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Short quatrains about a kindergarten teacher. Short poems for Happy Teacher's Day

Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected the best poems for the day of teachers and all preschool workers on September 27. Teach them to your children and congratulate the kindergarten teacher.

Poems for a teacher

Teacher and assistant teacher!
We will definitely congratulate you today!
In the nursery group the kids are smiling,
You are due gratitude for this.

You replace the mother of our Little Ones.
With you, the children don’t get bored at the window,
And they play, learn useful things,
And they go towards an interesting world!

In quiet time you never rest,
You cover babies and little ones tenderly.
For mother's heartfelt care
Thank you too! Childhood is a fleeting time.

Only the first teacher for a child,
Like a mother who raised him from the cradle.
Let parents value decency.
Life preschool worker will change!

So that the state values ​​​​educators,
Their problems were treated more attentively.
Congratulations on this wonderful date.
For good - good will definitely return!
(I. Samarina)

To educators kindergarten

You are not just teachers for children,
You completely replace their mother.
They don't need sweet candies
If you are happy, your soul is comfortable!

For children, the main thing is care,
And care, attention day after day.
Teacher is a difficult job
If the house is full of wards!

We are grateful to you for your efforts,
For children's smiles and laughter!
Let problems and worries
Everyone will be left behind!

We wish you good health,
A lot of strength, perseverance and kindness.
May your children greet you with love
And they never forget!

(E. Sokolovskaya)

Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!

Educator - what a word!
It contains light, goodness, warmth.
Who will make the children happy with the game?
Who will scold them not at all evil?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!
We wish you to be happy!


Child education -

Not an easy job
We need to teach the child

All the basics of life.

So that the child gets dressed

And he understood art,
Knew what was bad and what was not,

Developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world,

The teacher in him is an idol,
Helps kids

Substituting for Mother's Day.

Today we should celebrate

Educators of the country!
May their dreams come true

They will turn into reality from a fairy tale!

Like a mother for the kids

Like a mother for the kids
They don't have a soul.
Her kind, gentle look
He meets them in the morning.

You, without knowing it,
Give them your soul.
We wish you happiness in life
And obedient children!

A teacher with a kind heart

Little kids need care
There's a whole lot of trouble with them.
And only a teacher with a kind heart
He will find the key to every little one.

Thank you for your kindness and care,
For treating children like family.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day and good health
We want to wish you today.

Congratulations to the teachers!

We praise the teachers!
Congratulations on this bright day!
Oh, the work is not easy...
You are a reliable hand
Moms and dads of all generations.
Happiness, joyful moments!
And the cheerful children's laughter -
This is the best gift ever!

(E. Kravchenko)

For nannies

Cleanliness is the key to health.
This truth is old.
We congratulate you very friendly
It's time for our nannies.

Look: everything is clean.
Mop, rag and water
In their hands, like artists -
Circus tightrope walkers,
They always surprise us.

We wish you good health
And spiritual purity.
Your rare class
We call it with love -
“Genius of pure beauty!”

(L. Nevskaya)

Educator from God

Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?
By the number of years lived?
Well, if you are full of vigor,
If you love white light,
If you filled the world with colors,
Where black is missing,
If you don't skimp on caresses
And dreamy, like a poet,
If you strive for something new,
And you are not attracted to peace,
Then you are a teacher from God,
Always remain like this.

Your work is more important than anything else in the world!

Your work is more important than anything else in the world -
We have been convinced of this more than once.
Thank you! After all, our children
Grew up in your arms;
Yes, here they are, very big!
And that’s why you can’t remain silent:
And I tell you from my heart:
Happy Teacher's Day, friends!

Our favorite kindergarten!

This kindergarten is the best
The best on Earth
Like nowhere else, they will teach a song,
You can sing even in your sleep.

Hello teachers
And health for a hundred years!

Preschool happiness

Who is loved so much by “why”
And do they respect fidgets?
Who do the kids reach for?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
All children know: the teacher -
All the best before school!

