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What to buy for three years. What to give a three-year-old child for his birthday? What to give for three years as a token of attention

A child’s third birthday is a fairly significant event in the life of every family. At this age, the baby is able to remember everything that happens, and therefore the choice of a gift must be approached very responsibly. It is important to take into account the interests and preferences of the young birthday boy. At this age, simple toys already fade into the background, while the child begins to be interested in objects that allow him to copy the activities of adults.

What can you give a boy and girl for their 3rd birthday?

At the age of three, a child can play for a long time on his own without involving adults. In his studies one can notice the logic of events. Thanks to games, a three-year-old child learns to understand the feelings of others and develops communication skills. These features should definitely be taken into account when choosing a gift.

Educational games

Today, children easily master electronic toys, so a developmental computer would be an appropriate gift for their third birthday. A development table will also be quite a useful acquisition.

To stimulate the development of a child’s thinking and coordination of movements, it is worth giving sets of puzzles or mosaics. An excellent choice for your baby will be special creativity kits, musical instruments, various puzzles. No less interesting option there will be sets for role-playing games. You can be sure that your baby will be happy to play in a store, hospital or hairdresser.


A beautiful book will be an excellent present for a three-year-old baby - you can choose a collection interesting tales or poetry. At the same time, the illustrations should be quite bright and at the same time quite realistic. The font should be chosen to be quite clear and large, especially if the child has already started learning the alphabet.

A talking book will also be a wonderful surprise for a child. An interesting option could be educational books that contain various tasks according to age.

Stuffed Toys

A teddy bear or dog is a great option for a girl. At the same time, boys rarely like soft toys. The only exception is the characters of popular cartoons. After all, they are the ones who will become active participants in interesting role-playing games. An excellent option would be not simple toy, but singing or walking. Moreover, the choice of such products today is truly amazing.

It is also a very good gift for a girl. This is an educational toy that promotes child development.

Original gift – stork boxes

Enough an interesting gift can become stork boxes, which are monthly surprise boxes. In this case, parents order a gift without even knowing what will be inside. At the same time, you can be sure that such a surprise will correspond to the age of your baby. In addition, these boxes pack high-quality goods at an affordable price.


For your child’s third birthday, it’s quite possible to give your child a construction set. At this age, he compares and identifies objects, can make conclusions about them, observes his surroundings and, of course, loves to build various structures. Therefore, a construction set that allows you to build houses is an excellent gift for a three-year-old. Moreover, today there are a huge number of interesting products on sale - wooden, plastic construction sets and even sets of bricks for creating original buildings.

Sweet gifts

Of course, it’s simply impossible to imagine a child’s birthday without sweets. Your baby will certainly love the original candy bouquet, which can be decorated with balls, ribbons or flowers. It is also quite possible to give a beautiful bag or original box with sweets. The main thing is that the sweets are of high quality. It is quite possible to present your baby with your own prepared nuts or dried fruits covered in chocolate.

Personalized gifts

This category includes all gifts that indicate in some way that they are intended specifically for a child. Recently, photo printing has become increasingly common. It can be applied to almost any item - clothing or dishes. Agree that it will be amazingly pleasant for your baby to eat from a plate with his photo on the bottom.

Gifts for active games

Three-year-old children are quite active and mobile. In addition, sports gifts help maintain normal immune function. Therefore, you can give your child:

  • home complex for sports – wall bars, rings, horizontal bar;
  • ice skates or rollers;
  • scooter;
  • ball or rackets;
  • hanging swing;
  • inflatable mattress.

An equally good gift option would be tents or outdoor huts, which will allow your child to play in the fresh air for hours. If your birthday falls on winter time year, you can give your baby a sled or skis. In the summer, mattresses, vests or sleeves for a beach holiday will be relevant. A rather interesting option would be costumes and attributes of famous cartoon characters.

Creator's Kit

For children who have creative inclinations, you can give:

  • musical instruments that will help develop your baby’s hearing and musical abilities;
  • kits for tests and experiments - this could be chemistry or physics;
  • construction kits - usually more complex models of conventional construction sets;
  • culinary kits for the little ones - for example, these could be cookie cutters.

The gift can be placed in a box, wrapped in wrapping paper and decorated balloons or a bow. It’s worth attaching a small toy on top that will definitely attract the baby’s attention. It is also quite possible to cut out the letters of the child’s name from cardboard and glue them to the box.

