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What to give to a female colleague for her 30th birthday.

A husband or lover knows his woman's desires best of all. A birthday is an excellent occasion to make your beloved one’s cherished dream come true.

If you just started dating and don’t know what birthday gift to choose for a 30-year-old girl, you can ask the girl directly about it. There are men who prefer to guess wishes.

In this case, go shopping with the girl, take a closer look at what things she pays attention to. Based on this, choose a gift.

The following are suitable main ideas:

Gifts from parents

Mom and dad will always see their daughter as a little girl. For any birthday they will want to give the most pleasant and useful gift. The following are suitable gifts:

The idea of ​​original gifts for a girl for her 30th birthday

Practical gifts

Gift ideas at affordable prices: inexpensive, but tasteful

If you want to please a colleague or friend with a gift, then you don’t have to spend money on a gift. You can give a stylish and inexpensive gift, which will please the birthday girl:

What to give a 30th birthday girl who has everything?

Gifts for intellectuals

Smart girls are not easy to please.

If you don’t know your taste preferences, it’s better to give a certificate to a bookstore.

The birthday girl will choose a gift for herself.

You can buy tickets to the theater, museum, or exhibition. Intellectual games and encyclopedias are suitable as gifts.

Gifts for fashionistas

Girls who follow fashion trends will be pleased with accessories or clothing from famous brands.

These can be scarves, shawls, glasses, handbags, high-quality jewelry.

You can give an elite or organic cosmetics, a set of facial brushes.

The girl will undoubtedly be grateful for such a gift.

For creative people

Gifts should correspond to the birthday girl’s hobbies. For music lovers, tickets to the Philharmonic or a small set of CDs of your favorite artist are suitable musical instrument(Jew's harp). You can give brushes, paints, and an easel to female artists.

Approach the choice of a gift without haste, having analyzed the woman’s taste and preferences. Give with pleasure. Do not forget that not only the price is important in a gift, but also attention to the birthday girl.

Young people, being passionately in love, often wonder what to give a girl for her 30th birthday:

  1. The euphoria characteristic of the period of falling in love overshadows the mind. And the male imagination has never been particularly bright and rich when it comes to gifts. Therefore, the dilemma of what to give a girl for her 30th birthday is always relevant among men of any age.
  2. Another reason for the increasingly common request among men is the changing tastes of girls. Today she may want a chain with a pendant, and tomorrow she may want a small white dog.
  3. And finally, the third reason is the comparison between the price and quality of the gift. Everyone wants to give something memorable to their girlfriend for her birthday. It’s good if you are not limited in funds, but not everyone can afford to fork out for a luxurious gift for a girl.

It is important to know that, first of all, the gift must be desired. Therefore, do not be lazy to study the tastes and preferences of your lady love.

Let's look at some gift ideas. Perhaps you will find the best option by making the birthday girl happy.

  • Birthday gifts don't always have to be unexpected. If your girlfriend has long dreamed of having a pet animal, then you can give her a dog or cat as a gift. It’s better to find out in advance what kind of dog the girl wants, what breed. Perhaps she will be interested in smart and loyal shepherd dogs, or maybe she dreams of a small and curly poodle.

At 30 years old, it is important for a girl to make the desires of her youth and childhood come true. Therefore, feel free to go to the pet store if your beloved has already repeatedly hinted to you about who she would like to receive as a gift for her 30th birthday.

  • Another gift idea is a talking parrot. You can train him original congratulations. True, you will have to prepare for such a congratulation in advance. It will take a remarkable amount of patience and time to teach the bird to speak the way you want. But you are guaranteed the delight of the birthday girl, unless, of course, she is categorically opposed to birds.
  • An original gift is the opportunity to ride horses. Be on a horse on your birthday! You can order a horse ride on your name day, and tickets to attend horse riding classes are also now on sale.

There are a huge number of ideas about what to give a girl for her 30th birthday, just as there are many desires warming in the heart of a young woman.


There are no generally accepted concepts about what is usually given to girls. Any of them is an unknown world of secrets and mysteries. And not everyone loves jewelry. Some people hate rings, for others a chain reminds them of a collar, even if it’s not a chain, but a necklace worth a million dollars. And some girls are not happy with earrings. But you won’t go wrong with the choice of jewelry if the gift reminds the lady of your heart of the bright and beautiful moments of life, of love, of sensuality.

  • There is a magnificent Hollywood film “If Only” (released in 2004). The main character gave his girlfriend a bracelet with small souvenirs. Each souvenir either meant a significant event in life, or emphasized the girl’s aspirations, or spoke heartfeltly about the feelings of the young man.

Use the associative series as much as possible - and tears of happiness will come to the girl’s eyes.

