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What is used for face rolling. Why peeling roll is the best way to cleanse facial skin

“For a large ship, a long voyage,” the Roman satirist Petronius wisely noted. The skin is the largest organ of our body, and the responsibilities of this “big ship” are corresponding. Every day, the skin takes part in the processes of breathing, excretion, touch, and even maintaining immunity.

The healthy functioning of the skin largely depends on its cleanliness. Layer of dead skin cells, excess sebum and residue cosmetics the function of the skin is hampered, not to mention aesthetics.

A sallow complexion, clogged pores and flaking have nothing to do with beauty. But peelings – exfoliating cosmetics – are directly related to beauty. Cosmetologists call the gel roller the most gentle exfoliant, which became the heroine of our today's beauty review.

The advantage of peeling called gel roll is the absence of abrasive substances. Their role in the skin cleansing ritual is played by acids (AHA and BHA), which dissolve dead skin cells.

Cellulose is responsible for rolling (those “screws” that many people mistakenly mistake for skin), which carries with it dissolved dead cells, fat and dirt.

Peeling roll – gel or a cream that certainly contains plant extracts or oils. Bonuses in the form of nutrition and hydration are the basic condition for entering the cosmetic market. Let's leave preservatives, stabilizers, etc. behind the scenes.

Acids, cellulose, extracts - everything is simple, right?

As a result we have:

  • gentle peeling that suits problematic and sensitive skin;
  • cleansing pores from the inside and smoothing the relief from the outside;
  • “pre-care” thanks to acids that help the ingredients of other cosmetics penetrate deeper and work more effectively;
  • care as a result of the activity of additional ingredients of the gel.

Prohibition: how to use a gel roller?

You need to be prepared for the appearance of rays in your cosmetic bag. Its operation has fundamental differences from the traditions of using conventional peelings.

  • The rolling gel is applied to cleansed and, most importantly, dry skin. We washed our face, patted our face with a towel, waited for the skin to dry - and only then apply a thin layer (being generous here is inappropriate), avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • After waiting 1-2 minutes (read the manufacturer's recommendations), but without waiting for the gel to dry, begin massaging the skin with your fingertips in a circular motion, keeping in mind the direction along massage lines.
  • After a while, “pellets” will begin to appear on the skin (oh, horror!). Keep calm. The bulk of the lumps is cellulose. Skin cells, dirt and oil accompany you.
  • Wash off the “horror” with warm water and moisturize your face with cream. The result is a healthy glow, smooth texture, a slight (not necessarily) whitening effect, impression well-groomed skin, if you're lucky - cleaned pores. Red spots, burning and peeling? An allergy is an unpredictable skin reaction that has to do with your uniqueness, not the quality of the product. By the way, the roller, of course, should not be used on obviously damaged, irritated or sunburned skin.

How often can I use the gel roll?

Hypersensitivity, rosacea, pigmentation and dryness are symptoms of excessive efforts and a signal that it’s time to slow down.


The result is obvious: effective gel rollers

Mass market or premium, pharmacy or professional, like in an advertisement or like a friend’s - only your skin knows which peeling roll is right for you.

  • Propeller, Salicylic Peeling Roll

The Russian brand "Propeller" is famous medicinal cosmetics, destroying pimples, blackheads and other skin problems. In their price category, the products of the line work with student diligence and almost always receive “good” or “excellent”.

Salicylic gel roller Propeller- “good guy.” As the name suggests, salicylic acid will work with the skin, which means you can count on clean pores and matte skin.

Lactulose in the composition promises to strengthen the barrier functions of the skin. Thanks to her, the entire line of products that includes the rolling gel is called Immuno.

Strengthening your immune system is always a pleasure, and doubly so for your skin. The liquid (almost water) consistency should not be confusing. There will be “rusks”, no doubt about it. If you want to cleanse your skin, not your wallet, this is your product. It loses to Asians, but surpasses many, even premium, skating rays.

