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What do Armenians love in bed? How to win the love of an Armenian man

On the question of why Armenian men prefer Russian girls.
Armenians love Russian very much. I even have one fan who seems to only communicate with me to practice speaking Russian. Well, God bless him!)
Armenians love the Russian language so much that with any tourist, whether from Guatemala, they first of all speak Russian. Such a bizarre instinct works - if not in Armenian, then in Russian. But most of all, Armenians (we are talking about men) love women. Sorry, Russian women and girls.
And who doesn't love, you ask? But the Armenians - any Russian girl who has visited Armenia will tell you - love them in a special way. Here you have temperament, hospitality, and Caucasian character, and the ability to appreciate beauty. Turns out,
back in Soviet times, Armenia was considered the center of the sex industry in the USSR. But that was a long time ago, and so what's the truth?)
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot of new things have been built in the country, society has begun to develop, or rather “advance” according to the templates of liberal - democratic standards. In short, everything is according to the plan of Heraclitus "Everything flows - everything changes." Only the love of Armenian men for Russian girls remained unchanged. This is how the hot Armenian macho explains this paradox. We read and ponder:
Why do we like Russian girls?
1. Because they know how to take care of themselves.
2.Shave in all places every day
3 they smell good
4 they have beautiful ass
5 they have long legs
6 they're mostly blondes
7 you don’t make any effort to get them to bed.
8 they also like Caucasian faces (he said it himself)
9 they are good in bed
10 they have no complexes

The whole tragicomic character of this “sublime” love and irrepressible passion lies in the fact that Armenians are drawn to Slavic women, but few will dare to marry a Slavic woman. Here a few words must be said about Armenian girls, too, because everything is cognized by comparison. Ithax: Armenian girls are a very special kind of girls (just like Armenian guys). The girls here are mostly modest, well-mannered and quiet. It often happens that you spend many hours in companies where there are many girls, but you never hear a single word from them. Some men like it very much (may the Almighty forgive them). With all this, you can meet a completely different type of girl: European views, open, cheerful, sociable, flaring up ... at club parties. In order to find just such, you do not need to strain too much. Just go to the nearest club.
It is clear that easy accessibility is inherent in both Armenian and Russian women ... And there is hardly a people where they are not easily accessible. And the dogma, which some Armenian men and women like to trumpet at the top of their voice, about the superiority of Armenian women over everyone, and in particular over Russian women, is complete nonsense, and I would say the result of low mental development.
Judge for yourself, because we constantly hear the same thing - Armenian women adhere to traditions, know how to behave (?), Good housewives, etc. etc..
One might think that Russians do not have any traditions and customs, they behave like a pig and the house is an eternal mess. And besides, if we are talking about traditions, then what exactly are we talking about? As far as I understand, the word tradition is used in the lips of many precisely as a symbol of innocence before marriage, and this is the whole essence of the invented paradigm about Armenian traditions. And before marriage, exclusively platonic love is, of course, good, but depending on when the girl gets married. And what if no one calls to get married ???. After all, you marry someone without knowing about one of the most important things (admit it) in the relationship between a man and a woman, and you hope that everything will be fine in the future. But what if the guy is not lucky? And in response, silence ... ..
And the fact that today for many Armenian men the female ideal is not in the form of housewives with an apron in the kitchen, but in the form of a modern, intelligent and interesting woman is much more attractive and that there are very few of them among Armenian women, it is not said about this. However, I have already said!))))
Armenians, do not forget that many Armenian women stay at home (sometimes in the literal sense of the word), because 30% of all Armenians who leave to work in Russia marry a Russian, and only 5% of Armenian women marry Russians. No gags - naked statistics. So there is a reason to support the "domestic manufacturer")))))
Please, all Armenian men who read this post, do not forget that there are a lot of beautiful Armenian women who are waiting for you))))
p.s. Do not judge my cynicism harshly.

Someone manages to attract the attention of an Armenian easily and naturally, while someone, despite all efforts and attempts, is defeated. So, let's try to answer the question: how to win the love of an Armenian man?

What is an Armenian man?

The character of an Armenian man

First we need to find out what exactly do we know about Armenian men?

The image of a fatal handsome man with an ardent temperament and a reverent attitude towards a woman has firmly settled in our thoughts. In fact, Armenian men do not really stand out among men of other nationalities. The Armenians are distinguished by a sharp change of mood, jealousy, unconditional charisma, loyalty to traditions, respect for family ties, hard work. These are the main characteristics obtained from women living or communicating with men of this nationality. Armenians living in Russian cities are more socialized than their compatriots living in their homeland. But it must be remembered that every person is an individual and people of Armenian nationality are no exception.

