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What a novice dhow methodologist should know. What does a methodologist do in kindergarten?

Description of work: I offer you experience in introducing innovative activities into the pedagogical process of kindergarten through various forms of methodological work. This material will be useful to methodologists and senior kindergarten teachers. This work experience helps improve the quality of children's education, the competence of teachers, and their professional skills.

Innovative activities in the work of a kindergarten methodologist

In the modern conditions of development of our society, a preschool educational institution is entrusted with very responsible social tasks - to teach, educate and prepare for life that generation of people, whose work and talent, initiative and creativity will determine the socio-economic, scientific, technical and moral progress of Russian society in new century. In this regard, shortcomings and errors in the educational work of kindergartens, in educational management and in pedagogical science itself are becoming increasingly unacceptable.

In order to break the stereotypes that hinder the development of kindergarten, it is necessary to find those levers with which one can overcome such negative phenomena as formalism and the passivity of many teachers and students. The main ones of these levers are the activation of the human factor in education, the development of the creative potential of teachers and the teaching staff as a whole. Modern realities, objective needs for improving education, upbringing and development of pupils determine the need to increase the role and importance of methodological work in kindergarten, making scientific analysis and practical improvement of this work a pressing problem.

In modern conditions of development of the educational system, it is impossible to do without innovation. New forms and methods of organizing methodological work are needed that will resolve the issues that have arisen. Before starting the search for the necessary innovations, a number of basic rules for working with teachers are developed, which contribute to the creation of a more effective model of methodological activity.

When modeling a set of tasks of methodological work in kindergarten, it is necessary to take as a basis the model of professionally significant functional qualities of a teacher. In this regard, we distinguish the following three groups of interrelated functions of methodological work:

1) functions in relation to the national education system, pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience;

2) the functions of the kindergarten in relation to the teaching staff;

3) functions in relation to a specific teacher and educator.

All these functions have their final results, and the first two groups “work” ultimately on the third, since it is its implementation that brings the preschool institution closer to solving problems associated with innovative changes in kindergarten.

In order to provide real assistance to the teacher in his quest for heights of professional excellence, all tasks of methodological work should be divided into tasks of overcoming gaps in teacher training (compensatory), adapting to changing requirements and tasks of high-quality creative growth (development). (Fig. 1)

The model, which helps to improve not only the professional skills, but also the personal growth of each teacher and the disclosure of his creative potential, includes the following innovative groups in our kindergarten:

1) a creative group of teachers;

2) scientific and methodological advice;

3) a group of teacher-mentors;

4) information support group;

5) the city methodological association “Speech Development in Preschool Children,” of which I was the leader.

Using such a model makes it possible to obtain the following results:

· updating the content and improving the quality of preschool education;

· improvement of forms of organization of methodological work;

· modernization of education quality management;

· growth of professional and methodological competence of teachers, increasing the level of their readiness for innovative activities;

· preparation of innovative methodological products (long-term planning in innovative areas, methodological developments, creation of projects and original programs).

The regulatory framework for organizing the activities of such units includes:

· Order to create a group.

· Regulations on the innovation group.

· Group work plan for the current year.

· Minutes of meetings.

· Expert opinion on innovative methodological products created by members of innovation groups (projects, methodological recommendations, proprietary technologies, etc.).

Algorithm for the activities of innovation groups

1. Creative group.

It consists of kindergarten teachers with varying degrees of teaching experience (5 years or more).

This group is responsible for creating conditions, successful implementation and use of new programs and technologies. At the beginning of the school year, the group develops and approves a work plan for the current year. During the year, the group’s work is adjusted if necessary; at the end of the year, results are summed up and tasks for the next academic year are formulated.

Results of the work.

Workshops, round tables, consultations, mutual visits to direct educational activities, master classes, business games, trainings, brainstorming, disputes, and discussions are held.

Long-term planning has been developed according to the T.A. program. Sidorchuk “Program for the formation of creative abilities of preschool children”, lesson notes on TRIZ technology, manuals and games, as well as materials on verbal creativity of children using this technology have been accumulated. Experience in using this program was presented at city and district events (4 teachers take part in this competition). In the methodological classroom of the kindergarten there is a “piggy bank” of project activities with pupils of different age groups.