  • Shilibao, Gel rollers

The modest Chinese brand Shilibao is just gaining its niche in the Russian market, but the company’s rolls have already gone down in history. The first acquaintance with any of the peels develops into a long romance.

You can try any - with aloe, ginseng extract, shark oil, green tea, sheep placenta, milk enzymes or pearl extract. All gels contain AHA and BHA acids. The consistency is equally dense. The pellets are obvious.

Gel rolls differ in their special effects. For example, an exfoliant with green tea extract relieves inflammation, with sheep placenta it smooths out wrinkles, and with shark oil it protects against premature aging.

One can only hope that the additional ingredients manage to penetrate the skin deeper than the stratum corneum and do not roll off during “stripping.”

  • Mizon, Apple Smoothie Peeling gel

Mizon does not need advertising. Snake and snail creams from this Korean brand have long been found in the cosmetic bags of domestic beauties who dream of porcelain skin.
The company is one of the top ten Asian cosmetic brands, and since 2014 it has acquired its own laboratory.

The Apple Smoothie roll is a gourmet and must-have dream. Delicate but dense puree with a floral-candy aroma in a cheerful light green tube promises dolce vita- sweet and beautiful life in new skin.

The peeling sits perfectly on the skin - it does not flow, does not creep, rolls off carefully and confidently, leaving behind smooth and fresh skin. With regular use, it brightens, removes post-acne and age spots.

The composition (except for cellulose and acids) includes apple, sugar cane, blueberries and orange. This is the case when you can order “both two” at once.

  • The Skin House, Shiny Crystal Peeling Gel

The young Korean brand Skin House is trying hard to beat its venerable competitor. The arguments are serious. Strict compliance with GMP standards. Eco-friendly ingredients approved by Ecocert (France).

No parabens, mineral oils, artificial colors and fragrances. Even those with sensitive skin can fearlessly test the premium quality of Shin House.

Cosmetics are hypoallergenic. Shiny Crystal gel peeling – face roll with a “bouquet” of herbs and flowers (extracts of rosemary, aloe vera, peony, lily, pumpkin) and related effects.

It will moisturize, soothe, heal, brighten, tighten pores and strengthen blood vessels (anti-rosacea effect). And it will cope with the main mission - it will polish until it squeaks, but very gently. Aesthetes, take note - the white matte tube reflects a soft pink color.

Of course, the skin does its own peeling, exfoliating waste cells in an unnoticed manner for us. We lose about a million skin cells per day.

Where do they go? They collect on shelves, window sills and furniture in the form of dust. Why are peelings needed? Ecology, makeup, nutrition - everything works against the skin. It becomes difficult to lose excess weight in civilized conditions. Help.

What's happened peeling roll? This is one of the most common procedures for chemically cleansing the skin of all kinds of impurities and dead skin cells. Representatives of the fair half love it for its high efficiency and good anti-aging effect.

The peeling roll can be used both for the face and for any other part of the body. Please note that facial products are suitable for any other area, but not vice versa. Of course, there are universal solutions.

Reasons for popularity

The main reason lies in performance. However, each means copes with its goals in its own way. Some are better at clearing the skin of blemishes, while others are better at removing the layer of dead cells. The main task for any lady is to find the best option for her. And it will be difficult to do this. The assortment is huge!

Low cost is not the last criterion. Especially when you consider the price of one procedure in a beauty salon. Peeling ray for the face or body can be easily done at home.

By spending 15-20 minutes once a week, you can significantly improve your appearance. This is easy to see if you read the comments of women of different ages who have experienced this miracle for themselves. And using it at home is a pleasure!


There are several main types. The procedure with calcium chloride and baby soap, long known to many fashionistas, was called nothing less than. With this name for a long time managed to keep the secret ingredients of this composition.

Traditional for home use The consistency is similar to a cream; after application and massage, white lumps form on the skin. The end result is similar to the first method. But there are also differences. Contains moisturizers. This method is safer.