How to attract the attention of an Armenian man?

Before figuring out how to win the love of an Armenian man, you need to clarify how you can draw his attention to your person. There is no known fact that Armenian men prefer a certain type of women. Therefore, it makes no sense to repaint from blonde to brunette, lose weight or gain weight. An Armenian can be attracted to a woman by mystery, or the presence of a zest, which seems to be visible, but not unraveled. This way you can intrigue him and arouse his interest. If your meeting is casual and you would like to start a relationship with this person, do not impose on him in any way, try to gently push him to action and then very reluctantly give in to his request. Behave as unapproachable as possible, this will push him to further action, because Armenian men are essentially conquerors. Mysteriousness, inaccessibility and well-groomed appearance are your main weapons at the first stage to the goal.

How to win the love of an Armenian?

How to fall in love with an Armenian

So, now you need to consolidate the result and move to a new level of relationship with the subject of your dreams. You need to try to tie him to yourself. Learn how to cook his favorite dishes and learn the Armenian language, this will flatter him and it will be much easier for you to communicate with his family when you further get to know your relatives and friends. And such an acquaintance will definitely take place. And in order for your relationship to become as strong and durable as possible, you need to please the parents of your Armenian man. It is the opinion of his family that will play a decisive role in your relationship. Whatever affection the young man has for you, he will be able to break off relations with you if the family so decides.

If you are counting on a long-term relationship with your partner, then he will certainly be proud if you know his roots and understand all the "branches" of his huge family.

You will need to show your partner that it is he who plays a major role in your relationship, but do not let him rob you of his own opinion. This will inspire his respect for you, and he will be proud that an independent girl recognizes him as the head of the relationship.

You shouldn't test his feelings with jealousy. Armenians, as a rule, are very jealous and you can expect a scandal at best, or a complete rupture of relations at worst.

Learn to respect your Armenian boyfriend. Show him your intelligence, understanding and admiration. An Armenian man will be proud to have such an intelligent and understanding girl. And most importantly ... If your relationship has grown into a serious one and you have reached your initial goal, express your love for him. After all, every person needs to be loved.

And in the end ...

You have worked hard to get the love of an Armenian man. What do you get in return? Armenian men, as a rule, are well educated, it is interesting to communicate with them, they take good care of them and show care. If you are planning to start a family with him, then, according to statistics, Armenians are good husbands, caring fathers who put family first. They respect the wife and her opinion.

It so happened that happiness (or misfortune) came to me))). My Armenian man... This is, of course, the same little thing I'll tell you, but I like it (for now).

A certain stereotype of this kind of male individuals has formed in our heads, as hot, reckless, temperamental men, greedy for women.

So, I want to reveal this stereotype, based on my more than one-year experience. I hope my experience will be useful to you, push or, on the contrary, warn you in time against the avalanche of emotions called relations with an Armenian. Let the men of other nationalities, very respected by me, forgive me, as they say, that I have studied, and I am writing about that.

Acquaintance, or how to understand he or not.

So, you met an Armenian man who gives you signs of attention, how to understand who he is and what he is represents itself. He wants a serious relationship or just an adventure for the night.

First, take a closer look at him, what he talks about, what he thinks. It may seem that the Armenians are similar in their outlook, but this is absolutely not the case. And among them there are cattle, there is an elite, some of which differ little from cattle and there are quite intelligent, educated individuals. They are similar in mentality, but their behavior is completely different. In any case, an educated, well-bred Armenian does not hang on to his ears, he will not swear and will not hit.

The layer of educated Armenians has a very respectful, even chivalrous attitude towards a woman (anyone), therefore, with such a person, or in the company of such people, you are absolutely safe.

How to determine who is in front of you? My criteria are as follows:

An intelligent, penetrating look, in appearance and manners should be different from the seller of tomatoes in the market, the style of clothing is European, and not half Asian, half gopnic.
Knowledge of languages: an Armenian who is more or less suitable for you is fluent in Russian, moreover, not only in Russian,
Topics of conversation and manners: try to get your boyfriend to talk, an individual suitable for you should understand everything a little bit, be able to support any topic, and most importantly, talk calmly, without displaying temperament inappropriately.

We pass to you. How should you behave?