Dear educators

From happy dads and moms:
What should we do with the children?
If they hadn't given it to you?
We're half an hour away that morning.
And three hours into the night
We all cry from inability
To teach a son or a daughter.
How about all the days of the week?
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
To graze our offspring?
To understand their quirks,
Their ignorance is tolerable...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Nursery teachers

You accepted our children as babies,
Who still speak poorly.
They diligently eat themselves with spoons,
But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,
We have to explain a lot to them:
And how to wash and do exercises,
Go to the potty and fall asleep at nap time.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,
Distract, calm, understand, regret.
Learn how to move together to music,
Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,
We know that the kids are in good hands.
For your love and for your care,
We are grateful to you for your work from the bottom of our hearts!

(E. Chernykh)

You give us joy and care

You give us joy and care,
Although sometimes it's not easy,
And every day, at any time of the year
We are happy, cozy and warm with you!
Thank you for your love and understanding,
After all, the kindergarten has become a second home for us!
May your wishes come true,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Visit the kindergarten

Check out the kindergarten!
Yes, everyone is happy to see -
The toys are neat here,
They stand like a string.

We sing and we dance.
In general, we live a fun life.
We go for a walk together.
And we are growing quietly!

Our mothers take us away.
And their soul is calm.
In kindergarten it’s true,
Our life is so good.

Congratulations to everyone today,
Who dedicated his life to children.
Health and wellness to you!
Lots of joy and strength!

The one who is truly friends with childhood,
Never gets old!
We say thank you!
Be happy always!

(T. Shapiro)

It's not easy to be a teacher

It's not easy to be a teacher
Teach kids.
What is needed here is not so much strict,
How sensitive to be.
Gently, kindly guide,
Smile, cheer,
Something to help fix
Or explain again.
Repeat more than once, not twice,
Fasten again five times...
In short, not everyone
You can become a teacher!

The teacher is next to us

How many different professions are there:
It’s impossible to count them all at once.
There are cooks, divers,
There are pilots and artists.

And the teacher is waiting for the children
At the threshold of kindergarten.
He is a magician, he is a creator
A good fairy tale for the guys.

The teacher is next to us
Always in kindergarten
We don't think about mom
We are not afraid of trouble with him!

He will hug, caress,
He'll take you for a walk.
Makes you laugh and plays
And he will always understand the guys.

A teacher is like a mother,
The most reliable friend for us.
You and I are always with him
The group is a friendly family!

(E. Ranneva)

You are a teacher

You are a teacher. This means
What's in your tender heart and soul
Keep so much warmth and light,
That there will be more than enough for all the children.

Who in this difficult time of ours
Can work with small children
He must bear the burden patiently:
Raise them to be good people.

You serve as an example to your children
Reliability, peace, beauty.
For them, little ones, you are, of course, the first
Teacher of purity and kindness.

Your talents will never cease to amaze:
You are artists, poets and singers.
May all your pupils become
The same as you, which means well done.

May your life always be happy,
We have no reason to doubt anything.
And be desirable and beautiful
For your lovely loving men!

(N. Kiseleva)

Songs about a teacher

Kindergarten teachers

(To the tune of the song “Smile”)

We take our children to kindergarten.
We are worried because we don’t care about them.
But when we bring them back,
Smiles make their anxiety subside.

After all, about them, for sure,
Taken care of bye
Mom and Dad were at work.
The teachers are there
They will follow and help us,
So that your little tummy is always full.

Parents have one dream -
So that the child is smart and healthy.
Let spring bloom in his soul,
Let him grow up strong, kind and cheerful.

And about him, for sure,
Taken care of bye
Mom and Dad didn't come home from work.
We worked there with the children,
And they will learn
Sing songs, dance and draw with pleasure.

(L. Losev)

Song about a teacher

(To the tune of “Songs about Dad”)

So many interesting songs
There are about grandmothers, fathers and mothers.
There were no songs about teachers -
We are giving them to you today!

We go to kindergarten, we go to kindergarten
Every morning.
The teacher meets us
Over and over again.
Here are toys and cribs -
It's like we're at home
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!

She has a hard time with us -
We don't listen and we don't sleep.
But on Saturday we will tell mom:
We want to go to the kindergarten teacher!

We go to kindergarten, we go to kindergarten
Every morning.
The teacher meets us
Over and over again.
Here are toys and cribs -
It's like we're at home
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!

