Health Pregnancy the beauty

What does the pigment strip on the belly of a pregnant woman mean. Why does a strip appear on the stomach during pregnancy? When will the strip on the stomach pass after childbirth

Pregnancy transforms the appearance of a woman, but certain changes cause genuine anxiety in expectant mothers. If weight gain and breast enlargement does not require additional explanation, then the pigment line on the abdomen often becomes the basis of experiences. Excessive suspiciousness sometimes prevents pregnant women from adequately assessing the situation.

Causes of stripes on the abdomen during pregnancy

In all people, a “white line” runs from the celiac trunk to the pubis, which represents the connective tissue that connects the rectus abdominis muscles with fibers. The structure of the line includes collagen, which gives it a white color. After fertilization of the egg in the female body, a hormonal surge begins. For the normal development of the fetus, progesterone and estrogen are intensively produced.

During fluctuations in hormone levels, the production of melanotropin (melanin), which is responsible for the production of dark pigment, increases. It paints certain areas of the skin in a dark color (face, back, areola of the nipples on the chest). Accordingly, the white line darkens and becomes visible to others.

There is another version of the appearance of a brown stripe. The connective tissue stretches and thins with an increase in the volume of the pregnant woman's abdomen, so the area visually looks darker.

How long does it take for the line to show up?

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Skin pigmentation occurs at different stages of pregnancy, as its appearance is affected by the concentration of hormones in the woman's blood. In some, a dark streak appears along with nausea and a delay in menstruation, in others - in the middle of the term or on the eve of childbirth. In the early stages, the line is light or pink, but in recent months it is visible to the naked eye.

It is impossible to predict when a stripe will appear on the abdomen during pregnancy, and why it may not appear in some - everything is individual. The line can stretch across the entire abdomen or start from the middle. There is a confirmed observation: if pigmentation occurs during the first pregnancy, it will appear in subsequent ones.

Do all expectant mothers have such a “decoration” on their tummy?

Only 10% of women do not have such a “decoration”, but modern medicine is not able to explain this small statistic either. The "risk" group includes women with dark hair and eyes, as well as owners of swarthy skin. Blondes and fair-skinned people are much less likely to develop pigmentation. Coloring is also affected by external factors - ultraviolet radiation and a warm climate.

When does the bar disappear?

Pigmentation eventually disappears without outside interference - 2-12 months after the birth process. In some cases, the strip on the abdomen persists during lactation, even more rarely remains barely noticeable throughout life. If you look at the strip every day, it is difficult to determine what level of pigmentation is at the moment. You can take a photo of the abdomen after childbirth and compare a month later with the real one.

With the normalization of the hormonal background, the line passes on its own. The longer a woman breastfeeds her baby, the longer the strip lasts. However, you should not deprive the child of precious mother's milk for the sake of beauty, which will still be restored over time. The white line has practically no blood vessels, so the pigment is washed out of the cells more slowly.

What to do if a pigment line appears?

It is impossible to remove the dark strip during pregnancy - due to the state of the hormonal background. You can prevent the occurrence of age spots on the body or abdomen by following simple recommendations:

  1. To be exposed to direct sunlight for no more than half an hour - so much time will be enough for a pregnant woman to receive the necessary dose of vitamin D. It is advisable to postpone holidays in countries with a hot climate for several years.
  2. The more loaded the liver, the higher the likelihood of darkening of the strip. It is important to adhere to the norms of a balanced diet by including foods with vitamin C in the menu. It is better to refuse citrus fruits - the content of a useful vitamin in them is minimal.
  3. The pigment is also intensely manifested with a deficiency of folic acid contained in salmon, tuna, beef, nuts, cabbage and spinach. It is recommended to include the listed products in the diet.

It is useless to contact a beautician until the hormonal background is restored. Brown pigmentation is a natural physiological phenomenon, as is breast enlargement or bulging of the umbilical nodule during gestation.

Is it possible to remove after childbirth at home and how?

The stripe on the abdomen is not a cosmetic defect, but most women perceive it that way. After delivery, you can resort to safe folk remedies:

  1. Squeeze the juice of red currant or lemon onto a piece of clean bandage. Apply to the skin in the form of lotions for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Grind sweet bell pepper, apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes on a strip.
  3. Fermented milk products (yogurt and kefir) have a whitening effect. Moisten a small piece of gauze or bandage and apply to the pigmented area for half an hour.
  4. Grind parsley and cucumber, apply the resulting mass on the dark line of the abdomen.

