than faux leather, so go for it with confidence.

Avoid exposed zippers

Often the quality of a product is revealed by the fittings. It is the open zippers in inexpensive clothes that indicate the cost of the item. If the zipper is visible, then its color and all its elements must match the fabric. Except in cases where the external zipper is a design element, it should be covered with a placket.

Opt for pointed-toe shoes

Bright pumps in the mass market look just as beautiful as in luxury brands, and pointed ballet flats and heels in black or nude will suit any office look.

Give the impression of being tailor-made

Only an expensive brand can afford good patterns, which create the impression that this item is unique and made specifically for the owner.

Therefore, the main thing is a neat appearance:

  • never wear wrinkled things
  • things should not be twisted or sloppily fastened
  • Clothes should keep their shape and fit
  • Avoid models with folds, this gives away the product intended for mass consumption

Pay attention to the bag

Give preference to neutral tones: black, white, beige, and shades precious stones, for example, sapphire and malachite. Such colors in combination with artificial leather look more advantageous than bright and pastel shades.

Don't buy bags with contrasting stitching, fringes, pleats or embroidery (such details hide poor quality, such as the fact that the product is sewn from pieces).

Nothing gives away an inexpensive bag more than cheap fittings: most often, expensive bags do not have a zipper.

A bag with a rigid shape will last longer and look more like a designer item.

Don't get carried away with decorative elements

Lace in designer items is strikingly different from what you can buy in the mass market. Give preference to a small lace element, it will add femininity to the look. There is a strict rule for rhinestones and sparkles - they have the right to life only in couture outfits.

Avoid earthy tones

Avoid basic items in dark colors. These shades fade quickly, so opt for bright tones, jewel tones and pastel colors.

Tuck in your clothes

A tucked-in shirt gives a collected look. Worth giving up fashion styles, in which there is sloppiness - grunge, boho or hippie. Stick to classic, romantic and casual styles.

Add gold

A simple way to look stylish without extra costs is to give preference simple image(For example, White T-shirt and boyfriend jeans) and add gold jewelry or quality gold-plated jewelry.