Homemade gift

The most original gifts are those that you made yourself. It is not necessary to be able to do something with your own hands; it is enough to actively use all the functions of the brain. Of course, if you are an artist or sculptor, you can easily create something that will amaze a girl.

A girl at 30 is still young and beautiful, but already has life experience. At this age, a certain conclusion is drawn, and values ​​are often reassessed. Many girls fall into depression on the eve of the celebration of life. Help your young lady realize her uniqueness and believe that the best is yet to come. If you still don’t know what you can give to your loved one, then remember about collages:

Collage is the creation of a thematic composition from, for example, cut-out illustrations from glossy magazines.

  1. But you need to know your loved one well. This type of gift for a 30th anniversary requires special care and observation.
  2. For example, make a collage about her career plans.
  3. A cool collage will come in handy if your girlfriend takes her work too seriously.
  4. If you have been together for a long time or are just planning to propose to her, then make a collage on the topic of your future together (home, children, implementation of joint plans).
  5. You can make a collage about events that have already taken place in life.
  6. The composition can be supplemented with photographs of your beloved: show how she has matured and become prettier over these thirty years.
  7. And the main addition to such a gift will be a biographical story written especially for her.

Travel package as a gift

Most girls think that best gift for 30 years is a tourist voucher. Many people by the age of 30 don’t even have a passport. Therefore, seeing the world while still with young eyes without wrinkles on the eyelids is sometimes even the ultimate dream. First - study at the institute, then - career growth. And there was no time to enjoy the landscapes of Alaska, for example.

You don't have to buy an expensive tour. It’s enough to go to the picturesque places of Crimea for at least a couple of days and take a break from the everyday routine. Your lady is beginning a new stage in her life, and it’s better to spend it beautifully. It will be good gift for a 30 year old girl.

Celebration organization

A gift is a gift, but no one has ever canceled the gala evening. And it will be simply wonderful if you place all organizational difficulties on your strong shoulders. If you have no idea what gift to give a girl, then give her a holiday.

  • Book a table at a restaurant and have fireworks in her honor. Mass congratulations from family and friends are now in fashion. Become the organizer of such a celebration. Finally, dance to your girlfriend's favorite songs.

She is really looking forward to this holiday from you. Every girl wants to feel like a queen around whom the world revolves as often as possible.

Gifts for a girl's 30th birthday are not a problem. After all, it is not the gift that is valuable, but the attention. But it’s not just about remembering to congratulate. This must be done in such a way that it touches your soul, and brings you to tears. And your girlfriend believes that you can give her this attention. Go for it!

Which gift should I choose?

This is the question all men ask when it’s time to give a gift to their beloved.

In addition, turning 30 is not an ordinary birthday celebration, it is a serious anniversary.

Girl's anniversary - 30 years

An important moment in a woman's life. The “golden” decade has ended, the fourth decade begins to count, the woman notices the first emerging wrinkles and thoughts about age are increasingly creeping into her head.

Therefore, the main task of a loving man is to assure his beloved that she is beautiful and young, to arrange a delightful celebration for her on the day of such a significant anniversary and, of course, to give her a valuable and original gift.

The easiest way to please with a gift is to listen to your girlfriend or wife, maybe she expressed wishes about a gift, or maybe she has been dreaming about something for a long time: a trip, a fur coat, jewelry and then you need to give it to your wife exactly this!

What to give to your girlfriend

Nice gifts

Decorations - you can start with precious jewelry. There are a lot of variations on what kind of jewelry to buy:

  • necklace;
  • earrings;
  • beads;
  • rings.

In addition, the situation when a loved one gave a ring is the dream of many women. Often this gesture means a marriage proposal. An anniversary can be a great time to propose.

If this is not relevant for your couple, then it would be a great idea pendant with a photo of your beloved or engraving on jewelry.

Perfume– buy perfume with a scent that your girlfriend likes.

Before purchasing, check in advance which perfume she likes best (look at her old and new perfumes).

Such gifts should be given if you know the tastes of your girlfriend.

Cosmetical tools
– any girl takes care of her appearance, a useful gift may serve makeup kit.

Or beauty salon subscription, where masters of their craft will turn a simply beautiful woman into a very beautiful woman.

Romantic gifts

Romantic dinner
– book a table in a restaurant, a bottle of wine or champagne, and live music – women like all this. An excellent reason to spend time together and forget all the problems, a long and difficult day. Give the song to your loved one and see how her eyes sparkle with delight.

If your budget does not allow such luxury, then use budget option romantic dinner . Buy rose petals and scented candles (it is advisable to do all this in the late afternoon). So, scatter rose petals, you can start from the door itself, place candles along the edges, creating an imitation of a path. Order food or cook it yourself, which will surprise your loved one even more. Spend this wonderful evening together. In return, your woman will give her heart to her beloved - you.

Trip - save some money and buy trip abroad, any girl will want to relax, relax on the warm sand, sunbathe, and see new interesting places.