After the procedure, the remnants of the product must be washed off with warm water and lubricated the skin with a moisturizing nourishing cream. You can use these methods no more than 2 times a week.

Professional pigmentation removal methods

There are special creams with a whitening effect, but before using it is necessary to study the composition. Cosmetics often contain substances that are dangerous for a nursing mother.

The method of hardware correction, which is provided by beauty salons, will help to cope with pigmentation. Before the first session, you should get a consultation from a specialist in order to choose the optimal procedure during lactation and decide when it is best to do it.

How can you avoid the appearance of a pigment strip?

No preventive measure gives a complete guarantee that the line along the abdomen will not occur. However, it is useful for all pregnant women to listen to the advice of doctors:

  • in summer, you need to wear closed clothes and use sunscreen on the street;
  • consume as many dairy products as possible;
  • exclude coffee and black tea;
  • use safe cosmetics with a whitening effect;
  • less nervous and worried, so as not to provoke hormonal surges.

You can use soft peeling and additionally take folic acid preparations, after consulting with a gynecologist. Some women lubricate the stomach with olive oil and chamomile solution, but it is advisable to do this from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Folk signs and superstitions: how is pigmentation related to the sex of the child?

Modern diagnostic methods allow you to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child. However, a few decades ago, women relied on folk wisdom and signs:

  1. If the stripe on the belly runs down the navel, a girl will be born. If the pigmentation goes around the navel, you can expect a boy.
  2. The brighter the shade of the strip, the more likely it is that a girl will be born. A dark shade of pigmentation means the appearance of an heir.
  3. The height of the bar also predicts the gender of the baby. If the line starts on the pubic bone and reaches the ribs, then it will be a boy. If the strip runs from the pubis to the navel, parents can be congratulated on the birth of a girl.

Additionally, the shape of the abdomen and the appearance of the girls were evaluated, but with the advent of ultrasound, the need to listen to such superstitions disappeared. Signs will not help to reliably predict the sex of the baby - none of them has been proven.

No need to worry about the appearance of a dark stripe on the stomach - this is a kind of print of pregnancy. In the physiological phenomenon, there is no threat to the health of the woman and the fetus, and often the defect disappears safely on its own.

The mother-to-be undergoes a complete transformation during pregnancy. Changes occur both on an emotional and physiological level. The nature of some metamorphoses is obvious even without special explanations, for example, it is clear why the stomach is enlarged and the mammary glands are engorged. But why does a dark stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy? How to explain the fact that for some this line does not show through? And if it was not possible to prevent its appearance, then when exactly after the birth does the strip on the stomach pass?

A dark longitudinal strip appears on the stomach of almost every pregnant woman. This is a temporary phenomenon. After the birth of the baby, the color of her belly will definitely become the same. The expectant mother should not be upset and worried about this. The strip on the abdomen during pregnancy does not pose any danger to either the woman or the child.

In fact, every person has this strip, regardless of gender and age. It is called the white line and is normally skin-colored. The white line consists of tendon fibers and separates the muscles on the sides of the abdominal cavity. It is at the border between them that the muscle tissue passes into the tendon. This explains her appearance.

In the process of carrying a baby, the expectant mother notices that the strip turns brown. This is because the baby is growing, the belly is getting bigger, and the muscles are stretching. At the same time, the white line of the abdomen is also stretched and becomes more noticeable. The adrenal glands of a pregnant woman work hard, which leads to increased production of melanin, which colors this strip.

The width, height, color intensity of the line is individual. In some, it only reaches the navel, in others - to the ribs. This is due to the individual characteristics of the female body. But the appearance of such a strip should not upset the expectant mother. Rather, on the contrary, if the line appears and darkens, then the pregnancy is developing and the baby is growing.

Does everyone have it?

A brown stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy does not always appear. 1 out of 10 women manages to avoid it. Modern medicine cannot explain such statistics. It is believed that the pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy is more likely to form in dark-haired, dark-skinned and dark-eyed mothers. Blondes are less prone to this phenomenon.

But other factors also affect the degree of staining. For example, climatic conditions, the degree of ultraviolet radiation. So that the strip does not appear too intensely, the expectant mother should reduce the tanning time as much as possible.