And the last type is foam. Most often, these are all kinds of gels that begin to actively bubble right on the skin. After the time specified in the instructions, you need to massage your face and wash off the residue. The exfoliating effect is much lower, but it is even softer. Often, when problem skin, only such peeling is possible.


The first method has the deepest effect on the skin. During the procedure, the skin is intensively saturated with calcium chloride. To return it to its normal state, good hydration and soothing will be required. skin. This is a fairly aggressive method. Carry out the procedure no more often than every 10-15 days. Of course, it is precisely because of his aggressiveness that many women like him. The effect after this is always obvious, and if the procedure is carried out correctly, even at home, it is absolutely safe.

Regular peeling roll

Regular peeling covers much less depth. It may contain soothing and moisturizing drugs. But, nevertheless, after the procedure it is better to soak the skin with cream or make a mask, and then apply a soothing agent. The procedure can be repeated after a week.


Soft foam exfoliates dead skin cells much worse, but the effect of rejuvenation and cleansing is no less noticeable. It contains many additional cleansing, disinfecting and moisturizing ingredients. After the procedure, you don’t have to apply other creams, but it won’t be superfluous.

What does the procedure look like?

If the procedure is carried out at home, then everything necessary is immediately prepared.


Before applying anything to your face, you need to wash it thoroughly and remove all makeup. Immediately prepare a moisturizer. Any is a chemical reaction that dries out the skin. Therefore, you need to prepare to quickly eliminate the consequences at home.

Calcium chloride and baby soap

  1. Apply an even thin layer of 5% calcium chloride to dry and cleansed facial skin. After application, wait until the skin absorbs the solution and repeat the procedure 2 more times.
  2. Lather your fingertips or a cotton pad and massage the areas where calcium chloride is applied. The amount of water is minimal.
  3. Wash off your face after the white lumps have stopped forming.
  4. Moisturize the skin and then apply soothing creams or masks.

Baby soap and calcium chloride

A more gentle procedure. Instead of applying layers of calcium chloride, you immediately soap your face. Then moisten a cotton swab or fingertips with the solution and apply it to the face. In all other respects the procedures are similar.

Regular peeling roll

Peeling will not take much time.

  1. Apply the composition to the prepared face.
  2. Gently massage your face for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product off the skin and apply moisturizer.


The most gentle method. As in all other cases, you must strictly follow the instructions on the product packaging.

  1. Prepare your face.
  2. Apply foam and lightly massage the areas of contact with the skin, stretching the product into a thin layer.
  3. Wait for the time indicated on the package (5-15 minutes) and rinse off the composition.
  4. Moisturize as desired.

Things to remember

  1. The towel is not involved in the drying and drying process. They can easily damage sensitive skin after peeling.
  2. You need to prepare clean water for rinsing in advance, so that in case of unpleasant sensations, you can immediately rinse your face.
  3. You cannot endure the pain and burning sensation - burns and other damage may remain.
  4. Reading the instructions is mandatory. Each step is carried out in strict order. Otherwise the consequences are unpredictable.
  5. Peeling is not carried out on sensitive skin around the eyes and on the lines of the mouth.
  6. To avoid skin damage, you need to apply a protective cream before going outside in the first hours after the procedure.
  7. The product applied to the face is massaged and under no circumstances rubbed with fingers or napkins. The contact should be as gentle as possible.


The following effects can be expected from the procedure:

  • slight skin lightening;
  • tightening and cleaning pores from blackheads and other impurities;
  • excellent exfoliation of dead cells;
  • visual rejuvenation and refreshment of the face;
  • disappearance of problem areas.


  1. Before starting use, it is important to make sure that the product is compatible with the skin type on your face or body.
  2. The procedure cannot be performed if there are open wounds, scratches or inflammation.
  3. Almost any skin disease is a contraindication for this procedure.
  4. It is possible to be allergic to any component of the product - check your skin's reaction to it before use. back side elbow.