Creation and implementation into the pedagogical process of original programs for additional education and the “Guiding Lights of Kindness” program for a kindergarten teacher-psychologist (this work of the teacher became a Laureate of the All-Russian competition “I am a teacher”).

2. Scientific and methodological advice.

It includes kindergarten teachers with 10 years or more of teaching experience.

The NMS is responsible for studying and analyzing the situation that has developed in a preschool institution, for creating conditions for the successful solution of the tasks set for the current year, for the development of fundamental project documents (development program, basic general education program, research projects, organization of events according to the kindergarten work plan in the mode functioning and development), conducts an examination of innovative teaching products created by teachers. At the beginning of the school year, the group develops and approves a work plan for the current year. During the year, the group’s work is adjusted if necessary, and at the end the results are summed up and tasks for the next academic year are formulated.

Results of the work.

A development program for the 2010 - 2013 academic year, a basic general education program for preschool education taking into account FGT, research projects on comprehensive thematic planning and an action plan for the kindergarten work plan have been created.

3. Group of teacher-mentors.

The group is responsible for shaping the level of professional activity and pedagogical position of young specialists. Provides psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to beginning teachers in the following aspects:

· in the design and modeling of the educational process;

· in designing the personality development of each child and the children's team as a whole;

· in the formation of skills to choose theoretically justified means, methods and organizational forms of educational work;

· in developing the ability to define and accurately formulate specific pedagogical tasks, model and create conditions for their solution;

· in shaping the level of professional activity and pedagogical position.

At the beginning of the academic year, a group of mentors develops and approves a general plan for working with young specialists for the current year. In addition, each teacher-mentor develops an individual work plan based on the individual characteristics and needs of the young teacher. During the year, the group’s work is adjusted if necessary; at the end of the year, results are summed up and tasks for the next academic year are formulated.

Results of the work.

There are four beginning teachers in the kindergarten. Each of them is assigned a teacher-mentor and a plan of individual work with a young teacher has been drawn up in the following areas: attending direct educational activities and routine moments; professional skills that need to be improved; action plan necessary to solve identified problems; topic for self-educational work. The results of the work of mentor teachers are heard at the pedagogical council.

4. Information support group.

Informatization of the educational process is carried out on the basis of various means of information and communication technologies, the leading position among which is occupied by the computer.

The information group includes teachers who have a fairly high level of proficiency in computer technology. The information support group provides assistance in organizing methodological work. She works closely not only with the kindergarten administration, but also with the leaders of all the above-mentioned innovation groups. This group of teachers has been operating for the second year.

Areas of work of the information support group:

· organization of electronic document management;

· formation and maintenance of databases;

· preparation of didactic materials;

· providing assistance in preparing a portfolio for teachers going for certification;

· widespread use of Internet resources;

· creation of a video library that is constantly updated with videos of children's parties, entertainment, and open classes;

· computer support for preschool events (teacher councils, seminars, parent meetings), creation of presentations, design of handouts.

Results of the work.

All materials created using computer programs: presentations, videos, manuals, developments, information materials for parents in the form of booklets, memos, publications in the media replenish the kindergarten’s methodological collection, are systematized and used in work.

5. Methodological associations.

One of the most common forms of collective methodological work is methodological associations. In our preschool institution, a methodological association for the development of speech in preschoolers has been created since 2005 under my leadership. Meetings of methodological associations were held once a month in accordance with the general plan and taking into account cyclograms, however, their activities were not limited only to these meetings, they were of an everyday nature, and this was the great advantage of this form of work. At this association, issues regarding the study and implementation of the Program for the formation of creative abilities of preschool children T. A. Sidorchuk were considered.

All the teachers of our kindergarten in 1998 attended a course of lectures and seminars by T. A. Sidorchuk and for many years fruitfully collaborated with her and the Scientific Medical Center “Sadko” No. 242 in the city of Ulyanovsk. Together with children, we have developed material on children’s verbal creativity: albums with invented fairy tales, stories, fables, card indexes with riddles, poems. Manuals and games have been produced to develop the creativity of preschoolers in various types of activities. (4 educators presented their experience in implementing TRIZ technology to the All-Russian competition “I am a teacher” and became Laureates).