The period when a strip appears on the abdomen during pregnancy is individual for each woman. This usually happens towards the end of the second trimester. But if pigmentation was in the first pregnancy, then in each subsequent pregnancy it is highly likely to appear at an earlier date, and its staining will be more pronounced.

When will the strip disappear?

Most women do not like the appearance of pigmentation. They are interested in when the strip on the abdomen will pass after childbirth and whether this will happen. You should not worry, such a problem as a strip on the abdomen, in most cases, passes a few months after childbirth. Sometimes the staining of the white line can persist for six months after the baby is born and, in exceptionally rare cases, remain noticeable for a longer period, only slightly turning pale.

How to get rid of the strip?

How to remove the strip on the stomach? In general, all the answers to this question come down to one thing - you should wait a bit. Most likely, in the first 6 months after the birth of the baby, the dark line will gradually turn pale by itself and become completely invisible. If you are absolutely impatient and want to speed up this process, you can use whitening creams. But it is important to carefully study the composition of the product, it should not contain mercury and other components prohibited for a woman during the period.

If the strip on the abdomen does not go away for a long time after childbirth, then you can consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. Modern cosmetology in the absence of health problems will help a woman eliminate the problem in a few sessions.

Folk omens

According to folk signs, a strip on the abdomen during pregnancy will help determine the sex of the baby. It is believed that if the white line is poorly pigmented, dimly expressed and only reaches the navel, then a girl will be born. But a dark long strip portends the birth of an heir. However, not all so simple. It is possible to reliably determine the sex of a baby only with the help of modern medical technologies.

How to prevent the appearance of a strip?

Most likely there is no remedy that can protect the expectant mother from the appearance of a dark line on her stomach. But you can try to make it not so noticeable. What to do so that the brown stripe on the abdomen does not appear during pregnancy? You can answer this question by understanding what external factors contribute to the pigmentation of the white line, and how to minimize their impact.

It is known that ultraviolet light enhances the brightness of skin coloration. This means that during pregnancy it is necessary to reduce the time spent in the sun. And if you really want to sunbathe, then it is important to regularly use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30. When choosing a sunscreen cream or spray, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product. It must contain zinc or titanium oxide (mechanical filters), which are safe for mom and baby.

The next factor contributing to the intensive accumulation of pigment in the white line is the food of a pregnant woman.

To make it easier to get rid of this problem after childbirth, you should exclude from the diet or try to minimize the use of:

  • strong tea;
  • strong coffee;
  • fatty meat.

It is necessary to increase the number of products containing ascorbic acid in the menu. The lack of these substances in the body of the expectant mother can provoke hyperpigmentation. To maintain the health of the skin, fruits and vegetables, especially greens, lemons, tea with rose hips, are useful for a woman. As prescribed by the attending physician, you can drink on drink to improve the condition of the skin and general well-being.

A dark stripe on the abdomen is a frequent companion of pregnancy. Very few manage to escape its occurrence. In most cases, the expectant mother cannot influence the process of pigmentation of the white line. You can try to correct it with a special diet and sunscreen, but until the baby is born, the result will most likely be mild.

In the body of a woman who is in an interesting position, a number of changes occur at the physical and emotional level. And every day, even if they are not visible to the naked eye. One of these changes is the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. Dark, clear, unusual, it gives rise to a bunch of myths and beliefs around itself, to the point that it is called an indicator of the sex of the child. Is this true, and what does the mysterious transformation actually mean? It's time to deal with this.

An unusual "drawing" on the tummy of a future mother never causes concern among doctors. Do you know why? Because they know what it means. It turns out that along with a dark stripe, there is also a white one. And she is always present, just a woman does not notice her. This is a clear line that stretches from the pubis to the xiphoid process of the sternum.

In fact, this is a kind of border between the muscles that are located on both sides of the abdomen. This strip is formed from the collagen fibers of the tendons. The different composition of tissues explains its appearance.

Why does this strip appear only in an interesting position? It is interesting that pundits have not yet been able to give the most accurate answer to this question, meanwhile, they suspected a connection between the hormonal background and its staining.

After conception, the level of certain hormones in the body, which are responsible for bearing the baby, increases significantly in the body. In addition to the usual estrogen and progesterone, they also include melanotropin. It stimulates the production of melanocytes - cells that synthesize pigment and increase the risk of staining, or skin pigmentation. In other words, a dark stripe is a pigmented stripe, the appearance of which is identical to the process of the appearance of freckles, birthmarks or age spots.