Waltz of the Educators

There are many different professions in the world,
And each has its own charm.
But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful
Than the one I work for!

Teachers, teachers,
How much sensitivity and tenderness you have.
Teachers, teachers,
This waltz sounds just for you.

And if the poet is rewarded with praise,
Or they praise the artist, the doctor,
I am happy because recently
I raised them with love!

I am proud of the astronauts of our country.
And everyone is happy to fly to the stars.
I know I'll definitely go to the moon
They will send you to work in kindergarten.

We are educators

(To the tune of the song “And yet the sea”, music by Jan Frenkel, lyrics by I. Shaferan)

You say - mine,
You say - construction,
You say - space:
This is all serious, but -
But still the kindergarten
The kindergarten will remain
And we will never live without him.

After all, every geologist
And every nerd
And even a scientist
Among many books
Couldn't show up
Without education
And it’s the kindergarten that’s where they start.

That's why we all
Found this case.
And a better share
We're unlikely to find it.
We ended up here
Of my own free will
And that's why we're going to eat today.

We are educators
We are obligated
Love for your profession.
We have a task -
All our knowledge is
For raising children.

Song about teachers

(To the tune of the song “Five Minutes”)

Our service is both dangerous and difficult
No other work compares to hers.
We are the souls of our particle
We give to children little by little!
Our life is full of worries and difficulties!

Every day, every hour
We give our hearts to children
And we are for everyone
In response to the future!
For children to grow
Don't be sad, but have fun!
To bloom with smiles
On happy children's faces,
We must every day
Every day and every hour
Everybody work selflessly!

Our song is funny, fly
And to whomever you meet along the way,
Tell me how we are all together
We gathered today with a song,
There is no way for us without songs and without friendship!

In general, we pay 1,986 rubles per month, but now a law has been introduced in Novocheboksarsk that we pay for the month in advance; for August and September, 3,965 rubles were charged. So this is how we live in Novocheboksarsk. We live in Yakutsk. payment once a month 3700 Thanks for the article! Very interesting and useful! Soon, on September 27, we will celebrate an important day for all mothers

professional holiday – Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. Surely you (along with other parents) have already prepared gifts for them. But I want the child to take part in the congratulations! What should I do? We have some great ideas on how to combine

Anti-stress coloring book)) we have a wonderful nanny and teacher, we gathered on Tuesday whoever could in the morning, more than half of the mommies turned out and even one daddy) we collected 100 rubles in total, one cake was baked by mommy, she bakes to order, we bought two small ones at Ikea , but very beautiful orchid bushes, and I knit to order and spent 2 evenings knitting 2 stoles as a gift and memory and will keep them warm now in the fall) they packed everything in beautiful bags and presented them) it turned out that it was unexpected for them, the teachers were very happy, and we were very pleased) it turns out that for the first time in 36 years they congratulated us like this, and the cake for the first time and scarves) usually sweets and flowers) and by the way, that day in the morning I didn’t see the children with flowers, as on the day of knowledge. September 1) for example, then there were a lot of children in the morning with bouquets) We don’t have a second teacher yet, while they are looking for a worthy candidate, without experience they are afraid of the nursery, they think it’s difficult, but our nanny and teacher worked for 36 and 37 years in the nursery and retired We’re not ready to go and we’re not ready to part with our children) here are more of these for our children on the way to educators, nannies and teachers later in school! Who love both their work and children and cannot imagine their life without children) Bronevik
How interesting, I didn’t even know about such publications. I came up with an idea to give teachers something from periodicals for employees preschool education . I became interested and started searching - it turned out that quite a lot of literature is published specifically for educators, but in kindergartens they don’t really finance the costs of method literature, I think. I couldn’t choose myself, apparently I had to knowledgeable people
Maybe one of the forum members donated magazines or magazine subscriptions for educators?
We have very good teachers and a nanny, as they say from God. From the group itself we usually give certificates somewhere for 500 rubles each. Personally, I think that this is very small; we have a large group of 27 children. On all holidays, I always personally congratulate two teachers and a nanny. On New Year She gave me a box of ferreiro rochers and a bottle of champagne and put it all in beautiful bags. For my birthday I gave hair and body care kits. This year, just the other day, I gave a Korean skate and mist to my teacher for his birthday. It doesn't seem bad to me, but maybe someone can suggest more
oh, what a bribe, here you write in plain text to the PA (naturally, first to the manager - you get a reply) that we need this and that (in our case, we only asked to replace the linoleum in the bedroom - the rest of the group update is at our expense), this it costs so much - we are ready to bear the financial costs, but help a little - you get a reply again and everything is fine, the garden administration still does not “sit”, although they look at the “writers” very negatively, but oh well.