Since 2005, I have been the head of the city methodological association “Speech Development of Preschool Children”. This association was visited by teachers from other kindergartens in the city who were interested in this problem and had an individual methodological topic on the development of the speech of their pupils. Meetings were held three times a year. Each meeting of the methodological association included both a theoretical part - reports, communications, review of methodological literature, and a practical part - conducting classes and their discussion, workshops, implementing self-education plans for teachers, exhibitions, master classes, summing up the results of creative and competitive children's works. Our kindergarten teachers also took an active part in the work of the city methodological association, sharing their work experience, including the implementation of TRIZ technology. Currently, a methodological association for speech therapists and master classes for educators are operating at the city level.

In addition to participating in the work of methodological associations, a whole system of self-education has been developed and is being implemented in kindergarten, including the following forms:

· advanced training courses on registered educational checks SIPCRO;

· visiting city methodological associations, communities and events;

· training at seminars, thematic courses, scientific and methodological conferences conducted by district and regional methodological services;

· self-education of teachers on individual methodological topics;

· training in pedagogical universities, pedagogical colleges;

· certification of teachers;

· participation in the work of innovation groups and the introduction of TRIZ technology into the educational process of kindergarten.

Together with kindergarten teachers, we take an active part in all events - all-Russian, regional, district, city and within the kindergarten.

Thus, the functioning of innovation groups and, consequently, the work of the entire teaching staff as a whole (all teachers are evenly distributed among departments) contribute to improving the quality of children’s education, the competence of teachers, and their professional skills. Each teacher participates in many events during the school year, not only as a listener or participant, but also as an organizer or speaker. Each teacher, thanks to the use of such a model for organizing methodological work in kindergarten, has his own image, a desire to be seen and heard, a motive for professional, creative and personal growth.

It is in this institution that children understand that there are some rules, a daily routine, and so on. Kindergartens have fairly large work teams, because they include:

  • educators,
  • nannies,
  • music teachers,
  • choreography, etc.

On January 1, 2019, a number of changes in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions came into force; if you have not already made them, it’s time to do so in order to avoid troubles during inspections. Cards with ready-made instructions for employees will help you quickly adapt to innovations

However, not everyone knows that there is another responsible position - methodologist. Due to the fact that the methodologist does not communicate with either children or parents, many do not understand what is included.

Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail, especially since the quality and effectiveness of the entire learning process depends on the type of specialist who occupies this position.

The profession of a methodologist is quite relevant today. The organization of pedagogical work depends on the activities of this person. Thanks to the methodologist, teachers and children are evenly distributed. This employee must think creatively and approach a particular task, he must be competent and cultured in communication.

Job responsibilities of a methodologist

Almost any educational institution needs an employee who will be able to organize activities well, and will also be able to maintain papers at a specialized level. That is why a methodologist works in such institutions. He has no contact with the student body or parents. But at the same time, this person adjusts the organizational aspects that are so necessary for the kindergarten.


  • organizes the activities of the teaching staff,
  • teaches teachers some lessons,
  • by example is able to show the effectiveness of successful activities.

In order to work as a methodologist, one must overcome a rather difficult learning path. As a rule, teachers who have extensive experience are preferred to fill this position. The individual initially appointed must understand and accept his or her responsibilities in the role of the position. But, usually, the administration takes other nuances into account. It all depends on how the teacher can navigate the plan and organization of study.

Where else can a methodologist work?

The represented specialists are needed in a variety of educational institutions. This includes, of course, kindergartens and schools, as well as universities, cultural centers and so on. That is, this person will be able to find work wherever there are students and teachers.

It’s worth saying right away that there is no specific training for this profession. Absolutely any citizen who has gone a long way of development and work in the educational field, understands the specifics of this type of activity and the responsibilities of the people with whom he will work, becomes one.

Often, the administration does not observe the employee’s full employment and tries to load him with additional work. For example, organize a holiday, talk with parents, and so on.

It is necessary to understand that in a certain institution the methodologist has responsibilities, which are discussed when applying for a position. It makes the most sense to sign a contract when hiring, so that in the future the administration of the establishment does not add another amount of work for the same salary.