A facial peeling roller is an alternative to the usual methods of deep skin cleansing: scrubs and exfoliating masks. How to properly carry out a salon procedure at home? What are the best ingredients to use?

Face roll

When is it advisable to use a peeling roller for the face?

Human skin has the ability to constantly renew itself. This does not mean that we, like snakes, can shed it. No, it is renewed by the gradual death of its smallest particles (cells) and the formation of new ones.

The renewal process is as follows: the top layer is a kind of multi-layer “pie”. In its deep layers, cells are alive, they divide and move to the surface of the skin, replacing dead particles there. To help the renewal process and speed it up, a wide variety of procedures are carried out to remove the upper dead skin flakes.

A facial roll is one of these methods of cleansing. The method consists of applying a special composition to the skin of the face and then rolling it with your hands.

The advantages of this peeling method are as follows:

  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • cleansing occurs very carefully;
  • there is no risk of injury.

The advantages of this method make it possible to use it independently, without the services of a cosmetologist.

The procedure is necessary to maintain healthy and youthful skin. If you have an oily type, manipulation should be performed once every two weeks, if you have a dry type, once a month. This method is not recommended for rosacea (vascular skin disease) or if there are a large number of foci of inflammation.

Recipes for facial peeling at home

Using this recipe, you can prepare a roll for deep facial cleansing yourself.

"Hollywood Purge"

At the pharmacy you need to buy a 5% (or 10%) solution of calcium chloride. Pour the contents of the ampoule into a saucer. To clean and dry face Apply the solution with a sponge or cotton pad, avoiding the eye and lip area. Allow to dry and repeat the process five more times. Wet your hands with water and lather them with soap (without fragrances or dyes). Massage your face along the massage lines with soapy hands. “Pellets” will begin to form. Repeat the process until their appearance stops. Wash your face with water, apply moisturizer.

In the fall, many ladies go to a beauty salon for peeling. This is a well-known procedure, but just in case I’ll say: peeling - exfoliation of dead skin cells. There are chemical peels, there are peelings with fruit acids, all very different in effect and price. And I don't want to describe in detail now salon treatments, because I propose to abandon them. Yes, there is another way!

No expensive ingredients are needed, and a trip to the cosmetologist is canceled. There is no need to specially prepare the skin before this procedure. You don’t have to sit at home for 2 days and wait for your skin to finally stop peeling. There's something better. Let's do homemade facial peeling!

Peeling roll

You will need

  • 3 g laundry soap
  • 1 tbsp. l. boiling water
  • 2 ampoules of 10% calcium chloride solution
  • plastic deep plate
  • whisk

How to make a peeling roll

For the perfect procedure

Our editor Kristina Mironyuk I tried on myself the power of peeling roller according to this recipe. We haven't seen her so inspired for a long time! Here is a review from a satisfied girl.

"Editorial "So simple!"- this is a team of real enthusiasts and researchers! Well, autumn is the time for beauty experiments. IN autumn-winter period Caring for delicate facial skin requires a particularly careful approach.

But how to cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin without spending a lot of time and money on it? You can, of course, go to a cosmetologist, spend a lot of money on newfangled procedures and not get the desired result. Or you can, armed with homemade recipes, transform yourself beyond recognition in no time.”

© DepositPhotos

“A mind-blowing peeling roller for pennies, you say? Well, let’s try!” - I thought and started cooking the best home peeling . At least that's what they promised on the Internet. By the way, I scoured more than one fashion site in search of the most best recipe. And I found him!

I will say right away that the recipe is very simple, and the ingredients are ridiculously simple and inexpensive. The only thing is that the soap that I bought for the first time, considering it natural, turned out to be not so, alas, and the roll did not work out.

The second time, looking at my torment, my husband advised me to take an ordinary laundry soap, rich in fatty acids, which should, after reacting with calcium chloride, provide that cherished exfoliating effect. And guess what? He was right! The peeling roll turned out right the first time. Delicate and sticky, it was extremely gentle, gently removing dead cells and cleansing pores.