An excellent option would be to use applications with fairy-tale characters. If the gift is small, you can take a plastic jar, which with the help of paints and paper can easily be turned into ladybug. An excellent option would be a gift in a house made of cardboard. For a boy, the packaging can be made in the form of a car.

The use of an animal’s face for packaging – a bunny or a cat – looks very original. You can sew it yourself, attach eyes, nose and mouth. When the child takes out the gift, the packaging should be filled with cotton wool. The result will be new toy as a nice addition to a gift.

Video: how to make a candy gift for a child with your own hands

Enough original version A gift for your baby will be making Peppa Pig from candy. To do this, you need to cut out two parts that should be connected to each other. Then the head and torso must be covered with pink and red candies. More detailed master class look at the video:

The birthday of a daughter or son is a holiday for the whole family! Adults try to make this event pleasant and joyful for a 3-year-old child, filled with gifts. The celebration is celebrated by inviting not only relatives and godparents, but also other children familiar from the playground on the street or kindergarten. Usually it’s not difficult to choose a surprise for your baby - he’s interested in everything new. But if you make a little effort and think, you can give the most unusual or very necessary gift.

Three years is the age of independence and active learning

Over the past year, the baby has learned a lot and become more aware. He already understands the elementary cause-and-effect relationship and sequence of events. At this age, a child can resist the demands of adults and express his disagreement with the rules and daily routine. New objects and places, other people's toys in the sandbox, other girls and boys arouse his curiosity. He actively learns to interact with the world around him.

Parents, watching their child, notice his characteristics and interests. All kids have their favorite pastimes: some often play with specific toys, others prefer to run and climb somewhere higher, others do not let a single cat pass quietly. Of course, at three years old children are occupied with many things, but there are also activities that are not to their liking.

Usually, choosing a surprise for a toddler is easy for relatives. If the guests invited to the birthday party do not know the child well and do not know his hobbies, then it is better to consult with the parents before looking for a gift.

The best toys for three-year-old heroes and princesses

The leading activity for a baby after a year is play, and by the age of three, role-playing games come to the fore. Children enjoy recreating familiar situations from life, imitating the actions and words of adults, involving their household members in this process. First, to play out your little performance they often need help from their parents. A girl can feed or rock a teddy bear, and a boy becomes the driver of a large truck, independently transporting sand and dumping it in some place.

Options for age-appropriate toys:

  • , soldiers for boys. There is no need to buy them complete with many small parts; at this age, the nuances will be superfluous;

    If a girl gets a brother or sister, then the baby doll is especially necessary. She will repeat the actions of her mother and take care of her baby.

  • clothes and furniture for dolls will make the game more diverse;
  • a carriage for a princess is an excellent vehicle, and even drawn by horses;
  • finger theater and hand puppets evoke positive emotions, coming to life under the influence of an adult;
  • Stuffed Toys. Plush friends appeal to children of all genders;
  • stroller. This item is loved and in demand among young people;
  • cars and trucks. Large models on strings are popular with children of both genders;
  • kitchen for girls, . The child will definitely appreciate such a gift, because it is a whole complex for play;
  • a children's vacuum cleaner or a set of tools will help you get used to the role of mom or dad;
  • interactive toys. These include dolls, animals, and robots;
  • house for toys. It can be quite simple, the main thing is that it has opening doors and windows;
  • airplane, helicopter, boat, construction equipment. The more such toys, the more interesting young man entertain yourself;
  • Railway. There are many options, but at three years there is no point in buying expensive and very long ones. It is enough that the train with trailers will travel in a circle, blow its whistle and take passengers with it at the stations;
  • kitchenware. She will captivate the young lady for a long time. You can take pots, spoons, cups with you to the playground;
  • sandbox toys. New unusual molds will definitely please the birthday boy;
  • children's phone. Pressing buttons and talking like an adult is a favorite pastime for many children;
  • watering cans, water pistols and windmills will entertain your child on the beach;
  • play tent. Little explorers love secluded corners;
  • radio-controlled toys: cars, helicopters, animal or human figures. Using a joystick and buttons, they move in space. The controls shouldn't be too difficult for a three year old.

All toys purchased must be good quality. Otherwise, they may cause an allergic reaction or generally negatively affect the child’s health.