Specifics of the work of a methodologist in kindergarten

Usually, the senior teacher of a children's institution, after a certain time, becomes an assistant to the head. The methodologist undertakes the organization and management of activities. He checks various plans, goes to lessons, controls the educational process, and puts together a schedule.

IN job responsibilities of a methodologist in kindergarten includes:

  • conducting consultations for teachers,
  • he must assist them and redirect them in the right direction,
  • he has literature for all teachers,
  • when the manager is not at work, the methodologist takes her responsibilities into his own hands and runs the kindergarten for children.

A person from the street will obviously not be hired for this position. This is due to the fact that it must initially prove itself. The methodologist must have considerable experience as a teacher - at least five years of experience. Often he calls teachers and talks about methods or lessons. Among other things, it is he who is responsible for looking after the toys and components. All these issues (regarding resources) should be resolved by a general council.

What should a methodologist have?

If we talk about some personal qualities that this person should have, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Attentiveness. This is quite monotonous work, which requires increased attention.
  2. Perseverance.
  3. Self-control. In practice, it turns out that it is quite difficult to control the work of this specialist, since it is almost impossible to document or formalize it. But responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher extensive. People who do not understand all the specifics of this position, for the most part, believe that the methodologist does nothing. For this reason, everyone wants to give him additional workload. Therefore, you must have self-control in order to withstand such loads.
  4. Creation. This person must think creatively, since it is in kindergartens that clubs, events and holidays also fall under the leadership of this employee.

Even if a methodologist has a simple pedagogical education, he should still have a good outlook and considerable knowledge. And this applies not only to educational activities:

Areas of knowledge

Basic moments

The main provisions of the Constitution, laws in the field of education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the basics of the labor code, labor protection rules, safety regulations and fire protection.

pedagogy and psychology

Fundamentals of pedagogy, developmental psychology, teaching technology, methods of providing an educational subject, the system of forming educational work in an institution, and so on.

Documentation, video and audio recordings.

The procedure for developing educational program documentation, curricula, programs and other papers. Systematization of materials. Requirements for audiovisual and interactive teaching methods and so on.


Principles for maintaining a student benefit fund. Features of interaction with publishing houses. Ability to allocate resources.

Thus, it becomes clear that the methodologist is a fairly responsible person, on whose quality of work almost the entire work process in a preschool institution depends. This profession is quite in demand and is well paid, but there is no separate direction for study.

A methodologist has the right to work in an educational institution:

  • schools,
  • kindergartens,
  • cultural center,
  • institutes,
  • universities and so on.

Job responsibilities of a methodologist in kindergarten are quite extensive, but to avoid any misunderstandings, many prefer to draw up an agreement in which all the points are spelled out. Without this employee, not a single preschool institution will be able to function fully and normally, because it is the methodologist who organizes and organizes the educational process and the work of teachers. That is why the choice of this person is approached as responsibly and carefully as possible.

Educational institutions, whether commercial or public, need to systematize the process of educational activities. A separate employee, the methodologist, is responsible for this. This is a person on whose work the quality of education directly depends. Let us consider this specialty in more detail in different directions.

Who is a methodologist?

A methodologist is a specialist who performs a number of functions in organizing pedagogical and cultural activities. There are methodologists in every educational and training organization. The position of a methodologist does not imply only one theory; workers do not abandon practice.

Typically, teachers with at least three years of experience are hired for this position. Because a person who knows the work from the inside understands more fully the specifics of this activity.

The primary task of the methodologist is to develop a teaching plan in such a way that the teacher can clearly and competently present information to his students. The material should be meaningfully suitable for a specific age group and maximize the effectiveness of assimilation.

Methodist education

When hiring, a higher pedagogical education is required. But there are employment opportunities with secondary specialized education in the specialty “Pedagogy”. At the same time, the candidate must have excellent knowledge of office work, know the principles of developing teaching materials and have extensive teaching experience.

Among personal qualities, commitment, literacy, attentiveness and perseverance are welcomed. The organization of the educational process as a whole and the students’ assimilation of educational material depend on the work of the methodologist.