To be honest, I didn’t expect amazing results, but the effect of the peeling pleasantly surprised me. The skin is fresh, clean, soft and pleasant to the touch! Of course, this procedure will not erase, as if by magic, all flaws and imperfections, but it can perfectly cleanse and transform the skin. And I decided for myself that I would do the peeling roll regularly. In a word, I recommend it!”

Facial skin requires regular and high-quality cleaning, since the dead layer of cells cannot be washed off only with water and cleansing gel.

At the same time, improper cleansing causes skin aging, the appearance of blackheads and other not very pleasant defects.


A peeling roller can help you cope with high-quality cleansing. The procedure helps to even out and renew the surface of the skin due to its regeneration.

After such a mask or scrub, the skin will be smooth, homogeneous and velvety. There are many types of peeling, but not all of them are suitable for home use.

You can make such types of rolling yourself as chemical, physical and mechanical.

Depending on the degree of purification, it is divided into superficial, medium and deep.

At home, you can only do the first type, but it will also be a serious help to your skin.

You need to understand that the rolling sheet and the standard one are different. Known as "Hollywood Purge", the ramp has the following features:

  1. It does not apply for a long time - you need to keep it on your face for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. There are no side effects.
  3. Can be used from 15 years of age.

The procedure is safe: it does not cause severe redness, irritation or other defects. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this is normal.

The procedure helps fight sebaceous plugs and flaking, eliminates fine wrinkles and conducts quality prevention all these defects.

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

What is required for the procedure?

You can easily do this procedure at home.

The ingredients are available so no major costs are expected.

There is also no need to spend a lot of time - the procedure will take no more than twenty minutes.

Modern manufacturers offer and already ready-made solutions for rolling for those who don't want to experiment on their own. Products from leading brands have a similar effect.

For the procedure you will need these Ingredients:

  • calcium chloride solution, which you can buy at the pharmacy (or another product intended for home peeling);
  • baby soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • cotton pads or balls;
  • warm water to wash your face with;
  • instructions for rolling at home.

How to do?

How to do a face roll at home? You can buy a ready-made product or prepare it yourself. Homemade peeling roll it's quite easy to do.

You need to grate the soap on a coarse grater, add water and leave for 12 hours, then beat it into a paste with a mixer.

You can add to the solution chamomile juice. This product perfectly cleanses the skin, tones it and gives it a beautiful, uniform shade.

Take care to keep your skin clean and dry.

Using a cotton pad, apply to the surface of the face. calcium chloride solution 10% or the rolling solution you purchased, avoiding the lip area and the area around the eyes.

To the solution has dried out, hold it for about three minutes. Then you need to apply the solution again. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

The next step is generous application. thick soap suds. As a result of the chemical reaction, soap flakes. Foam is also used several times.

When the soap balls stop rolling and the skin begins to creak, wash thoroughly with warm water.

There are also another way use. It involves first applying thick soap suds. After your hands, you need to moisten the calcium chloride solution and apply it to your face.

If necessary, moisturize your hands. But don't overdo it. It is necessary to wash off the pellets that appear with warm water.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the effectiveness and simplicity of the procedure, it still has certain contraindications. Perhaps for some it is doesn't fit at all. Before the procedure, please read these important points:

Skin care after

After you finish the procedure, the skin will tighten and be dehydrated. You can't just leave her. Better make a moisturizer calming or nourishing mask . You can buy ready-made or make it yourself.

You can use the same chamomile, as well as mint, sage, and calendula. Well calms down oil tea tree . Then you can use your regular face cream. As we have already said, it is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

If you had to do it during the day, do not go outside after the procedure and do not direct sun rays contact with skin.

If this cannot be avoided, use sunscreen with a high protection factor.

If you have no contraindications, be sure to try this procedure.

Perhaps it will become your personal magic wand which will help you always look perfect.