In principle, as usual, without straining, the Armenians are still not Ethiopians, the topics for and the manner of behavior are similar. But there are some differences:
It sounds corny, but be a little more modest. A story about your achievements, about how cool / talented you are, how many people you have under your command and what high salary you have will not bring you dividends, but rather scared away,
Don't drink too much, the sight of a drunk woman talking nonsense can scare off your potential soul mate. Moreover, if your boyfriend himself is not a lover of alcohol, which is quite possible (for the year of my relationship, I did not see my man and his friends, not only drunk, but also a little drunk)
Do not slow down, try to get into the topic, joke. Armenians are very cheerful, humorous people (though the humor is a little specific, such an English humor with a Caucasian accent).
If your man is from Armenia itself, try to speak as literally as possible, remember that he studied Russian from books and our slang can cut his ears. The most harmless phrases like "kapets", "go nuts", etc. for him the height of bad manners.

What ischaracter if mdinner Armenian

The myth about those who wail and gesticulate was created by people who have nothing to do with the Caucasus. Those Armenians with whom I happened to communicate, on the contrary, are distinguished by philosophical calmness. As far as I understood, boys from childhood are brought up to hide their emotions, you can not show either joy or sadness in public, society brings up stoics.

What is really true is a sudden change in mood, it can happen absolutely at any moment. From a phone call, from an embarrassing situation and the worst thing, from the wrong word that you could say at that moment! A stoic philosopher can explode because of what you think is trifle, and then for hours be like a volcano during an eruption. that, the phrase "Think what you are saying" is not just acting here, but think, think and think three more times, preferably also analyze what HE might think if you are tell, and only then tell.) With him, you should be not just a woman, but an intelligent, wise woman, at the same time, remaining gentle, caring, fragile.

Don't forget that he should feel like he is in charge of your relationship. This does not mean that you should not have your own opinion, even really should, otherwise he will not be interested with you. Just correctly, clearly, briefly and most importantly, deliver it on time and calmly. Everything must be done so that ultimately, supposedly, he himself came to this. Such a fine line!

It is useless to enter into sharp disputes with him, since childhood they are accustomed to disputes and showdowns (they call it bazaars), so for each of your arguments he has ten "smart" arguments. He will easily prove to you that milk is black and the earth is flat! Do not prove, but ask. Give him a chance to give in nobly! Never use phrases like "tired", "zadolbal", "went to ....". They take everything literally, then they will load themselves for weeks with how he could get bored or "bored", he's so good.


Do not provoke jealousy under any circumstances, it is DANGEROUS !!! First, it may not understand (this is at best). Secondly, it can even break off relations altogether. This does not mean that he is not jealous of you, jealous, he simply does not show it, it is checked !!! For example, when you walk together, it may seem that he does not pay attention to you at all, this is not so. Your man is Armenian, in this time is busy with serious work, he is watching who else is paying attention to you!) At this moment, a storm of emotions boils in him: on the one hand, “yeah, this is MY woman, look, she is beautiful, clever, etc. ", on the other -" how dare you look at MY woman, she is ONLY MY TREASURE. " Here it is, jealousy ...)))

If you are jealous You, try to do it gently (without wild tantrums and inappropriate words, emotions of course need to be shown, but do it with dignity, you are a woman!) Just explain that some things are unpleasant or even admit frankly that you are jealous, but calmly!

His friends…

An Armenian man, as a rule, has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. Moreover, this is his pride, his life capital (in any case, he thinks so). Let be This does not scare you, in any case he will communicate with friends, have his own hobbies, do not interfere with this... Just accept and that's it! Don't be jealous that he did not take you with him, if he said that he would go to drink tea with a friend, believe me, he really drinking tea. Just a conversation can be about work, using some exclusively masculine expressions, etc. By the way, it was very funny to watch serious, respectable men in Yerevan, drinking tea or coffee with cakes in the evenings, talking with a very smart look.

You and an Armenian man

Praise your loved one. Men of this nationality are mainly, and especially in their younger years, earners and workaholics, one cannot be indifferent to this. It is very important for him to realize that all his actions, deeds, goals achieved are not just self-realization. He should feel that everything he does, he does for you, thus showing what he is Man. It is important! Appreciate any of his efforts, successes, tell him about it, reassure and support when something does not work out. In return, you will receive a huge return, you will be his muse, for the sake of which he will be ready for anything. Of course it is nice for a man of any nationality, but for an Armenian ESPECIALLY !!! By the way, the Armenian man is very attentive, he will also pay attention, even to the little things that you do for him and say that it is to him nice.

And of course, don't forget about your appearance. You are, first of all, a woman, and a woman must and must be beautiful and well-groomed (I'm not talking about a painted doll with a ton of makeup on her face now). If you already use cosmetics, then try to do it correctly, emphasizing your natural beauty !!!