In general, a dark vertical line along the abdomen does not pose a threat, and therefore does not cause concern. Moreover, it is a kind of indicator of pregnancy, indicating that everything is going as it should.

When it appears and when it passes

According to statistics, a brown strip appears on the tummy in 90% of expectant mothers. Some are ashamed of it, others are proud of it, but absolutely everyone notices that there are no exact dates for drawing it. When it appears, it depends on the individual characteristics of the representative of the beautiful article, but this happens, as a rule, not earlier than 12 weeks. And some mothers do not notice it until the third trimester.

When will the streak pass? Here, too, everything is ambiguous, because it seems to go through certain stages of its development. Initially barely noticeable, it gradually enhances the color, acquiring a brighter color at the time of the highest concentration of hormones. One thing is clear: having appeared once during pregnancy, it remains on the body until the end of the term. After childbirth, it gradually begins to lighten.

Due to the troubles and worries about the little man, not all mothers can describe the fate of their strip. But it usually goes away within a few months. Interestingly, with each subsequent pregnancy, the line on the abdomen appears earlier, up to the drawing in the early stages. At the same time, its shape, size and even shade differ in different women.

In medicine, there are cases when the pigment strip did not leave the skin for another 12-14 months after childbirth, but they are rather an exception to the rule and also do not indicate the presence of pathologies, except perhaps non-compliance with the rules for its prevention.

How to determine the sex of the child by the strip on the stomach

At a time when pregnancy was a gift from God, and the people could not control its course in any way due to the lack of accurate diagnostic methods, signs and superstitions were born everywhere. Many of them were connected with the determination of the sex of the child and simply could not help touching the unusual strip.

According to beliefs, a barely noticeable, light, short line that does not go beyond the area above the navel, as in the photo below - to the appearance of a girl.

At the same time, dark, clear, rich and stretching from the womb to the xiphoid process (almost under the chest) - to the birth of a son. An example of such a strip is shown below.

Whether to believe these signs - everyone decides for himself. In the end, those who are especially interested in order to find out whether they will have a boy or a girl, it is enough to wait for the results of the ultrasound.

Why is there no stripe on the stomach

There is always a minority - the minimum percentage of women in whom an unusual line does not show through. There are only 10% of them, and if some of them do not even think about the reasons for this phenomenon, others worry that “everything is lost”, but in vain. Although the mechanism of occurrence of hyperpigmentation has not yet been thoroughly studied, doctors assure that everything is decided by skin color and some other factors. Why doesn't someone have a stripe on their stomach? Turns out:

  • In dark-skinned expectant mothers, a special “pregnant mark” may not appear, which is explained by the increased production of melanin by their skin cells, even in natural conditions. In other words, it may exist, but with all the desire it is simply not visible.
  • Another factor is the place of residence of the future mother in labor. In the inhabitants of the southern latitudes, under the influence of the active sun, the body produces more melanin than we would like. As a result, if they show a dark strip, it remains completely invisible.

Do I need to worry about the fact that an unusual sign has bypassed you? If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and the woman herself feels good, the doctors are sure not. In the end, the increased production of hormones is reflected on the entire surface of the skin and does not always please the ladies. A striking example of this is the “pregnancy mask”. In this case, it means the appearance of age spots, which annoy the representatives of the beautiful woman and do not always go away after childbirth.

Then they have to use various cosmetics and folk methods to eliminate them. By the way, not always effective, although promising a visible result. These spots do not go away as easily as they appear. Therefore, if you still have not noticed them, as well as the mysterious strip along your tummy, do not despair. Perhaps you are just lucky.

Is it possible to warn?

This question is always heard by women who are embarrassed by the rapid changes that have occurred in their body. Doctors assure them that there are no effective ways to influence the hormonal background during this period and, as a result, to predict or delay the appearance of the coveted strip along the tummy. The only thing that the expectant mother can do is to “adjust” the degree of her coloration. How?