DIY soft toy - video

Educational games and toys are a must-give

Three-year-old children receive information from the environment by observing what is happening around them, as well as playing with and listening to adults. Children quickly learn new experiences and remember what they need. But parents should not deliberately and persistently cultivate a genius, saturating their child with a continuous flow of information. The age of up to 7 years is the time when a child should play enough, because it is through play that he learns to understand the structure of the world and survive in society. Developthe baby, of course, is necessary, but this must be done without pressure, in game form, interesting and entertaining.

All efforts at early numeracy, reading, and learning encyclopedias do not guarantee a child a successful future. Parents should remember that a carefree childhood is a rather short period that ends with going to first grade. And by placing your ambitious plans on your baby, you can put an unbearable burden on him.

There are a large number of educational toys for three-year-olds. You should not choose those that the child has not yet grown up to. He will not understand such a gift and will leave it without the desired attention.

  1. The constructor develops logical and creative thinking, trains perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. You just need to remember that the details should not be very small.
  2. Alphabet and number cubes introduce your baby to letters and counting. They make up words, examples, or build houses.
  3. The children's computer contains several basic educational programs that develop attention, logic, reaction, and introduce letters and numbers. There are very inexpensive models with a small screen.
  4. Mosaic trains well fine motor skills child.
  5. Puzzles promote perseverance and attentiveness of the baby.
  6. Puzzles: mazes, matching games, coloring pages, finding an object in a picture. Children's magazines with tasks are sold in stores.
  7. Board games. There are a lot of options here. Some develop logic, attentiveness, perseverance, creative thinking, communication skills, speech, patience, others broaden their horizons and introduce new information.
  8. Magnetic boards with letters and numbers help you see how words are formed and what counts are made up of.
  9. Children's synthesizer (with recording) develops an ear for music and creative thinking.
  10. Drawing set. It includes pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, plastic scissors, and paints.
  11. Slate and magnetic boards allow you to draw and then erase the image.

Sports gifts for active and not so active kids

Three-year-old children love outdoor games. They enjoy running, jumping, and climbing slides. If a child is very nimble and practically does not sit in one place, he needs to splash out his energy on the street or at home. To prevent the child's restlessness from being fraught with problems, it is advisable to direct his activity in a positive direction with the help of organized games.

Three-year-olds who are not very fond of running and jumping also need physical development. They can be interested in movement by giving sports gifts and offering appropriate pastime.

Gift options for active recreation:

  • inflatable, rubber, soccer balls, made of soft materials;
  • sports complex with a climbing wall, horizontal bar, rope ladder, gymnastic rings and rope. There must be a mat underneath. This is a very useful gift, but it is advisable not to leave a busy child unattended;
  • children's bowling. A three-year-old child is already capable of knocking down pins with a ball quite well. This game perfectly develops coordination;
  • skis. There are inexpensive plastic options that attach to children's boots;
  • the kite will make the baby run with pleasure with a string in his hands;
  • a trampoline is a fascinating gift for a large apartment or country house;
  • bike. It’s better to immediately buy a two-wheeler with additional removable wheels;
  • a dry pool filled with balls or soft foam pieces. You can jump and play in it;
  • children's safe darts. This option does not have sharp darts;
  • dance mat. A great gift for those who like to move to music.

Shouldn't be so early age Buy a scooter or skates for your child. Riding a scooter promotes an asymmetrical position of the pelvis, as one leg is constantly higher than the other. Orthopedists recommend purchasing skates after five years, when the foot and joints are properly formed.

Useful gifts, including for the summer season

At three years old, it is difficult to give a child a useful gift (except for developmental ones) that he would like and at the same time perform some necessary function. The baby is unlikely to appreciate it beautiful clothes or new hair shampoo. The most important thing for children at this age is the opportunity to play with a surprise.

Options for functional gifts:

  • children's themed dishes and mugs or interesting cutlery. The child will be happy to eat from a bright and cheerful plate with an appropriate spoon;
  • a children's or unusual night light, for example, a lamp that projects the starry sky or looks like a fairy-tale house;
  • carpet with images of streets and roads. It's perfect for a boy's room. Playing with cars will become more interesting and warmer;
  • a children's umbrella of an unusual shape, completely transparent or with interesting pictures;
  • clothes from the “for mother and daughter” or “for father and son” series. The baby will be pleased if he is dressed in the same way as the parent;
  • elastic bands, bows, hair clips for the fair sex who like to braid their hair;
  • inflatable pool. If the birthday is in the summer, then children will receive such a gift with delight;
  • a castle bed for a girl, a car bed for a boy. This sleeping place will be appreciated as it deserves, because you can sleep and play;
  • a children's handbag or backpack so that the baby can carry his toys independently.