And the main thing is your weapon, if an Armenian man is femininity (feel behind your back a man, a warrior, which he is), calmness (remember, your man, in fact, is very emotional, although he may not show it at first, but inside he always has a raging volcano. yours duty to calm him down), give him tenderness, kindness and ALWAYS smile.

Of course, each person is unique, but the similarities are roughly the same. Remember, you will definitely not be bored! Good luck, lovely girls! Love and be loved!!!

Has a hot Armenian guy won your heart at first sight? Yes, Slavic women are often dizzy by the temperamental sons of the Caucasus with their "wah-what" accent and ability to take care of them unusually beautifully.

The only question is how to get his attention and win his heart.

There are several strategic points that will allow you to fall in love with an Armenian man. Just be careful. What if he wants to steal you and take you home to the Caucasus?

If you're ready, let's go!

A man is a man in the Caucasus too

At first glance, the Armenians are more temperamental, passionate and cheerful than the men of the "domestic producer". It seems that they are ready to drink wine for days, while pushing long toasts and dancing to the sound of lezginka.

But, be sure, any man permanently wants home warmth, comfort and tranquility in the first place. And a woman for whom he will always be the most courageous, strong and reliable.

An Armenian, like everyone else, falls in love not with the woman herself, but with his condition next to her.

Therefore, in a relationship with a man, it is important to first ensure the latter. Show that it is better than with you, he will not be with anyone.

Thank him for the gifts (and eastern men are very generous), admire his actions, compliment him, be gentle and understanding.

I tell you he will not resist. And he wants to be by your side for the rest of his life.

Don't play with fire

It is believed that one way to win a man's heart is to flirt with jealousy. Only he will see that his woman is being taken away by someone else, will immediately inflame with passionate love and will win back. So, this is complete nonsense!

Most likely, he will think that you are a windy and unworthy cheater, and your favorite is an impudent person who dared to offend his pride. Well, he will decide to figure it out ...

In the best case - the case will end in a massacre, in the worst - in a stabbing. But be that as it may, you will fall in his eyes and lose the chance to fall in love with him.

Don't include a feminist

While charming, do not forget about the characteristic zest of any Caucasian man. He is impulsive and dependent on the opinions of his family and traditions.

In addition, he is always a leader and will want to dominate the relationship. Never let a woman pay on a date, so keep your wallet and your impulses with you.

And do not try to intercept the bill at the restaurant, because "you are not like that and for equality." For an Armenian, this is tantamount to an insult.

It is interesting that with all these advantages, such a woman often cannot arrange her personal life. Or she finds that she does not mind sitting on her neck and occasionally washing the dishes.

In the East, everything is different. Armenian wives are charismatic, capricious, but at the same time they recognize the primacy of the man in the family. They also have the right to work and wear trousers. But they always take his opinion into account.

It is noteworthy that marriages in the East are stronger and more durable.

If you want an Armenian man, be gentle. Show that you respect him. Do not start an argument, do not prove - be a woman.

If you disagree with him, use a woman's cunning - support him in his conviction, but then gently push him towards the desired solution. And this, by the way, is not manipulation - this is elementary female wisdom.

Don't go against your family!

Another feature of any Caucasian man is loyalty to the family. They always listen to the opinion of their father and mother and almost never go against their will.

Especially when it comes to it There are frequent cases when an Armenian, in love with a Slavic girl, left her only because his mother or grandmother did not like her.

When trying to win the heart of a Caucasian man, never speak ill of his family. Do your best to please them. Otherwise - no chance, no options.

Moreover, most likely, his parents are people of the "old school". Therefore, they are unlikely to be delighted with your new mini or translucent blouse. And follow the manner of communication.

Be humble, at least in their presence, try and, of course, avoid obscene language.

They will treat you: food, wine - eat, drink and thank. But do not lean too heavily on alcohol, although it is not easy to do this among Caucasians. Otherwise, the correct strategy will quickly disappear from your head.

At some point, you will realize that you are complaining about the fifth to his mother and flirting with a hundred-year-old grandpa.

When you meet your mom, watch her. Men, especially Caucasian ones, often idealize their mother. If he sees in you at least some resemblance to her, then he will become even more attached.

Fix effect

It really doesn't matter at all,. Everyone wants to see specific qualities and manifestations in a woman.

An Armenian, like any representative of the stronger sex, falls in love with a woman with whom he feels good and calm, with whom he feels like a real man.