Not enough money? No problem! Take your car (rent), develop a route or just experiment - “drive wherever your eyes take you.

Very relaxing trip evening city to good music, and, most importantly, with your loved one.

Practical gifts

Clothes – what girl doesn’t dream of fur coat? If your girlfriend has been looking at fur coats in store windows for a long time, then her 30th birthday is a great reason to buy a fur coat.

The stores now have a very decent assortment of fur coats - of any quality, design and for any budget.

– a girl in modern society needs gadgets. A fashionable phone, tablet, laptop will always please and be useful.

Perhaps your beloved works as a journalist and it will be very useful for her Dictaphone.

Photographer? No problem either! Give camera or a phone with a good camera.

Unusual gifts

A pet
– a cute kitten or a pretty dog ​​will delight your beloved. Most girls love small dogs, there are many options for dog breeds of this size: Spitz, Chow Chow, Dachshund, etc.

Before purchasing, you should find out if your woman is allergic to animals.

Talk to your loved one before making such a purchase.

– Do you want to surprise your beloved? Eat good way do it. Buy live butterflies from a pet store and place them in a beautifully decorated box.

She will be delighted when she opens the lid and dozens of butterflies fly out!

You can put a decoration on the bottom, the same necklace, it will fit quite well. This is a great way to give a splash of delight!

- Surely everyone knows what complexes women have because of their age, especially at thirty years old. So, when ordering a cake, warn the confectioners that you do not need to write on the cake what date you are celebrating.

If your loved one has a good sense of humor, then you can write a humorous inscription on the cake, for example - “Nastya is 18, her passport is lying!” — perhaps this will cheer her up.

For a woman, especially on a day that worries her, it is also extremely important to. A loved one must give flowers, pronounce touching congratulations and confess your love.

The best gift for your beloved is your attention and, of course, love.

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Choosing a worthy gift for a birthday is very difficult, and if it is her 30th birthday and her girlfriend celebrates it, the task becomes much more complicated. The fact is that for most girls, 30 is a kind of milestone when, while fully retaining youthful charm, a girl acquires wisdom; in most cases, by this time she already knows exactly what she wants and how to achieve what she wants.

By the age of 30, many have already achieved serious success in their career or business, and have become loving and beloved wives and mothers. And even if this has not happened yet, there are already opportunities for self-realization and time to fulfill your cherished dreams.

Women at this age usually have already established preferences, this applies to everything: new technology, jewelry, clothing, cosmetics and even fragrances. That is why most relatives of the birthday girl begin to think about the question of what to give a girl for her 30th birthday long before holiday date.

Of course, compared to the rest of the invitees and even the closest relatives, the spouse is in a more advantageous position. After all, the husband has the highest chances of making his beloved happy. Who else but loving man, should know what she dreamed about, in addition, the sincere attention of the loved one significantly improves your mood and makes your birthday especially joyful and unforgettable.

Choose a gift depending on your wife’s wishes; it is quite possible that she has long dreamed of a new smartphone, e-reader or smart watch. Or maybe she will be very happy with a subscription to the fitness center or dance classes.

A great gift would be a family trip, the opportunity to relax and see beauty. different countries- this will appeal to most birthday girls.

For many girls, a fur coat is their dream; if you can, make your dream come true.

Find out if your wife dreams of a dishwasher, a new sofa, or a robot vacuum cleaner. After all, many girls love practical gifts. Of course, when giving such a gift, you need to know for sure that your spouse will not be offended, otherwise on your next anniversary you risk receiving a drill or screwdriver.

Most girls will be happy to receive jewelry for their anniversary. A beautiful ring, earrings or a luxurious set are almost a win-win option.

Many people like to receive sets of underwear as a gift from their loved one, especially since only the spouse can afford such a gift.

An obligatory addition to a gift from a loved one, of course, will be flowers. It doesn’t have to be a huge bouquet or basket; choose a bouquet that will please your woman. On such an anniversary it is customary to give roses, but if your wife prefers peonies or gerberas, find them on this day.

Memo for congratulating friends

Certainly, best friends They can give you anything. An original gift for 30 years there will be a professional photo shoot, a stylish gift there will be a watch with a portrait of the birthday girl. If a girl has a hobby, a gift for the appropriate purpose will certainly come in handy. Dishes have always been and remain an excellent option. A set of stylish glasses or an exquisite coffee service will definitely come in handy.

Ask your friend what she would like, just do it casually and a few months before the holiday date. Would be a great gift beautiful bag or a wallet, for a successful business lady you can order a business card holder or organizer.

Gift certificates remain an excellent gift; they allow you to make the right choice; you can give cosmetics, clothing, sports equipment and much more.

If this is a childhood friend, make a video appeal with touching wishes and photographs, from childhood to the present stage of life. It's usually very touching and cool gift for 30 years for any girl.

