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Officials gave a blind Sakhalin resident a TV (well, almost). The Social Insurance Fund donated a TV to a blind Sakhalin resident

Stepan Papilyan. Photo from

The Social Insurance Fund gave a television to Stepan Papilyan, a blind disabled person from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, activist of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF), Papilyan himself told reporters. According to the man, he cannot get to the local management of the foundation to return the gift because he does not have a cane and it is difficult for him to move around the city.

"A strange gift, considering that I already have enough for a long time they cannot provide rehabilitation means - a cane and a thermometer that reads the temperature. These are necessary things, necessary for my life, but they brought a TV. But even if I want to return it, I won’t be able to get to the regional leadership of the Foundation - I don’t have a cane and it will be difficult for me to move around Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,” says Stepan Papilyan. “However, the tragedy is not that I am blind, the tragedy is that officials do not think at all about what they are doing.”

Stepan happily gave a tour of the streets located near the house. As it turned out, at the intersection of Kariernaya and Ukrainskaya, it was in response to his numerous requests that a pedestrian crossing was installed; before that, accidents with pedestrians regularly occurred at the intersection. However, the activist fights not only for linear meters of sidewalks and signs for pedestrians - he actively corresponds with authorities about public procurement for the needs of people with disabilities, and works in the garden.

“I would be glad if on Kariernaya Street and the alley to Michurina Street they made asphalt with sidewalks for the blind, since even going to the store is a test for me,” Stepan added at the end of the meeting.

September 6, 19:09 The Social Insurance Fund stated that they gave Papilyan not a TV, but a video enlarger, which he is entitled to under an individual rehabilitation program, since he is visually impaired.
“This is not a TV. This is an electronic video enlarger, which is required under an individual rehabilitation program... This is a display and a mouse. You place the mouse on the document, and these letters are shown on the screen in an enlarged format. He is visually impaired,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

According to the FSS, a medical and social examination was previously carried out, according to the results of which for rehabilitation Papilyan needs a video magnifier, as well as a backlit magnifying glass, a special device for reading talking books and a medical thermometer once every 7 years. “He is, indeed, entitled to this thermometer. But we simply did not have suppliers. We will place this application again. That is, not a single person is ready to supply this thing. This application will be made again,” the FSS emphasized.

In turn, Papilyan is not entitled to a cane, according to the individual rehabilitation program, the FSS noted. At the same time, the fund emphasized that if a man wants to receive it, he can undergo the examination again. “He needs to undergo a medical and social examination, we will receive an order, we are announcing a competition, he will receive the necessary technical means of rehabilitation. There is simply no other way,” the FSS explained.

On Sakhalin, the Social Insurance Fund gave a television to ONF activist, blind and disabled Stepan Papilyan. At the same time, he cannot be provided with a white cane for moving outside the home for more than six months.

“It’s a strange gift, considering that for quite a long time they haven’t been able to provide me with rehabilitation equipment - a cane and a thermometer that reads the temperature. These are necessary things, necessary for my life, but they brought a TV. But even if I want to return it, I won’t be able to get to the regional leadership of the Foundation - I don’t have a cane and it will be difficult for me to move around Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,” says Stepan Papilyan, “however, the tragedy is not that I am blind, the tragedy is that “that officials do not think at all about what they are doing.”

Stepan happily gave a tour of the streets located near the house. As it turned out, at the intersection of Kariernaya and Ukrainskaya, it was in response to his numerous requests that a pedestrian crossing was installed; before that, accidents with pedestrians regularly occurred at the intersection. However, the activist fights not only for linear meters of sidewalks and signs for pedestrians - he actively corresponds with authorities about public procurement for the needs of people with disabilities, and works in the garden.

“I would be glad if on Kariernaya Street and the alley to Michurina Street they made asphalt with sidewalks for the blind, since even going to the store is a test for me,” Stepan added at the end of the meeting.
Updated September 7 at 9:00.
“Unfortunately, cases when disabled people cannot receive the provided and necessary means of rehabilitation are not uncommon. It is necessary to change the attitude in services working with people with disabilities, treat people with disabilities with care and attention, and support socially vulnerable citizens. We will do everything in our power to ensure that the road from Stepan’s house, at least to the store, is brought into proper condition,” said co-chairman of the regional branch of the ONF, Konstantin Tyukavin.
“The TV is part of the device; in addition to it, it was also provided with a video mouse. This is a special television magnifying glass that would allow him to read the text. Unfortunately, the rehabilitation program for Stepan was written many years ago and, if earlier he could make out the outlines of objects or large inscriptions, now this device is useless for him, but by law we were obliged to provide it to them. Of course, legislation needs to be adjusted and made more flexible, taking into account the current needs of a disabled person,” said Tatyana Pantyukhina, acting manager of the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund. “As for the thermometer, this is a problem for the entire island branch of the Fund; there is a small number of people in the region and suppliers do not respond for small volumes of purchases. We are in a stalemate where we have the funds to buy a thermometer, but no one wants to sell it.”
“Why there was no cane in the rehabilitation program for a visually impaired person is simple - in the region, according to our information, there is only one rehabilitation doctor, but he does not work in the bureau of medical and social examination, so the rehabilitation programs are trained by non-specialized personnel. Accordingly, since the cane is not included in the program, the Social Security Fund has no right to spend budget resources to buy a cane. The current situation is an accumulation of several systemic problems - the lack of qualified doctors, the remoteness of the region, the imperfection of legislation,” summed up the co-chairman of the regional branch of the ONF, Konstantin Tyukavin.

This was reported by the press service of the regional ONF.