Demand for a methodologist

At the labor exchange, working as a methodologist is quite in demand. This is explained by the fact that in any educational system, such as a kindergarten, school, university, cultural center, development center, a person of this profession is required. Similar vacancies can be found in medical organizations, large travel companies and retraining centers. In a word, a specialist in his field will not be left without work.

Methodist in primary educational institutions

The senior teacher, who is the main assistant to the director in her work, becomes the methodologist in the kindergarten. The right hand of the head of the educational organization works to create a good atmosphere in the team. But the main task of such an employee in a preschool institution is to monitor the work of teachers. He develops a class schedule, training programs, and monitors their implementation.

In simple words, the methodologist must issue an official document with a training plan to the teacher, music worker, physical education specialist, psychologist and speech therapist. It contains topics and questions that should be considered over a certain period, indicates how many hours to devote to a specific topic and what the result of the training activity should be.

At the same time, the methodologist consults his colleagues and provides them with all the necessary educational literature. This is especially true for young teachers who have just graduated from university. Quite often, conversations are held with educators on new directions in education. To identify the pros and cons of work, open lessons are held in the presence of the manager. The profession of a methodologist is so significant that when the head is absent, her duties are temporarily assigned to him.

Management takes the selection of candidates very seriously; as a rule, they won’t hire someone off the street. First you need to prove all your knowledge and skills as a teacher.

The methodologist should also monitor the availability of toys and necessary educational materials. Further, the pedagogical council resolves issues that have arisen in this regard, and selects sources of financing for other important areas of educational activity.

The job responsibilities of a kindergarten methodologist are quite varied. Therefore, teachers with extensive experience and significant work experience are hired for this job. An invaluable load of knowledge is used to improve and develop practical activities.

Methodologist at school and university

The activities of a specialist in school and university are even more extensive. A methodologist with a higher education is able to analyze the entire educational process. For each year, a work plan for the methodologist is drawn up, he is obliged to strictly adhere to it, and at the end of the year prepare a report on his work. In addition to drawing up curricula, programs and schedules, the methodologist performs the following duties:

  • records management;
  • determining the workload for each teacher;
  • contact with third parties;
  • introduction of materials to improve the qualification level of employees;
  • organization of Olympiads, competitions, exhibitions;
  • development of manuals for the educational process;
  • organization of educational work, including with difficult teenagers;
  • publishing wall newspapers and updating the school website;
  • organization of school-wide parent meetings;
  • attending open lessons followed by discussion;
  • organizing seminars on psychology and pedagogy for teachers.

And this is not a complete list of the activities of a methodologist; it all depends on the focus of the educational institution.

Methodist in cultural centers and development centers

Modern parents care carefully about the all-round development of their child. The realization of oneself as an individual and the achievement of success in the future directly depend on this. That is why all kinds of development institutions are so in demand, both public - cultural centers, and private - development centers.

To organize the work process of such institutions, a methodologist must be present on staff. Here he can fully demonstrate his creative potential.

A methodologist is the person who determines the number of people in a group, develops teaching aids for each type of activity, draws up curriculum, provides and develops teaching materials. She also takes an active part in preparing scripts for plays and concerts. His role in such institutions is very important; it determines whether the children will be interested in the topic of the circles and whether they will have a desire to attend these classes.


The salary of a methodologist depends on the institution in which he works. If this is a state institution, then it is only slightly higher than the salary of an ordinary teacher and is the average for the region. If these are commercial institutions, then, as a rule, the salary here is above average and depends on experience and additional professional knowledge.

Rights and responsibilities

The job description of a methodologist clearly states his rights and responsibilities.
Methodist rights:

  • he must know all the innovations that the management of the institution is going to introduce;
  • a methodologist is a person who has the right to bring up controversial issues for discussion;
  • he can also improve his qualifications at least once every five years;
  • has the right to develop and implement methodological documents on education that comply with current laws;
  • can make proposals for improving the structure of the methodological service.

The job description of a methodologist prescribes great responsibility for the entire educational process. The organization's charter and instructions are the main documents of its work.

If the educational process does not show effectiveness, then the methodologist will be primarily responsible. In addition, he is obliged to maintain all necessary documentation in order, filling out all forms and tables, and upon first request provide them to management. Otherwise, you may lose your bonus or receive a reprimand. Like any employee, he is responsible for material damage caused as a result of his activities.