Act according to plan, and very soon he will not be able to live without you. If I missed something, tell me in the comments what I caught an Armenian man myself.

Good luck,
Ksenia Litvinova, psychologist at FazaRosta.

On the question of why Armenian men prefer Russian girls.
Armenians love Russian very much. I even have one fan who seems to only communicate with me to practice speaking Russian. Well, God bless him!)
Armenians love the Russian language so much that with any tourist, be it from Guatemala, they first of all speak Russian. Such a bizarre instinct works - if not in Armenian, then in Russian. But most of all Armenians (we are talking about men) love women. Sorry, Russian women and girls.
And who doesn't love, you ask? But the Armenians - any Russian girl who has visited Armenia will tell you - love them in a special way. Here you have temperament, hospitality, and Caucasian character, and the ability to appreciate beauty. Turns out,
back in Soviet times, Armenia was considered the center of the sex industry in the USSR. But that was a long time ago, and so what's the truth?)
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot of new things have been built in the country, society has begun to develop, or rather, "advance" according to the templates of liberal - democratic standards. In short, everything is according to the plan of Heraclitus "Everything flows - everything changes." Only the love of Armenian men for Russian girls remained unchanged. This is how the hot Armenian macho explains this paradox. We read and ponder:
Why do we like Russian girls?
1. Because they know how to take care of themselves.
2.Shave in all places every day
3 they smell good
4 they have beautiful ass
5 they have long legs
6 they're mostly blondes
7 you don’t make any effort to get them to bed.
8 they also like Caucasian faces (he said it himself)
9 they are good in bed
10 they have no complexes

The whole tragicomic character of this "sublime" love and irrepressible passion lies in the fact that Armenians are drawn to Slavic women, but few people will dare to marry a Slavic woman. Here a few words must be said about Armenian girls, too, because everything is cognized by comparison. Ithax: Armenian girls are a very special kind of girls (just like Armenian guys). The girls here are mostly modest, well-mannered and quiet. It often happens that you spend many hours in companies where there are many girls, but you never hear a single word from them. Some men like it very much (may the Almighty forgive them). With all this, you can meet a completely different type of girl: European views, open, cheerful, sociable, flaring up ... at club parties. In order to find just such, you do not need to strain too much. Just go to the nearest club.
It is clear that easy accessibility is inherent in both Armenian and Russian women ... And there is hardly a people where they are not easily accessible. And the dogma, which some Armenian men and women like to trumpet at the top of their voice, about the superiority of Armenian women over everyone, and in particular over Russian women, is complete nonsense, and I would say the result of low mental development.
Judge for yourself, because we constantly hear the same thing - Armenian women adhere to traditions, know how to behave (?), Good housewives, etc. etc..
One might think that Russians do not have any traditions and customs, they behave like a pig and the house is an eternal mess. And besides, if we are talking about traditions, then what exactly are we talking about? As far as I understand, the word tradition is used in the lips of many precisely as a symbol of innocence before marriage, and this is the whole essence of the invented paradigm about Armenian traditions. And before marriage, exclusively platonic love is, of course, good, but depending on when the girl gets married. And what if no one calls to get married ???. After all, you marry someone without knowing about one of the most important things (admit it) in the relationship between a man and a woman, and you hope that everything will be fine in the future. But what if the guy is not lucky? And in response, silence ... ..
And the fact that today for many Armenian men the female ideal is not in the form of housewives with an apron in the kitchen, but in the form of a modern, intelligent and interesting woman is much more attractive and that there are very few of them among Armenian women, it is not said about this. However, I have already said!))))
Armenians, do not forget that many Armenian women stay at home (sometimes in the literal sense of the word), because 30% of all Armenians who leave to work in Russia marry a Russian, and only 5% of Armenian women marry Russians. No gags - naked statistics. So there is a reason to support the "domestic manufacturer")))))
Please, all Armenian men who read this post, do not forget that there are a lot of beautiful Armenian women who are waiting for you))))
p.s. Do not judge my cynicism harshly.

Love has no nationality. However, here is what you need to prepare for if you are going to tie the knot with an Armenian man. Evarushnitsa share your stories.

“I have a second cousin who has been happily married to an Armenian for 9 years already. Their family is very friendly, a person is quite adequate. True, the wedding was exactly Armenian, with a bunch of Armenians who spoke their own way, including toasts, which the bride did not understand, with an offering of gold in huge quantities and not always new.