Hand puppets (or parsley dolls) can also become a useful gift for family. Three-year-old children often show excessive independence and intractability, refusing to eat or go to bed. If a parent puts such a toy on his hand and in his voice asks the child to eat a few more spoons or close his eyes in bed, then this will miraculously soften the whimsical protest. The game transforms the baby's mood into the right direction and helps to avoid a conflict situation.

A book for your birthday - believe me, it’s not boring at all

Book - wonderful gift, and at three years old, of course, the baby needs it (as at any other age). You just need to remember that it should have bright illustrations and correspond to the child’s development. It may contain some interesting elements or pictures that come to life.

  1. Music books. This edition is combined with a mini-synthesizer.
  2. Books with audio recordings. By pressing a button, the baby will be able to listen to the fairy tale without the participation of an adult.
  3. Books with moving pictures. When you turn the pages, the characters come to life and begin to move.
  4. Unusually designed books, for example, in the form of some animal or object.
  5. Coloring books. The child independently colors illustrations for the fairy tale.
  6. Pocket books. It is convenient to take such literature with you on the road or to the clinic.
  7. Books with puzzles. The birthday boy himself puts together the picture for the story from the presented details right on the pages.
  8. Educational books. They talk about objects, animals, and phenomena in words that a child can understand.

You should not give encyclopedias or other books that are not age appropriate to young children. The kid will not understand such a gift and will send it to gather dust on the shelf.

Original options

At three years old, a child is curious about almost all surprises. And buying such things will not be difficult. But adults can present the child with something unusual for him, but very interesting. This gift will be unexpected, surprising and joyful.

  1. The soap bubble set allows you to blow huge popping balloons or greatly increase the number of bubbles you can create in one swing of the racket. They even sell special tables and stands for the solution.
  2. A home hammock is attached to the ceiling, and children enjoy lying and swinging in it without going outside.
  3. Puzzle 3D. With the help of an adult, the child will assemble a three-dimensional animal or house.
  4. Face painting. Drawings on the face are done at some holidays or while walking in shopping centers. With this set you can draw a flower, a cat's nose or a butterfly on your skin at home.
  5. Fancy dress. It should be based on your favorite fairy tale.
  6. Sand painting table. It is a transparent tabletop with backlighting, on which a layer of fine sand is poured. The birthday boy, moving his fingers, draws a picture on it, then erases it. This activity, according to educational psychologists, has a beneficial effect on the baby’s psyche and promotes relaxation and calm.
  7. Karaoke. A great surprise for children who love to sing songs. When purchasing, check the offered repertoire.
  8. Plasticine factory. A set that contains the plasticine itself, various devices and machines for modeling.
  9. Pirate chest. Perfect for toys in a boy's room.
  10. Electric car. This is a fairly large and expensive gift, a mini-copy of an adult car. The child will be happy to ride in it on the street.

Some children experience an allergic reaction to the use of face painting, so an allergen test must be performed before using it. It is done in the same way as for adults before dyeing their hair. A small amount of paint is applied to the inside of the elbow. After several hours (from 8 to 12) you need to evaluate the result. It is good to try overnight. If the skin remains clean, there is no rash, swelling or redness, face painting can be used. When purchasing a product from another manufacturer, the procedure must be repeated.

Memorable surprises

For a three-year-old child, keepsakes are of little interest if you can’t play with them or be surprised by them. Therefore, you need to choose such surprises taking into account these features. Gifts should contain a reminder of a wonderful holiday:

What animal can you give to a child for three years?

If a baby does not calmly pass by kittens and puppies and reaches out to them on the street to pet them, it means he loves animals. Some parents are ready to buy their child a furry or not so furry friend. But here, of course, it is necessary to take into account that the child himself may not handle the pet carefully, and he is not yet able to care for it.