Career growth. Pros and cons of the specialty

If a specialist shows his best side and proves in practice the effectiveness of his work, he may soon become the head of a kindergarten or the head of a general education institution. Therefore, a methodologist is a person who can have good career growth.

So, having considered all aspects of the profession, we will highlight its main advantages:

  • demand in the labor market;
  • the possibility of a creative approach to activities;
  • constant self-education through the introduction of new techniques;
  • social service to people, education of the younger generation.

The main disadvantage of working as a methodologist is the low income. But for those who want to fully realize their creative and professional potential, and learn to find an approach to each person, it will definitely suit you.

Alenova Zhuldyz
Essay “What does it mean to be a Methodist? Who is this?"

Who it Methodist? What is its role in the kindergarten system? Becoming methodologist, I realized that I must be responsible not only for myself and my ability to work with children, but also for teachers, for children from all groups, for working with parents, etc. A methodologist is a person who should always know the answer to any question; a teacher who must show, teach, introduce new methods, techniques, be keep abreast of the latest innovations in the education system.

Job title « Methodist» did not appear immediately. At first it was "educator- Methodist» , and then "senior teacher". But no matter what the position is called, always methodologist high demands were made. And in my opinion a person must be a methodologist, who himself was first a teacher, knows this work firsthand.

Methodist is responsible for the most important section of the kindergarten’s work – the pedagogical process. If Methodist a professional in his field, and the quality of the teachers’ work will be high.

In any preschool institution, teachers must improve their professionalism and ability to work with each child. Methodist should help educators determine working methods, consider the creative potential of teachers, help choose a topic for self-education to improve their professional knowledge and skills.

I am working recently became a methodologist, but I pay special attention to the issue of improving the skills of each teacher, since in our time the demands of parents for the work of a teacher in a preschool institution have become higher. Parents want their children to be raised by professionals who are experts in their field. And for this you need to constantly improve your knowledge and skills. In our preschool we use the following forms of professional development: teachers:

Firstly, these are well-known advanced training courses, one of the traditional and mandatory forms of work to improve the qualifications of teachers.

Secondly, these are various shows - competitions. We plan them according to the annual plan. A creative group of teachers is developing criteria for evaluating the competition. We involve parents in participating in shows and competitions, which makes children and adults very happy.

Thirdly, this is the creation of a creative group of teachers. We create them to solve a problem that has arisen in the educational process. This group includes the most experienced teachers and teacher-mentors.

We have in kindergarten and "School for a Young Teacher", where we bring together young educators to improve their teaching skills. Master classes, consultations, viewings of open classes, and exchange of experience are held for them.

In addition, each teacher is engaged in self-education. Having chosen a topic, teachers comprehend it, show its relevance, independently obtain knowledge on the topic and implement it in their work with children. For me this is the direction of work methodologist the closest and most interesting. I offer educators participation in various competitions, seminars, pedagogical readings, and conferences. Each teacher creates a portfolio where he collects all the work on his topic. Twice a year the teacher gives open classes on the topic of self-education.

The main job of a senior educator is working with teaching staff. Methodist promotes the professional growth of team members, motivating teachers to self-improvement, and helps them rise to a higher level of teaching work.

Innovative activities are an integral part of the activities of a modern preschool institution. The senior teacher should be widely informed about all innovations in the preschool education system. Today he himself must work in an innovative mode, know how to organize innovative and experimental work in an institution at any level. An important task is the ability to motivate the teaching staff to engage in innovative activities.

The team of teachers in kindergarten is not always what we would like to see. Someone works with a creative approach to any task, always coming up with something, inventing something. Others work well, do their job, but there is no initiative, sparkle in the eyes, or desire to make the process of education and training better. And the third type of teachers, who have a diploma of education, but are very far from the profession, have neither the ability nor the desire to work and create. And in any team there will be one or two such employees. Task methodologist– know your team, be able to discern the strengths and weaknesses of everyone and instill in them confidence and a desire to work.