  • Limit time spent in the open sun, especially if the second and third trimester of pregnancy falls in the summer. Ultraviolet radiation is also dangerous for a non-pregnant woman, especially since it can provoke the development of cancer cells. In addition, it also enhances pigmentation.
  • If you have a trip to the sea or a trip to the beach, you should use sunscreen lotions as much as possible. The main thing is to choose the means allowed in an interesting position. Then no rays can harm the future mother and her child.
  • Do not abuse. In an effort to look fashionable, some women spend too much time in the sun without covering their exposed skin. And it concerns not only their bust, but also the tummy, back, buttocks. Aggressive, lunch, it enhances skin pigmentation and plays a cruel joke with the ladies - they provoke the development of pathologies. Do not repeat their mistakes, wear loose, but covering you to the maximum clothing.
  • For a while, give up the solarium. A lot has been said about the dangers of artificial tanning. Whether to believe rumors or not is a personal matter for everyone. But in order to minimize possible harm in such a crucial period, it is better to postpone going to the solarium. Ultimately, this will also affect the degree of manifestation of an unusual strip.

If she nevertheless appeared, folk remedies allow to speed up the process of her disappearance.

The safest skin whitening products approved for use during pregnancy are cucumber and yarrow.

Cucumber recipe.

  1. Take one fresh cucumber, wash it with soap and cut into rings.
  2. Lay cucumber rings on your stomach along the brown stripe. If necessary, you can slightly cover the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with cling film so that the rings do not slip.
  3. Wait 10 minutes. Repeat every day or every other day. A course of 15 procedures is recommended.

Recipe with yarrow.

  1. Take one filter bag or 1 teaspoon of yarrow leaves, put in a mug and fill with hot water.
  2. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  3. Cool to room or lukewarm temperature.
  4. Wet a cotton pad with the resulting decoction and wipe the brown strip 8-10 times.
  5. Repeat every other day. Requires a course of 12 treatments.

How to quickly remove the strip

Minimizes the appearance of pigmentation:

  • lack of strong tea and coffee in the diet;
  • refusal of fat;
  • the inclusion in the diet of foods with folic and ascorbic acid - vegetables, fruits, especially citrus fruits, greens;
  • reception allowed for pregnant women.

Now you know what the pigment strip means and why it appears. So stop worrying about her and just enjoy your pregnancy. It ends so quickly...

During the period of bearing a child, any changes in health and appearance cause anxiety in expectant mothers. How will they affect the development of the baby, will they harm him, as evidenced by all the changes in general - questions that concern everyone. But of particular interest is a strip stretching in a narrow or wide line.

The reason for its appearance on the body lies in the increased level of a hormone such as melanotropin, which produces pigment and increases the risk of darkening of the skin. It is he who is the provocateur of the appearance of birthmarks and age spots and freckles. Progesterone also has an effect on the pigmentation process. However, an increase in their level does not mean at all that something is going wrong in the body of a pregnant woman. On the contrary, a strip on the abdomen can be called a sign of the normal course of pregnancy.

Is there a time frame for the appearance of a "pregnant" strip?

For most, a characteristic stripe on the abdomen usually appears in the later ones, and it is clearly marked by about 7 months. But not everyone has it, so its absence should not be a cause for concern. The presence or absence of a stripe is just a manifestation of the individual characteristics of the organism.
In some women, a stripe on the abdomen appears at the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, and this is also considered normal.

It is also interesting for women that the pigment strip manifests itself differently in everyone. For example, in one group of expectant mothers, it can be light and stretch from the navel to the pubis, while in others, the dark stripe stretches along the length of the entire abdomen.

Will the strip on the abdomen go away after childbirth?

There is no need to take any action to remove the strip after childbirth. Usually it passes on its own after 2-3 months due to the stabilization of the hormonal background. However, it also happens that the strip continues to remain on the skin for more than this period or does not disappear at all.
Prevention of the appearance of pigmented stripes during pregnancy is to protect the body from ultraviolet radiation and moderate consumption of coffee and black tea.

If a significantly pigmented strip on the abdomen has turned into a cosmetic defect, it can be dealt with using hardware correction in a beauty salon. If the remaining strip is not striking, perhaps it will brighten over time and equalize with the shade of the skin after tanning.

Pregnancy presents a woman with many surprises and surprises. Her body is changing, her emotional state, but what can I say: after the birth of a baby, life will never be the same.

We are certainly trying to enjoy this very special period. But, unfortunately, we are often overshadowed by some changes associated with the new state. One of these is very often pigmentation during pregnancy. Darkening of the nipples and halo is even considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. Later, the labia may darken, and one day, the expectant mother may find age spots on her face, called a pregnant mask.

Among other things, pigmentation during pregnancy also appears on the abdomen, dividing it vertically visually into two parts. Many women are very upset about this, worrying and wondering when the dark line on the stomach passes. Others are completely worried: what does the brown stripe on the stomach mean and are there any reasons to see a doctor?