When parents buy an animal as a gift for a three-year-old child, they get it for themselves rather than for their daughter or son. In most cases, after a while the baby loses interest in such a friend. Therefore, before purchasing a surprise, adults need to think about whether they are ready to take on additional responsibility.

Due to the fact that the child does not very well understand how to properly contact a pet, it is necessary to think about the interaction between them. For example, a baby cannot hold a hamster, mouse or gecko in his hands, and they will run away. Rats or degus are quite smart rodents, but you need to be able to communicate with them. The little ones will quickly get bored with the fish, and the dog needs to be walked several times every day. You can get a parrot if its frequent chirping and feathers around the area don’t irritate you, or a calm and docile turtle that doesn’t crave attention. A kitten or puppy requires a lot of care and love. But in essence, any pet can become a member of the family if adults are initially aware of the possible difficulties in maintaining and raising it.

Handmade gift for a child

Adults are able to please a child with gifts made with their own hands. Knowing what the birthday person likes or arouses curiosity, they can independently or with outside help organize a useful, fun or beautiful surprise:

  • three-dimensional postcard;
  • flowers made from sausage balls;
  • sandbox, cottage in the country;
  • tent in the room;
  • a tulle skirt, a candy flower or beads for a girl;
  • sword or master's corner for a boy;
  • animal pillow or soft toy.

If the idea of ​​a gift has already arisen, but there are questions about its implementation, it is easy to take advantage of master classes, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

Photo gallery: what you can make yourself as a gift for a 3-year-old child

making a tulle skirt is not at all difficult, you can even do without sewing
The boy will definitely enjoy becoming a superhero; even a novice craftswoman can sew a cape and mask, and various logos are sold in sewing accessories stores You can make an excellent sandbox for a child from lumber in a park of days. Both boys and girls will be happy with the playhouse
A tent is a very exciting gift because you can play in it, secluded from the whole world

DIY balloon bouquet - video

Third birthday gifts can be big or small, expensive or homemade, useful or fun. The child most likely will not remember how everything was when he grows up. But on this day he and his whole family will be happy. And the preserved photographs will help leave these good moments for history.

1. Home puppet theater
During the game, children love to portray various characters. A good gift for a three-year-old child there will be a home puppet theater Bi-ba-bo. Bi-ba-bo are glove-shaped dolls, they are worn on the hand and consist of a head and a dress. With this gift you can put on a whole home show.

2. Children's educational computer
Modern children have been interested in computers almost from infancy. Give your child a special educational computer, and the child will be delighted. And such a gift does not damage the eyesight, and at the same time there is play and learning. You can download various programs - for teaching letters, numbers, etc.

3. Pajama pocket toy
Children have difficulty getting used to order, and to make this process more fun, give your child a toy pocket for pajamas. This pocket can be hung on the bed, and then the child will hide his pajamas in a cute bunny or bear every morning. This way things will be in place and the child will be happy.

4. A book with fairy tales for children
Lovers of fairy tales will appreciate a gift book, but not an ordinary one, but a fairy tale about yourself! Personalized fairy tales are decorated with photographs of the birthday boy and his relatives; the names of the characters are also familiar to everyone. Such books are made to order by many children's publishing houses.

5. Unbreakable soap bubbles
What child doesn't love soap bubbles? But they are so fragile, they burst and this often upsets children. Therefore, “Unpopping Bubbles” will be a wonderful gift for your baby. They are made from a special solution and do not burst in the hands of children.

Good day, dear readers. When you think about what you can give to a 3-year-old child, a boy, you need to take into account his level of development, interests and preferences. In this article you can read how to choose the right gift, and what to give is not recommended. Also, depending on the directions, groups of the most suitable gifts for a four-year-old boy will be selected.

Features of development

When deciding on a gift for a three-year-old boy, you need to consider age characteristics and the needs of such a child:

  1. Children at this age actively explore the world around them and determine their place in it.
  2. The three-year-old boy is already delighting those around him with his first successes and showing his independence.
  3. Don’t forget that this is the age of “whys”, the child is bombarded with questions and demands immediate answers.
  4. A three-year-old boy will endlessly ride on swings, slides, run and jump a lot.
  5. He is active social life, meet new children.
  6. Remember that a toddler at this age already understands the importance of his birthday, as receiving gifts upon the arrival of guests.