We decided to give certificates to the Golden Apple.
Everything is possible, of course. I have heard more than once at meetings about inadequate parents, and such stories that you wonder why these people are “free”

But if I give a gift, how can this be framed as a bribe? What is the bribe for? They don't provide me with any services...

Added after 36 seconds:
And our kindergarten does not cost 700 rubles, our payment for food is 1680 per month, it’s strange that in Russia it’s different Night

we were told that now even a box of chocolates is fraught with danger. It’s not for nothing that all government websites have a section on the fight against corruption. Everything can be summed up under the article.

What is the payment? Gossadiq, regular 700 rub.
I don’t think anyone gave it to the manager. They banned everyone, they also forbade anyone from buying anything for the group.

You're laughing in vain, it starts from the center and reaches the periphery. I suspect that we will soon hear many high-profile cases of teachers taking bribes.
Mom of the Wonderful Toddlers

money is definitely a bribe

I want to say that those who write “we will still give” are great, of course, but the teacher, when he is imprisoned, will probably say “thank you,” because there will always be someone who will inform.
Be careful.

What is the payment? Gossadiq, regular 700 rub.
We will congratulate our teachers on Friday. And we’ll go with the child to the group with our previous teacher.
And I really want to believe that in our group the teachers are not so selfish when it comes to money. And they, like most people, value the attention and help of parents in working together with children in some competitions, in weekly crafts that they go to and check in end of the week.
"Girls, the holiday is on Sunday, and when is it better to congratulate? Friday or Monday?" I agree with OlesyaVova’s question Who said, that good tea
Is it worth 300 rubles?
We gave a bouquet of different types of tea.
It cost significantly more.

And not everything in our life is measured by money Poems for a teacher - original selection

from the editors of the site "Your". The presented children's poems about kindergarten teachers will be an excellent gift for Teacher's Day!

September 27 is a new national holiday “Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers.”

The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Education Workers was established in 2004 on the initiative of a number of all-Russian pedagogical publications.

Poems for a teacher

Teacher and assistant teacher!
We will definitely congratulate you today!
In the nursery group the kids are smiling,
You are due gratitude for this.

You replace the mother of our Little Ones.
With you, the children don’t get bored at the window,
And they play, learn useful things,
And they go towards an interesting world!

In quiet time you never rest,
You cover babies and little ones tenderly.
For mother's heartfelt care
Thank you too! Childhood is a fleeting time.

Only the first teacher for a child,
Like a mother who raised him from the cradle.
Let parents value decency.
The first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1863. Together with her husband, Adelaida Semenovna Simonovich, a great enthusiast and visionary, founded it. Her establishment accepted children 3-8 years old. The “garden” program included outdoor games, construction, and even a Homeland Studies course. But this was not enough for Simonovich, and she began publishing a special magazine, “Kindergarten.”

So that the state values ​​​​educators,
Their problems were treated more attentively.
Congratulations on this wonderful date.
For good - good will definitely return!

The life of a preschool worker will change!

Irina Samarina-Labyrinth
Maybe it just became habitual for us,
But you can't help but see it,
What do teachers usually do?
Tired eyes in the evening.
We don't know what it is -
Children are a restless swarm.
You won’t find peace here with just one,
Not like with this family.
This one is funny, and this one looks askance,
That fighter is already starting a fight.
What about questions?! A thousand questions
And everyone requires an answer.
How much affection and care do you need?
Help everyone and understand everyone,
Grateful and difficult work -
Replace mom every day.
Mom is not worried at work -
Children's voices are cheerful.
After all, they always watch the kids


Kind, tired eyes.
From happy dads and moms:
Dear educators
What should we do with the children?
If they hadn't given it to you?
We're half an hour away that morning.
And three hours into the night
We all cry from inability
To teach a son or a daughter.
How about all the days of the week?
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
To graze our offspring?
To understand their quirks,
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight


And die of boredom!
Everything was there: roads and hardships,
And the light of the sun and the light of your beloved eyes:
I look back on the past years
After all, it was you who planted it in my soul
Love for the earth, for those living on earth,
To native forests and abundant fields,
And to the warm aromas of poplars.
I took you as an example,
I came to you for advice,
The reward was the look of your living eyes,
You gave me so much warmth and light,
That's enough to warm ten people.
And you managed to breathe into me -
Always go forward
And see the light of the promised goal,
And don't be afraid of any adversity.
You give it all great job,
You awaken a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for living
Here's to the beauty of your deeds and thoughts!


This bread is underbaked
Undercooked porridge -
The shortcomings of our kitchen
We give it to your kitchen.
We rely on your troublesome agility,
We supply raw materials, and only rely on you.
You have to add this to make it just right
The honey of goodness and the salt of perseverance.
How many stubborn fathers will tell you in an absurd argument?
“Here you need to add salt - Teacher, salt!”
Maternal advice will be the same from year to year.
"Add more honey - Teacher, honey!"
All kinds of authorities will send you their orders.
“More oil!”, “Pour in some water!”,
"Do everything you need to do right away!"
Stock up on courage and keep your brand.
Approach the matter boldly - it will not go down the drain.
So that the bread is amazing! The best gingerbreads -
From a notorious rogue, from any naughty girl.


Performed by role.
Dialogue at 7 am
Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock:
- Daughter, daughter, breakfast is ready.
- Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer.
- But I won’t wake you up later,
Wake up? get up, it's time to go to kindergarten.
- Oh, I don’t want to go there!

It's 9 in the morning,
And on the threshold there is already a nurse.
We are faced with problem number 1:
- We have diphtheria, we have quarantine.
We need to quickly run through the garden,
As soon as possible, gather the nannies together.
Bleach and soap, brushes, water.
The SES will rush to us - trouble will happen.
9.15 - the phone rings:
— The event should be given to the district.
The problem again - everyone needs to be collected,
Decide quickly what to show.
10.00 - like a steam locomotive,
The caretaker comes to my door:
- There is no heating, the basement is drowning!
I didn’t get the pipes or plumbing!
Problem again. I'm calling the housing and communal services department,
Maybe it will help in some way.
12.15 - I write the report card,
I need to hand it in, I’m in a hurry.
13.00 - I have a teachers' meeting,
We need to give people good advice.
14.30 - I run to the city center.
There, of course, I will get everything for everything,
But I’ll grab the directions there.
17.00 - I go into the office,
There is my cold, sour lunch.
I just can't eat
I quickly run to the meeting.
A lot of parents will come to visit,
They are worried about the children waiting for them.
I'll tell them everything in detail,
I’ll show them the kindergarten groups.
18.15 - the phone rings,
Tomorrow the whole region will come to visit us.
19.00 - the watchman has left,
He found a more expensive job.
- What should I do? What do i do?
Where can I get a new watchman?
Until I found a man to take the place,
I came home late at night.
I just closed my eyes,
I heard my mother's voice:
- Daughter, get up, it’s time to go to kindergarten,
All the kids are already going to the kindergarten.
- No! There's no way I'm going there!
I'd rather die, drown, shoot myself!!!
Mom (quietly): “Daughter, you need to -
You’re the head of a kindergarten!”

Who teaches without sparing effort,
country of the greatest generation?
In whom the ardor of daring has not cooled?
Who are the daily struggles

He erected it in honor for a man,
Wasting your health every hour?
Who does the halo shine over?
Who always looks great?

Of course! Educator! Yes!
Humane, wise and calm,
Always guarding conscience
Handsome, strict and worthy!

So let it be in this bright hour
People give you compliments.
You are the salt of the earth! We love you!
Applause sounds for you!

Delight and heartbeats for you!
We wish you success in everything!
Big paycheck, finally!
Health, happiness, light, laughter!

Eyes wide open, a little shy,
Like in a fairy tale they enter a kindergarten where
It's like a fairy greets them
WITH with a magic wand in hand.