It's easier to order a collage from photos together. Usually such gifts are decorated with soul and bring a lot of joy. However, it should be remembered that many girls specifically ask not to focus on the date, and some especially impressionable ones even refuse postcards with the number “30”. A bouquet for a girl’s 30th birthday is a must, because flowers can please and give a great mood.

Gifts for girls by zodiac sign

Choosing a gift will be greatly simplified if you know under what zodiac sign the birthday girl was born.


For this sign, it is especially important that the gift is a surprise. Pack the gift beautifully, and Aries will be very pleased. Various sports accessories are perfect for this sign; a lady will appreciate beautiful jewelry and a set of underwear. A bag, clutch or cosmetic bag will suit your taste. Of course, things must be of high quality and stylish.


Almost no attention is paid to the packaging; the main thing here is the content. Give Taurus beautiful dishes or a set of bed linen, a blender or a warm cozy blanket, Taurus will be pleased, and if you add a box of sweets to this, then he will be absolutely happy. Taurus women love good cosmetics and jewelry.


This zodiac sign is fickle. Today he cooks enthusiastically, and tomorrow he enjoys batik or making soap. Give the girl of this sign a trip or a certificate to a spa salon. A bouquet of flowers should be a must-have addition to a gift; Geminis simply adore them.


The Cancer girl will certainly need handicraft items; she will like vases and decorative flower pots. Will gladly accept a set of large fluffy towels, a bathrobe, and soft pajamas. She will like everything that will decorate the house and add comfort to it.

a lion

A gift for this woman must certainly be expensive. Cute trinkets and small souvenirs are not for her. The girl loves jewelry and will appreciate a set of good cosmetics or a course of cosmetic procedures as a gift.


They love technical innovations very much. Give Virgo a tablet, laptop or smartphone, and she will be pleased. It is Virgo who will appreciate a coffee maker or blender, multicooker or microwave presented as a gift. Virgo will be pleased to receive a gift card or money. She will quickly find use for both.


They love jewelry. Moreover, the gift does not have to be massive and expensive. They will gladly accept a bottle of perfume; in this case, the main thing is to guess the aroma.


Girls of this sign like to travel. It's better to do it in comfort, but sometimes you can just go to hiking trip with a comfortable backpack as a gift. They will be happy to go to the exhibition and appreciate the professional photo session presented.


Give a fire sign girl a piece of jewelry or organize a fun picnic, she will be happy. Sagittarians love technical innovations - an e-book or the latest model of smartphone will make her very happy.


Usually these are ladies who have an innate sense of style. Of course, it is precisely such gifts that representatives of this sign value most. Choose for them good perfume, high quality beautiful clothes calm colors. A picture in a frame or your own portrait will delight a girl.


Gifts can be as simple as a box of chocolates and a small souvenir, a bouquet of flowers and a vase to put it on. The main thing for a girl of this sign is to understand that she is needed and desired. It is small constant signs of attention that allow her to be convinced of this.


Girls love to knit and sew, and they know how to do it very well. Most people love houseplants. Give the fish a sewing machine or knitting machine, yarn or beautiful fabric, and the girl will amaze you with the sophistication of her outfit. Invite her to the theater or to a concert - this will be the best gift.

Original gifts

It is especially difficult to choose a gift for a girl who already has everything. In this case, especially if she is successful in her career or business, you can give her a homemade apron with a funny inscription and a pair of oven mittens. Of course, only if you know for sure that the birthday girl will appreciate humor.

  1. Oscar figurines- is popular, they usually add an inscription, for example: “For the ability to be the most charming woman.” Of course, the inscriptions can be completely different.
  2. Colored sand painting- a funny and beautiful gift.
  3. DIY scented candle. Things are very valuable today self made. Try making your own scented candle.
  4. Panel using felting technique. Make an original and unique panel using the felting technique.
  5. Cheerful friendly newspaper. Prepare a funny newspaper with photos and descriptions of the comical moments you experienced together.

A DIY gift for a girl to celebrate her 30th birthday is made with love, which is why it is unique and memorable.

What is not a good gift to give for your 30th birthday?

You should not give gifts that emphasize the age of the birthday girl or simply turn out to be unpleasant for her. For example:

  1. A series of anti-aging cosmetics.
  2. Perfume, if you are not sure of a woman’s preferences.
  3. Pets are accepted by prior arrangement only.
  4. Various exercise machines that hint at imperfections in the figure.
  5. Scales and epilators.

When choosing a gift, you must adhere to one simple rule: You should always think: I would be pleased to receive such a gift.


The choice of gift directly depends on the character and preferences of the person to whom it will be presented. The main thing is that the gift is chosen with love and care, so that on this day and always the birthday girl will be successful, self-confident and happy.

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