There is another example - a relative of her husband married an Armenian. So patriarchy in all its glory, a woman even gave him a coat when she dressed. His family took the girl with hostility, in general, it all ended in a scandalous divorce after 10 years. "

“I have been married to an Armenian for 12 years and have three children. Frankly, they didn’t quite want to accept the Russian, but when they accepted it - as my own - it was almost like a mountain for me, even in front of my husband. The husband's family has lived in Yerevan for several generations all their lives (that is, they were not at all Russified). We have many friends and there are still Russian wives - and no problem. As for the language - never in a company, on a holiday, etc. if one of the Russian wives at the table does not speak Armenian, their order is like that - only in Russian, or first in Armenian, and then translation. No patriarchy, quite the contrary.

My husband cooks, and more Russian is busy with the children. Although there are pitfalls: the Armenian mother-in-law. It will not be easy at first, but if you approach her with mind and heart, it will be like a second mother. "

“I was married to an Armenian from Baku. I loved him to the point of insanity, he too, youth ... But he walked like a dog, did not hide, raised his hands, then asked for forgiveness. After 4 years, sex came to naught, and the Armenian ambition only increased. Well, I sent him. He is now happy with the same hairy Armenian beauty, two children. I am grateful for having learned to cook from his relatives. I will say one thing - consider it my personal opinion - if you want to live in a marriage without sex - go for an Armenian. They are enough for several years, then only for multiple mistresses, but not for a wife. Gave birth - free, so to speak. Sex once a month is good. Well, in general, hot blood - it cools quickly, especially to his wife. "

“Two of my friends are married to Armenians. And I must say, we would all have such husbands, girls. This is not just carrying wives in your arms - this is some kind of permanent adoration. Both are family, caring, they carry children in their teeth, everything to the house, everything to the family. And one is a military man, now they serve in the suburbs, there is a military service. The second graduated from the railway technical school, i.e. with education not quite there, all his life he works on the railway, like his late father - the dynasty with them. I love being in this family (we just live closer), I am charged there with such a frantic positive energy that later it seems to me that I will have such a family and such relationships in my life. BUT! When I was young, I met an Armenian, and no matter how he called me to marry, I would not go. Purely for me, marriage with them is unacceptable. Although ... never say never. In general, you need to look at a person and listen to your heart. "

“A friend married an Armenian (she is Ukrainian, he is from a family of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh), but I understand that he is not a pure-blooded Armenian, there is a lot of blood mixed there. He sought her for a long time for 6 years, probably, she is 4 years older than him. His Armenian relatives were against marriage, openly at the wedding they said that Valya jumped into the last door of the last tram (although she is smart, she always studied well, she earned 2/3 of the money herself for the wedding. Now she is at home with 2 children. I was she is a guest: she is always irritated, there is not enough money (alas, this Armenian did not turn out to be a breadwinner). I suspect that he will fix a third one for her so that she, like his mother, would sit at home by the stove. "

It so happened that happiness (or misfortune) came to me))). My Armenian man... This is, of course, the same little thing I'll tell you, but I like it (for now).

A certain stereotype of this kind of male individuals has formed in our heads, as hot, reckless, temperamental men, greedy for women.

So, I want to reveal this stereotype, based on my more than one-year experience. I hope my experience will be useful to you, push or, on the contrary, warn you in time against the avalanche of emotions called relations with an Armenian. Let the men of other nationalities, very respected by me, forgive me, as they say, that I have studied, and I am writing about that.

Acquaintance, or how to understand he or not.

So, you met an Armenian man who gives you signs of attention, how to understand who he is and what he is represents itself. He wants a serious relationship or just an adventure for the night.

First, take a closer look at him, what he talks about, what he thinks. It may seem that the Armenians are similar in their outlook, but this is absolutely not the case. And among them there are cattle, there is an elite, some of which differ little from cattle and there are quite intelligent, educated individuals. They are similar in mentality, but their behavior is completely different. In any case, an educated, well-bred Armenian does not hang on to his ears, he will not swear and will not hit.

The layer of educated Armenians has a very respectful, even chivalrous attitude towards a woman (anyone), therefore, with such a person, or in the company of such people, you are absolutely safe.

How to determine who is in front of you? My criteria are as follows:

An intelligent, penetrating look, in appearance and manners should be different from the seller of tomatoes in the market, the style of clothing is European, and not half Asian, half gopnic.
Knowledge of languages: an Armenian who is more or less suitable for you is fluent in Russian, moreover, not only in Russian,
Topics of conversation and manners: try to get your boyfriend to talk, an individual suitable for you should understand everything a little bit, be able to support any topic, and most importantly, talk calmly, without displaying temperament inappropriately.

We pass to you. How should you behave?