How difficult it is to be a “daytime mom”
For two dozen kids,
Daytime mom!, - oddly enough,
But it suits her so well.

And in life bright and beautiful,
Like in a fairy tale, what will he tell them,
She lives in a happy country,
Where there are no problems, where everyone is loved.

Where the evil sorcerer is always on fire,
And all the princesses are good,
And the knight is there with luck in tandem
Love is in a hurry to save its own.

You'll burst into laughter until you hiccup,
When words are distorted
And baby babble is like notes -
The plot of the new outline.

Where evil lives side by side with good
And beauty rushes into the house,
All this is called childhood,
And this is a moment lived in him.

The baby will share his happiness with her,
What suddenly arrived on its own,
Offense, - a cloud in bad weather,
A minute later it is light again.

So, decorating with tinsel
Such an incomprehensible adult world,
Keeps them childish,
After all, they will have to survive in it.

And in the round dance of children's eyes,
Their pure thoughts and desires,
It will cleanse itself more than once,
Coming as if to a TEMPLE FOR REPENTANCE!

Ryapolova Elena
Poems about the teacher

Good evening, dear guests of my page! Last year I took part in the First Kursk (regional) stage All-Russian competition « Educators of Russia» , where she received a third degree diploma. In my distant childhood, like probably many of you, I tried my hand at poetry. When I was about to participate in the competition, I decided to think a little, formalizing my thoughts in poetry. I present them to your attention.

A simple word - teacher,

And how much is contained in it?:

Helper, protector, friend,

And mom and dad are at the same time.

I chose this profession by chance.

Now I know – it’s not better to find.

And with every new year I am convinced,

That I'm on the right path!

I came to kindergarten to work,

I learned to be more tolerant and wiser.

And create comfort and show care,

And become necessary for children.

Bring up children are such a joy.

Give smiles, warm with warmth.

Learn by playing, develop, strive

Always be an example in everything.

What is the most important thing in my work?

So that the children's world becomes more beautiful and kinder.

So that every child is happy and valuable

In its uniqueness.

When they believe you, they greet you with a smile,

They give the warmth of their eyes.

Feel children's souls with your heart

This is the main order for me.

Time passes, children grow up,

And we accompany the children to school.

Graduates come and don’t forget

And their parents "Thank you" They say

The kids are sleeping, quietly in the group.

There is time to dream.

What will the kindergarten be like?

About twenty-five years from now.

I want this to be the place

Where there is a whole ocean of happiness.

Easy, free, interesting,

The kids had fun.

There will be no resentment, anxiety, anger,

Every child there is a creator,

Thinker, experimenter,

Explorer, dreamer, sage.

Responsible and difficult work -

For a day the children can replace their mother,

Give love and surround with care,

Learn to play, communicate and make friends.

We do everything together: build, draw,

We read and teach fairy tales poetry,

We play, sing and dance cheerfully,

We resolve conflicts, trust dreams.

I try to reveal all the childish talents,

Create conditions for the ability to manifest.

Prepare for school "Great",

And the main thing is to be unique.

Publications on the topic:

Publication about the competition on the website of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” In order to increase the social significance of the teaching professions and form a unified one.

Hello, dear colleagues! Sometimes I write poetry. Poems are said loudly, so I rhyme the words according to their meaning. I'll paraphrase the songs when I'm at it.

"Teacher of the Year of the Berezovsky District - 2015" In February last year, she took part in the municipal professional competition "Teacher.

Essay “My thoughts on the teaching profession” I am an educator. Educator. Teacher. What is this? Profession, specialty, vocation, way of life? V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “To become real.

Report-presentation on the achievements of our group for the 2014–2015 academic year. The group is attended by 22 children. The group created all the conditions for the successful development of each child. Development is carried out according to five main ones.

Regulations on the competition “Best vegetable garden on a windowsill 2015” Regulations on the competition “Best vegetable garden on a windowsill 2015” 1. General provisions 1.1 These Regulations determine the organization procedure.

Regulations on holding the municipal stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia-2016” APPROVED by Order No. 6 of 02/05/2016. REGULATIONS on holding the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia-2016.

Goal: To form in children preschool age moral and patriotic feelings. Improve your emotionally positive attitude.