Any worries and fears about this are completely in vain. A similar phenomenon is observed in almost all pregnant women. And in most cases it is temporary.

Where does the pigment stripe on the abdomen in pregnant women come from and what does it mean

In fact, this band has a light color. In medicine, it is called so - the white line of the abdomen. The color of the line is due to its "composition": it is formed from tendons containing collagen fibers.

A vertical white stripe runs from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the pubis. This is the border between the abdominal muscles located on both sides of it. The muscle tissue in this area passes into the tendon - and this is how a white line is formed, which is present in the peritoneum of every person.

But with the onset of pregnancy, this very vertical strip can darken: the tummy grows, the muscles also stretch in length and width - and the white line “diverges” to the sides, stretches. Moreover, this is exactly what happens in 90% of cases, according to statistics. The pigment strip in pregnant women may look different. Firstly, its color varies from the lightest to a very dark brown, and sometimes it even looks like it is blue. Secondly, the length and width of the strip can also be different. Thirdly, in some cases, the uneven, crooked strip on the abdomen during pregnancy spoils the aesthetics.

No matter how she looks, the reasons for her appearance are the same for all women. Doctors tend to “blame” this on hormonal activity. In particular, expectant mothers activate the work of the adrenal glands, as a result of which the production of melanin in the places of its greatest accumulation increases. For the same reason, the white line of the abdomen acquires a brown color of varying intensity. This does not portend anything bad or dangerous, but only indicates that the pregnancy is progressing.

Does everyone get a dark line on their stomach?

As we have already said, the vast majority of pregnant women are prone to such pigmentation on the abdomen. About 10% of them are more lucky: the brown line does not appear at all. Why some of us have to contemplate this not very joyful phenomenon, while others manage to avoid such a “decoration”, cannot be answered exactly. But scientists have found that pregnant women with dark hair, eyes and skin are more susceptible to pigmentation. Blonde girls rarely face such problems, although this is also quite possible.

In addition to the color type of a pregnant woman, the appearance of pigmentation is also affected by the geographical area of ​​​​her residence, the degree of intake of vitamin D into the body of the expectant mother.

In any way, it is impossible to prevent the appearance of a pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. You can only slightly reduce its manifestation, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun and visits to the solarium.

You should not worry if there is no strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. Despite the fact that this phenomenon is very widespread and very common among expectant mothers, the absence of a brown line on their stomach does not in any way indicate a violation.

At what time does the dark strip appear and when does it pass during pregnancy

In some cases, the pigment line on the abdomen begins to appear already in the early stages of pregnancy, along with other signs. If this happens, then, as a rule, in the first trimester it has a light shade. As the term increases, the concentration of hormones increases - and the strip darkens.

Yet more often pigmentation on the abdomen (as well as on the face) appears at a later date - in the second, and especially in the third trimester.

Now you know when and why a dark strip appears on the abdomen during pregnancy. And, of course, you are interested in whether it will disappear. It is impossible to predict exactly, but nevertheless, in practice, the brown line on the abdomen disappears after childbirth for some time. This may take from 2-3 months to a year or even several years. And in some cases, the band only gradually brightens, but does not completely disappear.

By the way, with repeated pregnancies in the future, it is likely to manifest itself even stronger and earlier than this time, although not necessarily.

Strip on the abdomen during pregnancy and the sex of the child: signs

Today, almost all the changes that occur to a woman during pregnancy have scientific explanations. But in the old days they were actively used for predictions. Not being able to reliably know in advance who will be born - a boy or a girl, the people invented their own diagnostics. These signs live to this day: some women willingly believe them, others like to have fun in this way. So, according to folk signs, you can find out the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the abdomen, by heartbeat, by toxicosis, food preferences, urine color, movements, etc. A dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy can also tell something.

It is popularly believed that the girl lives in the tummy, on which the pigment strip is not very pronounced and reaches only the middle, approximately to the navel, or is completely absent. If the brown line is very dark and long, passes the navel and ends under the ribs, a boy should be expected. In addition, an uneven curved strip on the abdomen indicates the bearing of a girl, and a straight vertical one indicates a boy.

Doctors and life experience completely refute such hilarious theories. But, of course, coincidences do happen. Moms of boys often post reviews on forums that during pregnancy they had very pronounced pigmentation - both on the nipples and on the stomach.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko