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What gives gratitude to a person? Gratitude is the wealth of your soul

Gratitude- a feeling of gratitude for good done.
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

Gratitude- this is not only a feeling, but an emotional and logical phenomenon when feelings arise on the basis of certain thoughts. Therefore, if a person does not consider it necessary to feel gratitude for something to someone, then he will not feel it.
A.Altunin |

  • Gratitude is an internal wish for good, expressed in external actions.
  • Gratitude is the willingness to take help when needed and give help when possible.
  • Gratitude is one of the best things moral qualities person; Without gratitude, neither respect, nor nobility, nor humanity is possible.
  • Gratitude is the ability to share a lot and enjoy a little.
  • Gratitude is the ability to find something positive in every person and in every situation; at least acquired life experience.
  • Gratitude is the only opportunity to become a happy person here and now.

Benefits of Gratitude

  • Gratitude provides opportunities for an optimistic outlook on life.
  • Gratitude reveals talent - love and respect for people and the world.
  • Gratitude gives you strength to find and appreciate the good even in the negative.
  • Gratitude gives you freedom to express your best feelings and do your best actions.
  • Gratitude gives faith - that any event is filled with meaning.

Expressions of gratitude in everyday life

  • Religion. A believer is grateful to God for the very fact of his existence.
  • Charity. Providing help to people in need can be seen as an expression of a person's gratitude towards life for his own well-being.
  • Relationship between people. A person who has many friends, to whom people are drawn and respected, is always a grateful person.
  • Teaching. A good student is always grateful to a teacher who shares knowledge and spiritual wealth with him.
  • Everyday situations. A person who does not forget to say “thank you” for even small services rendered to him is showing gratitude.

How to develop gratitude

  • "Thank you". Don't forget about this in everyday life in a simple word– and you will take a step towards gaining gratitude.
  • Creativity. Find various ways express your gratitude. Be creative!
  • Refusal of narcissism. Narcissism and gratitude are incompatible; By doing the work of consciously renouncing narcissism, a person comes closer to gaining gratitude.
  • Interest in the surrounding world. It is interest that helps a person to be grateful to life - for every day he lives.
  • Family relationships. Don’t forget and don’t be shy to show gratitude towards your loved ones - this is important for gaining the opportunity to be grateful.

Golden mean

Ingratitude | complete lack of gratitude


Subservience, servility | an excess of gratitude, often imposed on its object

Winged expressions about gratitude

There is no quality I would like to possess more than the ability to be grateful. For it is not only the greatest virtue, but also the mother of all other virtues. - Cicero - Let the one who gave be silent; let the one who received speak. - Cervantes - All our complaints about what we lack stem from a lack of gratitude for what we have. - Daniel Defoe - The first step of ingratitude is to examine the motives of the benefactor. - Pierre Buast - Iza Kresikova / Who did the poets thank and for what? The most poetic book dedicated to the virtue of gratitude. Analysis of the theme of Gratitude in the works of Lermontov, Mandelstam and other poets, as well as their immortal works. Melanie Klein / Envy and gratitude. Exploring Unconscious Sources Melanie Klein is a famous psychoanalyst of the last century. She researched the topic thoroughly early development a person has fundamental qualities, including gratitude.

In today's work we will present arguments for the problem of gratitude. As you know, essays for the Unified State Exam are written according to a special algorithm. The more detailed you reveal the topic, the more points you can get.

What are the most common topics? This is the problem of love for mother and homeland, inhumanity, nobility, the internal culture of man and, of course, the problem of gratitude. Examples in the essay must be given from literature, cinema or life. Now we will simplify the task for you and describe some of them in detail.

Essay on the Unified State Examination

In this article we will consider the problem of gratitude. An essay on the unified state exam should begin with a reference to the words of the author, because we write a creative work based on a passage where some problems are clearly visible.

In single tickets state exam this topic is often touched upon by I. Ilyin. You can start your essay like this: the problem is touched upon by the famous critic I. Ilyin. Next, you need to express your thoughts regarding the problem. Example: gratitude is an incredible feeling that is inherent in all living beings on our planet... Our creative work touches on the problem of gratitude, and it is definitely worth citing those that reveal its essence as much as possible.

After you have reflected your point of view on this, you need to write one short paragraph where you explain whether you agree with the author or not and why. Below you will see an example of this paragraph. I completely agree with the author, the feeling of gratitude gives people joy and love. The latter are our tickets to a bright future. Surely, each of us strives to get there. It is a pity that not all people are able to experience this feeling.

Only after these words it is necessary to move on to the arguments of the problem of gratitude.

"French lessons"

A good and striking example is the work of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin, which is called “French Lessons”. The main character is a kind, sympathetic, compassionate and selfless person, Lydia Mikhailovna, who in every way helps her student survive terrible times of hunger.

teacher in English comes up with more and more new ways to help the fifth grader. An attempt to send a parcel of food was unsuccessful, because the boy rejected her help. Then the inventive Lidia Mikhailovna offers to play an invented game for money called “measuring”. The boy thinks that the game is an honest way to earn money and agrees with the teacher's proposal.

Having learned about this incident, the school director fires the English teacher. Only the whole problem lies in the fact that he did not understand the reason for such an act of Lydia Mikhailovna.

After this incident, the woman goes to her homeland, but her feelings for the boy are so deep that she strives to help him, even being many kilometers away from him. This is a very clear argument for the problem of gratitude. The boy will remember these lessons of kindness and his teacher for the rest of his life. Lidia Mikhailovna experiences only positive feelings and never blames the boy for the fact that she lost her job. The package she sent to a student from Kuban contained apples that the boy had only seen in pictures in books.

"Captain's daughter"

The argument for the problem of gratitude can be cited from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter.” This work describes the events taking place at the time of the uprising of E. Pugachev. In the story we see gestures of gratitude from two heroes at once. Let's start from the very beginning.

The main character (Peter) goes to the place of service, accompanied by Savelich. On their way they encounter a severe blizzard; as a result of this incident, the heroes lose their way. Then a man comes to their aid and simply shows them the way. Grinev was very happy about the help and wanted to thank the man, then Peter decides to give him his hare sheepskin coat.

The same man who once directed Grinev in the direction he needed was Pugachev. Later in the novel there is a scene of the capture of the Belogorodskaya fortress, where Pugachev recognizes Peter and gives him life, canceling the death sentence. What prompted him to commit this act? Of course, thanks to the main character for the service that Grinev provided to Rasputin, who at that moment was on the run from “his illnesses.”

Despite the fact that Pugachev did this to save his life, he offered to enter his service. Even after refusal, he does not let the hero go empty-handed, but gives him a horse, a nag and a fur coat. Pugachev is an ambiguous personality who is capable of noble deeds.

"For my name"

A rather striking argument can be made even from feature films. For example, the film “For My Name” highlights the essence of the problem very well. It is worth noting that even children are capable of such an incredible feeling. The main character Anya is grateful to the clergyman for giving her this name. She completely trusts this person and reveals all her deepest secrets.

Can we say that a millionaire is always happier than a poor man? Or mother of many children Is a childless woman always happier? Is the driver of a new Mercedes happier than a bus passenger? Or is a promising young guy happier than a decrepit old man?

The answer to all questions is clear: no, you cannot say that. And here is the paradox: having what you want, be it health, youth, prospects, wealth, does not automatically mean being happy. And vice versa, happiness can sometimes be noted in the eyes of people who seem to have so little... However, depending on which side you look at it from.

No matter how difficult the state of happiness may seem to understand, we can CHOOSE it ourselves, and it is very simple, we just need to understand HOW to do it.

In the article we talked about the power of Acceptance. Today we’ll talk about the importance of Gratitude.

Why is it so important to be Grateful?

Look around, look at yourself and think about how much value you have! For some reason, all this has become familiar, ordinary... Do you have a head on your shoulders? Eat! Most people have arms and legs too! There is a roof over your head, relationships, children, friends, a soulmate, a job! There is health, sports activities, opportunities to develop, move, grow, travel! There are cute favorite animals, interesting events, pleasant memories, great desires, and daring dreams too!

You probably have some of the above, which means that you are the happy owner of something that thousands of other people only dream of! But are you happy?

How often have you been grateful for what you already have?

Gratitude for the good things that already exist is a great power that allows you to attract abundance into your life! The more you concentrate on the presence in your life of people, relationships, things, objects, conditions that are valuable to you, the more of this comes into your life! And vice versa, the more you concentrate on the absence of something, of course, it will be very difficult to get it!

The easiest way to focus on abundance is to be Grateful for the good things you already have! A feeling of Gratitude allows a person to experience joy from simple things, which puts him in a positive mood and increases satisfaction with his own life.

Research by psychologists conducted at Kwansei Gakuin University showed that people who Everyday life accustomed to expressing gratitude, they are characterized by optimism, a more harmonious life, and even on a physical level they feel much better than those who are not accustomed to being grateful.

Sincere gratitude to loved ones, expressed both verbally and through actions, strengthens relationships.

A University of Florida team found that verbally expressing gratitude directly leads to increased relationship satisfaction.

It's easy to be grateful!

Here are some effective exercises that allow you to experience gratitude as often as possible.

1. Morning Gratitude and setting yourself up for a wonderful day

Keep a small notepad under your pillow that you take out immediately after waking up. Write in it gratitude for the new morning, for the wonderful things that lie ahead today, for having a clear intention to realize your plans and live a bright day filled with light and pleasant events!

Doing this exercise every day gives you a positive attitude for the coming day, inspiration to achieve your goals and a good mood.

2. Evening Gratitude

Write down in your diary all the positive events that happened during the day, also write down everything for which you are grateful.

Doing this exercise every day allows you to concentrate on the positive, and as a result, your opinion of yourself as a successful and happy person becomes increasingly stronger. In addition, great events will begin to come into life more and more often!

3. Gratitude to loved ones

Tell your loved ones as often as possible that you are very grateful to them for specific actions and simply for the fact that they are in your life! Give small nice gifts as a token of gratitude to your loved ones. Thank your colleagues, co-workers, service personnel, random passers-by...

By constantly doing this exercise, you reinforce in people the desire to repeat the actions for which they are thanked; You strengthen their self-confidence, making relationships stronger and more positive. At the same time, you yourself feel an incredible elation!

And of course, we remember about spontaneous Gratitude! An unexpected pleasant event happened - immediately thank the universe, God, and yourself for it! Came to mind interesting idea- how great it is to be filled with Gratitude to her! You feel an incredible rise in energy - Thank you for it!

I think there is no need to emphasize that Gratitude should always be sincere and come from the heart!

Develop the habit of giving thanks whenever you are filled with joy, harmony and satisfaction! And then you will increasingly begin to realize that being happy is as simple as rejoicing at the new day!

Thank you for your attention and for the results that you will get when you regularly perform the above exercises!

“Gratitude is a magic potion for any ailment. It is the most quick way dispel anxiety, get rid of disappointment and replace a negative attitude with a positive one. When value judgments are replaced by gratitude, your body is filled with peace, your soul is embraced by kindness, and your mind is filled with wisdom.”

Neil Donald Walsh

Experiencing a feeling of gratitude is a simple way to shift from victim consciousness, get out of the hole, expand your consciousness and raise your vibrations. This is help in forgiveness, acceptance of yourself and the situation.

How often do you experience this feeling and consciously practice gratitude?

With this article, I want to remind you that you always have this versatile and affordable tool at your fingertips.

Activation of Unconditional Love by Chakras

These short meditations will help you activate Unconditional Self-Love in every chakra of your physical body.

Although many people neglect it.

Don't look difficult decisions, at the right moment remember gratitude. Read what its advantages are.

7 Benefits of Gratitude

1. Gratitude teaches you to appreciate what you have.

If a person lacks something, he often turns to higher powers to help him get it.

Thus increasing the lack in your life.