In principle, as usual, without straining, the Armenians are still not Ethiopians, the topics for and the manner of behavior are similar. But there are some differences:
It sounds corny, but be a little more modest. A story about your achievements, about how cool / talented you are, how many people you have under your command and what high salary you have will not bring you dividends, but rather scared away,
Don't drink too much, the sight of a drunk woman talking nonsense can scare off your potential soul mate. Moreover, if your boyfriend himself is not a lover of alcohol, which is quite possible (for the year of my relationship, I did not see my man and his friends, not only drunk, but also a little drunk)
Do not slow down, try to get into the topic, joke. Armenians are very cheerful, humorous people (though the humor is a little specific, such an English humor with a Caucasian accent).
If your man is from Armenia itself, try to speak as literally as possible, remember that he studied Russian from books and our slang can cut his ears. The most harmless phrases like "kapets", "go nuts", etc. for him the height of bad manners.

What ischaracter if mdinner Armenian

The myth about those who wail and gesticulate was created by people who have nothing to do with the Caucasus. Those Armenians with whom I happened to communicate, on the contrary, are distinguished by philosophical calmness. As far as I understood, boys from childhood are brought up to hide their emotions, you can not show either joy or sadness in public, society brings up stoics.

What is really true is a sudden change in mood, it can happen absolutely at any moment. From a phone call, from an embarrassing situation and the worst thing, from the wrong word that you could say at that moment! A stoic philosopher can explode because of what you think is trifle, and then for hours be like a volcano during an eruption. that, the phrase "Think what you are saying" is not just acting here, but think, think and think three more times, preferably also analyze what HE might think if you are tell, and only then tell.) With him, you should be not just a woman, but an intelligent, wise woman, at the same time, remaining gentle, caring, fragile.

Don't forget that he should feel like he is in charge of your relationship. This does not mean that you should not have your own opinion, even really should, otherwise he will not be interested with you. Just correctly, clearly, briefly and most importantly, deliver it on time and calmly. Everything must be done so that ultimately, supposedly, he himself came to this. Such a fine line!

It is useless to enter into sharp disputes with him, since childhood they are accustomed to disputes and showdowns (they call it bazaars), so for each of your arguments he has ten "smart" arguments. He will easily prove to you that milk is black and the earth is flat! Do not prove, but ask. Give him a chance to give in nobly! Never use phrases like "tired", "zadolbal", "went to ....". They take everything literally, then they will load themselves for weeks with how he could get bored or "bored", he's so good.


Do not provoke jealousy under any circumstances, it is DANGEROUS !!! First, it may not understand (this is at best). Secondly, it can even break off relations altogether. This does not mean that he is not jealous of you, jealous, he simply does not show it, it is checked !!! For example, when you walk together, it may seem that he does not pay attention to you at all, this is not so. Your man is Armenian, in this time is busy with serious work, he is watching who else is paying attention to you!) At this moment, a storm of emotions boils in him: on the one hand, “yeah, this is MY woman, look, she is beautiful, clever, etc. ", on the other -" how dare you look at MY woman, she is ONLY MY TREASURE. " Here it is, jealousy ...)))

If you are jealous You, try to do it gently (without wild tantrums and inappropriate words, emotions of course need to be shown, but do it with dignity, you are a woman!) Just explain that some things are unpleasant or even admit frankly that you are jealous, but calmly!

His friends…

An Armenian man, as a rule, has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. Moreover, this is his pride, his life capital (in any case, he thinks so). Let be This does not scare you, in any case he will communicate with friends, have his own hobbies, do not interfere with this... Just accept and that's it! Don't be jealous that he did not take you with him, if he said that he would go to drink tea with a friend, believe me, he really drinking tea. Just a conversation can be about work, using some exclusively masculine expressions, etc. By the way, it was very funny to watch serious, respectable men in Yerevan, drinking tea or coffee with cakes in the evenings, talking with a very smart look.

You and an Armenian man

Praise your loved one. Men of this nationality are mainly, and especially in their younger years, earners and workaholics, one cannot be indifferent to this. It is very important for him to realize that all his actions, deeds, goals achieved are not just self-realization. He should feel that everything he does, he does for you, thus showing what he is Man. It is important! Appreciate any of his efforts, successes, tell him about it, reassure and support when something does not work out. In return, you will receive a huge return, you will be his muse, for the sake of which he will be ready for anything. Of course it is nice for a man of any nationality, but for an Armenian ESPECIALLY !!! By the way, the Armenian man is very attentive, he will also pay attention, even to the little things that you do for him and say that it is to him nice.