Life does not stand still, it moves forward, Means, you need to go for new knowledge yourself. It's impossible to say with certainty “I know and can do everything”, we learn all our lives by making some mistakes and mistakes.

Which one should be methodical work in new conditions?

If you are Methodist only by position - there will be little result from such activities. And if this is a calling, then the result will be different. Methodist is a generator of ideas, a direct participant, a theorist, capable of analyzing the pedagogical process, phenomena and drawing conclusions that are essential for improving the quality of work. Professionalism methodologist– not in preserving the image "knowing everything, being able to do everything", but in the ability to provide effective assistance.

Methodist it is necessary to have fundamental professional knowledge, competence, broad outlook and general cultural erudition.

Methodist must necessarily have the appropriate psychophysical qualities personalities: good organizational skills, ability be a leader, the ability to interest and unite practitioners, and speak publicly.

The main thing in work methodologist– not only to convey professional knowledge, but also the desire to constantly engage in self-education. In our time Methodist must be proficient in new information technologies. Methodical the work seems to me like a tree, where methodologist is the root, which nourishes, grows, and thanks to it there are branches - teachers, and with their sensitive, purposeful work, leaves appear - children. Important be a master of his craft. What is this means? And what Means be able to see all possible problems in the pedagogical process and be able to prevent them, be able to solve complex pedagogical situations, have professionalism, but at the same time be a simple ordinary person.

My job is to help educators discover themselves. An opportunity to show your talents, your creativity, your skills. So that each of my teachers becomes a Teacher with a capital T.

This definitely requires knowledge, but in addition to this, you also need an open soul, a kind heart, love for children and for your profession.

My life principles that guide me in my professional life activities:

1. Never talk "I don't know", the main thing is the desire to find out;

2. Always help others with what I know and can do myself;

3. Control your feelings and emotions;

4. Respect the choice and opinion of another person;

5. Be able to hear and listen.

Sometimes it can be very difficult and hard for me to work, but I don’t give up. I prove to everyone, and first of all to myself, that it was not in vain that I chose this profession...

And, to summarize, I would like to say that professionalism comes with experience and depends on personal abilities, interest in the matter, and the desire for constant knowledge.

List of used literature:

1. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Educator kindergarten methodologist, Minsk, 1975

2. Organization of the work of a rural kindergarten, M., Education, 1988

3. Kovalev A. G. Team and socio-psychological problems of leadership - M, 1978

4. Sukhomlinsky V. A. One hundred tips for the teacher. M.: 1984

5. Kindergarten. Book for managers, M., Education, 1982

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

My profession is called a kindergarten methodologist. I have been working in a kindergarten for 15 years.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

Providing methodological assistance to educators, consultations for parents, studying advanced pedagogical experience, developing recommendations, script memos, tests, introducing workers to new methods and innovations in pedagogical science, conducting seminars, trainings, classes for young specialists.

3. What education is required to obtain your position?

To obtain such a position, you need a higher pedagogical and psychological education.

4. Describe your work day.

My working day starts at 9.00. I come to work and start by analyzing the day's plan. The daily plan is my personal document, which is drawn up taking into account the annual, monthly and weekly plan of our institution. I determine which groups and classes I need to attend in order to study specific issues, such as studying the work experience of a teacher, his certification, the level of education of the children's team, communication problems in the children's team, and methods of conducting classes. Then I carry out what I planned, analyze and summarize the results. I prepare teaching materials to help educators: developing activities, holidays, etc. I work individually with children and parents. I conduct trainings, seminars, reviews of new teaching literature.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

The conditions are comfortable, I have a personal office equipped for meetings and classes.

6. What do you like most about your business?

Communication with people, the opportunity to provide methodological assistance, especially to young professionals.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

Small salary.

8. If it’s not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you’re satisfied or not)?

9. Describe your team, what people work with you?

Friendly, well-coordinated, professional. This is mainly a female team, which has its own difficulties.

10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business?

Be a professional, know the theory and practice of pedagogical work, know the psychology of adults and children, love children, engage in self-education.

11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here is everything that work gives you besides money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

Communication with people, constant work to improve professional level.

12. You have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what rating would you give?

13. Why did you choose this job?

To be in demand.

To teach others, you must learn yourself.