Criteria for the right gift

  1. It is important that the gift you give is material. It is very important for a toddler at this age to feel by touch what you give him.
  2. It is necessary to understand that a child at this age will be much more interested in playing with a cheaper toy, which will be of impressive size, for example, a set of cubes, than an expensive one, but small in size, for example, some kind of collectible figurine.
  3. The gift can be decorated with a bow - this will create an even greater sense of celebration in the child.
  4. When going to a three-year-old boy's birthday party, you should take into account the time of year when he was born. For example, a summer toddler can be presented with a swimming pool, and a winter toddler can be presented with a sleigh.
  5. Be sure to consider temperament little man. The baby may like quiet, calm games, for example, he really likes to fold the construction set. Or perhaps he is interested in music, for him every new instrument is a joy. Although, this may be a toddler who cannot sit still for a minute and is in constant motion; sports-related gifts will be successful for him.

What can you give a 3 year old boy?

Remember that your gift must meet the child’s age needs and be interesting to him. Don’t forget that at three years old the baby is already greeting guests in anticipation of gifts and this is very important for him. That is why you need to take the choice of a gift seriously, because it should evoke positive emotions at the baby's.

When my son turned 3 years old, the guests presented the most various gifts. The most memorable and beloved was the large model of the Niva car, it was a yellow taxi. All the doors, trunk and hood opened in it, the car had an inertia winding, the ride was accompanied by a characteristic sound, a light effect appeared, checkers blinked, and the headlights glowed. And the most useful gift was this: an educational laptop with flashcards. There were tasks to study numbers, letters, differences in the characteristics of objects, study notes and much more. The laptop served us for many years and was inherited by my sister.

Let's take a closer look at what gifts are best to give depending on what area of ​​your baby's development you want to improve.

Toys for development

Sports gifts

It is still important for a three-year-old child to develop his physical health. Therefore, such gifts will be very appropriate.

Interactive toys

Such a gift will be very successful, because the baby will receive not only a soft toy, for example, a character from his favorite cartoon, which will become his friend. Such a gift will be able to live its own life, it will be able to speak, even dance or move. In addition, you can give an interactive kitten or dog if the baby dreams of a pet, but the parents resist this desire.

You can choose the following interactive gifts:

Present for creative development

Musical instruments for a boy

Boys are somewhat smaller than girls, but still enjoy quiet games, they especially like to draw. A good gift for creativity would be:

  1. Large set of paints. It is still recommended to give finger gifts. Along with the paints, you can present a large sketchbook.
  2. Creative set. This set will include paints, colored pencils and crayons, and markers. Perhaps the baby will not yet be able to fully use such paints, but he will happily play with everything else, creating his own masterpiece.
  3. The easel does not lose its relevance.
  4. Musical instruments. It could be a xylophone, flute, toy guitar, button accordion or even a drum. When making such a purchase, make sure that the instruments are in good working order and that their sound does not irritate your ears.

Unusual gifts

Cake for a 3 year old boy

  1. A thick book of fairy tales, filled with lots of illustrations. It will be especially interesting for the baby if it has a 3D effect or the ability to attach individual parts to the image according to their meaning, or paste stickers.
  2. Sweet gift. The boy will be simply happy if you present him with a big beautiful cake with images of his favorite cartoon characters. Only, if you decide to give such a gift, make sure that the child is not allergic to sweets.
  3. A pet. It is very important for toddlers at this age to have little friend. A kitten or dog can play this role. However, if you decide to present just such a gift, ask your parents if they agree with such a change in their life or if this was not part of the plans.

Universal option

Gifts that should not be given

  1. Toys made from low-quality materials.
  2. Gifts consisting of small parts or objects that are not securely fixed.
  3. You should not give money; the baby is unlikely to appreciate such a gift.
  4. Do not give an invitation to a performance if you cannot go to it right away. This will only upset the little one and ruin his mood for the rest of the evening.
  5. It is not recommended to give items of clothing and shoes. The baby will not be happy with such a gift. If you have already decided to replenish your child’s wardrobe, then you need this gift to be accompanied by some other, albeit small, toy.

Now you know the categories of gifts you can present to a three-year-old child. Remember the need to follow certain rules when choosing them, do not rush to buy the first one you come across, choose only high-quality products that are safe for a little boy. Also, do not forget about age restrictions so that the child is really interested in playing with this or that gift. I wish that the gift you choose turns out to be the best for the birthday boy!