Try doing things differently. When you catch yourself thinking that you are complaining that you don’t have something, that you haven’t been given enough, stop and think about how often YOU thank for what you receive.

Do you devalue the gifts that the universe gives you?

Try to find What can you thank life for?. Focus not on what you don't have, but on what you already have.

You have eyes and you can see - give thanks for that. After all, there are people who are not given this from birth.

You have shelter, food. And thousands of people on the planet have no roof over their heads and are starving.

You have life - you are alive. Isn't this a reason to be grateful?

Got your wallet stolen? Instead of regretting the last money, be grateful that you survived unscathed. You can earn money, but restoring your health is much more difficult.

The human mind is designed in such a way that people accept goods by default - as they should be, and focus on what is not there.

They feel dissatisfied if something is taken away. As in the proverb: “When we have, we don’t keep; when we lose, we cry.”

Train yourself to appreciate what you have. Use for this.

Play the game that the heroine of the movie "Polyanna" played. The point of the game was to find something good and useful for yourself in trouble.

2. Gratitude helps you get out of failure.

If you feel like you've failed, quickly and affordable way return to resource state - shift focus to gratitude.

When you choose gratitude in a moment of failure, it’s like a switch goes off inside you. It's like you're switching to another reality.

Just a minute ago you saw only black, white and gray, but when you experience a feeling of gratitude, a much wider range of colors becomes available to your gaze.

It is more difficult at this moment to find what you can be grateful for.

3. Gratitude promotes healing.

By switching to the vibration of gratitude, you heal your body and soul. This emotion vibrates at a high frequency, second only to love and peace.

By emitting it, you gradually rewrite your personal vibration and heal your physical body.

Any illness is a signal that a person is doing something wrong in life. Thank your body for the pain, even if you can't figure out the cause. The answer will definitely come.

Gratitude heals the heart chakra. This is useful for those who have it blocked. By expressing gratitude, you gradually melt the ice in your heart and allow yourself to experience feelings.

4. Feeling grateful helps you forgive and accept.

Allowing yourself to thank those who have offended you frees you from the anger and resentment that has been holding you back for a long time. Gratitude helps feel true forgiveness, acceptance of the situation and liberation from destructive emotions.

This needs to be decided. Because you become vulnerable. But he who chooses gratitude never loses.

When you choose to see the true meaning in an unfavorable situation, you move from the state of a victim to the state of a creator.

In other words, you expand your consciousness, and something that you have not seen before becomes available to you.

You gain the understanding that you have nothing to forgive because you have already found the answer. All you have to do is give thanks and treat the situation and the people who participated in it with understanding and acceptance.

Read this article for more details on what true forgiveness is and how to achieve it.

5. Gratitude allows you to see a person’s soul and dissolves hatred.

When you choose not to judge a person and open yourself to the true meaning and lesson they have taught you, you become strong and are able to radiate gratitude for the experience you have had.

Feeling grateful is the key to see the soul in another person, look at what happened from a different angle. You no longer see the culprit and the offended, but a learning process in which each of you gains your own valuable experience.

When you are able to thank a person for a lesson, you are on a completely new path, and you can see new horizons that were otherwise inaccessible to you.

Gratitude disarms the enemy. His manipulations against you cease to work. You see his true essence, but look at him without hatred, but with a feeling of compassion.

6. Feeling grateful helps you love yourself.

Thank not only life, loved ones and teachers, but also yourself. For mistakes - without them you would not have gained certain experience, you would not have learned something new.

For achievements - this is how you learn to value and respect yourself. Gratitude helps you accept yourself. You learn to forgive yourself and treat yourself with care.

7. Gratitude opens the door to unconditional love.

Not everyone is able to love unconditionally, but everyone can experience gratitude.

If you wholeheartedly want to experience unconditional love, but are not yet able to do so, practice gratitude as often as possible.

You will gradually rewrite your vibrations to higher ones and open your heart to love.

It is impossible to list all the benefits of gratitude. I have given just a few arguments that show its power and transformative properties.