And of course, don't forget about your appearance. You are, first of all, a woman, and a woman must and must be beautiful and well-groomed (I'm not talking about a painted doll with a ton of makeup on her face now). If you already use cosmetics, then try to do it correctly, emphasizing your natural beauty !!!

And the main thing is your weapon, if an Armenian man is femininity (feel behind your back a man, a warrior, which he is), calmness (remember, your man, in fact, is very emotional, although he may not show it at first, but inside he always has a raging volcano. yours duty to calm him down), give him tenderness, kindness and ALWAYS smile.

Of course, each person is unique, but the similarities are roughly the same. Remember, you will definitely not be bored! Good luck, lovely girls! Love and be loved!!!

On the question of why Armenian men prefer Russian girls.
Armenians love Russian very much. I even have one fan who seems to only communicate with me to practice speaking Russian. Well, God bless him!)
Armenians love the Russian language so much that with any tourist, be it from Guatemala, they first of all speak Russian. Such a bizarre instinct works - if not in Armenian, then in Russian. But most of all Armenians (we are talking about men) love women. Sorry, Russian women and girls.
And who doesn't love, you ask? But the Armenians - any Russian girl who has visited Armenia will tell you - love them in a special way. Here you have temperament, hospitality, and Caucasian character, and the ability to appreciate beauty. Turns out,
back in Soviet times, Armenia was considered the center of the sex industry in the USSR. But that was a long time ago, and so what's the truth?)
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot of new things have been built in the country, society has begun to develop, or rather, "advance" according to the templates of liberal - democratic standards. In short, everything is according to the plan of Heraclitus "Everything flows - everything changes." Only the love of Armenian men for Russian girls remained unchanged. This is how the hot Armenian macho explains this paradox. We read and ponder:
Why do we like Russian girls?
1. Because they know how to take care of themselves.
2.Shave in all places every day
3 they smell good
4 they have beautiful ass
5 they have long legs
6 they're mostly blondes
7 you don’t make any effort to get them to bed.
8 they also like Caucasian faces (he said it himself)
9 they are good in bed
10 they have no complexes

The whole tragicomic character of this "sublime" love and irrepressible passion lies in the fact that Armenians are drawn to Slavic women, but few people will dare to marry a Slavic woman. Here a few words must be said about Armenian girls, too, because everything is cognized by comparison. Ithax: Armenian girls are a very special kind of girls (just like Armenian guys). The girls here are mostly modest, well-mannered and quiet. It often happens that you spend many hours in companies where there are many girls, but you never hear a single word from them. Some men like it very much (may the Almighty forgive them). With all this, you can meet a completely different type of girl: European views, open, cheerful, sociable, flaring up ... at club parties. In order to find just such, you do not need to strain too much. Just go to the nearest club.
It is clear that easy accessibility is inherent in both Armenian and Russian women ... And there is hardly a people where they are not easily accessible. And the dogma, which some Armenian men and women like to trumpet at the top of their voice, about the superiority of Armenian women over everyone, and in particular over Russian women, is complete nonsense, and I would say the result of low mental development.
Judge for yourself, because we constantly hear the same thing - Armenian women adhere to traditions, know how to behave (?), Good housewives, etc. etc..
One might think that Russians do not have any traditions and customs, they behave like a pig and the house is an eternal mess. And besides, if we are talking about traditions, then what exactly are we talking about? As far as I understand, the word tradition is used in the lips of many precisely as a symbol of innocence before marriage, and this is the whole essence of the invented paradigm about Armenian traditions. And before marriage, exclusively platonic love is, of course, good, but depending on when the girl gets married. And what if no one calls to get married ???. After all, you marry someone without knowing about one of the most important things (admit it) in the relationship between a man and a woman, and you hope that everything will be fine in the future. But what if the guy is not lucky? And in response, silence ... ..
And the fact that today for many Armenian men the female ideal is not in the form of housewives with an apron in the kitchen, but in the form of a modern, intelligent and interesting woman is much more attractive and that there are very few of them among Armenian women, it is not said about this. However, I have already said!))))
Armenians, do not forget that many Armenian women stay at home (sometimes in the literal sense of the word), because 30% of all Armenians who leave to work in Russia marry a Russian, and only 5% of Armenian women marry Russians. No gags - naked statistics. So there is a reason to support the "domestic manufacturer")))))
Please, all Armenian men who read this post, do not forget that there are a lot of beautiful Armenian women who are waiting for you))))
p.s. Do not judge my cynicism harshly.